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President. And empowering one of the philippines oldest tribes to use solar energy. Air strikes led by saudi arabia have benatar getting houthi fighters in yemen for a fifth consecutive day and latest targets were tribes in the area and describe the attacks as a night from hell and explosions were heard early monday in houthi controlled radar and Defense Systems targeted there and arab leader whose are meeting in egypt say air strikes will continue until rebels withdraw and surrender weapons and 500 Pakistan Workers arrived in ka karachi and flown to safety and lets look at the targets on sunday and war planes seized in sanaa say they have been destroyed and dozens of houthi fighters were killed and that city is home to the countrys second largest port and also on sunday coalition bombed position in the northern providence and victoria has more. Reporter there is no let up in this military operation for a fifth consecutive night and saudiled position hit shia positions and air strikes also continued in other parts of the country and dozens of houthi fighters have been killed and jets have bombed positions in the North Province considered support base and deployed thousands of soldiers along the border they share with yemen and they continue to say there is no plan to send troops at least for now. To attack some concentration of force for the malitia, but there is no lets say, major land operation. Reporter the saudiled air strikes seem to be weakening houthi fighters who started to retreat from areas in the south according to local sources and tribesmen on the move to recapture areas they lost in the last few weeks. Translator i believe of this military operation had not happened on time the price would be higher and came at a suitable time and expert military men. Reporter the arab summit has been dominated by yemen security situation the saudis and their allies say air strikes will continue until houthis and deposed president disband malitias and insist the president haidi who has fled the country is yemens legitimate leader victoria with al jazeera. Crossing to sanaa and we will speak to a political analyst and can you tell us what has been the affect of these air strikes on sanaa overnight . Well, they have been doing a lot of damage. You have to remember there are more than seven bases in sanaa alone and have most of the equipment that houthis and forces have and they have been bombarding it and the air base they were not satisfied with only bombarding the air fields they targeted the planes. Even after destroying the airport this was over four nights and yesterday only they destroyed eight fighter jets we have and so far it has been quite effective. And how are civilians coping with this targeting and what has been happening overnight . Well you have to remember in yemen we dont have bomb shelters and no safe havens so a let of people are moving away from the concentrations of houthis around the city from around the military bases to outskirts of the city to residential areas which have concrete basements to hide in those places. That is why you have negative reactions in sanaa. The situation is a little bit different in other parts where air strikes are enjoying actually support because they are hitting the houthis. And there is this talk of possibly a Ground Invasion taking place suggestions, nothing concrete as of now how would people react to that . Well to us a lot of yemen people this is dajaview of what happened in 2009 on the saudi border and ended up houthis taking villages in saudi arabia and village where most of the clashes are happening right now. After three months of fighting the saudis and houthis didnt win and had a ceasefire. We have to remember the terrain up there is very harsh and the houthis are not trained very well and so they have advantage and saudis try to attempt what they did in 2009 now they incur heavy losses and most people know that and see hesitation on behalf of saudis to commit to a Ground Invasion. Alternatively if there is a Ground Invasion through aiden in the south it will be much easier tan trying to attempt that in the north. To what extent then is a political solution at this time still a viable option . Is the government there pushing for that . Even if they do we have to remember the group and houthis have been victims and as they call for dialog it will only to buy time and sanaa offered troops and offered to go to the negotiation table two days ago Arab Coalition pretty much ignored it and already know that tactic. We will have to leave it there, thank you very much for speaking to us from sanaa. Thank you. Now the Russian Foreign minister Sergei Fedorov left talks with i ran and switzerland and will return on tuesday which is the deadline for an agreement if there is a realistic chance of a deal. Representatives have been holding the last full day of talks with iran foreign minister over Nuclear Program and sources say iran is refusing to budge on key issues including continuing advance Nuclear Research and crossing to diplomatic editor first tell us what we can sort of read into the Russian Foreign minister Sergei Fedorov leaving the talks. Well he has not left yet but he certainly says that is his plan. We had a meeting in the last couple of hours of all the players here all the Foreign Ministers of the p 5 plus 1, that is the five permanent members of the Security Council and germany on one side of the table, iran delegation on the other side of the table and not a clear readout how the meeting went but the spokesman is saying Sergei Fedorov after further meetings taking place in the current hours is planning to return to moscow and may come back here on tuesday. That suggests to me one clear thing, a deal is certainly not yet in his view ready to be signed otherwise he would stay here to sign it. I have to say the only other foreign minister after