It was was. It was the best . Was. Well I love that song but I'm a rama Robert De Niro isolating his b.b.c. Radio about Cher is just going 8 minutes past May Day Now my next guests are 2 famous magicians who turned their hands to science for a new show in Maidenhead and how to handle myself. Now you see as well as being adept at cutting so let's must ask Mr Morgan exquisite up talking about brother so even if he cannot see these fish oil pills have you whoever you are merely thinking about just focus on that person there for me you are thinking a lot for starters Mark you're my right yet sometimes to publish Thanks thank you thank you very much more to see the back of these cards against the law as revealed by this no one I'm sorry Tom Stoppard this is genuine psychic ability Well I wouldn't go so far outside. The house the sound of Rhys Morgan and Rob West reading the mind of Jonathan Ross for the i.t.v. Magic show while Reese and Rob with us now to share some of the tricks the mind blowing facts from the New Science Show which comes to our area later this month to the Norden farm center in Maidenhead to be exact Welcome guys the thing I love about you already is that it took you several moments to realize when that clip was from that one is quite old and that's now 8 years ago so hearing my voice right years ago was a terrifying thing leaving with which part of a career is this your way or the time is definitely are. We don't we don't have actually watch back old clips of our family in our I mean there are people around who do it was Ok we were never going out was so actually never watched. Funny but you know it's interesting because you're coming to the Norden farm Center later on this month with a science show but actually you've spent the vast majority of your careers doing magic really haven't you I know it's a fine because we started as science graduates and then doing the student theater in university as one does and then we became science teachers and did magic shows not spare time and then started doing magic shows and never stopped for ages and ages but we were always scientists 1st yeah and so we had a sort of like we could do a farm science show that's like actually just science know your 100 but is looks like I don't have the money to people. You know you can't talk about being science teachers for a moment because I've got to change our course 6 year old and I've got a 9 year old and we are in the territory now of looking around for a secondary school for the 9 year old so we go into lots of open evening the latest of which we went to last night and all of the secondary school open evenings feel the need to put on some kind of Science Show spotting Yes yes no yes you're going to it was me it was me when I was a teacher was there it's real out yes Mr West as it were and make him do science because you want to pick your idiot breed of individual not you that's nice I observe I mean he is. Yeah so I observed a man setting his hams on fire it's an open evening and I was thinking you might want people numbers up but even so he basically blew my mind so I never saw such things when I was doing science lessons at school he coated his hands in his arms in washing liquid and then and then a child set his hands on fire and then it quickly died out everything was all right I mean that is perceived to be farmers and this is hopefully it was a science experiment it really was rather just an actress I would like to say it was it's probably almost only a demonstration rather than experiment again and I don't know what's going to how that. Yeah well it's not a part of you part of the joy any teaching is infusing people about the subject you're talking about a big part of one of the joys of science is that we can do that in very practical and have always well yeah and obviously like English is great and you can get into poetry and plays and things like this and you can go and see it and stuff whereas in science we can set fire to things and science is about just the understanding of that and so what you actually have done you had bubbles full of natural gas and you let the bubbles and I say that's a really safe way of doing explosions because in an explosion the thing that's dangerous is actually a bit of container that flies off and hits you like more than actually the heat energy generated is a bit very liquid to examine Yeah you spray the audience with very liquid that fine and yeah where is if you spray them with you know bits of plastic Yeah less good will not we'll talk about the school which marks on the ceiling that's later experiment will go out so fast but either way I was a math teacher as well so I have the challenge of when welcoming people and open evenings when heard of the number 3. Slightly different but you know I suppose Actually there are there are some similarities here on that big between the magic and the science because it's still both of which are going to generate that effect from the audience right it's funny because when we were writing this show we were quite closely with some friends of ours who do sort of science communication act and there's an echo fest of the spoken nerd who we did some work with. And we quickly discovered actually it is very very similar you say it is a magic show you kind of aiming for a magic trick and the other side where is the science you're aiming for a little moment of