Transcripts For ALJAZAM News 20150512 :

Transcripts For ALJAZAM News 20150512

a killer whale held in captivity for more than four decades. plus the striking images offering a new perspective on our world. ♪ and we begin tonight with a decision that has delighted big oil and infuriated environmentalists j. a federal regulator has conditionally approved a plan to allow drilling for oil and gas off of the shores of alaska. it is raising fears of another disastrous spill. and in a place where the impact could be far more devastating. shell says it would like to begin drilling this summer. activists say that will jeopardize a sensitive ecosystem already threatened by climate change. >> there is no proven way to clean up spilled oil in icy arctic conditions. none of the techniques that shell proposes to use have been tested successfully in the arctic ocean. and we learned unfortunately in 2010, that exploration drilling like what shell proposes can result in catastrophic accidents. the deep water horizon was drilling when it exploded and sank triggering one of the largest spills in history. >> reporter: today's decision comes from the federal bureau of ocean energy management. it's one of a series of federal and state permits shell needs before it can start drilling. today's decision put shell on a collision course with some activists. they are hoping to use their kayaks to keep the rigs in the harbor. >> john before shell can go north, they will be coming here to terminal five just down the way to refit and reprovision their drilling rigs but they are sailing into a storm of lawsuits, protests, and politics here in seattle. they will not find the welcome mat out. there is something big headed for seattle. shell's floatable exploration rig. it has been greeted by a small fleet of protesters. the welcome here in elliott bay should be at a much larger scale. they are calling themselves chi-activists, environmental groups planning a water-born protest when shell brings the else haves so the port of see at's terminal 5. now you have the long edge up. >> reporter: they have been holding training sessions for weeks, and are organizing a three-day anti-oil festival in midway. calling for paddlers from all over the west to gather and make a statement to shell. but they are drilling in the sea 2,000 miles from here. >> yeah the community in seattle is incredibly offended by the idea that we would use our public port as a base station for an ak -- arctic destroying climate cooking project. >> this could bring a lot of trouble to the bay. what does it bring otherwise? >> jobs and economic benefit to the city. >> reporter: but it will also bring waterfront jobs and tax revenue, the port has agreed to a two-year $13 million with a local marine services company which will do the work for shell. does this really fit with seattle in 2015? >> it depends who you talk to. a lot of people i talk to it absolutely fits with the value of the city and i certainly hear from others that they feel there's a misalignment with where the city is headed. >> reporter: environmental groups are challenging the contract in court as inappropriate use of port space. >> an oil rig doesn't sound like a cargo terminal. >> reporter: michael brian and others say this is about much more than two years of work on seattle's docks. it's about stopping shells plans. >> it may be the final battle line is happening right here in the waterfront in seattle, and the people may get it right this time. >> reporter: is this your line in the water offel -- of elliott bay. >> a spokesman for shell says: addressing environmental concerns he says: but assurance like that mean little to members of the kayak-a-vists, clearly spoiling for a fight and hoping for a big turnout. >> can you stop this rig with kayaks. >> we can and we will. there's no doubt. they come to seattle. they are going to stay in seattle. >> reporter: you are going to blockade them in? >> absolutely. >> reporter: told of those plans the shells spokesman replied: expect a collision between small boats and big oil sometime soon in elliott bay. the company that will do the work has released a statement saying this project has already created 417 jobs with hundreds more to follow. they also said that they will appeal a ruling from the city planning department that they don't have the correct permit to do this work. they say that work will continue. meanwhile the city council has come out condemning today's ruling. the mayor has come out saying he doesn't approve of the contract that fos has with shell to do the work on the rigs here. so a political storm the company is sailing into john. >> alan thank you. let's continue the conversation on shell's plan. jake ward is in san francisco tonight. jake? >> reporter: john, it's really -- it sort of makes sense why an oil company like shell would in theory want to be exploring the arctic. it's a very shallow, 150-foot depth drilling environment, and in theory the u.s. geological survey says the arctic holds 90 billion barrels of oil, but it's very environmentally sensitive. the drilling area butts right up against russia encapsulates a walrus area an endangered habitat for many many spear spearsy -- species. it's really a very high-stakes environment. >> how would you compare to the gulf of mexico if there were a spill? >> reporter: that's a great question, john. we're talking