Transcripts For ALJAZAM News 20160301 :

Transcripts For ALJAZAM News 20160301

changing the debate over abortion in brazil. ♪ so this is the final full day of campaigning before super-tuesday, the biggest voting day of the primary campaign. the candidates spent today making their final pitches. for the democrats 865 delegates and 11 states, republicans are fighting for 595 delegates in 13 states. and we begin with al jazeera's senior political correspondent michael shure. he is in miami for us. and a lot of fire has been directed at donald trump today. >> it all started last thursday in houston during the debate, marco rubio, and ted cruz deciding rather than fight each other, let's go after donald. and only in this year does the ku klux klan make it into the conversation in 2016. and that is what is happening now as donald trump is trying to disavow the endorsement of david duke, saying he didn't know who it was, so it continues on. and of course, one of the great things, tony about super-tuesday, is that super-tuesday eve always falls on a monday. >> donald trump is nothing but a first-rate con artist. >> there have been multiple media reports about donald's business dealings with the mob. >> reporter: hundreds of delegates are up for grabs on super-tuesday and the fight is now vicious. >> lightweight rubio, total rubio, and little mouth on him. bing bing bing. >> and you know what they say about men with small hands. [ laughter ] >> you can't trust them. >> reporter: front runner donald trump is also facing fire for refusing to disavow the white sue rim cyst leader, david duke. >> can you say you condemn that and you don't want that support? >> i have to look at the group. >> we cannot be a party of someone who endorses the ku klux klan. >> mitt romney also went after trump: >> let me tell you, i'm sitting in a house in florida with a very bad ear piece that they gave me, and you would hardly here what he was saying. >> reporter: as this chris christie struggles so say why he endorsed trump. >> that's only one piece of an overall approach to national security. >> reporter: but despite all of trump's controversial comments, the businessman is still leading the latest polls. the g.o.p. establishment has thrown its support behind senator marco rubio, hoping to propel him forward. >> i have offered serious ideas and proposals. unlike donald trump who won't tell you where he stands on these issues, because he doesn't care. >> reporter: but rubio hasn't won a single contest so far. super-tuesday will be a crucial test. senator ted cruz is also facing a make or break moment. >> but the critical question is do you understand the principals and values that made america great in the first place! >> reporter: both cruz and rubio are determined to detail trump or at least slow down his momentum when voters cast their ballots on super-tuesday. tony -- tony, one of the things that donald trump, you know, talks about is not knowing who david duke was. in the year 2,000 when he was bei being vued by the reform party, one of the reasons he said he didn't want to run was because david duke was part of the party. it's anybody's guess what happens with ben carson, but you are not going to see marco rubio or john kasich go anywhere. marco rubio will be here tomorrow. their primary is two weeks from now on the 15th. same too with ohio. so you are not going to see the governor of ohio, and a sitting senator from florida leave this race, but ben carson it's anybody's guess. super-tuesday comes on the heels of a big win for hillary clinton. but that is not stopping her or bernie sanders from doubling down on the final day of campaigning. john, just how intense is the democratic campaign getting? >> good evening. well, it's not at all. because he's not here. he won't be coming into town until tomorrow. but this is burlington, vermont, we're right up by the canadian border. it's absolutely freezing cold here. it's the opposite to where michael shure is right now, and where we were last week in south carolina following the democrats around. and it is here tomorrow night that bernie sanders will return to listen to the results of super-tuesday, and he and his team must know by now that they face an uphill battle, particularly after that lopsided win in south carolina, by mrs. clinton on saturday. so bernie knows that he has got a big job on his hands tomorrow. it hasn't slowed her down of course, and it hasn't slowed him down either. hillary clinton hit the campaign trail again meeting and greeting folks at a coffee shop in tennessee then it was on to massachusetts, where she was taking on the republicans. >> one advantage i have is they have been after me for 25 years, and i'm still standing. [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: but sanders doubling down after being thumped in south carolina. sandered headed for minnesota, a super-tuesday state he thinks he can win. >> this campaign is about telling wall street, sorry, you are never again going to destroy our economy, because of the greed and recklessness and illegal behavior. >> reporter: he hammered away an income inequality. >> tomorrow