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Welcome to your world this morning. Im stephanie sy and im del walters. Al Jazeera America has now learned the f. B. I. Has completed its examination of Hillary Clintons server dating back to her secretary of state after nearly a year long investigation sources tell us investigators are close to a decision about whether or not to seek criminal charges against the president ial candidate. David shuster reports thank you. My goodness reporter while Hillary Clinton fights for the democratic president ial nomination, Law Enforcement sources tell al jazeera that federal investigation into her personal email system while she was secretary of state has reached a critical stage. I want to say a word of thanks to men and women of the f. B. I. Reporter led by director janes p james comy has finished examining her private emails and her home server. The sources add that the f. B. I. Team has been joined by Justice Department prosecutors. Together they are now examining the evidence analysing relevant laws and attempting to arrange interviews with key figures in the investigation. Those interviews according to attorneys will include former state department aids rinis, chief of staff mills and clinton herself. They expect comy to make his recommendation to make his kemgs about potential criminal charge charges. Thank you. Reporter the two and in public together last week for an unrelated matter. Whilst sources say they have discussed the clinton investigation, the only public acknowledgment has been comey confirmation that he is deeply involved in the case this is one im following very closely. Im confident we have the people and the resources to deal with it in the way which is promptly and professionally reporter officials report nearly 50 agents are assigned to the investigation. Last month the investigators secured the testimony in exchange from immunity from prosecution. He was the former state Department Staffer who set up her home server. Hillary clinton admitted that using her private email system was a mistake but she insist she did nothing illegal i did not send or receive any emails marked classified at the time. Reporter meanwhile, her Campaign Continues to focus on building up her nomination delegate count. In new york her latest andrea dion targets donald trump. When some say we can solve americas problems by building walls, banning people based on their religion and turning against each other, well, this is new york. We know better reporter clintons rival Bernie Sanders has won six of the last seven democratic contests. He keeps hammering the contrast between his campaign and the wealthy donors fuelling Hillary Clinton im not wasting my time going to rich peoples homes begging them for their Campaign Contributions. Reporter soon, though, the Campaign Themes and vat gees could be strategy could be over shadowed because now every sign the email investigation is heading towards a conclusion whether its her exoneration or her indictment despite the email controversy she is still leading in the race for democratic nomination ahead of Bernie Sanders in the delegate count. The next contest is on tuesday in wisconsin. Sanders does have a slight lead there. According to this poll 49 to clinton is 45 donald trump is reversing himself this morning after controversial comments he made about abortion in an interview saying women should be for punished forgetting an abortion. Do you believe in punishment for abortion . There has to be some yes. There has to be some form. What years . That i dont know he later issued a statement saying that abortion providers not women should be the ones that are punished. Candidates then jumping on donald trump for what he said. Clinton said ted cruz saying cruz now leading trump in the latest polls ahead of the primary there on tuesday, that University Law School Survey finding cruz topping trump by 30 to 40 . 40 for cruz, john kasich coming in third with 21 of the vote. Also virginias governor vetoing a law against the lgbt community. Parts of the bill were constitutional. It would ban the state to not punish certain sectors Security Issues will be front and center in washington. President obama is hosting 50 World Leaders at a summit to discuss how to keep Nuclear Weapons from falling into the wrong hands. As tension pz between washington and moscow grow, russian officials decline to attend. Al jazeeras National Security correspondent has more from the pentagon. Reporter as leaders from more than 50 countries arrive for the two day Nuclear Summit in washington, last weeks attacks in belgium are fresh on their minds. The ability to wield their explosives into the airport terminal underscores a horrific what if scenario. What if i. S. I. L. Had packed the explosives not with nails but with radiological material. Its that prospect that keeps arms control advocate up at night. That i. S. I. L. Or some other group could obtain radio active material to make a socalled dirty bomb. A conventional explosive that spreads invisible but terrifying radio active dust it is almost unbelievable that i. S. I. L. Wont try to do Something Like this. Reporter were here in vermont in the heart of washington dc just blocks from the white house. What would happen if someone setoff a radiological bomb right here . Depending on the wind and the size of the bomb, you would see a big cloud of smoke, the radio active material would start to drift with the wind. It would go down to the white house, kon at the time naturing the whi house, spreading um to the maul in the capital reporter it wouldnt kill a lot of people right away . Noone would be dead from the explosion unless you were right next to if. Its the poisonous material that would start adhering to the buildings, the side walks, you breathe in a speck of this, it increasing your risk getting cancer five to 10 years out reporter nobody would able to legislative and work here . Everybody would flee the area in a panic. People would flee the city, even though five or ten square blocks were contaminated and noone would come back here for risk of getting cancer. It would take years for crews to scrub the buildings and the side walks to get rid of rye active. Radio kift. Reporter last year belgium discovered hours of Surveillance Video at the home of a Senior Nuclear executive. Evidence of its desire to obtain Nuclear Material. It would be very dangerous an deeply troubling if i. S. I. L. Was able to get its hands on Nuclear Material or even a nuclear device. It does underscore why the president has made securing Nuclear Material around the globe a top priority this morning russia is warning of aaron a sim et particular response d a sim response up to 4500 troops to the region. They will rotate through countries like poland and others. Last month the pentagon announced plans to quadruple the budget. The aim is to counter russia in Eastern Europe they are promising more protests, people failed to charge two Police Officers with the shooting death of a young black man. The county Attorney Says there was strong evidence backing his decision. Reporter criminal charges are not warranted against either officers. Reporter mike free man made the decision more than four months after 24yearold was shot in the head. He said that as the officer approached clerk he had this thousand yard stair. Reporter in the Early Morning hours of novp 15 of last year, the Police Responded to a report that he assaulted his girlfriend. Police said he was also blocking paramedics from treating her. Officers also described him who had alcohol and traces of marijuana in his system, as acting erratically. On wednesday prosecutor free man sent more than 30 minutes laying out the evidence in the case. He also releed police video from the night of the shooting. Contrary to some witness reports he said that he was not handcuffed during the confrontation. Freeman says that d. N. A. Support claims that clerk refused to take his hands off the gun. He then took his handcuffs out but said me was not able to get them on clerk. In the ensuing struggle he dropped the cuffs. He repeatedly told his partner he has got my gun, he has got my gun. He recalled hearing him tell clerk to let go of the gun or he would shoot. He heard clerk say, im ready to die. Reporter however, the president of the local naacp chapter questions the prosecutors narrative his case isnt happening in a vacuum. It is a part of pattern of practice of discrimination and abusive behaviour that has been allowed to persist. It has been in a system where Police Officers are able to kill with immunity. Were not going to at all rate it any more. Reporter hundreds of people disappointed in the prosecutors decision turned out for a rally. The group is demanding that the Police Department reform. The death tipped off weeks of protests. Ahead of wednesdays decision, the chief of police urged for peace and calm. Were peaceful. Were nonviolent protesters. Thats how weve always been. Thats what weve always done. We let the city know that the blood is on their hands at the end of the day. We dont have control for what happened. Were going to be out there trying to maintain the peace, but at the end of the day its in gods hands the family of a south carl teenager killed by police have settled a law site for around 2 million dollars. Video shows him being shot at close range. Before the video was released, police claimed the 19 year old drove directly at the officer. The settlement doesnt admit fault on the part of the city, the police chief or the officer who shot him. The f. B. I. And s department of justice are conduct aing separate criminal organization. New jerseys Police Department is under federal over sight as the department undergoes reforms. The plan there calls for five years of monitoring a civilian over sight committee, new training and 150 new body cameras. The deal follows the Justice Department investigation which found that officers used Excessive Force, especially against a minority residents 61 prisoners will be free as part of the new sentencing laws. It is low level drug offenderers who are sevening long sentences. Serving long sentences by exercising these powers, i have the chance to show people what a Second Chance can look like reporter president pam continued exercising his power to pardon like few president s before him, commuting the sentences of 61 drug offenders. He has come uted 248 sentences more than the six president s combined. He said the punishments for drug offences increasingly havent fit the crime as all of you know, it has been a priority to bring about a more sensible, more effective approach to our criminal Justice System, particularly when it comes to drug crimes. Reporter more than a third of the 61 prirs the president has pan pardon end were servingings lifestyle sentences. Without the poeblt of parole for drug related crimes. The report estimated the total cost of taxpayers for those sentences to be over 1. 