Transcripts For ALJAZAM News 20150101 :

Transcripts For ALJAZAM News 20150101

indonesia. tomorrow an appeals court takes up the case. from the horrific to the heartwarming. the stories that mattered most. our special report, 2014, a closer look. as this year draws to a close so does the war in afghanistan for u.s. led nato forces there. a combat mission that began 13 years ago officially comes to an end today but the fighting goes on as afghanistan continues to face attacks from within. al jazeera's jennifer glasse has more from kabul. >> in 2007, helman province was filled with nato fighters. they had been there for six years. nato troops walked a delicate line in a country suspicious of strangers. >> sort of a double edged sword there could be enemy in there but at the same time reassure the locals we are not there to hurt them or harm them. >> another part of the nato mission was to get rid of opium poppy crops. 13 years and spending $7.5 billion later the opium crop is bigger than ever and the crop employs more than the military forces. while there are 375,000 afghan security forces they are struggling against a resurge entent taliban. the eunlts has united nations has only been keeping track since 2008, but for afghan forces this has been about the worst year yet about 13 soldiers and people die every day. ieds it makes hard for the u.n. to guard against them. >> we don't have enough equipment to get rid of ieds or early warning like icms. we are doing better but suicide attacks ieds is the biggest weapon lost to us. the taliban says the fighting isn't over. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> translator: this war will continue until america and the west completely leaves afghanistan. changing the name or a title is not important for us. as long as the foreign forces are in our country we will continue fighting. >> reporter: and the afghans bear the brunt of that fighting. a doctor in helmut, says not only do the fighters need training many of them are heroin users. >> more than 50% of the police are addicted. how can we be secure in the future? >> this time, the taliban has taken swaths of territory across afghanistan and taliban is reestablishing. jennifer glasse, al jazeera kabul. >> the united states released five more detainees from guantanamo. libby casey has the details. >> no details on security with the country of kazakhstan. these people were geared for release nearly five years ago and they were only being let go now. in the past there have been concerns about tunisia because of persecution and yemen because of enemies there. the man who's served for past 18 months as the obama administration's point-person on guantanamo recently said that 90% of detainees being released were never even suspected of doing something wrong in the first place. well, it's taken longer than expected to release some of these men. one complication is that that special envoy for guantanamo bay, cliff sloane, recently resigned complicated future releases. there are 60 prisoners at guantanamo bay who have been signed off for release so we'll see what 2015 brings for them. political complications have made it tougher to see individuals sent away from the prison. republican push-back even among the democratic ranks as well and strife in president obama's own team. the outgoing defense secretary has wanted to slow down the process of releasing prisoners. the white house has wanted to see it sped up and moved forward. president obama saying he still holds to his pledge of trying to close down guantanamo before he leaves office in two years. >> libby casey reporting. heavy seas and bad weather hamper the rescue efforts in the java sea. but now officials say they have located the wreckage. it was on its way from indonesia to singapore with it was lost in bad weather. 10 vas -- step vasson is there . >> airasia crash of december 28th that weather and large waves south of borneo. >> the transport of the bodies from the ship to the mainland is very difficult. that's why the ship has come to the harbor which is much more time consuming than removing them from the open sea. >> bodies have returned to surabaya, many yet have to be recovered. 90 relatives have supplied data and dna records to help with the identification process. out of respect for the victims and their residents the government has asked people to tone down their new year's celebrations. >> in east java we will all pray for the victims so they can rest in peace and those left behind so they can accept this terrible loss. