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To point the finger at Vladimir Putin. The cold war with russia ill show you the spy ship moscow might be using to spy around havana harbor. Im ali velshi and this is real money. Why you guys stopping him what did he do . These two officers took a very hard hit. That officer has just as much of a right to go home to his family as anyone else. Ferguson is coming undone the st. Louis suburb with just 21,000 residents has seen its city manager local judge and police chief resign in just the last week. The court clerk has been fired. So far the mayor says he intends to stay in office, while elections for a new city council will take place on april 7th. But the question is being asked should the city of ferguson simply dissolve . Thats because racial bias outlined in the department of justice report focused in part on the financial motives on fergusons black population, hit them with petty fines and fees threaten them with incarceration if they dont comply, and a budget that pays for a local administration that preys on its own population, plaguing cities across america these little municipalities have such small tax bases that theyre forced to get creative sometimes immoral to raise revenue. In its first nationally televised interview since the department of justice report city prosecutor Bob Mccullough issued this warning. If you cant provide the services then you shouldnt be in business. You got to do something because you owe that, that is the soul purpose of government is to serve the people. In st. Louis county, where ferguson is located, along with 90 other small municipalities, each one struggles to find a way to pay for local services for their citizens. There are many in the community who say all these towns and cities would be better to merge and pool their resources. In nearby st. George for example, voters agreed they elected a mayor in 2011 who then went about dismantling the city and merging it with the st. Louis county administration. The mayor said st. George was nothing but a, quote, speed trap, it was illegal immoral and policing for profit, end quote. The state representative Courtney Curtis says the Police Department should be disbanded and the nearby town of normandy should take over policing. Representative ferguson is not working for you and other people, but youre suggest dissolving the Police Department and having the police in normandy missouri which no one has heard of which to the best of my knowledge has a population of a quarter of fergusons and yet Smaller Police force handle fergusons law enforcement. That is your best suggestion representative . I shudder to think of what ideas you passed on. Its definitely not my best suggestion, just one suggestion, given they have just taken over cool valley which borders ferguson as well. The question we have to ask will the services be delivered in the same manner they are and will we ultimately give a better quality to the residents. On one side responsiveness is a key issue but then making sure that all citizens are treated respectfully thats the biggest thing and i think normandy would do a good job of doing that or some combination of mandy and st. Louis county given of normandy and st. Louis county is already overstretched. Whether you would get better policing out of the whole thing i think you feel many people feel, fergusons Police Department isnt doing the job its supposed to do. How much of your suggesting the dissolution of this Police Department is based on better economics, better effectiveness, better policing, versus knowing that many of your constituents agree just get rid of this Police Department, it may be more a political emotional one. I dont think so. I think most citizens in ferguson want to move forward they want to see things be better and willing to work towards that but if we have the same culture in place even though the leadership is gone can we actually provide Better Services . Looking forward and seeing if theres a better way to be more responsive and providing a more trusting relationship between Police Department and the community thats the ultimate goal. Sometimes weve heard of towns too small to strean themselves because of sustainthemselves. I havent seen all the research on this, suggest that doing this, getting out of the policing business, letting a plan county handle it didnt result in great cost savings. To what research and studies are you going to look to that to sort of make a decision . You dont want to end up doing trying out this normandy and finding out its no more effective than fergusons was. Im part of the larger region. I would hope that the county would take a better look at how to provide services to the people. With a revenue of 15 to 20 million im sure they would find decisions. Do you think its a problem with the Ferguson Police or Police Department thats that small or a City Administration that doesnt seem to be representative of a. Moo of the population . It is a combination of the culture within the Police Department and the City Administration. The only way to truly root out that culture is to get rid of it and start over and thats the only way we can truly set an example of ferguson and make sure community and Police Relations change across the country. A lot of people are frustrated with the citys administration and to some degree the federal government is involved in this because of the department of justice but at some level it will be at your level the local level where a decision will be made. What do you know if the department of justice is looking at other places like albuquerque, the supervision of the Just Department appointed administrator to fix the stuff thats wrong . Again as not being a part of the city leadership the mayor has operated in an uninclusive manner and state officials havent been invited to those meetings. I cant speak to that but the question is do we have enough time to give citizens what they need and make and example and move in the right direction . I would say that the frustrations will only bring more frustration and that could ultimately lead to another bad situation. Difference . There are four African American candidates running in the city elections on april 7. At least the number of African Americans on the council will increase from one to