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Welcome the first u. S. President in almost nine years. Hello. A suicide bomber killed himself and four others in an attack on a major shopping district in istanbul. The turkish Prime Minister said it was carried out by what he called centers of terrorism. Including a bombing in a capital ankara. Al report. Another bomb goes off in turkey. This time, in the heart of istanbul in the middle of the citys busiest shopping district. Streets, its a major tourist destination. This street would have been packed with shoppers and visitors. Witnesses say hundreds of people heard the loud explosion. The governor was at the scene shortly after the blast. A suicide bomber blew himself up in front of the governorship building and killed three people and wounded 21 others. Three of them were in critical condition. One has just died in hospital. A detailed investigation is being carried out by our colleagues. People were taken to the nearby hospitals. Two government officials have implicated kurdish separatists linked to the armed pkk which has been at war with the turkish state for decades. Pkk announced being spread all over turkey. A clash of violence. So, the turkish authorities against possible terrorist attacks all over the country since. Since talks broke down in july last year, there have been several bomb attacks across the country. Three alone in the capitol, ankara. In total, they have killed almost 300 people. The most recent was less than a week ago. The pak which is linked to the pkk claimed responsibility for that attack, which also targeted a busy shopping street. Days later, jabbering announced it was closing its consulate citing credible information that another act of violence of em nent. The consulate is just a walk away from the blast. Tourism is one of turkeys major sources of income. 3500 visitors visit every year. It could threaten its economy. For now, the government insists turkey is safe. But all have to do a lot more if its to ensure the safety of its citizens and visitors. Al jazeera. Lawrence lee in the predominantly kurdish i city in southern turkey. The authorities in places like istanbul and arrangeara have been concerned they might use the occasion of the kurdish new year, sunday to monday, as an excuse to launch attacks on turkish cities in istanbul, they had announced before the suicide bomb that there would be no celebrations. It was effectively banned. Even though the authorities in istanbul failed to accurately predict this suicide attack, the idea that it might be a reason for the pkk was obviously there. Here, in the south, in diabla, authorities had said that they would allow nourus to go ahead. They announced today because of the same security concerns, they were telling people kurdish civilians that they had to go out into a field way outside the edge of town in order to hold their celebrations. Now, the same air of violence that seemed to perpetrate turkish is very evident here yesterday, friday, the police discovered a car laden with 150 kilograms of explosives outside the governors. If that would have gone off, it would have caused carnage. The first year since december, the Turkish Military conduct operations. 300 more pkk fighters, Turkish Military being killed and others displaced because their home in ruins. Very much a sense on both sides of this kurdish civilians feeling very much under threat by the Turkish Military in turkish towns and cities. And many feeling under threat by the pkk. The main suspect in last novembers paris attack has been charged in bell gum, arrested in brussels on friday after four months on the run. He said he will oppose any attempt to ex tra died h ex tra diet him to france. A Police Convoy carrying him arrived at brouge prison after he was charged with participation in terrorist murders. The main suspect in the paris attacks was captured on friday and was likely injured during his arrest. He is cooperating with the belgian legal authorities. In the context of the european arrest warrant, i can tell you, he will refuse extradition. A new european arrest warrant against sala al a islam. The french proskurtor said it could take three months to extra diet him to france. In our investigationextradit in our investigation it is clear he is a key player. Investigations played a key role in the makeup of the 30th of november and the attacks and finally, by himself being present in paris on the 13ths of november. There is still tension in the neighborhood. Four other people were arrested at the same time as he was. Three of them are members of a family that is suspected of sheltering him during his time as a fugitive. He is from this neighborhood so its not surprising he has friends and relatives, supporters who are left leg to shelter him. We are very, very relieved and happy that we finally, stopped this. Its good for brussels and europe and the rest of the wo world. At this necessary area in a different flat that gave police vital clues on the whereabouts of europes most wanted man. Shortly after the raid, a call was made from a mobile phone linked to him and then police found his fine fingerprints in the flat. He has been on the run for more than four months. Friends of his have driven through the night after the paris attacks to pick him up and bring him to brussels. Since then, it would appear that his movements were limited to an area of just a few kilometers. As he ran out of options and hiding places. 