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Parts of downtown ottawa remain in a state of lockdown tonight after violence in the capital city a province of ontario, 60 miles from the border. Nathan zarillo was shot and killed by a man witnesses said had a scarf over his face. Soon after, a gunman entered the parlment building where witnesses heard dozens of gunshots. A gunman died in the shootout, and his name is michael zehofbibeau. Others credit 58yearold Kevin Vickers with shooting the attacker. There were reports that the police were hunting for other suspects, but the police have not confirmed that. All of this two days after a radicalized islamic convert killed two police. Shes now the permanent observer for the United Nations for the interparliamentary union. But before i talk to patty, i want to talk to the man whose ultimate responsibility it was for the safety. Meter mcmillen was the speaker of the house for parliament and the question that comes up today is the issue of the permitter around parliament. What youre looking at here is the national war memorial. Thats where the first shooting took place, blue its across a busy road of a main intersection of ottawa. [ audio difficulties ] a short distance to the entrance of parliament. And thats where it gets a lot more complicated. Peter millic an served as the speaker of the house for a decade, making him the longest speaker in history. Peter, i was with you in 1988. When you first got elected. [ audio difficulties ] you and i go way back. Back. Screened to get into parliament have to go through to get outside . Well, they would have to go through a specific entrance, and they cant go in any of the other entrances. If i can call it the east to West Entrance if i could call it, to the members of the staff. And they have to go through a more Central Place where theyre often scanned. And i understand that im not familiar with it, because i havent been through that myself. But i think their luggage or briefcases or purses get scanned as well. I was there recently. And i dont have any clearance x. It was like an airport situation. You had to open your pockets and if you had a bag, you had to go through. This happened at 10 00 wednesday morning, and on wednesday morning at parliament its a busy, busy time because all of the members generally speaking are there because its the day that the caucuses meet. Yes, and the caucuses are wednesday morning, and the house doesnt sit until 2 00. So its as busy as its going to be. Be. That would be accurate. Is this something as a nation or a parliamentary issue. Its a national issue, and its something that needs some examination. We dont know that, not that im aware of. Peter millicon is the former speaker of the house of commons in canada. The longest serving speaker of the house of commons. Patty, from 2003 to 2006, shes now the permanent observer of the United Nations for the union, and patty, good to see you with us. If this gun manage, who no one would have guessed can get through the first barrier of security, but if he goes running down the hall, and you saw him chased by the police, where would he have gone, and who could have better than in his way . That door would have been closed unless opened by motion detector, so he was probably cornered in that space, and we have just been discussing, its a hallway that has two very large rooms off of it. Where many members of the caulks would have been meeting from 8 00 to noon. So somebody could go down that haw and take a turn on the left or right, and you might end up with a room full of a bunch of members of marl. And senators. And wednesday morning would have been one of the busiest mornings . There were probably 200 people in each of those rooms. Would you ever guess this is possible. Well, if somebody comes quickly through the doors, stewart is very good, and they would have tried to stop, its pretty rare that you see a gunman coming in. You recall that there was a time when people had much more access through various doors, but when someone tried to drive into parliament, barricades were added. And after 911, it changed dramatically, and people were forced to come in downstairs. He came rushing at people and managed to go through quickly, which also speaks to the skill of all of the security, they act the rather quickly toker corner him. You were in parliament in 1993 to 2006. Right through the 2000 to 911 stuff, where canada had to think about it. And there was some debate about this. I was talking to peter mill ken about this. And the guards did not require weaponry. Some were required to have guns and batons, and there was some objection from members of parliament, we dont need this, intimidating and it creates a bad dense. Precedence. You want to create a presence war it is the house of commons, where people can speak to the house of commons. Its very similar. Its a very different feeling. You think that its as secure as it likely could be . With the exception of seeing a lot more guns outside of the castle and outside, you go to meet with a congressperson, and you it walk through a door, and again, there are xray machines, and if somebody wanted to rush on past those individuals, it would have felt very similar to whats happening here. Do you see this as an isolated event that can be fixed by security around parliament . Or do you think that this is something more serious. Well, god, ali, i hope that is an isolated event. My heart goes out to the sergeant who was killed. Hes from hamilton, and i went to high school in hamilton, and this time of year, this is right before november 11th, where thousands of people will gather to remember those soldiers who have served our country, so its a great concern about what happens there, and what happens right across the country. This is the second soldier who has been