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Myself a tearful apology from a student in north korea for stealing a poster. Spotlight. [cheering and applause] and the movie about sexual coverup by catholic pree priest, wins the oscar. Plus. We hear from the new fifa president. Tensions poild over on the bn police and refugees on the greecemacedonia border as thousands of refugees try to tear down border fences. Greece says its unable to cope as thousands more arrive, port of pireaus on monday. The refugee camp known as the jungle is being torn down. First this report from Hoda Abdel Hamid who is in idomeni in greece. Reporter impatient and exhausted, they first marched towards the railway instigate, on the border, demanding to be let through. But soon, things got out of control. Some refugees managed to tear down part of the fence. Others, hurled stones at macedonian forces on the other side of the fence. They spot with teergz. Tear gas. But rumor had spread around the camp that the border had opened. Hundreds of refugees ran towards the fence. Like everyone else we ran towards the borders. Then they fired tear gas. I fell with my kid when running away. This is not right. We demand our rights, theres no need for violence. We have to be patient, and slowly, slowly, everyone will get in. Reporter macedonian forces pushed everyone back in and things god under control. The camp is overcongested and the uncertainty is overwhelming, emotions are running high. Amine and her family walked for hours to reach here. Greek authorities control the border to control the evergrowing bottleneck. There is no feeling. Theres not humanity in the camp. Not humanity, finish. Reporter like many others, she wonders what will happen next. Refugees are still refusing to move back from the fence. All the people here they cannot, they say that there is no step backs, we wont step back, we want to be here. Without food, without water, we dont need anything, we just need just to open the borders. Reporter but most refugees return to their tents. Even more worried now that europe will tighten its frontiers even further. Hoda abdel hamid, al jazeera, along the greece macedonian border. Groupsen engage in protests at the port of calais. Emma hayward reports. Reporter as workmen and the bul bulldozers moved in, to clear the camp, so too did those who stride to stop them. Attempts to pull down makeshift shelters and anger boiled over. Activists and some refugees and migrants retaliated targeting the police throwing stones and setting fire to the tents. Reporter you can see the be refugees didnt hesitate to set fire to tents. Its not acceptable, we are going to restore security. The jungle is home to several thousand refugees and migrants many ending up in calais homing it will become a gateway to britbriton. The u. K. Though wants to keep them out. So men, women and children have found themselves living here in limbo. Unaccompanied, by themselves, worried not to be forced into solutions, in other camps, or were worried that theyll go missing. The Authorities Say they are offering People Better accommodation nearby or at Reception Centers in different parts of france. Some have stain up that offer to taken up that offer to move although it is being complete with resistance from others. Desperation and being forced to live on the edge of society, there is deep descruf descrus d. Emma hayward, al jazeera. Hoping in italy this can be a model for other be countries to copy. Dozens of trucks have arrived at the rebel held area in syrian capital, the urn is trying to reach 154,000 syrians in five days during the partial truce brokered by the u. S. And russia. Territory east of damascus, air strikes in homs and idlib. The main opposition blames the government and russia for violating the agreement saying it attacked several rebel held areas using heavy artillery and barrel bombs. Moscow blames rebel fighters. In a letter to u. N. Secretarygeneral comeub. Ban kimoon. Cessation of hostilities began on saturday, the u. N. Is secretarygeneral called a halt on saturday. All this needs to be verified, france has therefore demanded that the task force charged with overseeing the cessation of hostilities meet without delay. Al jazeeras Omar Al Saleh is near the border with syria, says the truce is in danger of collapsing. What we have from the Syrian Opposition is quite alarming, in fact they are warning that the entire process the truce could be on the verge of collapse if violations continue. Now a number of activists have given us their own count as well as the opposition, main opposition in turkey. They say for the last three days at least 55 incidents or 55 violations occurred, that number i believe is even more than that, could reach up to 60. The reason why ban kimoon say the be ceasefire is largely holding, level of violence was so high and the number of casualties was so big. And now compared to those days, the figures of the daily attacks and even the casualties are lower. So probably thats why you have u. N. Officials saying the truce is largely holding. Whether it comes to turkey for example, turkish