Transcripts For ALJAZAM Weekend News 20151101 : comparemela.

Transcripts For ALJAZAM Weekend News 20151101

metro plane, flying from a red city resart. it crashed 23 minutes after take off. all 224 people on board were killed, including 25 children. investigators are trying to final out what caused the carn, and air france and lufthansa decided to avoid flying over the peninsula as a precaution. peter sharp talked to anxious relatives in st. petersburg. >> what remained of the charter flight lay strewn in pieces across the desert. search and rescue needed little time to determine that no one survived the impact. however, up until this point there's no indications that anything could happen. all we can say is that due to the technical difficulties and the team of experts will be act prove or deny this. >> translation: they told us the landing would be at 11: 40. wi wife, son and daughter. i'm waiting for the person they love. people on the internet everything would be fine. stuff the air because a321. 23 minutes after takeoff. it crossed out of cruising altitude, and disappeared from radar. both the egyptian and russian authorities don't believe the aircraft targeted as it flew over a destabilized area. for the girlfriends and family, it's been a day of tragic contradictions. they were told the plane went missing. a senior egyptian aviation official said the plane was safe. only a few minutes after that the prime minister came out to say the plane was down and there were no survivors. >> a russian transport official says moscow and cairo have been communicating. russian officials conducted searches and questioned employees of the airliner. >> russia has sent a team of experts. it's a plane from russia. the president of egypt and vladimir putin, president of russia, had a phone conversation, and abdul fatah al-sisi told vladimir putin that the russian teams would have as much time and space as they needed to complete their investigations. the russians would like the black boxes from this plane to at some point be returned to russia. so that the investigation can ultimately be completed. >> of course, the initial sta s stages. most of the victims were russians. they should be completed on russian soil. it is perhaps a sign of how uncertainly the causes of the crash are, that two major airlines, air france and loov than sea. decided they don't want to fly over egypt until the exact causes. it is a trouble region and has been a focus of arms conflict. they want to make sure it had no part to play in the downing of the plane rory challands in moscow in kiev mourners lay flowers at the gates of the embassy, three ukrainians were on board. it was a show of sympathy and solidarity between the two countries. russians and others posted support for victims and families. turning to the war on syria. russia warns the u.s. it comes a day after the u.s. announced sending fewer than 50 ground troops into syria. john kerry said they will not get involved in the civil war, but fight i.s.i.l., d.a.e.s.h. rsh. >> president obama made a straight forward decision in keeping with his originally stated policy - that we must defeat and withdraw tash. it's not an access or choice. it's focused on d.a.e.s.h. >> we spoke to the executive director of the american iranian council and asked why has it taken so long to bring iran to the peace table. >> it's reached a point where the parties involved. regional counties, international powers like united states and russia came to the conclusion that without the involvement of iran, as a backer of the syrian government, there cannot be a political solution. unfortunately it's taken five years to come to the conclusion. there has been previous attempts to have iran be part of the negotiations. unfortunately, every juncture from saudi arabia. israel and russia. iran provides the underground advisory to the military, it has a historical link. it goes into the economy. even religious connections between two countries. it has a major influence on the direction of what the syrian government can do and may commit to and compromise in the negotiations. also, if a political solution is going to be reached, nikoloz basilashvili has to be at the table and pushed to make compromises. they have not offered a replacement. israeli police shot and killed a knife-wielding palestinian as he ran through a checkpoint, trying to stab border guards. rights groups and families are accusing troops and using excessive force. israeli border police claimed that israeli assaulted journalists. al jazeera's nadim barber has more. >> a crowd of thousands for the funeral of five palestinian teenagers. all were shot dead by israeli forces after allegedly carrying out attacks in hebron. and all were carried through the streets on saturday with the flags of various factions visible. >> i thinkway we are witnessing is a message to the world, to israel and any palestinians that are not convinced about national unity. the five were laid to rest after israel was handed over. >> israel is holding the bodies of two doze in palestinians, after it said they attacked israeli forces. >> so the five young people have been buried in hebron, and there are many families across the occupied west bank waiting for the bodies of