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Curfew, to quell i. S. I. L. Defense secretary ash carter outlines a Broad Campaign in iraq and syria and says combat troops are needed. And election backlash. Violent protests in the streets of haiti after the president ial Runoff Election is postponed for a second time. Good evening, im antonio mora, this is al jazeera Americas International news hour. Tonight we begin with canadas worst School Shooting in more than a decade. At least four people are dead and two wounded. The attack took place in the Aboriginal Community of la loche in the province of saskatchewan. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was in dabo switzerland when the news broke. Obviously this is every parents worst nightmare. When i spoke with Community Leaders they obviously expressed that the community is reeling. And all of us across this countrys hearts are going out to the families and to the whole community. Al jazeeras daniel lak is in toronto with more on the developing story. This took place in the Remote Community of la loche and it is about 300, 400 miles north of the nearest biggest city, saskatoon. It was a middle school 712, and just before the lunch time about 1 00 p. M. Local time someone started shooting outside and inside the school. The person is in custody, according to the Royal Canadian mounted police, the mounties. A local aboriginal chief described him as a boy. There is a community where this type of thing is not wellknown at all. Canada has only had a couple of these over the past three decades so obviously a deep sense of shock both in saskatchewan and the entire country tonight. Daniel lak reporting from toronto. The government of tunisia is taking steps to restore order, everyone has to stay off the streets because of the curfew between 8 p. M. And 5 00 a. M. Tunisias president appeared the warning that i. S. I. L. May try exploit it. Triggered by the death of an unemployed man a week ago, electrocuted during a demonstration calling for more jobs. It is happened in casare rvetioreen. Hashem ahelbarra repm there. Reporter they expected their lives to be better by now and blame the government for the fact they are not. It is five years since forced to leave tunisia after 23 years in power starting what became known as the arab spring but tunisia still has some of the same problems that created the revolution. Issues like unemployment and poverty. President bajir has urged the nation to accept a curfew put in place, in an address to the nation he acknowledged the high Unemployment Rate as a factor for the protests. But he also said, foreign groups were deliberately destabilizing tunisia. Translator we have more than 700,000 unemployed, among them 300,000 youth who have qualifications and cannot find a job and they are being targeted by outside forces, i. S. I. L. And others. Reporter the protests started after the death of a victim on saturday, electrocuted after climbing a transmission tower in a protest over missing out a government job. The Prime Minister has cut short a trip to europe to deal with the unrest. He says the situation is under control and the government has started to implement a job creation program. The situation is calming down. Its an economic problem. It is people looking for work. We have a program to try to resolve this problem. We dont have a magic wand, we cant solve all the problems in one go. The transition to a Democratic State hasnt been easy and left many disappointed. The government is under growing pressure to show its on top of the situation and show the people they care about their problems but at the same time it runs on a tight budget and may not be able to Fund Programs for jobs across the cub. Hashem ahelbarra, al jazeera. Attack killing six, in the city of giza, three of the victims were police officers. The i. S. I. L. Groups claim of responsibility was made vee the internet and could not be immediately verified. A top u. S. Military officer is urging prompt and decisive aid is needed to halt the spread of i. S. I. L. In libya. Northern city of sirte. James dunford says, the goal should be building up local Libyan Forces and strengthening in the fight against i. S. I. L. In dabo switzerland, secretary of Defense Ash Carter says the u. S. Coalition needs to take back mosul in iraq and raqqa, the i. S. I. L. De facto capital in syria. Jamie mcintire has more. Reporter the u. S. Likes to boast that i. T. Has more than 60 countries in the Coalition Fighting i. S. I. L. In iraq and syria but defense secretary ash carter at the World Economic forum in davo switzerland has conceded that only a few of the countries are doing the heavy lifting. He singled out germany, france, united kingdom, netherlands, and since no country is immune to an i. S. I. L. Attack, no country should duet a free ride. On paper a member of the counteri. S. I. L. Coalition but many of them are not doing enough or doing nothing at all. And were prepared to do a great deal because we have the finest fighting force the world has ever seen. We can do a lot ourselves but the United States doesnt ask people for favors. But we dont grant favors, either. So were looking for other people to play their part. Reporter the pentagon continues to say, it is making