7 billion dollars. Thats not serving anybody. Its not serving taxpayers, not serving Public Safety reporter emphasizing treatment over incarceration for drug abuse has been a major point of emphasis for the president. He says he is getting support from both sides of the aisle. Im very grateful that speaker ryan and others have expressed an interest in starting to call these bills and saying that we can get them moving before this Congress Adjourns most of the prisoners will be set free by july 28 until these laws are reversed, until congress does act, how does the Justice Department change to accommodate what the president wants to do . They have encouraged prosecutors to curtail the use of harsh mandatory minimums and since 2014 theyve actively been searching for low level drug offenders who have been incarcerated for a long time, 10 years or more, who might deserve to be set free of course, none of these offenders that have than sentences come uted have done anything violent in their histories. This morning people in oklahoma will will be assessing the damage from severe storms that spawned at least one tornado. Seven people were injured. There is also major damage. Roof were ripped off area businesses. Trees and power lines are littering the streets this morning. That storm system has violent turbulence on a plane. Two Flight Attendants were injured. Reporter the drink cart goes up in mid air, flips upside down and its like i dont know how many hundreds pounds. It flips upside down in midair and drops on top of the maem Flight Attendant on the front side of the cart the flight was forced to land in arkansaw that storm system still a threat today. Lets turn to nicole mitch em. Reporter good morning. We have one act of Tornado Warning in louisiana. This has been an active system going back in time. All the different pings, Severe Weather reports. Blues. Were the hail reports most predominant. Red is six tiny torn. On weve mp that risk through louisiana this morning. Here is the broad system, though. You can see how widespread this is, just in terms of the moisture. Even outside of that Severe Weather risk there had been a little bit more moisture on the back side with the snow. Thats tapering off at least, but a wide area, anywhere from the great lake south ward with the rain. The heaviest rain is through the south. Places that we had already been saturated with flooding a couple of weeks ago. This is not helping. In will be widespread areas through the deep south getting about half footise lated places even higher than that as these bands coming through. The tornado watch is the yellows that go into the next few hours with that potential. Through the rest of the day, the areas in orange is the highest risk of the still predominantly more widespread hail, but we definitely have a tornado risk in all of this as this progresses into the day tomorrow. At least that minimises a little bit and improves to the weekend thats good news. Thank you when we come back, trapped beneath the rubble several people are killed and dozens more feared dead when an over pass collapsed in India Working nine to five, why labor reforms could spell the end of that 35hour work work in france. France. We are following a developing story coming out of eastern india this morning. Theres an over pass under construction. It has collapsed Officials Say at least ten people have been killed, but many more are feared to be trapped. The over pass is surrounded by high buildings it has been under construction now since 2009. Al jazeeras correspondent is there with the latest. Reporter the concern is that this has happened in a very busy area with commercial and residential complexes nearby. Theres also a metro station and a market in the surrounding areas. The construction area should have been cordoned off, but locals say there were no barricades. They often pass freely under the construction and vehicles were also parked under the bridge. Many people fear there are people trapped in those vehicles under the debris. Heavy machinery is needed for the search and rescue operation to lift heavy concrete and iron structures. They are on the way. The army, though, has arrived at the scene to help with the mission. There have been many questions about this bridge even before the accident. It has been in construction for over six years. The delays time and time again. The builders were under pressure to finish it off quickly. Politicians are taking advantage of the situation. The chief minister is there. She has stopped her campaigning to be at the scene of the accident, but politicians are pointing fingers at each other saying the blame game, saying its irresponsibility and corruption that is behind the accident leaders of libyas unity government are in tripoli this morning. The u. N. Backed president ial council formed last year travelled to the capital by sea after armed militias closed the airport. The group will establish a temporary government calling for an immediate transfer of power. The leader of the new government says he wants to work towards national reconciliation. Reporter with everyones support we will create a state with institutions and laws with the participation of all libyans, we will work for a ceasefire and the bloodshed across libya and unify all efforts to confront the dangers of i. S. I. L. Libya has been unstable since the 20 1 overthrow of gadafi. Since 204 it has had two competing administrations one in tripoli and the other in the eastern port city of tobru can be. A south African Court says the president violated the constitution by using state money to renovate his home. Zuma must pay back the amount within 45 days. A group estimated he used millions of dollars for person swimming pool, theater, parking garage and a cattle rank ranch in france some employers are pushing back against the 35 hour work week. They say increasing the hours will make the workplace for flexible and save jobs. Reporter theyre known for being ideal for getting out of tight corners and for being economical. In a squeezed market tens of thousands of these smart cars have been produced at this factory in france every year. When the workforce arrive on shift, they know they will finish slightly later than they used to. The 35hour working week at the factory has come to an end to try to increase productivity. Some extra hours are now being paid at a reduced rate. In return the company has promised to secure workers jobs until 2020. Translation right now in is a preventative move. We are the last small car producer. The market is competitive in terms of costs. Costs is a huge impact on the sale of the car. It was important to yous us. Reporter with 1800 jobs on the site, this is one of the biggest employers in the area. 15 minutes drive from here and youre in germany, europes economic power house. Some big french employers say that the 35 hour week hinders competitiveness and france needs to start acting like some of its european neighbors reporter the 35hour working week has been enshrined in french law since the year 2000. Brought in by a socialist government, it is now a socialist president who wants to amend it. Believing it will boost the economy. The proposals, though, have alarmed the unions who weemd significant wield significant power in france. The changes here divide Union Leaders but in the end most employees accepted them. Translation yes, its true it is a step backwards for workers rights. It is a sacrifice for four years, i didnt want to have the sward of damocles hanging over hour heads. There are sacrifices but in the end we got job security reporter the government wants to try to press ahead with reform. A gear change which is likely to be testing for all sides involved boeing in the u. S. May be about to cut thousands of jobs in Washington State. The Seattle Times reported the company could slash 10 of the workforce if costcutting measures are not met. It will start by letting 4,000 employees going in june. The largest private employer in Washington State access to the abortion reporter im in the larnlgtest important. A front line in the global effort to stop the transportation of potentially dangerous Nuclear Materials. R materials. Kel wom back to your world this morning. The f. B. I. Has finished itser long investigation into Hillary Clintons emails and private email server. Sources tell al jazeera that federal investigators are preparing to interview ms clinton and then will decide whether or not to seek criminal charges donald trump this morning back tracking from controversial comments he made about abortions in an interview he saying that women should be punished for abortion. He then issued a statement saying that abortion providers not the women should be punished dozens of leaders are in washington dor a Nuclear Summit. The absence of russia one of the Biggest Nuclear powers could dre tract from any decisions reached this week. I will get more into this with william toby, a senior fellow at the center for science and International Affairs joining us from washington. He will be attending the summit. Good morning and thank you for being with us. After the belgium attacks, there were reports that i. S. I. L. Had surveilled an employee at a Nuclear Plant there. They didnt get much further than that, but based on Security Nuclear facilities around the world, what are the chances that a group could get its hands on enough Nuclear Material to weaponise it . The chances of such an event are low, but they could still be lower and we need further work to ensure that all Nuclear Materials are secured to a very pie ery pie is that a vulnerable spot . Are there vulnerable spots in this country . There are still dozens of countries that have Nuclear Weapons or weaponsusable materials. Not all of those are locked up to a state where we would have