Transcripts for BBC Hereford & Worcester BBC Hereford & Worc

BBC Hereford & Worcester BBC Hereford & Worcester August 4, 2019 110000

Arianne Losing My Religion um B.B.C. Hereford. Welcome to the gardening Shire with me instead of Jonathan and read a resident celebrity or 2 of it definitely. I was late forward to having a bit of gardening time yeah I've also save up my questions I think when I get to do the gardening so again I can just move on to rides because I have got a couple of quick questions I know there's a lot of people who have got much they want to put. 2 things one I'd really like to start growing some pot plants in the garden because we don't have huge amounts of bed so I don't like that so I thought if I grow some things implant some stuff in parts green stuff what's what would be good right so it would have a green thing yes I would like I don't know well I'll tell you one thing that that great a plant called Nandina 90 and A N D. A which is a it's called The Sacred bamboo or heavenly bamboo but it's not a bomb blew it all it's it's a member of the Berbers family but they are there's a lot of them around you know a lot of different varieties of. The basic one just has green leaves with a touch of red on the newer growth white flowers that come on or on a tall stem and like tiny flowers all round it and then those flowers turn to red berries OK And that's just ordinary Nandina domestic and then there are various varieties of it because they do not breeding with them because they're such versatile plants. And you get one is like obsession that have got really red new growth I mean you know dramatically red they don't necessarily have the berries as well or the flowers indeed but they have the dramatic red foliage there's another one called Sunset Boulevard O.L.F. Found that is is is sort of all rangy and yellow with with some some poor pretty red in it as well when I'm alone as well flower and so you've got something happening all the time you know with them that often if you have to me in a tub you you're often best to have something that's evergreen because it will be interesting all the time yeah and if you are an empty party Mt Toba in your garden and you know somebody comes around to visit you know look at the window and there's this empty pockets of the shelves look at me. To look at this nothing in me so if you have something in there that's interesting over time then you know that makes it better so you know you know Nandini is certainly one that I would look at and then depending on what your soil is like if your soil is very limey where you live you know you might want to grow something that would prefer the salt to be acidic in a pot because you can't grow it you can control your garden yeah because it like in the leaves will go yellow and be fed up so you know that's where you would look at things like Camille years yes you know which performed quite well in parts as long as you keep the moist now with a lot of things like chameleons as Alias rhododendrons all those sort of things well. There in the garden or in in a pot and hydrangeas another we can tack onto that list you got to keep the moist from around about now to be honest right up until October because that's when they are making their birds or making the decision to produce the birds for next year. And I don't know what we're talking about growing things in pots when you grow anything permanently in a pot or a top in any shrubbery thing not don't matter so much for bedding plants but with only there for a bit but for shrubs that are going to be there for you know years always use John a nice compost because that's got low many which is like really top quality sterilized garden soil garden topsoil and there's a proportion was 7 parts of that 3 parts of peat into parts of horticultural grit in John in his compost so it behaves much more like gardens songbirds so it doesn't get extremely wet or extremely dry quite easily and we should have the making your rain Well this is a different sort of compost we took I guarantee you see that I'm sorry in my compost not. What do you make in your garden from you know garden waste and things like that that's called you know Garden come past which you would dig into your garden really diggin I came into the store to improve your soil if you are very good at making compost and it comes out almost like almost like you know it and and here in very good very good condition you could mix half of that with a compost to use in tubes but you wouldn't want to grow stuff in terms of permanent completely and not because it hasn't got much food I see what you're saying well red is the man as I've got more questions to ask but I'm going to have to say Yeah because C.N.N. Is on the line in Kidderminster high season Hello hello I have you got a question for Brad I have yeah element of. Yeah yeah I mean here. We've got to tell you been mainly the top of the garden yeah. There are a few holes sort of coming from underneath the shed but that's far enough that the last 3 or 4 weeks we've had so being scooped up every mornin from underneath Osho pushed out from under the shed. We got the kids and got not not a lot but you know probably one of these got bucket and then the next more and it's the same again well I don't know whether it's moles on the left is but we've got alone we've got boulders and flowers but none of that's been destroyed so I don't know what it is so you've got mysterious oil hearing around the shed on the it's a fair amount of soil isn't it yes yes I think that's a fair amount of yes and the thing is I've been put on the borders since it's been up and it's look it's only all it's good yeah yeah all the all you can think in my way I'm going to put if it keeps on you know although I don't do it in. A long time no one a week and I can have I can put some serious forward it's something I haven't I haven't come across before but it mind you know if there's a big volume of soil that I would you have on for a couple of days then it could well be that perhaps you know I'm always pushed it up yes. Why isn't it if it is a mole then why isn't it appearing you know the bits of you gone I can't understand it no doubt I'm thinking you know that's what I think you. Know whether there's something going on underneath all or whether something is living under your shed Yeah yeah I got a mysterious disease and have been doing a fair bit of digging but if you get in bucketfuls a sword I would actually like half a black book for soil then you know that's a fair amount and that's happened twice so that's a decent amount of soil so I mean I think really if it was a mole that was doing it then it would it