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Colorado and minnesota, most of this clears out. The bigger problem i would say some of these temperatures, sub zero, northern parts of minnesota, minus 13 in international falls, that might keep you home instead of off to the polls this morning. Nicole, thank you very much. Weve been talking about super tuesday, but lots more to get you caught up on, including a showdown over security. Apple and f. B. I. Go to congress in a fight over unlocking the San Bernardino shooters phone. President obama meets with senators to talk about filling the open seats on the supreme court. Apple and f. B. I. Now taking their fight over unlockle that encrypted iphone to congress today. Lawyers from both sides will testify a day after a judge said apple does not have to unlock a phone in a separate case. What is apple said main argument today . Steph, del, ahead of the hearing, an apple executive wrote an open letter saying that he has no sympathy for terrorists but creating a back door to iphones would be too dangerous. Apple has been criticized by lawmakers but the Company Stands firm to not write software that would allow the f. B. I. To hack into the phone. The f. B. I. Said it only wants to unlock one phone but apple said this is not about one phone and creating a back door would jeopardize millions of people around the world, making them susceptible to cyber criminals and other hackers. A federal judge here in new york said the company does not have to help unlock an iphone used in a drug case. The judge took particular aim at a 200yearold statute the government was using as a base for demands and thats the same statute the government is relying on in the San Bernardino case. In a statement, the Justice Department said it would ask a judge to review the decision and said apple initially greed to assist the government in accessing the data on this phone, but the Justice Department says apple only changed its course once the government request became public. A lot of people saying this was perhaps something that could have been settled behind closed doors, head of state or head of the f. B. I. And apple but it has gone public and both sides are digging in. Thank you very much. President Obama Meeting today with Republican Leaders discussing his plans to try to fill the vacancy on the supreme court. The president will meet Mitch Mcconnell con gradual and senator grassley, both men saying there will not be a vote on anyone the president chooses. White house spokesman josh all the wayest saying president obama wants to have a serious discussion about filling the vacancy left by the death of justice scalia. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Tomas spoke, breaking his silence on the bench involving a gun rights case on monday. Tomas asked a government attorney a series of questions about taking away the right to own a gun. He last asked a question back in february of 2006. That time, it was a Death Penalty case. Tomas maintains his colleagues ask too many questions and dont let the lawyers make they are arguments. A 14yearold boy opened fire in a High School Cafeteria in Butler County in southwestern ohio. The sheriff says the shooter is in custody and will be tried as a juvenile. Four students were hurt but all are expected to survive. The funeral will be held today for a Police Officer killed on her first day on the job. Ashley gyndon was killed at a domestic situation call. The main Opposition Group accusing the government of breaking the truce. Secretary of state john kerry says the allegations are now being investigated. Al jazeera is live in turkey along the syrian border. It is day four now of that truce and already it is being tested. Is there any hope that it will last . The opposition are not very optimistic about it. They are warning that the continuation of violation will actually derail and perhaps destroy the entire process. We have comments coming from russia saying that they have recorded in the last 24 hours at least 15 violations. I think they are blaming it on the rebels, of course and now you have the rebels and the opposition are saying that the russians and the Syrian Regime have violated, they carried out 26 airstrikes in the last three days and this is excluding the artillery and bomb and even advancements. They are going very, very well. When you compare it to the period before the truce, i think the level of violence has decreased. Could the fragile situation affect the aid delivery . Thats a big question, because when you speak to the u. N. Officials in damascus for instance, they say or they make a reference to the aid convey that went only yesterday, saying that convoy had nothing to do with the truce. The approval came from the city and government reached the u. N. Before the truce even started, however the u. N. Is keen on the Syrian Government to provide urgent approvals for 40 requests to reach at least half a million syrians in besieged areas. Those are in desperate need of aid so the u. N. And damascus are waiting on the Syrian Government to get that approval. Live for us in turkey, as always, thank you very much. This morning, more than 7,000 migrants and refugees stranded along he greeces border with macedonia. They hope to get through and continue to western europe, but the crossing has been closed for more than a day now. Monday, we showed you these riots. As they erupted, men tried to breakthrough the fence. Border guards responded with tear gas. What is happening could become another humanitarian crisis. The u. N. Security will vote on expanding sanctions to north korea coming in respond to the norths rocket launch in january. It would ban exporting coal, iron and other Natural Resources that accounts for half of the governments tomato exports. The fight over income and equality in this country. On this super tuesday, how the issue is playing out and one southern city, as well. The history of slogans in president ial elections. Celebrity chef, marcus samuelsson. Ive had the fortune to live out my passion. His journey from orphan to entrepreneur. Sometimes in life, the worst that can ever happen to you can also be your savior. And serving change through his restaurants. We hired 200 people here in harlem. These jobs cant be outsourced. I lived that character. We will be able to see change. I dont think america has ever stopped being great. What we need to do now is make america whole. Now it is time for massachusetts to lead the political revolution. Before im finished, i guarantee you that we will have apple products made in the United States, not in china. Let me be very clear to the men and women of texas, i will not compromise away youren. He wants to end all Energy Subsidies including wind and solar pure and also end offshore drilling. In the accident, cruz leads the pack but the most recent poll from Emerson College shows his lead has shrimp. As Michael Shure reports, cruz needs to win texas to keep his campaign alive. Good morning. With an iowa caucus victory in his r, cruz returns to texas to make his next and possibly last stand. It was his stand on energy in iowa that was unprecedented if successful, call for an end to ethanol man dates, subsidies requiring the use of ethanol in fuel production. We should pursue all of the above. We ought to are pursuing every energy source. It will hurt the economy. The people attacking on this are lobbyists and democratic. Those supporting him are members of the oil and gas industry, which has made him their top recipient of 2016 president ial campaign donations. Opec ministers et cetera all come together this week as we talk about energy. We were pleased when folks like senator cruz went to iowa and said i understand this is important to the state but let the market decide what energy the consumer should use. A. P. I. Urges and open energy market. Treat people equally. If youre similarly suede even though you might be in a different type of business, allow the same type of duckies, expenses be a am mother tasation add others. Cruz used an op ed in the Des Moines Register to explain his position. My