complete confidence. There have been roughly 20 cases in which fissile material has been seized outside of authorized control. Several of those cases have been in this century, in 2003, 2006, 2010 and 2011. So, it remains an ongoing problem. Each of those cases is proofpositive of a security failure. The good news is that in none of those cases was there sufficient material to make a bomb. The bad news is that in most of those incidents, there was a claim that the material was a small sample of a larger amount that was available. How much is needed today make a dirty bomb . Well, so we are concerned about three types of nuclear terrorism. Nuclear detonation in which they would have to steal up a fullup weapon, the significant quantities used by the International Atomic Energy Agency are eight kilograms of plutonium and 25 kilograms of highly enriched uranium. But a second. Nuclear terrorism might involve creating a manmade fukushima at a Nuclear Power plant, for example, by sabotaging the systems safety features. Then the third was the one you referred to, which would be a dirty bomb. There, it would be radiological material which is spread quite widely throughout the world because its used for industrial and medical purposes. And, you know, relatively small quantity could be used to contaminate a wide area. I want to talk about a more conventional potential conflict. Just this morning, we are learning the u. S. Is planning to deploy troops. Putin isnt going to be happy of that. How much of what some are calling a renewed cold war is freezing cooperation between these two Nuclear Super powers, the u. S. And russia on Nuclear Security . It is a problem. The United States and russia Work Together quite closely from the end of the dissolution of the soviet union until quite recently. And their work was able to secure tons literally inside of russia but it spread to other countries where the United States and russia worked together to refuel reactors that once were powered by highlyenriched uranium with lowenriched uranium and to return the fresh and spent fuel to russia where it could be stored security. Unfortunately, because of the poor state of u. S. russian relations, much of the cooperation but not all of it has ceased. They continue to Work Together on reactor conversions, but there is virtually no cooperation on security within russia at this point. William toby with the bellford center for science and International Affairs, thanks for joining us this morning. Thank you. And on that topic, officials at europes businessiest ports are taking steps to try to make sure Nuclear Materials are not being smuggled on to the continent, itself self. Terrett becausely has that story. Reporter for 40 million tons of cargo pass through the port of rotterdam each year making it the largest in europe. With every shipping container and shipment of scrap metal comes the potential for dangerous, Nuclear Materials to be brought in or exported. These are sources, yeah, coming from all over the world. They are coming from abandoned hospitals and things like that. Sometimes, they ah ve contaminated the steel. For instance, tubing, pipes, and know that they have had one case where they had some small pipes that were contaminated with enriched uranium. Radiation sensors in the claw of each crane sound the alert if anything suspicious is found. Its then isolated and passed to government scientists. Containers are also checked as they are driven through the port. Around 150 shipments each year are found to have unusual levels of radiation. When suspicious Nuclear Materials found in the netherlands, its brought to this government lab. Samples are taken and analyzed to try to understand what it is and whether it poses a threat. Recent finds have included Nuclear Testing material from russia and from pakistan an an unused nuclear fuel pellet from germany. Frequently importers are unaware their cargo is contaminated and blame suppliers for not checking the safety of their materials. But Scientists Say they are only finding a fraction of the Nuclear Material being transported illegally and admit some of it could be much more dangerous. The materials which is discovered being out of regulatory controls are intercepted is most likely not all of the material which is around there. So what we see is the tip of the iceberg but we dont know how big the iceberg is. Experts say lowlevel Nuclear Material such as those most often found pose only a small threat to public health. En if they were used as part of a socalled dirty bomb of greater concern is weaponsgrade material. Terrorist organizations are acting upon opportunities that they have so thats why the Nuclear Security is so important you secure the first ill material that they dont have an easy opportunity to obtain the materi material. Reporter back at the port, the seemingly endless job of unloading scrap metal continues. Its here rather than at International Sum minutes that the hard work of stopping the transportation of potentially dangerous Nuclear Materials is being done. Terrek baseley at rotterdam in the netherlands. The f. D. A. Has relaxed guidelines for whats known as the Abortion Pill. Abortion rights group say the changes expand options for women. Antiabortion groups say the drug poses risks. Reporter the f. D. A. Says women can now take the Abortion Pill up to 70 days into pregnancy instead of the prior guideline of 49 days. The agency also lowered the dosage of the medication and made it easier for women to get a prescription for it. Abortion Rights Groups like the aclu say the label update will expand options early in pregnancy, particularly in states where access to medication abortion is under attack. Includes ohio, north dakota and texas, which has laws that require abortion providers to adhere, at least in part, to f. D. A. Approved labeling. We have a lot of girls down here desperate. There will be some girls commit suicide. There will be girls trying every considerable method to abort. It applies to mithoprex. Blocks project est roan, a key pregnancy hormone. A day after that, a woman takes a second drug which ex pels the pregnancy. Antiabortion activists say the f. D. A. Has restated that on rare occasions, the drugs can cause infection or death. Americans united for life says the new label affirms the deadly realities of chemical abortion and sundayscores the need for inperson patient examination and followup care. Like in any medication you take, if you are taking it without medical supervision, you dont really know what the side effect is, what the consequences. The f. D. A. Says more recent Scientific Data says it was time for an update. Many doctors have been diverg diverging, prescribing off label. The f. D. A. Says it has based their new guidelines on recent Scientific Data. The previous requirements had been in place since the year 2000. Is there a sense that this is going to request the cost for what are called medication abortions . Medical experts say it probably will because the medication is being reduced from 600 milligrams to 200 milligrams. And, also, because the guidelines are being easy it will probably be prescribed more often. Federal health Officials Say the mosquitos that can transmit the zika virus may live in a broader swath than previously thought. This is the new map of the range of the zikacarrying mosquitos pieces. It extends to the midwest and new york and connecticut but the c. D. C. Says that does not mean the mosquitos will cause the disease here two hiv patients who received a new kidney and liver are recovering after the countrys first organ transplant between hivin ed donors and recipients. Surgeons at Johns Hopkins performed two of the procedures earlier this month. In each case, the recipient has been hiv positive for more than 20s years. One got a kidney from a donor with hiv. The other received a liver from someone with the disease. We are in the process of teaching transplant Centers Across the country the protocols that we have put together, sharing with them, our experience and our Safety Measures and things that we have put in to place so that patients can have the opportunity for these hiv to hiv transplants across the United States. The medical team says a sixyear legal battle made the transplants possible. Until 2013, it was illegal for hiv patients to participate in organ transplants. Stephanie, this story is so big we needed an entire wall. There are plans in the works to change the grand canyon forever. Developers say they want to build a resort and a controversial tram down to the canyon floor. Jennifer london has more on the reaction to the proposal. Reporter leave it as it is, words made possible by Teddy Roosevelt when he dedicated the monument in 1908. It was later declared a national park, a World Heritage site, and is listed as one of the seven wonders of the world. The canyons powerful vistas attract 5 million visitors from around the world each year. The south rim is the main Tourist Center of the park. But now, eyes are turning to the east rim, seen here from the desert view lookout. If Developers Get their way, the view wont look like this anymore. Imagine a massive new commercial center perched appoint the top across the canyon. The scald escalade project would bring hotels, restaurants, an imax theatre, a tram to a pristine part of the canyon untouched by tourists. It belongs to the people of the Navajo Nation . The whole canyon for me is a representation of who i am, where i come from. Rene yellowhorse says when she first heard about the project, she thought it was a cruel joke. The escalade development, when i first heard about it, it was through our local newspaper drawing the tram to go down to the bottom. I looked at it in an open newspaper and i laughed. It was hilarious. Somebody is playing a joke. You didnt think it was real . I didnt think it was real. I thought it was like the onion news or something laughable. Why didnt you think it was real . Because, because its unfathomable to dig into the heart of side of the canyon, to put towers to go to an area where i pray. I laughed and i disbelieved and then, you know, the more i read, dont they know this is the heart of our Sacred Places . They say it will bring jobs an processing parity to an area in desperate need of economic rescue. Two past navajo president s have thrown their support behind the project. The current tribunal leadership wouldnt talk to al jazeera. On the projects website, you can hear testimonials from tribe members. I am 10 years old. I like the grand canyon escalade project because it means a better life. This project directly benefits our people and will bring people from all over the world to experience navajo culture. Opposition by many is fierce. They accuse developers of misleading promises. They came in, opened the door, came in, and said, we are going to do this. We are going to cram it down your throat whether you like it or not. You dont descrayed your most Sacred Places and then expect the people to be appreciative of that. You dont go to the cistine chapel and set up a ferris wheel and give 0. 