130 people were killed and more than 300 injured in coordinated attacks on cafes and a football stadium in paris on november the 13ths. The main surviving suspect linked to those attacks is now under arrest. Officials in france and belgium have made it clear that the investigation is far from over. There are more arrests that can be existed. Lets go to brulingsz. Jackie is there. The French Property cuter in paris, what he did he have to say . Reporter he was explaining the reason why the french authorities have issued a new european arrest warrant which is actually an extradition request. It was partly to speed up the process but also because the arrest warrant apparently includes new charges that have emerged during the courses of the past four months of an investigation. The prosecutor is saying that there is evidence that shows that he played a key role in planning the attacks of november the 13th and there is also a key member of the team of asass ins, the team of attackers, most of whom died on that night, either shot by French Police or else blew themselves up. Now, thats would seem to stand somewhat in contrast with what we have learned so far about what he has been telling belgian investigators who have already started questioning him. He apparently told the Belgian Police his intend would role on november the 13th was to blow himself up at the football stadium just outside paris, but he said he backed out at the last moment. Now, the french prosecutor in News Conference said we shouldnt take that on face value. We should be quiet cautious with it. They say there is evidence, presumably gleaned by the gps system on the car wented for the purpose that, in fact, he had been driving all over paris that night dropping people off and there is a big question about whether, in fact, an attack was actually planned, an attack that never happened in the 18th district toot north of paris. There is a question about exactly what will his role was, although, of course, it would be in his interest and in the interest of his defense to try to make it look as though his role was as minimal as possible. Jackie roland live for us in brussels. Thank you. 12 egyptian policemen have been killed in an attack on the sinai penguins of madagascar. Nine others were injured. Isil says its fighters were blind the ambush. Russian investigators are attempting to find out the cause of a plane crash that killed all 62 people on board. The boeing 373 operated by fly dubai missed the runway in southern russia close to the border with ukraine. The latest from moss co. It was making a second attempt to land in bad we think when it the flight crashed and burst into flames. The boeing 737 800 took off from dubai on friday evening bound for southern russia. It made one failed attempt to land at the scheduled arrival time. Then the plane circled the airport for more than two hours. Russian investigators say there were strong, gusting winds at the time, 19 meters per second. While it was in an air Holding Pattern over the airport, another Russian Airliner intended to land three times before diverting to the nearby airport about 300 kilometers away. Its not clear why the fly dubai pilot did not also choose to change course but went into fatal dissent. The aircraft crashed off of the runway. The cctd footage shows a large explosion with flames and parks leaping in to the area. Its not clear whether the wing or tail of the plane were clipped during the second failed landing attempt or whether it nosedived at high speed into the ground. The force of the impact caused the plane to break into small pieces scattered across a large area. Its among this will debris that russian investigators discovered two black boxes intact. As relatives and friends gathered at the airport, they learned that all 55 passengers and seven crew on board were killed. Fly dubai is a lowcost carrier. It had a strong safety record. The airline says its staff are in shock. We do not yet know all of the details of the incident, but we are working closely with the authorities to establish precisely what happened. We are making every effort to care for those affected and will provide assistance to the families and friends of those we who were on board. Russias Investigation Committee is looking into possibilities. Terrorists have been rules out. The investigation is currently looking into two main versions of the plane crash due to the harsh weather conditions or a malfunction in the plane. Reporter now that both recodata recorders were found, investigators will try to find out what exactly happened during the last moments. They will try to know why the pilots took the final decision and what was the advice given by the air traffic controllers. It will take a month if not more for the full picture to emerge. Families and friends of the victims will want to know soon rather than later. Moss co. Still ahead on al jazeera, pakistan takes on illegal loggers known as the timber