Transcripts For ALJAZAM News 20141223 :

Transcripts For ALJAZAM News 20141223

again. we begin with the fall out in new york across the nation after the murders of two new york city police officers, ambushed, gunned down whilst sitting in a patrol car. targeted because they were police officers. it comes in the wake of protests over the killings of unarmed black men. there's debate, division in the city of new york and fear on all sides. jonathan betz has more. >> the concern is growing that this could trigger copy cat attacks in other cities. officers are onalert. there's anger not just at the murderer, but also new york's leaders. >> reporter: in new york vigils were held for fallen officers. the city's mayors called for protests to be put on hold. >> i'm asking everyone across the spectrum to put aside protests, demonstrations, until the funerals are past. let's focus just on the families, and what they have lost. >> some say the weeks of demonstrations directed at police over the recent deaths of unarmed black men in new york and missouri helped trigger the murder of two new york police officers this afternoon. >> there's blood on many hands tonight. those that incited violence on the street under the guise of protests. >> the new york police union blames mayor bill de blasio, accusing him of being more sympathetic to protesters than police. officers turned their back on him when they visited families. >> i think he lost it with some protesters. >> reporter: former mayor criticized president obama. >> we had four months of prop propaganda starting with the president that everyone should hate the police. pittsburgh is doubling other measures. >> traffic stops. calls of a specific nature. high priority calls, we are asking for police officers to wait for backup. >> break-ins, say investigators work alone. he was clearly working alone when he killed wenjian liu, and mitt romney. posting on instagram: sh mayor bill de blasio visited the slain officer's families and urged calm in a city that has seen a lot of pain. >> our first obligation is to respect the families in mourning, stand by them when we can new york's police commissioner downplayed the risk between officers and the mayor, the risk was not amplified but they had support from the mayor, but not since the 1970s has there been this tension between city hall and the police. the first victim is in saturday. ismaaiyl brinsley shot his girlfriend in the summer saturday. she is in critical but stable condition. president obama strongly condemned the killing of the two police officers. lisa is in washington. >> john, he did, indeed, so did the attorney-general holder. and we heard from the deputy attorney-general, james cole, calling the killings boundless acts. we needed to continue the discussion about the use of force in the police department. it does not conflict with supporting the men and women in uniform. >> we have supported hour police officers and law enforcement personnel from the time i have gotten here and years and decades. we need to make sure we have conversations about how policing can be done effectively, how we can have community policing going forward, and at the same time we need to protect law enforcement personnel. >> now, the justice department is investigating the deaths of michael brown in ferguson, missouri, and eric garner in new york for civil rights violations, and late today the department announced that it will now investigate the milwaukee death of don trey hamilton. protesters were back on the streets in milwaukee today after it was determined that the police officer that shot hamilton 14 times last april will not face charges. the country prosecutor determining that that officer acted in self defense. and the civil rights division of the department of justice opened investigations in 20 police departments, just recently in fact finding that the cleveland police department had a patten of use excessive use of force. the white house appointed a task force to look at how communities and police can come together and work together and try to improve the relationships. that task force is expected to report back to the president in march. a lot going on all in the context, of course, of the demonstrations, the killings, and the horrific shootings in new york city thank you very much. richard aborn is the president of the citizens crime commission and new york city and is the studio. are you surprised by the rehabilitation of the new york police. >> the unions? >> yes. is that what it is? >> well, it's the union leadership. >> there were a lot police officers that turned their back. the reaction from many police officers, i don't know if they are in the union, you seemed to point out the union. >> the reaction of every day police officers is they go about their job. they are thankful for that. union officials are angry, they have been under seem, the butt of protests, so they are feeling isolated. they have lost two of their brethren in a brutal assassination. they are angry and that is coming out. we need to give them space. >> let's listen to patrick lynch first, before we talk. >> what the police officers felt after the press conference is that they were thrown under the bus. that they were out there doing a difficult job in the middle of the night protecting the lights of the rites of those to protest, protecting sons and daughters and the mayor is behind microphones throwing them under the bus. >> i think that was an older press conference, not yesterday. >> that was in response to the eric garner verdict. >> yes. >> and what happened in new york city. i mean, first of all, did the mayor - before the attack, did the mayor throw the police department under the bus. >> absolutely did not throw the police department nor the police under the bus. the mayor has been supportive. he's been saying how strongly he feels about the n.y.p.d. he's given the n.y.p.d. unprecedented amounts. hundreds of millions to bring in technology, 35 million for training, and he's been very, very supportive. there is a problem. we have to be honest about the problem. there's a divide between the communities, most of colour and the police. and the mayor is addressing that. it is not an easy position. what does the attack have to do. >> people talk about the mayor. >> i understand that. this attack has nothing to do with any of that. this is an individual who engaged in an act of violence like we have seen with many movement, abortion, civil rights. it happens a lot. it's nothing to do with the protest, the mayor, the unions or the police. this is a deranged individual. let's not give them more credit than that. >> the police department, african-american communities and the mayor seems to be at