message and then at the other yeah so it's quite small but also ever so slightly different it was I mean the real show is called unbelievable science partly because we wanted to have these science things that do almost seem unbelievable when you see them there are things in the show that look if you saw them on a screen you would assume that the camera Yeah but even the people because we have a background in magic assume we're somehow cheating when we're not but which has the propensity to go wrong more often magic all the science experiment I think the magic has the problem. To go wrong more often because everything you're doing is very much in the moment where all the science stuff we've sorted out beforehand so if you go wrong it's kind of predetermined to govern we haven't had the right chemical or we haven't put the thing in the right place and all the science of this gone wrong for us went wrong in development and with science if something doesn't work you just can't do it whereas with magic if it doesn't work you can just find another way of faking it yanking it to begin with Yeah which means that when you're performing a magic trick if much of it goes wrong it's possible as you faked it by the thing because it's not actually what it appears to be and therefore you can do a magic trick wrong because people want to see the thing they need to see in order to believe in suggesting now that magic is not real because you have shot all of it for dumbing down. I would talk more in a moment about the state shadows on a you've got it would you call it an experiment experiment. You call Me. Michelob cruel to be kind on b.b.c. Radio barks yet it's just gone 18 minutes past made a recent organ and Rob West are my guests there unbelievable science is coming to the Norton farm center in Maidenhead on the is it the Monday of half term I think it is among the 21 year I'm basically you kind of switched being magicians before going back to your roots really you were science teaches of all the new kind of bringing all of those skills a bit of magic into the showmanship in as well with this I guess dollop of sermons you know Bernie was described as we're doing a science show to the tune of a magic show amazing like it feels like a magic show you know and everything in it is real it's real Yeah this must lead to you carting some very obscure things around the country in the back of your van right because you must have lots of different things for these experiments and demonstration ball sorts in there I mean not least on the set which takes up a lot of the space but then there's a lot what sort of chemicals which I don't really understand but that's because I you know that's not as my department and violence and but I do know about a big bipolar Tesla coil which is sort of the turn of the 19th century machine Yes and what is that so it's a big machine essentially taking the current and voltage that you get out of the plugs in the walls and turning up to $240000.00 volts right and shooting lightning . Is great theoretically I kind of vaguely know how it works the guy who built it for us practically know how it has it work but you know so you know how to build I'm not sure you know why it was no no no it's you know it's there isn't it in a couple boxes you plug it in you turn it on hopefully it works can't imagine that those things are readily available on me but no not at all there are very few people in the country or even the world that build them and so tracking them down is so like one of the components and it is in fact a very large capacity from a radio telescope from 165 because modern electronics you don't need massive capacitors Yeah because it's all semiconductors might have you. And so you're getting hold of those apparently is difficult Rob you were saying it a moment ago actually that because we were talking about science I've been evenings and that kind of thing and you're saying that you try to set out to do demonstrations and experiments on stage that children won't really have seen anywhere else yet but there are there are other science shows that do the rounds and things and also there are certain common things that as a former science teacher you recognize from doing at school the kids will have seen a school in the water it's kind and I think to the person there are certain things that are very easy and safe to do and therefore everyone kind of does them and when we came to the show together we wanted to not do any of that so the idea was that when you come to see the show you won't see anything that you have seen even if you've been to see another science show that week or even You've been to see an open day all the stuff they do in an open day don't tend to come to let's go our aim was to do things that are not the kind of things you'd usually see and I'm not the kind of go to experiment so I go to demonstrations How did you decide then what to do we did it did it involve warn of the 2 of your house is becoming like some sort of maps on to sleep tree the neighbors were a little bit worried I think one afternoon in the summer when we finally got all the chemistry to work we were standing at the back garden standing at various distances making things explode checking whether or not it's too bright which was blind you. In particular there's a video on one of our phones where the explosion happens and then all of a sudden