president recep tayyip erdogan, saying it is not entirely holding so the truce is in danger. There are case wrest the aid agency, joins us from the United Nations, thanks for being with us. There are versions of how much this is holding but given level of violence has gone down how much aid is able to get through at this stage. Thank you for having me. I think its a situation that is quite fluid and we are taking it on a daytoday basis. Northern syria from turkey there has been a decrease in shelling which allowed some of our supplies to actually get into turkey to service the displaced people in the north of syria. So were seeing a small increase in the ability to get aid in. Around 2,000 kids have been able to go to Vulnerable Women but it is quite fluid as your reports indicate. Is it possible to quantify exactly how much aid is need in syria . This year the u. N. Requested 7 billion for syria which is a record number. Increased needs store medical supplies education but also the economy in syria has contracted immensely by half and food price ves risen. So were also seeing the need for things like cash, to get bread and basic items. That 7 billion figure is quite high and were seeing these needs throughout the country. What about the people perhaps under siege, presumably they would be a priority, is it possible to ream thec reach thet the moment . We have been able to reach a number of people in besieged areas. What i would say is this war has gone on for five years and the situation in some of these besieged areas is nothing short of tragic. Its really been horrific. Reports of children starving of individuals starving t freezingh over the wind. Its protracted, in terms of our supplies getting in really whats needed is a countrywide cessation of hostilities to allow supplies to get in to syria where its needed and have unfettered access across the country. One thing i want to ask you about the first air drop seemed to go off course, the u. N. Admitted it didnt reach those it was intended for. Whats your understanding of how air drops can be continued to used and how successful they could be. Air drops are usually a measure of last resource, in a contained Geographic Area but sometimes theyre necessary and thats why theyre used. I would say for syria we need to use all measures in order to get the aid where they need it the most. Convoys where necessary through air means but really thats only going to be possible when there is a political solution and i think thats something to underscore for your viewers that really the situation in syria will not get better, those needs will not be met until theres a political solution for country. And given how its going so far how concerned are you about the prospects for a political solution . I mean were terribly concerned. We see people every day who really are unable to get their basic needs met. I think, you know, the temperature in syria is very tough. People are losing faith in the International Communitys ability to actually support the country. I think this ceasefire is a good step but really, what this needs to be is the first of many steps that assure the Syrian People that the International Community is not abandoning them at this time of need. Sarah case from the International Rescue committee. Thank you very much indeed for agreeing to speak to us, appreciate it. Thanks for having me. Theres been a Suicide Attack on baghdads western outskirts, happening at abu ghraib. In a separate incident a suicide bomb are has blown himself up at a shia funeral haul. In mosul, i. S. I. L. Has claimed responsibility claiming it killed six militia commanders. If we talk about the security situation in iraq especially in sana province one of them is baghdad and also diyalla. The security is always a concern. There was an explosion yesterday, and today there is another explosion in diyalla. There are security measures all over be iraq, these security measures are not fluff to prevent such an explosion to happen. The u. S. Embassy in iraq is warning people downstream of the dam in mosul to be prepared to iraq. There could be a failure of the dam. Iraqi Prime Minister has described the likelihood as extremely small. The city is under control of i. S. I. L. But the dam was recaptured in 2014. Coming up on the newshour, why a symbolic funeral was held in gaza for a palestinian man who decide of suspicious circumstances in bulgaria. How the outbreak of the zika virus has reopened the abortion debate in deeply catholic brazil. And a sharp exit for this nascar driver, farr ra, santa fe sant n sports. Growing concern threat of the Islamic State of iraq and the levant which is spread into parts of libya. And the u. S. Defense secretary Ash Carter Says that country is prepared to extend, carter says it can oant happen once libyas political situation is stabilized and ruled out any intrerchtion being led by the u. S. So we fully expect that when, which we hope is soon, a government is formed had libya it will welcome not just the United States, but the coalition, and i should say here, that italy in particular, being so close, has offered to