08 on the dollar to the pope. We were hoping to speak with the developers about the controversy and the criticism that the escalade project that it will alter the beauty of the canyon and river but they declined to make themselves available while we were here. Your sister is not in. We did have a chance to talk with the park superintendent. The fundamental concern is that it degrades the overall experience. The views will be impaired by the development within sight of 30 of the park where thevuls n visitors come. The night sky willing jeopardized. There is no water in this place that they have designated for the development. How do you balance the need to protect Something Like the grand canyon but also develop it and make it accessible to people . How do you bal objection those things . Other than a few parking lots and a transportation system, this place is and you can look around. This place is what it was in the early 1900s. What they have seen for the last 85 to 100 years is what people will come to experience. Its whats behind us thats the most important. What has been caused by the developers in the escalade project was kind of an angle to say, i just want to get as many people down to the bottom of the canyon. It should not be built. Not because we say so, but because its our mother. Its the grand canyon. Jennifer london, the grand canyon, arizona. There was a campaign where an indian led the way against a bad idea. Hopefully they will lead the way on this as well. Turning to weather, flooding concerns for folks throughout the south today. Lets bring in Nicole Mitchell for more on that. Some treacherous roads this morning. He specially as we get into mississippi but through the south in general. Here is that system, so wi widespread from the great lakes through the south, seeing areas of rain. Back behind this, still a little bit of snow, but at least the blizzard warnings and everything we have seen the last couple of days has expired for the most part as all of this winds down. But definitely, the rain and the Severe Weather is the biggest risk with all of this now. So take a look at where this is heaviest in tennessee and the mississippi, moving in to alabama. Thats our biggest risk for stronger storms through the course of the day. But that moisture continues to hit most of the east coast either by later this afternoon or later this evening, depending upon exactly where you are. And here is how that shapes up. So we have widespread flood concerns, also, the tornado watches, that potential that goes for the next few hours, but it is going to be a good soaking rain. Even still, tomorrow, into the east coast because of of this system. So, its impacting about half of the country. Nicole, thanks. Yeah. You were this, del. Yes, unfortunately, i do . The death of beta max. After 40 years on the market, sony shipping out the last of the tapes that pioneer did the era of home video. Rush out and get yours now. Atlantaa is a scene pitting progre progress. A possible sale that could put one of the lasting pieces of the prewar at risk. Atlanta, a modern city with a rich architectural history dating back to the rebuilding after the civil war although its hard to tell. Nearly all of those preand post war structures are gone. Even a trace of them is impressive like this apartment complex whose white columns date back to before the civil war. Its for sale for reportedly around 3 million. Unbelievable colonade, colossal columns up on the hill. Margaret mitchell, the author of gogone with the wind mentis them in the novel. They were on another building called the lyden house when it was demolished in 1912, they were moved to this one. The columns are some of the very few things in atlanta that are antebellum that are architectural that have survived. They were on a house on peachtree street. Atlanta is not necessarily known for preserving its old classic homes and architecture. We are in a neighborhood now surrounded by these big structures and wonderful homes. This one actually didnt even exist here until recently. It was moved four miles. It was cut in half and put into this classic historic neighborhood so the preservation could continue. Amateur historian Raymond Keane said other southern cities have done a much better job of preserving the past. Atlanta has a different attitude. Its been a progressive town. Its been a mercantile town. Its been its been interested in profit, and. They are not up to date. They are expensive to maintain. They are not in the least bit modern or suitable for modern living. While atlantas hist is often hard to spot, it does still exist. Perched on a hill surrounded by magnolia trees awaiting a buyer. I would love to see it. If i had the money and i wasnt interested in making money, i would love to see it look like it does now in some way. I like how big and important it looks and how different it looks. Gone with the wind, the other structures may be but not the columns. Frankly, my dear, i dont give a damn. Representing the ol south but for how long . Robert ray, atlanta. Major League Baseball getting an upgrade, a deal with to out fit all 30 teams with ipads, equipped with a dugout app that will delivers scouting information a information. On the lowtech, the beta max tape, you could call it a video dinosaur but now its going extinct. From tokyo. Reporter now you see it. Soon, you wont, beta max, one of technologys greatest losers. 40 years ago when video cassette recorders were new and the industry was looking for a standard tape size, the beta mad made the early runnings supported by the japanese government. Along comes the upstart, vhs, produced by all of sonys rivals. The vhs catches on, and the rest is history at least to most young people, the vhs is still recognizable. They have seen it on the shelves of their parents or even grandparents. But the beta what . Ahhh . Sonny made its last beta max machine in 2002 it. In 2 on 13, it stopped making the tape. It marks the death of a format that held ever so briefly the promise of a golden video age. Now relegated to the museum and to the memory of people old enough to remember such a thing ever existed. Rob mcbride from tokyo. 12 companies manufactured it, 40 Companies Made vhs. Sony gave in, in 1988 when it, too, began producing vhr recorders which are totally obsolete as well. Ahead in our next hour, donald trump walking back his comments about abortion punishment. We will look at whether that remark will slow the republican frontrunners momentum. President obama commuting the sentences for dozens of prisoners. Deeper into what the president s move in reforming sentencing laws. Del and i are back in two minutes with more of your world this morning. Proud to tell your stories. Of desperate journeys. A global crisis. It was a disaster in the making. The camp is overcongested. There is no humanity in this world. Its not fair, im very sad, nobody cares for me. This disaster is booming Business Time for criminal gangs. I want to tell the world, stop the war. On the front lines here at home. People manage to get across this border one way or another. Members of the u. S. House and the u. S. Senate have recklessly disregarded protecting these borders. To see this many people that have perished trying to make it. All of these people shouldnt be dead. These are people that are coming in that we really dont know a lot about. Were afraid. I think its important that we dont play into the hands of these terrorist organizations because thats the tactics they use. The hopes, dreams and realities. For hundreds of refugee families, this represents a new start. Philadelphia grew in the first time for 60 years, because of the immigrant communities. They are welcome. It is a safe place. If i become a good engineer, i can really contribute to the host community. I miss my country but its safer here. My parents came here to the u. S. For a better life, but people say i dont belong here. Im an american too. Al Jazeera America proud to tell your stories. World leaders converge on washington today with a goal of keeping Nuclear Weapons out of the hands of groups like isil. Clintons emails, the f. B. I. Cross to wrapping up its investigation and making a decision on whether to file criminal charges. There has to be some form of punishment. For the woman . Yeah. Strufrpz reversal. The republican frontrunner quickly changing course after saying women who get abortions should be punished. A tornado touching down in tulsa, oklahoma. The storm system that sparked that Severe Weather not over yet. Dozens of World Leaders are in the u. S. To try to figure out how to keep groups like isil on how to get their hands on Nuclear Material. Noticeably ab cent, russia. I am stephanie cy. I am del walters. This will be president obamas fourth and final Nuclear Security summit making progress getting dozens of countries to safeguard their stock piles. Much of the worlds plutonium and enriched uranium isville nerable to theft. Jamie mcintire begins our coverage from the pentagon. Reporter as leaders from more than 50 countries arrive for the twoday Nuclear Summit in washington, last weeks attacks in belgium are from to their minds. The ability of bombers to wield their explosives into the airport terminal brings a whatif scenario. What if they had packed them not with nails but with radiological material . Its that prospect that keeps arms control advocate joe sirinso in. I up at night, that isil or some group could obtain Radioactive Material to make a socalled dirty bomb, a conventional explosive that spreads irterrifying radioactive dust. Its almost unbelievable that isis wont try to do Something Like this. So we are here at vermont and elm street