you hear my voice going. To start and now we're going to do a demonstration is not going to move because we know the result Ok so tell me what's involved what are we going to do so essentially this is this is an illusion like an optical illusion. Optical illusions work because of your the way your brain interprets a through your eyes this is a physical illusion or tactile scepter illusion because it is based on where your brain experiences touching things and feeling things so we've got off 3 sort of small boxes these are playing card boxes because we're magicians So we have them lying around to say you can do this with matchboxes at home yeah I show you and I'm going to tell you how it works right as a science so what we've got is 3 boxes I'm going to pick them up all at once with one hand 1st of all. And then I'm left the just as the top one. Why did. You go so hopefully now what you have thought is the top one feels much much much heavier than all 3 together yeah yeah there's a confusion on your face says Yes I think you can do whatever you want to do you want to this is my son I know you know 3 or 3 and then just the top one. That's really why is the top one heavier than all 3 he was going to sort of bottom to empty there's nothing in the bottom just a couple of much much boxes or something 3 of them make sure they're all empty and fill one of them with pennies but I want to get something heavy and look of steel Yeah but the point is that here's what's happening is that as you lift up all 3 boxes your brain is essentially storing the information for However they are yet in the same way that when you pick up a cup of tea but you're only used as much strength as you need to lift the cup of tea you are you throwing it at the ceiling and yet so pick up all 3 and bring it Ok all 3 boxes there weighs about this much let's call it 2 kilos and yet and you go Ok that's 2 heroes now when you pick up just the top box your brain goes well if 3 of them weighed 2 kilos yeah then one of them should weigh 2 thirds of the key and I guess that's a major Thanks very much and so then you only really use enough force in your arm to lift 2 thirds of a killer but obviously all the weight is actually in the top box so that's why I feel so you experience it as being heavier than it was previously because heavier than you're anticipating it being it's his right to kick the same thing if you have something where you go to pick up a drink like a can of something and you assume it's full and it's not yeah and you kind of jerk it into the it's the opposite in that it's the opposite of that is I think your whenever you touch things or maybe things you don't realize but your your brain is adjusting for how heavy you think they're going to be yeah and what we're doing here is we're tricking your brain into assuming that the top box is a certain weight when actually it's much heavier than not and that means that you experience it as being heavier than it was heavier than all 3 put together yeah and the coolest thing about it is even when you know what it is it still works if you do it again now that's what you're saying and if you want to try this at home all you need to do is get 3 match boxes are using 2 of them empty one for the pennies put the one for the pennies on the top and then pick all 3 at once and then just the heavy one and it's a. That is honestly mind blowing is great isn't it but how does something like that feature in the shot that there isn't in the show because we realized we're trying to do it on stage we try to do it for ages we have big versions we have clear versions and we did a lot of work in progress about it and the problem is it relies on one person for Actually that's what was going to sad no one else can experience it if the person onstage the few times the person on stage really went for it yeah it played really really pretty but if they go. Yeah I think you've got that you know you can you can even do this with clear boxes so you can do it where you can see a little what's going on it still has the same x. How interesting strange and what did she genuinely get the ideas for all of the experiments all the demonstrations that you do on stage did any of it come from your existing kind of scientific knowledge or did you have to go further afield so this one came from a friend of ours who does he's a psychologist his business psychology goes to a lot of psychology conferences and he showed me this one night because it means showing him at this conference right and so just and that was 5 years ago I just kind of look over and cool thing yeah sometimes it's things you might see on the Internet like a video being shared a bit of an optical illusion going on if we can make a physical version of that for the stage and then obviously a lot of chemistry stuff is latent chemistry knowledge in the back of my brain from the degree I did many years ago and there's a bit in the show where we kind of draw a parallel between essentially what is a magic trick and how they 1st discovered the structure of the atom right I mean that was big just because Rob had the idea one night and sort of gave way great when he got home and I've got this great idea yeah so it's you get inspiration from every movie's the internet books and the killing will say things I would say things I think of things and go I've just realised that would be a really good example