stay the lead there. But we have already promised that we will strongly support them. And so i hope thats part of the future there. A symbolic funeral last been held in gaza for a palestinian man who died in suspicious circumstances in bulgaria inon friday. The body was found in the Palestinian Embassys backyard in sophia. Bernard smith reports. In gaza, a funeral without a body, staged by the marxist popular front in palestine. Al naef was jailed by an Israeli Court in 1586 for his role of the murder of a jewish ort. Com x seminary student. Certain. Translator even from inside the embassy he was told that descream has all the keys of the doors. They told him that although he was inside the embassy they cant protect him. They were urging him to go and leave the embassy. Reporter al naef had been hiding in the embassy after bulgarian authorities tried odestain him. His family says while he was there people dressed as security staff came to the mission saying a bomb had been planted, checked the building including where el naef stayed. Translator israel is responsible for what happened. The Palestinian Embassy is responsible for not protecting him. The embassy didnt could anything to relieve the pressure on omar. Bulgarian officials are investigating whether he was pushed or fell from a higher floor. The be israel empeac embassy isg into what happened. Blaming the Palestinian Authority for not protecting omar. President Mahmoud Abbas is ordering investigation into the incident. Bernard smith, al jazeera. The outbreak of the zika virus, many mocts fear their babies coulmothers fear theirchh birth defects. Al jazeeras Marga Ortigas reports. Lourdes has just been told her baby has microcephaly. She was born with an unusually small head and her brain might not develop. Its a condition thats afflicting many newborns in brazil where the zika virus is widespread. Translator it is very hard to take care of a child like this. My other children were both perfect, werent born with any problems. Reporter even if it had been known earlier, women such as a lourdes, the majority of whom live in poverty, dont have an option to end their pregnancy. Abortion is only allowed if be the woman was raped, or if the baby is missing a large portion of its brain. The institute of bioethics a womens rights group, will be petitioning the supreme court, to grant women more access to information dealing with reproduct ef health and to support children and those that care for them. Its the abortion for all part of the petition that have upset many in this deeply catholic country. Brazil is the most upon last catholic country in the world and religious teaches i teachint of the everday life. Religious leaders say abortion is unacceptable. Translator it really is selection, part of human life is having people with difficulties, be it with their movements their thought or social behavior. Society seems to have great difficulty accepting people with limitations. Reporter for womens Rights Groups this debate isnt about zika or abortion but a reflection of a deep social reality that brazil doesnt want to deal with it. The situation is not knew has been aggravated, has to do with inequality, womens rights, whereby disabled rights for be children and their caretakers. We have to be able to talk about all of them together. People here feel not much talking has been done. Now Health Budget has been cut. Lourdes says she wouldnt have chosen to have an abortion even if it was legal. What shed like is more support for deep social issues that can no longer lie dormant. Marga ortigas, al jazeera, brazil. Another controversy is surrounding donald trump leading up to super tuesday, trump has refused to deannounce publicly a wellknown white supremacist who has sought to endorse his presidency. Be donald trump seems to dissent any knowledge of david duke. Be. Donald trump has avoided talk about the latest controversy to hit his latest run. On a sunday afternoon talk show, he didnt refuse the director of the ku klux klan. I have to look at the group. I dont know what group youre talking about. In an interview on monday the candidate claimed it was a technical issue. Im sitting in a house in florida with a very bad ear piece that they gave me and you could hardly hear what he was saying. But his opponents arent buying that. Marco rubio says trump had an easy decision to make. Hes unelectable now. He refused to criticize the can you kuala lumpur klan. The man whose back started this be discussion, said he supported trump because of his stance on immigration. We are in the most critical election probably in our history and donald trump is the guy that really stands up on this particular issue. Other political opponents have attacked the republican front runner on jeefd social media. Be republican ted cruz probablyz said, donald trump you are better than that. Rchg to condemn kkk, a post retweeted by hillary clinton. Weekend comments were even more strange. The claim that donald trump does not know what the klan is, that he has to look into this group before he can denounce it is absolutely astounding. We havent seen anything