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Are the most important pard of the show. Tweet us or leave us a comment on facebook. This week, unemployment in america is down. Hiring has slowed. Well explain in a moment. For now, lets look at the job numbers for september, where we got 18 days behind schedule thanks to the government shutdown. The Unemployment Rate dropped to 7. 2 from 7. 3 in august. That is the lowest in almost five years. It sound good but its not, really. The u. S. Only added 148,000 net new jobs 45,000 fewer than were created in august. Its worry son. We should add between 150,000 and 200,000 or more per month to sustain economic recovery. We are not doing that. The trend suggests that job creation may be slowing, without factoring the jobs lost or furloughed because of the shutdown. That information in the next jobs report in november. Why would unemployment and hiring come down . The reason is because Labour Force Participation is low at 62. 3 . Thats the percentage of all working age americans working or actively looking for work. It is at its lowest level since 1978. One problem is a lot of people who want a job have given up looking. They are not counted in the Unemployment Rate. Other folks include retirees, students and stayathome mums and dads. Labour force participation shrunk from 66 at the beginning of the recession to where it is today. The only way to reverse the trend is for u. S. Firms to hire again. The jobs report did not break down the growth of the freelance economy. Freelancers have been around the retail and Entertainment Industries they rely on them to do business. What is new is the growth of professional firms reliance on consultants and contractors. Freelancers with Technical Skills and advance degrees. For the companies its a way to save costs and freelancers the work they do offers independence and flexibility they cant get in a staff job. Freelancing can come with pitfalls, the most obvious being a lack of job security. You have to hustle. You cant make a name for yourself and sit at home. Lena is part of a growing workforce of skilled freelance labour. A trained lawyer she does parttime consulting gigs for Large Financial Services firms. Im hired by different companies, financial companies, investment companies, Mutual Fund Companies and represent them at large Financial Planning broker dealing meeting. In between she does contract work at new york city lawforms. Lena has not always been a hired gun. She had a fulltime staff position before striking out on her own. If something happens to your business in the next three to six month, youll be fine. Its not always easy. Ism when you dont get a pay cheque butt you work your butt off, you question your value. At a job you can do nothing all day, show up and you still get a pay check. The Labour Market is changing with companies relying on free learns to cut costs, a shift the Labor Department doesnt reliably measure. The last time a Government Agency released numbers on free land contractors, with compliance with onethird of the workforce, but the ranks are growing. Freelance workers could account for half the workforce within 15 years. One reason firms are using Information Technology to do shortterm projects. Fuelling a rise in temporary hires. Benefits make up a third of staff compensation, employeeing freelancers makes sense. The calculus is finding lower cost savings. It makes a great deal of sense. From a freelancers stand point its appealing because you have flexibility. Lena chose to go solo. Many of her fellow contract lawyers prefer the stability that comes with a fulltime position. Since the doup turn there has been a lot more lawyers that find jobs, that do this copied of work. The jobs since 2008 its been like an accordian. Sometimes theres a lot of gigs, sometimes theres few. Its stressful for people that rely on this as a major source of income. Skilled freelancers need to cast a wide net to make it into the Labour Market. When i work with people and they are frustrated about not getting a law job. I say dont work in law, work in sales, marketing. Theres companies that want to need a legal mind, they want someone who can write and express themselves and talk. Whatever t and analyse, like a lawyer can. Polls show a majority of americans show that Social Security is heading to a crisis, and action has to be taken. Most politicians show making exchanges is political suicide. Something has to give. Let me explain. Mostly put, you could break our nations budget into four almost equal quarters. One is Social Security, one medicade, medicare, one military and the fourth everything else. Lets look at Social Security. Nearly 60 million americans get Social Security checks and social insurance costs hundreds of billions a year. We need to figure out how to pay for it. We take a look at the cost benefits and problems with americas Social Security system. Social security was born during the great it depression when millions of americans, especially Senior Citizens lived in poverty. It was designed to meet basic needs. Nearly 40 million retired workers and dependents rely on 1269. A million disabled workers and their dependents get 1129, 816 billion in Social Security benefits were paid out. 6. 