tax plan ends owl Energy Subsidies and man dates, no washington favoritism or oil and gas, wind, solar or for anyone else. Including oil and gas is perilous talk for a senator from a state where oil is known as texas tee. When pressed on it last year, you struggled to explain. A lot of what are called subsidies in oil and gas since 1913 continuing that. Those are aanalogous ordinary business deductions everyone gets. For cruz what may be an Energy Subsidy in iowa is an expense to be written off in texas. The industry is also pushing that message. Theres a distinction between a subsidy where youre providing a payment or a tax benefit specifically to advantage one energy form over the other. Ted cruz hopes what worked perfectly in iowa will also be slick politics in texas. Michael shure, al jazeera, houston. Another key issue of course in texas is immigration. Republican candidates are taking a hard line, but that may cost their nominee when it comes to the president ial election in november. Al jazeeras alan finish err reports from houston. In a school haul in texas, hoping to become an american, many are undocumented migrants. She has lived under the radar in the u. S. For 50 years. Brought as a child from mexico, she now wants to become a citizen and she wants to vote in novembers election. Because separating family, parents go to work and theyre scared they dont come back to home again. Im sorry, but my emotion is because im mexican. Donald trump wants top build a wall and kick out all illegal immigrants. Others are taking a similar hard line. After the last campaign, republicans said they needed to attract latino votes but the language knowledge Election Campaign has left many latinos alienate and frightened and now they are registering to vote to stop the republicans. La teen knows are interested in a number of issues, but immigration, we know if you are not welcoming us as people then youre not going to be getting our ear about your proposals for the economy, education or anything else. In a border state like texas, the issue of immigration is never far from the surface. There are many construction, cleaning, serving jobs filled by people who cross the border. Immigrant numbers are going down and the issue hasnt gone away. Dan patrick ran a campaign and ousted a governor who was a more establishment republican on a campaign that we need to stop the illegal invasion into texas. Theres been a shift in the past 20 years in the Republican Party in texas on that issue. Texas is a big prize on super tuesday for republicans. There are a lot of delegates at stake, so appealing that the base, echoing their feelings on immigration plays well. On november, it will be an issue in the president ial but latinos have long memories and now louder voices. Lets once again go to Lincoln Mitchell from the new York Observer. This is the question, what happens in the general election, were in the primaries right now but all of the talk so far among all of the candidates on the republican side, tara, has been talking about closing borders, deporting immigrant families, no pathway to citizenship. How do you pitch vat back to the center or do you pivot to the center when that has been such a contentious issue among primary voters . It is going to be a difficult needle for the Republican Party to thread, because they will need to moderate the way they have been talking about immigration. It has been vitriolic and turned off voters. Lets be clear. There is in this country a anti immigrant sentiment that is more pervasive in this country than we would care to admit. I think the Republican Party, youre seeing them tap into that with their base voters. There is something donald trump said that doesnt get attention that i think has resonance beyond the angry base voters and thats were going to take care of our own people. So lincoln, is it anti immigrant or pro american jobs . Because it goes back to what bill clinton used to say, its the economy, stupid. Is donald trump and all the others taking this anti immigration stance tapping into a a sense among the voters is that weve seen jobs go to asians, to mexicans, therefore we want those jobs back. Is that a different take on what were seeing, this anger . If you look at things like unemployment, under employment, frozen wages and think that the problem is that mexicans, youre really not analyzing the economy correctly. This is an appeal. If we look at donald trump making America Great again, this anti immigrant appeal, we can use the angry word, but older white volunteerser see their country change economically, socially and arent comfortable with that. That lice at the very heart of Donald Trumps appeal but also of the Republican Party more generally. How do you pitch vat back to the center when youve taken such a hard line approach on the issue of immigration . If youre marco rubio, you talk about your personal story. Hes the only one of these guys with an interesting personal story. Marco rubio hes not going to be the nominee very likely. I dont think donald trump pivots back to the center on this. I dont think he can. The main appeal that donald trump has tried to sell the voters is im the guy who stands up to political correctness. I tell it like it is, even if it is a brand unburden the by factual support. For him to pivot back undermines his appeal. Donald trump has been flipflopping all over the place, so it wouldnt surprise me if he does more flops and flips. I want to get back to the point of we are going to take cake are our own people perfect targets that at black voters be a hispanic voters who are citizens. I think youre going to see him do more of that if he is the nominee in the general election. Im telling people that message, whether its the right mental or not, whether divisive or not and i believe it is divisive in the way he says it, we are going to take care of our own people. That has more resonance than people admit in this country. Donald trump trump says im going to make sure that apple makes its phones in america again as opposed to china. One of the things ive been hearing throughout this Campaign Cycle is that our allies are concerned about trade agreements that we have, about international business, about a Global Economy that could collapse depending on who wins this next election. Are they legitimate in their fears of isolationist america . We certainly have two candidates, but certain sand and donald trump, who have in terms of general Foreign Policy very different conception of americas role in the world than the mainstream Foreign Policy establishment of which both rubio, cruz and Hillary Clinton are part. If either of those two end up in the white house, we could see the United States charting a different Foreign Policy course. However, even with a president like trump, things move much more slowly than people realize. Our allies should be worried but if wed been having this discussion in late 2000, many said the right thing about george w. Bush. In many respects, they should have been concerned. Ill say. I think we should be concerned about a Trump Presidency. He has proven himself to be unpredictable, nasty, thin skinned and when youre dealing with world leaders, thin skinned and unpredictable is the last thing we need in a commanderinchief in this tenuous environment, because we are in a global slowdown. The United States is doing well, but many countries with the exception of germany and other countries arent doing to well. The other thing we focus on are the president ial race. There are down ballot can tests, house and senate. Republicans are concerned that a Trump Presidency, a trump nomination could hurt the down ballot issues, as well. The lobbyists arent going to stand still and say lets move all the jobs back to america, lets do this trade, end that. You compared sentencedders and trump, is it possible for them to get done what they wouldnt to get done . I think its very difficult for any president to get done what they want to get done. The difference is if Bernie Sanders were elected president , he would have at very best narrow republican margins in