slow progress against i. S. I. L. In iraq and syria although noting the operation to clear ramadi is still under way, even though citys liberation was declared by iraq some weeks ago. There are still neighborhoods that are being cleared of explosive devices and still civilians that are being freed who are being held as human shields. And the pentagon today also released the results of its latest investigation of civilian casualties, adding to the total that they concede 16 civilians have been killed in bombing in iraq or syria by u. S. And coalition planes. Thats still a rather small number considering the United States has conducted and its Coalition Partners have conducted almost 10,000 air strikes to date. Jamie mcintire, al jazeera, washington. The u. S. Appears to be expanding an airstrip in northeastern syria. Thats what satellite images seem to show. The expansion would make the runway usable for larger transport aircraft including the c130 hercules cargo plane. The u. S. Has not denied the report but has said u. S. Forces have not taken control of the air field. Central command has revealed that dying in iraq and syria, not everyone agrees with the number. Rosiland jordan reports from washington. Back in august 2014, 16 civilians have been killed in those strikes, nine more have been injured. Thats a far cry from the estimate from a number of antiwar groups which say that as many as 2400 civilians may have been killed in those air strikes during the same period in both countries. Now, the u. S. Military says that it has a very low incident rate when it comes to killing or injuring civilians in this conflict, because of the use of precision guided munitions. However, the activist groups say that they are not certain that these strikes were as nonlethal as the u. S. Military is suggest that they were. By contrast there are estimates that russian air strikes which started just in september of this past year may have killed more than a thousand civilians inside syria alone. As for killing the number of i. S. I. L. Fighters, which was the overwhelm purpose of the coalitiowhole purpose of the con air strikes, the estimates is in the thousand for those fighting on behalf of i. S. I. L, whereas the russians conducting air strikes only in syria more than 1100 of the People Killed may have been fighting on behalf of the Syrian Opposition or socalled islamist groups, only around 900 appear to be i. S. I. L. Fighters. All of this suggests that in the middle of war it seems no one is safe. Rosiland jordan, reporting from washington. Fpt francoifrench president fras hollande calls the terrorist threat in requesting a three month extension, the u. N. Resolution makes it easier for people to be placed under house arrest,. Indonesias president has ordered increased security inside the countrys prisons after a deadly shooting rampage. Eight people died in the attack in jakarta more than a week ago, 34 were injured. I. S. I. L. Claimed responsible. One was released from prison and it is believed he was radicalize thread. Step vaessen reports in our off the radar segment tonight. Relatives waiting for the buddy, the thereyearold became the face of the worst attack in indonesia since 2009. He was photographed shooting into a crowd at one of jakartas busiest intersections. Four members of the public were killed in the days attack. Just five months earlier sunachem had been released from prison where he was serving a term. When he came out of prison we offered him to live here although our house is very small. We tried hard to give him a new place. We even built a temporary small house for him but he refused. So even if we would have been angry at him, if we would have tied him to a pole he probably would still have done the same thing. Sunachem last visited his family just ten days before the attack. During his years in prison he failed to take part in the government deradicallism program. Shows the failure of indonesias system, and the failure to rehabilitate those convicted of terrorism. Authorities admit they lose track of prisoners after they are released. 130 prisoners jailed for such offenses have been released. Translator we have not been able to reeducate sunachim because he refuse all our effort. He was released before we could get more information about him. The prison operator should have watched him after his release but there are so many things we have to do before we know it this attack had already happened. Reporter the police have announced that six men suspected in connection with last weeks attack are still in prison but were able to complk with the coh the attackers. Theres so much needed to be done, it will take years to fix. No effort has yet been made to ban mobile phone communication. And that should be something thats quite simple to do. Meanwhile in subang, sunachems family had to face angry villagers who were angry what he did. Meantime, the family has decided he can be buried. As ofamily, to the victims and others please forgive us, we apologize for what happened. The government has announced that indonesians who have joined i. S. I. L. In indonesia may lose their citizenship. Step vaessen, al jazeera, jakarta. The serious hurdles they face, north korea detains an American College student accusing him of a