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Brazil where crab fishermen are struggling to make a living. Turkish president erdogan says the whole world should respect the result of sundays general election. The ruling a. K. P. Party received 50 of the vote and can now form a majority government. They say the turkish people have voted for stability. Jamal reports. Reporter the man of the hour. Addresses jubilant supporters in the capital ankara. Translator today is the day of victory for our democracy, for our nation and, may god be content with everyone who has made this victory possible. Reporter going in to the elections, the a. K. P. Party was hoping to regain the majority it had lost last june. But even the most optimistic exit polls didnt predict such a resounding victory. Turn out was close to 90 . I am very happy with the results obviously. And i am happy that a lot of citizens went to the poll booths today and showed that they, in fax, do want unity over polorization. They want to continue democracy. We know that the party has gained majority. We will look to unite. And embrace all of the parties, all the other parties. Reporter turkeys opposition parties were quick to concede defeat. Translator we respect the outcome of the elections of the first of november. Like we did the seventh of june. I did not want anyone to have any concerns. Reporter the procurb dish h. D. P. Survived a scare, barely getting enough votes to get no parliament. Its leader, though, was critical of the election process. Translator with regret i have to say that there wasnt a fair and equal election. We received approximately 11 of the votes without waging a Political Campaign in the middle of a bloody dooms day. H. D. P. Didnt hold a campaign, we couldnt. We only tried to pretogether our people against massacres 67 so it is a victory. But despite had huge win, the a. K. P. Party has problems violence, insecurity, the economy, not to mention trying to bridge the divide in what is a polarized society. You busch not the a. K. P. Party and prim minester can face the challe wednesday a renewed mandate. Al jazeera, ankara. Omar al saleh is live for us now in istanbul. And omar, you know, such a big win for the a. K. P. Party. Took a lot of people by surprise. Whats been the reaction there . Reporter well, its been different and mixed reaction, shiulie. And i think everyone was taken by surprise by the results. However, the results also indicate that turke turkey, turh society remains deeply polarized let me tell you some of the headlines in the newspapers this morning. Its preop since and the headline says victory of fear and accuses president erdogan of using tick h tactics scaring pee that suicide bombs will come back to turkey and economic crisis will happen if they dont vote for the ruling party. Another opposition newspaper says the plan of chaos succeeded. It claims that the ruling a. K. P. Party didnt like the results of the previous elections in june thats why they changed tactic to his win back voters. Now one of the mainstream newspapers here its called the ballot box has decided and is the will of the people. And it also says the leader of the a. K. P. Party and Prime Minister sent a message embracing all of turks. I think they are referring to the speech he made yesterday in ankara. Surely, i was also speaking briefly to some of the people here they were returning back to work, some of those who agreed to speak to us very briefly were also had also mixed views, one woman told us that she wasnt happy and we said why . She said who is happy when you have darkness. Another people say they were happy because stability is back to turkey. They hope by voting to the a. K. P. Party. Omar, thank you very much indeed for that. Omar al saleh in instant bull. The leaders of south korea and japan have agreed to speed up talks and come to a resolution otso called comfort women. Japan has is accused of forcing korean woman in to sexual slavery in war time brothels. The two leaders said they will natural tolerate north Korean Military provocation. Harry fawcett has more on the agenda of the meeting from seoul. Reporter it was clear that south korea wanting something from prize minister shi shinzo e in japan. The most important issue of the socalled comfort women. The 10s of thousands, up to 200,000 young women who were force in to sexual slavery for the Japanese Military before and during world war ii. Most of those women were korean. And hes given them something perhaps the bare minimum as far as the koreans are concerned the commit for talks to settle this issue. South korea wants a proper Government Program of compensation for the fewell derly women who still survive. As far as the timing of these talks, they havent happened since both Prime Minister abe and the president of south korea came from nba to power at the end of 2012. Begin being of 2013 respectively. Largely because of these historical divisions but both of these economies do require some work. And there is obviously an economic impetus for these two countries to work more closely together as well as with china. There was eye try lateral summit which proceeded these bilateral talks between President Park and Prime Minister abe on sunday. And also pressure from the United States for these two military allies to work more closely together. The u. S. Defense second ash carter is in seoul on monday. He has welcomed the fact that japan and south korea are now talking again at the highest level. The remains of some of those killed when a russian plane crash ed in egypt on saturday have been returned home. The