would be pushing hills or somewhere else ever we got a look through the owner my partner and cut it all got all my wish but there's no sign of them being met you know what to me you know no you don't want the monarchy to follow you. Know really I would have thought it would have pushed soil up somewhere else Yeah and and you know and what is it choosing to do it under a shed wound up as well when there is you know plenty of easier places to push the soil up and if it was pushed up and it was coming out from underneath the shed which it has to be then you know the mold is just going to push it open in like a home. Yeah well it is coming up you know because yesterday I didn't move then later Piers is going over a fly when I was so we owe it is coming up in a home yeah well so it might not be him out it might be down here in the Pacific What are you going to have a job out here because you've got the shed on top of it and so to see exactly what's going to happen you'd have to get the Shadow who'd take the shadow away. No trying trying to get a shed is a very sort of staple all in gold part thinking now I don't know except yet we investigate that way you install eat and say well if you if you can do something like that but generally with a shed the floor of the now the shed sits on the floor of the shed doesn't it you know the size of the shed sits on the floor if you know what I mean you know so you can't pick the floor oh no they're taking this as a yeah so you're going to have a job you know what I think that if it's a mole Anyway yes it's going to push the soil up that it wants to and it won't then push any more up you know it won't keep pushing you know that you know it will when it's tunneling under there yeah it won't keep doing it it will move on and push and soil look somewhere else all right so it's not going to do any damage and I don't think really no I don't think I need to worry about with that now whether whether something else is digging or sort of living under your shed and digging soil out you know but there isn't enough room for anything to get under the shed is that pretty clearly No No Well I think the yeah go and the shed is the station and the fence is about the 3 which is mate at the back if you get yanked if pretty little you know whether it's coming from somewhere else or what I don't know. But anyway it's. Not it's not doing any harm you know it stands and you know what I should do and what we could do. If you want to check whether anything is going on do you shed and coming out again at night you know if it were a trick that a good thing would be when it's going to be a draw evening because it might it might rain tonight they keep saying about the show I was down there tonight it wouldn't be good booked on a night when it's going to be drawing Yeah put some flour down oh yeah and I want yeah I'm a star on the on the paving on this on the crazy taken you know name a fine astronomer and then YES and see if you get any tracks in it. And see what footprint you can see the right side of the Big Easy while I was particular to see if there's any footprints I love the thing and then we can see what it might see what it is in case anything is coming and deep trying to dig its way under there oh you see but if it's if it's a mole there's nothing to worry about it's not going OK It's a great hole but that the shade will disappear into a very Yeah so anyway leads. Only Anyway it'll be interesting to see what Yeah if you find out you find out what it is last night thank you very very much thank you. I want to know what the mystery animal is Yes Well hopefully at the end of the story will we go see the other questions Doc you know the rads We'll get back to those in just a moment I've got some Supertramp to play in a moment as well I'm babysitting it's been 247 aboard my boss particular checks out the Michelin starred chef Jason Abbott and leads a crew of war catering talent to take on Europe's best chefs brigade is already a good machine my brigade I have 4 days to trade. Unions to my life until well into B.B.C. Hereford and was the god with me is the cry and read. All your questions right now and before we get to travel rads a few quick fire questions. The mysteries that need solving one person has sent in this is from John. He says I had this plant given to me by a neighbor some time ago I have taken cuttings and gave it to a friend but I don't know the name of it so I can't write from what it is is there any chance you could find for me with your huge knowledge I'll be ever so grateful as been searching through various garden books to no avail it's a very beautiful looking plant with bright red flowers it looks amazing Yes serve red and orange we are trying pretty flowers individual ones on a plant that sort of trails over a little bit stands up in the center and then trails. Trail over and what it is it's a shin down through snow I'm not sure exactly how you spell this but I think it's something like a war you see H R Yan a N. Th US H. In on those now but anyway if you put that into your search engine you know the right plant or it should think will come up because if it isn't spelt correctly but that's what it's a house plant by the way it's an indoor indoor plant you could put it outside in the summer if you wished but it wouldn't survive odors in the winter so it's really a house planned amazing thank you for your amazing knowledge you are incredible these actually have come through as emails to Jonathan just to say if you are emailing Jonathan he is forwarding as many of the questions. He can email me to a Lizzie cry allies said that I.E. Crow C R O W E at B.B.C. Don't cater EK And there's always the text as I remember it yes it is yeah you can always you can do is. Send a message on the text which you use letters H. W. Compose your your message and then you send the whole thing off to 813 double 3 that's right you will come back to all of these questions were mounting up . Fire in a minute in the meantime we'll take a quick look at the raid see how they are if you're out about that travel update B.B.C. Hereford. And hear the latest with David more. Problems on the M 42 there's been an accident on the northbound side between ready should junction 3 and 3 a for the 40 it looks as though it's about halfway between those junctions queues now well back beyond junction 3 it's going to take you at least 10 minutes to get through as things currently stand in a very busy morning around was to that seems to have eased somewhat Now the reason for that is that we did have a stretch of the 7 Link Road closed off overnight was planned to be closed for the rest of the day as well but that work is