And this change of environment has occurred and today the United States government, and considering the government of afghanistan a really reliable partner. Commitments that are made are considerable. And the funding proposal of supporting Afghan Forces by 2017, and it has reached to 4. 1 billion. It is nothing less, it is a significant issue. It is a very important issue and also yesterday, there was a new frame work for Economic Cooperation was layed out according to its 800 million were made, a commitment was made to those through the afghan budget. But most importantly is the flexibility that has been shown in the area of Security Cooperation, and this flexibility is going to ensure and provide confidence to our Security Forces and our people. And also is going to send a very strong message to the region that this cooperation is not short term, but it is enduring and long term. Our Strategic Partnership is based on a similar presence. Bewant the Afghan People to be able to provide for their own security and our goal is to make sure that we are a Strong Partner the helping to build and sustain effective Security Forces. So from the start when i first came into office, we put additional u. S. Troops and resources in afghanistan so 30 momentum at a time when the taliban and then mys of peace and stability inside of afghanistan i think we were moving and had momentum. We broke that momentum, elections took place and the national Security Forces began to build up and get trained and become more and more effective. And because of a successful election, and a National Unity government, and the leadership of president gahni and dr. Abdullah, we are now in a position where the afghan Security Forces are not only more effective, but they are also better directed by the civilian government. We have been able to draw down and remove ourselves from the combat role as president gahni indicated without collapse as was predicted. And Afghan Soldiers have 40 and they have fought well. And obviously there is still improvements to be made, but they are making significant progress. So the Strategic Partnership involves us continues to help support, afghan Security Forces that means financially the International Community is going to have continue to provide assistance to the afghan government, which is carrying a significant security load not only for itself but for the region, and in some ways the world. And we have made a commitment to do that, we will continue to provide the kind of Security Cooperation and support sha the required, training assisting advising helping on logistics and developing all the things that go into a modern military, professional military, a professional police force that can provide security on afghan still, and the cooperation and the have atomic partnership that involves building up the prosperity and opportunities for the Afghan People through the economic government that was requested. So we intend to be working with the Afghan People for a long time, and in many ways our troop presence, our military assistance is just one component of what is a much allowinger process, and the more successful we are in building afghan capacity, and strengthening the afghan economy the more the partnership will be like the partnership we have like many countries around the world and lit be based on mutual interests and scientific, and educational exchanges exchanges and Business Opportunities and commerce and trade and that i think is the goal we are all looking for. Josh. Thank you, will president you have made very career that you are not buying the attempts to walk back the comments that he made before the election opposing palestinian statehood, and you are reassessing your approach. What could Prime Minister netanyahu do in the short term to persuade you that he is serious about Israeli Palestinian peace and that he is an honest broker that you can work with . Is there any truth the allegation that israel was spying on the iran talks . Pat gahni you have been working hard to pursue reconciliation talks with the taliban, theres indications that is got going so well. What makes you hopeful that you can get those talked off the ground . And do you want the u. S. To be involved in those. Let me address your second question about spying allegations. As a general rule, i dont comment on Intelligence Matters in a big room full of reporters. And i think i will continue that tradition. But with respect to the possibility an agreement that ensures that iran doesnt get a Nuclear Weapon we have not just briefed congress, about the progress or lack thereof, thats being made. But we also briefed the israelis. And our other partners in the region. An agreement that is aryed at we feel confident will prevent iran from obtaining a Nuclear Weapon, lit be there for everybody to see. And people will be able to lift up the hood and see what is in there. And so i have confidence that if theres an agreement lit be a good agreement thats good for american security, and israeli security, and the region security and if it isnt then there probably wont be an agreement. So there will be i think significant transparency in the whole process. With respect to steals relations with the palestinians. I think it is important to understand that the issue here is not what i believe. But it is what the palestinians, and the parties parties in the negotiations and the israeli people believe is possible. Thats the most important