the senate and house and that is not the making of a political revolution. If donald trump were to get elected president , he would probably have republican majorities, but establishment republican majorities. We have seen in american history, jimmy carter came in with big majorities and accomplished very little. Working with congress is very difficult. There is nothing in Donald Trumps resume to show he can do that. Hillary clinton tried to get health care through congress, could not even with a majority in both houses. What are the chance that Bernie Sanders can get universal health care if he gets elected . Slim to none. The reality is the. You party is still suing the president over obamacare. There are people who want to get rid of medicare for some, let alone having it for all. The people who have spent so much time and resources trying to take apart something that is much less than universal health care are going to all of a sudden say were just going to stop, i think thats not a really good way to look at it if im Bernie Sanderses and thinking thats going to happen. I agree. This raises the issue of better than sand notice of political revolution, which is a short cut for saying magic will happen. When Bernie Sanders says political revolution, the question is who are the Progressive Senate candidates, house candidates that youre supporting, that youre actively, that are part of your revolution that will move the congress leftward. Without that, even if Bernie Sanders does ride in on his v. W. Micro bus, he cant do this alone and the revolution is not a one person show. Thats not what a revolution is. Hes given no reasonable argument how he gets from here to there. We have had our first mention this morning of a v. W. Micro bus. Stay with us. Were going to be checking back with both of you throughout our coverage this morning. We have our eyes on the first candidate who is voting today, these images coming out of vermont moments ago, that is Bernie Sanders casting his ballot in bush ling to know vermont. He was mayor there for a while. Also taking photos while he was there. Vermont considered a mustwin today for Bernie Sanders. Hillary clinton saying that she could pick up between seven or eight states. We will keep you posted. We have heard a lot from the president ial hopefuls. How much of what they are saying is true . Al jazeera did a fact check on the candidates. There is a lot of dishonesty in politics. Few americans would disagree with that statement, but according to one political watchdog, Donald Trumps other claims dont stand up to reality. Theyre bringing drugs. The republican has been given the title king of the whoppers by the fact check. Org. Its the first time they have singled out one candidate above the others. Thousands and thousands were cheering as the building came down. Trump has said there were thousands and thousands of muslims celebrating in the streets have new jersey. Everybody looked at that, could not find any evidence of it, yet he continued to insist he was right. Of course trump isnt the only candidate to play loose with the facts. The Hispanic Community has been profoundly hurt by the obama economy, hispanic unemployment has gone up. That statistic was wrong. Hillary clinton has her email server. And ive been as transparent as i could, asking that all 55,000 pages be released to the public. However, she only did that because she was required to. Fact check. Org says even Bernie Sanders has exaggerated. Things are bad, but not as bad as the trade. Politics has long been about deception if in the lies, but technology has changed. Critics say american journalists need to change. We have more news than anybody can sort out. Larry barnhart wrote the book that became wag the dog about a politician manipulating the media to divert attention from personal scandal. He said objective journalism comes at the expense of objective reality. Reporters are not supposed to have an opinion, so they cant say oh, i went to the record and i looked it up, and it shows that what you say isnt true. They have to go to some other opposing party who says it isnt true. He says some blatantly partisan news channels cater to the like minded but what the voters really need is a reality check. Al jazeera, philadelphia, pennsylvania. Of course were going to have complete coverage of all of the super tuesday results. Tonight, our coverage begins at 7 00 p. M. Eastern time right here on aljazeera america. This morning were getting a chance to see the final batch of Hillary Clintons private emails from her time at secretary of state. 120 pages were released monday, showing policy conflict her team had with counterparts at the white house. 2100 of the more than 50,000 emails have been marked classified years after they were sent. Mission to please. Astronaut scott kelly prepares to return after an entire year in space. Al jazeera america. As voters head to the poll a few may have been inspired by the candidates message and slogan. Branding a campaign has a long and memorable history. Campaign slogans can be catchy, colorful and memorable. Dwight eisenhower swept in with i like ike. Nixons the one did the trick. Jimmy carter wanted to prove he was more than a farmer from georgia. Not just peanuts was his catch phrase. Abraham lincoln turned a pledge of free homesteads to settlers into a promotion with vote yourself a farm. Americas 30th president not exactly mr. Personality let a song do the talking. Keep cool with coolidge was a popular one for his second term. Who is james k. Poke hat history decide who is henry clay. Reagan returned to the question theme of are you better off than you were four years ago. Bush 41 went with a kinder gentler nation. 43 chose yes america can. A better days ahead theme is constant. At the time cruz speaks of reigniting the promise of america. Its all about a new American Century for marco rubio. Donald trump wants to make America Great again. Slogans can fall short, even for the winners. Just look to herbert who haver, with a chick in every pot, a car in every garage. Eight months after his inauguration, the stock market collapsed, signaling the start of a great depression. Starting today, some of the most iconic attractions at Yosemite Park will have new names. Currie village campground and badger pass key resort will have new names. The company that owns those names lost a contract to run services in the park so is demanding the names be taken down. The park is putting up temporary signs and hopes to reach a settlement. Super sonic planes could return to the skies. The last concorde you may recall flying more than a decade ago. Nasa warning a 10 Million Contract to come up with a new high speed passenger jet, those planes are expect to be quieter than the concorde and its famous sonic booms. They hope to get them in the air by 2020. An astronaut will return to earth after a year after spending a Record Number of days on the International Space station. We have more on what happens when they are back on solid ground. Congratulations for youre year of service. Over 49 weeks, scott kelly and his russian comrade have taken more than 5400 spins around the earth, taken part in six space walks and carried out experiments including growing edible vegetables in zero gravity conditions, but its how their own bodies have weathered the long spell of radiation exposure and weightlessness that researchers will be giving the most attention. Kelly said he feels fine physically but has a keener sense of the social isolation of space travel. After spending almost half the time in a box the size of a phone booth, kelly points to the challenges for those dining a human journey to mars that could take 500 days or more. Making that, you know, that private area as perfect as possible, i think will go a long way towards reducing fatigue, reducing stress. While scientists will collect data from the two astronauts, the american have closer examination to compare to his twin brother, mark. Ive provide samples, blood, saliva, other things i am not going to go into, and be there for m. R. I. S and ultra sounds. They will