their loved ones to be returned. it's continuing to be a source of anger. >> that anger erupted again after the funerals. with young palestinians throwing rocks and forces firing live bullets and tear gas. people say it's part of a new movement, nothing to do with the political parties. every day three or four people will be killed, and no one is making a fuss. their only good for making speeches. for now, it's not clear if or when the other bodies will be returned for burial. >> hebron in the occupied west bank. tens of thousands of people attended a rally in tel aviv to commemorate the late prime minister's assassination. he was gunned down 20 years ago following an appearance at a peace rally. the murder stunned the world promoting peace. the president addressed the crowd saying israel would not give in to fear in the face of violence and terrorism. former president bill clinton spoke apt the rally. >> he said to the palestinians that they were destined to live together on the same soil. and on the same land. he believed that democracy and freedom and peace through cooperation over conflicts. were essential to the futures of the young people in this audience, who were not even alive when he gave his life for them. the next step will be determined by whether you decide that he was right. that you have to share the future with your neighbours. that you have to give their children a chance too. that you have to stand for peace. >> clinton developed a close working relationship which he spoke of during his eulogy for the former general days after the assassination. recent developments over the south china sea controversy is causing uncertainties on the brink of the asia summit. china claims the u.s. is escalating tensions after a u.s. warship sailed within a few miles of one of beijing's islands in. trilateral talks are the first in three years. they will focus on economic cooperation, beijing wants to boost trade relationships to counters slowing economy. also on the agenda how to deal with north korea's threat of nuclear weapons, posing a threat to all three countries, joining us from washington d.c. is a political risk analysis at tanayo intelligence. thank you for being with us. what is the most pressing issue on the agenda for the asia summit. >> south korea were hosting the summit deciding that it wants to me a japan and south korea n.g.o. a top issue on the agenda. it's something they have talked about. the talks have lagged. it hasn't gone forward and they haven't been able to convene a summit. they want the process to start again. >> it was supposed to take place, why is it three years on without a summit. >> i think you have to look at the domestic situation. the fact is that since prime minister shinzo abe, and xi jinping have taken over, there has been a lot of attention and hostility between china and japan, and south korea and japan. it's made it hard for the stars to align. there's a lot of patient diplomacy to get it in place. >> it's remarkable. there has been serious issues. it could have derailed the process. somehow it's an achievement in its own right. >> one of the long-standing tension points between south korea and japan has to do with the comfort women, the women forced into sexual slavery by japan before, and during world war ii. south korea wants an apology. japan says no. why are they resisting? >> so, part of the reason is that i think japan thinks 20 years ago, at the time, the chief cabinet secretary gave a statement that was effectively an apology. they set up a private fund paying some funds to former comfort women, and that's the end of the story, they don't need to say more. the south koreans say it's not enough, it wasn't offial enough. funds were not official, and the end they were stuck with the impasse. where the government thinks japan is not going far enough. and the japanese people say they have done more than enough. and they don't have anything to apologise for. the political circumstances in japan or south korea favors an easy solution. >> let's talk about the south china sea. patrols in a disputed area. there has been a telephone conversation between chinese naval officials and american naval officials. they called the agent provocative and said a minor accident can lead to war. do they support the initiatives to keep it open. japan supports this. it's more forthright in calling for the rule of law and resisting attempts over the status quo. in is relevant to japan and the east china see where it has a territorial dispute. this is a line that japan took firmly, there's a limit to how involved japan wants to get. i don't think it would be japan joining u.s. forces in the freedom of navigation operations, it's a little too controversial. and south korea, no dog on the fight? >> you know, south korea is in an interesting situation. they've been working hard on improving the relationship with china. they are trying to strike a balance. with china and the united states. and i think president park geun-hye has to be careful. >> i think it will be caution. the main take from there. >> thank you for joining us. in colorado springs, colorado, a gunman shot and killed three people before being fatally shot by police. witnesses say the men marched down the