two. Is that going to make a difference in the way ferguson is run or is it just a rotten apple . I believe it is possible it just depends on who actually wins the election and them acting in an inclusive manner and ultimately the mayor stepping down and giving a chance for the city to truly be better. But the mayor has said is hes not stepping down. Youve called for James Knowles to resign but youre not talking about a dissolution of the city, youre talking about a dissolution of the Police Department. You say the city can run itself . It needs a capable city manager and capable mayor. The police and the actual City Operations are wholly separate and it is possible to survive as a city, without a Police Department. But you believe the elected mayor of ferguson should step down like the police chief has like other officials have . I do only because its one thing for people under him to fall but hes ultimately the one thats leading the culture and thats not being inclusive. He doesnt invite the lone black councilman to meetings. Youre not looking to change things from august when you are still operating that way today. Where is the real change . Thats not change. The only way we can do that is if we change the city, he steps down from afar, he doesnt have to be the leader. Hes still bringing himself into precarious situation he and thats not helping the city. Representative Courtney Curtis, thank you. This guy had something to do with it . Coming up why you shouldnt be so fast to point the finger at Vladimir Putin. Discipline. Thats what i wanna hear. Strength. Give me all you got. Respect. Now. Bootcamp stop youre whining. For bad kids. They get a little dirty. So what. Dangerous. We have shackles with spit bag. Theyre still having nightmares if you cant straighten out your kids. Theyre mine Al Jazeera America presents camp last resort on Al Jazeera America this is the true definition of tough love protestors are gathering. Theres an air of tension right now. The crowd chanting for democracy. This is another significant development. We have an exclusive story tonight, and we go live. Two weeks after russian Opposition Leader Boris Nemtsov was gunned down within sight of the kremlin there are more questions than answers about who is behind the murder in moscow. Russias swift arrest of five chechen men, one admitted to the murder, doubts have been raised after a Human Rights Group sponsored by the kremlin itself says the men may have been coerced or tortured. One of the claims made was the suspect was motivated by nemtsovs support of the Charlie Hebdo showing of the muhammed. The theory that Vladimir Putin himself is linked to the murder of one of his biggest critics. That very understandable and predictable suspicion was followed by an equally predictable reaction of putin, katrina van hubel, warned in a treat about a, quote, rush to judgment and two weeks later she remains highly skeptical about putins involvement. She just returned from moscow around i started by asking her about Boris Nemtsov. I met him a few times but ive known other members of the opposition and there are different kinds of opposition in russia. Sure. But the state run press in russia has done a good job of not giving coverage to the opposition. Nemtsov was one of those who was able to get above that a little bit. You know ali i think we need to make a distinction between state controlled television who has not given attention to nemtsov, until he was murdered but ive gone all around moscow and youll find more views of putin or ukraine than you would find in washington, d. C. Or new york citys print press on any given day and i think that complexity is often lost on americans looking at russia. Because too often russia equal putin, putin equal russia. There are a lot of different forces operating in russia today and i think some of that contributed to the murder of Boris Nemtsov. Well lets talk about what been. There are a number of theories floating around among the fact the people arrested vr are of chechen origin, this may be in retaliation of Charlie Hebdo one side of thing and meant to be destabilize to the putin regime what do you think . I was in mostly cloudy meeting is with dimitri maratov, some of their journalists have been killed, they had a Investigative Team they had just assembled he had just gone to the Investigative Commission and given evidence that in fact the Charlie Hebdo murders contributed to the murder of Boris Nemtsov and there was a kill list and angered at the defamation of muslims, in alliance with his friend mikhail hortokofski, around putin and the elite that they are angry that he is either not doubling down harder in ukraine or the economics are such they cant get a bigger share of the pie, destabilizing russia and that may have played a role, a precarious ceasefire, the minsk agreement, Angela Merkel and francois hollande, those who killed him were taking aim in an attempt to derail this minsk peace accord. There are different theories but i think the rush to judgment again, that i see too much in the u. S. Media that putin did it is simplistic. I think there is more complexity that deserves a hearing. You and i were here at the night of the minsk agreement and talking about this. What does the state of active opposition, you see theres active media and newspapers but nemtsov was definitely the clearest and most pronounced. To be honest if i might, the real force in the opposition the one that scarce the kremlin is a man called alex nafl. Navalny. Showing evidence of Russian Military involvement in ukraine that report is supposed to still be published. Even boriss allies said it was an aggregation. There were other force he and Alexis Navalny remains under house arrest, he is on the internet often. The main problem ali is the Peace Agreement this Peace Agreement which is underfire is truly the best and only possible way to avoid an escalating conflict the war in the heart of europe and so a negotiated settlement is under fire and probably weakened as a result of this terrible murder. We now know at least there are reports that russia is pulling out of the arms control treaty with europe, there are reports of more ceasefire violations and military operations that have started in the crimea. The fact is we are not going in the right direction. As Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev at another moment used to say in 1966 . 