be compared for vision, the interactive system of bacteria within each home body, the chromosomes that determine aging and immune systems after both receive the same flu vaccine. We are using our latest technology for gene sequencing to really identify each t. Cells in mark and scott and try to see how they react to the flu. Kelly said he could have spent another year on the space station if necessary, but back on the ground, will continue to be a close study to researchers charting the next years of humans and frontiers is space. Were checking out the state of the gop. Some in his own party now turk their backs on donald trump, but what happens if he wins big super tuesday . Strict new voter i. D. Laws could play a role today. Some say the harsh rules are meant to keep minorities away from the polls. We are back with more. Stay with us. Well be right back. These people have decided that today they will be arrested. I know that im being surveilled. People are not getting the care that they need. This is a crime against humanity. Hands up. Dont shoot. Hands up. Dont shoot. What do we want . Justice. When do we want it . Now. Explosions going on. Were not quite sure is that an i. E. D. . It is super tuesday, the crossroads on the path to the white house. Front runners luke to go lock in the nomination. We are going to make America Great again, greater than ever before. Theyve been after me for 25 years, and im still standing. A chance to breathe new life into campaigns fighting to stay alive. Football is a spectator sport. Democracy is not a spectator sport. Elect me president and we will be the authors of the greatest chapter in the amazing story of america. Were going to win the general election. We are going to beat Hillary Clinton and we are going to turn this country around. Voters across the country get their say as the field to 1600 pennsylvania avenue narrows. Good morning and welcome to your world this morning. Happy super tuesday. Millions of americans are heading to the polls right now this morning on the biggest day of the 2016 campaign. Voters in a dozen states and one u. S. Territory will make their choice. Last hour, Bernie Sanders caste his ballot in his hometown, burlington, vermont. What i have said from day one is that our campaign does well, when millions of people stand up and fight back for social justice, for economic justice, for environmental sanity, i am confident that if there is a large voter turnout today across this country, we are going to do well. If not, we are probably going to be struggling. Today could be a game changer for Bernie Sanders and some republicans, as well. There are hundreds of delegates at stake. The republicans are competing for 595 delegates today. The democrats are vying for 865 delegates in 11 states and american i samoa. We are tracking everything this morning. In san antonio texas, heidi zhou castro, the polls there just opening, texas is a huge prize today, more delegates than anywhere else. What are some of the key issues in the Lone Star State . Del, immigration a huge topic here at usual. Ted cruz at his rally in dallas yet taking on the 2013 Senate Immigration reform plan that had been widely unpopular in the accident among conservatives because it included a pathway to citizenship. Marco rubio has been one of that plans crafters. With 155 delegates on the republican side, 252 on the democratics, it is notable to say ok, it seems that we might have lost our communication witness heidi zhou castro, texas a make or break state for ted cruz. He is backing everything on texas. I think heidi was just about to say that this new poll, emmer sob College Shows that this shrinking lead that trump has and he may actually be able to pick up more delegates than they were expecting. Thats despite the fact that ted cruz has the endorsement of the governor and former governor. The polls are also open in alabama right now. Al jazeeras Jonathan Martin is live in birmingham. Jonathan, alabamas governor has said that state will make a difference this time around. What kind of turnout is expected and who is ahead in the polls . Election Officials Say that about 40 of voters they believe there will be a 40 voter turnout, which is high for an alabama primary, considering there arent a lot of other big state issues on the ballot. The governor thinks that alabama will be a big player this year. You might remember in the past, alabama typically voted after super tuesday but the legislature moved up their primary to super tuesday to vote with other states. Thats why youve seen more spending here in alabama this year, youve seen more candidates showing up here to campaign, as well. As far as who is leading in the polls, donald trump dominating really here in alabama as he has for weeks in a lot of the polls. Right now, he is polling with about a 41 of the vote depending which poll you look at. Really the story line here will be for the republicans who will come in second as rubio and cruz pretty much are running neck and neck in a lot of the polls. On the democratic side, Hillary Clinton also holding a commanding lead with about 70 of the vote here over Bernie Sanders in some of their most recent polls. She is really hoping to get a lot of africanamerican support she saw in South Carolina, so she spent a lot of time here in her visits, speaking directly to some of the black voters. I want to talk about this, especially as it pertains to northern voters, some dealing with stricter voter i. D. s now. What is being said about this . Highly controversy across the country but especially in georgia and alabama because they have proof of citizenship laws. This will be for some citizens their first time. In order to vote, they are required to show proof of passport or birth certificate, also have to show their license in order to register. The feeling from a lot of people is this is adding to confusion and disenfranchises a lot of voters. 50 years after the Voting Rights act and were again suppressing the rights of black voters in alabama. We will go to peoples houses to have their picture made if they dont have a photo i. D. In the state of alabama. Were not ever going to do anything to keep the people in the state of alabama from voting. The question will be how might this impact voter turnout, so a lot of people will be watching, specifically looking how it might impact with minority voters who are said to be impacted the most. Alabama is one of several Southern States holding caucuses today. How many delegates are at stake collectively . Well, a lot of delegates. Its of course super tuesday, but in the south, people dub this the s. E. C. Primary, the Southeastern Conference in sports. You have alabama, georgia and tennessee and arkansas and a lot of these Southeastern Conference states voting, when you add those up here in the deep south, you are talking about more than 250 delegates on each side, and so thats why this is an important region and weve seen a lot of the candidates spending a lot of time here in the past couple days. Jonathan martin, thank you. If the polls are correct and so far they can all over the place, the front runners are going to stay in front. The latest National Poll showing Hillary Clinton has 55 support among the democratic voters compared to Bernie Sanders with 38 . On the republican side, the same survey giving donald trump 49 support nationwide. That is 30 points ahead of marco rubio. We are joined by Lincoln Mitchell, the National Political correspondent for the new York Observer and tara del with, and marketing consultant. Good to have you with us. I want to talk about this sort of southern impact of this contest going forward. A lot of times by super tuesday, we kind of know at this point who the nominee is. When it comes to the republican field, still a very proud pack. Hillary seems to be widening the gap with sanders but how much will be decided by the end of today . Lincoln, well start with you. A lot can be decided. We have to look for not who wins, we know Hillary Clinton is going to walk away with more delegates, the question is how much. If she gets 60 , she is