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Submarines the italian navy discovers a boat with hundreds of migrants aboard. The saudilead coalition as announced that the houthi strong hold is now a military target. Coalition planes have dropped leaflets warning civilians to leave. The area has suffered the most intense aerial bombardment since the saudilead campaign began. Hashem ahelbarra has the latest. Reporter the houthiowns tv channel shows what it says is areas targeted by the saudilead coalition in yemens northern province. Including this mausoleum which is where the founder of the Houthi Movement is buried. Saudi Army Officers say the air strikes are in response of the houthi shelling of saudi villages. Now the equation has changed. Well target where houthi commanders are operating. Our military operation will be longer and harsher. It will go after all of the houthi commanders. Reporter and that will likely make it difficult to move forward with the fiveday humanitarian ceasefire proposed by the saw decision on thursday. The coalition has announced that all of the province is a military target urging civilians who live in the city to leave the area. Fighting is continuing across the country. Here on the streets of aden in the south, forces loyal to president hadi have been fighting for weeks to push the rebels out. But the houthis, backed by soldiers who support former president saleh, insist they still have the upper hand. [ explosion ] reporter but in the Central Province of mare ib, the fighting continues. Tribesmen loyal to president hadi are now in control of the International Airport along yemens eastern coast, but the rest of the area has fallen to alqaeda recently. Six weeks of fighting have left yemen in tatters. Hundreds have been killed and thousands of families have been displaced or had to flee the country. Yemens humanitarian situation gets worse every day. In the capitol sanaa people spent hours queueing for water. The city is rashing water, fuel and food items with a rising shortage in supplies. Translator we face a huge crisis there is no cooking oil or electricity. Transportation is almost nonexist important. Reporter the International Community is calling for a ceasefire across the country, so that aid can reach millions of people. But delivering it may not be possible. Hashem joins me now in the studio. He has of course reported extensively on yemen. They have dropped these leaflets. Will it be enough time for people to get out . No because its one of the biggest regions in yemen, and you are talking about areas where you have local communities living in mountainous areas. Are they going to get the message on time . Are they going to be able to move around or go to safe areas on the outskirts of sadah usually it takes hours to get out of the city. So i think it will be a very delicate situation. Its clear the saudilead coalition is going after the houthis, but of course they are dropping these leaflets warning people to get out. What is to stop the houthis from getting out as well . I think they are putting more pressure on the houthis and a warning that were going to be seeing intensified air strikes. Particularly they are going after two major areas, the old town where they believe some of the top commanders are, and the mountains in the area. The brother who formed the Houthi Movement lived there for many years. Thats their strong hold. Just days ago saudi arabia was talking about taking a pause, a ceasefire, fiveday ceasefire, in fact they had john kerry the secretary of state in riyadh talking about it as well. And now they appear to be ramping up the attack. What is going on. It was interesting to see that hope was raised among the International Community. But hours after that announcement we saw them saying the houthis have crossed the red line by targeting civilians, and so were going to raise up our operation. The forces fighting alongside the houthis, aligned to the previous president of yemen. Force loyal to saleh are more equipped than the houthis. But they would like to undermine both the houthis and their supporters in the north, south, and in aden to stage a political comeback and return to aden. Hashem thank you very much. Unexpected win for David Cameron. Cameron has secured a majority in parliament and three of his rivals have resigned. Cy simon mcgregorwood reports from london. Reporter David Cameron is still Prime Minister. On friday he went to tell the queen he can now form a government. As i said in the small hours of this morning, we will govern as a party of one nation, one United Kingdom. That means ensuring this recovery reaches all parts of our country from north to south from east to west. Reporter it was a disaster for this man. Failure to gain english seats and a near wipeout in scotland means it needs a new leader. Britain needs a strong labor party, a party that can rebuild after this defeat so we can have a government that stands up for working people again. And now its time for someone else to take forward the leadership of this party. Reporter this leader kept his seat but he too resigned as leader. [ applause ] reporter scotland delivered perhaps the biggest shock. The Scottish Nationalists won all but three seats. Ripping the heart out of labors traditional strong hold. David Camerons Party did far better than the polls predicted. That in turn means a continuation of the policies of economic austerity and a possible referendum on this countrys membership of the european union. But one of the toughest questions he will have to face is the constitutional challenge about what to do about the Scottish Nationalists stunning success in scotland. The antiimmigration Independence Party didnt break through. They got a lot of vote but only one seat, and its leader failed to get elected and became the third to go. You and the party are used to making endless promises that they dont keep. But i am a man of my word. I will be writing to say i am standing down as leader. Reporter the british political map now looks more fractured than ever. David cameron says he wants to forge one nation but his tenuous command of parliament and the Scottish