minnesota can help lead this country to a political revolution where millions of people stand together and demand a government that represents all of us, not just wealthy campaign contributors. thank you all very much. >> reporter: both are campaigning hard to shore up support ahead of tomorrow's voting. polls suggests clinton holds a commanding lead and could all but lock up the nomination. she promised voters she would be different. >> what we can't let happen is the scapegoating, the blaming, the finger pointing going on on the republican side, which not only sets a bad example, which as the congressman said, at least my mother would have said stop it, but it really undermines our fabric as a nation. >> reporter: an appeal echoed by her rival who says he is the better candidate to beat trump. >> we will defeat mr. trump because the american people understand and always have that love trumps hatred. [ cheers ] >> reporter: and today the sanders campaign said that they set themselves a goal of $40 million to raise by tonight's midnight deadline at the end of february. of course they have had an extra day to do it, but time is now running out, so the program for sander is he will be here tomorrow to listen to the results, and then off to minnesota on wednesday, tony. >> john, the polling, the polling, indicating that hillary clinton is leading in many of the super-tuesday states. what is the sanders campaign hoping for from tomorrow's vote? >> reporter: they want to win. they want to win big as well. that's what they are hoping for. and they must do it, otherwise the big mo stays with the clinton campaign and not them. tony they are going to win big here in vermont. bernie sanders is incredibly popular here. he was the major of burlington, they love him here. but it's a question of how well he can do in the other states in play, and we'll know around about this time a bit later? t. >> john thank you. another key state voting on super-tuesday is virginia. al jazeera's ashar qureshi has more now from richmond. >> reporter: with a good number of delegates still up for grabs for both parties in virginia, a number of candidates are making final pushes here in the state. marco rubio was here on sunday campaigning, as well as hillary clinton who arrived here in virginia, speaking to crowds at hampton roads and northern virginia. sa donald trump also arriving in virginia again to talk to supporters. he held a rally at radford university earlier today speaking to supporters. >> hilary says she doesn't like my tone. the world is a mean place, and we need a strong tone. we can't have that weak, weak, weak, pathetic tone. >> reporter: virginia could be important for all of these candidates. it's one of these places where demographics have matched the national election when it comes to the popular vote, and it could be a good litmus test. hillary clinton also here today spoke to crowds and supporters. >> you know, america never stopped being great. we have got to make america whole. we have to work with everybody. bring people together. quit being divided. i really regret the language that is being used by republicans. scapegoating people. finger pointing. blaming. that is not how we should behave towards one another. >> reporter: shifting demographics here in virginia has shifted it from a red state for 40 years to a purple state. so it becomes that important swing state for many of these candidates to try to swift vo r voters in virginia. severe storms are threatening states where super-tuesday elections are being held. kevin is here now with more. >> that's right. if we time it correctly -- if you are going to time it correctly, go out, and you can actually miss some of these weather. but you need to know what is going on. we're going to break that down for you. up to the northeast, not really too much of a problem there. we had some snow showers pushing through. vermont definitely can handle the winter weather and we expect to see snow up here towards the north tomorrow. down towards massachusetts a perfect day. as we go down towards the southeast, virginia is going to be fine, georgia is going to be fine for the most part. we are going to be seeing those thunderstorms pushing through towards the afternoon and pm time frame. so if you are going to be voting after work, there could be weather there. as we go towards parts of texas, okay o -- oklahoma, and arkansas, that's where we are going to see this severe weather in the afternoon. and as we go up towards minnesota, we're just talking about cold air. they are not going to be seeing much of a problem. over towards colorado, if you have traveling in the mountain areas there could be snow there as well. we are seeing a lot of temperatures well above average, and across much of the southeast it is not going to be a factor. up towards the north we are seeing temperatures into the 20s, so just watch where that storm is. >> okay. kevin appreciate it. thank you. still to come on the program, cyber warfare, how the pentagon is using online agents to find isil and its propaganda machine. and a crush of refugees, the clash at a border crossing that turned violent today. apple has won a pivotal court fight over privacy rights. the a federal judge in new york has ruled that the company does not have to help unlock an iphone used in a drug case. apple has refused to help investigator crack into enkrimented iphones. apple is refusing to cooperate with unlocking a iphone used by the san bernardino shooters. >> reporter: secretary carter called the cyber offensive an important new capability and argued that it's once reason in his view the momentum has shifted from isil to the u.s. side. the military says the u.s.