A prayer vigil as thousands remember the 14 People Killed in the mass shooting in and San Bernardino and willis come to our world im del walters. And im stephanie sy and looking for a motive for the shooting and these are images from the suspects home with arsenal and more than 1600 bullets, a dozen pipe bombs and tools for making more pipe bombs and we are live in San Bernardino and the details that have come out including they built this arsenal caring for a sixmonthold baby are simply perplexing. Yes, stephanie, perplexing and 24 hours ago talking about the situation of two narratives that do not seem to fit and 24 hours later, friday morning, as we get more investigation of the incident and actual attack and also about the couple is still two competing narratives with federal investigations unwilling to call it terrorism but doesnt quite add it to Workplace Violence either. The crime at the Regional Center and on the home in red lands california rented by syed farook and Hussam Ayloush both were heavily armed, reported to bewaring Tactical Gear and equipped with handguns, rifles and over 1600 rounds of ammunition. The guns were legally purchased, the two handguns were purchased by him. The rifles were not. But those were components we are still following up on. All four guns were legally purchased. Reporter investigators say 27yearold syed farook is american citizen and Hussam Ayloush had been here for a year on a pakistan passport and fiancee visa and neither had a previous criminal record and in the home they rented 4,000 rounds of ammunition were found, a dozen pipe bombs as well as hundreds of tools that could have been used to construct additional explosives and police believety pair was ready to carry out another attack. Based upon what we have seen and how they were equipped there had to have been some degree of planning that went into this. Also inside evidence that authorities describe as Digital Media, there are several reports that syed farook was in touch on social media with what were described as extremists under f. B. I. Scrutiny and digital material has been thrown to washington to analysis. The Digital Media is very important because we are trying to determine the motive and we do not yet know the motive and cannot rule anything out at this point and are hoping some of the Digital Media exploitation will assist us in obtaining some of that. Reporter the f. B. I. Has stopped short of calling wednesdays shooting an act of terrorism. There was obviously a mission here, we know that. [sirens] Police Released the names of the victims late thursday night. A candlelight vigil was held for them in San Bernardino. This was tragedy i never experienced in my career. Reporter First Responder on the scene, a commander for the San Bernardino Police Department who described the chaos that unfolded inside. The initial 50 people did not want to come to us. They were fearful and they were in the back hallway area and that actually heightened my concern that and my fear that potentially the suspects were this that hallway holding them hostage and waiting for us to enter into the hallway. We had to tell them several times come to us, come to us and ultimately they did and once that first person took the motion forward it opened the flood gates. Reporter just to add a little bit more to what the lieutenant was saying he described the fear he saw on peoples faces as he entered and could remember the smell of gun powder and fire alarms going off, intense experience for him and other Law Enforcement officials who responded in the initial moments stephanie. No training can prepare you for that, malaysia what other details have emerged about syed farook in the last 24 hours . Its very perplexing for all intents and purposes, he appeared to be an american who grew up in the suburbs, worked in the suburbs and had a great government job and everyone from people at his workplace to including people at his mosque that al jazeera spoke to talked about him being a quiet person, nice person who never really complained about his work, never complained about his family life. So the picture doesnt quite add up. There are some clues but none of them are smoking guns that he had gone to saudi arabia twice in 2013 and 2014 but never for a very long time and once to go to the haj, a lot of muslims around the world do and the fact one of the people at his mosque told al jazeera he memorized the kran, a lot of muslims do that and simply does not suggest one thing or another and never said anything to people at the mosque that we talked to that he had implied or believed the religion was a violent religion. People highlighting religion and saying he had a violent alcoholic father which is a detail you are not hearing about and we will have more from the mosque later and we are live in San Bernardino. Now names of 14 people who died in the shootings including a father of six, a woman who fled iran to escape persecution and a young woman who had just joined the Health Department in San Bernardino and the youngest was 26, the oldest was 60 and police are trained to handle those shootings but those who responded as you started to hear about what happened and it was not the type of thing you could ever really prepare for, the first officer on the scene was lieutenant mike madden we had people actively being shot inside of the building. My goal was to assemble an entry team and enter into the building to engage the active shooter. This mindset and this type of training became indoctrinated in us after the columbine incident and that was the goal, we wanted to get in there and stop any further innocent people from being injured and possibly killed. Three officers arrived, there was an approximate two minute time lapse from when i got there and had a team assembled of the four initial responding officers and the four of us then went around the south side of the building. As we made our way around to the east side it was immediately evident that the reports that we were getting were 100 true. There were victims who were clearly obviously deceased outside of the Conference Room and i relayed that information to the other responding officers and again requested assistance as we entered into the Conference Room that the situation was surreal. It was something that i dont think, again, we prepare for and they try an active shooter and talk about sensory overload and just try to throw everything at you to prepare you for dealing with that, what youre seeing, what youre hearing, what youre smelling and it was all of that and more. Reporter the shooting in San Bernardino ignited a fierce debate in washington over gun laws, the white house has reportedly considering executive action after republicans blocked the latest gun control bills in congress, as al jazeera mike reports critics of gun control say there are other things that should be done to stop gun crime. With the f. B. I. Leading the investigation attorney general Loretta Lynch says she is not ruling anything in or out. Going where it leads and its certainly because of the planning that was clearly involved in it is something we have to take very seriously but we have not ruled out the workplace issue and frankly Something Else could drop. Reporter on capitol hill a familiar pattern, democrats are outraged. We can no longer remain silent, what gives us the right to hold moments of silence when we do nothing to act upon the cause of the grief. Reporter the day after yet another gunrelated mass murder republicans were largely silent on new gun laws. House Speaker Paul Ryan renewed his call for expanded Mental Health checks. A lot of these people are getting gun whose are mentally unstable, who should not be getting guns and this is a gap in our laws that we feel needs to be filled. Reporter after some recent shootings mr. Obama reacted with anger over the one issue that is the most frustrating in the presidency his inability to push through new gun restrictions. How can you with a straight face make the argument that more guns will make us safer . Reporter with the possibility that terror played a role the president s response this time was more measured, still he again called for new gun laws. Its going to be important for all of us including our legislators to see what we can do to make sure that when individuals decide they want to do somebody harm we will make it a little harder for them to do it because right now its just too easy. Reporter mike in washington. Muslim american leaders are responding to the attack in Southern California and calling for calm and he is the executive director of the los angeles chapter of the cancel on American Islamic relations. No one should be held responsible or feel there is a need to condemn an act by someone who just looks like them or has the same skin color or ethnic or religious background and we should all be intelligent, rationale enough to know every person is responsible for his or her crimes and whether they are the Colorado Springs incident or the one in San Bernardino. The reality is we dont live there, we live in a world that is influenced, that is scared by islam phobe and who felt there was a need to reach out to our fellow americans and let them know all of us are mourning because of the incident there is not a problem that pits muslims versus christians or muslims versus jews, its a problem with civilized, tolerant, rational people if they are muslims and christians or jews or buddhist against people who are bigot and violent. Fears attacks on the Muslim Community after attacks on San Bernardino. We have a special agent and studies security at the center for justice and thank you for being with us and i want to go in the investigation and abc news reporting the suspects attempted to smash their computer hardware and cell phones, how difficult will it be to recover that data and trace