Transcripts for BBC Radio Berkshire BBC Radio Berkshire 2019

BBC Radio Berkshire BBC Radio Berkshire October 14, 2019 220000

Paedophiles has been found stabbed to death in his cell at Phil Sutton prison New York 33 year old Richard Hochul who was from Ashford in Kent abused as many as 200 children in Malaysia he's been given 22 life sentences the prosecution's been setting out its case against former England footballer Paul Gascoigne who is accused of drunkenly kissing a woman on a train the 52 year old denies sexual assault the court has he told police he was trying to boost the woman's confidence the B.B.C.'s Fiona Trott was at Teesside Crown Court we also heard from another witness who was on the train she said she saw Paul gas going drinking out of a milk carton but the liquid wasn't the color of milk she said the jury was also told that after the kissing incident another woman got angry and shouted at him the cofounder of the environmental protest group extinction rebellion has appeared in court accused of attempting to disrupt flights at Heathrow Airport 53 year old Roger Hallam is charged with conspiring to cause a public nuisance a survey by the r.a.c. Suggests a 3rd of motorists have witnessed physical aggression related to a driving incident in the past year many also express concern about dangerous driving such as texting while on the road but a 5th of motorists admitted to checking text messages while at the wheel themselves and the same proportion said they're driven while over the alcohol limit the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have arrived in Pakistan for a 5 day tour a large security present presence is in place for the trip that comes during tensions between Pakistan and India over Kashmir b.b.c. News it's 3 minutes past 11 Sisson. News story and watch trouble. In the radio moment thank you very much indeed for that Conrad chelation is still is he's on the naughty step but he does get his publisher back for taking part in the bag this evening you get that chance again tomorrow night at 2211 just before we move on this evening there's been so much rain across our part of the world I mean he doesn't go to the country today lots of problems with the floodwaters. Including in March wood in how high the road is still blocked both ways this is actually the tree that fell down there just after twigs earlier on today when it was really blowing Hazel Mint has lots of problems around the way down the road area just next to the train station lower street there wasn't possible at all earlier and we're told now is just passable on the b 2131 going next to the train station and in East Sussex Lewis on the 8 to 77 there's been an accident there involving a van and a pedestrian that's close to the road both ways between Antioch street and castle gates will keep an eye on that for you if you train travelling late tonight there's no service between Portsmouth Harbor and Hilsey on any of the operators g.w. Or Southwestern or southern because of an electrical supply problem we'll keep an eye on that throughout the evening for you will keep an eye. Something I got given well. Actually I've got to give it back but it's a very very old publication. Maybe a few of you with. Absolute. I'm. Just. Trying. To. Running Up That Hill 9 minutes past 11 it's passed. On the light show on the b.b.c. Across the south lovely to have you with us on a Monday night we're going to be playing the flipper game after midnight which if you haven't heard before I'll explain to you a little bit later on now I got given a very old publication today actually given I've got to give it back I suspect it might be worth a little bit of money on e Bay or other auction sites but a friend of mine who sadly had a death in the family not so long ago was doing the unhappy task of dealing with everything that comes along with that situation and clearing out the house while doing so realized that the family member had kept a big stash of old newspapers and magazines often with very specific reasons there was usually and historical event attached to them for example and it was fascinating brought back of them into words and I fascinated to go through and see things like the newspapers that would distribute it to the soldiers in France during World War 2 telling of victory or the impending victory I was absolutely agog those looking at those these incredible things I've been brought back to England from the soldiers having had the free sheet distributed in France and the famous names as well the Daily Mail was there the news of. World was there often for royal occasions if there was a wedding going on if there was nothing there was might have been one of. The coronation you know of a majesty the queen which was quite a good find and the one that entranced me the most because I'm a massive t.v. And radio nerd was the 1965 edition of the Radio Times I'm holding it in my hands now it says on the front price sixpence for January the 30th of February the 5th and the reason that this