in the heart of washington, d. C. Blocks from the white house. What would happen if someone set off a raid logic bomb right here . Depending upon the wind and the size of the bomb, you would see a big cloud of smoke go up. The Radioactive Material would start to drift with the wind. It would go down to the white house just a few blocks away, contaminating the white house. It might spread up the mall to the capitol. But it wouldnt kill a lot of people right away. No one would be dead from the explosion unless you were right next to it. Its the poisonous material, the highly Radioactive Material that would start adhering to the buildings, adhering to the sidewalks. You breathe in a speck of this, it increases your risk of getting cancer five years out, 10 years out. Thats the risk. No one would be able to live or work here for years . Everybody would flee the area in a panic. In fact, people would flee the city even though maybe only five or 10 square blocks would be contaminated. No one would come back here for risk of getting cancer. It would take years for crews to scrub the buildings, to scrub the sidewalks, to get rid of the root activity. Last year, Belgian Police discovered isil operatives recorded hours of Surveillance Video at the home of a Senior Nuclear executive. Evidence some say of its desire to obtain Nuclear Material. It would be very dangerous and deeply troubling if isil was able to get its hands on Nuclear Material or even a nuclear device. And it does underscore why the president has made securing Nuclear Material around globe a top priority. Jamie mcintire, al jazeera, the pentagon. Also this morning, al Jazeera America has learned the f. B. I. Has now completed its examination of Hillary Clintons email server. Server dating back to her time as secretary of state after a nearly yearlong investigation, sources telling us if he had really investigators are close to a decision will they will seek criminal charges. David shuster reports. Thank you. My goodness. Wow. While Hillary Clinton fights for the democratic president ial nomination, Law Enforcement sources tell al jazeera that federal investigation into her personal email system while she was secretary of state has reached a critical stage. I want to say a word of thanks to the men and women of the f. B. I. The f. B. I. Led by director james comey has finished examining clintons private emails and home server. The sources add comeys team has been joined by Justice Department prosecutors. Together, they are examining the evidence analyzing relevant laws and attempting to arrange interviews with key figures in the investigation. Those interviews, according to attorneys, will include former state Department Aides rinus, cheryl mills and clinton, herself. Soon after those interviews, in the next few days and weeks, officials expect director comey to make his recommendation to attorney general lorret at that lynch about potential criminal charges. Mr. Director . Thank you, attorney general levera lynch. The two and in public last week for an unrelated matter. While sources say they have discussed the clinton investigation, the only public acknowledgement has been comeys confirmation to congress that he is deeply involved in the case. This is one i am following very closely and get briefed on regularly. I am confident we have the people and the resources to do it in the way i believe we do all of our work, which is promptly, professionally, independently. As part of that effort, fbi officials report nearly 50 agents are assigned to the clinton investigation. Last month, investigators secured the cooperation and testimony of it brian taglianot reportedly in exchange for immunity of prosecution. He set up clintons home server. Clinton has admitted that using her private email system was a mistake, but she insists she did nothing illegal. I did not send or receive any emails marked classified at the time. Meanwhile, clintons Campaign Continues to focus on building up her nomination delegate count. In new york, her latest ad targets republican donald trump. When some say we can solve americas problems by building walls, banning people based upon their religion and turning against each other, well, this is new york. And we know better. Clintons rival, Bernie Sanders has won six of the last seven democratic contests. He keeps hammering the contrasts between his populistfunded campaign and the wealthy donors fueling clinton. I am not wasting my time going to rich peoples homes, begging them for their Campaign Contributions [applause. ] reporter soon, the campayable themes and strategies could be overshadowed because there is now every sign clinton email investigation is quickly headed towards a conclusion whether its her exxonration or indictment. David shuster, al jazeera. And that email controversy not affecting her lead in the race for the overall nomination on the democratic side. She still leads Bernie Sanders in the delegate count. The next contest tuesday in wisconsin, Sanders Holding a slight lead there according to a Market University poll. 49 to clintons 45 . Donald trump quickly reversing himself after making comments about abortion even republicans are criticizing during an interview with msmbcs Chris Matthews, trump said this. Do you believe do you believe in punishment for abortion . Yes or no as a principal. The answer is that there has to be some form of punishment . For the woman . Yeah. 10 years . What . That, i dont know. Trump later issued a statement saying that abortion providers, not women, should be the ones finance punished. Fellow president ial candidates said, just when you thought it couldnt get worse. Horrific and telling. Bernie sanders also weighed in. To punish a woman for having an abortion is beyond comprehension. I just, you know, one would say what is in Donald Trumps mind except we are tired of saying that. I dont know what world this person lives in. Republican rival ted cruz said in his statement, once again donald trump has demonstrated he hasnt seriously thought through the issues, and he will say anything just to get a tension. Meanwhile, cruz leads trump in the latest poll out of wisconsin ahead of tuesdays primary, the market University Law School Survey finds cruz on top by 10 points, 40 to 30 there. John case i can third with 21 of the vote. Virginias governor has vetoed a law he says would allow discrimination against the lgbt community. Terry mcauliffe said parts were unconstitutional. It would have banned the state for punishing Services Related to gay marriage. It said it would have protected freedom of religious expression. Russia is warning to an as asimmettric response, announcing sending 4500 troops to that region. As tom ackerman reports, the aim is to counter russian adepression in Eastern Europe. What it could stit duties is basically the first constant deployment, permanent deployment of american Ground Forces along or near the russian frontier since the end of the cold war. The Russian Ambassador to nato responded immediately. He said that this that that would not be a passive observer to this. Russia has long contended that this kind of a deployment is a violation of the 1997 treaty between russia and nato when it expanded its membership. But he said that russia would choose to respond asymmetrically. Its not clear what that means but any attempt by nato to add ukraine and georgia to its membership would be met with very severe sequences from russia. That is al jazeeras tom ackerman reporting from washington as part of the plan, the army also says, it plans to replace and upgrade its equipment in europe. Promises of more protests. People in minneapolis say they will keep demonstrating after two Police Officers were not charged in a shooting death of a young black man. Al jazeera reports that the county Attorney Says there was strong evidence to back the decision. Crem charges are not warranted against either officer. Mike freeman made the decision more than four months after 24yearold jamar clarke was shot in the head during a scuffle Police Officers. Schwarze said as the officer approached clark, he, clarke, had, quote, this thousandyard stare, end quote. In the Early Morning hours of november 15th of last year, minneapolis Police Responded to a report that clarke assaulted his girlfriend. Police said he was also blocking paramedics from treating her. Officers also described clarke who had alcohol and traces of marijuana in his system as acting erratically. On wednesday, prosecutor freeman spent more than 30 minutes laying out the evidence in the case. He also released witness and police video from the night of the shooting. Contrary to some witness reports, freeman says the investigation found that clarke was not handcuffed during the confrontation and freeman says that dna evidence supports claims that clarke refused to take his hands off of rigenbergs gun. Schwarze took his handcuffs out but said he was not able to get them on clarke. In the ensuing strufl, he dropped the cuffs. Rigenber told his partner, hes got my gun. Hes got my gun. Rigenber recalled hearing schwarze to let go of the gun or he would shoot. He heard clarke say, quote, i am ready to die. However, the president of the local nnaacp. Its not happen nag vacuum. Its part of a pattern and practice of discrimination and abusive behavior thats been allowed to persist. Its part of a pattern in which officers have been allowed to kill with impunity. We stand and say we are not going to tolerate it anymore. Reporter hundreds of people disappointed in the prosecute ors decision turned out for a rally. Clarkes death tipped off weeks of protests ahead of wednesdays decision, the chief of police urged for peace and calm. We are peaceful. You know, nonviolent protesters. Thats how we have always been, what we have demonstrated, what we have always called for. But we let the city know that, you know, the blood is on their hands at the ends of the day. We dont have control for what happened. We are going to be out there trying to maintain the peace. But, you know, at the ends of the day, its. Gods hands . Bisi olniery, messengers. The parents of a teenager killed by the police has settle did for more than 2 million. It shows lieutenant til er examining him at close range before the video was released, police claimed the 19yearold drove directly at the officer. It doesnt admit fault on the part of the city, the police