their contacts . It will make it a little harder but everything you do on line is transmitted to a thirdparty whether its your telephone calls, your email messages get stored on a computer that somebody else owns so that data is usually easily recoverable by intelligence and Law Enforcement. So much is said about the overseas travel, how do you begin to look into those connections and contacts and more importantly when all muslims are required to go overseas, go to saudi arabia for haj how do you separate pilgramage as attempts to radicalize someone overseas. If there was a conspiracy and other people involved, actively in this particular plot and that is the important thing and that is where Something Like the destruction of evidence and terrorism is about sending a message, the fact there is no clear message might indicate this is more the typical of a mass shooting where there is no real message involved. You usually have to struggle to figure out why in the world somebody did something so horrible. We had a terrorism expert yesterday that said a lot of the mass shooting incidents have sort of hybrid and what we were looking at is potential hybrid situation where maybe he was a disgruntled worker and political ideology was a small piece that drove him. Human beings are very complexed and very rare we make a decision based on only one factor and particularly something as substantial and impactful as committing an act of violence and you can imagine it would create a lot of different influences and different circumstances, the fact that you have weapons available. And michael we keep asking American Families and keep asking muslim families if you see something say something. If youre a muslim family up set with the invasion of iraq in 2003 how do you separate or voice your opinion without being considered to be antiamerican and what happens if it comes up at the dinner table, are you supposed to turn in your brother because he disagrees with the u. S. Foreign policy . That is a huge part of the problem because the government has promoted a lot of very flawed Terrorism Research that argues that there is this discernible pattern of radicalization and in tests and studies show its not true, its a very individual pathway and not involved in extremist, political or extremist. What you say is not necessarily leading to what you might do. Exactly. And empirical evidence shows that. False reporting of people because of their political views wastes resources because the Security Officials have to chase down those leads and this false model unfortunately creates a lot of investigations of completely innocent people that waste the resources that should be focused on people who are actually intending to do harm. There have been 355 has shootings in this country so far this year and meaning more than four people were shot and killed, is the issue of radicalization becoming i guess a false moniker or red herring that is hard to put in a category and Mass Shootings as a whole . As you say Mass Shootings kill more people than terrorism but regular shootings kill more people than Mass Shootings and we have 1415,000 murders in the country and a third of them go unsolved every year. What is the answer here, where do you put the resources . I think you have to put the resources into Violent Crime, half of the Violent Crime goes unso sofsolved and 60 . Violent crime is pretty broad. Its actually not and we are fortunate since the 1970 it has been going down but homicide solve rate has been going down as well. We need to make sure we are protecting every community from violence and treating violence against anyone exactly the same because if you look back, if we had solved the 2011 murder in massachusetts there never would have been a 2013 bombing because tamera is the one that they believed did that. San bernardino says the ones who want to be president were stumping and talked about National Security and the Iran Nuclear Deal and frontrunner donald trump said he would have got a much better deal and made a comment that some interpreted as invoking a jewish stereotype. Is there anybody who negotiates deals in this room . This room, perhaps more than any room i have ever spoken. Reporter trump was booed after claiming he has the skills to bring the israelis and palestinians to the table and would not commit to jerusalem as the undivided capital of israel and is a point of contention. 18 people dead in cairo because of an argument between employees and people trying to get in and escalated into a fistfight and when they were still not allowed in they threw bombs at the door and attackers not arrested yet. A plan to join the fight against i. S. I. L. And hours ago 1200 support people and jets and navel protection will go to the coalition but germany not in combat and will help france since last months terror attacks. Honor the officer who was killed last week at the planned Parenthood Center and remembered today by family, friends and police at a local church, he was one of three people shot and killed last friday when police say robert dear went in and opened fire, dear is in jail facing first degree murder charges. A bill that would repeal key parts of the affordable key act is heading to the house and they passed the measure to strip the law that has employer mandates and tax requirements and stops federal funding of planned parenthood and promised to veto it once it reaches its desk and can vote on a 305 billion bill and the house overwhelmingly approving it on thursday, it is the first longterm National Transportation spending package in more than a decade, the current one expiring today and has a signal that president obama will sign the bill. We should get the latest snapshot of the economy and Analysts Expect the november jobs report to show modest hiring and painted a rosy picture on the u. S. Economy when she spoke to a Congressional Committee on thursday and say unemployment is low and growth is steady and means an interest rake hike may not be far away. On going gains in the labor market coupled with my judgment that longterm inflation inflatigoing to 2 . Reporter they meet in two weeks to decide the Interest Rates and its the first time it has happened in a decade and stay with us, we will bring you details of the jobs report after its released. Some are calling it a military milestone. Forever change the role of women in combat. The mixed verdict and West Virginia king of coal is the first level executive convicted of a crime involving mining, deaths. A man once known as the man of coal facing time in prison after a jury found him guilty of conspiracy. He was on trial connected to the explosion in the upper big ranch mine in 2010 and we have the details. Reporter he was the ceo of massy energy when there was a huge explosion at one of the companys coal mines in West Virginia and it was five years ago and 29 minors died. And blenkenship was not on trial for the mine disaster but really was the back drop for the unprecedented charges against a coal Company Executive and he had no comment after the jury convicted him on one charge that is conspiracy to violate mine safety laws and found him not guilty on two others, securities fraud and making false statements, the prosecutor in the case called it a landmark day for the safety of coal minors. To go from board room, the prospect of incarceration sends a powerful message to executive whose would ignore the safety of their workers. It doesnt matter who you are, how rich you are, how powerful you are, if you violate the laws and gamble with the lives of your workers you will be held accountable. But blankenships Attorney Says they will appeal. We are disappointed in the verdict and want add out right acquittal and the jury found us not guilty of all the felonies and guilty of only a misdemeanor is some consolation. We think the jury is mistaken and i dont think the jury would have reached that verdict if it had not been held out so long. Do you think your client will be spending time in prison for this . No, i do not. Faces one year in prison for the misdemeanor charges he was convicted of, if he was convicted of o other charges he could face up to 31 years in jail and those who lost loved ones this the disaster are up set with the verdict. Perez says the conviction sends a message that no mine operator is above the law. Cancelled 28 million in loans owed by students that went in a for Profit College that went out of business and approved 1300 for students who said they were lied to or misled and the Company Filing for bankruptcy this year amid allegations of fraud and shareholders moving one step closer to the Largest Health insurer and anthem and cinga approving a 48 billion buyout of cigna and needs to be signed by regulations and some urging the Justice Department to closely scrutinize that deal. Tributes coming in for the lead singer of one of the big rock bands of the 90s. If you lived through the 90s you remember this Stone Temple Pilots front man died at 48 and he was found dead last night with his latest band and they sold more than 10 million of the copies and won a grammy in 1994 for the hit song plush. Still to come coverage of the California Shootings continues as we learn more and more about the suspects. It doesnt make sense. He is married. He had a sixmonthold daughter. Why the man at the mosque where the shooters pray said they never suspected anything. Nuclear energy in the u. S. Is the first new plant in decades comes online and the reluctance to embrace this form of energy. Concealed iguanas in his prosthetic leg. Revealing the shocking lengths traffickers go. Ive had monkeys jump out of suitcases. Now scientists joining the fight to save endagered species. The more we buy, the more these animals are going to become extinct. Tecknows team of experts show you how the miracles of science. This is what