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> reporter: relatives of the victims held their own ceremony at surabaya airport. some still hoping for a miracle. prayers also for better weather conditions at the crash site. so the recovery process can be speeded up in the next few days and the victims can be reunited with their grieving families. step fasson surabaya, aljazeera. >> passengers waiting to be rescued snapped these aboard the greek owned ferry. flames and clouds of black smoke drifting towards helicopters as they hoisted people to safety. the fire killed ten 98 people are still unaccounted for. palestinian leader mahmoud abbas is trying another tactic. mr. abbas has asked to join the international criminal court. one day after a resolution was turned down to set a day for palestineian release from occupation. >> whether to accept the signed treaty from president abbas. he may consult the u.n. general assembly, it will then take 60 days before the jurisdiction of the international criminal court over palestine. we assume the 1967 borders will come into force. so that would probably be the first of march. but that doesn't then start a case. a case, an investigation can only be started one of three ways. either a referral from the u.n. security council that's not going to happen, the u.s. is going to veto, or the chief prosecutor of the international criminal court could start her own investigation or the third way is that palestine itself requests an investigation. so in many ways, president abbas has played the first of his cards but he has another one up his sleeve. >> james bays in london. in just a few hours a panel of egyptian judges will hear an appeal from the three al jazeera journalists. peter greste, boax baher mohamed and mohamed fahmy were convicted. and whether legal procedures were followed during that trial the three journalists have spent more than a year in prison. al jazeera denies the charges and continues to demand their release. here in new york hundreds of thousands of people are outside braving the cold just a few blocks from our studios. right now they are crammed into times square where the new year's ball will drop in less than four hours and our lucky john terret is out there with them. >> good evening paul from times square and hello from me and a million of new best friends. i'm going to stand aside immediately and frank our cameraman will show you a band that is entertaining the crowd here. including also florida-georgia lined very popular country band and taylor swift the country crossover artist, she's here, those who have been waiting 14 hours just to see her. frank if you can pan down to the revelers, you can see them packing in here tightly. many have been here since 8:00 this morning. the remarkable thing is they can't go anywhere, there are no bathrooms, any port apotties or anything, they have to stand and enjoy the entertainment, if they have to leave they can't get back in. the nypd is on alert to try to make this a very safe evening. we are told there have been threats against officers after the shooting of two policemen in brooklyn on the saturday before christmas. with antirhetoric posted online, after the deaths of eric garner in staten island and michael brown in missouri. patrolling from the sky the rivers, east river hudson river, and on the subways. everybody is hoping for a safe evening and as tradition i will hand back to you with the wearing of the 2015 flashing glasses. paul back to you. >> it's not new year without the funny glass he. a closer look. from the war on ebola to gaza, plus in remembrance their lives made a difference to us all. the many people lost in 2014 who will never be forgotten. big business. >>the state of colorado is profiting immensely off of this. [[vo]] now, we cut through the smoke and find out what's really going on. >>we can show marijuana is leaving colorado. [[vo]] the highs and lows of a year on pot. 2014 a closer look. 2014 has been a very busy year from i.s.i.l. to boko haram to the war on ebola we look back at our reporting on the biggest stories of 2014. we begin in january, with the president's state of the union address. >> the president of the united states. >> tonight a gathering place for those who leave the nation. members of the house and senate, the supreme court and the president's cabinet gather if in a democratic tradition the state of the union address. how will president obama's address affect you? al jazeera break down information from around the country and around the world. >> the president tonight john is going to announce that he's using an executive order to do something about the income gap in america. he will raise the minimum wage for workers employed by private contractors who do work for the federal government to $10.10. this is a big deal but it will only affect a few thousand workers at most. >> the cold hard facts too many americans are working hard to get by, let alone get ahead. and some aren't working at all. americans will not stand by, and neither will i. whatever i can do to expand opportunities for american families that's what i'm going to do. [applause] >> the beijing bound jet was last heard from at 1:30 saturday morning. then air traffic controllers outside kuala lumpur lost contact, thinking the plane lost track here. but there