not only about this being a very very diverse place biologically, but very remote. is truly like trying to drill on march mars. if there is a big spill, you cannot truck or train cleanup crews to the environment. the equipment nearest is a thousand miles away in kodiak alaska. also shell does not have a great track record in that port of the world, talking about towing big rigs around. in 2012 on new years eva big oil rig and the last effort that shell made to try to explore this territory, it ran aground. it was not a connected oil rig, one connected to oil under the water that would have been a whole other situation, but even the ability to get stuff around even calmer waters very hard. we're talking about operating in 50-foot waves from time to time. very harsh, remote conditions no company has shown the ability to do that on a consistent basis. >> jake ward thank you. president obama will host gulf leaders this week at the white house a camp david. saudi arabia's king will not be there. he canceled plans to attend on sunday. and he is not the only head of state skipping the talks. mike viqueira has that story. >> reporter: good evening, john. you remember last month when president obama announced the interim deal with iran over its nuclear program, and then announced the meeting in camp david. two reasons, he wants to reassure them the united states is committed to their security and he wanted to sell the deal with iran he was developing. one key leader will not be there to hear the pitch. many see it as a blatant snub of president obama. but the white house tried to down play any rift and insisted the summit will be a success. >> i know there have been some speculation that this change in travel plans is an attempt to send a message to the united states. if so that message was not received, because all of the feedback that we have received there the saudis has been positive. >> reporter: as of friday when secretary of state john kerry met with the saudi foreign minister in paris, u.s. officials thought king salman was coming. later the white house announced a presummit meeting with king salman and the president at the white house. by saturday the trip to washington was off. despite what the white house says, some experts see it as a clear message from an ally upset with mr. obama's policies. >> it doesn't really surprise me, because a lot of things have been building up in this relations between the united states and saudi arabia that are coming to a head. >> reporter: at the top of the list anxiety over u.s.-lead talks with saudi rival iran on its nuclear program and what they regard as iran's destabilizing actions throughout the region. >> when i speak to leaders in the gulf the thing i hear time and time again, is the united states doesn't understand the extent to which the iranians are involved throughout the region, and the real threat is to the states is more broadly with iranian behavior. >> reporter: does the president understand those anxieties on the part of the gulf nations? >> he does and frankly he has shared them. >> reporter: last year he added a stop in riyadh to a european trip. and this year cutting short a visit in india to pay respects at the passing of king abdullah. now this may be another source of friction as u.s. concerns over munting humanitarian crisis led to calls for a halt in the bombing in yemen. >> they want to see some more reliability and credibility, and a willingness on the part of the united states to demonstrate that we all have mutual and corresponding national interests. >> reporter: the uae is calling for concrete commitments to come to the summit. >> in the past we have survived with gaentmen's agreement with the united states. i think said we need something in writing. >> reporter: some want a nato-style alliance but experts say such anning agreement is unlikely to emerge from camp david and say that may have contributed to king salman's decision not to go. and of the six leaders only two will attend those two top saudis the crown prince, and deputy count prince will be there. >> logistically and at least psychologically, his presence, i think would have added prestige to the event and probably propelled it into an historic event that might impact the development of event in the region in the future. >> reporter: on monday the white house says the king called president obama to express his regrets. the official stated reason from the saudis king salman is going to say in riyadh and monitor the peace talks there for yemen. >> we're joined now by coauthor of "going to tear ron." you have worked for president clinton and george w. bush. did you ever see anything like this from the saudis? >> i did not. i think the level of snub from the saudis would only approach that which they implemented in the 1970s when they imposed a oil embargo on us. i think the level of dissatisfaction with the united states and this level of public embarrassment to the president is something we have not seen since the 70s. it's not just president obama's problem or fault. it really dates to the 2003 u.s. invasion of iraq why the united states completely overturned the sunni leadership in the middle east which left the saudi arabia desperate to restore control. the united states may wish it could go back to that but i think there's an understanding in washington that we can't. unfortunately there's no