like that in mainstream american politics, literally, for decades. Reporter for primary voters like those here in texas this is just another trump rowe, another controversy, and despite the condemnation and the criticism, trump has emerged from these battles in the past Even Stronger and more energized and there is nothing to suggest this time it will be any different. Im very angry about it. Carrie works with the organization. Just proving it, even after obama was elected we are in a postracial america. In the hours before super tuesday, the candidates will spend most time talking trump rather than their own message. Hes still on the card on one of the most important days in history. Be interlare interl halkett, dk. He did face some heckling at one of his Campaign Appearance is in radford virginia, but at the same time, you have to remember his poll numbers are very strong. Hes leading nationally in a number of apologies as the republican fronts runner. So i think what his critics are arguing is theres been a lack of clarity from this candidate. Well, allen fisher in his report there did point out that donald trump did disavow the endorsement of david duke and the ku klux klan or kkk on twitter. They feel his announcement has not been clear enough, in his three opportunities to do so on national television. Whats important to point out there are a number of republican candidates nart marco rubio who is the nart from the u. S. State of florida where im standing right now, is really seizing on this in what is about to be a very, very critical vote, super tuesday, the polls will be opening in of course less than 24 hours, where 12 u. S. States will be voting in what is known as super tuesday. This is where they are hoping they can make some gains. Be marco rubio did criticize trump, how can donald trump be the leader of the party, nominee if he refuses to distance himself from a racist like david duke. At the end of the day, it is the voters who ultimately have to decide and the voters still support donald trump. Why its a big part of the president ial calendar or the race for the presidency calendar, talk us through what Bernie Sanders is going to do to regain the be ground he lost in the last race . Reporter well, obviously Bernie Sanders lost some very critical momentum on the vote thrapped on saturday here in the United States in south carolina. That was a significant political as well as psychological victory for hillary clinton. She had been waiting for it. It was referred to as her fire wall if you will because that is what she believes she could stop what she believed to be a surge by Bernie Sanders. A be group of African American voters came out clearly for hillary clinton. Its believed that will happen again on super tuesday, many states will be voting with similar demographics. BnldBernie Sanders is concentrag on states that he feels his message is resonating, Police Clashes and the issue that seems to resonate across the board no matter what your skin color is, that is income inequality. Bernie sanders is bringing that message to as many states as possible he hoping he will be able to connect with as many voters as possible and diverse groups as possible and he is hoping that will bring him the numbers that he is hoping for on super tuesday, soon upon us. Thank you Kimberly Halkett in miami. Still ahead on the al jazeera newshour. Are the berlin jobs fair trying to bring work to thousands of refugees. Nonstop speeches for seven days straight in south korea. Thats going on, not just in this country, but around the world. Getting the news from the people who are affected. People need to demand reform. Ali velshi on target. There is so many changes in my life. I was ready for adventures. From burlesque dancer to acclaimed artists. Art saved my life. Reflections from her new memoir. No no no no no. Im way to dysfunctional to have an ordinary job. See what lies ahead for molly crabapple. Who emerges from life unscathed . I lived that character. We will be able to see change. Again a reminder of the top stories here on al jazeera. Macedonian police have fired tear gas and stun grenades against refugees. , syrian capital trying to reach besieged towns cut off in the countrys civil war. President ial hopeful donald trump has refused to denounce publicly a wellknown white supremacist who appeared to endorse his candidacy. More on the migration crisis now, greece is considering bringing in the army to help deal with the ever growing number of refugees. From athens, mohammad adow reports. Still they kept coming, 1800 refugees arrived on monday. No one to welcome them, no one to stop them either. Translator we faced a lot of difficulties here, now that we are here, we want to cross to macedonia but we dont know how to do that. The ports a special shelter now, everyone has the same objective to get out of greece as quickly as they possibly can. There are not many leaving. Greek Officials Say at the want to ease the pressure there. One step closer to a new life the refugees say their only option is to travel north to other countries in northern europe. These men are from