killed,. The first was motivated by politics, and theres speculation around canada today and around the United States that was this one too . And if its true, that in the course of one week, you are seeing officials and military targeted, canadians are going to have to think a little different. As i was coming here, i saw one news report that said this person as well had had his passport revoked, so the police have been watching radicalized youth, and its heartbreaking that this could happen in our country. I do hope that this is the end of it, and my heart goes out to the families, and to the sergeant of arms. Killing somebody,. Peter milliken points out that here and in canada, associated with safety. But are they ready to do the job when 24th need to do it . He was a 28 year veteran of the rcmp, he was very well equipped. And i understand that another guard outside of the caucus rooms was injured as well. He was shot in the leg, and the people in hospital have been released but in fact, two people are dead in ottawa. Patty, good to talk to you. A former member of the Canadian Parliament and a permanent observer to the United Nations. Patty t. Stick around with me because we have developing news. Were about to hear from the Prime Minister of canada very shortly. So if you dont mind staying. Theres much more, stay with us. The to talk more about what todays violence in ottawa says about security in canada. With diane francis, the author of merger of the century white canada should be one country, among a dozen books that she has written. She joins me from toronto, and we are joined by patty, and we are waiting comment from stephen harper, the Prime Minister of canada any moment. Diane, earlier you tweeted that soldiers in quebec were being instructed not to wear their uniforms in public. And patty and i were just talking about an incident on monday where somebody started two canadian soldiers, one was killed. And it turns out this may have been a radicalized individual. What do you know about this, and what does this all feel like to you . Well, the protocol to not wear your uniform was a direct affect of the fact that two soldiers were run down in quebec. One died and the other got injured. And of course the suspect was shot after a highspeed car choice. I think were going to find, and it looks like its developing, though we dont know, that we have another radicalized situation, and we have been warned around the world, this is before canada decided to send their manpower, that there were manchurian candidates all over the world, who were radicalized and wanting to go and help isis, and we have something in australia, and we had something in britain recently, and i think we may find that canada is the first victim. For the immigration system for many years, we have had a number of results and problems as a result of that. But we havent properly screened people from certain hot spots. But what im saying is also, it would appear that 100 radicalized canadians are fighting with isis, and 100 americans. Considering that we have 10 times the population, we have ten times the proportion of radicalized people in this country, in canada. And thats a big concern to me. Patty, youre disagreeing with this . I dont know if either of these individuals are immigrants. If this is about radicalized youth, we need to deal with them, no matter where theyre born, if theyre living in canada and part of our canadian society, we have to deal with that issue, and i dont believe so what do we do with this case . The guy on monday who ran down soldiers but he was radicalized by iman or some temple or whatever, on some website. But the point is, we have had a number of incidents of radicalizations involving muslim imams and temples, and lets not forget the biggest terrorist act before 911 was air india, and that was radicalization of another religion. A religious dispute. Wha what do you do with that . That doesnt fall under immigration. You were right, and clearly canada has what appears to be as ive been thinking about those kinds of things in canada, a slightly disproportionate type of things, but none of them are solved by immigration . What policy solves the fact that they get radicalized in canada . Its on the internet. And theyre getting it wherever theyre getting it from. Well, its the internet, but there are groups that are entrenched in canadian society, and american society. British and french, radical people that are doing this, and somehow they got into the country. I think its a lot better now, because whats happening, these events, these radicalizing, there have been a number of arrests and a lot of deportations as a result of whats happening. Do you know about this imam in particular . In fact, everything that i read, the imam was working with the police a couple of days ago. So i dont like the fact that we im talking about radical leaders. But it doesnt relate to immigration. So what is the theres a problem. Youre saying that it doesnt relate to immigration. But the radicalization, whether its in canada or the United States, or the United States or the uk. Thats a real problem. Whats going on with these youth that they think this is the answer for their future. This is a real problem, and we need to deal with those issues. Why are they being attracted to it it . Whats the policy prescription for it . On the other hand, you would like to say theres not youth unemployment. But something is getting to people. The parents have been asking for help, and theres something psychological going on. Recognizing i just came back from europe and met with Parliament Members from around the world. And asked if they had been into canada. And they said no, canada is the toughest place to get into. Just recently. No, in general, diane. This is an interspection of cults and radical forces, and people