hostile act. The west africa nations of burkina faso and mali are partnering to combat al qaeda in their nations. Mohammad adow has the story. On the border of burkina faso and mali, about 500 families who fled the 2013 french intervention in mali live here. She has no plans to return home any time soon. Translator there was nowhere to go back to. Our land has been turned into a barren field. A lot of unresolved issues. Reporter referring to the armed group, al qaeda in the islamic maghreb, or aqim. Its recently stepped up its operations in mali and beyond. Aqims rank has disciplined factors. Mucmukmoktar bell mokta rrchl a, the malian hold killing 28 people. Neighboring burkina faso, attack on a luxury hotel and a cafe. Most of the victims were foreigners. Al qaeda in the islamic maghreb has shown its ability to carry out attacks that are planned and carried out across borders borders. People living in settlements along the border are now living in fear after a number of cross border attacks by the group. Facing a common group, the governments of mali and burkina faso have agreed to work together. Translator what we are forced to do now is to coordinate our antiterror measures Exchange Intelligence and strengthen border security. That requires Close Military and strategic cooperation. Analysts doubt that mali and burkina faso can effectively tackle al qaeda militarily. Translator mali and burkina faso are facing numerous challenges. Their militaries are not well trained or equipped. And so once again the two nations will be depending on the military might of france, thus colonial ruler to sustain the threat from armed groups. Mohammad adow, al jazeera, on the Maliburkina Faso border. Joinings us from watertown massachusetts, good to see you as always. In light of the attacks in malfication and burkina faso do we have a sense how strong al qaeda in the islamic maghreb is . While originating in algeria it is said to have a presence all over the west african interior. Thats a good question antonio mora. Al qaeda in the islamic maghreb was backtrack so the thought was among security analysts that they were on their heels. This comes as a surprise both because its the first ever attack in burkina faso and because really, since 2014 we have not heard much from al qaeda in the islamic maghreb and this is an attempt for them to one, reassert their presence and their agenda but to also als coe with i. S. I. S. Or i. S. I. L. There are reports it is the richest al qaeda affiliate because of ransom money its been getting from kidnapping westerners. How great are its financing . All the group have strong ambitions, unfortunately, the opportunities are greater there in the mahgreb and west african burkina faso being on the border of mali, where they previously staged the attack in mali at the mall, what was suggested in your last report, burkina faso is a country coming out of a very difficult transition. Having a leader, a dictator for 27 years, finally are you know get rid of him to have a president thats installed only three weeks ago, a government installed only three days ago. And then having to deal with something. So its not as if this is a strong government, sovereign government with a Strong Police and army that is able to defend against this. On top of the fact that these folks as weve seen elsewhere go after soft targets. Theyre not going after the government. Theyre going after tourists and ex patriots which makes it all the more difficult challenge. And theres been upheaval especially in mali in the northwest part in recent years. I dont see that these folks have any either the ambition or the capability for force projection across a continent. Now, of course, the continent theyre closest too is europe and its conceivable that they may try to cross into spain or france but certainly not the United States. And so its al qaeda but its not the al qaeda we know from 9 11, right . Al qaeda whose real focus was to hurt the u. S. Home land. These are really folks who are local who have sort of affiliated and pledged allegiance to al qaeda but not part of a Central Organization that would coordinate attacks across the United States. Boko haram, quaip quaip, qu e arabian peninsula. Whether you are talking about syria, thorn and western africa, youre a member of one group today, bun group tomorrow, within the al qaeda in the islamic maghreb you have had subfactions who have broken away, others that have stayed with al qaeda. Its much more loose and diffuse than is typically the case when you think of warfare. Do you think that al qaeda affiliates are going to get stronger, is there a danger that the west could be taking its eye off the al qaeda ball because of i. S. I. L . Good question, first answer is i dont know, number 2, its worth considering. What bothers me most, al qaeda which has taken its lumps, particularly the centralized leadership of obviously bin laden, now zakari, they face their internal competitor, i. S. I. L. Or i. S. I. S. Is trying to claim the mantle of leadership. All the foreign money coming in. They are going to feel compelled to compete with them and thats a worrisome thing. Jim walsh from m. I. T, thank you for joining us. Thank you antonio. Three countries ask women to postpone pregnancies. And cdc is