the sinjar area of northern iraq, a member of the yazidi sect, shows me pictures of beheaded bodies and mass graves. Translator our homes in sinjar have been destroyed. Our friends, sons and daughters have been destroyed. Last graves sit in our villages. We have nowhere left to go to. Reporter this stream of refugees has become a serious problem for greece. Athens used to be a place for tourists but now, refugees are no nno longer allowed to cross e border. What happens to refugees that they are no longer allowed to cross the borders . They are feeling sad and kind of helpless. Reporter their struggle to find a new place to call home is be close but not over. Every day they remain in greece they stay beyond a welcome they never had. Mohammad adow, al jazeera, athens. Many of those refugees arriving in greece will be hoping to head to germany. More than a million refugees settled there last year. , a jobs fair is set up to help them attain work. They came to germany as refugees now job seekers, drawn to this berlin hotel with the prospect of meeting hundreds of potential employers for what organizers have perhaps optimistically called a Journey Towards positive employment. Mohammed and ulas journey began in the syrian capital where they used to learn computing together. Now they want to work in it. I was in the i. T. Department, i want to continue it, Civil Engineering i want to be like my father, he is a Graphic Designer and i want to be like him. Reporter the man responsible for organizing this jobs fair dreamed up this project after seeing the lines of refugees beginning to form last year. It took this long to bring all the glories and Government Departments on site but he says its worth it. Translator there are so many great young people here eager for knowledge. They want do something, thats the essential. Even though they go back to build up their own country, they may have profited by earning a new language and new skills. I believe this initiative is very important. You are offering job for people . Reporter but for people like parveen, the search will be hard. She came to germany from afghanistan with her threeyearold son. She would like to work in agriculture but she believes her nationality will be a problem. Afghanistan are not allowed to study here. They say your country is still secure and we are sorry we cannot accept you because your chance for staying in germany is so low. Reporter in recent times the German Government has worked to classify certain countries as safe, thereby preventing their citizens claiming asylum. Nonetheless, there remain many hundreds of thousands of people from war zones who hel hope to e a life in this country. Angela merkel has repeatedly stressed that this country can do it. But the reality is they will not find a job theyre looking for immediately. Dominic cain, al jazeera, berlin. Madam abuhari used his meeting with qatars emir, nigeria as been hit hard by the global slump in oil prices. He told al jazeera that oil producer need to Work Together. Well, opec has to Work Together to save the situation. It has always been an interesting aspect, if you can produce less, and earn more, why produce more and earn less . I have never been able to understand it. But the Market Forces are influenced by a lot of political issues, both original and global. And we have to live by it. And you can see more of that interview by watching talk to al jazeera on march 4th. Blood shortages are a leading cause of death in south sudan hospitals. Because of cultural taboos. Anna cavel reports. In the gien col gynecology wo many people die from lack of blood. We treated her and found she needed blood. If she doesnt get blood she will eventually suffer Heart Failure and die. Joyces father was willing to donate but wasnt a match. Her father refused to give him his blood. The hospital couldnt help either. There are only nine units of blood, all donated for specific patients. This hospital they say they havent received any blood for over a month now. A lack of understand going blood transfusions oafn prevents oftes people from donating even from their own family. Joyce is far from an isolated case. In this Maternity Ward this new mother was in desperate need of blood but her family didnt donate either. They dont want to donate, some are fearing screening, they dont like to be screened, they dont want to know their status, hiv status, hepatitis all these things, they fear to be known all right is a point. Some of them feel that if the blood is taken from them they may develop diseases and all this. Until cultural attitudes around donating blood change, issues in south sudan will continue. Anna cavel, al jazeera, south sudan. Chief Security Affairs minister has also called for greater cooperation between local Government Agencies and Security Forces to prevent the spread of radical ideology in fan tan province, follows an attack on the capital jakarta last month alread. Already causing Food Shortages around the country. Step vaessen reports from east timor. Most plants die because of a lack of water. Planting season was delayed because monsoon rains started