that meeting that concluded a couple hours ago and that we had a chance to speak to was a snatched conversation because once the meeting ended the Chinese Foreign minister decided to go for his second run on the lake here and as he came back from the run i asked him are the talks going as well as your run is going . And he replied somewhat restless the talks were going very well. So james, what happens then if there is no political framework that is reached by the end of tuesday . Because we know there are stumbling blocks and which of them could be a major upset . Well we know i think what the stumbling blocks are but when you have this sort of negotiation there are other issues that may emerge as problems as well because we know the iran side are not taking off each item and they consider all the items active and can be negotiated on. There is no agreement until there is an agreement. I would suspect that you were going to have problems at this key moment the 11th hour that is par for the course when you are dealing with a Nuclear Negotiation like this. The research and development of Irans Nuclear problem and the other is sanctions and want them lifted and u. N. Sanctions took a great deal of time and effort to put in place and we need something put there in case iran doesnt comply. These are going to be very, very difficult negotiations and a lot agreed but these end points are the hardest points this may well go right down to the wire and it may be Sergei Fedorov is threatening to walk away as you do in negotiation to try and get some movement. Okay, james, thank you james diplomatic editor and looters in nigeria waiting for the weekend closely fought president ial election and ruling party faced the toughest contest in 16 years and there are claims of voting irregularities and International Observers are praising that poll and crossing over to harry, you are in legos and that is one of the states that could really help swing that vote. Reporter exactly. And we saw what was happening first where things are quite tense at the moment in river state and another one says it could also help swing this vote and we are told an hour or so women opposition supporters tried to go on the streets and tried to protest. They were chased away by police and police had to use tear gas on them but no one was injured. We are told the leaders of atc are planning another protest like sunday and they are claiming they will get more than 15,000 people on the streets this time. Police have warned them they wont entertain people causing problem and opposition alleging for ruling party and denying and saying as far as they are concerned the election there went very well without major problems but its tense there and people are waiting to see what is happening there. Okay and when do we expect any sort of announcement on the results . They say it could be sometime later monday and here in legos its quiet and people are tense and concerned about the outcome and the best way to show you how it is its busy but its not and a normal day and packed with people with fruits and vegetables and this public transport here, the yellow threewheeled vehicles are in nigeria and its a cheap form of transport and people use them to get about them on the streets and cost about 25 u. S. Cents to use one of these things and you can see they are all parked here, all in long lines and the drivers are saying this is very surprising to them and saying its quiet and not getting as much business as normal because we say many of the friends and family are staying indoors until the results are announced and sure about what is going on if its going to be quiet or noisy and one of the drivers is not here and waiting all day and not sure if business will pick up and one in the back, one in the front and driver here and you zoom around legos and its really congested with traffic and in legos and in the country is when the results announced how will people react, is it going to be peaceful, is it going to be violent and people are concerned and most are hoping it will be peaceful. Reporting from legos in nigeria and crossing to london and speaking from the university in uk and expect on nigeria and boko haram so security really did feature quite heavily in this president ial election in nigeria, there were attacks by boko haram in the north as we know to what extent do you think that affected voter turn out and it will effect the results of the president ial election . Well the situation in most part of the country suggests that people are hoping that with the turnout it will be a complete change from what it used to be a situation where peoples decision and peoples will will be reflected in the situation so with attacks in the north which has been blamed on boko haram and in position of curfew in the state people think its a possibility that the authorities and the ruling people and Democratic Party are looking at the outcome of the election and this could in the end inflame the position in nigeria if it is not handled properly. Well our correspondent who was just reporting from legos was telling us there is expected protest at least in port the opposition there alleging fraud when it comes to these elections. How do you think people are go going to respond when the results are announced . The response of the people will depend largely on what the outcome is. Right now from people that i have spoken to from people that have heard from their peers they seem convinced that the opposition candidate is leading and any attempt to change that could effect the situation in the country. And the states in the southwest of the country and many belts of the country are places where opposition appears to have done very well so it will really will kind of difficult situation if it turns out that opposition candidate is in the end declared the loser of the election so it would depend entirely on what the outcome of the