street firing a rifle. when officers arrived the gunmen opened fire, respond of course, killing the suspect. police have not revealed the gunman's identity or motive. >> the images of high school teenagers tossed around in a classroom sparking sa national debate over school safety. coming up, how safe are schools in america. we'll take a deeper look. deeper look. and later, at least six killed after powerful storms roared through texas. pass parse up on me. >> look at the trauma... every day is torture. >> this is our home. >> nobody should have to live like this. >> we made a promise to these heroes... this is one promise americans need to keep. the only way to get better is to challenge yourself, and that's what we're doing at xfinity. we are challenging ourselves to improve every aspect of your experience. and this includes our commitment to being on time. every time. that's why if we're ever late for an appointment, we'll credit your account $20. it's our promise to you. we're doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. because we should fit into your life. not the other way around. it's that time on saturday night when we take a deeper looks. school security, the fbi investigating whether a south carolina's girl civil rights were violated when he was flipped across the desk. she had disrupted a math class. the number of police officers posted to schools increased after the cole some bin attack. there's more than 10,000 safety officers. >> scenes like this in sacramento kaverl, where a high school -- california, where a high school principle neededened to break up a fight. an argument in favour of putting police in school. >> i'm here as a law enforcement officer. i'm here to keep the school and grounds safe and like a teacher for the sid. after this video went viral. advocates are questioning whether it's a good idea. >> police officers are put in the school, and administrators are now relying on them to enforce school regulations, where they shouldn't have a part in it. >> shaun heads a lobbying group dedicated to safety in cools, and says police should step in to de-escalate violent circumstances, not to discipline children for routine misbehaviour. >> do you know the difference between a rule and a law. a problem is that duties and responsibilities of resource officers vary from sit to sit and county to county. some fers are armed. some are not. >> even though there is federal money that goes to hiring police officers in schools, there's no federal overside or requirement for training on the school administrator part. >> the department of justice started the cops in schools programme after the columbine attack. since then a number of resource officers increased by about 40%. >> nearly one in three schools nationwide have resource officers. >> if we teach younger people to do what they do. and that they are human and can be approached. that is going to go further in the world to build relationships. >> what the hybrid role of mentor to students and law enforce helmets remains up for interpretation with little oversight. >> joining us to take a deeper look, dr christopher, an associate professor from the department of math science and technology and a social critic of race, inequality. >> king us from boston, the former managing director. juvenile justice center, and the founder of a nonprofit called strategies for youth. the first question - there were several abbing stores in this -- actors in this confrontation. before talking about what the officer did, let's talk about the teacher, the principal and the student. what should they have done before the police officer was called? > i'm grad you asked that question -- all the -- glad you asked that question. all the focus is on the deputy sheriff rather than the school. it's in need of discipline. obviously the girl wanted to stay in class. i would think a teacher would be happy about that. the fact that a teacher that couldn't get compliance felt that they need to escalate and get a school administrator in the classroom. and it required the intervention of the officer. it's the crux of the problem. school resource officers are put in positions where they are asked to deal with disciplinary matters. they are not trained. south carolina trains officers 3.5 hours out of the 400 hours in the police academy on juvenile justice. 3.5 hours out of 400 hours are there to prepare officers to work with young people, and they put the officers in schools, and the officers use adults, techniques to deal with adolescent behaviours, and they see tremendous harm to the girl and the students that observed it, and you see a school system spinning around thinking all of this, which is caught on a te telephone because the girl didn't put the cell phone back fast enough. and the girl will be charged. we have to start with the teacher and the school administrator thinking maybe they were disturbing the school by escalating their response to her behaviour. >> what should the student have done? >> i'm guessing the student should not have taken the cell phone out. put it away when asked. i know that teachers can respond quite differently when there's an infraction. perhaps the teacher didn't know how to work with adolescence or the dismror. the