bodies were brought for a morgue in st. Petersburg where the identification process will begin. Russia says the plane broke up in midair over egypts sinai peninsula, it crashed minutes after taking off from the resort. All 224 passengers and crew were killed. On sunday, the city of st. Petersburg came out to remember and mourn those who lost their lives in the crash. Candles were lit and flowers laid as people gathered in palace square. Official mornin mourning eventsl continue in tuesday. Moscow says it will competent victims families and help with funeral arrangements. Peter sharp joins us from st. Petersburg. Peter, as we said some of the bodies have already been returned. Others are expected later. Take us through that and take us tell us what happens to them. Reporter yes, well, we have had 144 bodies came in overnight. Its a bad day for the people here. It really brings back to them, you know, what this is all about. There will be more bodies coming over the next half a day, day navy suppose. They will be taken to a purposebuilt mortuary which is in the north of the city and there they will be matched up with the dna samples that have been taken from their families. And that will confirm their identities, which is obviously so important to the people who are going through all of this. Its a bad day. And its not going to get any better really. Indeed. As for the investigation, peter, tell us whats happening there. Are we any closer to finding out how this crash happened . Reporter we are getting more information, but honestly being i think, and this is going to be hard for the people here too, we are talking months away before anything is going to be sort of actually signed and passed on. What we know now is that this aircraft broke up at a very high altitude. Possibly 30,000 feet. And it must have been a something catastrophic that caused that. The debris field is over 20 square kilometers. And they are searching all that. And they are still finding bodies a long way from the actual site of the crash itself. There was a body of a young child was found yesterday about seven to eightkilometers away from that. So they know it broke up in the air. But we are certainly along way away from finding out why. Peter, thank you for that. Peter sharp in st. Petersburg there. To syria now where a new video has emerges of government helicopters dropping barrel bombs on civilians. The attack reportedly happened in a suburb on the western outskirts of damascus. It comes just a day off the Russian Ambassador to the u. N. Claimed that syrian press Bashar Alassad would stop such attacks. Russias closely allied to the a ahead is regime. Yemen, saudi strikes have killed 22. Several camels belonging to the rebels and forces loyal for termer president saleh were targeted. Staying with yemen. Two people have been killed a cyclone hits the remote island. More than 100 homes were destroyed. Thousands of people have been evacuated from areas along the coast. Weather forecasters expect the cyclone to make landfall later on tuesday. Still to come here on the program, the french president visits china hoping to win support for his upcoming Climate Change talks from the worlds biggest polluter. Plus the Kansas City Royals have ended a three decade wait to win baseballs biggest prize. Details coming up welcome back. Lets reminds you of the top stories now. Turkish president erdogan says the whole world should respect the results of sundays general election. Hes a. K. P. Party won nearly 50 of the vote can can now form a majority government. The remains of some of those killed any Russian Airliner crash in egypt have been returned to st. Peters bigger. The identify process will begin. Russia says the plane broke up in air. All 224 passengers and crew were killed. And the leaders of south korea and japan have agreed to speed up talks on socalled comfort women. South korea has insisted japan competent the women who were forced in to japans military brothels. The two leaders are meeting for the first time. Since taking office. Climate change is on french president s mind. The negotiations could be crucial to getting a Global Climate deal in paris which starts later this month. Rob mcbride reports. Reporter with low opinion ratings back home, what Francois Hollande achieves in china could go a long way in securing his political survival. Or at least the survivorral of his legacy as a climate hero. Hollande is leading french effort to his win support for the upcoming Climate Conference in paris. Aimed at limiting global warming. And chinas support is crucial. France values this summit and considers it a diplomat i go goal china shares the same goal and is make ago biggest to reduce emissions but of course, china has what the love difficulties. Reporter hollandes visit comes after a spate of very uncharacteristically blue days in beijing but as winter sets in residents know its only a matter of time before the smog returns to northern china. As the worlds biggest producer of carbon disulfide oxide china is the biggest producer Second Coming in second is the United States. Reducing dependence on cheap dirty coal have helped china turn a corner. The good news is the coal use in china has seen decline last year for the first time in a century. And its still continuing. As a result. Carbon emission has stalled. Last year. Reporter while china might have some way to go to build its green energy credentials, its reputation as an environmental villain is change think. Hollande and his Climate Conference may find a friend in china. Rob mcbride, al jazeera, beijing. Haze fires in