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Welcome to your world this morning. The frontrunners in the president ial campaigns trying to plot a new way forward after their big losses in the wisconsin two weeks to go until the next major primary in new york. Donald Trump Campaigned here last night. His team is said to be highering experienced operatives to gear up for a con convention fight in the war of words heating up in the democratic rates. Bernie sanders releashed a stinging rebuke after the former first lady sentence a series of attacks his way. She thinks my quote, unquote not qualified to be president. Let me just say in response to the secretary clinton, edge she is qualified. She is through your her super pac taking tennessee of millions of dollars in special interests. Al Jazeera David Shuster had a has more on the state of the president ial race. It is my great pleasure to introduce Hillary Clinton. Embracing organized labor and cried in her speech to reset her campaign when unions are strong, families are strong in and america is strong. After losing seven of the last eight democratic contests, Hillary Clintons weaknesses are on sdpdmra. Her frustration is Bernie Sanders is boiling over. In a television order, she attacked him over Climate Change. Which i couldnt believe senator sanders opposed the Paris Agreement, the best chance we have to deal with the consequences. Sanders said he opposed the Paris Agreement not because he is against taking action but because the agreement was too weak. While this is a step forward 2, it goes nowhere near far enough. We need bold action in the very new future. This does not provide that. Some activists are blasting clinton, quote, what secretary clinton is doing is disgraceful. Listening to her talk about Climate Change is like entering the twilight zone. Clintons challenge with progressives is that she has supported fracking. Bernie sanders has consistently opposed it. No. I do not support fracking. Polls suggest most democrats on this are with sanders and its a wedge issue that could become a democratic voters in new york the latest new york poll suggests clintons lead in her home state has dropped to 12 points when last month, her lead it other polls was as high as 40 you are going to be proud of your country again the New York Primary in two weeks should provide a reset for gop frontrunner donald trump. Reel reeling from a bad lots, the Trump Campaign is intensifying its fire against ted cruz quote. Worse than a puppet he is a trojan horse being used by party bosses. Trump spokeswoman immigration activists, though, interrupted cruz. Not welcome here. The in your face style of new york politics may only add to the intensity of the g. O. P. Race and regardless much what happens in new york and beyond, the odds of a contested Republican Convention are growing. God bless you. That would be good news for the democrats except the rates between clinton and sanders also remains undecided. We have to get the energy going. David shuster, al jazeera. Attorneys for former House Speaker Dennis Hastert are asking for lien yen cease in the hush money case. His lawyer is requesting probation instead of prison time citing health concerns. He says he is sorry for illegally structuring Bank Withdrawals that money was used to pay. He faces up to six months in prison when he is sentenced. Don blankenship has been sentenced to one year in jail, the former ceo of the Company Behind that explosion at west virginias cole mine. He was convicted of conspiracy to violate safety standards. Federal inexpect orders saying if basic safety rules had been followed, no one would have died. A teacher is on administrative leave this morning after bringing a gun to school. Jason adams was arrested wednesday at a middle school. He has a pichtol permit but connecticut law banned firearms on school grounds. Newtown where a gunman ordinary fire at sandy hook middle sch l school. A Texas School Police officer is on paid leave this morning after video apparently shows him slamming a middle school girl to the ground. Now, the video, San Antonio School officer joshwa joachim. The officer responding after. 2 students were arguing. The student was okay. Two investigations lawyers for new york city Police Officer convicted a shooting a man in the dark stairwell are asking for a new trial. The attorneys saying a juror did not disclose his father had been convicted of manslaughter four decades ago. Fired after that conviction. Prosecutors. A new lawsuit alleges racketeering by the government in flints water crisis. So far, 400 people have joined the class action suit. It names Governor Rick Snyder and members of his administration. The water crisis was an intentional scheme that will involved cutting corners to solve the citys financial problems. Its beyond tragic. Its a catastrophfee beyond anybody in this rooms comprehension. I am dumbfounded. I am numbed by the fact that i hear whats. The lawsuit says switching to the flint river as a water source was a danger created by the state, one that affects future generations by exposing unborn children to lead. Another thing affected by the crisis Property Values. More on that. Reporter rick roner is a retired flint auto worker. He has owned his home on mann avenue for more than 20 years. How much did you pay . Under 6th grand when i bought this house. Whats it worth now . Mroebl about according to the taxes, 30, a little over 30. And he fears that the citys ongoing water crisis will send his Property Value sinking. Tainted with lead. Michigan Governor Rick Snyder didnt declare a state of emergency until january of this year. In a position where i can sell it. The problem is no one else is in a position to wants to come and buy it. When this initially happened, it was a problem because the lenders were running a little bit afraid. Chris is a Real Estate Agent and president of the local realtors association. He says that loans are available and that scares me the most. We have found the lenders are working with us. You just cant sell anything in the city of flint without that water test. Once a bustling auto town vacant houses filled the landscape. According to the east Central Association of realtors. The first three months of 2015, the average price for a home in flint was more than 17,000. Figure increased during the same three months this year to more than 28,000. Long time receiptor wade flies says despite the citys water problems . The Housing Market is improving. If you look at it, it has worked out to our aunt vaggage getting lead we certainly, the houses portion it hasnt been negatively affected by it. Property values could drop more than 20 this year. Although there is no end in sight to the citys water chrysed, ronner says for now his home is Worth Holding on to. Best thing i could do is be a gin russ soul and give it away if i wanted to go. Rile now, i am here. Al jazeera, flint michigan. Say it aint so. More snow in the forecast for wisconsin. A few inches falling again on wednesday. You might expect that led to several accidents. A so general contractor start to the day for a lot of people in the east. For more on that, good morning. Bringing in cold air, too. So, its not been particularly appreciated by many folks. Here is the broad system. You can see this spiraling through the great lakes including more snow in wisconsin. Up and down the coast line. The heaviest will be on the northern side of this. Here is a closer look at all of the places going to see high winds in places like maine. This system has had a shift rye of high winds. Still some fire has addressed a look at some has addressed p the heavy rein one to two inches along the coast. We could see flood concerns we have that. Also high winds now for maine. 