Transcripts for BBC Radio 5 Live BBC Radio 5 Live 20190929 0

BBC Radio 5 Live BBC Radio 5 Live September 29, 2019 050000

Back to the No one expected it. To man time Zeus punished him by changing him to. His level with each and every time his liver regroup. And again and this went on forever a bit like the experience of Britain. In the u.k. . If some areas had their way. I've instructed the house. The House of Commons tomorrow guess who's back. In. Your. House. To see Charlie's Greenberg but I think you also punting on this I believe just like they describe in their stuff to talk about. That it's. Easy. To write and if you think. The Times to. Try. To say to just be crime neighborhoods are going to be like that back in the Commons businesses started Mr Speaker being speaking people have been speaking. This fear in the chamber worse than any I know in my 22 years in the house both sides passions were inflamed. This. Culture was toxic. Well how important is this week full support let's have a chat with seem to show who is president of conservative young women and he's also a parliamentary candidate for prime. She dislikes very much for being with us. You're very welcome what's the mood like. And so I mean a space coming into party conference will be sort of chatter is quite serious I think people are very much looking forward to it but I what I would say is there is a great deal of disappointment in the fact that I almost feel like free speech is is kind of being stifled for our party I mean when not being allowed to have a party conference with this with our M.P.'s. Feel that you're ation or even for a couple of days well parliament has refused to allow us to apartment Terence to. Sit for for the duration of. The if you will promise to have an unlawfully private would not happened we don't know that day we don't know whether they would. Face it for recess Cheriton and party conference season or not I speculate would probably have been better they might have been minded to be a little bit more more generous on that front but let's talk about the bloody just as she what he took Buddy I could use talking about language I'm just a month of the news that we've just heard there about the g.i. Caucus Foundation would you be somebody you'd be. Think that was a good idea to sign up to a code of conduct for all M.P.'s to sign up to a code of conduct given the language we had in the Commons last week Yeah but what I would say as well is is that we've been hearing this language for pretty long time I mean the last week is not the start of this language we've you know we've had John McDonald How people to lynch estimate but we've had David Lammy Brundle Park City is now sees this is been going on. 3 and a half years Jerry and. Mike Right now I do I know better what I would say is that this is this is been needed for a lot longer than one week and I think that the language within this debate has its And Navy has done anything about it until it's got to the point of what we saw last week. I think that's really disappointing Ok. Let's just talk about the the policies that are going to be put forward before we talk about brags it because I know that the overriding message for the Tory party conference this year is get breaks it done but what are the policies that you all looking forward to hearing. Say their. Base about housing said I'm very excited to hear what policies up forward for that to deal with the fact that there's a lot of young people that still can't get on to the housing ladder that people are stuck in the renting trap and how we how we deal with that and the lack of housing in the places that we need to espouse that be very exciting something he's not yet on the housing that's a very. Stiff. And this is a brilliant discussions around climate change. That there will say some very interesting discussions around how we engage hard to reach faith says Wow And these are people that just don't engage with politics across the board it doesn't matter which parts you're looking at well could I ask you then about women fighters because you all present the conservative young women 2 years ago in that last general election for the 1st time ever a small proportion of women voted Conservative the men because for 60 years women of tended to support the conservatives more than men and as a policy you know come to rely to a certain extent on the women's vote I'm wondering. What you were doing and how likely you feel women will be to support Boris Johnson in a general election. Same I think it's about trying to get more of our young women out there talking to the young women because I think the problem has been that Labor is try to brand us as a party that for young women have tried to Pontus is the party that aren't for women full stop but we are the party that had to pick female partner if. If you're a feminist you should be a conservative you know we believe in equality for all it's matter who you are so I think very much that it's about delivering that message see to the whites if female population this is a policy that works for women seems like a very much good to talk change at the conference scene a show he's president of conservative young women in parliament a candidate for Brant worth an. Opera school correspondent Jonathan Blake is with us actually in person in situ what I would say to what do we owe this on a bill is clearly because the tour thought to go for it Jonathan thanks so much for being with us though this is an extraordinary Tory party conference isn't it I mean given the circumstances that you have somebody who's prime minister but by a tiny tiny vote of of conservative members lost 7 straight fights in Parliament facing misconduct allegation I could go on but we you know we only have to light o'clock this morning and you leave me with nothing to say. So what do you think there are many days where it's extraordinary as you say for all those reasons and more the timing if nothing else you know we're just a few weeks away from the current deadline you have parliament still sitting back down in London so the backdrop of this conference is that M.P.'s could be forced to rush back down to Westminster any moment to take part in parliamentary votes and as well you have a government which is. Hanging on by thread Boris Johnson a prime minister in office but looking increasingly on like he's in control so everything we're going to see and hear over the next few days here in Manchester is is going to look sound and feel like the party is preparing for a general election because they are they need to increase their majority in parliament the prime minister would like that election sooner rather than later