person has kept hold of this edition is because it is a special edition it's the one for the funeral of so Winston Churchill which took place in 1965 on Saturday January the 30th and that's obviously why it's been hung onto and anything like this I can just spend hours analyzing and poring over the 1st 2 pages of the magazine has the professional route that the funeral cortege took from the Tower of London past and falls cathedral to Westminster Hall the next 12 $34.00 pages of the magazine a given over to the funeral service the order of service the hymns they're going to be sung all the words of the hymns are in there as well as the words that were going to be spoken at the eulogies as well everyone who was going to be taken place is pretty much like they've just printed the order of service into the magazine itself so that historically is of course absolutely fascinating this is a magazine that predates me by 10 years so it's a treat just to be able to have a look at it really and have a look at what was going on so the 1st few pages given over to the funeral of Winston Churchill So I read through all that. You get a little bit further read and then you get the t.v. Listings and the radio listings and these are the bit that really and transfer me because I love looking at what people were watching and listening to all those years ago over 50 years ago and about 53 years ago I think this is before radio stations even existed when you get to the radio pages you've got the home. Service you've got the 3rd Programme which of course I became Radio 3 and you've got the Light Programme the closest thing of which today is Radio 2 I don't think at this point any local radio exists we certainly didn't exist at this point in time so that's fascinating one of the things I find fascinating about it is the fact that so many shows are still on Saturday afternoon the Light Programme any questions that still go in the arches on the Sunday morning that's still going yesterday in Parliament incredibly still going and then you get to the t.v. Page and depending on where you are in the country there was only one channel back then there was b.b.c. One I think b.b.c. 2 was on but it wasn't available in most of the country so this Radio Times from January 1905 only has b.b.c. One in the highlight for Sunday night January the 28th Dr Finlay's casebook 950 tells you a little bit about what's going to be going on in that particular show there's also details of that afternoon's edition of that costs a 6 2nd showing for some of the cases encountered by said Victoire and Victor to feature in Brian blessid of course fancy Smith if you can remember by about 4 songs of praise Sunday evening 10 to 7 yet that's still going strong as another one of those planks British broadcasting before that at 6 pm on the Sunday night sortie assisted by sweep and Harry Corbett in Good morning boys from the north of England . So that's great I love to see all that I can read I will I will read this for from cover to cover before I give it back and even probably photocopy and scan a little bit of it as well Monday night on b.b.c. One there's a film about Stanley Matthews celebrating its 50th birthday he's our Saturday hero all about his glorious career in football and he's great achievements for England and Stoke City Football Club as well so as well as all that. There's the adverts that this is great this is a real bit of social history of Britain in the 1960 s. The back page of the Radio Times January 19th 65 banish mice used Gramma it's nonpoisonous and it's sold everywhere in one shilling packet scrum product Ltd It is not poisonous How is it getting rid of the mice. I'm afraid I don't have the answer to that question for adults only Hill's Bronco balsam it's not suitable for children liquid 3 shillings and 6 and 5 and 11 and past steals 2 shillings and sixpence available from chemists So that's fascinating there's also an advert for Shackleton's chairs they were well known Northern don't have their them down here and q. Not cruises as well fancy a cruise to my Rishis it's going to set you back 86 pounds according to the advert in the Radio Times in 1985 anyway I could spend a very very long time going through this and reading you every listing and you probably think it already well I remember was on telly in 1905 part you don't need to give me the full chapter and verse but what it brings to mind for me because it's such a lovely find a whole bag full of old newspapers and magazines like that which give you a little glimpse into life 50 years ago I know it's probably all out there on the Internet now I've probably seen quite a lot of it online but it's not the same as holding the magazine and flipping through it and looking at the photographs I mean Winston Churchill himself on the front page I should expect on the day of his funeral there's a picture of the Blue Peter. Back in the day Christopher traces in there there's pictures of some of the presenters on the b.b.c. Radio as well Marjorie Anderson