mafia with a campaign to plot 100 plant 100 Million Trees. Fly high, the new cry arrives at the new International Space station for a sixmonth stint. Al jazeera america, your world this morning. Welcome to al jazeera america. Real stories, real reporting, real news. A deeper look. 6r7b8ing9sdz 1yer. A reminder of top stories. A suicide bombing in turkey killed at least 5 people. It was carried out from what it calls the centers of terrorism. Belgium prosecutors have charged what they call starrettrist murder. A cause of plane crash which killed all 62 people on board. The eu is dealing request turkey. It comes into force on sunday. Authorities say 1500 refugees, migrants have attempted to cross the sea to grease in the last 24 years. Its feared when the agreement begins, people smugglers will focus on new routes into europe. Despite the threat of being turned back, many refugees are undeterred. Some are hiding on beaches and woodland areas planning onward journeys. Translator we want to cross, but they took a decision to prevent us. Where should we go . If they do not want us to cross, they can bring a plane far us. We thank the president for his efforts but why does he not continue and finish his help . Why is he stopping his help while we are in the middle of our journey . Dozens are killed in an series of airstrikes in raqqa, an isil stronghold and a target of Syrian Government and russian attacks. The syrian observe serve tory of human rights say 5 children and 7 william. A palestinian shotded by israeli forces. The person in ministry of health says the teenager was killed near the disputed ibrahim mosque in hebron. Israeli forces say he tried to stab a soldier before being shot dead. There has been continuing violence since october, with 04 palestinians and 29 israelis killed. A brazilian judge blocked the appointment of former president de silva to the cabinet of delma rousseff. Daniel schweimler reports. Reporter sao paolo is the heart of the party. They criticized large sections of the brazilian media and the judiciary which they accuse of conducting a coup against the president. We even have people who dont completely agree with what president yousseff is doing but we dont want to see a coup end democracy. Many were drawn by their former president lula who would address the crowd. This movement is more organized and we have far more european people than we expected. Should be enough to legitmize the government. We are ready to die if thats necessary. They will not take away from us the best president brazil has ever had. Reporter this was the biggest progovernment gathering. There were similar scenes across brazil. This is a the huge opposition rally last sunday in which Something Like 3 Million People demonstrated. It would be a catastrophe for the government. Fushther polarized the opposition said it will respond repeating these protests seen last sunday, the biggest in recent history. Implicating Business Leaders and hage mreingsz including the former president lula. Lula is the man at this crowd the government supporters came to hear. I am not going in to the government to fit. I am going to help my colleague dilma to do what she needs to do for this country. As he spoke, the Supreme Court was blocking his appointment to the cabinet, a major victory for the opposition since it means the investigation against lula will continue and the hold on the presidency is weakened. Daniel schweimler, al jazeera, sao paoula. The first sitting u. S. President in almost 90 years to visit cuba during his threeday state, he will meet with fidel castro to start shaping a new relationship between the two countries. A report from havana, a city like none obama has ever seen. It still looks like the havana of the precold war era b cuba was the playground of the united states. Like most visitors, president barack obama will likely feel thrust back into the 1950s when he sees havanas art deco architecture and the old american cars from before the 1959 revolution still working against all odds. He will be able to admire cubas col on yall center when he tours old havana and perhaps stop at earnest hemingways once famous water holes. Testame testament to the nonstate sector. Part of this magic and new moment is because we have accumulated so many layers of history and beautiful architecture and design. Reporter havana wears scars of decades of decay. What president obama wont see is whats on the inside. So many of these houses are absolutely deteriorated because of lack of maintenance and repairs. This one has simply collapsed and has been condemned and yet, there are still families living inside. 