Transcripts For ALJAZAM Real Money With Ali Velshi 20131021

ALJAZAM Real Money With Ali Velshi October 21, 2013

The Affordable Care act. Mr. Obama says the product is good regardless of numerous issues with signing up on the website. And there will be a house probe on the obama rollout. Samesex couples are getting married in new jersey. The States Top Court refused to delay gay marriages any longer. Today Chris Christie withdrew his opposition to the marriages. Thats are the heads. Real money is ali velshi is next. Reports of a record settlement between the government and americas largest bank over mortgages that led to the financial crisis. But is squeezing 13 billion out of jpmorgan the right way to prevent the next disaster. And patients tracking their own medical data. Im ali velshi, this is real money. This is real money. You are the most important part of the show so join our conversation for the next half hour by using the hashtag ajrealmoney. 13 billion is how much jpmorgan could payout for misleading investors. It would settle a slew of state and federal investigations in to whether the bank misrepresented the value of the loans it packaged. While a final deal with the Justice Department has now been announced, here is what we can glean from reports that on have been leaked. 4 billion would go to the agency that regulates fannie mae and freddy mac, the mortgage giants that lost billions. Another 4 billion would go for consumer relief. That may include lowering the amount that effected home owners owe on their mortgages. And another 5 billion in penalties for misleading investors. And none of this would save jpmorgan or current or former employees immunity from criminal prosecution so far as we hear. 13 billion is a lot of money. But for a bank with assets of 2. 5 trillion that brought in profits totals 21. 3 billion last year, the big payout wont devastate it, despite the payout, the stock is still up more than 23 for the year. What is jpmorgan exactly accused of doing . Patricia sabga explains. Reporter loans were bundled together by banks and sold to securities to big investors including fannie mae and freddie mac. When the double burst investors suffered huge losses. This settlement is a step in the right direction because many people have believed for a long time that many of these banks, including jpmorgan sold a lot of securities under false pretenses, and this is one way of holing them accountable. Reporter jpmorgan maintains that the bulk originated with two financial institutions. And that has lead to a debate about jpmorgan being blamed unfairly. What happens in the next big crisis, and they say hey, am i going to face a huge legal culpability for what this company did. They brought bear stearns and Washington Mutual because they thought it was the best thing to do at the time. And they had the duty to investigation the legal liabilitities that might be taking on, and thats what they are facing today. Reporter the deal under discussion reportedly wont settle a criminal investigation into jpmo mortgage practices. Patricia sabga, al jazeera, new york. Many people would like to finally see someone held accountable for the bad loans and outright misrepresentations that were made about mortgages, but others like my next guest think its blackmail and extortion. Dick thinks its outrageous the government is holding jpmorgan accountable. And this is no way to thank jpmorgan by essentially coming to the governments rescue by taking over bear stearns and Washington Mutual. Dick, thank you for being here. Your view is counter to what a lot of people have been putting out on social media. They want somebody to be held responsible. Tell me why you think this is so wrong. Lets start about who is the government really fining here. Less than onehalf of one of the stock is owned by the board of directors and management of the company. 99. 5 of the stock is owned by regular americans. So lets be assured of who is being fined here. The people being fined are average americans who have put their investments in this company who own this company. And i have heard you say and write that you think if the government thinks it has a case somebody, individuals, they should go after those individuals. Exactly right. If this 13. 5 billion who is not getting hit by it . Is jimmy kaine, the exceo of bear stearns being sued . No, is the guy who ran Washington Mutual being effected . No. Are any of the people who packaged these securities, are they being impacted . No. The people that the government is going after is not the people who created the problem. The government is going after the American Public who did nothing. And its not right. And its extortion. First off they are asking for 13. 5 billion. And asking for some sort of admission of guilt. If jpmorgan admits guilt, 13 billion is going to be nothing, because there will be thousands of lawsuits against jpmorgan in which jpmorgan will lose. But then we go another step. If the press dent being established is that you can sue a bank for take over banks b, and c, even though they had nothing to do with bank b, and cs ill begotten gains. Then we have to think about wells fargo took over bank . Should they be sued . So is there some remedy then . You are talking about all of the people who wont get fined or have to pay up. But for the public nobody has really paid up for this. People paid up with their houses and jobs. Who would pay up on wall street . The remedy would be to go after the people who committed the fraud. And i think that you have got to go well beyond simply jpmorgan, because remember, jpmorgan was given about five days to take a look at bear stearns and the government was begging them to take that company and thats an interesting point. I want to end on that, dick. Because on some cases well being told by people, they were asked to do this, and this will