who are mentally deranged or upset. This is what isil is very good at recruiting. Theyre very effective at it, and all of the videos that ive seen we might be getting ahead of ours. We dont have enough information about who this is. But we know the guy on monday who ran down two canadian soldiers was radicalized and he was headed to turkey to join isil. But the fact is, diane, they are associated with these people. We can call them fools. The guy who tried to light his underpants on fire, or want it guy that we need a policy prescription that is more involved than cops running across a lawn in front of the white house or in parliament in canada, what do you suggest that is . I think that these kinds of forces have been around in history for a long time. And thats not to excuse it. Look, the analogy to isis, and some say that its isis, its only 15, 20,000 people. And hitlers brown shirt only numbered 1520,000, very deranged and strange, and very ruthless psychopathic people. These people can make a huge difference and cause misery for millions. Absolutely, and i think it sounds like from what i read, and again we dont know everything at this point, but it sounds like again, this fellows passport had been seized again, and they are doing something, and we need to figure out how much more effort on these individuals and what kind of surround we need. It sounds like, from the monday incident, they had passports seized and working with the police, and they were trying to deescalate all of this, and perhaps we need to figure out what is the Mental Health response to get people to this it system well before it gets to this stage. My goodness, this is terrible. Weve people here every time theres a gun attack. We pig if out and then it loses its urgency, and then were back to square one. Stay with us, paddy sorensen, former member for canada and permanent server to the United Nationsed. Stay with us, well be back in just 27 minutes. Our special coverage continues on aljazeera america. Katherine clarke is the host of the tv show, beyond politics, and shes the daughter of canadian Prime Minister, joe clarke. And she joins me via skype from ottawa, and katherine, youre there, and you live in ottawa. Tell us what the mood is like in ottawa, and the people with whom youve been speaking. Hi, ali, its a tense mood here in ottawa. We have had a difficult day. And i think that all residents of ottawa feel a tremendous sadness at the loss of life that occurred when one of our Canadian Forces soldiers was murdered. But i think more than that, it has impacted people just across the city. For instance, my own colleagues have been in lock down on Parliament Hill for the entire day. And our neighbor has been locked in her office the entire day. My children were locked into their schools in full security mold the full day. So this has really had a very direct impact our lives of people here in ottawa. Diane francis, you are an interesting case. You know, paddy and i are both from canada and we live here in new york, and you are american born. And you are canadian and a citizen, and you understand both cultures quite well. But the one place canadians and americans are very similar. As much as we like to distinguish ourselves from each other, but the one way were similar, to americans, they lost their innocence on september 11th, 2001. And they lost the ability to believe that this cant happen here f im not sure that canadians fully did. Is this some sort of a turning point from what cath rib describes look, a love ottawa, but its described as a sleepy town, and its not something that canadians think can happen. Well, canadians are extremely informed about whats going on in the world. Much more so than americans in general. But i think this is the most highprofile terrorist attacks to hit canada. We intervened and prevented many of them, including the refugee from al injuria who started the first al qaeda cell and wanted to blow up the l. A. Airport in 1999. That didnt happen, and we had the railway plot a year ago after the boston marathon. Yes, i think youre right. I think this is get realtime, canada. We have actually disproportionately not in absolute numbers, but we have disproportionally, that people have access to on the internet, with bombs and that sort of thing. And the other thing too, lets remember, whatever we have to do in canada, just like the americans, because if the americans dont clean it up, its a danger to us, and visa versa. Katherine clarke, you are a host, a daughter of a Prime Minister, and you know ottawa well. But youre canadian. And canadians dont have that terrorism bug, and its not top of mind for most canadians. Do you believe this is a psychological shifting point . Is it a Tipping Point for canadians, or are you and those around you hoping this is a one off and its not happening again. Obviously we hope its a one off and doesnt happen again, but i can tell you, canadians are not naive, were known to be a peaceful people. And were a peaceful country. And we recognize that we are, like all countries in the world, at risk of terrorist attacks, and as far as we know, nothing has been confirmed, but that seems to be what has happened here in ottawa today. It is, indeed an awakening if i can use that word for canadians, and it happened in ottawa city, which is a very safe and peaceful city, and its a shock for everyone. Well, i think that the demonstration and response today demonstrates that a, were not naive. It didnt look like we were not prepared. No, we have had Mass Shootings in montreal. And we have seen our share. But you know, i just spent my first 911 here in new york, and i walked down and i was surprised that no one commented anywhere. Of course we saw the empire state and the buildings and sacks had a memorium in the window, but i was surprised that no one mentioned