warning people traveling to 20 Different Countries where that virus is spreading. H welcome back to al jazeera america, im antonio mora. Coming up in this half hour of International News the fate of syrian peace talks to depend on russ but first a look at headlines taking place across america. Blizzard warnings are in effect, and coastal flood warnings extend from virginia to massachusetts. More than 50 Million People are in the path of the storm. Some areas are projected to get more than two feet of snow. A federal judge has are dismissa suit, a man claimed the faulty ignition switch prevented his air bags from deploying. Defect is blamed for at least 124 deaths. Gm has already paid 600 million in settlements. An Appeals Court in kansas city is blocking a ban or a common second trimester abortion method. The kansas court of appeals put the case on hold for now. The case is likely to be appealed to the kansas supreme court. It is the first kind of case in the United States. 21yearold College Student for allegedly committing a hostile act. Harry fawcett is in seoul. This news came through on the north korean state media,cna saying north korea had detained a u. S. Citizen a student for a supposed hostile act against the state. Also, this media report saying that that act was tolerated and manipulating by the United States government. The name of this man, Otto Frederick wombia of the u. S. Embassy in seoul, only confirmed it has seen these media reports, referring any other questions to the statement in washington. There has been corroboration from a tour agency based in china young pioneer tours who says this young man was on one of their tours in north korea and detained on january 2nd. They say they are working closely with the Swedish Embassy in pyongyang which looks out for u. S. Interests in north korea, north Korean Ministry of fostern affairs to get this young man released. Three u. S. Citizens were released in 2015. There have been instances of missionary activity, one visitor left behind a bible in a hotel room, these have caused problems in the past, a u. S. Student who had a green card, kept for some six months before being handed back over to south korean authorities here. And so this isnt the first of its type. But certainly this is a new development, a new u. S. Citizen reportedly detained inside north korea. Harry fawcett reporting from seoul. Washington post reporter Jason Rezaian is back in the u. S. Tonight. He was released last weekend as part of a prisoner swap with iran. He spent 18 months behind bars. He and his wife and family flew home in a plane owned by amazon earn, jeff bezos. Members of the saudi backed Syrian Opposition now say they will not come to the table unless russia stops air strikes. Russia has previously been criticized for targeting legitimate rebel groups instead of i. S. I. L. Blockades prevent popular areas from teting aid. A deadly shi shipwreck. Two overcrowded boats sank in the aegean sea. More than 70 people managed to survive. Rescue teams are searching for more survivors. German chancellor Angela Merkel impressed turkey in order to help stem the flow of people heading to europe. Al jazeeras nadim baba reports. The pressure may not be showing, but Angela Merkel is treading a lonely path at the moment. As the german and french parliaments. Weve once again heard about terrible numbers of people dying in the seas between turkey and the u, children as well, and we cannot allow the illegal traffickers to have supremacy here and people endanger their lives and people earn money when they really do not have the best interests of those human beings in their minds. Thats why we need need to make sure that this illegal immigration is changed into legal immigration. On friday, a reminder of how much people stake to get to europe. Warning its time to set a limit open new arrivals, and last year europe agreed to a 3 billion hour fund. President obama has agreed to contribute substantially. But it might not make a huge difference. That has to do with refugee flows them. We have a significant portion of afghans, iraqis, kurd. They may want to move towards europe. Just how much Angela Merkel whos under pressure like never before needs turkeys help. But its not certain whether they have the will to move further. He insists he has already acted to stem the migrant flow. Providing humanitarian aid to them, weve passed legislation to allow syrian employees to gain employment and a way to help them from getting exploited. Whatever the calls, from home and abroad are getting louder all the time. Nadim baba, al jazeera. To maintain schengen, valls believes the concept of a European Union is already in graib gravgrave danger. Will gates says he is aware that relaxing u. S. Immigration policy is not easy but he says the issue is largely a political problem. More countries are asking arriving refugees to hand over their valuables to help cover the costs of their accommodations. It is a trend that started in denmark, widely criticized but appears to be spreading. Paul dren ann has thpaul dren n. 50 peopl people sleep here dg the night. They are shut out during the day. Abdalla is wondering whether he made the right choice. Really if i not stay like this i will stay in syria. I die one time, but every night