was conflicting reports about the plane's route it's possible the plane turned around and traveled 350 miles in a public health different completely different direction over the straight of malacca. >> over 5 million commercial flights, 18 millionaire miles more than that by now. and all that time we have had one crash with fatalities, that was the crash involving the asiana airlines jet in san francisco international last year. >> celebrations in moscow as change comes to crimea. where ukraine flags once flew today they are russian. and tensions on two sides. after ukrainian soldier in crimea is killed. the world waits for the next move from one president and another. from a break-away republic caught in the middle. the people, the money and an uncertain future. a special report, russia's crimea. >> a stadges standing ovation for their president. a day remembered in history when crimea returned to the mother land. it is unyou undoubtedly the high point of vladimir putin's presidency. he was clear why russia acted when it did. >> health insurance for millions of americans many who did not have coverage before. after years of angry debate. >> what the hell is this, a joke? >> dire predictions. >> your current plan can no longer be offered. >> this plan was really bad. >> it was not horrible. >> the deadline to enroll in the affordable care act is here. what is and is not the likelihood of the law on our special report, obamacare, what now? >> long lines around the country. the problem plagued website overwhelmed, crashed twice. this is proof the signature legislation was needed, many in the middle class will pay more. for the program to be fiscally sound, large numbers of young healthy people need to sign up. >> this is it for anyone who doesn't have medical insurance and can't afford it. this clinic is the only way and unfortunately it is the only one here in our area. >> the avalanche that killed at least 13 sherpas last week has changed everything. there is so much anger in the sherpa community that many are insisting on closing the mountain for rest of the year. the disaster is the worst loss of life ever on the mil mountain. >> translator: the entire sherpa community has been hit by the death of the sherpas. but the government has so far provided little or no relief for families. even if the government gives a small percentage of aid it would mean a lot to the communities. >> now calling off their plans. >> the government's been slightly unfair to everybody involved with the mountaineering business. we pay a lot of fees and they don't always go to the people who deserve it. >> ballots today security was extremely tight. guide scattered attacks millions of people went to the polls to elect a new parliament. and ultimately the country's new prime minister. imron khan presented the day at the polls. >> across the country there have been deaths as a result of violence but this is a day that many thought would not come. election day passed without major incident. here in baghdad there have been no incidents at all. people have come out to vote, unofficially, what groups have told us that turnout might be as high as 60%. >> boko haram loosely translatelied, means western education is sinful. members say they want an islamic state ruled by islamic law. methods are cruel and vicious. the group has already killed more than 1500 people just this year. in the latest attack on monday boko haram is blamed for killing as many as 300 nigerians. the world started paying more attention to boko haram after 276 girls were kidnapped april 14th. the u.s. has sent people in to nigeria to help find them. and rewards for any credible information for their rescue. >> still, violence across the globe, from gaza to iraq and ukraine, the conflicts that define 2014. plus deadly disease the ebola crisis in west africa and america's reaction. 2014, from the rise of i.s.i.l. to the war in gaza. protesters fighting for freedom in hong kong. demanding justice in ferguson, missouri. the icons we lost. the triumphs we won't forget. >> i've been chosen as a nobel laureate. >> the stories that mattered most. our special report, 2014, a closer look. >> good evening and happy new year's eve. i'm paul beban, john siegenthaler has the night off. we look back at the most influential and important stories of the year. this week we marked one year in jail for our three colleagues held in jail in egypt. >> i think regardless, i get -- >> at home in australia the moments when one of the jailed journalists learned their love one's fate. >> seven years for peter greste and others present. my god my god. sorry finish. >> whether watching from afar or inside the courtroom families were devastated learning that being journalists peter greste mohamed fahmy and baher mohamed had received sentences. >> today is an example of everything that ruins people's lives. >> the sentence ignited international outrage just after secretary