pretty much the nominee. If she gets 55 or more, shes in very good shape. If Bernie Sanders holds Hillary Clinton to 55 or fewer, she will have underperformed and this goes back to a neck and neck race. Thats the quick overview. Sanders needs to win obviously vermont, he needs to pick up one more state. He needs to win massachusetts. If he does not, what does that say about his chance to win further west . He could win colorado, minnesota, some of these nonSouthern States. If he could win somewhere besides his base, massachusetts also has the second most delegates today. That would be a big prize for him, although not winner take all. On the republican side, trump needs to get to that 55 number. His opposition is still more dispersed. Cruz has to stop that happening and win texas and rubio has to win somewhere. He cant keep getting nice seconds and close thirds. Tara, lets talk about this Republican Party. If we were talking about jeb bush in the same position donald trump is right now, the republican establishment would go saying we have our mon. That would be a coronation approximately Mitch Mcconnell saying we dont want donald trump, you are free to run against your own titlear head of the party. There is fear that Donald Trumps rhetoric will have on swing states. Super tuesday, we talk about the president ial primaries, but there are Senate Primaries going on right now. Alabama has a Senate Primary today, super tuesday. You have folks like senator shelby, ranking senator in alabama whos afraid that trump will bring all these outsiders in that are going to vote down ballot establishment candidates. The republicans will be in trouble. Exactly. Theres a real strong concern he will bring all these voters who are not friendly to other republicans and he will hurt swing states. South carolina scared an awful lot of people, more africanamericans voted in that primary than for barack obama. If those people come out in primary contests, too, it will hurt candidates. Exactly. The other piece is that africanamerican are the highest proportion of voters in this country, proportionately speaking. The other president ial elections, that is, what the other issue is that for hillary, if she continues to perform that way, that bodes well, because count on those same voters coming out in a general election. There are very predicted implications that we are seeing with this super tuesday. Its interesting, because there has definitely been a widening of the lead that clinton seems to be widening the gap with sanders. I wonder how much of that is democrats afraid of a Trump Presidency and their thinking we need the candidate that is maybe more experienced, more proven on a national stage. That is a big part of it to be sure but not the only part of it. The South Carolina win was inevitable but bigger than expect and really highlighted the flaws in the sanders candidacy. Sanders is at the very least part of a rich tradition of what might be called the elite protest candidate. If you took the brooklyn accent and replace it with a kind of San Francisco accent, im from San Francisco, you have jerry brown in 1992, bill bradley in 2000. Weve seen this guy before. He does ok, he doesnt win. Sanders is beginning to look more like that because he couldnt break out beyond that base. If you disenfranchise that group of voters, donald trump says im going to bring in the moderates from the Democratic Party, do the Bernie Sanders people who dont like Hillary Clinton and dont believe she is going to put a chicken in every pot then go to the donald trump side . We dont know for sure. Bernie sanders has a lot to do with that. A central component of the sanders narrative is everything is rigged. Hes not altogether wrong. If i lose, its because its rigged, then hes sending a message to his people, do what you want, stay home in november. The wider thing for the Democratic Party and progressive politics in general for sanders if he doesnt win the nomination is to say i got beat by the better candidate, lets unify. If Hillary Clinton as the first woman to be nominated by a Major Political party in the United States with enormous support from the nonwhite voters loses to the angry right leftwing man tells hills supporters to stay home, i cannot imagine that a man who over half a century to good progressive politics wants that to be his legacy. Its been really fun talking about this process with both of you this morning. Thank you for your time. Thank you. We have already seen tensions out there on the campaign trail, as well. Some tense moments during a donald trump rally. Protestors interrupted his speech in virginia about five times, once by a large group of black students and also by a young female protestor. Are you from mexico . Are you from mexico . Are you smack in the middle of my punch line that was not the only issue at the rally in virginia. This morning, the secret service is investigating what happened when one of its agents scuffled with a Time Magazine photographer. Al jazeeras John Henry Smith has more. It started when black lives matter protestors interrupted Donald Trumps speech. Get them out of here, please. Thats when Time Magazine photographer chris morris stepped outside of the designated press area to get a better shot. Watch the highlighted area. Morris is confronted by a secret Service Agent who puts his hands around his neck and throws him to the floor. A different angle shows morris cursing the agent before the tussle. He kicks his legs and immediately begins protesting that the agent grabbed him by his neck. Morris puts his hands on the agents neck, demonstrating what the agent did for him. At that point, Bradford University police took morris into custody. I never punched him. I never touched him. At the very end, i tried to show what he did to me and i said he took me, so i put my hand on him and thats when i was arrested. Charges were never filed and morris said he is not pressing charges, either. In a statement, he said i regret my role in the confrontation but the agents response was disproportionate and unnecessarily violent. The secret service said its local field office is working with their Law Enforcement partners to determine the exact circumstances that led up to this incident. Time magazine has contacted the agency to express concerns about the level and nature of the agents response. The Trump Campaign said its not aware of the details of what happened and theyre directing owl questions to Law Enforcement. I know people who have worked with this photographer chris morris. What can you tell us about him and his career . Hes a Time Magazine employee covered the white house beat for the last nine years. He said hes never had any problems with the secret service. Hes put together a very artistic series of photos about secret service making them look rather majestic. He said hes fine and will be back on the campaign trail soon. You have worked on these campaign trails before and they get used to seeing us, so to see that happen, you have to wonder what caused that agent. There are a lot of questions that need to be answered, for sure. The weather could be playing a major factor in todays voting. Nicole mitchell has been tracking all of the weather parks across the United States. Good morning, nicole. Good morning, snow to severe storms could slow people down today. In the big picture, we have another system rain and snow to the northwest but that isnt one of our voting areas. Snow around the great likes from michigan to rain and this line of storms thats developed from illinois into arkansas right now, but that could progress through the day. The severe side of this, you can see the risk. The primary risk is high winds but especially the northern edge, kentucky, we do have an isolated risk for tornadoes, as well. All this moisture movers eastward, this is later tonight, so shouldnt impact voting into the northeast, but as we continue through the rest of the day today, the southern edge of this will edge into a couple states, like tennessee, alabama, again, georgia, its at later, so probably not causing too many impacts. Then when we