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10 u. S. Navy sailors taken into custody by iran have been released. They were detained tuesday after their two boats enter the the iranian waters. The u. S. Welcomed the release seen here in pictures published by the iranians. One member of irans revolutionary guard earlier gave more detail about their investigation. Our final finding was that it has not been a hostile crossover for espionage or the like. They had a malfunction of navigation systems, saying they did not know they were close to iranian territory. We can go to ross lynn jordan in washington, d. C. The state department and whole of the Administration Must be rather satisfied that this awkward incident seems to have been sorted out rather quickly. Thats right, martin. They are very pleased that this incident has been resolved after about we estimate between 16 and 20 hours. The crew was picked up approximately around 17g. M. T. On tuesday, but thats an estimate because we dont know exactly what time they were actually picked up when they reached farsi island in the gulf, an iranian controlled island. The as he can of defense is thanking his counterparts at the state department for his diplomatic engagement and secretary of state john kerry is saying that as a former sailor, he was very much interested in trying to resolve the situation quickly and then at the end of his statement, he noted that this is why diplomacy is necessary. Its just as essential, he is saying, as using military might to resolve disputes. Now we know that the 10 sailors have been transferred from iranian custody to u. S. Custody. They were first transferred to a navy vessel and then taken ashore. We dont know whether they have been taken back to kuwait, which is where they had started their trip on tuesday. They were sailing in a couple of boats down to bahrain, home to the fifth fleet, but we expect that theyre getting physically checked out and that theyre being interviewed about their time in iranian custody. Whats the explanation . Is it simply that they got lost . Well, the u. S. Is saying that one of the two patrol boats, which are similar to what youre seeing on our screens right now had mechanical problems and they ended up lands at farsi island. It is at the northern end, but is iranian territory. When they landed, the iranians werent going to stand there and take it. They took them into custody. Earlier on, iran accused the u. S. Sailors are engaging in they fair i couldnt say or sneaky work, possibly a securit. They ended up there because they had mechanical problems. The promise has been made from the foreign minister that these sailors would be returned to the u. S. Custody as quickly as possible, and that seems to be the case at this hour. Ok, thank you. Live from washington, d. C. Turkey detained one person in connection with tuesdays suicide blast in istanbul. The countries interior minister made the announcement in a joint press conference with his german counterparts. They also visited the site of the bombing in sultan armored square. All of the 10 victims were germans. There have been several raised across turkey, targeting people suspected to have links with isil. During the recent attack and even one week before this attack, we have stopped 220 persons being affiliated to isil and after the that recent attack and within the information that we have gathered through investigations, we managed to stop one of the suspects yesterday, last night. We stand resolutely by turkeys side against terrorism. This includes the exchange of names of dangerous people. The response has to be a mutual one. We talk to two correspondents, from istanbul and the german capital, bur lynn. The turkish authorities lost no time, arresting one person in connection to the attack. Thats right. Were not really hearing a lot of detail who that person is, but it seems they are directly connected, according to the turkish authorities with the suicide bomber and the attack made here in istanbul. Its one of what we believe so far, 68 people to be detained across turkey. Seven provinces have been involved in these raids. Were hearing there are also three russians amongst that figure. Weve been told by a turkish whos agency here that the turk iraq sorry, the russians had documents implicating them in providing logistics for isil. We dont know if that again has anything told with the bombing that took place here. Really, across the country, they have hit areas and people they believe are possibly a danger to turkish society. They are also sake, the turkish interior minister were saying that they have since the troubles with isil gandhi attend 3,000 people in all and 800 of those are now in jail. I should probably make the distinction they have to go to court for that and a judge deems whether they should be put in prison while investigations continue. Thank you very much for that. Now to dominic in berlin. How is germany responding then to being dragged into the isil conflict . Martin, there are more details emerging about the german citizens who were caught up in this incident in istanbul, the 10 dead that we know of, there were several married couples among the 10 dead and the average age of the people concerned, they were in their 50s, 60s and 70s. Theyd gone to istanbul as part of a package tour organized by a german tourist company. The party was supposed to go from istanbul to the gulf, dubai and abu dhabi. Psychological counseling and emotional cage is being provided to those involved. We