anything, and for me, it was such a significant day where things did change. So again, security has changed in ottawa. And people are aware that theres a risk so, i dont think were naive. I think that we are concerned, and i certainly hope that we have not lost all of the things that make us open and united and what have you, and this place will still be accessible to individuals to come and talk to members of parliament as they should. This is an ongoing debate about how we keep our public places, where decisions are made about our liberty, accessible to people when this kind of thing happens. Stay with us, paddy is with us, a former member of parliament in canada and Katherine Clarke is the host of beyond politics in canada. And were covering the attacks in a moment. Joined now by katharine clarke, the host of beyond politics the daughter of a former canadian Prime Minister. And do you have memories of when your dad was in parliament . My memories of when he was Prime Minister are blurry, because i was pretty young, but he served as Foreign Affairs minister many years after that, but i have many memories of growing up. There was always security. And i remember very clearly, every time i would walk in, dadding saluted at the members entrance, and for years and years, you could actually drive right up. I remembering driven by mum or other people up to Parliament Hill to be dropped off. But however, that did change. There was an incident there, many years ago, when a person hijacked a Greyhound Bus and took it up to the lawns of Parliament Hill and another person drove a jeep up to gain entrance, and at that point, they stopped traffic on the hill and vehicles. So theres enhanced security x members must wear pins on their lapels to identify them as senators, and people need specific paxes to sign n and ive gone through the security checkpoint there with my children, with visiting guests who want to see the parliament building. Theres a Security System in place, and i think we can see that despite the fact that the person was able to gain entrance to the parliament building, he did not get much further than the front door. Katherine, i want to give you a new develop a man jumped the white house fence, on the north side of the white house. According to a spokesman for the secret service, dogs got him. And well bring you more on that as we have it, but this is something that we have been discussing all day. It brings to mind the security breaches. Parliament operates differently than the white house does. But the white house has a perimeter around it and a gate. Its much like parliament. You can walk right up to it. There are ottawa police, and on the grounds, its monitored by the rcmp, and inside, its Parliamentary Police and guards, but the fact is s. Its a public face, and paddy dorsey makes this point. You want it to be a public space, and now we see dangers. Bum the analogy with the white house would be if somebody jumps the fence, and it did ham. And they got right into the Prime Ministers home after a funeral, so it was you know, the congress is open to people, and you can get in, and you dont have to say where youre going. All you have to do is go in and get your stuff xrayed and walk up. Your pointing, canadians are not so naive. In canada, you have to say where youre going, and you cant just walk in. And im worried that School Children dont get in anymore, because they will say security takes too long but they need to come in and see for parliament at work. Mike viqueira on the phone, and youre kidding me, right . Given everything that happened in the last 24 hours, you can imagine the security sensitivity. Our cameraman for aljazeera america, steve washington, was coming back into the fence to prepare for a live shot that i was going to do at 8 00, and heres what he saw. A man jumped the fence, not far from where omar gonzales, the last individual to do so six weeks ago, jumped the fence and moved toward the north portico of the white house x. This time, the u. S. Secret service deployed the dogs, and the secret service was able to apprehend this gentleman, the individual that steve washington saw with the help of the dogs. The white house now on lockdown, and the secret service is sorting it out. Another fence jumper, ali. This brings us to paddy, and the daughter of the former Prime Minister of canada and host, about the access. You remember the day when the white house was a lot more taupe to people. Thats absolutely right. And its a continuing topic of conversation, given what happened with omar gonzales. There were interim measures that were in place, and a double fence around the white house, the white house compound is largely ornamental, really. It has spikes on the top, not really sharpened spikes, but they added a row, i dont know, 10 feet from that, toward the street to keep the public a little bit further out. But these are just bicycle racks, the bicycle rack barricades that the people are familiar with, and the individual got over that, got over the fence, and made it i guess, judging from steves description, to the fountain there, a third of the way to the portico. But what didnt happen last time, happened this time. The secret service deployed their dogs and brought the man down. Thats unbelievable. Mike, i want to talk to you about the days events separate from this, and i want to thank catherine clarke. I hope that everybody gets out of lockdown in ottawa. And paddy torn see, great to talk to you. And its certainly unusual that all of this is happening on the same day. In a moment, im going to speak to an eyewitness who was there in ottawa when it all went down. Stay with aljazeera america. Omar pash echo is a journalist for cbc in ottawa. And omar joins me now on the phone. Opeomar, where were you when it happened. Downtown. An office building, an