get to states like the accident, its starting to clear out. Most of this is a morning concern, but arkansas, as i said we already have storms, so watch for that. Some of other Northern Tier locations, colorado, again, a lot of this clears out this morning, same thing for minnesota. More minnesota, you just might not want to head out to the polls at all. Weve had sub zero, ive seen 20 below zero, snuggling back in might sound more cooperative than heading out to the polls. There are 38 republican delegates and 93 democratic delegates at stake in minnesota. And one cup of hot chocolate. So bundle up and get out there. A truce in syria may be on the verge of collapse. Well talk about the risk for aid con voice trying to help syrians caught in the middle. Taking it up with congress, the f. B. I. And apple argue their sides on capitol hill. Police chiefs in greece and balkan countries are meeting to discuss the refugee crisis. More than 7,000 migrants and refugees are stranded between greece and macedonia. The crossing there has been closed for more than a day. On monday, we showed you these riots as they erupted. You see the children, you could hear screaming, Border Guards respond, tear gas. Theres tension in france where a makeshift camp for refugees and m migrants is being destroyed. Day two of the clearance operation in calais and no evidence yet this morning of the kind of stone throwing and tear gas from riot police that has been seen in monday afternoons episodes. The clearance is on going, you can see the bulldozers and digger vehicles behind me making their way through the shacks and demolishing those which are vacant. Although the authorities pledged only view indicated would be demolished, we did see evidence of resistance from one couple who got on to the roof of their accommodation and had to be pulled down by police. People clearly reluctant to be moved elsewhere. They can either move to the new heated container type accommodation to the north side of this jungle camp or into tends alongside. They can either be moved to other reception centers, as well and effectively claim asylum. Those are the options facing them. Not everybody wants to take the options. There is still a number of people here who are dead set on trying to reach britain, which is their ultimate only bigs. That is al jazeeras paul brennan in calais, france. There are reports of renewed attacks in syria today despite an international truce. This video is said to show fighting in the north. The main Opposition Group accuses the government of carrying out the attack. Secretary of state john kerry said allegations are being investigated. We are lynn in turkey along the syrian border. How are International Leaders working to ensure that this truce is actually going to hold at this point . I think they are trying to coordinate with the centers theyve established like the one inside syria by the russians that is coordinating with the russians as well as the Syrian Regime and you have in jordan, the jordanians with the americans. Then you have another set up by that the Syrian Opposition, but this is a very tricky question and a very delicate one. The very fact that until now, they held the truce. You have the Syrian Opposition saying they are representing about 100 rebel groups fighting inside syria. You have the russian accepting that at least 38 of them are the ones who signed to that treaty and that the heart of the problem here is who is a terrorist and who is not. I think all the parties disagree on that point. An important part of the truce was that humanitarian aid was going to be delivered to the hundreds of thousand was syrians that need it. How are these truce violations affecting those aid delivers . For now, there isnt any aid delivers, according to the truce itself. What we saw in the last 24 hours is that the u. N. Managed to send about 50 trucks to an area that was agreed before the truce even started. When i spoke to a u. N. Official in damascus, they told me that they welcomed the truce, yet there needs to be more, because the Syrian Government needs to approve 40 pending requests. The u. N. Plans to reach at least half a million syrians who are in desperate need in besieged areas in different parts of syria. So far, anyone of that has happened. Omar, thank you. The u. N. Security Council Plans to vote today over expanding sanctions on north korea. The vote comes in response to the norths nuclear test and rocket launch in january. New sanctions would ban exports of coal, iron and other National Resources that accounts for half of the governments total exports. Up next, anger on the campaign trail. Our coverage of super tuesday continues with a look at the personal attacks that threaten the Republican Party. Voter i. D. Laws critics say are designed to change the outcome of the election itself. Pushing the boundaries of science. We are on the tipping point. We can save species. Its the biggest question out there. Its a revolutionary approach. We are pushing the boundaries. Techknow is going to blow your mind. Our experts go inside the innovations, impacting you. This is the first time anybodys done this. I really feel my life changing. Techknow, where Technology Meets humanity. Only on al jazeera america. Welcome back to your world this morning. It is just coming up on 8 30 eastern and polls are open at millions of americans caste their vote on this super tuesday. This is a live look at a polling location in virginia. Of course texas is the crown jewel of the day with 155 delegates at stake on the republican side, 252 on the democrats. As far as whos leading, this is all the story about ted cruz versus donald trump. Cruz is from texas throughout the campaign season, he had a sizeable lead over trump, but not the case anymore. The latest poll from Emerson College showing cruzs lead diminishing. Hillary clinton has a lead of 21 over Bernie Sanders. One of the issues that seems to be resonating with voters in texas is Donald Trumps proposed ban on muslims coming into the country. What are the voters there saying about that . The university of texas looked at that question and found startling answers. 46 of texans who responded would support a ban on muslims entering the u. S. When he break down that number, 58 of democrats would oppose such a ban, 52 support the ban. This poll was taken about a month ago. Back in december is when we heard donald trump responding to the San Bernardino attacks proposing that all muslims be banned from entering the United States. After new hampshire, that number rose as high as 74 . Heidi zhou castro live in san antonio, thank you very much. The republican race turned personal with trump, rubio and cruz all attacking each other. Youre not going to have someone like donald trump who thinks the Nuclear Triad is a punk band from the 1980s. I see him with the makeup and its like hes putting it on with a trowel. Donald trump is avoiding the draft because he said he got injured playing swash. He has the biggest ears ive ever seen. I have never seen any human being sweat like this guy. You know what they say about men with small hands. You cant trust them. You cant trust them. We didnt even use the clips where they make fun of each others makeup, but the democrats are building an arsenal of material, they must be for the general election. Are school yard taunt topping all the candidates at this point . In a word, yes, we are watching candidates redefine what they think being president ial is when americans need president ial behavior more now than over the last 35 years. We are seeing our nation divided, americans in california fighting against the ku klux klan where somebody was actually stabbed. We are seeing disenchantment with the employment and economy. We are seeing people more and more hopeless to what they feel government should be doing, whether its removing regulations and adding regulations. Instead, were seeing people insult each other hoping to gain points in the polls. Its horribly just we see republicans doing it. There is not a candidate on the democratic side who is creating this wrist within the party. Is