heard from the justice minister, from the interior minister of germany talking about the barbaric act of terror that has taken place. That was a sentiment echoed by the german chancellor Angela Merkel and by the foreign minister, who said it was a barbaric cowardly act. Certain the government of germany has been quick to express its condolences, but also to say that it is definitely shoulder to shoulder with the turkish government and we know also that bolt governments say they will share information rewarding this incident in terms of evidence and whatever detective work needs to be done. Also of note was the fact that the germans have dismissed suggestion that they were deliberately targeted as a nationality and they havent advised germans not to go to turkey. Well certainly that was one of the questions, why was it that the german victims were involved in this blast, was it specifically German Tourists being targeted, germany tarted or just foreigners targeted. Certainly that will have been a question at the start of the investigation, but its worth pointing out the number of germ man tourists who travel to turkey every year is very considerable and of course there are cultural and historical links between the two countries. We know that there are very many people of turkish origin in germany, so for all sorts of reasons regarding culture, tourism, history, two countries are indeed shoulder to shoulder and that is a sentiment as i say that ministers of all levels have been quick to aspire to and spoke yesterday and today that they are taking this incident very seriously indeed and echoing the sentiment of Angela Merkel that everybody wants to com both terrorism. Its something Angela Merkel spoke about in her new years eve address, the need to confront isil wherever it manifested itself and clearly the ministers concerns are very interested and intense on doing what they can. We see the interior minister in istanbul today. Dominic, thank you very much. Now to pakistan where a suicide bomb attack has occurred in the southwest of the country targeting security that at a Polio Vaccination Center. 14 people have been killed. The Anti Polio Campaign is part of a nationwide effort to reach nearly 2. 5 million children and try to eradicate a disease that still playings pakistan when most of the world is now poliofree. We have this report. Security forces were on their way to guard a Polio Vaccination Center in the city when they were attacked. Polio Health Workers and those sent to protect them are the all too frequent target of those who say the Polio Campaign is a cover for western spice. The vaccine they say is used to sterilize children. Some say those accusations are themselves a cover. They use it as a means to promote their own agenda of causing havoc in the country, wreaking havoc in the country. Polio used to be a global problem. Thee hundred 50,000 cases were reported in 1988. From 125 countries then, the World Health Organization says the disease is now known to exist in only two, pakistan and afghanistan. There were just over 300 cases of polio in pakistan in 2014, aspirations to protect polio workers have increased, that number has fallen to around 50 last year. The w. H. O. Wants polio starched out completely and is on track to make that happen. This attack highlights just how vulnerable anti polio workers and the Security Forces sent to protect them still are. Al jazeera. Pakistan says its arrested the leader of the group believe to be blinked to an attack an an air base early they are month. The leader of the group which is linked to alqaeda is being questioned along with other suspects. Pakistan also wants to send its investigators to the base in the indian city. 13 people including the attackers were killed. Coming up in the program, the slow and toshureed process of trying to return South African land to its traditional owners. Hong kongs to want Government Official is shouted down by protestors as he puts forward his plans for the new year. The only way to get better is to challenge yourself, and thats what were doing at xfinity. We are challenging ourselves to improve every aspect of your experience. And this includes our commitment to being on time. Every time. Thats why if were ever late for an appointment, well credit your account 20. Its our promise to you. Were doing everything we can to give you the best experience possible. Because we should fit into your life. Not the other way around. Inside story takes you beyond the headlines, beyond the quick cuts, beyond the soundbites. Were giving you a deeper dive into the stories that are making our world what it is. Hello again, these are our top stories. Ten u. S. Sailors taken into custody by iran have been released. They were detained address after their two boats entered iranian waters. The u. S. Welcomed the release of the nine men and one woman seen here in pictures put out by the iranians. Germanys interior minister has been visiting the site of a suicide bomb attack in istanbul. Ten were killed, all german. There have been several raised around the country targeting people suspected of having links with isil. A suicide bombing in pakistan targets security at a Polio Vaccination Center killed at least 14 people. The Pakistani Taliban and another group thats linked to isil have both claimed responsibility for the attack i isil said it was behind a attack in arch afghanistan that killed seven court personnel. Two gunman hoop barricaded themselves inside a house in jalalabad were killed