two months late. Translator this year rain only fell a couple of times. Sometimes, rain are heavy but sometimes its only drizzle and sometimes its only cloudy and theres no rain at all. Reporter the weather phenomenon em19 yoa which is predicted to reach its peak this month, many parts of indonesia rice har vises ar harvests are o fail. Even this wont be enough to save their crops. Their corn plants should have been this high by now and food stocks are running low. This is all the corn that they have left from last years harvest. Meals have already been cut back and theyre hungry. Translator im worried about the coming months, worried well be really lungary because of this drought. Government Officials Say food stocks are sufficient but experts are having doubts. The government have closely watch food stocks. They dont need to make a big deal about this but just start handing out food where its needed immediately. The government of east timor has asked the United Nations for help. They ask for assistance if the situation worsens. They hope that any help will arrive soon. Step vaessen, al jazeera, bene, west tim timor. f public appearance by 21yearold otto, since his arrest on the 26th of january. He says he took the banner from his hotel as a souvenir but north korea has accused him of tacitly working for u. S. Government. South of the border, oppositions are speaking for seven days in a filibuster a deliberate delaying tactic againsten a governmentbacked antiterrorism law. Harry fawcett has more. Reporter this is incredibly rare in south korean politics. Nothing like this has happened since 1469. The reason its happening now is essentially twofold. This is an incredibly contention contentious piece of legislation. The speaker of the facial assembly has simply decided its been la languishing for too lon, its time to bring it to a vote. The reason the government and the National Intelligence service says its necessary is one, there is the threat of north korea after the recent rocket launch and before that the nuclear test and the groups such as i. S. I. L, el nusra, al qaeda, as far as the option is concerned the language in this slaw simply too taking. It would allow anyone suspected of Terrorism Activity to have their phone records tapped or rather their phones tapped and their bank records accessed by the government and the opposition says its simply going to talk this out until the end of the be session on march the 10th and if the ruling party wants to enforce it, it can do so by calling a new Plenary Session of the National Assembly and forcing a vote at that is stage. Unexpectedly backed a candidate who be owner advocated more democracy. Supported the occupied demonstrations from 2014 and campaigned for electoral change. As a newly elected legislator in hong kong he hopes he can make that reform a reality. Reform is always something very important especially hong kong is at a very critical juncture and we have to convince voters that we can deliver something that they can rely on. Yeung is one of a increasinglincreasingnumber of , campaigning for hong kongs independence and came third place in the election. But says the message from voters is a wake up call for hong kong government. People will know that we, the young generation, we determine to sacrifice to devote ourselves in hong kongs future. It may have just been a bye election but this government has seen a growing number of smaller parties eplernlging. With the full Legislative Council election due in september its also a test of the public concerns that is increasing interference from the Chinese Government in beijing. I think china are forced to secure the hong kong local interest and local culture, our language. They are fearful of losing their freedoms and Human Dignity because they do not want hong kong to become entirely socalled mainlandized, become a mainland like city. So therefore they are that accounts for their support for the more socalled extreme or radical forces in hong kong. Reporter with some of the newly formed Political Party vowing to use violence in their campaigns to protect hong kong from chinas reach, it could be a turbulent year ahead. Sarah clark, al jazeera, hong kong. A film based on the real life drama of journalists who exposed a ring of pedophile priests is the surprise best picture winner. Spotlight. And the revenant star Leonardo Dicaprio took the best actor award. But the ceremony was overshadowed by controversy. And the oscar goes to Leonardo Dicaprio. They say good things come to those who wait, and Leonardo Dicaprio after five times this would be his time at last. The making of the reivet rev, 2015 was the hottest in known history. In fact the revenant also took another top award. Alejandro inarritu. No hattrick for the film though becausement. Spotlight. It was a contender but not the favorite. When it comes to best actress, brie larson was happy to take that, she wasnt overly surprised, she was the hot favorite after all. Thank you to who participated in room. Thank you to all who saw it. Mad max fury road, six awards for that. Awe eyes were on chris rock, the