74yearold mundes has been living here since he was 12. He said he is finally, about to be moved by the government. There is there is no plumbing. So at night, i bring water from the sewage tank of the building next door, but only for the toilet and to bathe because its too contaminated. Reporter cuban authorities will tell obama that the faded paint are the fault of half a century of u. S. Sanctions although many here say government neg neglect is mostly to blame. Still, the city is a metaphor of a cold war bilateral relationship that is falling apart, a relationship that was kept frozen in time and which with obamas visit, appears to be taking a giant step in to the 21st century. Lucia newman, havan a. Underway in the final phase of the tibetans across the world are expected to vote. The government has been based in the indian city since the dahlia lama from the tibetan neighborhood in new delhi. Reporter this is little tibet in new delhi where several settlement in india where people are voting for a new government. Along with the new Prime Minister, the tibetan dia sp ora elect members of parliament where there is no campaigning. Is. Running to represent an Eastern Region he have tibet. New delhi and it is like quite difficult. But we are the wisest of the wise in tibet. So we want anything happens inside tibet, we can go to the nation and embassy and all of the Foreign Countries here in new delhi. The spiritual head of the tibetan community, this is only the second election without him as the political leader of more than 100,000 tibetans abroad. There has been a defendant diaspora for decades. After so long, the question is whether such a government they elect is effective and can truly represent tibetans inside and out of tibet. But china doesnt recognize the government in exile making it difficult for politicians to address the real grievances of people on the ground. For the Community Living in india, these elections are not just about getting freedom. Its also about looking at their future outside tibbet. Themman runs his familys restaurant and wants the government in exile to also focus on immediate issues important to the Younger Generation who have never seen tibbet. What the government can do is give better education like less unemployment, like, you know, give eg directions to the youth. Thats what they can do. Back on the campaign trail, he meets a first generation tibetan refugee who still longs for home. Every day, i pray that in my lifetime, his holiness can go back to tibet, but a free tibet is not a dream. All tibetages have to focus and work collectively on it. Reporter whatever the results of these elections, its peek like chinzon who are a reminder of the main goal and hope of tibets diaspora. New delhi. A task not for the fainthearted in pakistan, conservationists have begun a project to plant 100 Million Trees. The backbreaking effort is to reverse the effect of Climate Change caused by illegal logging. This report from the region where gee forestation has changed the landscape. Reporter showing in the distance, it shows how quickly forests in pakistan are disappe disappearing. Thousands of trees are being chopped down and transported by illegal loggers. The timmer market is just one of the many factors causing deforestation. Illegal logging using forest land for farming are all producing the reducing the number of trees. Pakistan has already missed an internationally agreed target for increasing forest by 2015. Pakistan is among the same countries most vulnerable to Climate Change. Rapid deforestation increases that vulnerability. Environmentalists want the government to plant more trees, which will help mitigate natural disasters and also help the soil regain more rainwater. Conservationists say there is a link between forest desconstruction and land erosion. Its time for heat waves in pakistan which have killed dozenses of people. Government leaders have announced an initiative to plant 100 Million Trees over the next five years. This nursery is in a province of northern pakistan where saplings will be planted by local communities who rely on wood for their fires. There is about one million plants and they have been shifted to the plantation. Many have welcomed the planting efforts but say the government is simultaneously destroying tree cover in cities. Reforeststration, if you see islamabad or punjab, for example because of these Development Projects which is a paradox anyway, we are having deforestation which is not good for the country. Local farmers are encouraged by plantation campaigns and say they are achieving results flu previous months. We have many such as financial, environmental and fuel trimming the branches. The of these trees is that we have cleaner air. The effort to increases effort if it is expanded, conservationists fear pakistans vulnerability will change. Al jazeera, in the province. After a sixhour trip, two russian cosmonauts have arrived in the International Space station. The trio replacing. The research facility. The group will spend the next six months working 400 kilohm materials above the sea. Scientists want to see how the human body copes for longer stays in space. Several countries consider. Plenty more for you anytime on our website. The address on that is aljazeera. Com and you can watch us by clicking on the watch now icon. This week on talk to al jazeera artist, author and reporter molly crabapple. What i think my art brought to my journalism is that i didnt come to journalism with the sort of bias towards faux objectivity. I deeply believe in having an extreme bias towards reality. In her youth, she traveled europe and the near east, and worked as a nude model and danced burlesque. So much of women, so much of

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