Nationalist victory in scotland will make that almost impossible. Lets get more now on that Scottish National party success. It won 56 out of a possible 59 seats in scotland it is now the Third Largest force in british politics and Barnaby Phillips reports. Reporter she is now the most powerful woman in british politics. Nicklas has lead the Scottish National party to an astonishing victory that has sent shock waves across the United Kingdom, all but sweeping the labor party out of scottland. It hasnt happened overnight. Labor has been losing the trust of the people of scotland for if years. But what were seeing today is scotland putting its trust in our party and be a voice for more aggressive politics and thats what he intend to do. Reporter a succession of leaders lost their seats. For some in the party which has such deep roots, there was gal louse humor. But others must wonder and struggle for reasons of what happened. Its not easy to explain. As far as i can make out, the scottish publish which for decades were happy to support the labor party now believe they have abandoned the most important priority. Reporter we are now bound to see scotland leave the United Kingdom . I think it became more likely. I dont think the appetite is to have another referendum in the immediate future, but until they start to see polls in scotland that consistently puts polls over 50 , i dont think they will want to have a second defeat. Reporter David Cameron knows he have to listen to the voices of the nationalists after this vote. Otherwise he runs the risk of going down in history as the lastever Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. The statutes in George Square commemorate the heros of a shared british history. After this election england and scotland feel like two very different countries, heading in different directions. Pakistans military says that six people including two ambassadors have been killed in a Helicopter Crash in the countrys north. Kamala harris reports. Reporter a Pakistani Military helicopter has crashed about 300 kilometers north of islamabad. On board ambassadors from several countries, according to the military the pilot as well as the ambassador of norway of the philippines the wife of the malaysian ambassador to pakistan were killed in the crash along with the pilots. According to eyewitnesss, the helicopter came down on a school. The school was closed because the pakistani Prime Minister was all due to arrive to inaugurate several projects. According to the report the Prime Minister decided to come back to islamabad, he has declared a day of mourning here and instructed the authorities to bring back the injured and dead bodies back to islamabad. This is indeed a big tragedy, the military spokesman saying and confirming that at least two other diplomats that includes the polish ambassador and the dutch ambassador that were injured in this particular crash. Still to come here on al jazeera, a Russian Space rocket sent to resupply the International Space station, the mission came crashing back to earth. Well tell you why. And thousands of nigerians forced out of their homes by boko haram have been forced out again, this time from refugee camps in niger. Well tell you their story. Just because im away from my desk doesnt mean im not working. Comcast business understands that. 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Italys navy says hundreds of bodies have been found in a vessel that sank off of the coast in april. Stephanie decker has more now from catania. Reporter the prosecutor gave details of the investigation. The shipwreck is that of the incident that. Happened on april 18th. He said possibly up to 800 migrants could have lost their lives. He said hundreds of dead bodies still in that ship. He also said key to this investigation is whether doors were locked on that ship. That of course will establish responsibility of two men they say were in charge of this ship one tunisian and one syria. He did plea to the media, do not try to find these pictures there is no point in publishing them to try to keep the dignity of the victims. He hoped that they didnt have to lift the boat out of the water to be able to conclude this but it tells you its the highlight of just how difficult this trip is across the mediterranean, and thousands of thousands more will be taking that risk. Men suspected to be from the armed Group Boko Haram have attacked a Business School in nigerias northeast. The gunmen opened fire on students injuring at least five people. A suicide bomber blew himself up in a car park. There are no reports at the moment of any deaths. Aid agencies are calling for International Help for refugees being forced off of nigher. Reporter thousands are on foot again, many with no supplies and unsure of where to go. These are some of the nigerian refugees told to leave niger. The United Nations established three camps in the area but they have limited facilities. Many say they would rather go to remote villages where they can find work and safety. Its harsh terrain, and aid workers say there are more than 200,000 refugees in the areas. The government told people to leave because of security concerns. Most refugees dont think going back is an option. This woman and her family are afraid and dont have much left to return to. Translator i prefer to stay here. I dont want to go back home. Boko haram will catch me. Reporter many were forced from their homes because of fighting which has been going on for the past six years. Among some of the 1. 