accusations of racism not far from everyones mind. A subject he was suspected to touch on not in a subtle way. Nomination he in the major categories were announced and they were all white and chris rock did not disappoint. I counted at least 15 black people on that montage. Hollywoods annual night of backslapping is over for another year. These oscars have been the most controversy in recent history, the big question is the oscars as the Film Industry enters that bit of soul sech searching. Ar observation oscars so white. Will it be a part of the scene next year . Well be right back. Time for a run at sport now, farr rafafarrah is in doha. Gianni infan infantino is mag his first day of work, sepp blatter has been banned for all football related activity for six years due to ethics breaches. I was elected on friday, to be the president of fifa, to be the leader of fifa, the leader is setting a tone. The leader will have to do some convincing work of course, it is not a dictatorship, it is a democracy. It is a participation, i count on the same i convinced the congress to vote for me i count on convincing all those i have to convince toen support me and to develop football in the right way. Is. Its a hie huge change of government of leadership, so thamthat happens now. Im very happy of that. Released from prison early after serving time for tax evasion. Hufis was found guilty of hiding 30 million of assets. World cup winner has served half of his three and a half years sentence and is already working with a youth teem during periods of day release. Second place napilier taking on section plagues napoli. Four points behind the leaders uventis. Tom brady said in october that he wants to play in the nfl for another decade. New England Patriots are giving him another two years at least. The star quarterback has agreed on a contract extension that will keep him at the club until 2019. That meems means hel means hea patriots jersey until he is 43 years old. Four time super bowl champion. Meanwhile, part of a group thats teaching young people about the game in an effort to promote the popularity of the grousport. Scouting for young talent during the camps. I think they have to expand. I mean theyre making a ton of money in the states. But i think it almost has to expand from a standpoint of its getting too big for just the continental u. S. So with it expanding it gives an opportunity for the egyptian kids or people in other countries to play the sport and we ask pull players from other continents to come play this great game of football. Cricketers have bounced back from their fierce loss. In bangladesh, the former champions beat the uae earlier. Overhaul the emrates told. The world t20. Well, concealed their spot on sundays final with victory on tuesday. The men in blue can make it 3 out of 3 by be beating sri lanka. Following his match winning 49 against pakistan. Because he was going through a very good spell and he needed somebody to show some intent including the way he defended and the way he attacked. Obviously we knew when he got a 2030 partnership, there wasnt ohuge score on the board, that showed a lot of growth and courage and that was encouraging on the side. A nascar driver had to make an unexpected exit. Getting the worse of a four car smash at the georgia track he was able to escape unharmed. The race was won by jimmy johnson, now level with the late Dale Earnhart on the all time list. And thats all your sport for now. Its now back to lauren in london. Farrah, thank you very much. It was offer before it even began. Three two one zero. Okay we have launch abort. U. S. Rocket company spacex had to cancel its expected launch just minutes before, on Board Computers aborted the mission for the third time in a week. A quick reminder, you can always check out all the stories were covering, the address is aljazeera. Com and you can also watch us live by clicking on the watch live icon. Thats mee it for me lauren it , but ill be back with another full roundup. This is Al Jazeera America live from new york. At 7 00 news roundup. Tony harris gives you a fastpaced recap of the days events. This is the first line of defense. We have an exclusive story tonight. Then at 8 00 John Seigenthaler brings you the top stories from across america. The question is, will these dams hold . And at 9 00 im ali velshi, on target tonight. Ali velshi on target. Digging deeper into the issues that matter. Im trying to get a sense for what iranians are feeling. That harmony, that politeness and that equilibrium that japanese people call wa. At the other side of history, fukushimas heroes were not enough. People have lost their trust, especially in the authorities. The myth of nuclear energy, of it being economic, safe and clean has been swept away. Violence flares as thousands much refugees try to break down the barriers at the greecemast greecemacedonia border. Im lauren taylor. This is al jazeera live from london. Also coming up 1. 5 million iraqis put on alert as the u. S. Warns those downstream of a major dam. Despite sporadic fighting, aid

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