of state john kerry visited. >> it is a chilling and draconian sentence and it's deeply disturbing to see in the midst of egypt's transition. >> reporter: countries around the world immediately summoned egyptian ambassadors and issued condemnation. >> egypt has taken a wrong decision. >> to australia. >> we are deeply dismayed to the fact that a sentence has been imposed and we are appalled by the severity. >> the hashtag #freeajstaff trended worldwide. outrageous attack on press freedom should be overturned. and others had harsh words for egypt's courts. >> from all around the world people from all persuasions are saying to egypt come on this is wrong. this is showing the world that your judicial system is really a farce. >> israel's invasion of gaza, what this turning point means for the international crisis. >> if you look to my right you can see some light and if you look to the left, blackness. if you could see what i could see, there would be miles and miles of blackout, hundreds of thousands of gazansns with no power, that black out spread for miles. >> israel now that they are into gaza is going to try do as much as they can for as long as they can. inevitably the pressure will build. there will be further ceasefire negotiations, we'll get to that point but i think we're probably talking about several days before the ingredients are there and from both sides they're able to say to their respective constituencies we've done enough. >> that's very tail section of that boeing 777 that was carrying 295 people. in these fields are where those people lost their lives. the very back part of the plane about 200 meters down deeper into the field is the tailfin with the malaysia airlines logo very, very visible. >> the plane was on its way in malaysia when it went down. >> this is the second major tragedy to affect malaysia airlines this year with the loss of another plane in march on route to beijing. prime minister has spoken overnight of his shock and are his dearmings determination that those responsible be found and brought to justice. >> now they have proof the malaysian jet liner was shot down by a surface-to-air missile. evidence about the origin of the missile launch is not conclusive. that's why they are saying it was a missile attack but nobody in the obama administration is pointing a finger at either side. >> violence grips an american suburb. a community in crisis. a deep racial divide. a wall of silence in missouri. still, so many unanswered questions. why did a police officer kill an unarmed black teenager? is a militarized police force heightening the tension attacking freedom of the press and how account community can the community heal? flash point ferguson, the way forward. >> the patch of pavements where michael brown took his last breaths are just two blocks from a quiet street where we met a biracial ferguson couple who have not been protesting. they are among many residents who haven't taken to the streets so their voices haven't been heard much in the days since brown was killed. >> we have ferguson police. >> this husband and father of three worries about retaliation if he speaks out so he doesn't want to show his face. he says the anger that boiled over to looting and violence was misplaced. >> we are mad at the cops. so we should have been standing in fronts of ferguson police station. >> where we going to stop? >> ferguson is a place where the fabric of the social issues have changed enormously. but the old guard is still running the show. >> after a week of confrontation between protesters and police, tuesday's remarks by mayor james knowles of ferguson struck many as more than a little tone-deaf. >> there is not a racial divide in the city of ferguson. >> he said a small number of people are responsible for the protests and he may be right but that doesn't change that ferguson's institutions look very different than the people. mayor, police chief five of the six city council members and most of the school board are white, a reflection of the old face of ferguson. >> ferguson used to be 75% white. just 20 years ago. and now because of the sweeping demographic changes it's almost 70% black. in just 20 years. >> i was michael's art teacher. kindergartener through grade 5. and as an elementary student he was very quiet, just kind of kept to himself. my last experience with michael was the day of his graduation. i had not seen him since fifth grade. and i saw this big kid walking up towards the summer school graduation. and i said -- he said you don't remember me? and i said who are you? i'm michael, michael brown. ♪ ♪ >> fighting i.s.i.l. a brutal enemy. well armed, well funded and growing. iraq and syria under siege. thousands of lives lost. millions on the run. >> we will degrade and ultimately destroy i.s.i.l. >> america leads another new battle in a region devastated by war. will there be u.s. ground troops? what will it take to stop them? and