issue. I have said before, and i will simply repeat. Prim minester netanyahu in the election run up, stated that the palestinian state will no occur while he is Prime Minister. And i took him at his word. That thats what he meant and i think that a lot of voters inside of israel understood him to be saying that fairly unequivocal. Afterwards he is pointed out that he didnt say never. But that there would be a series of conditions in which a palestinian state could potentially be created but of course, the conditions before such that they would be impossible to meet any time soon. So even if you accept it, i think that corrective, Prime Minister in subsequent days, there is still does not appear to be a prospect of a meaningful frame work established. That would lead to a palestinian state even if there were a whole range of conditions and security requirements that might be phased in over a long period of time, which was always the presumption. I dont think anybody ever envisions in any peace agreement, certainly not one that netanyahu would grow to. That the people would agree to overnight, that we certainly have a palestinian state. The issue has never been do you oweuate a palestinian state overnight the question do you create a freight work that gives them hope. The possibility, that down the road, they have a secure state of their own standing side by side with a security fully recognized jewish state of israel. And so when i said that we have to now do a an evaluation of where we are. Its not in reference to our commitment to steals military edge israels. I will continue to do whatever we need to do to make sure that our friends in israel are safe and thats not going to stop. And to the people need to know that. The possibility of two states. Living side by side in peace and security. Could marginalize more extreme elements. Bring together folks at the center, and with some common sense, and we could resolve what has been a vexing issue and one that is ultimately a threat to israel as well. And that possibility seems very dim. That in purpose elicit count ever reactions by the israelis. And that could end up leading to a downward spiral that will be dangerous. For everybody. And bad for everybody. So bottom lean just to summarize. Number one our military cooperation will continue. Unabated uneffected and we are absolutely committed to making sure that the israeli people are safe, particularly from rocket attacks and terrorist attacks aimed on civilians. Number two that the evaluation that is taking place that is taking specific to what happens between israelis and palestinians going forward. Will continue to engang the israeli government. And ask them where are they interested in going, and how do they see this issue being resolved. But what we cant do is pretend that theres a possibility of something thats not there. And we cant continue to premise our Public Diplomacy based on something that Everybody Knows is not going to happen at least in the next several years. And that is something that we have to for the sake of our own credibility, i think we have to be honest about that. And i guess one last point, because obviously i have heard a rot of commentary is theres a tendency in the reporting to frame this as a personal issue between myself and president Prime Minister netanyahu. And i understand why thats done because well, if we all just get along and everybody cools down, and then somehow the problem goes away i have a very business like relationship with the Prime Minister i have met with him more than any other world leader, i talk to him all the time. He is representing his countrys interest the way he thinks he needs to, and i am doing the same, to the issue is not a matter of relations between leaders the issue is a very clear substantive challenge. We believe that two states is the best path forward for israels security, for palestinian aspirations and for regional stability thats our view, and that continues to be our view. And the prime menster has a different approach. And so this cant be reduced to somehow lets all hold hands and sing come by yeah. This is figuring out how do we get through a real knotty policy difference that has great consequences for both countries and for the region that evaluation. We will partly wait for a government to form. Dont make premature judgement and what we have asked from the United States and the president obama has graciously supported is to support a Peace Process. And we are confident that this approach will bear the results in time. Peace. Is always difficult. One moment. Thank you very much. Mr. President. You just mentioned that it is still a dangerous place while its a dangerous place is it the right decision to bring down the force at a time when it is a dangerous place, the meanwhile while forces will less equipped and cannot fight truly, mr. President , my question is the question that the Peace Process what was your initial or your request from the United States president . And wrights has agreed with us, that the Peace Process will be led by afghans and afghans will be will continue this process and be led by afghans and this is obvious for us. And woe are thankful for the support. Afghanistan is still a dangerous place the way it is going to becomeless dangerous, is by afghan Security Forces and Afghan Police being capable of keeping law and order and discusser in the country. And that is not ginning to happen if Foreign