of blah yeah you know we could do a really fun thing with. Sound or with waves or whatever and it just kind of coast you know and then it's just about us working up and getting ready for it is that just very briefly is there a perfect age for this kind of thing do you think I mean obviously a whole multitude of different age ranges will come and say you know is there a and I use that this works particularly well on to kind of spark some enthusiasm for science honestly kind of the top and primary school. But also really like it well when we write family shows we try and write them as proper family shows the jokes rattles the jokes a kid's because we're Braswell if you call the audience or I don't have color we're not going to forget about the now and the whole point of the show is that at the end of it we want families to go away and talk about stuff that they might not have thought about before because it's not about learning any bits of science is about understanding what science is is a find it rather than fact Yeah listen it's been great meeting you thank you so much best of luck with the told we look forward to seeing you in my head on the 28th of October that's Rhys Morgan and Rob west on b.b.c. Radio. B.b.c. News headlines of Christophe to the beautiful South and everybody's talking. To Me b.c. Radio well Sharples you should be. Fast approaching the let's get a check oh my is right it's one Russell. Looking much better now westbound 7 junctions 10 to 11 so that's the a bit halting the brunt awoke him to where there were some delays up to an accident the moving Ok from what I can see now I'm 25 thank you doesn't look too bad at my would. Look Raul the basic is the I say going for. A fee to factual towards the end $3.00 a junction 3 setting away from Brock that's working very busy ago. Date because of those roadworks in Basingstoke there are some delays heading south a long way west so that's going down towards the the Thorneycroft around about Churchill way west heading into Basingstoke as well the Sony approach that rather than the one is bad it certainly busy there and train service up to 15 minute delays into out of more to loop through the ship and why you bridge was a faulty train let's stretch nothing more you can see going on to let you know on a light 101 and for one thing just from b.b.c. Radio show should use your stories and choose travel trusts beasties b.b.c. Radio show is 12th as he is Chris with b.b.c. News headlines the new BRICs it deal with these reckless would crush the economy and is worse than the one negotiated by to reason made Jeremy Colvin says Boris Johnson says it's a genuine attempt to get an agreement with the youth campaigners who claim the government discriminated against them in its handling of the rise of the state pension age for women have lost their case the High Court said it couldn't rule policy choices made by ministers like alarm Windsor's disability policy needs to change according to a woman whose son is in a wheelchair 5 year old said he was asked to prove he could walk in the park apologized but says it so staff knew he could get rides in an emergency police searching for knives in so our i've searched hundreds of people and made more than a dozen arrests since Friday offices of me given another extension to best stop and search powers and reading prison is now officially on the market the Ministry of Justice says the jail has been empty since 20 and since then it's cost the taxpayer almost $1600000.00 pounds to maintain world on fire continues on the a.b.c. Morning and it's only been 6 months or so much has changed yet even changed the loans freedom family oh survival What do you fight for I gave you my God and you can't treat me is this about particular factory girl is she your future now that she. Starring Sean Bean Lesley Manville and Helen Hunt for signs of surrender in with a pole that has fallen wells on fire continues Sunday night in noon on b.b.c. $180.00 I'll be here with the sports out about she has weather from down down Hello again we'll continue to see a few bright spells in bars here into the afternoon but some high level cloud turning our sunshine a bit hazy at times and that cloud will continue to thicken and lower through the afternoon eventually bringing us some outbreaks of right later into the afternoon temperatures today getting to around 14 Celsius we'll see the winds picking up throughout the afternoon too as the low pressure system storm Renzo moves ever closer to the u.k. So rather blustery overnight quite cloudy further outbreaks of rain but they will tend to ease move away to the east and you see some holes in the cloud a modern night than last night temperatures in fact staying in double figures for most of us too I will be cloudy at times again the chance of some rain which resorts highs we should see some bright and sunny spells coming through here and there the wind still a feature tomorrow gusting to 30 miles an hour or so over the hills but the low pressure system does have some mild air associated with it so we should see our temperatures tomorrow getting to 16 maybe 17 Celsius you get to 14 their low from the website bbc dot co dot u.k. Slash boxes see radio watch sports 1233 is aiding Rugby Union World Cup oil and a plane to Russia in the very latest 2nd off on the way now oil only 21 points today or earlier this morning Fiji beat Georgia 45 