come back and bite the government next time this happen, but we heard that they got a good deal on it. They didnt get a good deal on it. They got a bought deal on it. They didnt make any money on bear stearns. The building was mortgages. When they bought Washington Mutual, they didnt make a lot of money. This whole argument that the banks made a fortune someone has got to step up and prove it. They dont prove it. They make all of these allegations. This is a situation where no one has to prove anything. All they have to do is leak something to the press and go after the American Public to pay for these leaks. If this was an honest view of what was going on, we would have a trial, congressional hearings. We would find out exactly what it was, and who did what, and we should go as a nation go after the people who did wrong, we should not go after the people who only put their money into this company. And think about all of the other companies that the government is now going to go after. Think about the billions of dollar which instead of being loaned out in businesses are going to be sucked in to some sort of government morass. Think of the jobs that will be lost in the banking industry. Think of the people who will not get the financing they need to either buy a new home today or a car and yet as you know there are lots of people who will just get some satisfaction out of the fact that somebody is paying the biggest fine ever levied in america. Dick thank you for talking with us. Thank you, ali. Though jpmorgan emerged from the financial crisis healthier than its creditors. The question that many of us are asking as this settlement, maybe, gets ironed out, what all this means for its star ceo jamie diamond. He was once so respected he was talked about as the replacement of timothy geithner. Duff mcdonald documented diamonds story in his book. And the firm was just released and promises to be as good. Thank you for being here. Thank you for having me. Is jamie diamond hurt by this . I think a lot of people have been asking whether the settlement hurts his reputation. I think the settlement is actually helping it a little bit. But it has certainly taken a dent since the london whale and onward. You have spent a lot of time with him. He is charismatic, very engaging. He is unlike the removed and aloof that we think about these bankers, he engages everybody. Tell me about jamie diamond and the culture around him. He is very detail oriented. He demands accountability, so in the executive committee, and the people that work with him, it is a highpressure job, but he rewards performance. The interesting thing that were looking at now is the whole too big to manage argument, the whole too big to fail argument. Jamie diamond doesnt work with everyone at jpmorgan. So can we assume there will be people in the bank who will do the right thing at all times . And the answer is obviously know. When you spend time with him, do they have a culture that is different than the other investment banks . Was it a place where greed would overcome rules, or was this just persuasive through the entire industry. I dont think so. Some of it did originate at joy mooring. Exactly. I wrote a piece saying jpmorgan isnt as different as we thought it was, maybe it is just another wall street firm and the fact that bankers and wall street guys get up to no good is not surprising to anybody. What is so satisfying is the sort of comedown of jamie diamond which before that point had been untarnished. Jamie diamond is a person people wanted to know about. He was the golden boy. The media really liked him. The Obama Administration liked him. Everybody liked him. Are they still going to like him . I made a point during the crisis to someone, i said what is really interest is jpmorgan and Goldman Sachs are in the same businesses, and pay themselves the same amount of money. And one ceo is the devil and jamie diamond is like god. Reporters like him because we all have trouble eliciting anything out of ceos right, and he talks. Right. But it was an image thing. And clearly their images have taken a huge hit here. And people arent willing to buy into that he is unfallible. But this is becoming such a huge distracti distraction, they have to get it behind them and move on. All right. Thank you. Good to see you. Millions of people share information on instagram, so why not share your Health Records as well. My vision is when you are sitting with your doctor, that everything about you that matters to that encounter is right there for you and your physician. That and more as real money continues. Keep it here. President obama saying he is mad that three week s into the rollout of health care. Gov, the site is still a mess. They are now work 24 7 on the website. What the president did not say in his rose garden address was how long it will take until the site is working properly or what it will cost. The problem has been that the website that is supposed to make it easy to apply for is not working the way it should for everybody, and theres no sugar coating it. The website has been too slow. People have been getting stuck during the application process, and i think its fair to say that nobody is more frustrated by that than i am. He sounds like a guy that is trying to sign up for obamacare. He said you can go the old fashion way, and pick up a phone. I dont normally wear one of those fancy bracelets that tracks how much you run, but it is a big deal. Reporter eight and a half years ago jackky anderson was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, also known as ms. She turned to a website like this. Which allows people to track every Health Information of their lives. Measuring what happens to patients in the real world between doctor visits is a big me. Reporter ben is the founder of the site. We have incredible data sets on many diseases, whether