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Which unfortunately still has a very high in mortality even when you have good access to good quality treatment so 40 percent reduction in severe malaria is something that we will really strive to deliver food bowl the south am to and strike has shane loan has broken a 19 year old record by scoring the fastest goal in premier league history he scored 7.6 seconds into the saints much ukraine's wool for the save ning the previous record have been held by ledley king who schooled for toll know i'm off to 9.9 seconds in December 2000 be busy knees at 3 minutes past 9 our next a 10 this is follow me me tell you break goes from a meek senate b.b.c. Radio to mangy n.c. Giving everybody is jamie cullum i'm live in the ready to studios back from america sitting right here at with an hour of great jazz for you tonight music from tito puentes a sim deconstructed chows from the jazz of liberates is al a track nora joins his new album there are really love plus at take 5 been to give an incredibly vicious by the name of shant to saul fine to get going to might with some abbey lincoln she's got a truly distinctive voice in this from one of my very favorite albums of birds from our the is bluetooth in 959 is abbey lincoln but the classic monger sounds imrie a song afro pollute jury my well i you around she a bridge jad their a role Chain. Period to. Rome. I'm. Too young love was. 18 they jammed. In. Shade. You know. I'm. In it. She did. Bridge. Home. And. She did. Rich and I. Can come and my floundering. Is reality. Until. She'd been I. Read sad then. It's got such an evocative sound that riff played on the trumpet there by Tommy Taylor in time. I guessing is the brother of Stanley Terran time and Max Roach is there on the drums he was surely to be married to the singer there Abbey Lincoln Afro Blue is the song I recently read by mongoose Santa Maria and I'm pretty sure the lyrics ask around Jr but that's from an album called Abbey is blue the came out $959.00 on Riverside and there's something about that record the space in it and the way she sings the tracks off that record that keeps be coming back and I thought I was in the show with it tonight is Jamie Cullum on B.B.C. Radio 2 going to play something now a bit of a different tempo from one of the great legendary performers in Latin jazz Tito points a multi instrumentalist the master of the timber lays but also the vibe or fire are many many other instruments This is the very much the sound of 974 when Latin jazz . Meets Well meets disco from the 2nd I pressed play you will understand what was silly. a powerful powerful wotta was siri came out and 9074 is 7 ish single and she got off the combination called elde burial came out in 2016 on the style direct words is got loads of great tracks like that where the kind of where they're kind of cultural melting pot of latin jazz out of new york at that time it's ready really quite incredible compilation knots of you listening intern i who have already gone touch on twitter regen amy and sanjoy thank you for listening thank you feel let me now you're out there and done to get you can get in touch with me i mean the studio waiting for your messages you can text 88 to 91 email jamie dot cullum at b.b.c. Dot co dot u.k. Let me know you think the music of had to pretty strong stronger if an is there are record i'll be checked my twitter is well so please get in touch thank you to all of you of written in the last couple of weeks particular while i've been away had a chance to catch a been all the messages nori code is written from japan and says i love jazz maya horn sound She sings like a bird that's a really good way to describe the voice had her in session a couple weeks ago Zack in Jersey is loving the show says he got into jazz because of artist like the far side Tribe Called Quest and loves hearing their music alongside all the jazz that inspired them which is definitely watch I did on this show also Richard in Sheffield says he used to listen to Oscar pizza with his late dad Ken and really enjoyed hearing him on the show the other week large enjoyed that Richard thanks for getting in touch and finally Andrew listens in every week on the B.B.C. Sounds prog great way to listen course if you can't listen life he says he's a late comer to jazz but listening to the show I feel like I'm straight into a Ph D. Level in my education why I'm glad to make you feel that way we're all still learning that's for sure and jazz and well music in general is one of those one is just an endless kind of black hole of knowledge which is the thing I love about it really someone who seems to have amassed an enormous amount of knowledge in a short time on this earth and going slowly in human amount of knowledge is the brilliant Jacob Kolya a musician who continues to surprise and delight his listeners and fans and many many many different people on the various platforms he releases music on cross all the streaming services and he releases music in the normal way is also got a big presence when you choose well which is where he 1st came to prominence he released a great album called Jesse just last year he's already toured the world with that one and he's just about to release volume 2 of Jesse is coming out the 28th of June on his head