result is and at the end of the day. Reporter so what you are saying is all Progressive Congress is really seen as a challenge to the ruling party . Definitely definitely even the ruling party, if you remember before, even before the elections the chairman of the Ruling People Democratic Party admitted that they are not expecting a landslide victory after elections which is an admission that its not going to be an easy election for them. From what is happening now and the language of people is showing in most part of the country it appears that it has not been an easy one for the ruling party. Okay, we will wait and see what the results bring, for now thank you very much for speaking to us from london. Thank you for having me. Nigeria military detained two al jazeera journalists in the north. And were embedded with the military before they were detain detained and held if their hotel since tuesday. Al jazeera is demanding their release. Here is what is coming up, on the news hour how bombs which cant be seen are another dangerer in the fight for northern iraq. And freedom of religion and freedom to discriminate, the debate in the u. S. Over a controversial new law. And in sport we will hear from australia cricket captain as the country celebrates the fifth world title. But first the Syrian Government has reportedly sent one of its top military commanders to recapture idlib and coalition of rebel factions took control of the area after four days of fighting and its the second provincial capitol to fall into opposition hands and the city is close to a major highway that links the capitol damascus with aleppo and Syrian Refugees need aid with resources dwindling fast and increasing gap likely to be addressed at the Third International aid Conference Held in kuwait on tuesday and carolyn reports. Reporter in 2014 the u. N. Appealed for 7. 7 billion in aid to help civilians in syria. But only 63 of the money pledged was donated in a new report the charity analyzed what countries should donate compared to what they actually gave. Some worst offenders are australia, japan, south korea and russia, this year even more people need help estimated 18 Million People require a total of 8. 7 billion, that would provide each person with only the absolute minimum more than the equivalent of one u. S. Dollar a day. So far only 10 of the amount has been pledged, countries in syria are over burdened with refugees, most of the 4 million Syrian Refugees are turkey, lebanon, jordan egypt and iraq and only 2 of those people have been offered permanent resettlement to places like australia, canada germany, sweden and swiss land. Countries that signed the u. N. Convention to support refugees like poland russia, spain and uk need more openings and charity says saudi arabia qatar and uae could help more syrians seeking asylum and relaxing visa restrictions. In iraq two car bombs killed at least five people in northern baghdad and exploded near an entrance gate of shia neighborhood, 13 others were wounded. The u. N. Secretarygeneral banky kimoon in baghdad trying to get tikrit from islamic levante and it is difficult as we report. Reporter hits targets belonging to Islamic State of iraq and levante and Government Forces and militia closing from the southen and western sides of tikrit the hometown of Saddam Hussein and militias make a 30,000 strong force deployed to retake the city and close to taking control of tikrit for weeks. Translator god willing we will enter tikrit today and the end will be today. Reporter operation launched on march 2 but progress has been slow. Translator our advance is slow because of the ied and boobie trapped roads and some resistance from enemy but mainly due to the boobie traps in houses shops and government facilities. Reporter last week u. S. Airforce joined the operation saying shia would withdraw from tick tikrit and many are People Incorporated in Government Security forces taking credit for when they push i. S. I. L. Out of tikrit for the military and shia malitias. Its not just tikrit we are talking about, we are talking about future of iraq and the u. S. And partners dont want to see it controlled and fromdominated by shias. Reporter this is not just between the shia and militia and they are carrying out rights abuses and this is on social media and this is lit in an hours house taken over by shia fighters. The video posted by users linked to the iran backed coalition and says he is with a brigade. And cannot independently verify these images but human Rights Groups have reported these tactics in sunni areas controlled by shia forces. Iraqi Army Continues to do this and tikrit is not far away and peace is a distant possibility, al jazeera. Israels former Prime Minister is expected to appeal his conviction for bribery. He is due to be sentenced after Jerusalem District court found him guilty of corruption in a retrial and he was acquitted three years ago for accepting envelopes stuffed with cash from a u. S. Businessman before he became Prime Minister and former Office Manager later became a state witness. Crossing over to the tie up and correspondent in west jerusalem to tell us more about this and what his response has been and what he plans to do next. Reporter well, as you say his Legal Counsel said they will appeal this reversal by the court, reversal of 2012 decision which acquitted him of corruption and fraud charges involving what the court described as accepting envelopes of cash from an American Business man. Now, in 2012 mr. Omart was spared a 19,000 fine and suspended prison sentence but the reason the case was revived was because his former aid and secretary presented new evidence as part of a plea deal. This evidence was between a conversation between her and mr. Omert about this money and why the court made its ruling. Today, in saying that this is not the only legal problem he has and of course he was a former Prime Minister for three