-lead coalition continues to whittle away at isil revenue sources, support facilities and supply lines. these videos reviesed by the u.s. central command shows some of the latest attacks against oil and gas facilities controlled by isil in syria. but at a pentagon news conference, defense secretary ash carter boasted the u.s. is also targeting isil's computer networks with invisible weapons. >> this is something that is new in this war, not something you would have seen back in the gulf war, but it's an important new canablety and i it is an important use of our cyber command, and the reason cyber command was established in the first place. >> reporter: he said cyber bombs were designed to disrupt isil's command and control by overing load its computer system so they can't function which will limit their ability to spread propaganda. >> we have to attack their command and control. this is one of the ways of doing it. >> if you are trying to physically and virtually isolate isil, limit their ability to communicate, and limit operations. >> reporter: he says the cyber warfare is not all that different from what friendly forces are doing on the ground, such as the capture of a critical training and logistics node for isil. >> as our partners take control of the base, i believe we'll learn a great deal more about the krim call networks, criminal enterprise and what it does to sustain them. >> we're trying to make life difficult for isil, and stay a step ahead of them. >> reporter: carter also said the u.s. would be doing more to back up iraqi troops as they get ready to take back mosul. he said the u.s. would provide capabilities that were offered before but turned down by the iraqis. the general says the operation to retake mosul has already begun in the sense that iraqi troops and coalition air strikes are increasingly encircling and isolated the city, but when asked directly if mosul would be liberated by the end of this year, the general said, honestly, i don't know. a prominent shiite leader died in an attack out of baghdad today. he was among the 38 people killed after an isil bomber struck a funeral. another attack left at least 58 others injured. and isil has claimed responsible for a double bombing on sunday. dozens more were killed and more than a hundred had been hospitalized. the ceasefire in syria appears to be holding. our correspondent has the story from southern turkey. >> reporter: day two of the truce in syria got off to a bad start, a war plane believed to be russian hit a number of villages and towns in the countryside. people here thought they were safe. many people woke up to this, following the early morning raids. >> translator: people were sleeping. what truce? they hit the houses, the shops, the markets. >> translator: get your militias out, those from iran and hezbollah. >> reporter: the truce is meant to spare these people, but it seems it didn't. people in this town deny nusra fighters are here. but activists in the area have told al jazeera that the group is one of a number of rebel groups controlling this area. the terms of the trust -- truce can be interpreted differently by all sides. the ministry says russian strikes are not a violation of the terms of the truce, because al-nusra front was the target. fighting is also being reported between government forces and the rebels in latakia province and in other areas. turkey's president is also warning kurdish fighters, the ypg who are fighting isil in northern syria that the turkish army will stop them from creating a free corridor on turkey's southern border, and that could worsen the fragile trust. a clash has erupted in calais, france today as authorities started clearing out sections of the camp. officials say the camp needs to be cleared out for humanitarian reasons. they say only a thousand refugees will be affected, and they will be moved to better conditions in a different section of the camp. and on the greek border, soldiers fired tear gas at refugees. al jazeera's hoda abdel hamid has more on the border tensions from greece. [ shouting ] >> reporter: impatient and exhausted. they first marched towards the railway gate along the border, demanding once again to be let through. but soon, things got out of control. some refugees managed to tear down part of the fence. others hurled stones at macedonian forces on the other side of the fence. they responded with tear gas. [ screaming ] [ explosion ] >> reporter: but rumor has spread around the camp that the border had opened. hundreds of refugees ran towards the fence. this