replacement strategy and so we're really flailing in a very disoriented way throughout the middle east, and the saudis are really trying to go it alone in many ways. >> what does it say about the relationship between the saudis and other gulf states? >> it says that the saudis clearly are unhappy with the united states. but the united states is also unhappy with the saudis. one key issue the saudis disagreed with us about was president obama's interview with the "new york times" a couple of weeks ago, where he told the "new york times" that from president obama's perspective, the major threat to the states of the gcc was not iran not that iran would invade but their own internal population. that was something the saudis saw as very damaging in terms of their ability to sustain power. so right now you have a tense relationship between the united states and rawdyes, but united states remains dependent on the saudis as a linchpin. >> so they are getting positive feedback from the saudis and that the president talked with the king on the phone. what do you think that phone call was like? >> i think they were trying to put the best face they could on it. until we can figure out a different strategy, and a strategy i advocate in my book which is to have a more balanced approach to the middle east to balance the saudis so we're not so dependant on them but until we do that we are dependent on them, and you will continue to hear from the highest levels here in washington that there was no snub, the saudis are still very happy with us everything is great, when in reality we can all see the fires burning across the middle east and the u.s. strategy really in freefall. >> thank you very much. saudi arabia says it is assembling a massive force on its border with yemen. a five-day ceasefire is set to begin tuesday, all sides have agreed to suspend fighting to get desperately needed relief to the yemeni people. >> we hope a ceasefire will hold and take place tomorrow and we hope that as iran has asked for, an immediate ceasefire, followed by urgently needed humanitarian assistance through the people of yemen. also today houthi rebels say they shot down a moroccan f-16 fighter jet during a coalition run. coming up the debate over new york's long-standing broken window's policy. plus the new push to help in los angeles, and the push back against raising the minimum wage. ♪ an update on a story we have been following closely in this broadcast. st. louis police are investigating a string of decade's old cases, newborns allegedly stolen from their mothers at birth. about 70 women, all african american have come forward. they say they were told their children died just after birth at the hospital. dna tests have shown at least one woman's daughter was actually put up for adoption. the mayor's office said it will turn over hospital records to the police. the hospital was closed back in 1979. now to los angeles and a debate over the minimum wage. an effort to raise the minimum page to $15 an hour. jennifer london is in lost angeles with more. >> reporter: when you talk about raising the minimum wage there is a lot of focus on the numbers. here if the minimum wage were to go up more than half a million would be given a raise. >> and which numbers are added? >> reporter: there's math homework, baseball practice and dirty dishes. >> it's bad enough that i'm gone eight hours of the day away from my home and pick up another shift afterwards. so a total of 15 to 16 hours. anywhere from 7:00 am to 10:00 at night i'm at work. >> reporter: she works tirelessly trying to support a family of five on $30,000 a year working as a security guard. >> we have the 19 year old, and the 12 year old, who sleeps at the bottom. and then i have my 10 year old who sleeps at the top. i don't think we took anything out for dinner. >> reporter: in her kitchen, the never-ending question of what to feed her family. what do you think you're going to pull out of the freezer? >> hum. i didn't even quite think about it. >> reporter: andersson is an estimated 1 million poor. she has it better than most. she earns a little more than minimum wage but still barely gets buy. >> reporter: what are some of the things you and your family have to do without every month. >> my son says mom can we go to the movie? and i say no son, we don't have the money for that. >> reporter: in the city of l.a. minimum wage workers currently earn $9 an hour. the mayor wants to raise it. >> the minimum wage cannot be a poverty wage. >> reporter: to $13.25 by 2017. in subsequent years it would be indexed to keep pace with inflation. raising the minimum wage is not without controversy, some argue it will increase unemployment. because some small business owners that can't afford to pay a higher wage will be forced to close. >> reporter: thomas perez was recently in los angeles to push for a higher minimum wage. >> what are people going to do? they are not going to offshore it, they are going to spend it. >> reporter: and the tour in north hollywood, we caught up with the labor secretary at a church downtown. we you talk about raising minimum wage being good for business, why is there resistance to it? why haven't we raised the minimum wage here in los angeles sooner. >> look at polling, and the majority of businesses support increasing the minimum wage. >> reporter: if the minimum wage does not go up what