but as we've seen the timing of it is beyond his control he hasn't been able to call one on his own terms so it's down to opposition parties to make a move which they're reluctant to do so at the moment well that's what I was going to ask you next so is there that helping hand the same pay of been talking about. Nicholas Sturgeon said at the end of last week that she could possibly get behind Jeremy Colvin How do the numbers stack up what more do you think is going to happen Well there's a bit of posturing and positioning going on here the basic facts are that yes labor the Scottish National Party the Lib Dems and all the other opposition M.P.'s at Westminster would like to get rid of Boris Johnson they would like a general election because that's their way of getting into government and they have that common name they also have the common aim of wanting to delay Bracks it be on the 31st of October to avoid the u.k. Leaving without a deal the trouble is beyond that they don't agree on very much so if you take the devote position of opposition parties going for a no vote of no confidence in a government winning it's you have Jeremy Corbyn almost by default becoming prime minister that's something the Labor Party could obviously live with albeit some of his M.P.'s might even be uncomfortable about it themselves but other opposition parties less keen on that he's too divisive a figure for some so you have the big question of Ok we go for a vote of no confidence when it but then what Yeah some of them said Haven't they about making it make it time limited numbers and that might be be assault towards that but just finally will the 21 turn up the 21 people that lost the party with except the other going to come today I think it's unlikely Philip Hammond road space in the Times yesterday saying that for the 1st time in however many years he's not packing his bags to come to the Conservative Party conference and I think we'll see at the mall stay away frankly because it would be extraordinary having been thrown out of the parliamentary party and had the wit removed in such dramatic fashion that they could come and kind of mingle with the party faithful up here for the conference I mean will be on the lookout for some of them but that they are they're not welcome officially is for us far as the you know the high command concerned but you know if one of one or any of them were to turn up then it could make things. Pretty awkward but maybe some will come and try to get a look at something great to have you on the program on our having you back at 7 o'clock . So we'll talk about the misconduct same fast occasion then and whether or not there are plans going forward touchy get a deal done with European Union thank you it's quarter past 6 right now this is b.b.c. Radio 5 Live on digital b.b.c. Sound this small speaker and some a chef attacker is with us this morning Helen Thomas when it was absolutely going it well it was that was your favorite way of describing when it's you know properly going forward possibly. That's. A neighbour's if you ever actually you know almost say that. It's in my head all the time. I said I have bills to pay. Happening again today basically isn't it yeah yeah yeah it's really really nasty Now the flood the flood warnings from the Environment Agency England and Wales that's been hammered by the rain this morning that they go have it that's as far as I'll go but Scotland and Northern Ireland actually later on this morning is going to be fine I mean Scotland hasn't actually had much rainfall the toll it's been seems to be further south today I think overall we'll call it a mixture of bursts of heavy rain at times of a few glimmers of cry and it's a real sort of change I think changeable day really cool 13 in northern England the south of the country will be more like 16 and then just now the Contin x week Monday all this week Monday in cheese day more the same All right Thomas thank you . I'm just back from a hole in draw Jordan holiday so love in the rain as a forward to the Forest of Dean half marathon this morning remember the 1st our crew thanks very much indeed for the big tool the truck was listening to the program this morning making bonds he's got in touch as he does most weekends Another day another dollar running. Another day in Norwich looking forward to listening to the rest of the show see that I love this weather the clam atmosphere the clean streets the laves the shops some balls and streets of Oxford clear of tourist detritus it's good soup an apple eating weather. There's always a silver lining. If you want to join the 1st crew tell us why you're up with us on godly dark hour as well now 17 minutes past 6 crossed the u.k. This is b.b.c. 5 Live something bright. Casey's Haven School since the summer. I was just sick and I'm never going to talk about being able to tell the 2nd George or Europe why the yes show that everyone's been waiting for has just started well I guess if you George and or your Go on then you have been. It's just all to but you the stadium is absolutely packed with looks a terrific atmosphere in Japan and they've got all you know they'll have school kids groups of people when they loads of families and such like as well and it's control sting that with what we're seeing in the hall for the athletics isn't it because I was that much of light show last night yet of the 100 Bates's which is really impressive really impress so went on for ages kind of weird as well and actually you know some of. The same was saying the athletes were out there for all 3 long and having to watch all of this then there was a spotlight the only law it really in the stadium on each of them and as they were being introduced by intimidating I can imagine maybe when you're preparing for the biggest moment of your fashionable life but then anybody in there to watch the thing I know it was just a real shame because as you say you know the hosts Japan opinion are absolutely incredible Well it's cup filled stadiums but then you completely conscious that see the stadium over in Doha where I've heard that they've actually only sold around 50000 tickets for the whole of the law all get old 10 days but you can fit $40000.00 in that stadium so you know what's happened there would take itself. For efik i was here for Japan didn't yes yes to the way that's. Getting over it with regulators going to the rugby the 2nd before the football a lot of drama in the Premier League yesterday Liverpool kind of scraping through just the guys here for a go to just about kind of a day of goalkeeper How was yesterday wasn't lots of trauma so yeah left to go 5 points clear after just facing chef United will