years and stepped down in a major Corruption Case one of these cases is before the Supreme Court after he was convicted and sentenced to six years in prison for a separate Corruption Case, so this latest verdict is no doubt more trouble for this increasingly embattled former Prime Minister. Reporting from west jerusalem. Lawyers for two australians facing the Death Penalty in indonesia have been in court trying to delay execution and appealing a president ial decree and denied them clemency and detained in bali ten years ago and convicted of trying to smuggling heroin. Indonesia a landslide buried villages and 12 people were killed in west java after a rainstorm and landslides are common during the rain season there and a crisis in kashmir and eight people reportedly killed after a house collapsed due to severe flooding and hundreds of others have been evacuated from their homes as the river rose to dangerous levels. Buildings have been destroyed in the area. Crossing over to rob to give us more now on the World Weather and, rob, specifically in the middle east. We will go on with the kashmir area and it has mountains and if you look in the last 24 hours or so of satellite picture and above islamabad and look at the bright topped cloud and never goes away and if it wants to it will be replaced with Something Else and has 500 meter meters of rain and that is enough to cause flooding and this is a picture of what you can expect day in day out. However, there are memories here because it floods quite badly, september last year january 2013 and it was taken 27 of march and this is the trees and part of the same river system of what it collects and runs downstream and this is a village away from there but same area and this river has risen an a rescue effort was necessary because of it and the picture is similar in pakistan 108 millimeters and same rainstorms if you like. Will it go away . This is the forecast for the next and it tends to drive a bit and returns like i said and you replace one and the next one comes along. I think it will just repeat itself and we are not over and could see 75100 millimeters of rain in the same area. Thank you very much. Still to come on al jazeera news hour freedom of speech in bangladesh after an internet blogger is hacked to death plus. Im in the northern philippines with the tribe and excitement here as the tribe welcomes a new arrival. In sport the oklahoma thunder produced their biggest ever come back with the phoenix suns and andy will be here with the action a little later. Youre with the al jazeera news hour and hello again the top stories Houthi Rebels in yemen have been bombarded by a fifth night by air strikes led by saudi arabia and will continue until rebels withdraw and surrender their weapons. The Russian Foreign minister Sergei Fedorov will leave Nuclear Talks with iran in switzerland and he says that he will return on tuesday which is the deadline for an agreement if there is a realistic chance of a deal. And millions of nigeria people are waiting to find out who won the president ial election in a race that analysts say its too close to call and results could be announced in a few hours. The tiny east african county has new investments from Multi National companies and getting a boost from military spending and inging its on the edge and a few kilometers from yemen and home to the largest u. S. Military base in africa and we report. Reporter this is the port city of jabooty a country of big dreams and hundreds of millions of overseas investment are pouring in promising to turn this city into a bustling commercial hub and sits across the strait a vital maritime corridor that provides access to the red sea, with only 5 meters across at the narrowest point it separates yemen and taking advantage of geographical location it is transporting itself into a shipping hub. What you want to do is develop a port of business to create more jobs and one of our models is in singapore, hong kong, more issues. Reporter a port and because of the strategic position the country attracted attention of powerful nations providing yet another source of revenue. And also home to a number of bases for foreign troops including the biggest u. S. Base in africa, this military is a ground for Counter Terrorism operations in yemen and somalia. This is the u. S. Base gives American Forces opportunity to strike alqaeda in yemen and somalia and pentagon used it to train forces and cutting out its drone warfare and over the years a number of countries including germany, japan and spain have followed the u. S. And french example and set up bases here too. Benefitted in several ways first the Foreign Forces with the authorities and there is millions of dollars they injected in the local economy through spending and finally and most importantly the issue of job creation and over 1,000 jobs created by the presence of military forces which is a key where unemployment is a problem. Reporter military hub in one of the worlds roughest neighborhood is getting the benefits of the strategic location mohamed with al jazeera. Lets return to the nigeria elections and voters waiting to see who will lead their country. There have been some allegations of irregularities and crossing to Robin Sanders and an election observer live and ambassador thanks for being with us how credible and transparent has this election and the process been . I think from all accounts including our own that we feel the elections have been you know credible and the process has been really fascinating to watch. I think the super heros of the election process here are certainly the nigerian voters and super heros of the event and showed resilience and eager to vote and turned out to vote so it was quite impressive to see that commitment from democracy from the nigerian people. Some saying there are irregularities in the voting to process, is that something you have seen . Small reports