introduces Woman's Hour this week on the like program and a Floyd Patterson heavyweight fight on support for you on b.b.c. One flawed part 3 parts than a George the man who wants to fight Cassius Clay which took place last weekend in America you have to wait a whole week to see the fight on the telly by them it's lovely to see it feel it and it's tangible and it's real so what it made me think is what are the publications that have been saved in your house maybe along most lines the person who saved this Radio Times did so because of Churchill funeral and you had royal wedding ones as well special editions v e. Even incredible stuff. Stories like that out there I'm sure of people who save special editions because of a news event that happened on the day after a couple of election ones I think would you believe from recent years a certain a couple of all radio times mainly the ones with my name it. But that's the other part of the question what I mean specially interested in hearing about tonight on the text 81 triple 3 with Miller as the 1st word on the e-mail path dot Sissons b.b.c. Doco u.k. It's s I w 7 s. By the way and I'm a phone number which I'll give you in a minute or one of the publications that was saved in your house maybe because you were in them now it could be something happened of great importance that made the national papers or the Radio Times or something like that and I wished you'd keep that because it was a life changing event hopefully a happy one not necessarily but hopefully a happy one but I suspect more of these are going to be the local press Juno what I mean I think this is going to be the time you were at school and you're involved in a charity event and you clipped out of the local free paper that used to come through the letterbox on a Friday whether you want to the or not and has kept it beautifully preserved or maybe in between the pages of a heavy book or maybe she had an whole album of your doings was that you let your sports team when you were at school were you in the football team we were in the cricket team have you got a picture of yourself 102030 years ago someone in your family kept saying to to fall question one of the old magazines and newspapers you kept hold of because of events that happened like Winston Churchill's funeral there on this already oh times and I'll share a bit more of that with you between now and when that and also what other personal ones that maybe you didn't kept but maybe a more dad or your grandparents did and you know it's still there somewhere along with all the old family photos and old school photos and that kind of thing the time you were in the local paper and what we're doing in that local paper one triple 3 with the 1st word on the text you can give us a ring as well on this a number b.b.c. Radio part. 105100. And you can email me Pat Sissons b.b.c. Doco do you care. Tweeted a picture by the way p.j. Sissons of me with the old Radio Times if you want to have a look at it you can find That's my Twitter feed What was the old newspaper a magazine that you kept for the longest like to find out what the oldest one is but I also want to know the one that you want to pull through with Milla as the 1st word on the tax nearly 20 past 11 got some brand new music from Tom Morcha I think this might be the love song of the year you know it's called you and I. Hold this song Oh you're understand now I feel. I'm not scold you and I 1122 show on the b.b.c. Across the south and sitting in for Paul Miller This week I was given this beautiful old copy of the Radio Times to have a look at today price sixpence and the reason the person who hung onto it did so is because it's the special edition they published in January of 1965 for the funeral of some Winston Churchill So he has all the details of the service in there but for me what I really enjoyed getting into was the t.v. Listings of what's going to be on your television Tonight's on b.b.c. One Thursday January the 28th with the show the Barry sisters and Lonnie Donegan now has a night of entertainment for you the Berry system going to go presumably my old man's a Bussmann dustman even before. Thursday night Blue Peter at 5 past 5 with Christopher Trice and Valerie Singleton watch with mother 130 Andy Pandy with Maria Bernard Rionda to play with your small children on b.b.c. . Thursday January 965 and lots of good stuff on the radio as well including Does the team think an early panel game with Jimmy Edwards Ted Ray and Tommy tradin. On the special that repeat of the topical news quiz so that what was that like the 1965 version of I Got News For You really enjoyed looking at what I want to know about is what you've kept hold of whether it was for historical reasons like Winston Churchill funeral or whether because you or a family member were included in the paper I really want to hear about the personal one that your mom or dad or grandparents hung on b.b.c. Radio part Oh wait so wait one Harbinger divide $100.00. Got some lovely Texan e-mails