its ms, parkinsons, als. Reporter patientslikeme was founded eight years ago. Were generating massive data sets about the Patients Experience in a way we have never had it before. These websites are very intriguing us to, because they generate the types of data we think is very important. Reporter this new influx has big implications for the future of health care. Companies, academics and the federal government are trying to figure out how to harness the data. This man was the National Coordinator for health technology, and was part of a big federal push to digitize medical data. Here is my vision. When you are sitting with your doctor, that everything about you that matters to that encounter is right there for you and your physician to see and make the best decision on. Reporter it will help bring the power of data to the internet through the health care act. Part of that act ensures doctors use the information in a meaningful way. That patient can now download their lab values, medications, diagnoses, procedures and share them with whoever they want to share them with. Reporter the push goes hand in hand with obamacare which will give monetary incentive to doctors and hospitals that prove they have given the best service. As we move to a pay for performance world we really need data to understand it. Reporter in order to set up the model, a foundation is using patients like me data to understand what outcomes patients what from doctors. Its our expectation that by crowd sourcing patient outcomes, well uncover some surprising information. Reporter its that sort of crowd sourced treatment that turned jackie on to the site. I took that information with me as, you know, proof, and honestly i know that went a long way to convincing my own doctor, that why not, well give it a try. Reporter there are very real privacy concerns about putting all of that information out there. Patients like me sells the data to pharmaceutical companies and academics. I think there is an expectation that all of these systems come together that there will be a an incredible amount of data. Reporter david shuster, al jazeera. October is almost over, were finally going to find out about job growth in september. Thats the good news. The bad news is manufacturing jobs in america continue to decline. Well the wait for septembers delayed jobs figures ends tuesday. Unemployment is expected to hold steady. 180,000 jobs are expected to be added. Among the people who will be watching closely is leo, he says that the puzzle of creating american jobs during this recover is missing a key piece, manufacturing. He coauthored remaking america leo joins me now. Good to see you. It is good to be here and i was glad to be here. Tomorrow well have another quick fixation on a couple of numbers, and you have done a nice job of always looking at this economy, is it balanced . Right. But the bad news is we still have real unemployment approaching 13, 14 . So there will be an instant graduation tomorrow on the official number of 7. 3, its about half of the real turmoil. But the reality isnt the 180,000 or so jobs that will be reported tomorrow morning, its where are they. Yeah. And where arent they . About 175,000 of those 180,000 are service jobs. Right. And the only thing that matters when you have dug yourself such a hole in manufacturing, is are the resuscitating the manufacturing sector. But people will say why doesnt the market handle this . We think of ourselves as buying manufactured goods from other parts of the world. So how do we really bring back manufacturing . Because even buying american its a great concept, a lot of people love it, but they still tend to choose the thing that is made elsewhere and costs less money. Of the g20 many have good manufacturing policies. They believe in the vibrant sector, they believe that if it falls below a certain area, it will hurt your country. 92 of workers in this country are in service to each other. And if you are a small country, thats not a great moment. But when only 8 of the workers make something, then you end up with a perpetual trade deficit in manufacturing, and our number is about 4 400 billion a year. The government wants to encourage people to build things that can be sold not just competitively in this country, but competitive in other countries. What we need to be focusing on are the net exports. Are we in balance in manufactured goods . And there is a fixation on the federal deficit. The only deficit that matters to this economy is our trade deficit. If were shipping 400 billion or so dollars overyear, because were not making in this country the things we used to make, that compounds. All right. This is a big problem, were going to have to put a lot of attention it to. What do americans have to think about in making this decision . They have to cross that rubicon, so to speak of believing in the imperative of the sector. All of the economists, we know that its a sector that needs to be resuscitated. They need to join us from a political point of view. Once they do that, they should demand a Manufacturing Policy that mirrors that of our trade competitors. So looking at things from the whole cost. Leo were out of time. But good to see you. My pleasure. This is a great story. I appreciate that very much. Im ali velshi, thanks for joining us. What happens when social media uncovers unheard, fascinating news stories . It drives discussion across america. Share your story on tv and online. Hi, im lisa fletcher. And you are in the stream. Depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, although Mental Health awareness has improved, for africanamericans a major stigma remains. Why is dealing with Mental Illness different for blacks . Our digital producer, wajahat ali is here bringing in all of your important feedback. Waj were going to

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