will happen to the people you are mocking about that are working 40, 50, 60 hours full-time and still continue to go to a food pantry. >> we don't have a society where people work a full-time job and live in poverty. the standards act was passed in the 30s, with the basic proposition that the minimum wage is a floor to get you out of poverty. >> i think you do it because we need to do it. >> reporter: dan is with a non-profit also working to raise the wage. but they want to go even higher. what if it was raised to $15.25? >> the net effect of raising the minimum page would be to increase total earned income for everybody in low-income census tracks by about 7%. so that would be an enormous infusion of buying power into poor neighborhoods. >> reporter: making a little bit more every hour what kind of difference would that mean for you and your family. >> it would mean a lot, because i wouldn't have to work so hard. i could still be able to be professional take care of my responsibilities at work and then come home and show my kids that i'm there for them and i can take care of them besides the necessities. >> reporter: do you ever just get so tired and feel like you just want to give up that the idea of getting ahead seems like such an impossibility to you? >> i want to say almost every day. >> reporter: and how do you do it? how do you keep getting up every day, feeling, it sounds almost like there is a level of hopelessness? how do you do that? >> my kids. my kids. they are my inspiration. i just keep pushing. i can't stop. >> reporter: so where do things stand with raising the wage in los angeles? l.a. city council is expected to vote on the mayor's proposal later this month. john at the same time some city council members are considering a new proposal which would allow small businesses with 50 or fewer employees to have a little more time to raise the wage. it would give those businesses until 2019 to increase the minimum wage that's two years later than the current plan. >> thank you. detroit is moving forward with a plan to cut water off to as many as 25,000 people. last year residents owed $90 million in unpaid bill. the city began an aggressive campaign. >> what the heck is it about low-income people not being able to pay their water bills that makes most of the world stand mute as if this is okay? because it's not okay. >> last year detroit began to offer financial aid to those who couldn't pay their bills, but as many as 20,000 accounts are still past due. coming up policing america's cities, the bebait over new york's broken window policy. and the push to free low lee ta, what activists plan to do next to get a killer whale released. hi everyone this is al jazeera america. i'm john siegenthaler. race and reform. >> the police officers and they have said it they are on the hunt for certain individuals. >> reporter: what kind of individuals? >> black individuals. >> new questions over police tactics. new york takes a closer look over a controversial policy. activists take same at miami's aquarium over the fate of a killer whale. plus drone photography, why stunning images like these are getting harder to take. with the discussion of police tactics spreading across america, new york city is now examining how it handles low-level crimes. roxana saberi has more. >> reporter: one evening two years ago, 17-year-old dion flood and his girlfriend squeezed through a turnstile at this new york subway station. they committed a crime called turnstile jumping. less than an hour later, flood was battered semiconscious and on his way to a hospital. >> his whole body does swollen. he had a rap around his head where the wound was. he had a brace on his neck. and he had shackles on the bottom of his feet. >> reporter: why shackles? >> because he was under arrest. >> reporter: an nypd report says two officers watching nearby had stopped the two teens. flood had had run ins with the police before. his mom said the judge warned him next time he would be tried as an adult. so he took off running. he sprinted down this platform and jumped on the tracks where he was hit by a train. >> he was saying that mom, i did not get hit by a train. one of them said oh you have want to run, we're going to make sure your ass never run again. they stomped on him. he was like okay. oak! you know? to get them to stop. >> reporter: he died two months later. his mom is now suing the city. a spokesman said the city had no comment. >> reporter: do you think your son would still be live today if it were not a criminal offense to not pay your fair. >> yes. >> reporter: what do you think about the argument that when somebody runs the police think maybe they have something to hide. >> he didn't want to be arrested. i don't think that's an offense that someone should have to go to jail over. and the police officers have said they are on the hunt for certain individuals. >> reporter: what kind of individuals? >> black individuals. >> reporter: the deaths of unarmed black men at the hands of police officers has sparked protests against police practices, like baltimore's zero tolerance policy and new york city's broken window strategy. both involve cracking down on petty crimes to prevent more serious crimes. >> i have seen firsthand all of the negative impacts of broken windows policing. >> reporter: about gists like this lawyer say there's no proof broken