50 to 60mileperhour winds. We also have freeze concerns this morning. Cologists general are going to run 10 to 20s degrees below average in the next few days in a lot of cases. Here is how the moisture shapes up through the course of the day. Heavy rain at times from the mid atlantic fwhardz. On the back side, mortgage of the air comes in. Chances for snow including some tomorrow like new york city, we could see flakes go by. Are you going to explain your thumb thats all anybody really seizes. La, la, snow. A minor thing that turned into this is there would you like to name the doctor on the air. Nicole mitchell. Thank you. A tiny territory that could make a big difference in the throttles for the white house. If there were a fight, rhode island would win. Traveled secretary of state john kerry gets a distinct honor with his latest trip. This morning, the rates for the democratic president ial nomination focus on new york instead of holding the primary with 291 delegates at stake in two weeks. The language between the candidates is becoming increasingly heated. Hillary clinton questioned Bernie Sanders loyalty to the democratic party. She said she is not sure he is a democrat. Sanders fired back saying he inks clinton is not qualified to be president. He he has won 7 of the 8 primaries. Clinton and sanders have been campaigning against big money in politics but there is a new report that says clintons alleys has been using the at that timics she has railed against. Joining us from washington d. C. , dave, money and politics going handinhand in the u. S. And elsewhere as we saw recently in the Panama Papers. What did your investigation find that surprised you and did you find anything that might have been illegal . We found that Hillary Clinton has a constellation of these outside political groups, many of which that can raise unlimited amounts of money to spend in support of her. Hillary delinton on the stump, on the campaign trail says big money in politics is bad. Citizens united, the decision that helped legalize much more of it. As president , i would turn that back ash but at the same time, she is benefitting from the very stuff that super spannipacs and nonprofit organizations can use to support president ial candidates or any political candidate. Its sort of a which direction is she going in . A lot of people who you would think would be her alleys people who Love Campaign finance reform and think the system is corrupt and big money is awful, they are kind of does he want cal about whether Hillary Clinton is serious while she talks a pretty strong game about reforming the system what do you do . Everybody recognizes money is the life bloody of politics. If you are out spent two to 1 by a well funded candidate because of these committees. Still seen on television. Hillary clinton, and its important to know her campaign says, look the rules are what they are. We are not doing anything illegal. We are not doing anything that the republicans certainly arent doing we are going to use super packs for now because we kind of have to particularly because of the republican machine that exists out there. Bernie sanders, his campaign has a different tack. They say we are living proof you can a viable candidate a strong candidate and not en dpaj in the big money system we have right now. Bernie sanders, of course, is proud he likes to say he doesnt have a super pack. A little support it should be noted. Is Hillary Clinton the only candidate being helped by Citizens United . Not at all. You have many of of the republicans nonprofit hundreds of millions of dollars if you want to put jeb bush into the next to back their cam pages. Its interesting that sdonl trump has not received a lot of support from super packs. A little bit but not much. He is certainly something who is self financing the bulk of his campaign. This becomes a clinton versus trump matchup in the general election. It wouldnt be surprising if donald trump i am my own man. Choose me because i am somebody who is not beholden to a whole bunch of special interests. If anything can be said about this particular election, it is big money didnt play a bill a role as once thought. Wouldnt we be talking about jeb bush and we are not . 2 way to 13 of it big money saying it will buy elections. That is one school of thought. 15, 20 candidates running somebody has to win and somebody has to lose. If everyone has these tools at their disposal, even if you have them, somebody will lose. At the same time, the other issue a lot of folks bring up those who feel the system is broken the way that it is say its not about buying elections. Its what happens after an election all of the people who will gave that contribution to a group that supported the candidate who won what time will they get in return . The other issue, post election that is perhaps a concern in this conversation. Briefly before i let you go, what happens if you are a new yorknator. Why not say you represent wall street and they donate to your campaign . Isnt that like saying you represent california and silicone falcontributes. Would she have shown better if she showed more transparency . Some have encouraged hillae clinton to own it and say you were a senator from new york state. You live in new york state. You are going to have wall street ties because you represent wall street. You may see that yet in the campaign where Hillary Clinton will speak in a different way about the ties that she has to very, very wealthy financiers or the metings that she had with Goldman Sachs and or otiations Bernie Sanders like to beat her up for. Its entirely possible she will talk about her relationships with people such as that and organizations such as that in a different way than she has up to this point. Dave leventhal. As always, thauchlt . Thank you. When you think about states key to a president ial victory, florida, ohio come to mind, not the u. S. Virgin islands. This year, voters there do play a major role until deciding who wings the white house. Adam may explains from saint qua. Reporter a little more than 100,000 americans live here in the u. S. Virgin islands. Although they are citizens they dont have the right to vote for president in the skin raleighlex. How far, many here are active in party politics. This year, it could be more important than ever. Paradise and politics are surfing toward a collision in the u. S. Virgin islands. The u. S. Territory will send nine delegates to the g. O. P. Convention and they are planning to make a splash. I am the hardest date in town. They realize it. If they dont, the ground gate is critical now. Holland redfield is a former sixterm senator and now a super delegate. You are on straight talk. The talk show host says president ial candidates are wooing him an the other unbound delegates even calling in, in to his radio program. They want a marriage. I want more than flowers. Have you made a decision on who you are going to support . As i told you, i am leaning towards john kasich. I think he is the only adult in the room, the only one that i have said that i have real difficulty is donald trump. U. S. Territories, the vigin island and gallup are not Holding President ial preference votes. Neither are the states of north dakota, colorado, thats 100 delegates plus a handful of other states up for granz. Includes the chair of the Virgin Island g. O. P. Who isnt tired to primary or caucus results. Donald trump is looking for the 12,037 votes what if he left by two . When a couple of votes become very important. The owner of a gun shop, a u. S. Military veteran and a. 5th generation Virgin Islander, his political view lends more conserve tough. As chair, et cetera embroiled in a controversy over who the virgin eye land will send as delegates. As the courts sticheck that out i can stay neutral. I had we had a group of great candidates and now they are being withered down. On these unbound delegates, others active and political campaigns are voicing opinions. A furniture store, part of a population of Muslim American border owners on the island a diachotmy. Virgin achotmy. Virgin islands. They have a large muslim americ american. You must have an ear of the delegates. I dont have to tell them. They know what they are going to do. They are not going to vote for trump. I dont think they are going to vote for ted cruz either. These people are so outrageously far right, you know. We need somebody moderate to be the republican. I admire john kasich. I wish him goodluck. Who the unbound del gassed will support is up in the air action all on the island agree they need more from washington to deal with their struggling economy, high unemployment and lack of social services. What does it mean to you that the Virgin Islands might get a big say in this . Finally, so some of these issues that we have been screaming and hollering about, we will be heard and that we are in a position of strengths, not weakness. Do people here feel cheated by washington they dont get to vote in the general election . I think we should vote for president. My father served, i served. My brother was killed in iraq. Absolutely at some point in the future, well as virgin eye landers vote for president. In island mostly known for beauty hoping to add political power to its reputation. These unbound delegates have made a big impact