chief or the officer. The f. B. I. And u. S. Department of justice are still conducting a criminal investigation. This morning, people in oklahoma will be assessing the damage from severe thunderstorms that spawned at least one tornado. Seven people were injured in and around tulsa. There is also major damage, as you can see. Roofs were ripped off of businesses. Trees and power lines littered the streets. Storm system also causing violence turbulence on a plane flying through oklahoma. Two Flight Attendants were injured. The drink cart goes up in midair, flips upsidedown. This is like i dont know how many hundred pounds with all of the beverages, flips upsidedown in midair and then drops on top of the male Flight Attendant on the front side of the cart. That flight was on its way to tennessee. It was forced to land, instead, in arkansas. A scary day for those passengers. Storm city system remains a threat today. Lets bring in nicole. Is it going to get better . I think after a flight like that, they should be at least giving you free drinks at the very least. Or an aisle seat. As we head out, what we are looking at today, we could have more of that. Here different storm reports from yesterday. We had over 70. A lot of that with hail. Those are the blue picks you see out there. The red, definitely a couple of toranados, being half a dozen reported as well. Where all of this is now, wide mo moisture, anywhere from the great lakes southward, still moisture lingering behind. Most of the snow is tapering off. A few places could get snowflakes through the end of the today. This is where the heaviest rain is, from tennessee, through mississippi, moving in to alabama. Thats also where we have the biggest flood concerns. But we also, the area in yellow, thats the tornado watch. Means the potential is there. Not looking at anything imminent right now but through 9 00 a. M. This morning. I wouldnt be surprised if we see more of those types of watches go through later in the day when we get in the heat of everything. And once again today, hail will be the primary threat. But definitely i wouldnt be surprised at all if we see a few more toranados just like we did yesterday. We are like mississippi, not only the flooding rain but large hail possible and tornados through a couple of states definitely under all of those risks. By tomorrow, shifts more to the coastline, the risk starts to abate a little bit so there is slight improvement as we get toward the weekend. By the weekend, a lot of this is cleared out, quiet skies but it takes a couple of days to get there. Remember when there used to be breaks in Severe Weather. Seems to be back to back. Yeah. Nicole, thank you very much. Commuting prison sentences, president obama shortens the time for dozens of corrected drug offenders. It falls short of the thousands. Is it enough to reform sentencing laws. The ant arctic at risk. The ice is melting at an alarming rate. 61 prisoners will soon be free as part of president obamas push to change drug laws. John henry smith reports. By exercising these president ial powers, i had the chance to show people what a Second Chance can look like. President obama commuted the prison senses of 61 drug offenders. The white house says he has commuted 248 sentences, more than the previous six president s combined much at lunch with seven former prisoners, obama said the punishments for drug offensives havent fit the crime. As all of you know, it has been one of my Top Priorities for us to bring about a more sensible, more effective approach to our criminal Justice System t particularly when it comes to drug crimes. More than a third of the 61 prisoners president obama has pardonond were serving life sentences. A 2013 report by the aclu showed more than 3200 people nationwide were serving life sentences without the possibility of parole for nonviolent, often drugrelated crimes. The report estimated the total cost to taxpayers for those sentences to be over 17,000,000,000. Not serving anybody. Its not serving taxpayers. Its not serving Public Safety. Emphasizing treatment over incarceration for drug abuse has been a defendant major point of emphasis for the president. He says he is getting support from both sides of the aisle. I am very grateful that speaker ryan and others have expressed an interest in starting to call these bills and seeing if we can get them moving before this Congress Adjourns. Most of the prisoners will be set free by july 28th. Molly gill joins us, the director of federal legislators with families against mandatory min muslim. Thanks for your time. The number of inmates that have had their sentences commuted is in the low hundreds. When obama announced his goals, it was estimated about 10,000 prisoners might benefit. Why have only a few 00 sentences been commuted . Well, the review process is lengthy, difficult, and complicated to get through. It is the bureaucratic. The applications go in and a reviewed multiple offices before they reach the president s deposition as well as the president s team of lawyers. There are some who would say that process has been too burdensom. Historically it has been a defendant burdensome process and has limited communations president s have been able to grant. Obamas term. He said he issued more communetations than the previous six president s. Is there anything he can do to expedite the cases or is there this huge backlog and there wont be much a difference the Obama Administration can make in the next six months . I think their goal sounds like to do as much as thing. There is a backlog. There are about 9,000 petitions, according to an article in the Washington Post today that are still awaiting review. Obviously, i dont think he is going to be able to get to all 9,000 of those, which is a shame because a lot of people are waiting for clemency. But i think it is his stated goal to do more. I think there is a mechanism in place where they are trying to get cases to end as fast as they can. Has obama set a precedent with this . What do these communetations mean for sentencing and criminal Justice Reform more broad lee . He has set a precedent. I think he is using every power he has available to get the message to congress that they need to pass criminal justice and sentencing reform legislation as soon as possible. He has done what he can do using the constitutional pardon, power, you know, the sentencing commission, which writes federal sentencing guidelines to reduce sentences. It is congress who is missing in action here they are the last body that needs to pass legislation because pom can grant as many communetations as he likes but he cant change laws. Until these laws change, we will see more of these crazy drug sentences in the future. So is the most recent communetations, dozens of peout what happens to them on july 28th . How do they Reenter Society . I think the delayed reentry date is to help them transition into society. You know, the Obama Administration has been trying to do this in a responsible way. They are very concerned about reentry and reoffending, so that period of time, that lag time, is time that the offender will spend in a Halfway House getting help to transition back into the community. None of these people are just going to be dumped on street corners. All of these people, also, will have a lengthy period of supervision under a probation officer after they are released. Sometimes for up to five, even seven or eight years. Molly gill, thank you so much for joining us. Thank you for having me. Stephanie, newark, in general, new jersey with 150 nw body cameras following a Justice Department investigation that found officers used Excessive Force especially against minority residents. A reversal from donald trump. The candidate does a 180 saying women who have abortions should be punished. The latest political fallout to a contentious fallout season. The plan to Development Part of the grand canyon. Some say it would permanently damage a national treasurer. Welcome back to your world this morning. Taking a look at todays top stories. President obama is hosting dozens of World Leaders in washington for a Nuclear Security summit. At the top of the agenda how to keep groups like isil from getting their hands on Radioactive Material. The absence of russia, one of the biggest atomic powers, could detract from any decisions reached this week. The f. B. I. Finishing its year long investigation into Hillary Clintons emails and her private home server soshingsz telling al Jazeera America that federal investigators are preparing to interview clinton and will decide whether or not to seek any criminal charges. Donald trump is backtrack from controversial comments he made on abortion in an interview last night, the republican president ial front runner said women should be punished for getting an abortion. He later issued a statement say that abortion providers not, not women, should be the ones punished. On that note, lets bring in jeanie at new york university. She is always with us on all things politics. We have to begin with that firestorm of controversy on what wom donald said about women who get a boringsz, the women should be punished. Do you believe in punishment for abortion, yes or no as a principle . The answer is there has to be some form of punishment . For the woman . Yeah. 10 years . That, i dont know. Why not . So jeanie, he walked it back but has the been done . The damage has been done. With donald trump, you never know what the outcome of that is going to be, but here is somebody who clearly has most of his life been prochoice and of late, has become prolife. It is clear based upon that interview with Chris Matthews that he is not wellversed in what it means to be prolife in the United States and thats why he struggled so much with that question and thats why he flubbed that answer in the way he did. Its not just a flub. Its dates dangerous that women should be held accountable in a legal sense for having an abortion, not just the providers, and this is something that not even prolife people make that case. It was absolutely astounding. He has been on both sides of the contros jersey. Aone in three women at some point will need an abortion or decide to have an abortion. When you talk about women support for donald trump, its interesting because when you look back at the primaries, women have supported trump more than the other candidates is