5 million displaced people their faith in the military operations to end the bloodshed is fading. Translator god is the only one who can put an end of boko haram. Boko haram fighters dont fear death. The whole army will never be enough to get rid of boko haram. It is only gods will that is able to end them to an end. Reporter in the areas where aid agencies have been able to reach, they are struggling to provide basic services. Last month the u. N. Launched 174 million appeal to deal with the crisis. The money is help some 192,000 refugees who urgently need help. Translator right now we have more than 5,000 displaced nigerians in the region. Its not just the internally displayed people but there are also people niger evacuated out of the chad region. This crisis is here to stay. People dont want to go back to nigeria. So we urge the International Community to send immediate help. Reporter and for these children and their families the worst is still not over. Burundis president has officially registered to run for a third term a move that is likely to inflame tensions even further. For almost two weeks there have been nearly daily protests against his plans to seek office again. At least 17 people have been killed thousands have fled and the violence could escalate its feared. Malcome webb reports. Reporter these people have been out on the street in protest against the president s bid for a third term. The soldiers have not joined in the violence and the protester like them. Translator the soldiers are always protecting us when these policemen shoot at us. Translator we thank the soldiers and we thank their commander, he should deploy more soldiers on the street. Reporter that protest was then broken up. Police fired tear gas and guns. This time nobody was injured. The protesters here say that a lot of the people in Police Uniforms arent in fact policemen but members of the ruling partys youth wing. And they are much more likely to shoot them with gun, these people say, but they say as long as the solders are on the street too, then they are safe and much less likely to get shot. Its not normal to hear police hear chanting and singing songs on the street but police and the ruling party deny that the youth wing are involved. Many see the army as being political neutral. The peace deal that ended the civil war states the military should be ethnically balanced. Some say that has not fully happened but its trusted and known to be professional nonetheless. They serve in peacekeeping missions. In spite of fears of political and Ethnic Violence escalating they say they can keep the people safe. They know what to do. They know how to operate, how to cooperate, and they are doing their job. We have to wait. Reporter but some of the activists who come to the protests dont want the army to wait. They say they want it to take control. This professor studied burr rendys conflicts for years. He thinks it could happen soon if the violence continues. Translator in that situation i could even see a coup detat happening, so civility and normality could be restored throughout the country. Reporter its hard to see how the situation will be resolved neither the president nor the protesters show any signs of backing down. Farmers in central india are protesting against the construction of a steel plant just a day before a visit to the area by the Prime Minister. These farmers say they werent consulting when their land was seized by the government. The latest job figures have been released for the u. S. The situation has improved in many areas, in the state of nevada the Unemployment Rate is much higher than elsewhere, Andy Gallagher explains. Reporter at the height of the recession, job connection in North Las Vegas could barely cope with people looking for work. This city was one of the hardest hit during the financial crisis and for many the recovery continues to be painfully slow. We have a lot of people that come in and they are like i needed a job yesterday. Im this close to losing my house. Im homeless im trying to get back on my feet. We have a lot of people coming in like that. But we do also have some people that are having some success. Reporter for this woman options are running out. She has been unemployed since december her life savings is gone. And she is beginning to lose hope. I have been here hundred times probably the line. No calls. If they call you, as soon as they see you, thats it. Uhhuh. So its hard. Reporter las vegas is a place that is almost entirely dependant on tourism dollars. It is the entertainment capitol of the u. S. Thats what made it so vulnerable in the first place. For thousands then the desperate search continues, but there are some encouraging signs. Construction is on its way back and for the first time people have moving to the city to take up work, but economists say important lessons have been learned. This Economist Says the place known as sin city is now heading in the right direction. I think were finally deciding we need to do something different. We cant just depend on gaming we need to get serious about our educational system and how we diversify the economy. Reporter last year las vegas saw record numbers of visitors and the population is once again beginning to grow but thu Unemployment Rate is still high and this city is set for a long road to recovery. An out of control Russian Spacecraft has fallen back to earth. The 3ton, unmanned cargo ship failed to reach orbit last week. Our science editor tarek basely explains. Reporter it was the 150th launch of a Russian Spacecraft and initially everything appeared normal but within minutes Mission Control had problems contacting the craft. And when it got images it was evident the craft was spinning wildly in space. The tracking of its slow descent towards earth began the focus of the mission. Most of the pieces are so small they burn up as they reenter the atmosphere. In this case thats likely what will happen. Sky lab weighed 77 tons. It scattered large chunks of debris over a town in australia in 1979. Nobody was hurt but nasa was fined 400 for littering. Or russias mia space station weighed 135 tons because of it size it was ditched in the South Pacific in 2001. Russia is investigating the failure of the craft, and trying to understand what caused the 50 Million Mission to go wrong. There is plenty more real news from al jazeera along with analysis comment, and video at our website, aljazeera. Com. The Justice Department launches a new investigation into police in baltimore, exploring an alleged pattern of excessive force. Unemployment at its lowest level in 7 years. And britains Prime Minister wins a majority in parliament his conservative party takes charge in a surprising election

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