odds. >> here is something said. i'm directly involved. this was beginning to move together in the right direction. >> the police and the communities were getting along, talking. >> they were talking, we were training, changing procedures. it was starting to happen. this happens. the only thing that could compound the tragedy is if we allow this to stop that process. we are not going to do that. everyone i spoke with today, sunday and saturday is determined to move us forward, from the mayor to the commissioner and everyone else. >> you heard mayor giuliani and others come out and say that there is a connection between what the mayor has said since the protests, not after in, but since the protest, and the murder of the police officers. >> mayor giuliani in a display of grand logic. i'm not crediting what giuliani is saying. >> they talk about hate speech. >> there's no hate speech from bill de blasio. nothing you can categorise him as saying hate speech. that would stretch credulity. >> they support the protesters speaking of hate against the police officers, turning up the situation, and creating a situation which apparently a crazed man acts. >> that is not what is happening. we have had hundreds of thousands of protesters, 30 to 50,000 in new york, and by and large 95, 98% acted in a peaceful, lawful way and the cops showed remarkable restraint in policing the demonstrations. it's almost the quintessential sample of how to exercise human rights. there has been a few people engaging in violence. let's not place at the foot of the protesters those acts, at the same way we shouldn't place it at the foot of bill de blasio. >> can he handle this? it appears to be getting out of his control. >> it's not getting out of his control. i was at the press conference. >> you understand why i'm saying that. >> yes, of course. he's a brand new major, he has to appeal to two constituencies and bring them together. >> is the constituency that he's on one side, not the other. >> not in the eyes of everywhere. in fact, look at the polling data in new york. you don't see that. >> how does he change that perception or does he want to. >> he's in the position to be the healer. he is in a position to reach out to the union. we don't need the union to apologise or back off. the mayor needs to reach out and bring it into city hall. and do the same thing. >> do you remember seeing where the mayor walked down and police turned their back on him. >> no. >> they are remarkable to say the least. >> two officers have been brutally assassinated. they are deeply hurt and angry. they are deal with the incident two hours earlier. yes, they are in a stuff moment. >> it's good to see you, i know you are in the middle of all this. >> now to north korea, widespread internet outages reported through that country. online access totally down. it's not clear if the outages were retribution for the cyber attack. the fbilinged north korea to that hacking. the white house says it plans to respond. >> we urge north korea to exercise restraint, to refrain from further actions. we are considering a range of options in response. we are not going to discuss publicly operations or comments on the reports in any way. except to say that as we implement responses, some will be seen, some will not be seen. >> north korea threatened uns specified strikes against the white house, pentagon and the mainland if america re talliates. the national security council says it has no information to share about north korea's outages. >> now to afghanistan, where the battles between the taliban and afghan forces are on the rise. in some errors police are struggling to maintain security. jennifer glasse reports from kabul. >> the people of this district say hundreds of taliban fighters infiltrated the area. the leaders say they had no choice but to fight for themselves. >> it is difficult terrain. it's a door to afghanistan. if a door is unlocked, anyone scan get in -- can get in. >> afghan security forces failed to drive the taliban out of the area. women and children are trapped in some villages, people are impatient with the government. >> if they are not going to help us, we will meet the taliban. and make a deal with them. and then the taliban will control this area. >> about 300 kilometres away police are building new check points along a highway linking kabul to kandahar. here, too, the taliban is causing trouble. >> translation: the security situation is bad, they are not from taliban. they come from three districts and continue to cause areas and a lot of damage. >> despite the police presence, people are worried. rows of shops are abandoned. roadside bombs are a frequent threat. the n.a.t.o. withdrawal was almost complete. 13,000 soldiers will stay in moving next year. they have taken heavy losses, and afghans hope the army and navy learn enough to stand up there were mass protests in germany, 17,000 people turned out for an anti-islam rally in dresden. nick spicer has that story. it's a protest movement that surprised germany and unsettled people. the leader does the talking. followers are told that freedom of speech is at stake. counterdemonstrators who spoke out got this welcome. the agenda clearly the most for the patriotic europeans against the islamification of europe. >> immigration of muslim people is not very positive for the people in europe. that is the reason we are here, together with my daughter, since the future is also something that they should be concerned about. >> riot police, as in weeks past keep demonstrators away. some say they are ashamed of the city. where the far right demonstrates every year on the way dresden was fireboped. -- firebombed. providing fertile ground. >> it is a shame for the city and germany that there are movements from the political party or site. for our nation and our country, and for the citizens, and it's really bad to represent my town, and the meaning of germans. >> they are people which are tolerant. >> if the people are against them, the same can't be said for germany's political class as a whole. some think they should be shunned, others think a dialogue should be done, and others that it should be condemned outright. that includes the german chancellor. they say that the assembly must be respected, but islamaphobia has no place in germany. >> next, the pope's surprisingly harsh words for the central governing body of the catholic church. >> forced to restrict anger use while millions of gallons are used for fracking. top vatican officials gathered for the pope's annual christmas message. instead of typical holiday cheer, they were repry mapped by their boss -- reprimanded by their boss. >> this is a speech to the catholic church's central administrative body. pope