points to 10 England play Argentina on Saturday was Scotland the Wales I played and next game on Wednesday the 2012 Olympic gold medalist Jessica Ennis he or she believes there's still much more to come from Dana Asher Smith the sprinter become the 1st British woman to win a global senior sprint so I talk victory in the 200 metres at the World Athletics Championships last night Tom Lawrence has been named in the way it was scored. For their Euro qualifiers against Slovakia and Croatia just after a week just over a week since the Darby story he was charged with drink driving despite not playing a single game for red in the season Chris Gunter also included in rowing exist squad managers United wolves and Arsenal they've all got Europa League fixtures deceived in and the British number 2 Dan Evans is our the choice of Open tennis after a straight set 2nd round of fate against the American John is now the latest edition of the reading f.c. Podcast now vailable to download a lot of love for it's already on social media so this week it's Brian McDermott and you know that I was listening to a little bit of it this morning on the way in essence of the show and listening to him talking about that moment that he knew has been going to be sacked basically and the reason it works you know it's not you don't have to be a football fan you don't even have to know the individuals involved it's just a fascinating glimpse into an industry that most people have absolutely no experience of the thing we're bribery is a very dry sort of sense of humor sort of guy you know he's been in and around football long time which means you know you've been in a dressing room a long time with a lot of men over the years and you become quite cynical and you got to be quite drawing quite you know have a decent sense of humor and every serious subject that we were touching on you always comes out with a little joke even when he got sacked Yeah even when he got sacked he got dragged into the office and I said they sacked him and then they said they want the car yeah you say what you want to get the bus and he said he genuinely said that but you know what about a couple said John they've Kitson Brian and the best bits for me and I know I'm a well known him for a long time all of those 4 and the best bits and on football yeah the best bits are just life stories and I know a lot of people can relate to him with a sportsman whether they work in an office a factory a warehouse wherever it is it's just genuine people talk in genuine stories and I love it I love it you can get the latest edition of the running of the podcast online might now just go to b.b.c. Sounds. It's in a 2nd to go west and we close our eyes on b.b.c. Radio $25.00 to $1.00. Sounds the formals boss has been sitting down with ivy to chat about his early career as a player. And then subsequent spells as a manager at the stadium of course and one of the more interesting stories revolves around a meeting with the club's Billy. Russia now you know back in the winter of 2012 and how a heavy night on the drink led to Jason Robert signing for the club I met and sons in care of its In Milan in January when we were 12th in the league and I'll never forget the chairman said to me I'm going to leave you here with and so on and you can have a chat with him I wasn't too happy with the chairman said they want to know how to train the next day and where to buy pot was a Budweiser rates or not said to him I said listen you need to get 7 have a manager said so and so be jungle clue I am and you know you drive you just go you know manager and he looked at me and I think he thought I was mad and by many for that when he doesn't want me to be the manager someone else is someone you want. He went on I said let's just say our guys are Snow said listen if we do we need a forward and I said if we get a center forward from we can win the league now after a pause but once you wake up in the morning and you just said to the chairman of think we can win the league gets a center forward and in any gets the center forward you've got the liver and to be fair we did deliver on that we did get a center forward and he did make a massive difference to us Tyson I have to say he will be a 1st Premier League fixture there Stoke when we were one no down and we were lucky as he was of not the best the games and we got back on the scores and I was a chance right then the and hearty had a free kick we nicked that game actually and and then we went to Chelsea and got picked for to and we need to vi all that night Tauruses 3rd goal was about 6 model so I was so far sidelined wouldn't see it. Then he say do you remember your 1st Premier League victory after a little while actually against Everton go outplayed I think and then we won the going come to be a member Moyes it David Moyes coming after which he was really good really respectful and yeah I remember that well 2 of the season I guess you got a phone call that you summoned. To the boardroom so you say oh it worked I go off on call for. Just say on the Saturday we played I think it was Villa and we got beat to one and he said oh they want to see you they want to see you on the Monday and I says Mark sort of I think it was March the 13th the so went into midday ski Sadia March I think it was the 13th and then we went I went to the I went to the stadium and there was no one around really