this a huge victory for democrats . It is. We have seen republicans have been struggling with the female vote for years. And a candidate like donald trump starting with his comments about meghan kelly and Rosie Odonnell until last night. This is beyond the pale . This is something as del mentioned, not even prolife people make this kind of case. It is so over the top. Hes trying to walk it back. Its going to be very difficult for him to explain this away or say he was misunderstood or misinterpreted or somehow Chris Matthews had, you know, given him a gotcha question. Big name sponsors are talking about pulling out of the g. O. P. Convention and todays headline in Washington Post pump would be the least popular Major Party Nominee in modern times. The gotcha has to be very concerned because there is talk that they are worried about losing the house, not just the senate. But the house. Yeah. I mean the down ballotrations are what matter to them now because if its either trump, cruz on the top of this ticket, it ticket, its unlikely mathmatically the republicans can win. They have got to try to keep the senate. Never in our wildest dreams with the amount of leeway they have in the house did we imagine that the house could be up for grabs but if republicans stay home or if they vote democratic, they could potentially lose the house. I dont think they will, but they could and republicans have to be worried. As you mentioned, the most unpopular potential nominee at the top of the ticket in modern history. Women say they wont vote for donald trump. Thats the largest voting bloc in the party. Of course, now, we are looking at the latest polls out of wisconsin which show him 10 points behind ted cruz. I was going to say, its a huge problem for him . Mathematically, even if trump doesnt get the nomination outright, its still hard to imagine from a math standpoint how ted cruz will get ahead before the convention, but he is leading in wisconsin. So what are these latest comments for the race generally and the possibility of a brokered convention . I think it makes it more likely we get to a brokered convention quite frankly because if these comments stick to donald trump thats a big if. We thought things would stick before that did not. If these do stick to donald trump, et cetera going to have a tough time in wisconsin. He is leading by huge numbers in new york, which is april 19th, but that could dwindle and that makes it more likely that nobody gets it. If this is taken away from him, will he run as an independent . Nobody now sticking to that. Yeah, nobody is sticking to their pledges. I do not think he will run as an independent. I mean i shouldnt say that. I dont know what he will do. I dont think he should run as an independent because just as in the case of mike bloomberg, that is suicidal politically because there is no chance we elect an independent. If he has said is not political suicide, i dont know what is. So true. Thank you. The pentagon plans to transfer about a dozen inmates of the guantguantanamo military pris 2 at least two countries. The first of the transfers are expected in the next few days. The others are in come can weeks. Transfers are part of president ial obamas push to close gitmo. There are 91 prisoners there were. Most have been held without charge or trial for more than a decade. Leaders of the unity government, the United Statesbacked president ial council arriving by boat because armed militia closed the airport. They will call for the immediate transfer of power. Its leader said he wants to work toward national reconciliation. Libya has been unstable since the 2011 overthrow of mumar gaddaff gadaffi. Hunting an isil cell they believe is active in the city. Experts say the domestic threat inside turkey is evolve with syrian and kurdish groups changing their tactics. A report from istanbul. Reporter istanbul is hardly a city under lockdown. 11 days after a suicide bombing that killed four people on this iconic shopping street, its bustling once more. It is a city on edge with repeated warnings of a plot being prepared by an isil cell targeting nonmuslims. There is a new wave of terror. Former attacks were about creating a shock. Life will return to normal afterwards but in this new generation, we see waves of terror. Both isil and the pkk want to lockdown life. Israel told nationals to leave turkey as soon as possible. Has been a defendant plot targeting the jewish community. The senior government source tells us that there is no specific threat against any one religious community a particularly focus on nonmuslim ones. Turkey isnt just battling isil. 38 people were killed in a suicidetacking in ankara claimed by a group with links to the Kurdistan Workers Party or pkk. Since peace talks ended last year, the government has been waging a deadly war of astetricians against pkk fighters in the southeast. Thats unsettled the u. S. Where they fight isil. Turkeys president erduan has arrived in the u. S. For a Nuclear Security simmit. There is talk of more cooperation between the alleys in cracking down on isil along the turkey syria border. But they are making a statement about the level of insecurity in Southern Turkey instructing family members of military personnel to leave this nato country. Turksey a good pool for isil, personnel, logistics, under the protection of nato, away from the russian threat. As it comes under more pressure in syria and iraq, it will move parts of its training and operational activities totie. They could try to create cells here and export them to the world. Turkish Security Forces are doing what they can to head off the next attack. The people here talk about attack in terms of when, not if. Harry fawcett, al jazeera, istanbul. Colombia will begin peace talks with the countrys second largest liberal group. They recently freed two hostages as a condition to beginning the talks. Colombia has been negotiating for years with the largest rebel group. It is trying to end half a century of Political Violence that killed an estimated 200,000 people. Stefanie, this next story is so big we needed the entire wall to tell the story. There are plans in the works to change the grand canyon forever. Developers you see want to build a resort and a controversial tram that would go all the way down the canyon floor. Access has for on a controversial proposal. Reporter leave it as it is. Words made famous by president Teddy Roosevelt when he designated the grand canyon a National Monument in 1908. It was later declared a national park, a World Heritage site, and is listed as one of the 7 wonders of the world. The canyons powerful vistas attract 5 million visitors from around the world each year. The south rim is the main Tourist Center of the park. Now, eyes are turning to the east rim, seen here from the desert view lookout. If Developers Get their way, the view wont look like this anymore. Imagine a massive new commercial center perched atop the point across the canyon. The scald escalade project would bring hotels, restaurants, an you imax theatre, shops and a tram to a pristine part of the canyon untouched by tourists. The land belongs to the people of the Navajo Nation. The whole canyon, for me, is a representation of who i am, where i come from. Rene yellow horse, a member of the Navajo Nation first heard about it, she thought it was a cruel joke. The escalade development. When i first heard about it was through our local newspaper. Drawing the tram to go down to the bottom. I looked at it in the open newspaper and i laughed. It was hilarious. Somebody is playing a joke. You didnt think it was real . I didnt think it was real. Why didnt you think it was real . Unfathomable to dig into the heart of the side of the canyon, to put in towers, to develop an area where i go to pray. I laughed and i disbelieved and, you know, the more i read, i got angry. Dont they know this is the heart of our Sacred Places . The developers, Confluence Partners say the escalade project will bring jobs and processing parity to an area in desperate need of economic rescue. Two past najavo president s have thrown their support behind the project but the current leadership wouldnt talk to al jazeera. On the projects website, you can hear testimonials from tribe members . I am 10 years old. I like the grand canyon escalade project because it means a better life. This project directing benefits our people and will bring people from all over the world to experience navajo culture. But opposition is fierce. They accuse developers of misleading promises . They came in, opened the door, came in and said, we are going to do this. We are going to cram it down your throat whether you like it or not. You dont desecrate your most Sacred Places and then expect the people to be appreciative of that. You dont go to the cistene chapel and set up a ferris wheel and only give 0. 