It yeah it does it it's exactly where it might come from love to hear the compost heap then it's not a vigil I've heard of the writers use it. When I got this from Best Buy it actually it's it's as a man of books you read of t.v. Shows of old memories of experiences you've had of dreams of of over the things on the bus it's just that narrative smudgy smudged. A quiet you crew especially when you're young and I think you spend your own the entirety of your will you know to stick life drawing nutrients from the compost heap and so when I did meet young people who are curious about life doing what I do but being a novelist I'd like to say there's been too much of a hurry that if you are on the Kindle you get to an e-book faith in the 1000000000 by the twenty's but they great on the whole it doesn't work like that you're better off spending the energy they actually haven't done good composting so that when you do get published 8 years later you will be using all of your 1st novel. If they talk about time oh it love it because. It seems to me there are some abstinence you can see that only become visible when they have an impact on the physical world or by the lens of ought. To the same way the wind is not actually a visible thing until you see people's umbrellas flying by in the trees bend the clouds shunted across the sky. Time is also an invisible thing until you see its effect on something and its history the many of you work. So the visualizes of time if there was an. Tiriel that I worked as an artist it probably would be the material of type even though there isn't a materials that comes out in other materials that express from whether that's glaciers melting and Iceland and a microphone as I did last year in Iceland you could dial a phone number and listen to the thing that melt in life so you have this kind of intimate connection with disappearing landscapes. Of planets where they could circle it's just beautiful. The idea. That's beautiful in water level and then it's the ocean of deliverance of Delhi a neutral place. Just described with similar To which I think Earthman earth and urban events and he discovered it on land and Iceland both live in it is a little cupboard working in a hotel and I was scrolling on the Internet and there's people beaming messages to each other via the beard and every night which is a lovely thought to me so I yeah I mean I made an artwork with that I. Mean let's not Morse code to the beat beat beat and when it came back retranslated to this score in Sydney a new piece of minnows to be able to say nothing to please of the still pretty playing grand piano set a little bit like the business prison there in the in the door simply so the blood flows changed bone of the corruption the signal for the yes for the for ages only have you the better still yet by the shadows by the lunar surface by the way their interference in this journey you know did Journey what 500000 miles and then on the moon remake that and that's what I think it's a kind of literary resume mix. Then chill is exactly what would come back and what would stay up there forever more and things. Just hit us and I just. Yeah I'm a transported which is what you do is where it's and I don't get words they're not my my thing until I get to flex that you manage to go into Iraq isn't it time and histories and transport all of these different very intimate infinite places but I can't I can't imagine the kind of universe that humans construct in terms of all the computer things you've said about what thank you of raising wolden these squiggles on the page we call words and doing nothing in that. Way the poet was doing in the 14th century doing nothing the chills with heels it was. Conjuring world and evoking worlds and people in them with. A life form characters but not it but it did it if fresh and new indifferently and how you can all of these words that exist there come together it's a different forms of time ago that the minute I just want to point out that dyslexia is a new compost heap Oh yeah obviously the 1st instance if you have dyslexia it's unlikely to be heading into the word thick future profession would dead speech so it's an eliminator of some paths but this is also a Choose of paths as well as eliminate. For me an absolutely. I.e. . I'm quite quite severely dyslexic I can see things really clearly if I can get the right there in the same blimps that makes a it's with words and so words are both my complete enemy but actually it's where all the ideas start to write it's just I write in this really scrambled up way that is you know we're 2 or 3 enemy for a long time and. I feel really lucky in that you have not my language is the art work that's just the that was the problem all along it's just that I was trying to use English it. Got there 1st an experience of dyslexia I do have 1st hand experience of speech to students is. A standard way patron of the pretty stubborn Association. Dyslexia is going to text your stomach then yeah. Just as what I was 13. And never knew when mortification humiliation was around the corner most will tend to not no one says if a teacher asked me to give an answer in class even my late teens if only. I was being offered to your coffee and I want the coffee I would say t. The end knew that I couldn't say coffee without looking on it and I know this is a lifelong thing but it's that it was awful I would have to go a cli describe my stammer as an enemy and I thought of odiously it was a matter of willpower this is a grave misconception about something and if you try harder you won't stop there to actually people this demo of. The most songs of willpower yet. Both of us have no idea of which will pop it clearly is a day out with that is exhausting for sure. Yet because my cinema I had to acquire a massive vocabulary then to work out of turn it into ways to have all. Materials or disposed to save time what to say one of the waiting the blocking would Oso learn very quickly about register if you're 13 you called for to not turn it's of the route home make a detour to load block if it's going to take you into in the folk at Lehigh might just type the company because then you get big enough not the standing but fees and fancy posh words at a bog standard state comprehensive and went you have a vegetable you kind of learn about the link between class and language. And he says every single time I sit down and work there's my vocabulary there's my word that this this stuff took me to a word that I can to get excited by. It's ability even the best of all the g. Of the word to get it is good law that's better better all of it I