undercover car was just racing like in a hollywood movie down metcalfe street here, and turning the corner down to the war memorial. I went to see what happened. And i got there just after the shots had been fired. And people were seeing what happened. But the shooter approached. We had two guards, and they approached one of them and shot him, he hijacked the car and the parliament, thats where the whole pursuit took place. But obviously, total chaos. Like something we have never seen to this degree in downtown ottawa. And its fair to say that the war memorial is the center of town in ottawa. You needed to it tell somebody to meet new the center of the city, the memorial would be a logical place to say, lets meet. Its very central. Its very central. Its about 200 meters, 3 blocks away from downtown ottawa and market street. Its in between the market district and the Central Business district. So its very much the center of town, 100 meters away from the parliament building. And thats the important thing, the gunman allegedly stole a car to get to parliament. And you could have easily have run there. But he was clearly destined. What have you heard about how all that transpired . Somebody, its interesting, i was speaking to a retired general of the armed forces, and he said its not so common for us here, but to create a massive distraction, there was somebody dead on the ground of the war memorial and everybody is rushing to the scene of the war memorial, and he might have gotten lost in the fray by the time he got in the car. That was ground zero, parl hill. And possibly being the main target. But the war memorial being a distraction. The speaker of the house of commons, he was saying that the interesting thing about the policing on capitol hill, the permitter is ottawa police, and the grounds are the rcmp. And the buildings are parliamentary guards. So in fact, it has be an effective addition trax if that were want aim, because if someone were shot at the war memorial, 100 meters away, theres this large gathering of Law Enforcement who would logically head that way if they needed to. So the aim would have been to drain some of the resources away from parliament. At this point, they say its still speculation, but it seems like a logical strategy. By the way, when you say the police are saying little, in the United States, we are used to the police saying quite a bit right at the beginning, and a lot of people have been surprised listening to the press Conference Today that in fact very little is said. And thats relatively typical in canada. It is, actually. In these cases, you dont hear a lot. They like to keep their investigation under wraps, not a lot coming out and even to the point where people are getting frustrated today. At one point, there was speculation that there was a second shooter or even a third, and police at some point had backed away for three blocks, because the police, to their own knowledge, they were so much in the dark with the officers on the ground, to their knowledge, they believe there was another shooter on one of the rooftops of a building downtown. So even for them, the information was very unclear, but again, we dont often get that much information at the press conference. But many buildings downtown are still under lock down, including our building, which is a partial lock down. We have been hearing word that certainly in quebec, ontario borders, and some soldiers have been told, dont wear your uniforms in public. This weekend, a person was run down, and then this incident, these soldiers who guard the war memorial, the ceremonial guard, they are in full dress uniform, is that correct . Thats correct, yeah. Omar, this continues to be a developing story, and thank you for representing us out with some of it. Omar pacheco is a reporter for the cbc. Our coverage continues. President barack obama was briefed on the security issues, and Mike Viqueira is at the white house today. We have heard all sorts of things. Everything in canada, nothing happens in isolation, when bad things happen, before anybody really figured out what those bad things are, someone in the u. S. Is reacting to it. And tell us what happened. We know what happened in ottawa, and what was going on in washington . Youre absolutely right, ali. It goes to the geographical and cultural affinity that these two countries have. He was on the phone with stephen harper, and just as soon as he could. So its very sketchy, something that we heard from president obama, from the oval office, he spoke very briefly about this. The details are sketchy right now, and ov no obviously, the cn in washington, from our canadian friend, is this something, and is there another shoe thats going to drop from much in there, and is it going to involve washington or another major American City . No details, but theyre sketchy, and you can bet the fbi or Homeland Security is looking into this as well. Lets listen to what president obama said. Its very port for us to recognize that when it comes to dealing with terrorist activity, that canada and the United States have to be entirely in sync, and we have been so in the past and im confident we will be in the future. He used the term, terrorist activity. And anybody who shoots a member of the military and busts into parliament is a terrorist. Buff what was happening . Norad was on the ready, and theyre always on the ready. There were reports that norad was on high alert and it echoes the cuban missile crisis around here. And a vessage of the cold war, and norad is knocking that story down and saying that its absolutely inaccurate. And its something that both the canadian and american militaries are involved in, the north American Defense council. So the on the outward vestige of security that we have seen here, where they begin to unfold in ottawa today, at