Django records so the 1st volume of Jessie was very much bracing the breath of orchestras and choirs the the big open sound of orchestras and choirs a very expansive sounding this volume 2 it takes place in smaller acoustic spaces so it kind of channels that kind of more intimate sound and this is the 1st single from it which I think this is my favorite thing he's ever done really love this beautifully intimate and with a gorgeous 2nd section that takes you want to harmonic journey but what else do you expect from Jacob Kolya this is make me cry. And it cuts. Overdue song. Needs to prove. To speed on the part. I don't know. Me. Yet truly a more intimate space without music that's a good call yet with make me cry from his brand new album Jesse Volume 2 is coming out on the 28th of June on had Django records and yes he loves his stuff. You never quite know what to expect but when you play that many instruments level that he does then I guess you can go anywhere you want and he went there with that one I really really love that track but don't go anywhere because after this I got music from every Yamamoto trio and that take 5 interview with John to softer this spectacular finale to receive living credible like me saying because. They get so much music. B.B.C. Comes in. Since September. Is amazing. This week. Get real life. Bruce the moment like 30 to be joining the. B.B.C. Radio 2. This is Jamie Cullum plenty of you get in touch on Twitter Amy is said I was about to get a cup of coffee to get through the rest of the afternoon and it's no longer needed after that Tito pointed track you couldn't be more slacker like a shot of caffeine that song isn't it also you and says 1st time listen to your show I will be listening again loving it thanks so much for getting in touch please keep your messages coming in on a play music from someone that I've not played on the show before. Piano player originally from Japan called every Yamamoto who is a been a long time resident in New York City she plays there she releases records there and she also teaches or said he has taught at the New School in New York City and as she's released a lot of good records over the years she's got a very distinctive sound at the piano I think and one of things I love about what she does that despite all this incredible technique she has sometimes she'll make a track where she just settles into a pretty simple good groove and just stay on it because it feels good in this track is a perfect example of that is the area you have a motor trio and Wonderland from redwoods out in 2008. Ery. Playful. And simple they're in a really. And way that kind of draws you in I really enjoyed that track and a lot of her music is a lot more challenging than that lot more challenging kind of style of improvising but there's something about the simplicity that reminds me a little bit of Vince karate and I just felt like playing it for tonight it's called Wonderland for my album redwoods came out in 2008 least for 5 albums you could listen to a hearse and there was beautifully recorded and featuring great players and great. And you should check Rafi Lysander that lots more messages come in patching fabs him says absolute belter of the show thanks for that and Gemma and Plymouth introduced the show to her fiance and now introduced it to her baby thank you so much for spreading the word about the show peacekeeper messages coming in I'm going to play something now from 2009 a year after the area over my 2 album is from the hip hop production team called Jazz liberators I love the way they use samples it's in a slightly unorthodox way but here there's something a bit of Nat King Cole and this is it was only a song from the jazz. Liberals it's if you want to get with the groove just on a stretcher. Beach there whatever you want just. If we feel it. Here we go. On. The name of the song I did you know the song you called it was on the song. It was only a song from the jazz liberated from the album fruits of the past that was released in 2000 I was singing along to that in here and. I didn't notice that she was about to end so lucky arch could just carried on with it could not. Yet check out their album they did great things with samples they don't kind of use samples in the way in a totally Lenny away like you normally expect quite a lot of that style of music that uses jazz songs it kind of chops it up in an interesting way turns it back to front and inside out and works really well it's time now though for that take 5 in G. With a sax softness too saw I 1st heard about him when I was watching the Julian Joseph problem when I was a teenager I think it was one of the 1st jazz proms Sunny one of the 1st ones to be televised and I recorded it on V.H.S. And watched it over and over again and Julian Joseph had this amazing big band full of all the new and great legendary British jazz musicians and that is where I 1st heard about John to song because Julian also talked about him a lot in an interview he did sure enough so his take 5 is important right now because not only is he already a great legend in music but he's also been nominated for 2 awards at the Jazz a family wards which is taking place next week instruments of the year and album of the Year for his record brother Raymond which he put out with his all star