love this it off putting of company of this stuff and what voicing the kind it is you can do so much . Commit to building not blood scribing them but by simply just buy them which if someone is using the listless you show it they've had a bit of a an education showing they might like to show off the fact they know the word Melissa Rivers or you might sort of presented with a. Johnny Rotten snow on account of la de da de da ovarian belief that was if you could if this is so much character building just by word choice then you have this with understanding sometimes the only difference between a total curse and a blessing is about 8 years yet before everything there but this richness of cavalry and and I love that and your work that and I'm somebody with a really limited vocabulary that's just the nature of this Actually no I don't even care anymore it no they got to live like all of that thing that was being you know holding me back for so many years and worrying so much that bet. And your work it's like him tasting words and seeing colors and words and I find your work really flavored so the tasty thing that happens is a kind of flavor of Great think that just set sets of fire for me and when you're right think are you kind of aware of all of the said surreal events that are going on. Yeah I tried to be the enemy and you can circumvent cliche by synesthesia Cynthy's in that listen to all of the above a little bit since that tick with with his name is actually David's green Michael's blue pieces of red Neil is Graham Sullivan is yellow it just is but this is just false Katie Katie is because if it comes. To you know when most of. The really good feeling of Yeah Ok it's Ok it's kind of like pale. And subtle and nuanced that's what. I want you saying that you when you're at the beginning of character for evening that you should write letters to yourself from from the characters to try and learn to hear their voices opposed to learn about their life and their interests do you have to keep those letters the other women the books of the wonderful of hoping the mild days of the nice juicy tax break from the most. I thought to be that fair is it takes the Blitzers doesn't like to think that one of the. Novels of so wedded to the human mind personality to so ecology that small way that I would have to sometimes envy you. I live with people beings the whole top. You know what I kind of envy your work because it's. Well a lot of this is a question or remote but if it's true a journey away from the human so you actually get to leave human beings behold and it's not true that that's that's really interesting yes yes it is and but it all sort of comes back to our relationships with other worldly things it's people and often 3 Origin really objects and things like mobile phones and record players that spend time with their And like a mirror ball made of 10000 eclipses but through those origin Origin 3 objects and I find kind of doorway to other things I think I really love Kate in the moment that I was born because I think there's not many other Iraqis or moments I probably kids are so I was born in a different era probably something that I can't even imagine but I have to say which I thought that we did that the 5 really think it was part of the on the cover of the play as a women as well as you know you know even I would say there's no way I would debate it with the bodies of. Water. But but it's something about right now that as an artist you're given total free rein to do anything I mean that's the kind of saying that there are school environment that I was and it was a weird moment in time to be studying because there was. A great deal of focus it was the only kind of end of of my goodness and lots of critique and theory and I felt totally say that all of it well is this everybody or maybe it's in this bit of irony and you know fame much self-restraint I had no interest and. Whatsoever and I dos be the kind of annoying that would come along with Leica a tiny idea or scribbles on a bit paper that I couldn't possibly ever realize because it involves such injuries or whatever and always felt kind of a very I'd say but actually sit is a graduated something opened up a lift in Iceland for a period and something just massively opened but also I mean a place in time where you can you can cross discipline so easily and so smoothly and so fluidly I was making these records made of your ice the plate the actual scientific lease here in them so I collected these bits of iceberg from the point where you were actually allowed to carry back ridiculous quantities of water in your hand luggage so I brought back from Iceland like 3 different glaziers and while I was out it was recording the 3rd and the glazier's and then I managed to with a really long complicated difficult process involving dental casting. Made records of ice that played the real thing to that extent that melted and so during that phase that glorious not to tell you. That that yeah I'm happy with that I'm not out of it you know write back a good one and you did. And that I put I was trying to make my records I discovered like basically through the wall of this lead there was and ice and physics lab they were doing you know different things but kind of stable or in that they had huge freezers fill of bits of glace here obviously for far more functional scientific reasons to me but nevertheless I thought hey these are my neighbors I'm going to go in and I'm going to strike up a conversation and ask them Can I play my ice records that here because they're male think everyone else funnily enough so they let me go ahead and use their walk in freezer so what have you done anything like resistance season. Unusual departments and. Of course you spend large parts of your life and traveling is good for the compost heap travellin young as about. Is really good for the company stating this look Japan I'm a compost heap Shaw said the whole book that I have set pieces of other books that will leave all Linguistically it is very good for everybody to be spend some time of their life being a linguistic outsider being infantilized because you can actually ask for anything big in Japan that enabled me to write characters with a particular a particular in a confined relationship with language when you have a vocabulary of words you have and you have to do everything everything with it then it's good for you does being in one place nice and being kind of with in family life and then in Ireland. Is it constricting in any way or are you always drawing on every day experiences wealthy's other worlds they want if you like