in races of. In 1976, there was no c clear winner. Gerald ford ended up beating out Ronald Reagan thanks to support from places like Virgin Islands. Saints croix. John kerry is for you the most traveled secretary of state in u. S. Hist. He capped more than a million miles of travel since he took the job in 2013. Kerry is the first u. S. Diplomat to visit bahrain since forecasts started there are they said isil is humanities, a common enemy. Ba rain has been backing up that statements by providing valuable logistics and Operational Support for the counter dash coalition. Kerrrk is raising Human Rights Concerns where the u. S. S. Navys 5 i think plac. By the shia marbled population using military force. Bahrain government has been criticized. When we come back, more fall out from the Panama Papers. A former leader about what can be dob to keep up the mess. A social network with the physical address. The rise in Community Living and work cautions. Al Jazeera America proud of telling your stories. Somebody to care about us man. Were live in ferguson, missouri. Brick by brick, i will open it. It will take more than a few rocks to stop me from doin what i have to do. Suddenly heroin seems to be everywhere. Theres no way i am willing to give up my family for a drug ever again. I know you all have strong opinions about the border. I dont believe in borders. Our government is allowing an invasion. I dont really know as much as i thought i did. People dont just need protection, they need assistance. Whats your message then . We need help now. Oh my god. The towns out of water. We came up here to talk to some people who are selling fresh water. Fresh water for fracking. We are a town that greed destroyed. What do we want . Justice these people have decided that today they will be arrested. I wanted to dance, and eventually i started leaving the gangs in the street alone. Were pushing the envelope with out science every day, we can save species. Im walking you guys all i wanted to see was her walk. It was amazing. These were emotions that i had been dreaming about for so long. Getting to the heart of the matter. Proud to tell your stories. Al Jazeera America. Is. Welcome back to your world this morning. We are learning more about the panama, law firm. Mossack fonseca clients can ehave either been convicted or accused of Serious International crimes. Juan los barela says panama is not the only country with a rob. Translator panama wants to make this situation clear, this situation of wrongly called the panama paper do not represent the wellbeing of the citizens. Frank de lima joins us from panama city. Mr. De lima, thank you for your time. Who is being business with a panama based firm, should Mossack Fonseca know who its clients are . Thank you very much for having me on your program this morning. Mossack fonseca has said most of its clients are institutional clients, these institutions in turn sell the panamanian clients to a third party. I want to clear up that in the Panama Papers case not only does Mossack Fonseca sell panamanian corporations but also from other jurisdictions. I think bvi was most sold as president said well get into that. But should Mossack Fonseca know who its end customers are especially when they relate to drug cartels and pedophilia . Saying his clients is an institutional clients. Do we need to review that . I think so, because as we have seen, whats been published within the Panama Papers these corporations have been used by third parties using it for illicit activities. As i mentioned before, this not only involved panamanian extrapolations but corporations from other jurisdictions as well. Is the work from Companies Like Mossack Fonseca which youre right has subsidiaries around the world, as well as in panama, led to set up these Shell Companies for individuals with dubious records . As you mentioned, panama is an offshore center and the selling of corporations is part of the services we offer. Currently this represents about 60 million of revenue to the central government, part of the offsale of panamanian corporations. Its not an important source of revenue. I think part of the issue here is what was published is 40 years worth of information. Panama really began complying with International Standards and tax transparency in the year 2009. And recently this year panama was removed from the fadaf antilaundry list. Away we have worked on many years ago you were part of the negotiations i understand to get panama off the oecd gray list, the list of tax haven countries. But here is what the oedc secretary general said do you agree that that is still happening and would you expect a crack down of any sort coming . I think thats a halftruth statement and i explain why. First of all, one of the truths behind the Panama Papers is there are capitals that are mentioned in these cases, none of it is deposited in panama. These moneys are somewhere else, none of it is here. Second, panama was removed from the oecd gray list in the year 2011. Panama passed global peer review last year, weve done allot to move forward. There is one issue that maybe we can criticize we have to be selfcritical of, panama hasnt been willing to sign the multilateral agreement for the exchange of information that the oecz is pushes. We are one of four concurrence that have not signed it, bahrain, vanoatu are some of the others. I dont see what we give up from a competitiveness point of view. I would say mr. Gareas argument is completely baseless. Before i let you go, you yourself have been accused in a program of alleged corruption. Were you involved william. The program you make reference to is a situation that was not mine. Purchasing food for schools for low income students attendance and the Public Ministry is accusing that the National Help Program paid above market prices for these food products. My involvement or my alleged involvement of me and other officials in the ministry of economy and finance is that we allocated the budget for purchase of these food items, an argument that our legal team is saying that yes that is our responsibility of allocating the funds. But our ministry is not responsible for overseeing not accused of skimming . No theres no accusations made against me or any other member of the ministry of economy and finance are receiving any benefit from this transaction. Frank de lima thank you very much. Our involvement is purely administrative. Thank you so much. Uber and lyft are gearing up to a major expansion if the new York State Legislature allows it. The coalition of ride sharing groups urging the state legislature to allow that. Right now uber and lyft are limited to the new york city area. You pay soon be able to book an uber in Hartsfield Atlanta airplane. You pay be soo may be soon e. Reporter eezekiel is a driver. They will get it rectified pretty soon. Reporter taxi and limo drivers already undergo background checks. Thats why they want uber to do the same. 50 airports none of which require the fingerprint background checks. The company says in the statement. Atlantas plan will add substantial bureaucratic barriers for drivers. Spokesman matt givens told al jazeera. Taxi drivers are required to have the fingerprint checks already. Many think uber is circumventing the system. We do almost vigorously being tested and going through a lot of problems just to drive in the city of atlanta. But they want to have a special privilege. I dont get that. You think its not fair . I dont think the Playing Field is fair. Partly over its background checks saying uber doesnt do a good enough job and more is required. Part of their argument cites this as an example. In los angeles, registered sex offenders, a kidnapper and child molesters have passed ubers background checks they state. A compromise between uber and the Busiest Airport on the planet. Robert ray, al jazeera, atlanta. It is World Health Day and this years focus is on diabetes. Some Community Based programs are trying to curb the disease before it strikes. Al jazeeras tom ackerman has the details. Reporter twice or more each month these women get together to chart their progress, defeating a common enemy. I have a Family History of diabetes, its been passed down a couple of generations. My husbands family are type 2 diabetes. My goal was to not get them. Reporter there are more americans who show all the signs of becoming diabetic. I was told by the doctor unless i had changed i would be diabetic like in the next two years and the numbers kept increasing. Reporter groups like this one help