innovation looks like. Can affect and surprise us. I feel like were making an impact. Lets do it. Techknow, where Technology Meets humanity. Welcome back to your world this morning, it is 7 29 eastern and taking a look at todays top stories. Song, pray and reflection in saSan Bernardino and they released the names of the victims and ranged in age from 2660. Police still searching for a motive and say the two suspects syed farook and Hussam Ayloush assembled an arsenal, the same home they shared with their sixmonthold daughter and they left the baby withside sys mother on the morning of the attack and we want to go back to melissa chan and talk about the arsenal and they say the attack could have been much, much worse. It could have been much, much worse with attackers at the time with the suv with 1600 guns and rifles and back at home they said more than 4,000 rounds of ammunition and Component Parts that could be made into explosives and pipe bombs and also did have pipe bombs at the car as well. So a very, very complex picture and this is what the police chief had to say about that arsenal we believe the suspects when they entered fired somewhere between 6575 rounds from their rifles at the scene. We did locate the one pipe bomb that was actually three pipe bombs combined into one that had a Remote Control car type Remote Control device that appears to not have worked in this case. Just to add more to what the police chief said. [switchi [switching captioners] where right now are police on a possible motive . No motive right now. Its a very confusing picture. Over the last 24 hours, what has appeared in terms of information, we have more information and more in terms of that competing narrative, whether this was a Workplace Violence i want, whether this was radicalization or what. Its very confusing. If you look at farook and his story, in some ways, hes a typical american who grew up in the suburbs, had a Good Government job, he attended mosque. His coworkers said he never had a problem and never complained about work. We are getting information that he had a troubled childhood, his parents had a rough marriage that was dissolved recently and there was instances of Domestic Violence, father against mother. Plenty of people have difficult childhoods, difficult family problems, doesnt necessarily lead to Something Like this, so a very confusing case. Police describing what they felt, what they saw when they covered the carnage, saying it was something they could never ever really prepare for. Absolutely. Mike madden, one of the first to get on site described the fear on peoples faces that he saw. As he walked in and confirmed that this was a mass shooting, he described how he could smell the gun powder in the air, fire alarms and convincing people to get down the hallway toward low enforcement and fear and confusion. They didnt know if they could trust the Law Enforcement officers there because they had guns with them. When that first victim walked out, all of a sudden the flood gates opened. We are getting more insight into who sayed farook was how could that be . He was married, had a daughter, had a good job. What would make such a person do such a thing. He was a very respectful person. You didnt talk about politics or International Affairs . They do say that farook took his muslim faith very seriously and even memorized the entire koran. The men who prayed with farook here at this mosque say they are as shocked and baffled at anyone else about why he would have done what he did. Weve known him for a few years now and we just meet him in the mosque. Other than that, he seemed like a very nice person. To all of us, its very shocking that its someone that we know that actually did this crime. On thursday afternoon, police allowed journalists to get close to the center where the killings happened. What shocks many here most is how farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik could have made pipe bombs and planned malls murder while caring for a sixmonthold baby girl. Thursday evening, members of the Muslim Community gathered, operating, mourning, and trying to make sense of an unfathomable crime. Rob reynolds, al jazeera, San Bernardino. Joining us is a consultant fellow at the Royal United Services institute, a defense and security think tank. Thank you for your time. There has been a lot of focus on farooks religion, assumptions drawn. What do we know factually about the connection between religious devotion and extremism . Well, the connection between religious devotion and extremism is a very weak one. The more devoted people generally are to their religion, the less extreme they are likely to be. What happens is religious belief is pretty sides. The elements of religion which deal with mercy and love and compassion are set aside in favor of a very singular approach to changing the world through violence. Its an obsession with violence, and violence is presented as the root of salvation. It is highjacking a religious approach for political purposes. Theological belief generally avoids extremism. We had a guest earlier on from the Brenner Center for justice who said there is no empirical evidence that radical or extreme political beliefs or ideology actually lead an individual to violent action. What is your opinion on that . Well, i dont know exactly what that guest was talking about. There is very little evidence to suggest that ream belief leads to violence, but there is a huge amount of evidence, as far as im aware to suggest that political ideological belief does lead to violence. When you consider that for certainly in the u. K. , the bombers that weve had, terrorists that we had, people like jermaine lindsey, one of the 7 7 bombers, we had a chap called nicky riley, all of whom and there are many others, committed or attempted to commit acts of terrorism. The disproportionate number of these people are people who have converted not to the theological religion of islam, but the extremist violent terrorist ideology that masquerades as islam. Just to be clear, we dont know the motive yet. I want to be clear about that, for this attack, but were having this conversation because there are aspects of farooks background that have come to light and one aspect beyond his religion is that he was from a broken home. In divers papers, she said his father was an alcoholic that would get violent. Are those facts any less rely than the fact that he traveled to saudi arabia and grew a beard . No, and i think its very good that youre pointing out what we really dont know what is specific to this case. I think that those facts that you mentioned about listen personal upbringing are probably very much morel havent than any connection with religion. We see this very often in the cases that weve looked at of terrorists. There are there is no single pathway to an individual becoming a terrorist. Its very much a personal journey, but we do find that there are in most cases socio and psychological factors that drive a person to this route. In the u. S. , you have some of the best experts and colleagues of mine from atlanta, knee i cant bloom also at the university there, there are people who study this. I can tell you that they will be looking at this case and you will find invariably there are socio psychological shocks in these peoples background that lead them to adopt these ideologies of violence. Thank you for your insights this morning. Well look up those names and see if we can get them on our show. Thank you very much. Women will soon be ail to serve in all combat roles in the military, including elite special forces and front line combat. Al jazeera has more from the pentagon. Back in the summer, it was beginning to be clear that momentum was building to totally lift the ban on women in combat units. Two women made it through the armys grueling rangers school, the formula then seemed to be pretty much set. Keep the standards high, let everyone compete without regard to gender. Only the marine corps wanted a reception, to keep its units all male. Ash carter ruled against the marines and for equal opportunity for women. Today, im announcing my decision not to make continued exceptions, that is to proceed with opening all these remaining occupations and positions to women. There will be no exceptions. Currently, 90 of military jobs are open to women, but now the other 10 , about 220,000 jobs will be, too, including front line com boot jobs, such as infantry, armor, recon and the most demanding dangerous jobs of all, special ops, the elite commando units, delta force and seal team six. Carter emphasized that equal opportunity does not mean equal representation, and many demanding specialties there may be few if any women, but the secretarys order means that from now on, women can compete for any job in the military and be limited only by ability, not gender. Reaction from female combat veterans in congress was blunt and supportive. Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth said i didnt lose my legs in a bar fight, of course women can serve in combat. Sally mcnally said its about damn time. Carter realizes there may be difficulties, but the decisions made and all the services will have to follow. The mayor of chicago said the city will release the police video showing another Fatal Shooting by chicago police. Activists have been pushing to see the video that shows the killing of Ronald Johnson last year. The release follows protests over the shooting death of a teenager by a different officer last year. In the johnson case, the father of five the police say pointed a firearm at officers. Word soccer working on major reforms after a second round of indictments and arrests for fifa officials. It is just the latest development in the scandal has has rocked the soccer world. John henry smith has more. Disarray at the top of fifa, as more officials are charged in a growing corruption scandal. For the second time in six months, officials were placed under arrest, including two top fifa Vice President s, and several more have now been charged by the u. S. Justice department. A federal grand jury in brooklyn has returned a 92 count superseding indictment, including charges against 16 new defendants, all of whom are current or foamer soccer officials. Among those charged, five former members of fifas executive committee responsible for rewarding the world cup tournament. That brings the total members of that committee indicted to 11. They are accused of taking some 200 million in bribes in exchange for awarding world cup tournament rights. The betrayal of trust that is set forth here is truly outrageous and the scale of corruption alleged here in in unconscionable. Eight others excused in earlier indictments entered guilty verdicts, including another former Vice President jeffery webb. He had pleaded not guilty in july. Fifa had been meeting at the hotel to talk about reforms, leaders say it is still a priority. With all our concentrated effort, other goal is that be recognized as a modern trusted sports organization. According to multiple reports, fifa has been running a deficit this year of over 100 million, which is extraordinary, because fifa hasnt finished a year in the red since 2001. The u. S. Justice department not the only group investigating fifa. The swiss have their own investigation focused on the rewarding of 2018 world cup to russia and the 2022 cup to da at your. It was their investigation that led to the suspension of soon to be former fifa president seth blatter. This could get bigger and bigger. Stay tuned. Oil ministers from opec meeting, expected to certificate with the strategy of not cutting oil production, but split over who should take responsibility for reducing supply as the price of Oil Continues to fall. Al jazeeras Barnaby Phillips has the latest. There will be a very big debate amongst the 12 ministers. On the one hand, i think its fair to say that you have the Saudi Arabian position, which is that the current level of production should be maintained, regardless of the Short Term Impact on oil prices. In other words, the saudis are prepared to see this glut of oil on the international market, which has contributed to the current dramatic fall in oil prices in recent days going beneath 45 a barrel. The saudi strategy is to put high cost Oil Producers out of business. There are other countries in opec, principally perhaps venezuela, algeria, libya, indeed nigeria, who frankly lead a more handtomouth existence, who need High Oil Prices day to day to fund their Government Social projects, their security concerns and so on. They will be saying to the saudis please, lets cut back production, lets try and push the oil price back up to roughly at least 60, 70 a barrel would give us something to play with, some flexibility and that is the nature of the debate that will take place in the opec meeting behind me. U. S. Crude prices closing nearly 3 higher thursday, lifted by a weaker dollar and report that saudi arabia could soon propose a deal even next year to balance oil markets with nonopec help. The first new American Commercial Nuclear plant in the 21st century is about to go on line. Some hail the new plant as a move forward. Others say more Nuclear Plants are not the answer. Tom ackermann has the story. Along the tennessee river, its the fishing. Hit, miss, you know, i mean its according to the weather. That concerns these locals, but not the watch bar nuclear plant. After delays and post fukushima safety jump grades, the cost estimate was doubled to 4 billion. Officials that have no regrets. Nuclear is clean and second only to hydroin cost. Its a smart choice for changing times and it was a sound business decision. Yet Nuclear Power is having a difficult passage in the country which first developed it peaceful as well as military purposes. While watch bar two is were you ever five u. S. Atomic plants under construction, five others closed in the past few years. Utilities have announced plans to shut down eight more, saying that more regulation, softening demand and competition from natural gas have made them unprofitable. They also blame the anti nuclear movement, which despite safer new reactor designs point to disasters like chernobyl and fukushima in a. Is this the kind of risk we want to take to boil water when there are so many other speaker ways to meet our energy needs. Most americans do favor more Nuclear Plants as does the obama administration. Its backed by some climate activists whos nuclear in an important element in the fight against fossil fuels. Climate scientists james hanson said ruling out Nuclear Power that worsen the prospects for global warming. Theres plenty of gas in the ground and if we go down to root renewable plus gas, we will lack in gas and guarantee that our children and grandchildren get a climate situation thats out of their control. While the u. S. Hesitates, india and china power on with their own programs for harnessing the atom to carve a path toward energy independence. Tom ackermann, al jazeera, tennessee. Torrential rains, floods washing away homes in india. Many houses underwater, the navy is using fishing boats to evacuate residents. Officials say more than 1,000 were critically injured and rushed to government hospitals. That area is i can spenting to see more rainfall over the next 48 hours. Tackling the illegal animal trade. How inspectors are using mans best friend to stop wildlife smugglers. Cold play preparing to perform before an audience of millions. The miracle in the motor city, the packers hail mary that left the lions stunned. Illegal poaching has long threatened endangered and protect the species around the word and is a business that is only growing. Techno went to one of the busiest points of entry for the illegal animal trade, los angeles. Because animals can easily be bought on line and shipped, i visited the International Mail center in los angeles. Here there are a flood of endangered species coming through the doors. Between 1 million and 1 million and a half pieces of male pass through every month. Each has to be inspect by customs or Border Control officers and some of these pieces more interesting than others. One of the hardest working inspectors is on duty today. Get it, get it. Within the first hour of our arrival, a canine inspector for fish and Wildlife Service finds something. Locket is part of a Pilot Program and this districts first canine inspector, shes trained to identify up to 20 scents and already proven her value. It would take me all day to check one pun packages. She can do it in five seconds. Thats good work. Shes got a pretty powerful nose. Locket found a python skin wallet. Several pythons are endangered, so no python cab imported into the u. S. It was confiscate and added to animals and their parts seized at los angeles points of entry every single day. What is this room . This is our property room. When we seize items in vials of wildlife laws, they are kept as evidence. Until the case is adjudicated, and then we have some way of disposing of them. This room that seems more of a morgue serves as a valuable learning tool. Almost all types of wildlife are represented here. Behind every item is a tragic story. One of the common things i tell people is the more of this stuff we buy, the more these animals are going to buy until they do become endangered, extinct. In los angeles, im phil torres for al jazeera. You can watch tech know are tomorrow at 5 30 p. M. Eastern, 2 30 on al jazeera america. Cold play will be headlining next years superbowl half time show. The nfl making its selection for superbowl l in San Francisco on a thursday. The british band promising a special surprise, yes. It is called the miracle in motown, the green bay packersers stealing a win in detroit. Rodgers launching a 70yard hail mary to beat the lions. Fans of detroit, including our own John Henry Smith say it never ever should have come down to that, green bay receiving an extra play after detroit was called for grabbing Aaron Rodgers facemask on a tackle. People coming together after the San Bernardino shooting. The president spoke before the International Christmas tree was lit. It included several performances and santa claus singing jingle bells. Its good to see things continue as they should. Ahead in our next hour, victims are remembered in San Bernardino. Well have more on the arsenal found in the suspects home. 16 people are dead in a cairo nightclub. Why the building was fire bombed. We are back in two minutes with more of your world this morning. This is one of the most important sites in the century. This linked the mafia and the church. Why do you think you didnt get the medal of honor . I cant allow you not to go into that because that is your job. We gonna bring this city back one note at a time. Proudest moment in my life. Clues but no clear motive. Officials say another attack may have been in the works. An explosion in egypts capital, 16 people dead when a nightclub is fire bombed. Unemployment anxiety. Will Interest Rates be pushed up . Well have the latest numbers. Scott why land found depend at 48. Remembering the singer who helped define the 1990s. Welcome to your word this morning. San Bernardino California is a city searching for answers today. Thousands attended gatherings honoring the victims. An arsenal was found in the home of the shooters. We are following the latest from San Bernardino. Police are looking at all the connections so far. What of they found so far . Its a very mixed picture. Were starting to get clues, but none of smoking guns. We have clues about travel, foreign travel that said sayed farook was involved in. In terms of the tarts, it was at his workplace. It doesnt quite