the arlington cemetery, they have added additional security this, and obviously again, the fbi and Homeland Security looking at this to determine whether this individual and the one deassessed individual had any connection to terrorism. And so far nothing has turned up. At this point, people were asking me today, how did these two countries, you know, communicate with each other politically and militarily . My understanding of this is its quite seamless. For all problems that countries have with each other, canada and the u. S. , when it comes to communicating dangers or terrorism or political activity or stuff, its pretty seamless. This is the point where we say its the longest unprotected border in the world, right . There are nato facilities throughout canada and obviously the militaries work hand and glove. And youre right, seamless is probably the best way to describe it. Mike viqueira, thank you for being here. In e. The shooting in canada raises security questions here in the United States. Just how safe is the u. S. Capital from someone on a mission to do harm . David schuster joins us now, this is question has come up in the course of the day, considering the embarrassing breech in security at the white house not that long ago. And something went wrong, but it reminds of you what happened when somebody does breach the security that way. Get across a long lawn like in canada but with a weapon. And ali, the u. S. Capital is a very different it Security Apparatus than the houston. They have a guard shack at the fence. But thats not the case at the u. S. Capitol building. You can walk across the lawn and get your car into a garage before anybody might check your vehicle, and you can get up to one of the entrances of the Capitol Building before you have to go through the magtometers. What they have tried to do is have set visitor entrances and set entrances for the senators and the congress, so you can go in, and theres more security for the visitors, but what happens if somebody say steals one of the credentials or decides to steal their way into one of the entrances. Theyre all heavily guarded but like in canada, if somebody wants to blast their way through, they can get at least through the entrance. Its one of the things where the security permitter is outside of the building, you go through the initial clearance, and then you give your credentials at the first stop. So you would have to get through two full it security barriers before youre inside of a major building. But youre absolutely right. Canadian parliament, much like capitol hill, you can go all the way up to it before you go through security. Grounded in the constitution, allowing people to take it seriously, but again, there are a lot of plainclothed policemen on capitol hill, watching the cars, and if somebody is carrying a weapon or something suspicious, they may get stopped. But again, if youre able to stay calm, and walk up to the security entrance, and not giving any obvious signs of trouble. Earlier, i spoke to the former speaker of the house of commons in canada. And he seemed surprised, where we dont think of security as seriously as we do in the United States, and they dont live under as serious a threat, the idea that a guy with a long gun can run the 300 feet across the lawn in front of parliament and he did this in a car, and he got out there, and we say that cant happen in america, but in fact, back to the white house example, it sort of did happen. It can happen to the extent that somebody can get right up to the building, but i guarantee, ali, theyre so heavily armed at the entrance to the capital. And what somebody might be able to do is cause damage and violence at the entrance. But the likelihood of somebody getting past the entrance like they did in the Canadian Parliament building today, the u. S. Capital police may anticipate that there will be another attack, perhaps officers at the guard desk where the magnetometers are, but they have all kinds of things pertaining to that location. Thats the hue here, whether its the white house, the parliament or the canadian capital, were all set up to have somebody check you out and look at you, and what do we do when we get to the point where people have weapons with them and they were prepared to discharge that weapon . Is that the front point of First Contact enough to disarm somebody with a weapon . Thats what they faced in ottawa. Theres no question that there were enough people in and around parliament to tackle a guy with the gun, but this guy got almost to the back to the libraries, before the guy who you wouldnt think was the guy to do this, the sergeant at arms, took him down. Im not sure that they can get that far to the u. S. Capitol building, but the parking garages or some of the interns get to the cars, and people are supposed to check whats in the trunk, bull oftentimes they dont. If somebody wanted to think it through, there were ways that they could cause damage if they went to one of the buildings. Its another set of magnetometers, but they can bring them to one of the buildings. Thank you very much for joining us, and thats it for me, but our special coverage of the attack on the Canadian Parliament continues here on aljazeera america. Im not sure anybody could get that far in the Capitol Building but there are some weaknesses. Down, interns get to park again theres another set of mag magna. Hi everyone, this is al jazeera america, im John Siegenthaler in new york. Ottawa attacked, gun fire in parliament. A canadian soldier is killed. The latest on the investigation. Guilty verdict. American blackaward security guards convicted seven years after killing dozens of iraqis. Treating ebola, a new serum made from the blood of survivors. The hopes and the risks. The autopsy,

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