after a shootout with Security Forces. Earlier an accomplice blew himself up near the pakistani consulate. Our correspondent is kabul has this report. Local officials in the province say there were three attackers involved in the operation. The first carried out the suicide bomb against Police Vehicle then two attackers went on to a guest house which belongs to the local government there. They were holed out fighting afghan security. The pakistani consulate was not far from that guest house. It is not clear if the aim of the operation or the attackers were actually targeting the guest house which belongs to the local government or they were targeting the pakistani consulate. In the city and the province is volatile and has a number of armed groups, most notably Islamic State of iraq and the levant, theres also the taliban, now the two groups are fighting each other and the afghan army are also fighting these two groups, so you understand the security situation is very volatile in the area. The south Korean Military fired warning shots after spotting an unknown north korean object close to its border. South korea urged china to agree to stronger sanctions against the north for its latest nuclear test. On the day that the president made her annual new years address, shots were fired between the demilitarized zone. South koreas defense minute city saying forces there detected an unidentified aerial vehicle heading south toward south korea, understood to be north korean drone, an unhand aerial vehicle and south korea broadcast warning messages and then fired 22 warning shots around the level of the military demarcation line that separates the two countries within the demilitarized zone. Its understood to have turned around and headed back into north korean territory. Earlier werent, President Park in her speech used about the first third of it to address the north korea issue, reacting that last weeks Fourth Nuclear test by pyongyang saying it was a fundamentally different security situation here than it was before that test was carried out and therefore required that the International Community undertook a fundamentally different response. She shone a lot of the spotlight for that response on the role of china, saying china needed to back up its words in recent months and years, urging north korea not to carry on with its nuclear program, not to make any further tests with action in the u. N. Security council saying she subs expected china would use its role as a permanent member to ensure that much tougher sanctions go through and then presumably are enforced. To hong kong, the chief executive has been outlining his plans for the coming year for a city thats been hit by street protests over political freedom. He was heckled as he delivered his speech. He touched upon the recent mysterious disappearance of book publishers, which overshadowed the speech as rob mcbride now reports. He came to set out his agenda for the next year also embroiled in a new controversy. Throughout his address, he was incident reputed by more radical legislators holding up placards of the five missing book publishers. Their apparently being detained for publishing books critical of chinas ruling elite. At least one publisher thought to have been abducted from hong kong. Despite the damage to the socalled one country two systems guaranteeing hong kong certain freedoms, within china he insists all is well. We will fully and fatefully implement the one country two systems and the high degree of autonomy. The continuing mystery and beijings official silence on it is undermining authority. He begins his last full year in office with one opinion poll showing his popularity has slipped to a near record low for any chief executive. This year will be crucial if he wants to stand for reelection. Protestors outside reminded him of the many problems poverty and housing most important among them. Working forego more than 40 years as an engineer on hong kong ferries, retired without a pension, life is a constant struggle. He gets welfare assistance of 300 a month but his one room apartment costs him 400 in rent. He manages with help from his children. My children have their own children to raise. Its humiliating to ask for money every month. Chris and ringo, professionals who have worked for more than 10 years also help their parents. They live at home with no prospect of owning their own property for years to come. Even if i could get enough for the deposit, it would be so hard to pay the mortgage. In his policy address, he said things are improving, but given the scale of the social and political problems he is presiding over, many believe his legacy will be more about what he didnt do than what he did. Al jazeera, hong kong. Now to the legacy of apartheid in south africa, most land is still owned by White South Africans despite a promise by the ruling party to return a third of the land to the black majority. More than 60,000 land claims are awaiting resettlement, as tanya page reports. He is one of the biggest land owners in the province. He keeps some of the continents iconic animals and gross crops, but that he may in the be his forever. Five different communities who were moved off the land by a white minority government in the early 1900s say his land belongs to them. Its like give me a fair market related price to sell the whole farm. So far, the government hasnt met his price, but it may not have to if it succeeds in changing the rules so that an independent body sets the price. He says the