sextet So let's hear him talk a little bit more about that record and some of his early influences in take 5. Take 5. It's time to take 5 on B.B.C. Radio 2 with Jamie Cullum. My memory John to start. Turn asserts often as. A fraction of jazz music in the Caribbean where I grew up it was mostly Calypso old radio. Funny as it is my mother was into country and western music that Johnny Cash and Jimmy Kimmel's gets into so I grew up listening to those kind of things and some classical music and some jazz that I got on the radio people like Johnny Barker and he asked me to come to me because from those songs from. The saxophone when I saw it I thought it was just beautiful. Wow Look at all those keys it looks so. Intricate you know it's so difficult. But it's the opposite and once I started playing then I fell in love with it and that was it I never looked back. At that time you know I was listening to funk and soul so I started playing the sax on the high school I wanted to be in a horn section right J B 000 when in fire I also love Stevie Wonder and any of his records from the seventy's all the classics you know Song In The Key Of Life all those things are I'm listening to now is my thing I wasn't thinking about jazz at all you know. Like. I. Said. Let's bring in the talent that you know. And then I want to study in Boston at the Burqa. And that's when I really got turned around to the people that became my greatest influences. The great ways. Shorter is one of my favorite you know and the person that I would like to think of myself as being the most likely influence was you know Charlie Parker of course John Coltrane Obviously I love and. Sonny Rollins I love him because he has a Caribbean roof His mother is from St Thomas a singer. And in his play the bar exam eclipse and field St Thomas by Sonny Rollins is a great. Love that I've learned to solo and Santo you know. Learnt a lot from him. There was someone else I saw recently very recently but sadly I saw him last year. Claiming for a festival in France it was trumpeter Roy Hargrove I saw his performance and he was just incredible he just spoke. Such a giant. It was amazing her and the next year the following year he's gone. Right through to. The books. Yeah that was a great and inspirational concert to see other players on the scene people like Schumacher exists with the kids Quentin Collins young from. The Bayaka says Camilla George has a lot of resistance coming up the ultimate goal for us as improvising musician is when you put our record on after a couple of Bodger say oh yes somebody was out outside of the room to come in oh yeah that's that guy you know you want to be recognizable instantly by a few notes and that's what the greats have they all play the same 12 notes but they do it in a personal and unique style a person that I can instantly recognize is since you know he's he's strong and he has an individual style. That really stands out above. The latest record is it's the same title brother Raymond and it says a tribute to my eldest brother. Sadly passed away and 2015. I wanted to remember in a special way with the record it's really made me think about him a whole lot more you know. And he really looked out for all of this song to pay tribute to him and I was lucky enough to work with the great are making the Jazz Messengers back in the day what I learned from our own whatever. Everybody played it out learn how to be better and I was a bad leader training finishing school so you had to compose your program the night everything we're all going to. Do that so I started a project that was called which is the title of Blue Note Records and Jazz Messengers what I did was I put together the different bands you know like a sextet. So people are trumpet the planet. Venus Dennis Rawlings. Pianists. Jason with. Andrew Cuomo Ashley and. We were doing the roots emerge project playing Jazz Messengers pieces and whenever we played the people loved the music that we were doing and they would say well do you have C.D.'s of the stuff you just played. And I'm thinking well we must this classic you know I'm going to mess with the classics. So I thought I'll take the concept of how do those chains and I write new compositions totally brand new but trying to infuse that spirit that's how the women came about. What a musician he is thank you so much John to sell for coming in to talk about his music on the artists he lost a great selection of music and. You can see this Friday at the gold beacon. Gulf. In Canterbury That's a mouthful that but it's definitely in counts Bre as the Jeff Sessions he's just been announced a play this year. As well he's going to be performing at Hall on the 12th of November to celebrate the release of his 12th album live. In the meantime let's have a look at some of the other live music can catch your eye on the U.K. This week tomorrow Sarah down in Cortez at the Fisherman's club. On Wednesday and Thursday Selena. Or a Pizza Express are in London on Wednesday the Sun Ra August hole in Edinburgh on Friday steam down a plane at Rough Trade in Bristol. Also on Friday rich. In London and not to mention the other one as well on Friday Vane trio going to the vortex in London as well so many messages coming in tonight have time to read them all but this one from Nicky just says that her parents