now be called Cook feel for goalkeeper Jean Hennessy fumbled attain shot through his legs and he just put his head in his hands just as awful but then another goalkeeper howler from Hugo to reach I told him did you see that yes I did so he tried to trick a round awnings in his own 6 yard box falling about pass and just got it completely wrong with just having him behind him it was an absolute howler but then Spurs shows really good character despite them being down 10 men for about an hour I think surgery I get sent off to fight back and win that Tehran man should City they beat a brilliant Everton side who if they had been more clinical could have actually won that game today in the Premier League that's just the one game going on to city hosting new call so that's at 430 this focus on father live and then tomorrow it's much united face Also at 8 let's talk about the athletics because I was listening in my kitchen last Christian Coleman winning the 100 meters world title at those World Athletics Championships 20 testimonies pasted Coben from going to take place turning to deny to see one is around the corner and then the momentum taking him jumping and skipping in daylight to sell their credibility is so too good to be true I use it with so much work in it is that it was such a low season that we're making here about a gold medal as a credible Yes So he won that and 9.76 seconds so you same bolts time is $9.00 So he still holds a world record but Coleman is getting close and he was. Fenice in the hates in the semi fantasy Waltz is the cost of his own really big Gotland got him going 2nd then he goes over how does in effort the 6th. Something like that John's going to say how can we all take I thought it seriously anymore when serial drug trade got one finishes 2nd and a guy who missed 3 shuttle test strips away to win by an unprecedented 2 makes this is just laughable he says because Christian Common It's kind of been under that cloud because there was the whole thing where the thirty's are meant to be able to know exactly where you are at any given moment on a any time of day of the year whatever it might be and on 3 occasions. He just wasn't responding he was responding but at the same time the u.s. And they did withdraw the claim so obviously if there was something that then they would have looked into it and then at the same time you know he did avoid the ban and he went on to win the World title Britain's on all hues he finished in 6th in 10.03 and then added to Milli when he got feel for him he just missed out on a place in 100 meter final and it came down to a photo finish missing Michael Jones and say you know it did go he does think that was the fair result but it came down to the smallest amount in our cigar as well as the really nice chap and we're all looking out for Dana Bash Smith she is something else yes she's looking to win have 1st individual gold global medal outdoors in the 100 meter semifinals today she is the triple European champion so she's got loads of confidence going into today's semi final she should have I was watching her in the hates and all the build up and she just won comfortably in 10.96 seconds so yeah all eyes on her this cycling is going on isn't in how she was in swale Dale prep and break 1st be guests here for the world cycling elite men's race which comes through today hope the rain eases a little bit I think I was watching was it the under 23 days I know this is random Yeah I'm not normally watching that much on the to. In t 3 cycling that might surprise you well. I was there because it was a couple of clips and this is sounds bad now but it was a couple of clips of people completely wiping out in the rain these huge puddles they went into and they were not asked a question and then they both got up and got on with it yeah I mean one was like you just fell into a ball yes literally couldn't go any further It was awful I don't know the guy went sliding down the road like he was on a flume it was really like I was in there and it's going to be challenging to then I was going to not I was on more of that which is well you know what was it I was being someone that I didn't go around the puddle it's not as simple as. That you absolutely gulling it. Yeah so that's all happening today and yes so guaranteed almost Yeah he's going he actually was meant to be in the time trial on Wednesday saying he couldn't compete for the win so he's committed to the road race the big finale today the race is 285 kilometers from Leeds so how to get how to get by the way on a great policy for the u.c.i. You see road cycling chum chips throughout this week so yet guarantors he won the Tour de France last year came runner up this year and he says he has no ambition to fight for the rainbow jersey today but that he will fight his team Ben Swift cheat us and others there's nothing quite like when you when you wake up in a b.m.p. You know and where if you might be and you think I helped on the walking down the stair non-negotiable if it's a good one there's going to have you know things on a Cullen really level in life is there anything you can somebody else making it for you. That's just you know you're going to go down you're going to you know exactly what's going to happen you can smell it on the way down. So I'm up for get money out of the not of this water that's hopeless in comparison but when you can talk about the gas a subset of purgatory to go through the last hole right because they were amazing they were absolutely extraordinary Japan of course we're talking about the house of the Rugby World Cup They pulled off one of the biggest upsets. In the event's history as they beat world number 2 ranked Holland 19 to 12 inches aka the referee walked on the set. And Japan have done exactly what they did to this great box 4 years ago this has been the most remarkable performance by Japan a fraud put a lackluster Arash team kind of no complaints such thoughts on at 5 o 5 that all of a trench it is with us it was a Japanese rugby acts but all the thanks so much for being with us it is fair to say. Supporters that are normally fairly reserved they went absolutely bonkers was the atmosphere like that. Oh it was just incredible. You remember the 2015 win against South African union rights to have similar scenes like against arguably a team of dare I say slightly better caliber in South Africa in 2015 beating the number 2 wrong side in the world on your home turf in front of 48000 supporters. It was just a party atmosphere just 3 minutes ago when they got the interception when. About 70 meters down the length of the pitch I just never se

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