2 of every dollar American Workers earned is dropped into a pot to fund Social Security. Employers add an equal amount, and that with interest is how the pot is filled. Here is the problem the wave of baby boomers tapping into benefits means the Social Security trust fund will not have enough money by 2033. After that period there wont be enough money coming in through current pay ral taxes. Theres bell payroll toxes. Theres enough to cover 77 . The solution to the Social Security problem includes raising taxes, taxing more of what wealthy people earn or reducing benefits. Or raise the age when people can take benefits. None of the solutions are politically popular. Theres a chance you are one of millions of americans with no professional help managing money or planning for retirement. Deloittes says 58 of us have no plan in place. A reason is we dont trust brokers or financial planners. Theres about 130 webbased Companies Offering help raising from Online Services that let you mimic top traders. A group of online advisors attracted more than a million customers by offering low fees and convenience to people who do not need much handholding. This man is as tech savvy as it gets. With a few startups at 33 years old. Like Many Americans this San Francisco resident admits he doesnt know the first thing about investing. I know you shouldnt keep your money in a savings account. Thats what i do know. He paid a Financial Advisor to manage his lifes savings. I realised i was probably paying too much for the services that i didnt need, and i looked at online option, and thats where i decided to make a shift. His money was transferred to futureadvisor an option offering Financial Investment for low or no fees and part of a rapidly growing industry satisfying an underserved american public. Some of the most Sophisticated Services the average person doesnt have availability. Theres a huge market serving the mass affluent, them with savings that dont meet a Million Dollar minimum that quality Financial Advisors require. What the services try to do is help achieve their goals at a low cost. The low cost is a fraction of the 12 annual fees charged by traditional financial vizors is driven by technology. Here is how it works once you sign up and answer basic questions, you link your savings accounts, including 401 ks and rois, and an Algorithm Software delivers a plan to optimise returns and help you reach your goals. Our classic customer is someone anywhere between the early 30s and late 40s. Someone who is accumulating wealth so they can retire. Like other startups in the field futureadvisor brings Software Engineers and Financial Experts under one roof. An inhouse investment provider responds to questions. As a registered advisor with the scc the site can trade or rebalance accounts. Lou says younger generations balance the speed the Online Services provide. We have less time to sit down with our Financial Advisor and do the quarterly reviews and drive to offices. We designed futureadvisor to be something you check in on in vans. Simon roy says jemstep is another of those sites. The industry has done itself no favours. There have been scandals, theres concern about conflict of interest from brokers. Investors are aware of this. Theres a hunger for an alternative, and for a little more control. Though each site uses slightly different software, they follow the model portfolio weighted towards diversified assets. Mike sha, cofounder of sigfig says rooting out hidden fees in 401 k accounts can bring huge rewards. For the average user we can save over 5,000 by identifying various fees. Elliot weissbluth from Hightower Advisors says complexities of a planning a financial future demands a personal touch. Its difficult for technology to rechly kate a thoughtful conversation about when does a person want to retire, and what does it mean, thats art and the skill that resides in a small group of advisors. For an increasing number of consumers, Online Services like futureadvisor make more financial sense. The online world provides what i need at a frauction of the cost. Theres no fraction of the cost. Theres no Service Providers that people like me need. It didnt exist before, so everyone benefits. We have explored space more than we explored the ocean would you believe that . Humans has never laid eyes on 95 of the ocean. Next, well tell you how one man plans to change that. Would you believe that . Humans when we think about the final frontier of exploration we think about space, right . It turns out oceans are the true final frontier, humans have explored only about 5 of the world under water. We know more about the dark side of the moon than our oceans. They are at the tipping point. Our actions in the next 10 years will determine the state of oceans in the next 10,000 years. It will impact the air we breathe to jobs and the economy. The foundation is on a mission to explore the oceans and protect them. Ali velshi takes a closer look. If you think of xprise you probably think of space. In if 2004 10 million was given to the makers of spase ship i the first privately manned aircraft to fly in subissue ittal space. It helped to launch the 5. 1 billion space industry. X prize is not just about space. It is to find a market and offer prize money as an incidentive to attract teens that will compete to solve the problem. The idea the combination of the purse and prestige will stimulate what is otherwise lacking. It awarded 10 million to eddy son two for a fuel efficient car topping 100 miles per gallon. After the gulf of mexico oil spill, it offered money for the team that could trip the rate oil could be removed from the ocean something Oil Companies couldnt achieve. We have the chairman of x prize, teaming up with Schmidt Ocean institute to launch a campaign to explore and save the oceans. Ali velshi sat with peter and wendy, exploring why we need radical innovation for something we take for granted. Peter, you can ask people why we should explore space, and most people come up with a coherent answer. With oceans people take for granted they exist and we know a lot about them. Thats not true. Turns out we know more about the surface of the moon and mars than the ocean floor. We think of the oceans as something that have always been, always will be we cant affect them, but we do. At the X Prize Foundation we see the oceans as the tragedy. No one owns the ocean, right. No one is watching out for them. We think that there are a number of market failures, a number of places where innovators can help us to protect, fix, understand the ocean in better detail. If i introduce you to a mar shan that turns up and says, what is the problem of which you speak . There are several aspects. They are a reflection of the scale of the human footprint. We not only fish in the ocean, but overfish the ocean. 90 of fish is gone. Runoff from industrial and creating dead zones, where theres no ocean and life. Theres 400 areas. This is a crisis. I have a hard time drawing a line between everything you said. I dont disbelieve you. What will to do me or us if we dont fix it . Lets talk about the economics. 