but I didn't see it being a dad. Who has autism so it's going to help the most 13 year olds might be but but it's also just a chance to see the you can think about autism without thinking about your to become a t. As well. This is sort of. A crash course in how the mind works its own going. It's a big one to say well you don't have any choice but to see it like that it's sort of an opportunity and a privilege and this is one thing to do. I wanted to ask where are you that you're freest the just over the last I hear the word productive but you know we're we're still happening. And slightly sort of tweak a question and change the word 3 with feel alive and fulfilled pretend like the family didn't real they were a favorite sayings of any fellow is it said Shakespeare in Love with Joseph Fine's Shakespeare he's working on something working on something that is Quinn's Pennie good scripts great scratches so it's one of the few really good films about writing because it's almost impossible to make going to. Cinematic it just looks a bit like someone protesting constipated it's a really good cinematic but the film is the exception and he's written something and it's a famous law and the thing is when he moved to that he puts down his quill and just looks at it from the and he says God good. But I feel most of the body which will feel most fulfilled from possibly happiest is when folks got this lovely little chunk of text and I look at it and there's nothing wrong with it. And because it was good it doesn't happen often if it happens often you're in trouble because it shouldn't be happening that often a few times of the know you get a perfect paragraph a few times so even though we've got the 20 years right here are your best self when you're writing because in my work only in moments like the kind of flash of the whole hall actually I'm really happy with this I feel like a I'm voicing my worst self and my best self I'm. Worst Person as and I feel totally into doing this thing when it should be with my young son and my family and big you know just give me guilt and all of it Ok but all of it crazy because it's just like constant but but I feel like my best self and we were still in that moment yeah and what best autistic's up on a best novelistic self and it feels great to be that person momentarily. Because that best self is that. My dad's self has necessarily been neglected for a while because the Congress which want the other. Things is question of finding a balance of spending feeling was as monopolistic self it is. Time to revert to Dad self and take my son for going in the woods she likes and actually it's a part of the victim to try to be the no of the self or to of course. Predictably you start to get. A deal to generated. The dead so from the replugging back into the percent it's really good for the other selves too I think I love that the Orcs and say again choice I would hope it's just a date for. A deal generated I love that I get to say right there before I forget because this is a tool to flex that thing if I do and thoughts are gone like that it just I can't I can't grok how to remember it's gone like that I was nothing I should write. When I'm thinking about time I see it circles or see colors and shapes but with the circles I'm Do you see time as a patchwork. If his show metaphors are great but the tool can sometimes and the being the master you can end up being subjects it's not messy for it's that's the way time is and it's like you don't see it so I was about to say with a slave the metaphor time is a river of times trying right times along. But it is is there ever like celebrated for its Is it the thing is the thing to be and that they have made this recently the there in the shape of maintenance and the make him. If you like kids buckets and spades must give you some for your other exams but there and in the shape of world maintenance and so you build the maintenance on the beach and then it gets washed away by the tide to the end of meet these miniature maintenance and hear a lot of that that it's just that like the medicine is this is the time it is the still of the mind to that is the atoms that built from the this is are the thing 1st I'd like that but it's a maybe but it is actually for it is bird to not put your own at all to stop metaphor he did you do you make everything you make is one for me. Fascinating you said. It's not but a focal length of anything it is the thing that self. That's just glue it is this is again going back a little bit then this came out in time and the reality of being perception based I do seem to work at this point I think glorious when they pitch a. Painting a metaphor it is seductive glorious sensuous metal all of that here that you possibly talk about the tiny bit you're via that to for because. We live in time but that's that's all we have to do with the stuff it changes as it ages as we all Spielman ject of it but you could only think about what is the wood if the woods reviews and the good is merely a kind of a better form of the state of the extra signify of the sick the fall it's a debate little it's sound waves it's compressed babble that kills the meaning of the things we had to say then which group then we can decode definitely hopefully Mr they don't mean the same things I think that said it's like when you're listening to Gleason here there's no words there and it's the thing and it's that experience I can't even use the words that don't even know what they are into this latest big thing. That is the least the words so you dyslexia is a straight jacket you are performing the extraordinary and to the escapology to get them to and that escapology that she will want that reading. You're doing. If. It's that. I had known 3 years ago she had one and the pendulum was accessible and I knew I shouldn't but I just couldn't resist stuffing into them. And it felt as if it still point something you didn't stick your finger if you think the pendulum is swinging I just cramp that sort of migrant to the trees and maze running in the hay field to the north east thing going to work there but I still try. Only Artis was produced by Katie Hickman. Now another frightening episode for rather furred and fry exploring the history of roller coasters and the science of screaming. Welcome back to this 2nd part of our examination into the science of fear it was all inspired by this question from curious listener Heidi Daugherty he wanted to know why do people like to be scared for example going on scary amusement park rides and watching scary movies that make you jump right say in the last episode you made m