what will it cost? our special report, fighting i.s.i.l. >> since launching nearly ten years ago the group of has changed its name repeatedly. many including the president still refer to it i.s.i.l islamic state of iraq and the levant, and others call it i.s.i.s, islamic state of iraq and syria. they are both translation of the islamic name. now simply declares itself the islamic state. calls itself a fiscal fate. therecaliphate. >> i.s.i.l. is so violent and so feared. not even al qaeda will work with it. some in the west consider it a significant danger. >> what we see in syria and now in iraq, in terms of i.s.i.s, is the most serious threat to britain's security that there is today. >> for months rebels have been claiming territory across syria and then iraq. and inninganddemanding people convert to islam pay a tax or be killed. >> it's grotesque targeted acts of violence, show all the warning signs of genocide. >> armed with american weapons abandoned by retreating iraqi forces. >> given all the advances that i.s.i.s. or i.s.i.l. has made i think their accounts have grown substantially above any group. >> the group began as part of al qaeda in iraq, after the uprising after the u.s. invasion in 2003. but a serious civil war raged next door, fighters broke off from al qaeda. to carve out a territory ruled by strict interpretation of islamist law where mannequins faces need to be covered. it's leader abu bakr al-baghdadi, was captured by u.s. forces in 2005 but later released. he's declared himself the leader of all muslims and openly challenges america. strong, and uses social media to control thousands of westerners. and hundreds of america. it appeals largely to men in their 20s many from troubled backgrounds. >> living in the west i know how you are. >> a recent study found a surprising number of european recruits. 6% are new to islam many are second and third generation immigrants have no experience in fighting and no connection to syria. >> i.s.i.l. has targeted women throughout its brutal campaign. selling women for sex and marriage. other women have been pushed from their homes trying to care for their families in makeshift camps. josh rushing visitsome camps of women forced to carve out a life in these horrible conditions. >> ramona tola, is a stay at home mom. the home she keeps for her family is a tent in a crowded refugee camp. >> translator: this is not a life. we have to walk a long distance to get to the toilets and i'm afraid to go there at 3:00 or 4:00 a.m. i'm worried about my children, they are always getting sick. >> more than 3 million people have been displaced by the crisis in syria and iraq. >> they show me their ration card. they have 17 people living in this tent. she takes these cards to get food for that many people. >> josh who is running these camps? >> a lot of them are run by krg. we went to some camps where there was no management whatsoever. >> we have heard that women are the pillar of the family but at the same time do they have any power in this situation? >> in this type of society the men have the most power but what decisions are to be made? it's hot. 120 plus degrees windy dirty the water is bad they have no plan to get out they have no plan about what to do next and they don't want to go back to their village. i went to christian camps yaz yazidi camps rg muslim camps and they have no idea -- >> up next. >> good morning vietnam. >> i shall not be moved. i loved it. >> remembering those we lost in 2014. >> 2014, a closer look. >> welcome back. as the year 2014 comes to a close, we're taking a closer look at some of the stories that mattered most this year. by the fall the november mid term election was making headlines here in the united states while the ebola crisis already devastating west africa was beginning to spread. >> president obama tries to reassure the nation that ebola is under control. >> these protocols work. >> but some aren't convinced. >> we need to consider our health. >> nurses in dallas say they didn't get the right training. and now a second nurse comes down with ebola. the cdc says it was ready. >> we're stopping it in its tracks in this country. >> but are u.s. hospitals really prepared? the ebola crisis. >> a second health care worker from dallas has the disease. she's a 29-year-old nurse amber vinson who treated that dallas patient who died. diagnosing a person with ebola can be a lengthy process. it requires close monitoring and a lot of patience. the most crucial factor is time. for more we turn to our science and technology expert jake ward with the latest, jake. >> here in dallas there are obviously great questions here, where couldn't this have somehow been detected more quickly. well the trouble is that it turns out detecting ebola is a very complicated process. in a perfect world anyone in close contact with a person infected with ebola would be tested in the first moments after exposure but