woman and her children were sitting around their tent when the rumor reached them. >> translator: like everyone else we ran towards the gate, people shouting open the borders, i couldn't see further up, but then they fired tear gas. i fell with my kid while running away. this was wrong. we demand our rights. there's no need for violence. we have to be patient and slowly, slowly, everyone will get in. >> reporter: but it was in vein, macedonian forces pushed people back and brought the situation under control. people have been stands here, some for as long as ten days. the camp is overcongested and the uncertainty among refugees is overwhelming. this woman and her family arrived a day ago, they walked for hours to reach here, after greek authorities stopped bussing people to the border to control the ever-growing bottleneck. >> there is no feeling. there is no humanity here. no humanity. finish. >> reporter: like many others, she wonders what will happen next. some of the protesting refugees are still refusing to move back from the fence. >> all of the people that sit here, they cannot -- not -- they said that they will not step back. we won't step back. we want to stay here, without food, without water. we don't need anything. we just need just to open the border. >> reporter: but most refugees returned to their tents, even more worried now that europe will tighten its frontiers even further. hoda abdel hamid, al jazeera, along the greek, macedonian border. backers of the iran's president moderates won the majority of seats in the assembly of experts. that is a major blow to conservatives who are lose ing the grip their secured in the 2012 elections. this was the first parliamentary election in iran since the historic nuclear deal was reached with the united states. a 21-year-old university of virginia student was paraded on state media, to publicly apologize for the crime of stealing a political poster. >> on the early morning of january 1st, 2016, i committed my crime of taking out the important political slogan from the staff-only area of the international hotel. aimed at harming the work ethic and the motivation of the korean people. >> reporter: several americans previously detained in north korea have made similar admissions of guilt. up next, latinos for trump. a small group, that is defying the stereo type. members explain why they support trump despite some of the controversial things he says. a catastrophe that's what a high-ranking vatican officials call the church sex scandal. >> our american story is written everyday. it's not always pretty, but it's real... and we show you like no-one else can. this is our american story. this is america tonight. income inequality is a major issue for both parties in this election cycle. it is also front and center in the city of birmingham. lisa stark joins us now from birmingham with more. lisa? >> reporter: well, tony, this has become quite a battle between this city, which is majority african american and democratic, and the republican-controlled legislation in the state capitol. the issue whether birmingham can raise its own minimum wage in this area. the minimum wage in alabama is $7.25 an hour. it hasn't been raised since 2009. the city council decided it really needed to raise the minimum wage in this city where 30% of the people live below the poverty line. so they voted to raise it to $10.10 an hour in two phases. >> in the city of birmingham, there are 40,000 people that are making minimum wage. 47% of our children are at or below poverty right now. so the immediate impact would be for those families, those children, and those people that have to make that decision between those bills and food and -- and all of that. >> reporter: now i spoke with one state lawmaker, he didn't want to go on camera, but he told me he was alarmed because he thinks this is bad for the state, bad for workers, because business might have to cut back hours or an employees job entirely. the state is considering a law that would ban cities from raising minimum local wages. the birmingham city council rushed forward and decided to put the rate hike in effect immediately. the state legislature within three days considered passed, and the governor signed their bill, essentially doing away with the pay raise, so now the city is considering its legal options. >> for whom the bell tolls. it tolls for lisa's live shot. [ laughter ] >> so this tug of war -- lisa, it's literally being played out nationwide, correct? >> reporter: it is indeed. more than 30 cities and countries have decided to raise their local minimum wage. here is laura with the national employment law counsel. >> we're hoping that everyone will look to birmingham as an example of what advocates are fighting for, and the need to push back against conservative legislatures who are trying to stop that. >> reporter: and by the way that's the national employment law project, i wanted to make sure i got that right. one other thing, we have seen a lot of demonstrations, tony, this fight for 15, people trying to get a living wage as they call it, $15 an hour. i talked to a worker here in