first -- administrator, the firsting you don't do is get in a power battle in front of the teenager's peers. we know with teenagers, that they'll make self image drump self-interest, rather than lose faith, and from her point of view. as soon as she put the phone away and wanted to stay, returned to being prepared to learn. there was no need to escalate the incident. >> let me turn to dr edmond. what is your opinion about that question. >> regarding what the student should have done. >> what the student should have down or the administration. >> the question about what the student should have done is to me not a question. i make that arrangement because whenever we have a blatant amuse implemented seen or witnessed, the notion that we could destruct to find out what you could have done without focussing on the obscene violence is problematic, it's agal gift to walking to a cancer rally saying why aren't we focused on aids. it takes away from the severity of the issue. and when we talk about the issue, it should be focus on the schools, officer, the structure in place. do you think there is a role for police officers. >> absolutely not. we alluded to this early. the reason we have an increasing number of police officers is as a result of a blatant act involving bringing a weapon to school and the loss of life. at the same time with the severity and the increase of police presence, there has been a decrease in the presence of mental health councillors. closing of arts programs, closing of opportunities for young people. >> you are not suggesting more police officers have, in fact, taken the resources from those things, are you? >> i wouldn't make the argument that resources spent on police officers could be spent on those things. if we see an increase of police and decrease of focus on the arts, it forces us to question the decisions made about teaching and learning. >> stand by, please. before we go to that, let us stake another look at another issue - the assault at spring valley high school in south carolina reignited concerns, authorities saying policies that send african-american kids from the school house to the gaol house. sara hoy reports on an incident that started as a prank and escalated quickly. >> i was arrested and booked and handcuffed. >> they cuffed me. >> officers said arrest me. >> we stepped down with one or two at the high school to learn what happened, and how it turned into mayhem. >> i was there to pick up the twin daughters. i saw a lot of police presence there. and didn't understand why at that time. i went inside. that's when they told me it was a senior day prank. >> that's right. a massive water balloon fight triggered the 911 call. the police department dispatched the officers to restore order. >> a police officer runs behind me. a big guy. he grabs me. i snatch away from him. he turns me around. slams me on my back, grabs my neck. >> i saw gabriel picked up, slapped to the ground and handcuffed by a police officer. very, very disturbing. very subtle. frafic. >> the firstening in my head is i can't believe i'm being arrested. gabriel was not arrested. but robert brown was in charge with disorderly conduct. a misdemeanour. >> an administrator grabs me from behind. and he's like - he threw the water balloon. no, i didn't. they took me to a conference room. >> eight students were arrested that day, along with parent kevin hines. hines is after witnessing what happened. he entered the school to alert the principal. >> he radios in. they slammed me against the wall. he said taz him, taz him. >> i said "for what?" he said for trespassing. >> hines was charged with trespassing. >> cops this no idea what they were walking into. they had calls. >> it was supposed to be fun, never hurting anyone. i didn't see anyone getting hurt by a water balloon. just a little water. just a little water. >> but for these families, a life-altering impact. >> i want people to know we are not criminals. we are not thieves, murderers, anything like that. we just got put in the wrong situation. >> let's go to the attorney. we heard an incredible story, kids being kids. escalating into penalties, and a parent being arrested for trying to go in and see about the child. you train police officers into how to interact. how do you deal with this cultural racial deal. how do you explain to police officers that the first reaction shouldn't be to treat a student or the parent as the enemy. >> well we try. i would like to put this in a bit of a historical context. it was 1993, "94 before columbine that congress allocated federal funds to send school resource officers into the public schools. criminalizing normal youthful before. that was instigated by the federal park institute. it launched ships towards treating children to very normative behaviour. what is disturbing here, and really needs to be said is that distribution of school resource officers is disproportionately in schools, where there are poor children, children of colour. we don't see the resource officers. we don't see them. that's a great article, showing that empirically. what you see here is a conflayings of race, and adult tactics used with youth who behave normally. we do this with patrol officers and school resource officers. what is