this trump . Has he successfully set the tone for this race . I would hold off in rewards to saying the democrats, because when they have to engage donald trump, youll see some nastiness. Lets go back to 2008. There was a lot of nasty barbs between senator obama and senator clinton. The same fierce were with the democrats, would they go into the convention and be ripped to shreds. You have people within the Republican Party that are now saying they would not vote for trump if he became the candidate. Senator ben sass has become the highest ranking republican saying he would not vote for trump if he becomes the nominee. Who he would would have the weight to counter trumps influence on the party . Russia limbaugh, bill oreilly . Who has to call him out for it to actually make a dent at this point . Weve been asking this question for a while, whos going to be able to call somebody out publicly and make the polls turn away. Theres still a segment in america that still feel comfortable with this rhetoric. You describe yourself as a conservative political commentator. If donald trump becomes the nominee could you support that or would you vote for clinton, presuming she becomes the nominee. I wont necessarily route for clinton but i will never vote for a man or a woman that said that as a christian they never had to go to god for forgiveness. That is not being a christian. That he seems to be more along the lines of being blasphemous. If that individual feels that they never felt the need as a christian to ask god for forgiveness over anything, i cannot vote for that individual. A lot of evangelical christians, as you know, did support and have supported trump. And they turn their back on their faith when they did that. And Jerry Falwell has supported him. Is it just his style that causes you concern, because on policies issues, health care, he has espoused ideas that counter the republican platform. In fact, he and Hillary Clinton actually have some which the same views on trade. Is he really one of you . Is he really a conservative republican . Hes been all over the board. A man who said as a christian he never felt the need in his life to go to god for forgiveness when the mole premise of my faith is based on the fact that jesus christ was born, died and resurrected in order to give me personal salvation and open the relationship between me and god the father, if he does not share that and in fact says the exact opposite, how in the world can i stand kindred with that . That, again, my faith should be superseding some of these policy things that are more like candy on the table versus whats supposed to be in my heart. Thank you so much for sharing your views with us this morning. Appreciate your time. Thank you, god bless. So much at stake today, the voting today one of the first chances to see those strict new voteri d. Laws in action. In alabama, you are required to have a government issued i. D. The state has closed dozens of bmzs. This is part of a new battleground in a decades old fight. In small towns across the state. Dozens of drivers license offices have closed and veers need government issued i. D. s to cast ballots. Evelyn smart say its a remainder that voter rights are a long issue. Weve come a long way and still have a long way to go. We are still fighting for that right we earned years and years ago and we shouldnt have to fight now like we did in the past. Civil rights activists say its not so much that drivers license offices are closing, but overwhelming its rural and black facilities losing their facilities and critics say thats nothing more than an attempt to suppress the africanamerican vote. Lawmakers in the state are calling for a federal investigation into the closures. Officials claim budget cuts gave them no choice. Alabamas governor said the suggestion of voter discrimination is simply untrue. We will go to peoples houses to have their picture made if they dont have a voter i. D. In the stunned. We are not going to do anything to keep the people from voting, for them to jump to a conclusion like this, that is politics as its worst. Its a big barrier in rural counties, people dont have transportation. The campaigners say the closures combined with the states intro construction of voter i. D. Laws are part of a long and ugly history of discrimination. Here we are 50 years later on the year, 50 years after the Voting Rights act, and were again suppressing the right of black voters in alabama. Officials say the closures will save the state millions of dollars, but civil rights campaigners are more concerned about the potential cost on democracy. This is where the primaries become nationalized. This is really about name identification and recognition. Super tuesday is really leaning towards Hillary Clinton and of course donald trump, by the end of the day, super tuesday is essentially super clarified. We should have a lot clearer idea of who the nominees will be by the end of super tuesday. That statement by the governor in your report was fascinating, we are not going to disenfranchise anyone. What was the argument for getting the voter i. D. Law passed in the first place if people say its discriminatory . The essential argument is that by providing government i should identification like drivers license or passport, it will cut down on fraud. Civil rights activists say in places especially like here in wilcox county, its extremely poor, rural, there is simply no access to public transport, no access oftentimes to information and there are people here who simply cant afford to take the time to go and get government i. D. In the last few months, the state of alabama decided to close 31 drivers license offices, 31d. M. V. Offices. That means that the people simply dont have accessing to get their drivers license. It means that they have to travel long distances. They cant afford to do that. Many of those offices closed in overwhelmingly black counties. Thats the big problem that civil rights activists have. On the alabama side, the official side, they say we will provide mobile units to come and make sure people have voter i. D. s, this is simply a way of stopping fraud. The proof as they say is in the pudding. Andy, thank you very much. The Democratic Candidates have also been focused on africanamerican voters. Both Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton say they are better able to handle the issues important to the black community. Exit polls show clinton won 84 of black voters in South Carolinas primary last saturday despite sanders strong push to promote his civil rights background. We have more on what some call the senators evolution on race. Africanamericans make up 1 of the population here, yet 10 of the prison population and are disproportionately expelled from school with devastating consequences to their futures. Bernie sanderss state has a problem with race yet he has a reluctance to tackle the issue. Tensions became clear last year. Sanders produced a set of objectives to tackle structural racism. Better than flee fundamentally sees the world in terms of classes and he also understands there is such a thing as institutional racism but believes sincerely that that will be solved when these larger International Economic problems and the problem of concentrated wealth and equal distribution is involved. So rich and poor, not black and white. Absolutely. Act visits in vermont well cups the evolution but remain cautious. Clearly he has some background in racial justice. Some i have the, you know, one would want to believe that it was just genuine, that he really just needed to learn this things along the way. Can he learn . Clearly he can. Will he learn more . Im certain of it, but as far as weather thats going to take us where we need to go in time is unclear. This coffee shop is on the site of a former g. E. Factory. Weapons were once manufactured here. As soon as he became mayor, the peace activists decided enough was enough. The factorys operations had to be disrupted. As mayor, sanders warned his former com address he opposed the action. His reason, once again, class. He accused the protestors of targeting g. E. Workers and not those truly at fault. He also warned the activists would be arrested. He came to watch. He wanted to make sure it was done correctly that the allow was enforced but the protestors were treated in a correct way. He was not happy about this, but he felt as mayor, he was obligated to do it. Then as now, sanders was both insider and outsider, fighting to change the system while deeply embedded within. Al jazeera, vermont. Well have complete coverage of the super tuesday results tonight starting at 7 00 eastern right here on aljazeera america. This morning, were getting a chance to see the last batch of Hillary Clintons private emails from her time as secretary of state, roughly 2900 remaining pages of those documents released monday show policies conflicts that her team had with counter parts in the white house. 