of some irregularity but nothing widespread and that is the most important thing to highlight here that nothing widespread yes, there have been some isolated incidents but certainly nothing widespread that would call into account the enthusiasm and the commitment and the process and what we saw in terms of the conduct of the elections. When you say irregularities. Everyone recognizes that clarification on irregularities what type of irregularityies are we talking about here . Well basically what has been reported is that there have been some widespread i mean isolated incidents of that have to still be investigated by inac and its the commission to determine whether or not those reports of isolated incidents have actually affected the outcome and until they make that decision we as observers are not going to comment on it but can say from what we observed the voting process went fairly smoothly on a nationwide basis with some isolated areas of concern about the voter card readers in some places but that was not pervasive enough and i think the view is that the elections did go forward quite fairly. When you speak about the attitude of the voters coming out in nigeria but let me ask you about what you expect to happen after results are announced because our reporter was telling us a few moments ago in river space there is a call for a big protest, at least 50,000 people because the opposition there are saying, in fact, there are irregularities so do you expect there to be some sort of violence . Well i think at this particular time we are all falling back on this very very important document, two documents actually, abuja peace and pact and have both leaders talking about their support for a nonviolent peaceful environment during the conduct of elections and made that commitment and they have been encouraged by observers and government to continue to encourage their supporters to look at the conduct of elections in a peaceful, orderly manner. And inac as we reported yesterday are looking into some of the allegations that have come out of some of the states like you mentioned like rivers and it will be up to inac to make the determination as to whether or not the allegations were correct, or not. Okay ambassador Robin Sanders thank you for joining us from abuja. Thank you very much. Returning now to one of our top stories and that is the iran Nuclear Talks going on in switzerland and joining us from tehran is a correspondent for the Financial Times. Thanks for joining us. So the Financial Times headline from just a few hours ago read iran Nuclear Talks approach critical points so that is according to your headline and we understand now that the Russian Foreign minister Sergei Fedorov will lead the Nuclear Talks in switzerland, what do you make of that development . There are some complications. Definitely the talks have reached a crunch point but some no one expected the two sides to reach an agreement easily. There are some i s that the two sides need to resolve including a timetable for lifting when iran insists. That is the Sticking Point we understand for iran how much is iran willing to concede . Basically they are arguing if you want me to make compromises, you have to lead the functions because that is really hurting the economy. So it has been immediate concern of Islamic Republic and the political leaders and has clarified that any agreement should lead to lifting of sanctions. If a deal is not reached at this point by tuesday and when i say deal im referring to political framework that is being put forth is there any other alternative . I suppose talks will continue. They will not stop at this stage even if they dont meet the deadline and they dont reach this, the real deadline is end of june anyway but i expect talks to continue. Reporter and for iran people how are they looking at what is going on there . Iran people are closely following the news even though its new year holiday and they are traveling or on holiday but tuned to the news and t. V. Following what is happening. As you know iran people are for a deal and like to see iran tension over the Nuclear Program to end. Okay thank you very much for speaking to us from tehran. Investigators say they found d. In a samples from 78 of the 150 passengers and crew who died in the germanwings air bus crash and a leaked transcript of the cockpit recorder had the final minutes of flight and confirms the copilot Andreas Lubitz locked the captain out of the cockpit and desperately tried to get back in before that air bus crashed in the french alps. In france the party led by Nicholas Nicholas sarcozi and thought to behave badly as the front party did not do as well as she hoped and from paris simon mcgreger wood reports. Reporter she hoped this would be a breakthrough election for the National Front and that it would finally gain control of local counsels but projected results suggested a big disappointment for her and will they gained more counselors it might struggle to control one counsel and she tried to put a brave face on it. Translator the historical fact this evening is the establishment of the National Front as a powerful force. The victory is a good sign for the future the socialist party is disappearing while the National Front has shown exceptional results. Reporter the clear winner of elections was the right wing unp led by nicholas sarcozi and projected to win two thirds of france counsel and might help his faltering campaign to be unps next president ial candidate candidate. Translator with their vote the french people have rejected massively the politics of france and the government, this never happened before never before has the government lost so many departments. Reporter socialists of the president have been punished by voters frustrated with frances stuttering economy and high unemployment. The results suggest they have lost up to 30 counsels to the unp. Before these elections