08 on the dollar to the pope. We were hoping to speak with the developers about the controversy and the criticism that the escalade project will forever alter the Natural Beauty of the canyon and the river but they declined to make themselves available while we were here. Your sisters not in . We did have a chance to talk with the parks superintendent, dave ubaraga. The fundamental concern is that it degrades the overall experience. The views will be impaired by the development within sight of 30 of the park where the visitors come. The night sky will be jeopardized. There is no water in this place that they have designated for the development. How do you balance the need to protect Something Like the grand canyon but, also, with the need to develop it and make it accessible to people . How do you balance those two things . Other than a few parking lots and a transportation system, this place is and you can look around. This place is what it was in the early 19 hundreds. So what they have seen for the last 85 to 100 years, thats what people will come to experience. Its whats behind us thats the most important. The timeline for the escalade project is unclear. One of the biggest points of contention is the proposed tram. The canyon floor is sacred to native tribes and special to visitors because its so remote and isolated. If you want to journey to the floor of the canyon, you only have a couple of options. You can go by human. Takes about four to five hours. Or you could hike down. Takes about a day one way. The proposed tram would shuttle 10,000 People Per Day from the rim to the river in a matter of minutes. Not everybody can go to the t of Mount Everest or to the bottom of the grand canyon. Not everybody is going to go to those places. We try to provide a full spectrum and what is proposed by the developers in the escalade project was kind of an angle to say, well, i just want to get as many people down to the bottom of the canyon. It should not be built. Not because we say so but because its our mother. Its the grand canyon. Jennifer london, al jazeera, the grand canyon, arizona. Just when you think there are certain things that are just untouchable. Right. Debate over development in the grand kwcanyon. A parking lot. There are flooding concerns for folks throughout the south. Nicole . Heavy rain. If you remember portions of the deep south a couple of weeks back got some of the rain. We are not entirely dried out from that. This is the next band, part of the same system that left the snow in the rockics, a little bit of snow as we head westward today. The heavy stuff has wound down. The rain definitely will not be tapering off anytime soon. Marching eastwardlated tonight for a lot of the east coast and through the day tomorrow is when that moves in. The heaviest portion has been on the southern end. Thats why we had so many different flood concerns up because some places have already logged about five or six inches, about a half foot. A couple of more inches definitely through this morning and then the front could stall out in this area. It could give us a couple of days of rain. The areas in red in mississippi, thats where we have the warning and roads that are impassable at this time. Then, the tornado area. Thats the watch. The potential exists. We will have to watch that for the next few hours and chances lou the rest of the day. Moisture, as i said starts to spread eastward. Thats how that looks. Starting to get to the east coast by later tonight. Into the day friday is a rainy day. It starts to clear out a little bit more on saturday. After that, its a quieter weekend. Is one bright spot in all of this. In the meantime, high temperatures have been warm. Sports the Severe Weather. If you are up and down the east coast today, a lot of 70 did. My lawn is in need of cutting. Nicole mitchell. Thank you very much. Sea levels could rise by more than six feet by the end of the century according to a news study in the journal nate it found Greenhouse Gas emissions are most likely to blame for rapidly melting claysiers. Its melting faster than previously believed. When we come back, we will talk about access to the Abortion Pill. The f. D. A. Eases restrictions to allow more women to take the controversial drug. Say it aint so, the death of the beta max, after 40 years on the market. What will i do . Sony shipping out the last of the tapes that pioneer the era of home video. Federal health Officials Saying the mosquitos that can transmit zika live in a broader swath than what was thought. It extends into parts of the midwest and as far north as parts of new york and connecticut but the c. D. C. Saying it does not mean that the mosquitos will cause the disease where you saw on the map. The f. D. A. Relaxed guidelines for the Abortion Pill tlouing women to take it further into their pregnancy. They say it expand options for women but antiabortion groups say it causes serious risks. Reporter the f. D. A. Says women can take the Abortion Pill up to 70 days into pregnancy instead of the prior guideline of 49 days. The agency also lowered the dosage of the medication and made it easier for women to get a prescription for it. A abortion Rights Groups like the aclu say the label update will expand option early in pregnancy, particularly in states where access to medication abortion is under attack. Includes ohio, north dakota and texas, which has laws that require abortion providers to adhere at least in part to f. D. A. Approved labeling. We have a lot of girls down here desperate. There will be some girls commit s suicide. There will be girls trying every conceivable method to abort. The label change applies to mithaprestrone that blocks project est roan a key pregnancy hormone. The day after, a second drug which ex pels the pregnancy. Antiabortion activists say the f. D. A. Has restated that in rare occasions, the drugs can cause infection or death. Americans united for life says the new label affirms the dead lee realities of chemical abortion and sdayscores the need for inperson patient examination and followup care. Like in any medication you take, if you are taking it without medical supervision, you dont know what the sequences are. The f. D. A. Says more recent Scientific Data said it was time for an you update. Many have diverged from the protocol, a practice known as prescribing off label. The f. D. A. Says it has based their new guidelines on recent Scientific Data. The previous requirements had been in place since 2000. With these more relaxed guidelines, do doctors expect this method of abortion to increase . Especially in states like ohio and texas where doctors have to follow the f. D. A. Guidelines for this drug. Also, this medication is expected to be reduced. Res. Thank you very much. Thank you. This morning, two hiv patients who received a new kidney and liver are recovering after the countrys first organ transplant between hivin feathed doanos recipients. John Hopkins University in each case, the recipient has been hiv positive for more than 20s years. One getting a kidney from a donor with hiv and the other receiving a liver with someone from the disease as well. We are in the process of teaching transplant Centers Across the country the protocols that we have put together sharing with them our experience and Safety Measures we have put in to place so patients can have the opportunity for these hiv o hivtotransplants. A six year battle making it possible. Until 2013, it was illegal for hiv patients to participate in organ transplants. When we come back, a music mecca facing a swan song. The legendary studio is shutting its doors. Pa criminal gangs. I want to tell the world, stop the war. On the front lines here at home. People manage to get across this border one way or another. Members of the u. S. House and the u. S. Senate have recklessly disregarded protecting these borders. To see this many people that have perished trying to make it. All of these people shouldnt be dead. These are people that are coming in that we really dont know a lot about. Were afraid. I think its important that we dont play into the hands of these terrorist organizations because thats the tactics they use. The hopes, dreams and realities. For hundreds of refugee families, this represents a new start. Philadelphia grew in the first time for 60 years, because of the immigrant communities. They are welcome. It is a safe place. If i become a good engineer, i can really contribute to the host community. I miss my country but its safer here. My parents came here to the u. S. For a better life, but people say i dont belong here. Im an american too. Al Jazeera America proud to tell your stories. The new york music studio where david bowie recorded his final two albums is shutting down. The magic shop has become a victim of the changing music industry. Owner Steve Rosenthal takes us through the good times and the bad. Hi. I am steve rosesen thol, owner of the magic shop recording studio. Chris, how is it going . Great. Good. Making noise . When i started and i built the studio in 87, the whole sort of concept was the idea that people would play in the room. The reaction. Wow. This wall is representative. One of the highlights is doing a james bond song here that was a blast. Reed records, to suzanne vega records, two ramons records. Its just been very eclectic and really, really fun. Having david bowie at the magic shop was an amazing experience. He wanted to be able to work without being bothered. He wanted to be able to be here and concentrate. None of us said boo about it. Its something i am proud about your own mortality. I think the music industry, itself, is obviously very troubled. The decline of the music business has impacted very seriously my studio business and the budget did have declined. Also, the Way Technology allows people to make music in their house and all of that stuff, nice to see you. My pleasure. They are coming in to work now. I have to be out at the end of march. I have to learn to deal with it. Thats a long time. Baseball getting a tech upgrade announcing a multiyear deal with apple. Tablets will be equipped with a dugout app that delivers scouting information and videos. When they are not checking facebook. The beta max tape, a video dinosaur. Its becoming extinct. Rob mcbride explains from tokyo. Reporter now you see it, and soon, you wont. One of technologys greatest users. 40 years ago when video cassette recorders were new and the industry was looking for a standard tape size, the beta max made the early runnings, supported by the japanese government but then along comes the upstart, vhs, produced by all of sonys rivals. The vhs catches on and the rest is history. At least to most young people, the vhs is still recognizable. They have seen it on the shelves of their parents or even grandparents. The beta what . Sony made the last beta max machine in 2002. In 2013, it stopped producing beta max tape. Now with the shipping out of the last of its tape stock, it marks the death of a format that it held ever since the promise of a golden video age. Now relegated to the museum and to the memory of people old enough to remember such a thing ever existed. Rob mcbride from tokoyo. At its height, 12 companies manufactured beta equipment. Wait until they say that about the iphone. They wont for a while . Thats what they said about the beta max. Thats why you have that nokia. Thats it for us here in new york. Your world this morning back tomorrow at 7 00 a. M. Eastern time. Have a great day. Welcome to the news hour live from doha. Coming up in the next 60 minutes, south africas highest court finds the president guilty of violating the constitution after he used public money to renovate his home. One of the longest running war crime trials in the hague comes to an end with the acquittal of a serbian politician. A bridge under construction collapses in

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