indonesia are having a huge immateria environl impact in southeast asia. Hundreds of thousands have been diagnosed with respiratory illnesses, step vaessen reports in this report from south sumatra. Reporter this is the epicenter of indonesias fire disaster. Thousands of hectares used to make paper are on fire. An inferno contributing heavily to the toxic haze affecting 10s of millions of people in i indonesia and neighboring country. Asian spare the largest producer of paper and packing. The Company Officials took al jazeera exclusively on a helicopter ride to their worst hit plantation. A lack of visibility makes clear how effort to his control the fires are being hampered. The company says the blaze started outside of its plantations. Roughly around 90 of the fires in our suppliers concessions come from outside. Yes, there are fires coming from inside as well. A lot of them that we have investigated so far. Are people coming in to the conservation areas, hunters, gathers or people that just went past. Reporter isnt that it sounds so easy to me blaming other people. I am not blaming other people. We have responsibility to make sure the area of our supplyers is actually protected. Reporter this appears to have failed. The Company Blames extreme Drought Conditions because of the el nino weather system and strong winds for causing the fires to spread rapidly. Supermarkets in nearby singapore of boycotting products made by asia pulp and paper blamingal the company for the fires which is also affecting the citys fate. Three years ago the country announced it would stop converting natural forest in to plantations. Asia pulp and paper has been scrutinized for many years over its widespread deforestation. Now being criticized for its huge control contributing to this haze. Didespite government promises to bring those involved to justice, this company is not being investigated. The government said it wants to focus Fire Fighting effort before taking legal steps against anyone found responsible for starting the fires. I think Police Investigate very much. We dont want to hurry to do this. We like do it very steady here. [speaking at the same time] people are worried that they will get away with it . Will they get off the books this. I dont think so. Well solve this problem, i promise you. Because you see the impact of this is really huge. You know, 43 Million People in indonesia in that particular area affected by this haze. Reporter the minister says slash and burn practices which involves burning down existing vegetation before planting new ones will be banned. The government also says it will take back hundreds of thousands of hectares of converted land from Plantation Companies and restore it. And as the fires continue to burn, asia pulp and paper says they can only be stopped when the rainy season starts in three to four weeks. Step vaessen, al jazeera, south sumatra, indonesia. In nepal, the police are using baton to his clear protesters from a bridge near a main Border Crossing with india. Demonstrators from the ethnic Minority Community were coming out. Meanwhile, hundreds of indian instructs strand ed in no paul for over two months due to a blockade at the border were finally able to pass. But other trucks carrying goods including fuel supplies are still stranded. There have been violent protests over nepals new constitution. 60 refugees including children have drowned trying to reach the greek island in the past four days, thousands continue to cross the sea to reach europe despite measures to stop them. Gerald tan reports. Reporter speight biting wind and choppy waters as the european wind sets in. These boats almost didnt make it. After a perilous journey across the he gee en sea the referees on board arrive at the greek island of lesbos. There were three boats coming, they were already fairly low in the water. I guess they were sinking and they were getting in by [ inaudible ] in the harbor. Reporter nearby along the shore, crews remove accep severl bodies that washed up overnight. Grim reminders of exactly what is at stake for those trying to escape a conflict at home. Europe is struggling to create with this refugees crisis many hoping to reach germany which has opened its doors to them. I have many friends that went there. There are some family also went there. And they always tell us they are good people, good services. Reporter to get there, they have to pass through several Eastern European countries. Croatia wants to speed up the process of those entering the board he. They want a new camp in place. This is a place which is now totally equipped with everything that we need from showers, tends, heated tends, containers for for vulnerable groups. Capacity it 5,000 people in one moment. Reporter from croatia these people will most likely go north to slovenia and then austria before reaching germany. At each stop, they face yet more difficulties. For the countries, the issue you is numbers, more than double than they faced in previous years, for the refugees its about doing whatever it takes for a chance at a new life. Gerald tan, al jazeera. Australias Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has scrapped the National Honor system of nites and danes. Turnbull says the honors arent compatible from modern australia. It is a long way from being the most important issue in australia today. But it is a change as you know that removing nites and dames from the australian honor system has been a decision that the cabinet has taken. Her majesty has agreed to amend the rules of the order of australia and this reflects not earn