the polling suggested the french people were turning towards the National Front in greater numbers, increasing the antiimmigration antieurope nationalism. These projected results show while the party is gaining grass roots popularity particularly in some regions it doesnt have the Critical Mass to breakthrough and that will reassure those looking ahead to the 2017 president ial election in which marine lapen will run as a candidate, simon mcgreger wood. Gay rights and religion flared and state of indiana passed a law that allows Business Owners to refuse to serve or sell things to gay people. Rob reynolds reports. [chanting] several thousand people marched through the city denouncing a law for Business Owners to refuse service to gay, lesbians and transgender people on the grounds of religious relief. Tired of fighting the backward thinking of the worst state legislature . [cheers] are you tired enough to fight back . Yes indianas Republican Party dominated legislature and governor say the law dubbed religious freedom restoration act will stop Business Owners to go against their religious faith. [chanting] the latest of 20 states to pass such laws and its about government overreach and proud indiana stepped forward and im working hard to clarify this we are reaching out to business leaders. Reporter in one example the law would allow flower risks to refuse to sell arrangements to be used in same sex wedding stories but this store owner says she is against gay marriage also says she wouldnt turn away gay customers. If someone walked in my store i think i would serve them. Reporter indiana ban on same sex marriage was ban in court last year and unable to put a gay marriage ban in the state constitution. Indiana law could hurt its economy, some groups are reconsidering plans to hold conventions in the midwestern state. The major indianabased consumer website angies list postponed plans for expanding its offices and hiring more staff. If the atmosphere is such in the state we cannot draw the talent and they cannot be comfortable then i cannot commit the company. Reporter tim cook one of the most promptly open gay leaders in america said his company was deeply disappointed in indiana and athletes and stars are spreading boycott indiana on twitter and president Obama White House stepped in. It should be easy for leaders to stand up and say that it is wrong to discriminate against people just because of who they love. Reporter with key gains in the enormously popular march Madness College basketball tournament due to be played in indianapolis next week they hinted they may move the matches elsewhere in protest, rob reynolds with al jazeera. Two men arrested in bangladesh after a second internet blogger was hacked to death, 27yearold was attacked with large knives and meat cleavers in the capitol dakka and crossing over dakka to tell us just more about the story. Reporter well what we know the officerincharge at the Police Station where the murder took place told the media that two people so far have been arrested and they confessed being involved in this murder. Both were a young man in their 20s and students which is a religious school, one of them actually came from port city and from all accounts it appears to be a wellorchestrated plan to kill this particular blogger. One of them out of the three two apprehended and one still abscounding and some are religious and tension between the two groups. In 2013 another young blogger stabbed to death in capitol city and his case has been resolved and several students have been indicted in that particular case. But as you mentioned who was killed this year just about a month ago in the University Area here that federal bureau of investigation from usa was here but that particular case has not been resolved and no clue to what motives were and most cases it is extremist view who cannot tolerate the point of view and causes tension with the youngster and students involved in the blog. Thank you, and we are reporting from dakka. A group of grandmothers in philippines are proven to be bright sparks as we report from here and trained as engineers to provide their village with solar powered energy. Deep in the mountains here in the northern philippines live the oldest tribe in the country. They farmed and hunted in these lands for thousands of years with little change. Now the tribe has a new hero. She doesnt know how to read or write but the one shy grandmother of ten is now called the engineer. The bringer of light. Translator it gets very dark here in the mountains so its good we found Something Like this to help us help the others. Reporter ds has just come back from india with three other women and were part of a group of similar women from around the world who were invited by a special college to learn how to Harness Solar Energy and build their own lamps and battery panels. Translator we couldnt understand each other so we had to do everything through sign language. Reporter after six months away they returned to their community to share what they have learned. Villages like this that the lighting project aims to help. Isolated and without access to basic services and the thinking is empowering women will eventually empower a community. They have always been known for their fire making abilities, now another newly trained engineer says she is happy she can also make fire of a different kind. Translator when there is light there will certainly be joy all around us. Reporter they still call this new arrival fire. They are not sure how much this will change them exactly, but they know it will transform the future of their tribe. Im with al jazeera, northern philippines. With the news hour and still to come the sports news and some big names are knocked out of the third around of the miami matches and andy will be here to tell us exactly who is heading home. Bolivia ruling party suffered a setback in local elections