coming in which I'll share with you in a moment Audrey is on the phone in Bishop stone 1st of all good evening or drain you know how you know not too bad news so yeah I'm all right thank you for a wet Monday night one of you hang on to the old coronation edition of the Radio Times. A what's that 53 yes they did for a made the 31st that you know thanks yeah some didn't television Well there were more things going that they shouldn't Yeah so the same time passed the moving at the time I think and part 3013 Do you know which with now you know yeah they have a quibble over about one no apparent I think something like that now I spose but and I'm. Monday night which is and it's got the North service where I. Wish children yet and I'm 6 o'clock with the new. 630 North Country folk music. That's not a little stereotypical is it and it was 27 the clock 20 questions now we asked coronation Chronicle is reporting and caucus millions care so much I don't have any order I got a minute so this is 953 and obviously that's pivotal for people getting tele was makes a lot of people asked to see the coronation you know this this is this I'm looking at Monday night because it's monday not and I think that it is. You know the 1st day and then on the light program they had let let the band play at 6 o'clock the on that apply all the all. News headlines family favorites I think a snarky now. Before my time obviously already but was it was a comedy show featuring a ventriloquist dummy me was with them and they and they gave us with pizza breasts and not canned fruit heck did anyone think a ventriloquist dummy would work on the radio I mean obviously date. One. Could use easily. Obviously Peter right. And he got any guess where Maxwell was Mike spike right oh no hurry think Barrow read the t.k. Rummel Chesney impeach him up and leave the n.p.t. York in his orchestra they all have their own orchestras they're. Going to do before we do the listing because we'll be if we're going to have the Time magazine I think 1953 you've bought that you bought it because the coronation though you might want it or yeah did you have the t.v. And don't know how we're going to I don't think it reached up north but that. Might . Tell a baseball. Say the right. The o. Took precedence over the television in those days I think that was probably a better age that you and radio was more important even. Better if that was still the case so. It's lovely to hear the. Although I still got the. Same post as well oh wow which came out I laid back in the day. Got the call and I got. The quote. Well I do you got it with you now order the flick in a couple of pages and let's find out what the 1st headline is that was about the coronation club and he's going to get 4 or 5 page the From. The queen the crown the boy couldn't walk. Well my love you know but I'm not the glorious home can touch the skull in this man is a lot more of which we haven't got time to and then the 1st headline after you get past the coronation bit will be something something like chemist Doncaster straight now open till 7 pm on. A lovely day about how do you keep to keep them in good condition because you know people like me who get fascinated by reading stuff like that it's lovely to speak to you and you do in a grand. Jury could all round. We related order I don't have to give you a check for the compliment. And I think. The ring is the one of the best. Yeah we'll try not to ruin it while pulls away I want. To take a self but by now the coronation edition of the York Post me still is the Leeds local newspaper ad and it was wide back in most days and the Radio Times from 1953 that beats my 9651 I really want to hear about the ones you've kept your in as well the. Saving and Stella in head Jen sent me a lovely text earlier on that says hi Pat I've got a pop clipping from the Portsmouth Evening News I think it's from the winter of 1983 or maybe 64 I was in my 1st year of senior school and I was photographed climbing a huge mound of snow moved by a snowplow in Brown's Bre road in East because it was a bus route so they had to get it clear there I am in my school coat in those days we had very few clothes and I'm looking sheepish because I thought I'd been caught doing something naughty say the 1st my mum and dad knew about it was a was when it was in the evening paper I've still got the cutting and I can remember it today exactly what I'm after Stella exactly what I'm after because these days he's not only are we one of the most photographed nations in the world there c.c.t.v. Cameras on every street corner these days I'm not saying that's necessarily a good or a bad thing but you're always being photographed you're always being filmed on top of that we're always filming each other and ourselves with our mobile phones these days there's more t.v. Channels than ever before the Internet is kind of put it all on t.v. In a way so if you've got something like that from the sixty's when you had to

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