birmingham, and he said they will continue the battle. >> well done, lisa thank you. immigration is another big issue this presidential election cycle. no one has been louder or more outspoken about it than donald trump. one might thing his rhetoric would turn off latino voters, but it turns out trump has some support in that community. heidi zhou castro reports now from fort worth, texas. >> they are bringing drugs. they are bringing crime. they are rapists. >> reporter: with those words donald trump launched his presidential bid in june. the statement set off a fire storm with univision dropping trump's miss universe pageant. >> oh, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. go trump! >> trump! >> reporter: but it's not totally the case. those his approval rating among hispanics is low overlaw, he has a growing base. in nevada he won 44% of their vote, though hispanics only made up 8% of the g.o.p. electorate. and here in texas, this husband and wife hope to help trump sustain a win. can you remember the moment when you first started considering him as a serious candidate? in >> we were cooking dinner or something -- >> we were cooking dinner -- >> and we stopped -- >> yeah, we just kind of stopped -- >> and looked towards the tv and just started listening, and we were like, wow. this is making sense nch >> reporter: robert is a retired aircraft mechanic living on a fixed income. his wife was ab print press operator. the two oppose illegal immigration. >> we have americans. we have to stick with our country. we can't look at it as our heritage is being, you know, attacked. i'm sorry. you're not born here, you are not supposed to be here. if you do it right, go for it. all power to you, but we're americans, and we're going to vote american. >> go trump make america great again! >> reporter: this election, in fact will be the first time she is casting a vote. >> i have never voted. and this is so exciting for me to vote this year, because i see all of this political sense is not making sense to me, but trump makes a lot of sense to me. >> reporter: they say they like trump because he is a political outsider. as to his compare to mexican immigrants to criminals. >> it is true. i'm sorry. i have got relatives that come over here and take benefits from us, and then go back home and live off of their benefits here. to me they are crooks. >> reporter: trump's supporters skew older and lower income. >> my guess is these are folks who are a little bit older, a couple of generations removed from immigrating to the united states, but they still believe in the foundations of the american dream. building a business, being successful, doing it on your own, being very independent and very successful. >> reporter: but not latinos fit the profile. gabriel is 27 and the son of mexican immigrants. >> i think what he is looking for is for the safety of this country, national security. you know, there's a lot of people that come here for work. i understand that. but also along with those are coming terrorists, and other criminals. >> reporter: so you didn't take any of that personally, as a latino? >> no, why would i? >> reporter: meanwhile at a trump rally in fort worth, a group of latino protesters saw it otherwise. >> he calls us drug dealers, rapists killers and criminals, and he says the majority of us are the ones that do that. and it is not true. he wants all of us to go box to mexico. >> reporter: a line that some of the rallies attendees through back at protesters. >> they said i'm a racist. >> come in legally like everybody else. >> reporter: as for the gonza s gonzaleses they tuned out the rhetoric from both sides. >> we believe in him. >> he is just saying what a lot of us wanted to say for many years, and never did. and a lot of people are scared to say it, and i give the guy props for it. he is all out there. >> reporter: heidi zhou castro, al jazeera. the 2016 presidential campaign has been full of bold statements, accusations, truths, and lies. al jazeera's kristen saloomey went to philadelphia to separate fact from fiction. >> there's a lot of dishonesty in politics. >> reporter: few americans would disagree with that statement, but a number of his other claims don't stand up to reality. he has been given the fig fight -- title king of the whoppers. it's the first time they have singled out one candidate above all others for misrepresenting the truth, even about 9/11. >> trump had said there were thousands and thousands of muslims that were celebrating in the streets of new jersey. everybody looked at that and could not find any evidence of it, and he continued to insist he was right. >> the hispanic community has been profoundly hurt by the obama economy. >> that statist was wrong. >> reporter: and it's not just republicans, hillary clinton has her email server. >> i have been as transparent as i could, asking that all 55,000 pages be released to the public. >> however, she only did that because she was required to. >> reporter: even bernie sanders has exaggerated when it comes to talking about income inequality. politicians have long been excused of exaggeration and