2100 of those 1,450,000 emails have been marked classified but were done so years after they were sent. A School Shooting lands a teenager in jail. School in one district in ohio closed this morning as investigators are trying to find out what caused that 14yearold to open fire. A showdown on capitol hill, apple squares off against the f. B. I. Over keeping iphones secure. A student opened fire in Butler County ohio in a High School Cafeteria. Four stands were hurt, but all expected to survive issues the funeral will be held for a Police Officer killed on her first day on the job. She was 28 years old, shot and killed saturday after responding to a call in northern virginia. Last night, dozens of people lined the streets as her body was transported from the funeral home to the chapel where todays service will take place. Apple and the f. B. I. Taking their arguments about unlocking an iphone today. A judge said apple does not have to unlock a phone in a separate case. Ahead of the hearing, an apple executive wrote an open letter saying that he has no sympathy for terrorists but creating a back door to iphones would be too dangerous. Apple has been criticized by lawmakers but the Company Stands firm to not write software that would allow the f. B. I. To hack into the phone. The f. B. I. Said it only wants to unlock one phone but apple said this is not about one phone. A federal judge here in new york said the company does not have to help unlock an iphone used in a drug case. The judge took particular aim at a 200yearold statute the government was using as a base for demands and thats the same statute the government is relying on in the San Bernardino case. In a statement, the Justice Department said it would ask a judge to review the decision and said apple agreed to assist the government in accessing the data on this phone, but the Justice Department says apple only changed its course once the government request became public. The judge found it strange apple had not previously resisted other cases and complied with the government orders. Apples argument is that the government is asking for apple to build software. The charges that apple is playing a p. R. Game. Lets talk about how the families was victims feel. I understand they are not all on the same page. Some family members have written a brief siding with the f. B. I. And the husband of one of the victims, a woman that was shot three times at first sided with the f. B. I. But now is convinced that any information found on that iphone wouldnt be valuable enough to justify building a back door. He certainly has a stake in the matter. This is one case likely to head to the supreme court. The president is going to be meeting with Republican Leaders to talk about his plans to fill that vacancy on the court. The president will be speak with mcconnell and grassley, both men saying there will not be any vote on anyone the president chooses, josh earnest saying the penalty wants a serious discussion about filling that vacancy that was left by the death of justice scalia. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Tomas spoke for the first time in a decade, breaking his silence involving a gun rights case, tomas asking a government attorney a series of questions about taking away the rights to own a gun. He last asked a question back in february of 2006. At that time, it was a Death Penalty case. Tomas maintains his colleagues asks into many questions and dont let the lawyers make their arguments. Some of the most iconic attractions at Yosemite Park will have new names. They can no longer use the names because of a legal dispute. The company that opens those names lost a contract to run services in the park so demands the names be taken down. The park is putting up temporary signs and hopes to reach a settlement. I cant imagine yosemite without the resort. Im glad you had to read those names, not me. Finally, moving day for two astronauts. Two head home after spending a year in space. That harmony, that politeness and that equilibrium that japanese people call wa. At the other side of history, fukushimas heroes were not enough. People have lost their trust, especially in the authorities. The myth of nuclear energy, of it being economic, safe and clean has been swept away. A navy seal received the highest military honor. He is now a member of an elite group. He and his team rescued an american doctor in afghanistan in 2012. He killed two taliban fighters after entering the room where the host acknowledge was being held. Another enemy fighter appeared and with his body, ed kept sheding the hostage, with his bare hands, pinned the fighter to the wall and held him until his teammates took action. It was over almost as soon as it began. I ask you to join me in expressing americas profound gratitude. Buyers is only the sixth navy seal in history to receive the nations highest military honor. Two astronauts will return to earth for the first time in a year. American scott kelly and a russian astronaut spent a record 340 days on the International Space station. Al jazeeras Tom Ackermann has more on what happens once theyre back on solid ground. Congratulations for your year of service. The astronauts have taken more than 5400 spins around the earth. Taken part in six space walks and carried out experiments including growing edible vegetables in zero gravity conditions, but its how their own bodies have weathered the long spell of radiation exposure and weightlessness that researchers will be giving the most attention. Kelly said he feels fine physically but has a keener sense of the social isolation of space travel. After spending almost half the time in a box the size of a phone booth, kelly points to the planning a human journey to mars human journey to mars that could take 500 days or more. Making that, you know, that private area as perfect as possible, i think will go a long way towards reducing fatigue, reducing stress. While scientists will collect data from the two astronauts, the american will be subject to closer examination to compare to his twin brother, mark. Ive provide samples, blood, saliva, other things i am not going to go into, and be there for m. R. I. s and ultra sounds. They will be compared for vision, the interactive system of bacteria within each home body, the chromosomes that determine aging and immune systems after both receive the same flu vaccine. We are using our latest technology for gene sequencing to really identify each t. Cells in mark and scott and try to see how they react to the flu. Kelly said he could have spent another year on the space station if necessary, but back on the ground, will continue to be a close study to researchers charting the next years of humankind and frontiers in space. We will be back tomorrow morning at 7 00 a. M. East were time. We will see you then. Have a great day. 130,000 in just two months, refugees keep arriving at europe is divided on what to do with them. Hello live from doha. Its described as one of the most important days in the race to the white house, voting gets underway and super tuesday is crucial to the candidates hopes. Its a sad story and it wasnt of much interest to me. A senior sat ken official

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