671966, 67, says it takes two to tango. Kiev, washington, moscow in europe have been empowered and i think thats bad for the civilians who are threatened those who have been killed. And again i come back to what everyone can do to build on this precarious ceasefire. Is the most hopeful way to avoid an arms race escalation, god help us, a Nuclear Arms Race escalation. We also need russia to deal with iran, to deal with counterterrorism with the threat of i. S. I. S. With wrawl from withdrawal from afghanistan. This can sound like apiecement. No i dont think so. I think it sounds like a complexity that a one sided Media Establishment think tank narrative which has done a disservice to Americas National security interest has brought to this country. When you have a one sided narrative and lose sight of the history, the nuance, if that takes us into a new war, cold war hot war that is a grave disservice to the national security. I dont call that appeasement i call that tough hard dealing. Henry kissinger, do i often say henry kissinger, no. The danger of a wash in the heart of europe making the cuban missile crisis and the first cold war that divided 800 number any. I hear you, at one point do you say the first cold war you exhaust alternatives. Even when a country has had its borders violated . Lets put it this way. The narrative in this situation, crimea was an aberration. The narrative is that russia is on the march to the baltics, thrts absolutelythere is absolutely no evidence of that, nato activity in ukraine also violating a sovereign countrys borders and the u. K. Just sent troops last week. Now the big debate in this country which i because it has triggered some debate, do we send weapons . President obama for now despite his own partys pushing him has stepped back and said wait, this may lead to more bloodshed. We may be sending arms into the hand of extremist groups according to Amnesty International and others. I think we need to stay cool double down on tough diplomacy exhaust all alternatives. Because the alternative is a hot war possibly a Nuclear Arms Race. Companies. Thank you katrina van den hoovel. Thank you. What we found in the harbor. We cant hope to get a sense that this old cold war ret rick is very much heavily armed combat tactics every little podunk wants their tank and their bazooka. With s. W. A. T. Raids on the rise. When it goes wrong, it goes extremely wrong. Whats the price for militarizing our police they killed evan dead faul lines, Al Jazeera Americas hard hitting. Today they will be arrested. Ground breaking. Theyre firing canisters of gas at us. Emmy Award Winning investigative series. Deadly force arming Americas Police only on Al Jazeera America a top u. S. Navy official gave the Senate Armed Services committee a jolt this week. Admiral William Gortney said the u. S. Ability to defend new york america could be affected by russian activities. From cruise missiles, already the u. S. And canada routinely send fighter jets to intercept russian aircraft approaching north america. Now russia appears to be doubling down on its socalled deterrent actions that target america. That as the crisis in ukraine sinks diplomatic relations to lows that havent been seen since the cold war. David arioso reports. Reporter when conflict erupted in ukraine last spring world attention focused on eastern europe. Russian backed separatists clashed with Ukrainian Forces taking large swaths of the country and annexing crimea. But moscow was also quietly testing the waters elsewhere in what analysts describe as the kremlins most aggressive endeavors since the end of the cold war russian president Vladimir Putinvow to expand his countrys reach into areas after the collapsed soviet union. Positioning itself as a global defender of conservative or traditionally socially conservative values. That reach extends westward to americas southern neighbors. Russia announced plans to build bases in both venezuela and nicaragua. But its cuba that has raised eyebrows. Russian media announced that it was ready to reopen a soviet era spy base near havana. Putin said his country could meet its supply needs without this component but at least 9 billion would be earmarked for investment projects this cuba. And that occurred just months before havana and washington announced plans for talks aimed at normalizing relations. We were there at the start of the talks in jan when a reminder of ties to cuba anchored in havana harbor. This happened just one day ahead of the talks that are set to normalize relations between the two countries. You cant help to get a sense that this old cold war rhetoric is still live and well. Let no one doubt that this is effort. More than half a century earlier the world came to the brink of a nuclear war over soviet missiles on this very island. Natos gradual expansion into moscows traditional turf. But they have nunls nubles nonetheless raised the stakes in what is known as the new cold war. David arioso. Al jazeera, havana. Coming up. Whos right whos wrong, its beholder. From the police, risking their lives on the job. Every single encounter that i have with everyone theres a weapon, theres my weapon. Life. To the black americans on the street who feel their own lives are at risk. They have been killing us and our kids. Plus psychological testing. Could be yours whether you know it or not. My unconscious brain sees white people as safer and black people as threatening. That is our show for sunday. Tweet me alivelshi or send me an yale alivelshi. Have a great weekend. Night. Hello, im ray suarez, you would a guessed that a lot of american schoolkids live in poverty, we have known for a long time that poverty has a lot to say about where you go to school and who is at the desk next to yours. This of the last few days a striking number emerged from the nations classrooms, a survey from the Southern Education Foundation Reports that a majority of American Public schoolchildren life in poverty. 51 of students attending Public School were from low income families and eligible for free for reduced price lunches. A little more than a million nationwide. Today on inside story well look at that finding with the studies auth

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