there, the movement for the social party last the mayor elections in santa cruz and the results are not as bad as predicted but will make things a little more difficult for the president and daniel has more. Reporter so the Regional Election results have dealt a significant blow to the government of the president. He only won a third term in office as president at the end of last year which means the remaining 4 1 2 years in office will be considerably more difficult facing strong opposition in several parts of the country and the biggest blow was perhaps here in the capitol where the governship won by one of his former cabinet ministers patsy but the biggest blow was the mountains from here in the city of alalto also won by the opposition that was previously a stronghold for him and his governing party, a place that he pretty much took for granted and there lies the root of the problem and while the president has a strong following and strong support across the country and members of the government are less popular, critics say they are out of touch and complacent and corrupt and Election Results dealt a strong blow to that governing party and morales is in office and still the president but one thing is certain his remaining time in office will be considerably more difficult. Lets get an update on sports with andy. Cricket captain Michael Clark clarks friend is dying after being hit in the head last year and clark and the rest of the team celebrating and beat new zealand by 7 wickets in the final and a record of more than 93,000 fans. I think the fact there was a lot of expectation and added pressure put on us at the start of the tournament with a home world cup is something we embraced from the first ball of the tournament and boys should be proud of what we achieved and we had support and throughout every game in the tournament we felt we have been home and made such a big difference. Reporter a good start to the year for australian sport and not just on the cricket pitch and Andrew Thomas is in sidney for us. Reporter here is mondays australia and calls the final match a dream sequence, a demolition job of new zeeland and telegraph calls it a fairy tale and its march and good year and the world cricket champion and also futbol champion with asian turf in january and dismay after the miserable metal in the 2012 olympics and its different for a country who takes its sport seriously. A world cup setting new standards for the game and hitting the quickist ever 150, 64 balls against west indies and new zealand and scored unbeaten 237 also against west indies and finished as the leading run scorer and hit a record four consecutive with 22 maximums and chris gail had the most sixes and the best balancing figures in a game and took 7 for 33 against a dismal england team. Egyptian futbol league will resume in a few hours after a sevenweek clashes and people died and fought with tear gas at a stadium in cairo and they will go ahead without being in attendance the third time in four seasons the league has been suspended. 14 grand slam raphael knocked out of the third round of miami masters and beat in three sets. Its his second straight and nadal never won the tournament in 11 attempts and will now take on monica. He is one of the biggest victories you can have in tennis. Of course its a huge victory and its always really nice to feel you know, in a packed stadium a very important tournament like this one and playing it against one of the best players in history and you try to enjoy the moment. Reporter nadal not the only big name to tumble on sunday and lost 28 seed with france 7, 6, 7, 6 williams one step closer to the 8th title and number one needed 41 minutes to beat 15yearold american and serena winning 6, 1, 6, 1 and less than six months old when williams won the first title at the u. S. Open in 1999. Oklahoma city fund produced their biggest come back since the franchise move from seattle in 2008 and thunder 20 points down at half time and took 33 points from russell westbrook, oklahomas 109107 in the 8th and final playoff spot in the western conference. Jimmy walker the first to win two events on pga tour this season and coming at the texas open and 35 minutes away from the course in san antonio and 35yearold finished four shots ahead of ryder cup teammate jordan speeth. Got back to where it was the last couple days and making some on jordan and i will have nightmares about that guy. Reporter welcome back to the club and it could have gone either way heading back to liverpool and the striker was on the field alongside swarez for the game and got good reception and left at the peek of his career to join League Rivals Chelsea chelsea. Playing the home team and its different when you are on the white team and today it was a day i will never forget for sure and so emotional to play a game with my teammates. Reporter more from me later and your sport for now. See you later andy and stay with us on al jazeera and that is it for the news hour and back in a moment or two with a full bulletin and that is straight ahead, see you then. These people have decided that today they will be arrested i know that im being surveilled people are not getting the care that they need this is a crime against humanity hands up dont shoot hands up dont shoot what do we want . Justice when do we want it . Now they are running towards base. Explosions going off were not quite sure. Fault lines Al Jazeera Americas award winning, investigative series. On Al Jazeera America saudi led Airstrikes Target Houthi positions throughout yemen as new questions are raised about the possible use of ground forces. Youre watching al jazeera from doha. Also ahead russias foreign minister ready to lead talks on irans Nuclear Program as the deadline nears to reach an agreement. Counting votes in nigeria people wait to see who will be the next president

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