add up to Workplace Violence, either. Federal authorities arent ready to call it terrorism, either, a very mixed picture for investigators. Investigators are focusing on the crime scene at the in land Regional Center and on the home in red lands california rented by Tashfeen Malik and sayed farook. Both were heavily armed. They were wearing Tactical Gear and equipped with handguns, rifles and over 1600 rounds of ammunition. The guns were legally purchased. The two handguns were purchased by him. The rifles were not. Those are components that we are still following up on. All four guns were legally purchased. Investigators say 27yearold farook is an american citizen at that Tashfeen Malik had been in the u. S. For about a year on a pakistani passport and socalled fiancee visa. Neither had a previous criminal record. Police confirmed that in the home they rented, more than 4,000 rounds of ammunition were found, a dozen or so pipe bombs, as well as hundreds of tools they say could have been used to construct additional explosives. Police believe the pair was ready to carry out another attack. Based upon what we have seen, and based upon how they were equipped, there had to be a degree of planning that went do this. Evidence was found described as Digital Media. There are reports that farook was in touch with what were described as extremists under f. B. I. Scrutiny. The digital material has been flown to washington for analysis. The Digital Media is incredibly important, because we are trying to determine the motive. We do not yet know the motive. We cannot rule anything out at this point and were hoping that some of that Digital Media will help us and assist us in obtaining some of that. The f. B. I. Has stopped short of walling wednesdays shooting an act of terrorism. There was obviously a mission here. We know that. Police released the names of the victims lately thursday night. A candlelight vigil was held for them in San Bernardino. That was tragedy i never experienced in my career. The first on the scene, a San Bernardino Police Officer. The initial 50 people did not want to come to us. They are fearful. They were in the back hallway area and that heightened my concern and my fear that potentially, the suspects were in that hallway holding them hostage and waiting for us to enter into the hallway. We had to tell them several times come to us, come to us, and ultimately, they did and once that first person took the motions forward, it opened the flood gates. Just to add mortar what the lt. Was saying, he described seeing the fear on peoples faces, the chaos, smelling gun powder in the air and fire alarms going off, very intense experience for him and First Responders. 300 officers responded in the initial moments, very intense. Were going to have more from lute madden coming up p. M. People who knew that the suspect farook seem to be at a loss that he was planning something of this magnitude. Absolutely. Something were hearing a lot is people kept saying it was baffling, saying he was a quiet person, very nice, he is special ply people he worked with seemed very surprised. He never complained about his work or talked about his family life as being unhappy. We are learning about him. He had a troubled childhood, his parents had a very difficult marriage. There are Court Documents suggesting that there was Domestic Violence and the marriage dissolved fairly recently. A lot of people of course have rough childhoods, it doesnt necessarily explain this rampage that he went on. Weve been talking about the two competing narratives, because it doesnt quite fit Workplace Violence. We do know that he did some overseas travel to saudi arabia twice, once in 2013 and 2004, but it was for the hajj and plenty of muslims go for the hajj. People say he was quiet and nice. Very confusing picture now. Federal authorities not saying this is terrorism quite yet. Its very unclear where this is going to go in terms of motives. Certainly more details being colored in thanks to you, thanks. We now know the names of the 14 people who died in wednesdays shootings including a father of six. A woman who fled iran trying to escape persian execution and a young woman who just joined the Health Department in San Bernardino county. The young of course was 26, the oldest 60. We have heard from the first officer on the scene of the shooting, lt. Mike madden walked through what he saw when he arrived. We had every belief that the we had people still actively being shot inside of the building. My goal was to assemble an entry team and enter into the building to engage the active shooter. This mindset and this type of training became indoctrinated in us after the columbine incident and that was the goal. We wanted to get in there and we wanted to stop nip further innocent people from being injured and possibly killed. As three officers arrived, there was an approximate two minute time lambs from the time i got there until we had a team assembled that our four initial responding officers and the four of us then went around the south side of the building. Witness we made our way to the east side, it was immediately evident that the reports that we were getting were 100 true. There were victims who were clearly obviously deceased outside of the Conference Room, and i relayed that information to the other responding officers, and again requested assistance. As we entered into the Conference Room, the situation was surreal. It was something that i dont think, again, we prepare for and they try to an active shooter, we talk about sensory overload, they just try to throw everything at you to prepare for dealing with that. What youre seeing, what youre hearing, what youre smelling, and it was all of that and more. There are reports this morning that the suspects may have tried to destroy digital evidence in the days before the shootings. Former f. B. I. Agent michael german said if that is true, it is another factor that makes this challenging. He spoke to us last hour here. I think the key is looking for weather there was a conspiracy, in other words, there were other people who are actually involved actively in this particular plot. Thats the important thing. Thats where Something Like the destruction of evidence, terrorism is about sending a message, the fact that theres no clear message might indicate that this is more the typical of a mass shooting, where theres no real message involved, you usually have to struggle to try to figure out why in the world somebody did something so horrible. We had a terrorism expert yesterday that said a lot of these mass shooting i wants have sort of a hybrid. What we were looking at is potential hybrid situation, maybe he was a disgruntled worker and political ideology was a small piece of what drove him. Human beings are very complex and theres vary rare where we make a decision based on only one factor and particularly something as substantial and impactful as committing an act of violence. You can imagine it would require a lot of different influences and a lot of different just circumstances, you know, the fact that you have weapons available. We keep asking American Families and muslim families if you see something, say something. If youre a muslim family upset with the invasion of iraq in 2003, how do you separate, voice your opinion without being considered to be anti american and what hams if it comes up at the dinner table, are you supposed to turn in your brother because he disagrees with u. S. Foreign policy . Thats a huge part of the problem, because the government has promoted a lot of very flawed Terrorism Research that argues that there is this discernible pattern of radicalization. Evidence shows that is not true. Its a very as i haddized pathway often not involving extremism or political beliefs. What you say is not necessarily leading to what you might do. Exactly and false reporting people because of their political views wastes resources, because the Security Officials have to chase down those leads and this false model unfortunately creates a lot of investigations of completely innocent people that wastes the resources that should focus on people who are actually intending to do harm. Another reason this is son fusing, the f. B. I. Discovered one of the suspects communicated with extremists domestically and abroad years ago but not recently. It has reignited the fierce debate in washington over gun laws and the white house is considering executive action. As the republicans block the latest gun bills in congress. Democrats proposed two laws to expand background checks and close loopholes. The Justice Department is staying out of the debate and focusing on the San Bernardino investigation instead. We are pursuing the investigation wherever it leads. It is certainly because of the planning that was clearly involved in this, its something that we have to take very seriously, but we have not ruled out the workplace issue and frankly, Something Else could develop. Lynch has been updating the white house as the investigation develops. President obama says the gun control debate has been the most frustrating issue of his presidency. Colorado springs, colorado remembering the Police Officer killed last week at a planned Parenthood Center. The funeral will be held today. He was one of three shot and killed last friday when robert dear went in and opened fire. Dear is facing charges of first degree murder. A bill that would repeal key parts of the Affordable Care act now heads to the house. Late thursday, the Senate Passed the measure. It would strip the law of its individual and employer mandates, as well as certain tax requirements. The bill stops federal funding of planned parenthood. President obama has promised to veto it. The senate could vote today on a 305 billion highway bill, the house approving that measure thursday. It is the first long