unfortunately the virus doesn't show up that quickly. testing people too early leads to missed diagnoses and false positives. so the current procedure is to monitor patients until they develop symptoms like fever or bleeding. but while we can't test earlier we might be able to test faster. currently the test for ebola can take as long as three days to process. consider that nina pham reported her symptoms on friday and her test results came back positive on sunday. that window means the second nurse was on a plane. could have reduced the waiting time until ten minutes. perhaps a faster test for nina pham could have kept her co-worker off the plane. >> america votes 2014. we've got reactions from around the globe. the stakes can't be higher. >> the republicans have just won the seats they need to gain control of the senate. tom tillis has beat senator kay hagen. >> a country one-third as large as the united states, i'm not just talking about a matter of size here. in this smaller country the politics are different. when i say another country i'm serious, it really is like another country. for one thing it's a whiter country. made up of richer older people, they decide the fate of poorer grouped whogroup who to not vote. results would be different if everyone who could cast a ballot did so. >> a rallying cry for republicans, a red line for president obama. >> this country is going to do what it should have been doing for several years. >> after years of delay and a decisive mid term election, congress puts the keystone pipeline on the fast track. how much will it cost? who will pay? and is it worth it? >> okay xl. >> the facts the science and the big money politics fueling the fight. >> on bear butte in the black hills of south dakota, tribe members burn sage and pray to mother earth. >> we make offerings to the sacred water. >> to the lakota, water is nature's medicine, but some say it can be poisoned if keystone pipeline is built. tar sands running 1100 miles from montana to nebraska, in south dakota it would skirt seven native american reservations including the cheyenne river reservation. >> the pipeline would be approximately four miles to the right here to the wefs. >> that's too close for 60-year-old steve vance who lives on the reservation. he worries if the pipeline ruptures it could pollute the chie ann and oglala aquifer. >> when the pipe breaks which i know it will, it's not going to leak just oil. it's going to leak other chemicals. >> you say there's no environmental risk. >> i say there's very little environmental risk and i would say we need to place the value of people's lives very high. and this is the safest in terms of human safety. this is what all the statistics say. this is what the state department says. people's lives are most important and the amounts that might be spilled are minuscule in terms of the percentage of product that is carried. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> the president's plan, up to five million undocumented residents allowed to stay and work. six million more still facing life in the shadows. a border crisis fueling anger across the country. president obama acts alone on immigration reform. >> to start fixing our broken immigration system. >> as republicans vow to strike back. >> but that's not how democracy works. >> for year, congress has failed to act on immigration tonight the president will act alone to change the lives of millions. >> living free but in fear. men women and children all with a very uncertain future. under president obama's plan 5 million of these undocumented immigrants will be able to stay and work in the u.s., to be sure the battle over their fate will likely end in washington. but for many it begins in places like this. >> this is disputed gang territory. >> san pedro sula a honduran city. crippled by violence. our paul beban was there. they are desperate to escape gangs and see no alternative but to run for the border. >> so many are being deported from the u.s. what happens to them when they come back to honduras. >> the future of those kids if they have to come back is worse. they have journeyed to try to reunite with family. they are going to come back to an empty house and end up in the streets. >> from the streets of honduras to the desert of texas some 35 miles beyond the checkpoint for some this is where the journey to america ends. since 2009400 migrants have died in wide stretches of land in brooks county. heidi zhou-castro talked to investigators with the grim task of finding and identifying the dead. >> there's some bones buried here. there is a lot of bones buried here. >> often strained the resources and the finances of places like baton rouge louisiana. jonathan met a woman whose workload is crushing really. >> so you're not the english teacher are you? >> i'm not. i'm the algebra teacher the world geography teacher about they need me to be. >> in murieta california, buses containing