to cope with the challenge of prediabetes. We can talk about our personal experiences and how what problems we have, what hurdles we have and train one another. Reporter learn how to stick with those changes. It is working out and i know that i can do this. I know i can make this change for life. Reporter for most patients, weight loss can be accomplished without reporting to drugs or surgery. We show that many of those patients actually were able to have partial or complete remission of their weight loss. The government has more than a Public Health reason for curbing diabetes. Prevention program is going to save the Health Care System and the United States a lot of money over the long run. Now, the federal Health Care System for seniors is beginning to cover Diabetes Prevention and intervention. I like bacon too. And exercise. Were good, you still have prediabetes. Big time. Reducing diabetes in the u. S. By more than half. Tom ar ackerman, al jazeera. Nicole miller. Dont worry about this hand, worry about this hand. It was bald u balled up in a. The major system into the great lakes and the east coast, a lot of rain with that, i cant give it a thumbsup but you might like it in the southwest. Rain causes a coating on the roads when you havent had it in a while. But we need this rain so desperately. Watch for delays but widespread could get quarter to half inch all through the southwest, isolated spots over a half inch. If you look at this very last spring you can see another system starting to push into the northwest. So we have a couple of good days of rain really starting today but it will go for the next couple. Thats great news. A lot of the winter storm systems brought rain to Central California and northward but not south like we needed it. That last system that went through really brought down temperatures in the great lakes region, will continue to suck in cold air behind it. Temperatures will drop significantly over the next couple of days. Meanwhile, the southwest which had had some record temperatures yesterday in extremely warm air, its starting to cool a little because of that cloud cover that moves in. But heres that pattern over the next couple of days. So were already starting to get that frigid blast, well above average for western portion of the country. Over the next couple days this trough intensifies, so a few places get even colder and a lot of places will sit 10 to 20 colder. With an active west coast well see that moving inward across the area. Cooler in the southwest the next couple of days and much cooler around the great lakes. A frigid blast, Nicole Mitchell, thank you. Working and sleeping for cheap, places as low as 35 a night. As ines ferre reports, theyre trying to open up the industry one pod at a time. Waking up to the smell of pancakes and brushing teeth. Coliving not hostile. Very important. Reporter why is this vocabulary so important . We are trying orecreate the solo traveler experience. 31yearold elvina created pod living in los angeles a few years ago. I live in a pod. There are pancakes. A group of mostly millennials eating working and sleeping in an open space. This is chelsea, saife sarah. Their names are written on their pod so its easy. Hanging out in their person pod, with a memory Foam Mattress. Im at podshare hashtag coliving. People in transition. Becks model is rent it, dont own it. Everything virtually is shared from food oshampoo. Ohio native sarah lighthouser said she had to come out of her shell after living here for three months. Its not very private. So i just was forced to just hang out and kind of get comfortable with everybody. What about little curtains . No. That is the biggest nono at podshare other than pod sex. It kills the whole dna in the space. Reporter you heard right, there is totally no sex here. I understand the urge to hook up. Queen beds are for couples who want to share money. A night here costs 40 to 50 pnl she just raised 30,000 through crowd funding. Do you have to kick people out . We have had a list called the dinosaur list. Over the years weve had this, ten or 11 are on the dinosaur list. Its nostalgic, its homey, comforting to know that other people are around me, im not alone. Reporter beck said the average podestrian stays three nights. Pod sharing has sparked omarriage, a proposal, more than beck can count. 15,000 have decided to put this icon on their bodies. We go back to what is home. Ines ferre, al jazeera, los angeles. They always ask, when is the day you know you are old. Today is the day. Its like camp to me, except without the sex. Today, revival of records. How vinyl has managed to survive the dlil digital age. Every monday night. I lived that character. Go one on one with americas a tool of musics good olds days dont say it making a come back. Vinyl records. As important as a cd or a digital download, as al jazeeras Ashhar Quraishi reports, there are only a couple of places they can get records made. Reporter to escape drug and alcohol abuse, chad moved to kansas to get sober. Its more musical, it draws you in. Reporter it was here that he found music. Reporter at a time in the early 1980s when the compact disk began e eclipsing lps casso casson began collecting records. I knew vienl evinyl would never die. 30 years later, he owns one of the few vinyl producing companies in the country. When vinyl making a come back. According to the Recording Industry of america, vinyl was up 32 in 2015 and with 416 million in sales reached their highest level since 1988. The key is in the uncompressed sound quality. It starts with a master recording that is transferred to what is known as a lacquer. It is used to make the 96 el coated mother plate. Line up your hole, it catches a little bit, at that point when we know it is centered we punch the hole. The end result is what is known as a stamper. This is essentially the negative that is used to press the record. These can be used to make up to 1,000 records each. It is old school production. The ten presses that were in production were obsolete, manufactured in the 1970s. Pvc vinyl is pressed into a vinyl biscuit. Press intermediate two plates, a side and b side, the vinyl cooms instantly. The company has reissued major lps from jimi hendrix and the doors to the beastie boys. Is it going to continue, the resurgence, i dont know. Its not going to go anywhere, its still going to be there. Casson says he doesnt know if its newer but its better. Ashhar quraishi, al jazeera, kansas. Merle haggard died yesterday on his 79th birthday. Im proud to be an oakie from muskogi everything haggard was inducted into the Country Music hall of fame in 1994. He died from complication of pneumonia. Gear player to be thgary plat player to make a hole in one. The hole in one was the 31st of his career. Wow, incredible. Ahead in our next hour, familiarout from flint, accusing michigans governor of switching to a dangerous water source on purpose. Well be back in two minutes with more of your world this morning. Well see you then. Then. We can save species. Macaw are at risk of dissappearing in the wild. We are on the Tipping Point of an ecological disaster. Radiocarbon dating method can tell us if trade of ivory is legal. Gold, we have come at the price of human rights, pristine forests, and clean water. The future of fracking is about the water. How do you convince a Big Oil Company to use this . Al jazeera is always pushing the boundaries of reporting and techknow really falls into that perfectly. This is the biggest question out there. We always get perfect plants every time. This opens up whole new possibilities. We have 300,000 kids that are in collapse prone schools. Katrina was really a wake up call. We can design and engineer a system to not fight nature but kind of work alongside it. New orleans is on a good track towards sustainability but the job is not done here. Its a revolutionary approach to science reporting. This is some of the best driving ive ever done, even though i cant see. I really feel my life changing. This is the first time anybodys done this. Im walking you guys all i wanted to see was her walk, it was amazing. Probably the most profound moment was when i stood up. These were emotions i had been dreaming about for so long. Thank you. Techknow, proud to tell your stories on al Jazeera America. Americans implicated and hundreds of u. S. Nationals in many states implicated in the pafn mPanama Papers. If you are antiimmigrant you are are not welcome here the gop gears up for a convention fight and a clash just who is are in