im dying. Mohammed arrived in switzerland from iraq last october. He was left with the equivalent of 3400 in his pocket. Then the swiss took most of this away from him too. They say well keep this. That money wasnt mine, it was borrowed from a friend, hes threatened me to kidnap either my brothers or my father. Of the 45,000 refugees taken in by switzerland last year the 1,000 franc Compensation Rule was used just 100 times. The problem is by taking away the refugees money it rirvegz trapping them in a cycle of dependency on state handouts. Across europe though, compassionate attitudes towards refugees are shifting to alarm. The motive for taking in, prevent tension between those refugees who have money and those who dont. Per capita gdp puts switzerland in a stable area, is confiscation really about covering costs . The u. N. Refugee agency doesnt think so. This patience to be a race to the bottom by European Countries trying to make themselves as unattractive as possible, introducing punitive measures, trying to be flassity and cruel as possibility trying to make Asylum Seekers go to somewhere else. Last year the European Union agreed to relate 160,000 refugees more evenly among member states. According to the unhcr only about 300 have been actually moved so far. When collective agreements falter, individual states turn their backs on their neighbors. Paul brennan, al jazeera, lausanne. Brian, very good to have you with us. Taking vabilitie valuables froms echoes a darker time. There are no International Principles to prevent whats happening . It certainly sends the wrong message, fundamentally its not sustainable. Refugees in many cases certainly the cases ive seen whether it be the refugees i worked with over the decades from cambodia to the syrians i met in lebanon last year and the year before. Nobody chooses to be a refugee. Refugees are desperate people without savings in many cases and or the refugees and migrants who arrive in europe have spent their last amount of savings paying smugglers to get across the mediterranean and then across europe. It certainly sends the wrong message as far as Self Reliance and what is needed in the european context is certainly more solidarity with refugees. Talking about messages do you agree with what we just heard from William Spindler that tough measures are actually a race to the bottom, to send a message that refugees are not welcome there . Unfortunately as the report, and was mentioned by my colleague in geneva, there is an increasing colonization in europe and globally. But we must not forget as well, theres been an immense outpouring of compassionate support, be the germany sweden and france, but this fear which is played upon by xenophobic sort of for churring and populace politician he. There is this , that they are going to be spending far more on the refugees than theyll receive from them in all sorts of social services . Look, studies have shown that refugees are active contributors to the countries where they go. And they resettle. Refugees in my experience and ive had experience all over the world working with refugees, they are looking for a handup not a handout. Theyre looking to restore their dignity and lets not forget you know nobody chooses to be a refugee. How much damage do you think these recent sexual assaults in cologne and elsewhere will do for the resettlement efforts . There is this division of opinion in europe and there is this politicization of the debate, people who commit crimes in any country be it refugees in countries, Asylum Seekers in countries, citizens in countries need to be prosecuted by the laws of those countries. But it is not those are criminal actions, criminal acts that need to be punished by the law. But it shouldnt be used then to blanket a whole group of people as criminals. But it is being used that way and antiimmigration nationalist movements as you said they seem to be growing throughout the continent, even in some countries that have been the most welcoming in the past. So what do you think can be done to make sure that public support for granting asylum to deserving refugees doesnt collapse . Again, turning to europe what were calling for is a coordinated response by the governments of europe themselves. Look, there needs to be more Financial Resources in putting to Reception Centers in greece and italy, the main countries where the refugees and migrants turn up. Then there needs to be relocation. On an orderly process. My colleagues are on the ground in greece and italy and elsewhere providing lifesaving support with our ngo colleagues and our government colleagues as well to refugees. But whats needed is a coordinated unified European Response and as i said its wrong to criminal acts are criminal acts and three will be carried out by criminals. But its wrong then to politicize those acts and spread it to a large group of people. Brian hansford from the United Nations high commissioner for refugees. I appreciate you being with us tonight. Thank you. Thank you. Haiti delays runoff Runoff Elections. And the Catholic Churchs striction opposition to same sex marriage. Our american story is written everyday. Its not always pretty, but its real. And we show you like noone else can. This is our american story. This is america