like to wind down to jazz music after a long day of playing screaming I'm making a mess keep the tracks coming in please an absolute felt for you right now it's a new track from a huge talent the producer scrimshaw a great musician featuring another great producer musician kind of often coming off and either way this is a meeting of wonderful minds. Featuring Emma Jean factory and this is cool get better. And. I. Thank you A. Great venue thank you grow show. Featuring Emma Jean craze cool won't get better love the kind of GARRETT Yeah for B. Feel to that has just come out as a single I was favors the scrimshaw is currently finishing his 4th album it's going to be coming out this summer hopefully get it finished soon if that's anything to go by we're in for a real tree absolutely love that stay where you are because after this I've got a track for Norah Jones his new album right after this is 977950 full 976-2080 S. Style is cool and was on the beach great stars for has proved itself to be one of the most successful Olympic. Now Matthew Morrison tells the story behind all 4 versions of this incredible film by will explore the timeless appeal of the rags to riches and riches to rags movie that attracted Judy Garland Barbra Streisand and now maybe God that is a tale that can be told. Is revealed. Here on the B.B.C. Sounds. On B.B.C. Radio 2 the past year Norah Jones has been recording and releasing singles released them one at a time she's been making them with some interesting collaborators Jeff Tweedy from Well Carla Thomas partner who works the same Vincent and also alongside the drummer Brian Blade she brought them all together in a new album called begin again and it's well worth a listen if you want to hear a great musician truly in taking risks and exploring the different parts of a musical personality of the track could have picked any of them off the record but pick this one she did with Brian Blade this is cool it was you brand new Norah Jones. a. Little easier. And things going. On in. Museums. And. Just think how careers got more and more interesting as it's going on starting out with that enormous record come away with me. And whilst not having the same level of sales as if any one ever could after that. She's just been. Collaborates with interesting people making great music and this is a great example that begin again featuring a collaboration with Jeff Tweedy Thomas barber and there with Brian Blade. Front and center is beautiful song writing voice I'm piano playing which sounds better than ever Norah Jones and it was you from a new album released. This year sees the anniversary of the legendary Blue Note label itself I'm going to be speaking to President Dawn was I'm recording an interview for the show very soon he is an amazing musician label boss and storyteller and one of those people that just seems to be at the very apex of what it means to be cool you can look out for that on the show very soon on a place of classic Sonny Rollins now. Gone to song picked a track from his 956 out the saxophone Colossus it was take the show. Here's another from the album. And you know I just want to. Beautifully structured solos 1st from Sonny Rollins and if I'm Tommy Flanagan on the piano. Here on the album saxophone Colossus from 106 is cool more attack but of course it is the song that later became Mack the Knife 1st introduced in the US by none other than Louis Armstrong but then played with just. By the Sonny Rollins quartet Sonny Rollins Tommy Flanagan dog walk ins Max Roach as nearly all I've got time for this week I'll go one more try to play for you featuring. Wonderful singers you met erosion for team as from the L.A. Based producer musician Shafique who. So which I'm totally obsessed with Bob the L.A. Based production trio saw. And very excited to see that he had a new album out and it's a total musical journey you're going to listen to in its entirety Shafique Hussain from the new album The Loop this is just as May I assume featuring you by the road . Plus now the show. featuring Chimedza rose and Fatima to great new record from him loads of great people turn up on the record you want to check it out but that's all I've got time for this week next week on the show are going to looking forward to that Shelton Jazz Festival thanks for joining me after the news it's Trevon else's Rhythm Nation I'm Jamie Cullum and this has been a folded when production for B.B.C. Radio 2. On the B.B.C. Sounds out on digital radio and on $88.00 tonight you want to. See the 10 o'clock this is Adam who said campaign as opposed to President Trump say they're planning a big protest when the U.S. Leader comes to Britain in June for a state visit he'll hold talks with to resume majoring the trip and attend a ceremony in Portsmouth to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the detail landings the head of Republicans overseas U.K. Sarah N.E.'s says Mr Trump is keen to cement the special relationship between America and Britain I think he wants to come to the Cape because he wants that free trade deal with the United Kingdom when it leaves the E.U. He also wants to underline the fact that the Anglo American alliance is a strong as ever in combating evil in the world and protecting the free world.

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