the u. S. Health officials struggling force a solution to diabetes. Welcome to your world this morning im stephanie sy. If. Anldz im del walters. Were learning more about the Panama Papers scandal and its leak to the u. S. Hundreds of clients are u. S. Based. Were learning more about mosca fonseca. Wyoming and nevada had permissive secrecy law. I think theyre not really doing anything illegal so i think theres an ounc onus on te government to close down something they dont believe should be happening. Reporter as far as Mossack Fonsecas american clients, a handful have been accused or convicted of serious financial crimes. Benjamin wei wabs charged witheh wire fraud, securities fraud. In 2007, igor ilenakov a russian billionaire, real estate mogul in california was sentenced to prison for tax evasion. His part in a 65 million ponzi scheme involving an Indonesian Oil field. In 2008, a john michael red crim was sentenced to prison for tax evasion. Another sentenced for five years of probation. Now, panamas president is promising ssh revisions. Translator panama wants to make it clear this situation is not a problem of our country but of many countries of the world whose legal and financial structures are still vulnerable to be used in ways that do not represent the wellbeing of the citizens. Frank de lima told me last hour that the document leaks show some laws need to be reviewed. Most of the clients are institutional clients, bank or law firms. These institutions in turn then sell the panamanian exraiptions to a thircorporationsto a third. I want to clear up that not only did Mossack Fonseca sell the corporations, but dvi was a jurisdiction that was mostly used by Mossack Fonseca, as well as delaware, nevada, and the seychelles. Linked to drug cartels to pedophilia. Under panamanian legislate hn he needs to know, that his client is an institutional client. Do we need to review that . I think so because as we have seen in whats been published within the Panama Papers these corporations have been used by third parties that are using them for illicit activities. But as i mentioned before, this is not only involving panamanian corporations but also corporations from other jurisdictions as well. De lima says that the panama laws existed before money laundering. Salah abdeslam did not appear but the Dutch Brussels Bar Association put a gag order on his attorney, barring him from speaking with journalists without permission. In this country, front runners in the president ial campaigns are trying to plot a new way forward this morning, with just two weeks to go before first major primary in new york donald Trump Campaigning here last night, gearing up for what they think is going to be a convention fight and the war of words is heating up in the democratic race. Bernie sanders unleashing a stinging rebuke after the former first lady sent a series of attacks his way. She thinks im quote unquote not qualified to be president. Let me say to former secretary clinton. I dont believe she is qualified if she is [applause] if she is through her superpac taking tens of millions of dollars in special interest money. Al jazeeras David Schuster has administer on the state of the race for the white house. It is my great pleasure to introduce Hillary Clinton. Reporter in pennsylvania wednesday, the Democratic Front runner embraced organized labor and tried in her speech to reset her campaign. When unions are strong, families are strong and america is strong. Reporter but after losing seven of the last eight democratic contests. Hillary clintons weaknesses are on display and her frustration with Bernie Sanders is boiling over. In a Television Interview she astacked him over Climate Change. I couldnt believe it when senator sanders opposed the Paris Agreement the best chance we have to actually reverse Climate Change and deal with the consequences. Not because he opposed action, he said, but because the agreement was too weak. He said some environmental activists are not blasting clinton. Quote part of clintons challenge with progressives on Environmental Issues is that she has supported fracking. Bernie sanders has consistently opposed it. No, i do not support fracking. Reporter polls suggest most democrats on this are with sanders and its a wedge issue that can be a big one for democratic voters in new york. Latest new york poll suggests clintons overall lead in her home state has dropped 12 points, when just last month her lead in other polls was as high as 40. In wisconsin, sanders erased a double digit lead en route to his primary win. In the republican race in two weeks should provide a reset for gop front runner donald trump. But reeling from a bad loss tuesday night in wisconsin the Trump Campaign is best fieg its fire against ted cruz. Quote i at a restaurant in the bronx, cruz dismissed the latest trump accusation. Instead he focused reporters and diners on his antiimmigrant policies. Im glad were here in a Small Business thats providing jobs, providing opportunities, yet its getting hard he and harder to get situations like this. But an immigrant protester interrupted cruz. If you are against immigrants youre not welcome here. Regardless what happens in new york and beyond the odds of a contested Republican Convention are growing. Swl. God bless you that would be good news for democrats except the contest between clinton and sanders remains undecided. David schuster, al jazeera. Attorneys for former House Speaker Dennis Hastert says hes profoundly sorry, for a scandal that happened decades ago. Don blankenship has been sentenced to one year in jail and fined 250,000. He is the former ceo behind the explosion at west virginias Upper Big Branch mine. The 2010 mine explosion killed 29 workers. Federal inspectors said if basic safety rules had been followed no one would have died. Jason adams was arrested wednesday at a middle school. He has a business toll permit but a law bans firearms on school grounds. Back in 2012, 20 students and eight teachers were killed. Video shows slamming a middle schoolgirl to the ground. Vanessa are you okay . On the video San Antonio School officer is showing the officer lifting the student and slamming her to the ground. Except for a bump on the head, the student okay. Investigations are underway and the officer could lose his job. Reporter lawyers for a former new york Police Officer are asking for a new trial. They claim one member of the jury may have lied during jury selection. Roxana saberi has more. Reporter when a top prosecutor suggested last month that peter liang should not go to prison, supporters of the man he was convicted of fatally shooting protested. Im appalled, im discouraged, im upset. We have reached a verdict, guilty. Two of the jurors also spoke out. With one unidentified 62yearold juror telling the new york daily news, i agree he doesnt deserve tremendous time but if something is wrong you shouldnt get a slap on the wrist. Liangs lawyers said they didnt know that the father of that juror, michael vargas, spent time in prison for shooting a friend np could have caused bias. Asking vargas, have you or anyone very close to you been accused of a crime . After a brief back and forth the judge elaborated im talking about close family or yourself. Vargas responds, no, no. The document goes on to say, if a juror lies his way on to a jury, before the trial suggests he thinks Police Officers get away with violence. Asked about the request for a retrial, a spokesman for Brooklyn District Attorneys Office said roxana saberi, al jazeera new york. This morning a new lawsuit is alleging racketeering in the flint water crisis. The Class Action Lawsuit names rick snyder and members of his administration. Cutting corners to solve the citys financial problems. Its beyond tragic. Its a catastrophe beyond anyone in this rooms comprehension. Im dumbfounded, im numed by thnumbed inthe situation in fli. Danger that was created by the state and one that now affects future generations by exposing unborn children to lead. Another thing affected by the crisis Property Values. Al jazeeras bisi onileere has more on that. Reporter rick roner is a retired flint auto worker. Hes owned his home for more than 20 years. How much did you pay when you bought this house . I paid just under 60 grand when i bought this house. Reporter whats it worth now . According to the taxes, about 30. Reporter he fears that the ongoing crisis will send his Property Values sinking even further. In 2014, flints water supply became tainted with lead. Michigan Governor Rick