your goal. and luckily, the international association of chiefs of police just came out in the last year saying the goal of sro makes sure kids stay in school, that we don't send kids down the pipeline to prison as is happening in too many schools across america because of acts of violence towards the students, and you talk about rally north carolina, but we can talk about but mr acts in kentucky. and instead, understand that you have to treat young people differently, what we do is train them and are policing the team, that adolescent development means kids perceive process and respond differently and, therefore, adults have to respond differently to them. sorry it interrupt, i have to point out. the central park incident a woman was assaulted. but the four young people accused, who pled guilty to it were instant. to his credit. >> attorney-general - i'm not the attorney-general and distant attorney cleared him of the charges and publicly apologised for it. let's talk about something else before we run out of time here. the student involved in that school in south carolina, her classmates. some of them, and the teacher, african-american, an administrator i don't know. they say they want the police officer back. >> i think it's probably the most fascinating piece of conversation, it's the process that happened in favour of the officer. many view this has that is happening because the kids think the officer is right. i view it as a deep, deep seated normalizing violence. it's almost a contemporary agreement. an agreement of stockholm symptom. actually over time it develops empathy. they've been in schools over such time. they've been abused for so long. they view the violence as an ally rather than a person involved in the educational process. when i saw the protest. it reminded me of slaves who were traumatized. things were better when we were back on the plantation. it reminded me of a story. when the children were lead away from egypt. angry at moses for leading them to freedom. is it people so afraid of living freely and having a voice, afraid of agency, they'd rather be aligned to a system of oppression to what we see in the schools. >> let's talk about this for a moment. a young girl, teenage girl being mann handled as it were by a police officer. well you know, in another context it would be called domestic violence, if it happened to a young woman on the street there would be a case under section 1993 for unreasonable use of force. it's disturbing to see a large male using his power over a thin, tiny female. if you look at the kids protesting, they were generally male. i agree this is the normal acing of a use of force and it's dangerous if young men are looking at officers as models of behaviour. >> we must point out. we can't talk about this, that the young lady was orphaned and in foster care. obviously dealing with some terrific emotional issues and deficits just you on the face of that, she needed help. >> the larger emotional context. the attorney brilliantly articulated the why the if there's an emergency situation, the first thing we is focus on the abuse. it gets the person out of that scenario as quickly as possible. when the young people are abused. we return them back to the school as quickly as possible. we take them out of the situation. in schools, we identify the abusive situation. can you imagine the level of post-traumatic stress disorder that one has to undergo, returning to a school that inflicted violence upon you, can you imagine that's done to the psyche of the young person in the video, with a red shirt on, peaking through his fingers because he couldn't witness the violence. the depth of complexities - we have scratched the face. the results of what really happens, we won't know until there's bias against the school, teaching and learning and police officers, and it played out for the east of their lives. >> christopher, associate professor, and attorney lisa jero. thank you to both of you for joining us on al jazeera america. >> absolute pleasure three days of mourning declared in romania after a nightclub fire. >> if i had been there last night probably instead of me lighting a candle for those that died. someone else would have been lighting a candle for me flames sparked a stampede. almost 20 dead. that story next. >> it's been a weekend of flooding rains across texas and the gulf coast. the flooding is not over yet. we'll bring you the details when we return, after this. after this. >> this is al jazeera america live from new york. >> at 7:00 - "news roundup". tony harris gives you a fast-paced recap of the day's events. >> this is the first line of defense. >> we have an exclusive story tonight. >> then at 8:00 - "national report". john seigenthaler brings you the top stories from across america. >> the question is, will these dams hold? >> and at 9:00 - >> i'm ali velshi, on target tonight... >> ali velshi on target. digging deeper into the issues that matter. >> i'm trying to get a sense for what iranians are feeling. severe storms hit central texas, another body was found, raising the death toll to six. al jazeera's correspondent has more. >> flash floods, rain and tornados left a path of instruction. the houston fire department responds to water