windows has helped lower crime in new york. >> the type of offenses i see every day are not the type of offenses that are being policed in rich affluent white neighborhoods. for example, being in the park after dark or riding your bicycle on the street corner. >> new york city focuses much of their attention in minority areas. their claim is that this is where all of the crime is taking place, which may have some truth so it. however, when you get to the point where all you are doing is writing summons, writing summons, making arrests, making arrests, making arrests, and that's it, without working with people, it does more harm than good. >> reporter: but the police commissioner credits broken windowings with help make the city is much safer place than it was in the 1990s. >> it works it is essentially and will be continued. >> reporter: robberies, shootings, and murders have hit historic lows. do you think minorities have been targeted? >> i don't believe they are being targeted as well. we live in a very significant minority majority city. >> reporter: the nypd says more than 80% of people arrested for misdemeanors are hispanic and african-americans. this woman says she wants to treat minor offenses like parking violations not crimes. that could keep many minorities out of the criminal system. >> we cannot continue to lock up those accused of low-level non-violent offenses without recognizing the dire long-term consequences to them and to our city. >> reporter: in response, bratton is offering his own proposal, keep treating low-level offenses as crimes but give his officers more discretion to make arrests or issue warnings and fines. >> reporter: this is dion. it was quite emotional when they actually brought him to me. yeah. >> reporter: karen flood says bratton's proposal might have helped young black men like her son. >> they are too eager to throw these teenager's lives away. my heart hurt. it still hurts. >> reporter: roxana saberi al jazeera. >> darren porter is a retired nypd lieutenant and professor of criminal justice. good to see you darren. >> good to see you. >> does broken windows work? >> it does work. however, the application is -- i have a problem with. >> why? >> because when we think of broken window's policing it focuses on the criminology therapy broken windows. and it focuses not just on crime, but it also focuses on the empowerment of the community, such as broken windows it's a, graffiti thanks of that nature. i'm sorry, john. >> no go ahead. >> there has to be a multitude of social works that come into play. it shouldn't be specific geared towards enforcement. case in point. we have a place where -- just think if you go to a football stadium, and there are popcorn, peanuts and cups on the floor, et cetera you are more apt to litter whereas if you go into a clean area you won't be as apt, because the idea is people are watching. >> so the idea is if there is low-level crime going on there's more likely to be crime in that neighborhood. right? >> that is correct. >> do you think that's true? >> to an extent yes, however, the application i have a problem with. i don't think we should arrest everyone that we stop. the commissioner stated that there was going to be an arjustment made. >> would that help. >> i think it's necessary. because the community police friction is at an all-time high. >> but crime is at its lowest levels in a long long time. >> as we look at the last week here in new york there has been a tremendous spike in crime. and the crime statutes in new york have been progressively increasing from january -- we have had one of the coldest winters ever and we have had an increase in crime stats, so that tells me this might not be the best way to go. >> some people suggest that these officers instead of arresting people and taking them off of the street they need to get to know the community better. >> in communities of color, police are per received as an occupying force. there needs to be community interaction. you can't arrest your way out of this type of situation. it is going to require the community to be part of the solution. when i say that workshops, things to that effect in these communities to let people know to stand up and assist in moving the community forward. >> it is fair to focus in areas of town where the police insist there is more crime. >> you have higher crime stats in those areas, so i can understand -- the nypd using something that is referred to as come-stat. it focuses on the higher spike in statistics, and require more resources for aggressive policing. >> obviously this is a problem that new york and many other cities are trying to work on. thank you very much. in baltimore the problem appears to be much bigger than freddie gray. the baltimore sun said police routinely ignored injuries. 