Snyder didnt declare a state of emergency until january of this year. I may not be in a position where i want to sell it. The problem is, no one is in a position to buy it. I dont know if theyre even giving home loans to flint. This was a problem because the lenders were running a little bit afraid. Chris says that loans are available but they dont come easily. That is what scares us the most. But we have found that the lenders are working with us. You just cant sell anything in the city of flint without that water test. Reporter once a bustling auto town, today in some neighborhoods vacant houses fill landscape according to the east Central Association of realtors and the first three months of 2015 the average price for a home in flint was more than 17,000. That figure increased during the same three months this year to more than 28,000. Long time realtor wade applys said that displiet the citys water problems, the housing crisis is improving. Its worked to our advantage, other than the people getting the lead in the pipes and things like that, you cant equate money to that but the housing part hasnt been negatively affected by it. Some local leaders estimate that Property Values can drop 20 this year. Although there is no end in sight to the citys water crisis, roner says for now his home is Worth Holding onto. Best thing i could do is be a generous person and give it away but otherwise im here. Reporter bisi onileere, al jazeera, flint, michigan. Spring storm hit, few inches fell on wednesday but big, wet flakes created slippery conditions leading to several accidents. We should point out that same system is stretching all the way to the east coast. By way of explanation, Nicole Mitchell hurt her thumb was it scaling k2 or kilimanjaro . I did that between yesterday and today. Thats how i roll. Definitely still a lot of areas of snow there. Were going to see that anywhere from northern maine to the great lakes, including wisconsin, just a little bit of moisture in minnesota and most of this is going to be rain, including heavy rain for portions of the northeast. In maine thats already leading to flood watches out there because it could be 1 to 2 inches and this system has had a history of high winds again for maine especially, gusts 50 to 60 mileperhour range, and we already have freeze advisories this morning. Here is another look at the staple anywhere from the carolinas northward. Heavy rain mid atlantic northward will be heavy roun ros of this throughout the day. By saturday some places and friday if youre further to the west, could see temperatures drop 20 and that means behind this as that sinks in, there could be some chances yes, that is snow across the coastline, including possibly even for new york for next couple of days as alt of this moves through. And look at the dramatic temperature drops because of this. This is the example im talking about. Rain today, maybe a couple of showers tomorrow, temperatures a little bit below average but not too bad. Lingering moisture dropping temperatures 20 below average but those chance is for snow i was talking about up and down portions of the coastline in the middle of april. Winter hanging on with a kung fu grip. Nicole thank you. When we come back, facing corruption. Brazils president is closer to a decision that could lead to her approva removal from power. And the Iraqi Government gears up to retaking mosul. A movement to oust brazils president gaining momentum today. The head of a Congressional Committee says he has enough evidence to oust Dilma Rousseff. But rousseff denies the charge. The spokesperson of the special committee in congress that is carrying out investigation on this whole process has said that there is enough evidence that an impeach able crime has been committed but left it up to the senate for a vote and to carry out with the impoachment process. Member of the opposition, many are saying that these were comments he has given could be tainted by his own opinion with the government. Is the document will being presented the coming monday and if it passes, the process will move to a full vote. That may be when Dilma Rousseff will be removed from her position. A Spokesman Says the Vice President should also be impeached for the same crimes that Dilma Rousseff is, that is how complicated the situation is in brazil, there is recession, an economic crisis, Dilma Rousseff has lost key political allies. Many are saying her chance he of being impeached are increasing every day. Teresa vo is reporting. John kerry is now the most traveled secretary of state in u. S. History. He arrived in bahrain last night, cang , capping 2 millions of travel. The u. S. Is backing an iraqi offensive to retake mosul, i. S. I. L. Is humanitys common enemy. Bahrain has been back up that statement by providing valuable logistics and Operational Support to the counterdaesh coalition. While there, kerry is also, majority population using military force, bahrains government has been widely criticized for civil rights abuses. Reporter djibouti is days away from a nationwide election. Growing u. S. Military presence, djibouti is strategically located near one of the worlds most traveled shipping lanes. Mohammad adow reports. Are. Reporter the port of djibouti, on the east african coast. One of the worlds busiest shipping routes. Between south sudan, djibouti and mom babasa, there are no otr sea ports. We are taking advantage to build, to invest, invested closely to 14 billion u. S. Reporter djibouti provides a important port for land locked countries. Foreign militaries smugglers and anyone and everyone concerned with the movement and control of goods. And that is only the beginning. Djiboutis presence has played it a significant hub. The United Nations World Food Program recently opened this center that it uses for storing aid destined for yemen, somalia, ethiopia and south sudan. Has a volume of more than 3. 5 million tons a year band 15 of that tonnage has gone through djibouti in 2015 for all the different operations in the region. Reporter djibouti also offers some of the most prime military property in the world. The shore up regional stability. This is home to the largest Foreign Military component in djibouti, 4,000 u. S. Troops live onsite. Djiboutis former colonial power has the second Largest Military presence with about 4900 troops. Here, as part of joint military exercises they often engage in. Djibouti has no resources, no oil, nothing except for sea ports and services. So this military presence has been a lot of good to the economy. Reporter with china recently signing a deal to establish a military base in djibouti, this tiny country could soon be the only place where the navies of graik economigreateconomic rivals, chd america, could soon be moored together. Mohammad adow, al jazeera. Hillary clinton using the same tactics she has railed against on the stump. One more state considers a bill many call discriminatory. Telling your stories. Somebody to care about us man. Were live in ferguson, missouri. Brick by brick, i will open it. It will take more than a few rocks to stop me from doin what i have to do. Suddenly heroin seems to be everywhere. Theres no way i am willing to give up my family for a drug ever again. I know you all have strong opinions about the border. I dont believe in borders. Our government is allowing an invasion. I dont really know as much as i thought i did. People dont just need protection, they need assistance. Whats your message then . We need help now. Oh my god. The towns out of water. We came up here to talk to some people who are selling fresh water. Fresh water for fracking. We are a town that greed destroyed. What do we want . Justice these people have decided that today they will be arrested. I wanted to dance, and eventually i started leaving the gangs in the street alone. Were pushing the envelope with out science every day, we can save species. Im walking you guys all i wanted to see was her walk. It was amazing. These were emotions that i had been dreaming about for so long. Getting to the heart of the matter. Proud to tell your stories. Al Jazeera America. Inside story takes you beyond the headlines, beyond the quick cuts, beyond the soundbites. Were giving you a deeper dive into the stories that are making our world what it is. Yo people are not getting the care that they need. This is a crime against humanity. Hands up. Dont shoot. Hands up. Dont shoot. What do we want . Justice. When do we want it . Now. Explosions going on. Were not quite sure is that an