australia, nites an knightd cames are titles that are really out of date. They are not appropriate in 2015 in australia. Nigeria is trying to launch a new National Identity database for the fourth time three previous attempts failed. The government says it will help improve national planning, access to Public Services and security. This report says many critics say its just a waste of money. Reporter nigerians are filling out application forms to have their names included in a new National Identity database. They also get an Identity Card. Its an attempt tempt by the government to collect data for planning and to improve Public Services and security. He is applying. After fill out the form he has to have his biometric details taken. We all need to do it. [ inaudible ] and it help us when we are banking. And it help us in our job. Reporter the project was launched in august of last year. But only 7 Million Peoples names are on the database so far, thats less than 5 of nigerias a population of 170 million. The government says a lack of internet in rural areas, poor power supply and a lack of money have been factors. But in january a law will come in to place making it difficult to get Certain Services without a National Identity number known as ni number. You cant open a bank account without an n. I. Anybody. You cant do certain transactions in lands without an n. I. Number. You cannot deal in pensions, you cannot deal in insurance policies. You cannot deal in tax matters. And you cannot obtain a drivers license or your electric passports. Reporter since the 1970s, there have been three attempts to produce a National Identity database and biometric Identity Card. Hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent and over 20 Government Agencies already collecting biometric data. Its a waste of money. I think that ideally if you are to have a National Data collation system, it should serve a variety of purposes including being able to extract a Voter Registration card from it. Including being able to provide a database to obtain a drivers license. Reporter Civil Society and human rights organizations say there is a lack of government transparently about how peoples personal data will be used. Back at the application center, he, like many who show up to apply, will get his card in about three months, the hope is that the database and Identity Card will provide services the government is promising. Now, fishermen in brazil are catching less in their nets than ever before. Over fishing in the river has caused the number of fresh water crabs to fall. And that has forced the government to act. Kimberly halkett explains. Reporter after he lost his job 20 years ago, like so many of his neighbors, this was all that was left for pedro campos to do. Translator this is the worst place in the word to make a living. Harv earthing crabs, your clothes get disgustingly dirty. There are mosquitoes and huge downpour that his you have to work through. Reporter and unless the crab population returns to its former abundance its not work 50yearold pedro wishes for any of his his children. Hes been at it for almost 10 hours but has just sick are 16 crab to show for his effort. Translator there are too many people getting crabs. You used to be able to get several hundred a day. Now you have trouble getting even 10. Reporter cracks are just one of the devastated Natural Resources in this delta. So three years ago the brazilian government intervened. But instead of banning fishing and crabbing altogether. It created cooperatives with exclusive fishing rights for brazils poorest and most vulnerable families. It allows for harvesting and in concentrated areas while marine populations record in other parts of the delta. Families who take part receive government subsidies to competent for low yield its part ive wider program implemented across the country to combat chronic poverty. I give it 10 out of 10t helps with a lot of things. Shoes for children, books for schools. Reporter the government is now assessing its efforts. Around 10 of brazilians live on less than 50 a month. Translator the program pays families to continue with traditional Economic Activity in a Sustainable Way inside areas that have biological importance. This way families dont my great to already crowded urban areas and protect the resource. Reporter but will fishing populations maybe on the way to being protected chronic poverty remain a challenge. These six men manage to bring this less than 65 crabs between them. Profits of less than 3 each. Outside the protected areas, the crab over harvesting continues keeping prices low. Its estimated even if the brazilian industry is brought under control it could take more than a decade for the crab population to his return, kimberly halkett, al jazeera, brazil. The Kansas City Royals have ended a three decade wait to win baseballs biggest prize. They beat the new york mets 72 to wrap up the world series. Kansas city were trailing for much of game five, but five runs in the 12th inning saw the royals secure their first championship since 1985. And dont forget i can find out more about that story and of course all of the days news and sport on our website, the address aljazeera. Com. Thats aljazeera. Com. Do not he has been in crimea, dropped bombs on syria, is Vladimir Putin the biggest threat facing the world. In the panel. Should planned parenthood stop abortions to say 97 of its work. And my final thought on what t e be unbiased policing. Im josh rushing and this is third rail. Vladimir putin is leading russia

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