2600 people brought in by police were too injured to be admitted. the documents do not say whether the injuries happened in police custody. any justice department is investigating the baltimore police. and now we turn to miami and the battle over the fate of ail canner whale. she was captured more than 40 years ago. and today peta said it will sue. >> reporter: activists hope this long-running campaign is gaining momentums. critics say it is time for the show tend to. she is the biggest star. >> lolita the killer whale! >> reporter: but activists call her the world's loneliest killer whale. now animal rights groups are promising to sue to free her. alleging a string of violations. saying the killer whale is confined to a small shallow, and barron concrete tank exposed to the hot sun, resulting in a stunning level of deprivation. activists feel encouraged after federal officials added lolita to the endangered species list. >> she is now a protected animal. >> reporter: one issue is the size of this fool. it's 20 feet deep but activists say it is not nearly large enough. it is the smallest oldest orca tank in the country. a 60 by 80-foot tank with a platform in the middle. activists want her released and perhaps reunited with other killer whales where she was captured. miami seaquarium has repeatedly depended lolita's care. >> plain and simple if you release her, she is going to die. >> reporter: you are convinced of that? >> absolutely. >> reporter: he said it would be too traumatic for the whale. >> she has a trained group of professionals that care for her day in and day out. 365 days a year night or day. she has cared for better than many children in this world. >> reporter: they have 60 days to address the alleged shortfalls accusations the park has repeatedly said it will fight. whether lolita is actually being harmed is something a court may ultimate have to decide. >> darren goodman is director of animal law at peta. welcome. tell me why you want to sue, miami seaquarium. >> she has been languishing in what is essentially a bathtub. and her arbitrary exclusion from the engagered species act has allowed them to keep her without a member of her own species and without protection from the hot sun, and these are clear violations of her newly enacted protections. >> you heard the person suggest that this killer whale will die if she is released. >> that statement is simply without basis. there's a plan in place for lolita to be relocated to a protected seaside sanctuary in her home waters where she could continue to receive human care to the extent needed and also have the opportunity to interact with other orcas, her family still swims by the area and the orca believed to be her mother still thrives at 86 years of age. >> is there some risk of releasing this killer whale that has been confined. the last killer whale that was released back in 1979 lived three years and died right? >> i'm glad you brought up kayco, because he survived for five years before he was ultimately released and then died a year later as a free whale, but there is no question whatsoever, everyone agrees that he thrived in a sea pen receiving human care as needed and that's all we are advocating right now, that she be transferred to her home waters where she would have the opportunity to feel the tides and ocean and interact with her family. and only if it were in her best interests would she ultimately be released but at the very least she could spend out her days forced to perform. >> thanks for joining us. there are reports of progress in financial talks with greece. but european economic officials say more time and effort is needed. greece must have a reform deal in place before it can get more than $8 billion in bailout funds. creditors have been pushing for changes in taxation pension, and labor regulation. greece today it will meet tuesday east deadline. ali velshi is going to talk about it on his new show tonight "ali velshi on target." your report shows wide-spread tax corruption in greece. tell us what you found. >> we have confirmation from the greek government that they have instructed the bank of greece to fire the money to the imf. but greece is so short of money, and part of the problem is that so much money flows through the informal sector. there is so much done in cash without receipts money in which taxes aren't paid and it is so engrained in greek society, not just the avoidance of income tax but the idea that there's bribery, corruption and things done off of the books. take a look at what we saw. corruption in greece is pervasive from bribery at the highest reaches of government industry and media, to the paychecks of working greeks who don't disclose their income to avoid being taxed on it. >> translator: let me tell you, the concept of corruption is so brood and vague that it can fit into a lot of things. it is certain that corruption and economic crime are often linked very closely, and in this sense, indeed tax evading is associated with corruption. >> reporter: the problem of corruption in greek society is so pervasive that it governs every day transactions. >> absolutely doctors, dentists lawyers, notaries you name it. they give you discount and you do not declare, you do not ask for a receipt. >> reporter: we persuaded her to give us her dentists name. most medical specialists can be found in nondescript apartment complexes. we found the women's dental office in this apartment block off of a busy athens street. the nurse who answered the door was reluctant to allow my producer to speak to anyone or even tell us if the dentist provided receipts. >> i cannot give you any answers. he is not here. he is the doctor -- and most of the doctors are in the here today. so if you have any questions -- >> reporter: but you have patients here. >> i have to tell you, he is not here. i can't speak for him. he is one that should give you any answers for everything. >> reporter: okay. may i ask you, then do you