terminal transportation spending package in a decade. The current one expiring today. The white house has signaled that president obama will sign the bill. We and wall street await worth from the Labor Department over the november jobs report. Its due out in less than half an hour. Experts that expect modest hiring. Janet yellen spoke thursday saying unemployment is low and growth is steady, and that means an Interest Rate hike is not far away. Gone going themes in the labor market coupled with my judgment that long term inflationary expectations remain reasonably well anchored, serve to bolster my confidence in a return of inflation to 2 . The Federal Reserve next meets in two weeks to decide whether to raise Interest Rates. If it does, it will be the first time thats happened in a decade. Stay with us. Well bring you the details of the jobs report just after its release. Egyptian Police Searching for three suspects after an explosion killing 16 people at a nightclub located in a basement. Patrons couldnt escape. One man was an employee who was just fired, but an eyewitness gave a different account. Three men came to the nightclub on a motorcycle, but they wouldnt let them in, so they come back with three molotov com tails. They threw them and escaped. Only two or three inside died. Three others who managed to escape are being treated for burns and smoke in halation. Germanys parliament overwhelmingly approved a plan to join the fight against isil. Lawmakers voted to provide 1200 support personnel, reconnaissance jet to the coalition. Germany with him not involve in combat. They pledged to help france after last months paris attacks. Muslims condemning the attacks in San Bernardino. Many say they shouldnt have to. How the shooters rearmen is coloring the debate. A new poll shows donald rump is extending his lead. June new details will help explain thigh young couple carried out a mass shooting, killing 14 and injuring 21 others. Authorities say Tashfeen Malik and sayed farook assembled andar national in their home. Farook had a troubled childhood. Members of the mosque farook attended say he showed no warning signs. Theyre frustrated about having to apologize for the acts of fellow muslims. He never said oh, yeah, you know, like these people deserved what happened or this is good, never said anything bad like this before in his life. Ive always known him as a good person. Other people i know, as well, know him as a good person, as well. Everyones just in shock. An associate professor of law as texas a and m University Joins us this morning. Thanks for being with us. I was reading the notes. You maintain with so many Mass Shootings in this country, theres too much focus on whether those who pull the trigger are muslim. Why . I think this is part of a broader problem with we racialize crime is if the crime is committed by somebody who is white, then we look at it as an individual problem, as we should. However, when it is committed by a muslim or asp american or latino, then we attribute it to their entire religious or ethnic group, and that is something that is not going to make us any safer and it effectively just margin amies these communities. I think in this particular case, we need to look at these two individuals and we need to determine why they would commit such an atrocious act and not be distracted by propaganda and punditry usually animated by bias as to whether this was about their religion or not. You teach law in the u. S. All men and women are supposed to be equal and innocent until proven guilty. Do you believe that is the case with Muslim Americans . I think Muslim Americans experience what many other minorities experience, collective punishment, where the entire community has to come out and condemn every single act committed by a perpetrator who happens to be muslim. That essentially proves that in the american psyche, we do not individualize minorities and muslims in particular. Thats something that completely contradicts our values. We need to look at each individual criminal and try to determine why he or she committed that crime and not require that every single mosque have to come out and issue a press release condemning it, because if they dont, we assume they condone it. In the world of politics, some candidates are calling for mosques to be closed, others saying there should be a muslim database. That helping or hurting muslim youth . It hurts all americans. Once you surveil mosques, it doesnt take long before it goes to 16 goings and churches. Authorities argued for more expansive broader laws in order to do surveillance and in parentheses it was muslims and discovered 10 years later they were spying on many many more americans. If Americans Care about their religious liberty rights, which i think they do, they need to Pay Attention how we treat religious minorities, because its a matter of time before it affects the majority. These are not why words, but what do you say to those who say so far most of the attackers and other cities have been muslim . I think its because the media only focuses on those attacks. That is true that there are many terrorist acts or ordinary criminal acts that are committed by muslims. There are also other terrorist acts committed by nonmuslims but that is not highlighted in the media. The media also create this is false connection between these different acts when they are in fact very disconnected. Something that happens in paris is different than new york, different than syria or iraq. These are very complicated events that are usually localized. For example, the Muslim Community in europe has very different sets have circumstances than the Muslim American community here in the United States. Some of it is sloppy journalism and sloppy thinking. We need to consider how we consider crime to be safer. This was the 355th mass shooting this year alone. The United States in the last 30 years has had 78 Mass Shootings compared to europe, which was approximately 41 for the entire wealthy nations of europe. Were distracting the conversation on things that are not going to make us safer and will only marginalize communities and make them feel less welcome and less american, which then spreads to other communities. Professor, thanks for being with us. A new poll this morning shows donald rump widened his lead to the biggest yet over other republican president candidacy. The survey gives trump 36 support among likely republican voters, 20 higher than the next in line, ted cruz. The gop candidates you dont see here are all polling atlas than 5 . Those republicans were all in washington thursday for the forum, National Security issues dominating the top. Donald trump was booed because of something that he said. We have more. To these voters, National Security is a key concern, and as investigators unravel the motives behind the mass killings in San Bernardino, the republican candidate debts did not minutes words. Were going to knock the crop out of isil. Were going to win. The speakers painted a picture of america, of a world at war. When they say radical islam, its the number one threat, because it threatens everyone. There was criticism of what some called president obamas political correctness. The president stands up and says the Islamic State isnt islamic. Thats just nutty. The candidates also took aim at the president s nuclear deal with iran, which israel and many Jewish Americans staunchly on that pose. I will immediately shred this president s disastrous deal with iran. Front runner donald trump insisted again that he would have inked a much better deal and made a comment to appeared to invoke a. Issue stereo type. Isnt there anybody that doesnt renegotiate deals in this room . This room. I want to renegotiate. This room, perhaps more than any other room ive ever spoken to. Trump also claimed he has the skills to bring the israelis and palestinians to the table, but he would not commit to emas the undivided capital of israel, which brought an immediate response. I know. I know what youre saying. I just want to youre not going to be whos the wise guy . Do me a favor, just relax, ok . Youll like me very much, believe me. Trump offended some claiming those in the audience may not support him because he doesnt need their campaign cash. What motivates the Republican Jewish Coalition is a candidate who is strong pro israel, who understands the depth of the United Statesisrael relationship and who is strong at fighting terror. Thats what drives this group, not whether or not a canned sedate accepts their money. It was offensive for him to say that. As expected, Foreign Policy was the key topic here. One candidate suggested that hot button domestic issues could be the deciding factor in the next election. Lindsey graham said cruzs stand on abortion alienates female voters. It will be about the nominee of the Republican Party telling a woman whos been raped, you got to carry the child of the rapist. Good luck with that. He said Donald Trumps harsh words on hispanics are destroying the chances to win back the white house. Lisa stark, al jazeera, washington. Attributes are coming in for the lead singer of the one of the biggest rock bands of the 1990s. Former stone temple pilot front man Scott Weiland was found dead while on tour with his new band. He was 48. He sold more than 10 million copies which his first two albums and they one away gram my in machine 94 for the hit song plush. Dave narrow called it a loss for everyone. Ryan adams and former blink 182 drummer Travis Barker also tweeted condolences. Up next, more on the shootings in San Bernardino, california. Why residents see their hometown a lot differently now. The pentagon opening its doors to all women now and all combat jobs. Why the historic decision that some pushing back. They believed in what they were doing but they were not scientists. It wasnt