3 billion people on the earth make a living from Work Associated with the oceans. If theres no work with the oceans they are out of work. A billion people whose chief source of protein in their diet is seafood. Lets look at that alone and say, we are at risk. When you did the space stuff with the X Prize Foundation. Thats easy. You can get kids and parents involved in it. We have not created a hero culture. We had it a little with jack kustow. Look at James Cameron and silvia earl. Our goal is listen, we have outside, this beautiful new york skyline behind us. We had a multihundred billion, trillion Atmosphere Services business the ability to predict the weather and what is going on in terms of hurricanes and sooun armies affects everything around the world. Our goal is to create that Services Business for the oceans and help us understand what is going on. Occasionally what is going on with the fisheries, and with the oceans ability to maintain the earths eco system. When you think of what x prize has done, its a project with a time line and invention and innovation addressing the market failure whether its a spase ship, car, or a mechanism for getting oil out of sea water. It sounds like a problem of a scale that corporations and governments cant deal with and needs to change behaviour. We need a breakthroe in technology. You believe technology could help. What we are asking for is Ocean Acidification monitoring system. We launched the wendy shsubmit ocean prize. Wendy is underwriting a prize asking innovators to write highly reliable super low cost ph centres which we dont have. We cant go into the ocean and create a map to understand what is going on to get the parameters, understand the health of the ocean. That prize has been lunched. Teams are registering. It will run for the next couple of years. This is interesting. This is a new area x prize went into. Typically its smart people and teams and corporations who compete. You are doing something different. You create an opportunity in addition to wanting people to compete, for individuals to get involved. Tell me about this. We have to ocean x prizes under the belt and are paying a commitment to launch three in the next seven years. The question is what are those three . We are asking the public to step up, and give us your ideas. What do you think is a problem that needs to be solved what ideas do you have . What should x prize tackle when it comes to oceans . Should they map vast unexplored mountains on the floor or find a Sustainable Way to fish . You decide. Go to their website and let them know. You might say advantage howard buffet. I was born in america, im a male, im white. The time i grew up i had every advantage a person could have. And i had two great parents and a dad that made a lot of money. But his son has a vision of his own using what hes been given to change the lives of millions of people. His story is next. Billionaire investor warren buffet wrote the blurb on his sons book. Howard spends time and money eradicating hunger and farms corn and other crops in central illinois. Ali velshi caught up with howard buffet to discuss his view that nongovernment organizations or ngos are coming up short. Ali asked him about the title of his book 40 chances. From the time i climbed on a tractor as a planter and the time i climb off i had about 40 chances or years to grow the best crop. I stand in the corn field. Every year its a different challenge, i learn something differentment i have 40 opportunities to do the best i can, produce the best i can. Life is the same. You go through school. You graduate. You get a job, you learn a little bit and you have 40 good years to my dad will say you have 60. Its a mindset. Its interesting, because it makes you it limits it, saying you dont have endless time to do what you want to do. You dont. When you say 40 or your dad 60, its a limited amount of time. Its limited. A lot of great people are doing great things. The problem is you are trying to save solve the same problems that you were trying to solve 20 years ago, 30 years ago, 50 years ago. We are failing at best. People have to admit we are failing. We are not getting good at this. Writing the book helped us to come to the conclusion. I think, you know, most ngos should say, im going to be out of business in 40 years. What does the book talk about in terms of problems to be solved . The book came to talk about some of my experience and conclusions. Its field related. Its from when i was arrested in bosnia, and exciting motors. Then it talks about people and individuals, eva long goria and others, joe defreeze, they are hero, they are heroes. They are trying to tackle problems differently. And they are very focused. Someone in your position with financial resource, does it occur to you you dont have to do this, you can kick back . I never thought about it. I had an amazing life. I got it all. Im born in america, a male, white at the time i grew up that gave me any advantage. I had two great parents and a dad that made a lot of money. I cant be more fortunate. I have a great wife and kids. Why would i not focus energy and time on how to solve big problems and issues that i have seen first hand that affect peep. If you look for other Light Reading let me point out former Federal Reserve chairman alan green spans book is out if thats not your cup of tea the 400 page book could work as a door stop or a sleep aid. Thats the show for this week. Im David Shuster in for ali velshi. Thanks for joining us. Announcer this is al jazeera. You are watching the al jazeera news hour, im david foster and what we have for you in the next 60 minutes, support for peace talks, the International Ride to syria just landed in damascus to meet president assad. Argentinas president loses ground in midterm elections killing off hopes of a third term. [gunfire] emergency talks with the u. N. After renewed fighting between Government Forces and m 23

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