danger. >> reporter: another band of storm hits texas, causing flooding and spawning tornados near houston, the home was destroyed. but the children and this woman survived. >> as i reached down and grabbed her arms, the window exploded. >> here, a tractor trailer is swept up on the roof of a hotel. much of the damage is caused by flooding from this weekend's storm across texas, with rushing water sweeping away debris, belongings and cars. i'm floating down a creek. in this video cary packer described how the week was swept in the rapids. he called 911 and climbed a tree. >> he grabbed on to the tree. packer was rescued five hours later. they were swept by floods, one went missing. >> we caught his name. he is alive. i didn't know what it was at the time. >> as the storm moved eased, hundreds of high water crossings feel closed. >> at the international airport flood water went into the control tower, causing delays. it would bring in portable power from another city. it would be operating by tomorrow. in the meantime a houston center handling the traffic control services. >> well, kevin corriveau is here with the forecast. last week we were talking about the same kind of situation across texas, as record-breaking rain spread across the region, we saw water rescues, damage with homes, and a lot of same thing is going on this weekend. a lot of rain is pushing to the east. we are getting is second shot. i thought we were getting a break, as we go through the time frame. you can see the green areas. that are flood reports, and we see the red, and seven tornados today, yesterday and six to parts of austin as well. so now the flood warnings are in effect. what has changed for the last hour is the flood warnings dropped in this region. particularly to louisiana, where they get the brunt of the rain. look at the video. they are dealing with the flooding going on right now. one of the levies in the area was breached and they are still working on trying to repair this. come back to the weather wall, and look what is happening here. we are looking at severe weather moving in through parts of mississippi, and alabama, we talk about tornado watches and thunder storms. that will continue, and the flooding will continue as well for the next several days. i think that over here towards the border between balexi and mississippi and alabama, we'll see 8-10 inches of rain before this is over. >> prosecutors launched a criminal investigation in bucharest. a fast-moving fire swept through a nightclub. 27 people were killed, more than 200 hospitalized. >> reporter: young romanians, some dressed to celebrate halloween came to light candles outside the nightclub in bucharest. >> if i had been there, probably instead of me lighting a candle, someone else would have been lighting a candle for me. >> reporter: the government of romania declared three days of mourning after flames swept through. a rock group, goodbye to gravity launched the album. survivors tried to exit through flames and smoke. >> it was 1.5 meters away. >> reporter: the rock group advertised pyrotechnics on the website, and that is how the fire was believed. >> i felt a wave of heat and fire, i felt my hair was on fire. my back and feet were burnt with clothes and hair. it was one of the worst disasters in decades. trying to accommodate 200 injured. suffering from burns and smoke. >> i felt a wave of heat and fire, i felt my hair was on fire. i extinguished it with my hand. my back and feet were burnt with clothes and hair. >> reporter: emergency workers struggled to aid victims in one of the worst disasters in decades. trying to accommodate 200 injured. many suffering from burns and smoke. >> it is like working in a war zone. operating. a hospital was visited in bucharest. treating victims of the fire. stopped by a makeshift memorial. >> people are revolted that something like this could have happened. if necessary. we will change the regulations so this tragedy does not happen again the president of romania says they believe the nightclub did not comply with safety regulations. the billionaire koch brothers have been accused of trying to buy votes from favourite politicians. they are facing accusations of using their money to decide what students learn in college. that next. next. just about all the presidential candidates are on the campaign trail, most in iowa, where the first caucus will be cast in three months. hillary clinton made a stop. she mentioned a church shooting that left nine dead, as an example of why stricter gun control laws are needed. >> kaedyn [b]sanilevi picked up the -- bernie sanders biked up the endorsement of a stayed wight obviouslial union. he accused clinton reporters becoming to special. -- too personnel. among them claims that he is sexist. donald trump made claims of health care changes. most of the attention was focused on iowa. we see a lot of speeches. rick santorum, all of them in iowa. carley fior rina and martin o'mallee. the koch brothers are well-known for sharing their billions with conservative candidates friendly to their free market principles. activism includes supporting education, in 2012 coke foundation donated $13 million to 163 colleges and universities, and in 2013, increased their gift giving to more