deception if not out right lies. but technology has changed allowing the boldest of claims to go viral without being checked. now some critics say american journalists need to change too. larry bienheart wrote the book that became the film about a politician manipulating the media. he says the tradition of objective journalism often comes at the expense of objective reality. >> reporters are not supposed to have an opinion, so they can't say i went to the record and it looked it up, and it shows what you say is true. they have to go to some other opposing party who says it isn't true. >> reporter: he says some news channels later to the like-minded, but what voters really need is a reality check. kristen saloomey, al jazeera. join us for special coverage of super-tuesday starting tomorrow at 7:00 pm eastern time. we will bring you the results analysis right here on al jazeera america. clarence thomas broke his silence on the bench. asking questions for the first time in a decade. the case involved domestic violence convictions. this came just weeks after the death of antonin scalia. you have to go back to february 22nd, 2006, for the last question from justice thomas. president obama presented the medal of honor today to a navy sale for his bravery in afghanistan. edward buyers is a member of the elite seal team 6. he and his team rescued an american doctor who was taken hostage in 2012. buyers killed two guards. >> reporter: with his body, ed kept shielding the hostage. with his bare hands ed pinned the fighter to the wall and held him until his teammates took action. i ask you to join me in expressing america's profound gratitude. >> he is the sixth navy seal to receive the nation's highest military honor. up next, protecting american's senior citizens, how a possible case of abuse is shining a spotlight on nevada's elder care system. two years ago, life changed forever for an elderly las vegas couple. the husband and wife were placed into guardianship and became wards of the state. "america tonight" sheila macvicar brings us the story, that begins with a knock at the door. [ knocking ] >> just like that. my whole life was shattered. >> reporter: with that knock, rudy, and renny, were about to embark on a 22-month ordeal, one which would deprive them of freedom. the woman was april parks appointed by a judge in las vegas, to serve as their private guardian. unknown to them or their family, a doctor has declared the couple unable to care for themselves. then a judge, who never met the couple, never ordered another assessment, signed off on park's petition to serve as their guardian. >> i felt this would just blow over. i didn't have any idea what was going on. none whatsoever. >> reporter: what wasoing on, what has been going on for years across clark county, home to las vegas and surrounding come communities, elderly people declared incompetent, thrown into guardianship, their lives and finances now controlled by a court-appointed guardian. julie is their only surviving child. she also lives in las vegas. rudy and renny north were just two of april park's wards. court records given to "america tonight" listed 155 wards under april parkes. she was billing all of them, every month. our calls and emails to april parkes and her attorney went unanswered. we also left messages for the physician's assistant. 22 months after parks took control of the norths, their bank accounts drained, car and belongings sold, she finally withdrew their daughter's objection. >> they are december tuesday now. >> i thought i had enough moneys to last me forever. >> reporter: and now? >> now i have nothing. nothing. >> reporter: sheila macvicar, al jazeera, las vegas, nevada. >> my goodness. you can see more of sheila's report on "america tonight" at 9:30 pm eastern, 6:30 pacific. a vatican treasurer is admitting to enormous mistakes in the handle of sex abuse cases before the church. >> i swear by all mighty god -- >> reporter: taking the witness stand on the other side of the world. on sunday knight, he answered questions from rome. he was a senior priest in his native country, and later the archbishop of nearby melbourne from the 1970s to the '90s. the commission wants to know whether he knew about the sex abuse and why he didn't do anything about it. >> it's a long time ago, but i can't remember such complaints, and normally they would have been addressed to the education office, not to the vicor. >> well, that might be the case, but from time to time they came to your attention either before or after the education office? >> well, i can't remember any such examples, but my memory might be playing me false. ♪ >> reporter: he said he was too unwell to travel to australia to face the commission in person, a claim that sparked widespread outrage and a crowd-funding campaign that raised more than $150,000 in a week to cover travel expenses to rome for 15 survivors. >> we're not here to intimidate him or anything, but he has to look at our faces, the ones that have been damaged. >> reporter: at 11 years old, david was abused by his uncle, a priest. he was the first survivor to speak out in 1993. he