eerie and I walked up stairs into. Nick kind Now this lady came down I didn't know and I walked up stairs with this lady and I saw Mick just outside and the chairman was inside and some was inside and Nick touch me on the shoulder and that's a touch me on the show door for going to send me. Any He bought me and he said don't do 2 results and performances we've decided to terminate your contract and I said Ok I must have been tough for you to say that Good luck and then Nick said if you got if you got your car and I said what you want to get the bus. And I did say that I have to do I'm a car and I was their car and we start laughing a little bit on the way out and I just thought Wow that's incredible because I just thought at the time you know with everything that had gone on and not been told whatever happens you're going to take this if we don't get from if we don't stay up you know I had at that impression that you know I'd have another go at the following season like the Michelin Dyson Steve at that opportunity and I thought of the same but did you never played that longer than me love. A minute. Long. And it was fine I didn't take it personally it was. What the chairman of felt that was the right thing to do and so on and and that's what it is how did it because up until then everything really for you was pretty hunky dory because you know whether you or I didn't but I didn't and that was the thing and that's the interesting thing about it it was never a door on the face of it looked like it was hunky dory but it wasn't for me personally you know I was always for him myself and think you know. And you know there was that conflict within me. A lot of the time and I'm not that that set you back that no not really I had to fight that everyone's got their own stuff they want deals with things the way they deal with there were things I just wanted to I just didn't want to let anybody down I don't let the fans there and it was really important that we that I didn't let the fans down and that meant a lot to me and you know I wanted to do right by the staff and I wanted to do right by the players and and sometimes forgot about myself just such a fascinating lesson from Reading manager Brian McDermott speaking to 80 Williams You can hear more of that chat right now download the reading of the podcast from b.b.c. Sounds love love love the latest song from Jack savage speaking last week he said the scoring in a celebrity football match Soccer Aid was the proudest moment of his career it sounds like the start of a horror film this is greatest mistake by Jack's operetta he will catch up with Bill after this some b.b.c. Radio barks at. The age of and. My. Jack Savva at a greatest mistake on b.b.c. Radio coming up to 10 minutes to 1 o'clock from one Bill Buckley is here I realize that every time we have these moments between us they often involves me complimenting you on something you're wearing a house mass it is only getting a bit awkward now isn't it to be honest but I do was about to say Never have I seen anyone carry off by more effectively it's true if you think as you keep through this and you are a lovely dress you always look nice and odd I never really say back well it doesn't matter why I look fishing or just saying that very few people can carry on because it's quite difficult color to carry on everything to Malcolm play you President or some day with colors it's the majors that's the secret like children who don't know hard things also they just do that maybe if we're all colorblind we'll dress a lot it would be a marvelous play I want from a show from one well now we have an early Motown beside In our cover versions feature in a battle. Involving Are you ready and if you get We never had more than 4 versions and it got 5 massive artists got Martha Reeves in the vandalism Tina Turner Harry Nielson whole share here and dusty Good grief so 2 of those people must have duet it mustn't they yes they were after that list who would have done it you don't sound like you know no no Anyway find out who wins the battle of the giants today and no fewer than 8 ways to make porridge without using oat soul what in our well being panel and also will be discussing with them how to love exercise as an adult if you hated it as a kid all be listening out for that bill on the way from one now every Saturday lunchtime now you can listen to in other news which is my new weekend show here b.b.c. Radio box where I take a couple of guests and we can for 3 weeks needs one of these quiz round see this trying to work out the identity of a mystery guest involving a major news story from the week last Saturday's left myself and Pamela it's more I can Chris with more questions than answers you are correct yes not. You are not Boris Johnson Ok Chris over to you Are you calling us from outside of the u.k. . Yes. You know you nearly said it and you nearly got sucked into Chris Ok more I go on where are you calling for. In. The u.k. Right this is really. This is really confusing things that. Ok are you actually a mystery yes this is Drew you know we're all together in this room is this actually happening Ok So bearing in mind that the 1st 3 questions they are are largely irrelevant and have given us no clue whatsoever as to who this mystery guest actually is are you the person at the center of this news story mystery guest you know right Chris are you related