science at all. Theres a lot of lives at stake, a lot of innocent people. How many are still locked up . The integrity of the criminal Justice System is at stake, plain and simple. Faultlines. What do we want . Al jazeera americas hardhitting. Today they will be arrested. Groundbreaking. Theyre firing canisters of gas at us. Emmy awardwinning, investigative series. We have to get out of here. Juror taking a look at todays top stories, Egyptian Police are hunting three suspects in connection with an explosion that killed 16 people. The men through a fire bomb into a cairo nightclub overnight. There are conflicting righties as to why. Police say one man was a former employee. Witnesses say others are reporting the suspects were not allowed in. Germanys parliament approving a plan to fight isil, voting to provide 1200 support personnel, reconnaissance jets and protection for the coalition but will not engage in actual combat. This morning, police in San Bernardino, california still searching for a motive in wednesdays attack that left 14 dead. Two suspects assembled an arsenal in their home, one they stared with their sixmonthold daughter. Investigators say the couple left the baby with farooks mother the morning of that attack. Al jazeeras melissa chan is live in San Bernardino, california. That arsenal found at the scene and suspects points to a possible larger attack. June absolutely. Federal authorities and investigators did say that it was entirely possible to have had another attack if you consider what they found at the residence. Over 4,000 rounds of ammunition with components to build explosives devices and on the shooters themselves and s. U. V. , 1600 rounds of ammunition, handguns, rivals, and this is what the police chief had to say. We believe the suspects when they entered fired somewhere between 65 and 75 rounds from their rifles at the scene. We did locate the one pipe bomb that was actually three pipe bombs combined into one that had a Remote Control car type control device that appears to have not worked in this case. Two of the handguns we know now was purchased legally. Authorities are still vetting the rifles. They said they were built follow components. Theyre still investigating that part of the arsenal. Are police any close to answering why, why did this attack happen . Weve been talking about this dual competing narrative and weve got a lot more information now, but theyre still not adding up to everything. It isnt quite Workplace Violence. He was never found that have complained to coworkers or his supervisors about his job. If you look at his profile, hes a typical american who grow up in the suburbs, worked in the suburbs, found a great government job, recently got married and had a child. His brother was in the u. S. Navy and had served and received two medals for his services in the global war on terror. Yet, it all doesnt add up. We do have some clues. He had traveled overseas to saudi arabia twice, but again, once it was for the hajj, something many muslims do. Its a very confusing picture we have now. A lot of information doesnt quite add up. Thank you very much. We want to tell you more about San Bernardino, california. Before yesterdays attack, the city was known as one of the largest to ever file for bankruptcy. It also had a growing problem with poverty and gangs. We have that part of the story. Once a middle class enclave, it is now the poorest city of its size in california, a city that declared municipal bankruptcy three years ago waging an ongoing war on crime. Pastor reinhart tells us 44 of residents are on. Assistance. A lot of frustrated people, hopeless people and a lot of people that have been in generational poverty and need to find a way out. Hes been a pastor here for 20 years in a community accustomed to street violence, the kind generated by drugs, gangs and the stresses of poverty. Its always tragedies happening here in San Bernardino that dont always get televised, so i mean, this always feels unsafe, but you got to survive. Wednesdays massacre brought a different kind of jolt. Global reality is becoming our reality, and were going to have to learn a new paradigm, and not to get jaded, not to, you know, get depressed, to stay optimistic, but to also be optimistic with our eyes wide open. Everybody that hatred for whatever, prejudices for skin color, for the way you speak, for what you believe. I think its time for us to cast all those things aside and just look at each other for what we really are. For the staff at local ma Linda Medical Center where many were treated, its not quite business as usual, but sadly, its not a totally new challenge, either. The empires had its struggle over the years with gun violence. Certainly weve struggled at times with gang violence. Earlier this year, we had eight shootings not a half mile from this institution. This was a mass kill, a planned, coordinate together on innocents, echos are paris, beirut, sandy hook in a Southern California Community Already under pressure. Everybody knows San Bernardino has been beaten up with the bankruptcy and economically, this community has been hit hard. This is a resilient community, we will survive this. Our commandment hasnt changed. God loves us, we should love others. If the shooters had bought into that, maybe yesterday would not have happened. Al jazeera, San Bernardino, california. The n. R. A. Now responding to the calls for tougher gun laws. Chris cox, the head. N. R. A. Institution for legislative action put out the statement criticizing president obama writing his agenda would jeopardize our safety even further. In california, president obama had what he wanted, the strickest gun control in the country and it did in the prevent this evil act. The president cannot keep us safe and his policies would leave us defenseless. Criticism for the pentagon over its spending, the watchdog saying tens of millions of dollars were spent in go on luxury items, mostly apartments with lavish security, flat screen t. V. S and lavish meals. A 43 million gas station was in kabul. Historic changes are coming to the u. S. Military, women will be able to serve in all combat roles, including elite special forces and front line combat. We have more from the pentagon. Back in the summer, it was clear a momentum was building to lift the ban on women in combat units. Two women made it through the armys grueling ranger school. The formula seemed to be set, keep the standards high, let everyone complete without regard to gender. The marines wanted to keep its units all male. Ash carter ruled against the marines and for equal opportunity for women. Today, im announcing my decision not to make continued exceptions, that is to proceed with opening all these remaining occupations and positions to women. There will be no exceptions. Currently, 90 of military jobs are open to women, but now the other 10 , about 220,000 jobs will be, too, including front line combat jobs, such as infantry, armor, recon and the most demanding dangerous jobs of all, special ops, the elite commando units, delta force and seal team six. Carter emphasized that equal opportunity does not mean equal representation, and many demanding specialties there may be few if any women, but the secretarys order means that from now on, women can compete for any job in the military and be limited only by ability, not gender. Reaction from female combat veterans in congress was blunt and supportive. Congresswoman Tammy Duckworth said i didnt lose my legs in a bar fight, of course women can serve in combat. Martha mcsally said its about damn time. Carter realizes there may be difficulties, but the decisions made and all the services will have to follow. Job Oil Ministers from opec meeting this morning in vienna, all expected to stick with not cutting oil production. The group is asking saudi arabia to cut production as the prices continue to fall, but saudi arabia firmly maintaining that other big nonopec producers would also have to agree to cut, including russia and mexico. Campaigning in venezuelas parliamentary elections is over, ending at midnight. Sunday, citizens vote. Venezuelans living outside of the country cant cast a ballot but hope to influence the election anyway. We have more. Its 6 00 p. M. , the start of this local newscast where the headline is more than 1,000 miles away. This broadcast is also seen over the internet, a way to reach an audience in venezuela. The news director said some outlets have been silent and his station is working to get information out worldwide. It is home of the largest population of venezuelans living outside their home country. The number of venezuelans coming here with the unrest at home has only grown. The city is a hub for the opposition living abroad. This restaurant is just one of the gathering spots where expat newspapers lined the wall. Protests take operation. The country is devastated. The mayor of doral has taken part in though demonstrations. Let Everybody Knows that something is grown with the political situation in venezuela. The mayor and others have also pressured lawmakers in washington to sanction nicolas maduros government, a strategy poor child cubans. Have you learned anything from cubans and what the cubans in miami tried to do here . Yes, yes, and they help us a lot. President maduro said there is a conspiracy against him. These venezuelans say nobody is planning in secret, they are raising their voices. We are not trying to overthrow the dictatorship from miami, we are telling everybody what is happening. The fall of maduro will come by venezuelans there and those who live here. In the upcoming primaries, venezuelan abroad captain vote but will certainly be watching and from here, getting the word out. Al jazeera, miami. The monthly jobs report is out and the numbers a surprise. This is the last major piece of Economic Data for the if he said to decide whether to raise Interest Rates for the first time in nine years. Patricia sobga is here. Patty, so expectations high for this Interest Rate hike. Does this november report seal those expectations. Barring any unforeseen geopolitical developments, this seals the deal. The number of jobs created last month, 211,000. Thats over 200,000, thats exact live what janet yellen wants to see. The Unemployment Rate held steady at 5 , in line with expectations. The number of people either in work or actively looking for a job has ticked up slightly. Thats a very positive sign. In terms of the mix of jobs, construction was extremely strong last month, adding 46,000 jobs. As for average hourly earnings, wages has been the big key, offering hourly wages tugged up 4 cents to 25 and 25 cents an hour, a 2. 