women and children transported to a processing center were met with years. and they stand on their own. >> when do i it i'm fully committed to watching the border, cleaning up the invasion trails. >> a flash point in this fight. while politicians bicker, millions of lives hang in the balance. >> so we're going to offer the following deal. if you've been in america for more than five years, if you have children who are american citizens or legal residents, if you register, pass a criminal background check and you're willing to pay your fair share of taxes you'll be able to stay in this country temporarily without fear of deportation. >> i cried when i heard obama's speech. >> what will be mean for detail life on the island of cuba, where a yearly wage is only $60? cuba looking like the island that time forgot. that's especially true when you step into the streets of havana and see a fleet of classic american cars, from chevrolets, beuks andbuicks and a few desotos. these would have ended up on the scrapheap years ago instead they serve as taxis and provide a life line that's desperately needed here. the people of cuba have been forced to get most of their necessities on the black market. there are staples of cuba that may be transformed by better relations with the united states something that lifts the country up rather than tearing it apart. >> straight ahead, remembering the icons we lost in 2014, plus stunning and unforgettable images. the year's best photoadjournment. photojournalism. >> on techknow >> we should not be having earthquakes in texas >> the true cost of energy hits home... >> my yard is gone... >> are we destroying our way of life? >> contaminated water from the fracking activities come here >> they stick it to the core of the earth >> but this cutting edge technology could be the answer >> the future of fracking is about the water >> protecting the planet saving lives... >> how do you convince a big oil company to use this? techknow only on al jazeera america 2014, a closer look. they were actors and activists musicians and artists and athletes. here's a closer look at some of those who are gone but not forgotten. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ what would you do if i sang out a tune ♪ ♪ would you stand up and walk out on me ♪ ♪ it's lonely lonely lonely ♪ ♪ what becomes of the broken hearted ♪ ♪ who had love that's now departed ♪ ♪ where have all the flowers gone, long time passing ♪ ♪ ♪ >> people don't tell the truth. they don't tell the truth in a hundred different ways. >> and defend the laws of the district of columbia. >> just like a tree that's can't get by the water ♪ ♪ i shall not be moved ♪ here professor. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> you know how to whistle don't you, steve? you just put your lips together and ... blow. >> i'm going to write a show right here. ♪ on the good ship lollipop ♪ >> mrs. robinson you're trying to seduce me, aren't you? >> the secret is laughter. can we talk? my house is so filthy, oh, michael jackson puts on both gloves before he walks in. >> i've had an amazing life. if it ended right now ... amazing life! >> good morning vietnam! you do an eclectic celebration of the dance you do fosse fosse fosse martha graham, ooh! >> not any of us have long on this earth i'm pleading, make a wish think of me. >> that is our special report, 2014, a closer look. i'm paul beban in new york. thank you for joining us, here's to a happy healthy and peaceful 2015, as we leave you we'll show you some of the most striking and memorable photographs of the year. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

Related Keywords

Vietnam , Republic Of , Louisiana , United States , Kazakhstan , Honduras , Australia , Beijing , China , California , Syria , Russia , Washington , District Of Columbia , Brooks County , Texas , Kabul , Kabol , Afghanistan , Surabaya , Jawa Timur , Indonesia , Ukraine , San Francisco , East Java , Nigeria , Egypt , Havana , Ciudad De La Habana , Cuba , Greece , New York , Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia , Moscow , Moskva , Missouri , London , City Of , United Kingdom , Tunisia , Staten Island , Iraq , Baghdad , South Dakota , Cheyenne River , Nebraska , Israel , Colorado , Gaza , Israel General , Hong Kong , Java Sea , Oceans General , Oceans , Dallas , Yemen , Brooklyn , Honduran , Americans , Russian , Greek , Afghans , Egyptian , Britain , Afghan , Ukrainian , Iraqi , Nigerians , Malaysian , Palestinian , American , Nina Pham , Steve Vance , Michael Brown , Vladimir Putin , Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi , Martha Graham , Imron Khan , Mahmoud Abbas , Al Jazeera Jennifer , Libby Casey , Michael Jackson , John Kerry , Tom Tillis , Pedro Sula , Cliff Sloane , Al Jazeera America , Mohamed Fahmy , Al Qaeda , Baher Mohamed , James Knowles , Okay Hagen , Amber Vinson ,

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