than $19 million spread around 200 tan schools. critics charge the generosity is about spreading pro-business ideology than philanthropy and their gifts come with gifts attached. according to one study, the koch foundation sought the names and addresses of students that participated in a programme at a college in south carolina, and florida, and wanted to maintain partial control over the hiring of faculty and the chairman of the school's economics department. but for some cash-strapped schools donations tied to doctrine are not as important as educational goals. >> in the end it didn't bother me, i'm not worried about ideology. money won't solve the problems. from my population, yes, it will. it does. >> the president of the dilar university in louisiana. and received $50,000 from the koch brother from the college fund. dave levinthal is the senior reporter for the center for public integrity joined us to talk about their influence in universities. >> this is something speaking more broadly in a report we did, we show a secret recording of a meeting that the cop coke officials had with big-time donors to the koch brothers political network. what was said is they are trying to build a talent pipeline from the classrooms to the lecture hauls. and it's something that it going to turn into lots and lots of folks, it was troubling to them, it goes back to the notion that the classroom is gained or if the cock brother or any donor, if they are conservative or liberal fund a professor, a curriculum, that is something that will give the donor greater influence in what students are learning, and the notion to funders from the classroom, and funders would provide them with the requisite material. in order to stay with students. trying to use them be a an end to political or otherwise. >> they found an increase in the profile at george mason university, that's where the charles coke foundation gave millions of dollars. >> sometimes politics and art don't mix. that's the case for a lego artist denied the materials to finish his latest projected. that story next. story next. you are looking live at the white house press room where a chinese artist has enough lego, when the danish company would not fill his order he turned to plan b. john terrett reports. >> reporter: for an artist known for his huds personae, political activism and love of the limelight, it was like waving a rag in front of the ball. he took to instagram to announce the news. lego refused a bulk order of legos to create artwork as they cannot approve the use of lego for political works. the chinese artists wanted to use it for an exhibition in melbourne about australians that fought for freedom of speech. >> i was shocked. >> reporter: the announcement coincided with the last day of xi jinping's visit to the u.k. and he suggested that it was a decision to protect lego's decision with china after a british firm announced plans to open a lego land in chang high. >> in that regard the internet worked like a church. >> relishing the controversy he posted an image of lego bricks, a reference to the 1970 koourinial -- urinal. his instagram version has the caption everything is awesome. the they'll song from the block buster lego movie. after, a british journalist pleaded: after that the bricks poured in. one of london's prestigious institution, the royal academy convinced visitors to throw leg into an old vw car. others followed suite. by friday the friday announced he had more than enough legos to compete his project i'm randall pinkston, thank you for joining us. i'll be back. "america tonight" tonight begins now. liberty institute group, they say they will file a federal discrimination charge on kennedy's behalf. kennedy's behalf. on "america tonight", under the big sky. going toe to toe with the n.r.a. >> putting guns in bars, in banks, making it so that your physician can't ask if you have a firearm or not. >> "america tonight"s adam may on the firing line and treat or trick - you are the man

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Louisiana , United States , West Bank , Alabama , Australia , Tel Aviv , Israel , Beijing , China , California , Syria , Russia , Washington , District Of Columbia , South China Sea , Brunei General , Brunei , Ukraine , Stockholm , Sweden , Egypt , South Carolina , Iowa , Sacramento , South Korea , New York , Moscow , Moskva , Japan , North Carolina , Hebron , Israel General , Texas , Iran , Kiev , Ukraine General , Kentucky , Florida , Boston , Massachusetts , Melbourne , Victoria , London , City Of , United Kingdom , Mississippi , Cairo , Al Qahirah , Denmark , Petersburg , Sankt Peterburg , Colorado Springs , Colorado , Saudi Arabia , Houston , North Korea , School House , Bucharest , Bucuresti , Romania , France , Americans , Ukrainians , Chinese , South Koreans , Russian , Australians , Iranians , Egyptian , Romanians , British , Danish , Syrian , Israeli , Palestinian , Russians , Japanese , American , Kevin Corriveau , John Kerry , Robert Brown , Cary Packer , Shinzo Abe , Al Jazeera America , Al Jazeera Nadim , Tony Harris , Rick Santorum , Kevin Hines , Randall Pinkston , Vladimir Putin , Lisa Jero , Hillary Clinton , Bernie Sanders ,

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