tonight. Swiss media is reporting a dozen soldiers tested positive for marijuana and five tested positive for cocaine. About 4500 swiss sol verse are on security detail in davos. Now to our global view segment with a look at how news outlets across the world are reacting to various events. The jordan times, addressing and targeting the root causes of extremism at the source. The paper argues the path chosen by the United States and its allies only addresses the symptoms of the rob. It argues that the u. N. Approach to improve the underlying conditions that puch peopl pusho despair is more challenging and complex and will not work in the future. Britains the independent, says the leamerussia must be held tot for his death and David Cameron must stand tough. A man bundled up in advance of the blizzard in the eastern u. S. One man says, the polar vortex hasnt even hit yet, and the other says it has for him, hes a stockbroker. Protests erupted following accusations by opposition candidates that the ruling party had rigged the first round of voting in october. Andy gallagher reports from portauprince. This is a very volatile situation, we actually set up our camera outside to do live spur and as we were setting up the protests showed up. Still extremely angry, rocks were flying and cs gas flying all over the place. That gets to the heart of how these people feel. That Michel Martelly, is being selected rather than elected. Years and years of postponements in haiti, there is a key date, president Michel Martelly has to be out of office. Pushing for it spent 30 million dollars, for reasons of not being able to get the polling equipment out but really this was about the protests that were seeing not only in portauprince but credits the country. Polling stations have been seth ablaze. On the way back to the hotel here we saw buildings damaged cars smashed and burning tires all over the place. We are facing another postponement. No details when the next election will run off or whether the results from previous elections will be null and void. This is a fluid situation and people here are deeply angry. Andy gallagher from portauprince, haiti. President nicholas maduros request for more powers in venezuela, meanwhile, the International Monetary fund has predicted that in venezuela, inflation will reach up to 700 . Centers for Disease Control today expand he its travel alert to cover most of south and latin america, popular tourist destinations in the caribbean and the cape verde islands. Now the governments of el salvador and colombia are urging women to delay pregnancy. Alessandro s tsa pieppi has the story. Causing congenital effects in some babies. Translator i saw it on television in the news and people told me about it. Im very worried and thats why im here now. What if my child is malformed. Can you imagine bringing him to life like that, its so scary. Thousands of babies have been born in brazil with unusually small heads and brain damage, a condition known as microcephaly. Their mothers were infected by the zika virus. Authorities say it could infect as many as 700,000 more in coming months so theyre warning women to avoid getting pregnant. They should consider postponing pregnancy for six or eight months we are saying it this way because its a good way to communicate the risk involved. There could be serious consequences. Up to this point there havent been any confirmed cases of microcephaly related to zika but Authorities Say its only aquestion of time. Unfortunately we cant avoid all cases, theres no cure for the virus and no way to be fully protected. This is the reality. Zika can be spread by the same mosquitos that carry dengue fever and chikungunya. Claudia is eight months pregnant, like many of hers friends she says she hasnt been infected. She uses repel entlents and moso nets at night. Now the government tells the people not to get pregnant and its not going to work. The government is starting a Health Campaign to convince people to change their habits. But many fear the disease could turn into an epidemic. Alessandro san pieti, al jazeera. Pope francis reminded of the vaticans position. He said the only marriages that he would recognize is those that would allow for procreation. The family god wants and any other type of union. A fatwa is causing a stir in the chess world. Saudi arabias top cleric has deemed the game of kings, despite the sphat wa th fatwa, i Chess Association went ahead. The academy of arts and sciences, responded to the lack of diversity in the oscars. It pledged to double women and minorities by 2020. Among the changes, the voting status of Academy Members will be reviewed every ten years. Currently, 77 male, are. In our next hour, the snow has been coming down all day across parts of eastern United States. Well get a report from washington, d. C, where people are bracing for what could be one of the most powerful blizzards ever recorded. Back in two minutes. Minutes. A good evening im antonio mora, this is lo al jazeera america. We see this as a major storm. It has life and death implication he. Implications. The winter storm sweeping across the eastern u. S. Is deadly, the impact on travel. Accused of a hostile act. Also a battle forhe

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