to the person of the center of the story you know. Does this new story involve winning something when somebody Yes Oh Ok right. All right so. Is this something to do with Strictly Come Dancing. Right Chris do you have a friend called Phoebe. Be. Up there has that idea that idea that I could see where you are going without the connection more AK I'm still trying to cycle through some of the answers so. It's of these one something this is going to be your final question is will make him very little and I think I very heavy weather. Is it anything to do with sweet and sweet. Come from the price I think outside the final question was all resting on your shoulders and you come up with the most nice question known to man are you anything to do with Sweden mystery guest you know my great note that was in fact your Rico could Tommy who it turns out is from the number of videos for the Japanese embassy advising fans traveling to the Rugby World Cup You can check out in on the news this coming Saturday from May Day. In the meantime hear the real thing and can't get by without even b.b.c. Radio. With . Just a scratch. No more. Than just. As well. Give. Way. Let's have half. Staff. And a good. Place to measure. Such Radio one troubles you trust me starting as we mean to go on with Russell holding. Bill thanks again for seems to be doing Ok from what I can see at the moment the m 25 looks alright as well as far I can see all the speed sensors not see too many delays around the county generally really all the work doesn't quite slow is the mission road into one else of Marlowe and then there are delays heading away from all around the mill and areas that route to the finch to bring it around and down towards Henley that's looking quite slow at church with his caption though that slow the I $33.00 was a bit busy getting away from reading or out of reading really going from the idea down towards the rows killing junction towards the end for quite busy coming down the a 3 to one reading road into Woking and down the road a bit busy going out and the trolley trust from Peabody a function Thank you Russell more in half an hour news in just a tick and then music history heritage fiction current affairs art photography will tell you where to get all that and more in the county this very month. To get Fox News on democracy b.b.c. The cold out u.k. Slash radio box show this is b.b.c. Radio. B.b.c. Radio show 1 o'clock with the b.b.c. News now Charlotte when failed women affected by the rise in the state pension age have lost their high court case against the government's the retirement age for women has been raised from 67 from 60 to 65 and will go up to 66 next year reports from the courts in London the justices were saddened by stories from women who had suffered hardship after. The age of 60 and not getting the state pension but they rolled it claims that they had suffered sex discrimination were wrong in fact it was men who had been discriminated against by having to retire later up until now they also threw out a claim that there hadn't been sufficient notice explaining that the force of the new law about pension ages wasn't affected by how much notice had been given humiliated at Legoland in Windsor a woman whose son uses a Wiltshire says the park nice to change is Disability Policy 5 year old said he was asked to prove he could walk before being allowed on a ride to the park says he needs to show hey he could get off in an emergency because of their evacuation process by them Joanna says he was really upset by it so I just couldn't believe it I almost can't talk I was in tears it just seems to be to the chassis person in the wells and he was I can write and he joined the testing is because we were catching a lift out and he said Lennie Why would they make a disabled person. Take a question and he said you know it's really hard you want to do it and it really made me sad a spokesperson for Windsor has apologised for any distress caused to the family the prime minister has been setting out his plans in the Commons for a revised Breck's it ill proposals would see Northern Ireland stay in the European single market for good spots and he would leave the customs union with the rest of the u.k. Resulting in new checks on the island of islands the European Commission has welcomed advances but officials say as it stands the British plan threatens the peace process and the functioning of the single markets Mr Johnson called the proposals constructive and reasonable they do not deliver everything we would have wished they do represent a compromise but to remain a prisoner of existing positions is to become a cause of deadlock rather than break through and so we have made a genuine attempt to bridge the chasm to reconcile the apparently irreconcilable the conservative m.p. For working word is hopeful the. We will accept the plan we want a free trade agreement last a comprehensive future partnership agreement along the lines of this is my very big and important ally should be easier for the e.u. Because when they were negotiating with us is lurking at one stage they did say that actually a free trade agreement would be a sort of relatively easy thing the possibility of moving some seventy's out of the robot to hospital in reading is being considered a sponsor of user trust is looking to move part of its nice and straight department to an. Again. And again.