i. E. D. . Is. Welcome back to your world this morning. Hillary clinton and donald trump are said to be evaluating their options now. Donald trump looking at hiring an experienced operative to for a convention fight. Patty culhane reports. Reporter thithis was not supposed to happen. What a bunch of babies. Are we babies, are we babies, hello there. His style often rambling, attack ads. His policies provocative to say the least. I would build a grade wall and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me. But every time he offended a person or group it seemed to help, not hurt him. That may no longer be the case as trump lost badly to senator ted cruz in wisconsin. What we saw is we saw republicans come together and unite. Reporter trump could still win the nomination but he has to win big in his home state, new york. And the democrats. I love those come from behind victories. Front runner Hillary Clinton was calling about a basketball game. She certainly wouldnt celebrate that in her own election bid. We are looking forward to a successful primary here. Her opponent Bernie Sanders has beaten her in seven of the last eight contests. Oh my gosh its great to be in new york. Next up new york, both candidates have a connection to new york. Clinton was start there, but sanders was born and raised there. Theres not a lot of indication that sanders will be able to win states like he won wisconsin. Most think clinton will be the democratic candidate. The chances of trump becoming president are higher than zero but not much higher than zero. The results in new york will determine if they can stop trump. Patty culhane, al jazeera, washington. And the race for the democratic president ial nomination is focused on new york now. 291 delegates at stake in two weeks. The language between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders is becoming increasingly heated. On wednesday, Hillary Clinton tells politico, shes not evenly sure hes a democrat. And Bernie Sanders saying shes not qualified to be president. Clinton and sanders both campaigning against big money, but theres a new report out that says clintons allies use the very same tactics that she rails against ton stump. I asked david leventhal. We found that Hillary Clinton has a constellation of these outside groups that can raise unlimited amounts of money in support of her. Hillary clinton on the one hand on the stump on the campaign trail says big money in politics is bad. Citizens United Nations, thats awful and as president i would turn that back around but at the same time shes benefiting from the very stuff that superpacs and nonprofit organizations can use in order to support president ial candidates or any political candidates. Itcandidates. Its which direction is she going in . Particularly those who Love Campaign finance reform, and politics is corrupt and big money is awful, she talks a pretty strong game about reforming the system. Dave what do you do, everybody recognizes that money is the life blood of politics and if you are being outspent 2 to 1 by a well funded candidate because of all these Political Action committees how is it you stand above the fray and still be seen on television . The rules are what they are, shes saying were not doing anything illegal or not doing anything that the republicans arent doing. The republican machine that exists out there but Bernie Sanders has a different tack. He says were living proof you can be a viable candidate, a strong candidate and not engage in the big money system that we have right now. Bernie sanders is very proud to say he doesnt have a superpac. He gets some superpac support it should be noted but running a Different Campaign than Hillary Clinton. The leaders of the superpac say they serve a special purpose, the only way to defend her against republican attacks. Another state is deliberating a law calls antigay. In tennessee. John henry smith has more. Tennessee governor bill haslam may face what governors of other stays already have faced, whether or not to sign a bill that restricts the rights of gay and transjernl transgend. Refusing service to lgbt people on grounds expected to pass legislature. Phil bryant governor of mississippi signed a socalled religious freedom law. It allows adoption of certain medical and other services to gay and transgender people. Honest people who have a legitimate objection to whats going on, a religious objection, have a course of action now. Reporter this billboard has popped up in jackson, just one example of the opposition to the law. It depicts a christ like figure who proclaims, i said i hate figs and love thy neighbor. An epithet used frequently by antigay groups. How can it be worse than in North Carolina . In North Carolina, overturning local ordinances, protecting gay and transgender rights. More than 80 companies and organizations have expressed their concern about the laws in both states. Im glad that Corporate Leaders are be opposing the bill and using the force of their Economic Impact to make a difference. Reporter minnesota has now joined vermont and new york in banning state employees from traveling to North Carolina and to mississippi. It is a moral decision. In the case of mississippi it is an egregious violation of peoples constitutional rights. Massachusetts new law is set to take effect in july. How business pressure has led to governors denying those types of bills. Will that be effective in mississippi . Stephanie, its not clear that it will. S the economy is pretty repressed the governor is not budging. John henry smith thank you very much. Uber and lyft are gearing up for a big expansion. If the new York State Legislature agrees, the coalition of ride sharing groups urged the state legislature to allow the expansion. The Taxi Companies are opposed to the move. Right now uber and lyft are only in the new york city area. City plan requiring background checks, al jazeeras robert ray has the story. Reporter its the Busiest Airport in the world but if you are an uber driver right now, its illegal to pick people up because atlanta wants fingerprints and background checks mandatory. I think uber never go through the right channels. And right now its a fight between airports and them. But i think they will get it rectified my opinion pretty soon. Taxi and limo drivers already undergo fingerprinting and background checks. Thats why they want uber to do the same. None require the fingerprint background checks being opposed by the government. Uber says that atlantas plan would add substantial additional bureaucratic barriers for drivers. Company spokesman bill gibbons told al jazeera. Taxi drivers are required to have the background checks already. I dont know why they should refuse to take a fingerprint or background check, where we do it almost vigorously being tested and going through a lot of problems just to drive in the city of atlanta. But they want to have a special privilege. I dont get that. So you think its not fair . Its not fair. The Playing Field is not fair. Recently, San Francisco and Los Angeles County district attorneys recently registered lawsuits. Saying this lawsuit states. For now the atlanta officials will reach a compromise between the city and the companies. Robert ray, al jazeera. Nicole mitchell, youve been on a roll lately. I dont control it, i just tell you about it. This rain is much more appreciated because its places that we still have in some cases extreme drought conditions. Already a little moisture today, more of this gets in tomorrow and for saturday as well and this takes us out by saturday, and another front starting to push towards the northwest. So well have a much more skiff pattern. In the meantime, that is going to erode a little bit because of the ploirt comin moisture comin. Portions of the great lakes, with all of the activities in the northwest, that will lead to cooler temperatures. 