3 increase. On that issue of wages, ticking up the Interest Rates mean well pay more for some things. Are we getting enough money now to off set what the feds are going to do. Most workers are going to say absolutely not. Ill show you why. Lets pull up this graphic to show you average hourly wages. Heres the deal. Youve got inflation blow the fed target of 2 . You want to see average hourly wages growing 3. 5 to 4 . See that wage chart, that gray line right there . Ok, below that is where the wages are. Thats why americans arent that really feeling that push in their paycheck. Heres where the tradeoff is. If you raise Interest Rates, that in theory gives workers even less bargaining power. Janet yellen acknowledges that there is still slack in the labor force. One big indicator of that is the number of people working part time who would rather be in full time jobs. That went up 316,000. There is the tradeoff, but yellen is also concerned about other factors and said this week that if she waits too long, if the Federal Reserve waits too long to tighten Interest Rates, then all of a sudden, you get inflation that spikes up more. That might cause an abrupt tightening, disrupting Financial Market or push the economy into recession. Thats her fear. Shes also worried about excessive risk taking, because these low Interest Rates have caused corporations to literally gorge themselves on cheap debt. We often talk about the strong dollar and how thats sapping u. S. Exports. How would the Interest Rate affect that situation . Go ahead it worsen it . It absolutely will worsen it. U. S. E sports have been hit by a strong dollar, making u. S. Goods more expense have to buy overseas. A race in Interest Rate will make it even stronger. Looking nor a miracle in motown. Well talk about the hail mary pass to safe green bay playoff hopes. The Justice Department addition deeper into corruption at fifa. Another major blow for world soccer. They can this out, it is called the miracle in motown, a hail mary pass for the green bay packers, Aaron Rodgers launching that pass at the end of the game, beating the lions, keeping the packers playoff hopes alive. Lions fans are angry, many of them, including our colleague from detroit John Henry Smith shaking his head. They say yeah, it should never have come to this. Green bay got the extra play after a detroit player was called for grabbing Aaron Rodgers facemask on a tackle. Soccer working on reforms after arrests of fifa officials. It is the latest in the scandal that rocked international soccer. Heres the report. Disarray at the top of fifa, as more officials are charged in a growing corruption scandal. For the second time in six months, soccer officials were placed under arrest, including two top fifa Vice President s, and several more have now been charged by the u. S. Justice department. A federal grand jury in brooklyn has returned a 92 count superseding indictment, including charges against 16 new defendants, all of whom are current or former soccer officials. Among those charged, five former members of fifas executive committee responsible for rewarding the world cup tournament. That brings the total members of that committee indicted to 11. They are accused of taking some 200 million in bribes in exchange for awarding world cup tournament rights. The betrayal of trust that is set forth here is truly outrageous and the scale of corruption alleged herein is unconscionable. Eight others accused in earlier indictments entered guilty verdicts, including another former Vice President jeffery webb. He had pleaded not guilty in july. Fifa had been meeting at the hotel to talk about reforms, leaders say it is still a priority. With all our concentrated effort, our goal is that we be recognized as a modern trusted sports organization. According to multiple reports, fifa has been running a deficit this year of over 100 million, which is extraordinary, because fifa hasnt finished a year in the red since 2001. The scandal appears to be taking its toll. You wonder how much of the cougher was because of bribes. What is the current fifa president saying . Interim president spoke thursday about accusations in the u. K. Parliament that he took bribes in awarding the 2022 world cup from qatar. He said he hasnt taken anything to award the games and wouldnt be present at this weeks meetings if he had. Hes wiping his hands. Absolutely. I wipe my hands of the detroit lions. Ouch. When we come back, the heaviest rains in more than a century flooding central india. Hundreds are dead as the downpour washes away homes. Urban sprawl may be to blame. Many are afraid new Nuclear Power plants bring danger with them. Change. Gripping. Inspiring. Entertaining. No topic off limits. cause im like, dad, there are hookers in this house. Exclusive conversations you wont find anywhere else. These are very vivid, human stories. If you have an agenda with people, you sometimes dont see the truth. Talk to al jazeera. Monday, 6 00 eastern. Only on al jazeera america. Torrential rains killing people in india, floods washing away homes, houses there underwater. The navy using fishing boats to evacuate residents. Thousands had to be rushed to hospitals. We have more. A city punished, the heaviest rainfall in over100 years in southern india. For many, rooftops have become their only sanctuary. Schools and offices are shut as days of flooding chokedette streets. My house is submerged. We are not getting any help from anyone and there is nothing to eat. The military, police and firefighters are deployed to rescue people and distribute aid, the Prime Minister pledged 150 million to rehabilitation and reconstruction. The government of india comes to the people in their hour of need. This was a city of masks, but the low lands drained to make way for development. The loss of green cover and natural cashment areas means the water has nowhere to go. This is not natural, as the government responds, it is very likely due to climate change. Saving lives, but adding to the hardships of flood victims. Al jazeera. Google is making a big investment in renewable energy. The company will purchase over 800 megawatts of clean energy, doubling what it already had. Its latest buy is enough to power over 160,000 homes. The power will come from various locations across three countries, including sweden and chile. The first new American Commercial Nuclear plant in the 21st century is about to go on line. Some hail the new plant as a move forward, others say more Nuclear Plants are not the answer. We have the story. Along the tennessee river, its the fishing. Hit, miss, according to how the weather is. That concerns these locals. But not the watch bar one nuclear plant. After delays and post fukushima safety upgrades, the cost estimate was doubled to 4 billion. Officials have no regrets. Nuclear is clean and second only to hydro in cost. Its a smart choice for changing times and it was a sound business decision. Yet Nuclear Power is having a difficult passage in the country which first developed it peaceful as well as military purposes. While watch bar two is one of five u. S. Atomic plants under construction, five others closed in the past few years. Utilities have announced plans to shut down eight more, saying that more regulation, softening demand and competition from natural gas have made them unprofitable. They also blame the anti nuclear movement, which despite safer new reactor designs points to catastrophes like chernobyl and fukushima. Is this the kind of risk we want to take to boil water when there are so many other superior ways to meet our energy needs. Most americans do favor more Nuclear Plants as does the obama administration. Its backed by some climate activists who see nuclear in an important element in the fight against fossil fuels. Climate scientists james hanson said ruling out Nuclear Power would only worsen the prospects for global warming. Theres plenty of gas in the ground and if we go down the route of renewable plus gas, we will lack in gas and guarantee that our children and grandchildren get a climate situation thats out of their control. While the u. S. Hesitates, india and china power on with their own programs for harnessing the atom to carve a path toward energy independence. Tom ackermann, al jazeera, tennessee. That is it for us here. Were going to follow the latest on the shooting in San Bernardino. More on the investigation into a fire bomb attack in cairo. We are back monday morning beginning at 7 00 a. M. Eastern. Anytime, you go go to aljazeera. Com where the news never stops. Have a great day. German m. P. s vote overwhelmingly in favor of sending military support to fight against isil. Hello, welcome from doha. Also ahead on this program, angry scenes in the occupied west bank as Israeli Forces kill four palestinians. The married couple behind the mass shooting in california had a large weapons stash in their home. Im in vienna at the opec summit. Oil prices down, oil exported countries are

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