finished early so the Suddenlink road fully open between the Whittington and Norton roundabout like to get busy over the lunchtime period though because we've got 20 cricket at New Road starting at $230.00 so extra traffic expected around the city as a result heading in and out of Worcester you find it busy through fern all he thought a moment that's because of the roadworks on the A 38 traffic around the Hereford sharing clearing in and out of the city seems to be moving reasonably well but if you spot a problem you can call the B.B.C. How different was the travel hotline 804148181. Weather where you live and sorrow Blizzard has the weather for us. A little bit more now as we had sort of towards the afternoon period there is a weather front moving in from the west which could just produce a little bit of so the showery rain on it for a time but ahead of it is quite noticeable on a radar picture if you like looking at the weather related things that there are a few showers already starting to break out and some of those showers could be on the heavy side the risk the chance of some thunder and they could also start to produce quite a bit of rainfall in a short space of time as well not everybody will see them today though so you know some of us could escape with a decent day still in is quite a humid day as well temperatures in the region of 24 to 25 Celsius and then through the evening and overnight the showers sort of clearing away towards the north but they will be replaced by another area of rain coming in from the west and again we have you know the potential for it to be a little bit sundries it's working its way eastwards it will start to clear though through tomorrow morning so bright as guys returning again into the afternoon across her of a chair was to share and slightly fresher sort of feel to the day so 21 Celsius the daytime temperature but quite wet on and off over the next few days and you know this low pressure with us and keeping things quite unsettled again. That's not necessarily what we want to hear when you say it was under sang coming and then rain oh well. You know I think Thursday at the minute looks to be the dry a day out of all of them and that won't last because by the next weekend as well we've got more sort of in the forecast I would say you have very changeable. Sadly summer do you have any gardening questions going on in your life at the moment I mean my garden so I look a bit sad at the minute because of the way that the weather's been you know going in that so when I think I'm all right at the minute if that's OK I'm not hard to look at you have to be edited it with the way we've had you know the showers and stuff but yeah it's just how to keep on top of things in it without it looking so you know sort of like it flattened by a lame washed out was sort of thank you ever so much really appreciate that OK. And I is a good question actually this hour makes about the weather that has been changed we talked about this almost a little bit earlier off there I mean is it difficult you know with the gardening when it's going hot and cold and wet and dry and yeah it was difficult for some plants and it's difficult mostly for people who are trying to grow their own fruit revolve age particularly because there's been a lot of trouble with runner beans not setting well because it's been you know really dramatically hot which of course they don't enjoy and your job to get the pods to set and tomatoes it's been a job trying to right tomatoes earlier on this year so you know it hasn't been the best year for fruit vegetables say well get my tomatoes going for next year then we can pray for some sunshine. Has been in touch he says his daughter has outdoor cucumber plants does she need to take the leaves off them to help them grow as pets taking the leaves off smarties to help them ripen no cucumber you don't need to take the bottom leaves off cucumber particularly unless they've got a problem if they go in yellow you know they're not very good then. You can otherwise no you leave them on because they help to nourish the nourish the cucumber plants and of course don't forget Well when you're feeding cucumber they don't need tomato food they want something that's got more noise children in it because that's the sort of food they like they don't need you know Holly potash food the way the tomatoes do that's right I'm scared to ask it so I just see a little question that came in earlier when we're talking about the moles under the garden shed Molly lamps to said could it be rat sunder the salad you see that was what I was wondering about but they would but it's a hell of a lot it could be that Rose wondering why he said she had a similar problem and it kicks out a lot of soil Yeah could well be rats but he needs to really if you put stuff lower down and then if it is rats then the same find out for prints will be in it you know if it is but you know I mean she was getting you know about half a bucket full of soil not a lot is an excellent bit but it is a possibility it could be yes. Another question about holes. This is about one to 5 millimeter holes that are in hand greenhouse Chilean pepper plants so there's no obvious sign of anything eating them inside or out plants otherwise growing really well look healthy right do you have any things to do is to have a look on the backs of the leaves particularly and what you're looking for if they're lucky a regular shaped hole what we're looking for is a little thin green caterpillar. And they laws along the backs of the leaves looking like a vein. Now it might be them. Another possibility is particularly if the leaves are looking a bit. Crumpled you know a bit sort of rolls into a bit ruffled around where the holes are then caps it bugs can bite the leaves and they make initially quite small holes but then as the leaf gets bigger the holes get bigger OK and they tend to bite the leaves when the leaves are quite small you know it's sort of around the tips of the shoots that they tend to go for and the leaves sort of you know look it hold looks tatty and you got tatted thanks so much thank you spiders out of it yeah you know like a neat circus act of tacky looking all the they produce and it could be them know what can we do. Well all this depends on how you like to grow your chilies if you don't mind using a pest killer on them then the prevent Oh fruit and vegetable pests killer would be the thing to use if you don't want to do that. Then really I would stick to looking at the back of the leaves and seeing if you can find any any caterpillars and just you know and if you do of course knock th

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