58 in new york could be 30s by saturday. Enjoy it while you can. Today is sort of our last normal morning before we start doing special shows. Its been such a pleasure to work with you. Do you a heck of a job whether or not you have a bum foot. Nobody realizes how overqualified you are. She has actually climbed kilimanjaro. We will miss you. I appreciate it. Coming up. A worldwide epidemic. Diabetes could leave the next generation at risk. And danger for sale. Well tell you how the multimillion dollar counterfeit industry could be funneling money to astackers. Attackers. Every monday night. I lived that character. Go one on one with americas movers and shakers. We will be able to see change. Gripping. Inspiring. Entertaining. No topic off limits. cause im like, dad, there are hookers in this house. Exclusive conversations you wont find anywhere else. These are very vivid, human stories. If you have an agenda with people, you sometimes dont see the truth. Talk to al jazeera. Monday, 6 00 eastern. Only on al Jazeera America. Al Jazeera America proud of telling your stories. Somebody to care about us man. Were live in ferguson, missouri. Brick by brick, i will open it. It will take more than a few rocks to stop me from doin what i have to do. Suddenly heroin seems to be everywhere. Theres no way i am willing to give up my family for a drug ever again. Getting to the heart of the matter. Proud to tell your stories. Al Jazeera America. Its World Health Day, and this years focus is on diabetes. Over the last 30 years, the number of die bettics has quadrupled. Its all because people eat too many high sugar foods and drink beverages with sugar and become overweight. Here in america, one out of three are expected to become diabetic. Tom ackerman has the details. Twice or more each month these women get together to chart their progress against a common enemy. Ive had diabetes in my familin myfamily for the last cf generations. My goal was not to get it. Showing all the signs of becoming diabetic. I was told by the doctor unless i changed it i would be diabetic in the next two years and the numbers kept increasing. Led by the ym ca operation, groups like this hope to cope with the challenge of pre diabetes. The goal to train the participants in exercise and diet and learn how to stick with those changes. It is work out and i know i can do this. I know i can make a change for life. For most patients, weight loss can be accomplished without drugs or surgery. Weve sloan that many of those patients actually were able to have partial or complete remissions after weight loss. Reporter the government has more than a Public Health interest in preventing diabetes which cost more than 245 billion in mem losses. Going to save the Health Care System and the u. S. A lot of money in the long run. Now the med care medicare sys begun to cover diabetes. So were good. You still have prediabetes big time. Tom ackerman, al jazeera, cumberland, maryland. The trillion dollar counterfeit industry, buying knockoff goods may be a cheap way to live. Diina demetrius slains. A midday raid, not for drugs or guns, but for fake be products. Were going to have a group come in from abercrombie and fitch to take it all. Buying knockoff designer labels may seem ineffective enough. We see this helmet, to me, is a wallpiece. Reporter these boxes are filled with hundreds of thousands of counterfeit items that have been seized. Knockoffs of gucci, louis vuitton. Then they head for the county incinerator. More than 80 of counterfeits come from china and hong kong, making the port of los angeles a major gateway for smuggled goods. Its an underground economy approaching 1 trillion worldwide. If you look at the local drug trade, triple it. Chris buckner works with Law Enforcement agencies. The number of counterfeit goods and the change platforms in which its being sold, social media, brick and mortar stores, its overwhelming. This is a crime for them worth doing. I was only 17. Lets put it like this when i was 21 years old, i low pressure crossed my 1 million. For 16 years sean says he made millions. He would smug luxury goods from china and made Health Visits to celebrities. I have people buying watches from me, i have people buying handbags for me, they know what they were buying. This underground economy runs so deep, buckinner says its a game of catch up. To avoid detention, we have had counterfeiters that we know of go and pull criminal Court Records so they could get information on how the cases were built. Sending money back home to properties back home what do you mean . Lets make it india, pakistan, you know like africa like all kind of place you know. Investigators say money from counterfeit products poses a major threat of funding terrorism. Hezbollah is a major player in the counterfeit goods schemes. They will sell the goods here in los angeles and smug that money back to lebanon. Were here serving a search warrant. The owner gives goout deputie name of his supplier. You how often are you able to ross cute . I would say 80 of the cases we prosecute. Were going back and forth. Its really going to take the consumer being educated and making the right choice. Dina demetrius, al jazeera, los angeles. If you have ever longed to go back to college and those dorm living days, have we got a story for you. Sharing space, shampoos, you name it. We can save species. Macaw are at risk of dissappearing in the wild. We are on the Tipping Point of an ecological disaster. Radiocarbon dating method can tell us if trade of ivory is legal. Gold, we have come at the price of human rights, pristine forests, and clean water. The future of fracking is about the water. How do you convince a Big Oil Company to use this . Al jazeera is always pushing the boundaries of reporting and techknow really falls into that perfectly. This is the biggest question out there. We always get perfect plants every time. This opens up whole new possibilities. We have 300,000 kids that are in collapse prone schools. Katrina was really a wake up call. We can design and engineer a system to not fight nature but kind of work alongside it. New orleans is on a good track towards sustainability but the job is not done here. Its a revolutionary approach to science reporting. This is some of the best driving ive ever done, even though i cant see. I really feel my life changing. This is the first time anybodys done this. Im walking you guys all i wanted to see was her walk, it was amazing. Probably the most profound moment was when i stood up. These were emotions i had been dreaming about for so long. Thank you. Techknow, proud to tell your stories on al Jazeera America. A new startup in l. A. Is offering a cheap space for as low as 35 a night. As ines ferre reports, shoalt, s are trying to take on one pod at a time. This may look like a youth hostel. But look again. Why is this vocabulary so important . Were trying to recreate the solo traveler experience. 31yearold elvina beck created pod share in los angeles three years ago. Nostalgic for College Dorm Room style. Friends tell me, you live in a pod . Yes, i live in a pod. There are pan cakes. Pancakes. Their names are written on their pods so its supereasy. Reporter hanging out in their personal pod with a memory Foam Mattress a light and streaming video. Where are you . Im in pod share hashtag Community Living. Becks motto is rent it dont own it. If you want something for yourself, put your name on it. Ohio native sarah said she had to come out of her shell after living here for three months. Not very private. I was forced to hang out and kind of get comfortable with everyone. What about little curtains . No. That is biggest nono at pod share other than pod sex. There is no curtains no privacy. It totally kills the whole dna of the space. Reporter you heard right, theres also no sex here. I totally understand the urge to want to hook up but this is a crazy excisionist. A night here costs 30 to 40 food included. Beck just raised 30,000 through crowd funding for a second place. Have you had to kick someone out . No. We have had a dinosaur list, out of 30,000 over the last three years, ten or 11 are on the dinosaur list. Its nostalgic, homey, comforting, to noes theres other people around me like im not alone. Beck says the average podestrian is stays three nights. Theres been a marriage a propose, even tattoos to remember the experience. People have chosen to put this icon on them. Sharing the experience as they go along. Ines ferre al jazeera. The boss told me not to comment. Elizabeth sullivan got to throw out the first pitch at the Texas Rangers home opener. She held her first postgame news conference. When asked if she was nervous, at 105 you dont get nervous anymore. 105, good for her some of us live that long. Thats it from this post, im del walters,. And im stephanie sy. Tune in starting at 7 00 a. M. Eastern. Thank you for watching, have a great day. Hello, youre watching the news hour live from doha. Coming up, the Syrian Army Launches a major offensive against rebels around aleppo as an upsurge in threaten threatens a fragile truce. Protests in bangladesh after another blogger is killed after

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