uncertainty has stalled his plans to build a Renewable Energy plant on the farm and create 400 jobs. The biggest problem i have is unsure, we are totally unsure, will web here tomorrow . Will web here in five years, 10 years time . I would love to get surety from the government and whatever they decide, they, the government of the day, we will cooperate. In 1994, its estimated that 82 million hectares of land was owned by whites. The good Morning National African Congress party promised to redistribute 30 this year but only 42 hectares have been confirmed. Some of the people claiming it live up here on the mountain. Every day, they look dow down os success, hoping one day it could be theirs. The land is dry, steep and stoney, almost impossible to grow anything. He remembers when the Community First claimed the land 15 years ago. If we get that land, we thank the lord, because if you look, our land is so beautiful and flat and then water is available down there, so if we got that land, hey, were very happy. The land could transform the lives of the people here and change this communitys future, but theirs is just one of 65,000 land claims still to be settled, leaving families like this with an uncertain future. Tanya page, al jazeera, south africa. A researcher at the Al Jazeera Center for studies says its not just about the economic or commercial value of the land. The whole question of land is because of the ancestral attachment to the land. People were moved from the land, they left the graves of their ancestors in those lands that they were forcibly removed from so there is a very strong sense of attachment to the land because of that. The removal, forceful removal of people continued throughout the apartheid period until at least in the early 1960s. There was a gesture of some kind of reconciliation from the government, which said willing buyer, willing seller, so those who had the land illegally or who got the land through apartheid were made an offer, market value prices, but none of them accepted those conditions. In fact, they made it even worse. They made the whole process of acquiring land even much more difficult, so thats why you have the current standoff at the moment between the owners, the current owners within the government. There is an element of anger from the people who were dispossessed of their land that nothing has happened since 1994, so you have for example many of them now talking about a zimbabwe kind of situation where you force the current owners of the land to give back the land to the rifle owners and which going to be best for the economy eventually in zimbabwe. Now to the cars of the future in the u. S. Motor city have detroit. Concept car designs have been creating quite a buzz in the north American International auto show over recent years and this year is no different. These are cars not yet on the road but allow designers to explore new ideas. These are the cars you wont be seeing on the road anytime soon but they will influence the new cars rolling off Assembly Lines in the next few years. You can see the way that captures the light. The concept cars at the north American International auto show are designed to draw attention to the automakers and experiment with new ideas that might or might not make their ways into cars in dealer lots. Shows the vision of the exterior and interior. This won the Excellence Award for concept cars. For the rear, we wanted to create somewhat more of a luxury feel and the front wanted to have it focus on performance, because this car especially from the interior standpoint represents our new direction of precision crafted performance. With its suicide doors and curved display screen, it looks like no car on the road. Audi pointed to the future with its concept car run on hydrogen, an engineer challenge still to be worked out. Our next step, next evolution in electric driving mobility. It has low profile door handles, rear view cameras, no mirrors, a self opening fuel panel and two big advantage over electric cars, a 600mile rank and refueling time of four minutes. Electric cars can take hours to refuel. The buick la vista made with a lead to printer, the Lincoln Continental began as a concept car and introduced as a Production Model aimed in the north american and chinese markets. It has sleeker lines, doors that spring open at the touch and a design that says wealth without drawing sports car attention. One of the things our customers want is to make things easier and more intuitive, so experience that handle. Press that, and how the effort. This is a car designed as much for the apparently in back as the one in front. This seat heats, cools, reclines, and massages and you can control the audio and the climate right here. Some of the cars rolled out this week will never make it to production, but youre likely to see elements from them next year. John hen drone, al jazeera, detroit. If you want to find out more about those flashy cars or the rest of the days news, go to the website, aljazeera. Com. There in particular we are concentrating on our top story, the release of the 10 u. S. Sailors by the iranians, at aljazeera. Com. Iran releases ten american sailors, the pentagon investigating why their naval votes entered iranian waters. I dont want to just talk about next year, i want to focus on the next five years, and beyond. President obamas final state of the union. And back to california, the nfls rams get the okay to turn to the place they

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