accept cash or credit cards as well? >> both. >> reporter: you do? >> uh-huh. >> reporter: and can you confirm -- >> i can't -- i can't give you any more answers. please. >> okay. >> don't bring me in any further -- >> reporter: no, that's fine -- >> and -- and please turn the camera down please. >> reporter: tax evasion is absolutely everywhere in greece. more and more greek doctors who aren't making enough money and are being asked to pay higher taxes have come up with creative ways to avoid the cash man. some september these, little greek envelopes, and the money inside. these are now expected in exchange for medical services and by many public officials in exchange for turning the other way. greece's new anti-corruption czar says he is confident his office can eliminate all forms of corruption in greek society. >> translator: i myself have no intention to disappoint anyone with my behavior so i have no concern whether i will disappoint the people who have a good idea of me and believe in me. >> tough talk from the new minister of corruption but it is remarkable the degree to which everywhere you go in greece one of the most readily available things you can buy are these little white envelopes, because everybody knows that's where you put the money in that's how you do business off of the books. >> so if this is so ingrained in greek society, how does greece change? >> when i was last there, everywhere you go there are notices posted that say you have to get a receipt. they are trying to encourage greeks to ask for receipts. so when you get into a taxi they have to give you one. if they actually put the meter on. but what they are really trying to do john is get taxes and eliminate corruption at the highest levels so you can move down to the middle and working class who say could you not go after us first. >> what is the new government strategy to fix this? >> they ran on pav -- a platform of getting out of austerity. arguably economic theory things get worse not better. so they came in to office saying we're taking the boot of europe off of the necks of working greek, but europe needed to release that $8 billion to them today as we talked about earlier. that didn't happen. so greece is backed into a corner. when i was there, i was thinking to myself the entire trip i don't know exactly how they get out of this john. >> all right. ali. ali's primaries tonight, 10:30 eastern, 7:30 east. coming up next. drone's eye view. stunning photography captured from above. why these pictures are getting tougher and tougher to take. big, big news from the art world tonight. picasso's women of algiers just sold for $179.3 million. 37 million more than the previous record holder. art is becoming increasingly popular, not just to collectors but investors as well. antonio mora is here with that very interesting story. >> it is interesting, john. and these high-priced auctions are a growing trend since the collapse of the global economy in 2008 art has become a big draw for investors. but today's buyers aren't traditional collectors. we'll look at how young bill theirs from silicon valley, china, and middle east are tapping into the investment of the art world. i wonder how much insurance they would have to cost. >> it has got to be astronomical. look for that story tonight. drones are being used all around the world, you can find them in battlefields and in the backyards of photographers. one man is capturing images from around the world. >> it's a an example [ inaudible ] i am based out of new zealand. people were wanting to get high enough and close enough to buildings to see the contents of where some of these architect's real masterpieces are. so for two years i was able to photograph some famous landmarks throughout europe. when you are using cranes they are not high enough. and helicopters you can't get close enough. with drones you can get close to the buildings and experiment somewhat with the weather. drones allow you to take risks with the weather, and that's how you get pictures that are quite special. this work would be impossible today because of the drone laws that have come into play. the best picture i got was in spain and st. petersburg. the land mark that was most important to me was the kremlin, because i knew even at the time that picture was not aloud, and as a foreigner, that opportunity will never arise again. my favorite picture would be in st. petersburg when there was morning mist and just perfect light. it's the angle of view which the buildings are almost designed to be seen from. because when architects are pitching their work they will create scale models of the buildings. this height and this intimacy to the buildings. it's exactly as the architects design those buildings to be seen. the reaction, i was told people were in tears looking at my work. and that's incredible to here. >> that's our broadcast for tonight. thanks for watching. er i'm john siegenthaler. i'll see you back here tomorrow night. the news continues next with antonio mora. ♪ awith. >> summit snub? >> i know there has been some speculation that this change in travel plans was an attempt to send a message to the united states. if so, that message was not received. >> saudi arabia's king salman skips a camp david meeting with michelle obama as the administration tries a optimistic spin.

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