said cardinal pell new both him and his abuser. >> reporter: he had been a family friend. i had known him since i was a child. and he was the bishop of where i was living, so i called him in the hopes he could help me in some way. he said to me, what will it take to get you quiet? >> reporter: questioned about rigsdale, pell agreed the church failed to protect children. >> i have just reread the file of rigsdale, the priest, ex-priest, and the way he was dealt with was a catastrophe. a catastrophe for the victims, and a catastrophe for the church. >> reporter: cardinal pell will give evidence once a day at least until wednesday. he is not facing criminal charges but should the abuse commission rule that he either ignored or protected abusers, then his position could become unattainable. the outbreak of the zika virus has reignited the abortion debate in brazil. but terminating a pregnancy remains objectionable to many in the deeply catholic country. >> reporter: this woman has just been told her baby has microreceivefy, she was born with an unusually small head and her brain might not develop. it is a condition effecting many in brazil. >> translator: my other children were both perfect. they won't born with any problems. >> reporter: even if it had been known earlier, women such as her, the majority of whom live in poverty, don't have the option to terminate their pregnancy. under brazilian law, abortion is only permitted in cases of rape, when the mother's life is at risk, or if the fetus is missing a large portion of their brain. it is estimated that there are 1 million illegal abortions a year. they will be petitioning the supreme court not just to make abortion available to all women, but also to grant women more access to information, and they want better social policies to support children and those that care for them. it's the abortion for all part of the petition that has upset many. brazil is the most populous catholic country in the world, and christian teachings are very much a part of every day life. religious leaders say abortion is unacceptable. >> translator: it really is selection. part of human life is having people with difficulties, be it with their movements, thought, or social behavior. society has great difficulty accepting people with limitations. >> reporter: for women's rights groups this debate isn't about zika or abortion, but the reflection of a difficult reality. >> the situation is not new. it has to do with inequality and women's rights, and social production for disabled children and their caretakers. and we have to talk about all of the issues together. >> reporter: many people there isn't much talking being done, there is a lack of information, and now the health budget has been cut. this woman says she wouldn't have chosen to have an abortion even if it was legal. but what she would like is more support. still ahead, how chris rock addressed the issue of race in last night's hollywood award show. so diversity took center stage at the oscars last night. chris rock's opening monologue did not shy away from the controversy about race. >> the oscar goes to, "spot light". >> reporter: a movie about the sexu sexual abuse cover upby the cat lick church took the best picture. and leonardo decaprio won best actor. but this took the stage. >> i'm here at what is otherwise known as the white people's choice awards. >> reporter: he suggested the answer was because african americans had bigger things to protest for the last 88 years. >> when your grandmother is swinging from a tree, it's really hard to care about best document industry. >> reporter: he also took at a shot at will and jada pinkett smith. but between the laughs there were also hard truths about hollywood. >> hollywood is sorority racist. it's like, we like you, ronda, but you are not a kappa. >> reporter: he told the story of a white house event, and recalled telling president obama this. >> mr. president, you see all of these writers, and producers, and actors, they don't hire black people. and they are the nicest white people on earth. [ laughter ] >> they are liberals. cheese! [ laughter ] >> reporter: and even the famous list of celebrities who passed away wasn't spared from rock's analysis. >> this year it's just going to be black people that were shot by the cops on their way to the movies. >> reporter: a number of actors took shots. >> look at me. i'm a black thespian. >> yeah, you should get me. >> don't worry black astronaut, we will. >> it will cost $2,500. >> oh, that's a lot. can we just leave them up there. >> reporter: as far as this year's awards, mad max: fury road took home the most oscars with six. the revenant director grabbed his second straight oscar in the directing category. and brie larson won best actress. that is all of our time. john siegenthaler is up next. >> tony, thank you, we're just hours away from super tuesday, the single biggest voting day of the primary season. discussion has been surrounding disavowing donald trump. >> reporter: john good evening to you in miami. florida not a super-tuesday state bu

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