Forces are continually relied upon. For the basic security. There will be specialized areas where we can cooperate theres going to be intelligence cooperation. And and there will be specialized areas are we can provide Logistical Support and training. Open abling support, be uh the fact is that unless Afghan Soldiers and Afghan Police are ablutomane train security at sop point, some day, the United States and other Coalition Forces would leave. And the good news is what we have seen, as we have moved ourselves from combat roles is the afghan Security Forces have stepped up. And although they are not as equipped as Coalition Forces. They are better equipped than the taliban. They are better equipped than ha tahne network. And so with the kind of leadership that the president been nay is showing is a commander in chiefed with leadership that is being shown with growing cad dre of military officers. Afghan forces are proving themselves and discovering that in fact, when they fight they can be successful, the we want to stand with them, in the that process because we are very much invested in your success. Mr. President , thank you for a outstanding visit. Thank you you have been listening to the president of the United States, appearing in a joint news conference. Both leaders talking about the Current Situation in afghanistan saying afghanistan remain as dangerous place adding that approximately 9,800 u. S. Servicemen and women will remane in that country. That of course is twice as many soldiers as the president had wanted to be in afghanistan at this particular place in time. Joining us now from washington d. C. , is matthew rosenberg, he is a National Security correspondent for the New York Times he also once served as the times after ban stan correspondent, thank you for being with us today. Thank you for having me on. How concern redirect examination you that the United States is going to be in afghanistan for quite some time beyond 2016. It is certainly liking like there will be a presence. The question is how big a presence. The Obama Administration has been talking about within thousand maybe 2,000 troops based around the embassy a big part of that is that the u. S. Is committed to providing money to the afghan Security Forces for many years to come, and they want american troops there to help manage that. To help keep an eye on that, so that it is not being stolen. Afghanistan has a very serious corruption problem. In fact, the corruption is always been it has been the gorilla in the middle oif room, is there a sense that it is in check. It is hard to say. The gahni administration as people say is beginning to she dont Structural Reforms its been since months it is hard to say that government is so corrupt that a few years ago, an american official once you would probably have to arrest the entire cabinet save maybe one minister. Corruption is a way of governance there and changing that is a generational change. We want to go back to our white house correspondent, in the east room for us, mike, the number of troops the fact that the president says we are now going to keep 9,800 u. S. Servicemen and women on the ground in afghanistan he also said that those men and women will need to be paid for reaching out to congress, is he going to have any success . Well, that is a difficult question, certainly, and the hill is the congress is going through the budget process some 4 billion is going to be requires to fund the afghan government. The afghan arm services to the level of 352,000. Regardless of the delay or move to the time line that he has announced today at the request of president gahni certainly the president may have walked right into it. Afghanistan is still a dangerous place and sure enough an afghan reporter jumped up at the end you heard the question. That said simply if it is such a dangerous place and forces are not yet equipped to fight off the taliban and the network and other leapts of course the president yesterday saying that isil was now targeting. Lay leave in 2017 and the president s answer was simply that afghans are going to have to do this on their own. They are going to have to demonstrate to their own people, but to the world that they are capable of providing security within their own country, and not rely on Foreign Forces to do that the day will come sooner or later and evidently that day is the same as it was when the president announced this plan 2017. So while there is an adjustment here in the number of forces American Forces and where they are going to be deployed in this train assist and advice mission with some elements still active the country, the deadline by which american troops are going to be withdrawing with afghanistan has not changed. Mike, for us at the white house, stand by we want to go back to mr. Rosenberg now mr. Rosenberg, how concerned should the u. S. Be about is that situation in afghanistan specifically with what we are seeing in iraq, and now what we are seeing in yemen. If you pull out too quickly the Afghan Forces are not equipped to deal with. And you will have the taliban pushing further in the isis claim coming out of the afghan, will tell you thats just taliban doing a little bit of rebranding, theres no real connection to anybody in the middle east, theres an al quaida presence that has not gone away despite the fact that they have been defeated and dont discount that Counter Terrorism mission the Administration Want today emp