francis used the occasion to fire off a stinging rebuke, league a lump of coal in the curious christmas stocking. it's a colourful christmas tradition, hundreds of priests, cardinals and bishops gathering together to hear from the pope. they learnt this would be anything but a happy occasion. pope francis launched into a laundry list of the failures and short comings, saying top church officials are sick with greed and love. >> this cams from the pathology -- comes from the pathology of power, from nazism those that look at their own image and don't see the image of god on the face of the weakest and needy. >> reporter: with footnotes and biblical references he claimed things that afflicted his audience. >> there's the illness of the mental and spiritual petrified. those that lose their sense, hiding behind their papers, becoming machines of bureaucracy. it was a blistering message. one from a groundbreaking pope. the first jesuit and latin america and non-european in more than 1,000 years. since election, francis refused many of the trappings, living in simple quarters, rather than the lavish papal apartments. he ordered 400 sleeping bags be given out to homeless people in rome. this is not the first time pope francis has criticized intrigue. by calling for self-examination, he made it clear that overhauling the scandal plagued will be a top priority in the new year. there were few smiles in that vatican audience today. the pope finished on a beat note, before wishing everyone a merry christmas. francis said they should try to be joyful, that a dose of humour should do them some good. >> not sure that was an up note. the reverend paul is the executive director, religion editor that is of the "the huffington post." good to have you on the programme. what do you make of this? >> this is something he feels strongly about. >> waits for the christmas season to lecture the guys in public. >> let's think about christmas. it's a season, it is a time of self-renection, waiting for the new life to come in. what better time to think about ways to bring in new life and thinking about ways that you might let old shatos go, and i think that that is - sh is pastoral tough love. >> i'm not sure that he let it go. he's getting on top of it, beginning to get on top of it. >> he did something similar last year, and people were shocked then. he talked about mediocrity and gossip. he was like isn't this a party, aren't you supposed to be celebrating ourselves, not so this year or last year. and takes the opportunity to talk about what kind of a church he wants. talking to top officials, and letting them know where his heart is. >> i wondered about translation. the pope mentioned disease. he was suggesting that all of these top vatican officials have a number of diseases, and you picked the topic, but he addressed it. do you think that's a translation problem. is he talking about a disease? >> he's talking about disease in the sense that the prince of peace, jesus is known as a healer, he is hoping that the tendencies towards lack of joy, of pre-funk tory mediocrity. >> not focussed on the poor. >> the opposite. he says deaifying power. >> and being in the limelight. >> he wanted them to remember who they are serving. let's think about this, this is christmas. we are talking about jesus born in a meaninger, no place, a homeless pesent, and you have people that like their vestment. and the pope never lined it. >> the pope says he wants the smell of sheep. one of the first things he said was i want a poor church that is for the poor. i think he's pounding away. also i want to mention this - he's one of two people that have seen the report, that came out before the conclave. the other person was pope benedict. they know how deept the mill ace is, and this is his chance to lay it out. he's putting it on notice. you have to do better. we as a church have to do better. >> he alluded to the problem of sexual abuse. he didn't speak to it. give me your thoughts about what could have been the reaction in that room when they left, when it was over. are they going to go back and change their ways. will that be the same old same old. >> i think... >> how do you change an organization like that. >> these are people that have come at it. this is meant to be a vocation, a calling, something that they were spiritually called to do. on one level they have to react on that level. on the other level, they are hearing what amounts to their boss saying i need you to do better. i need us as a church to do better. many of us have been in rooms like that. we have choices to make at that point. are we going to get with the programme or do what we do. and, you know, to those that keep doing what they are doing, good luck. the pope means business. >> good to see you. thank you for joining us. interesting perspective. >> at the vatican a breach of security at st. peter's basilica. a businessman managed to evade the guard, climb on top of the basilica, and is protesting new laws. this is the man's fifth protest. and he intends to stay there until christmas day. coming up next - new threats from north korea after the u.s. blamed the country. cuban children - hopes for the future after the historic deal with the united states. hi, everyone. is this is al jazeera america, i'm john seigenthaler: cyber attack, u.s. and north korea trade threats over the sony hack. gas and water - why many in the state of california say fracking and the drought don't mix. >> price confusion. why oil prices are lower. >> i try to do my best. >> but some americans are paying more to heat their homes. >> and the 2004 tsunami. 200,000 killed. 10 years later, what is done to save lives? north korea's limited access to the internet was cut off for much of the day. the problem coming days after the fbi was accused of hacking into sony pictures. the white house vowed to respond. u.s. officials say they had no information on north korea's outages. the sony hack is raising tensions between washington and pyongyang. >> i don't think it was an act of war, i think it was an act of cyber vandalism that was costly and expensive. we take is seriously. >> the attack at sony is considered retaliation for the movie "the interview", showing the assassination of kim jong un. they have clear evidence that the white house was involved in developing a plot of "the interview." the leader kim jong un says he will retaliate. sony says it plans to release the movie, but hasn't decided how or when. we talk to an ethical hacker, someone hired to break into the computer system. he is the founder of triber media. welcome. >> thank you. >> do you think that the united states lashed back and shut down korea's internet. >> anything is possible. the military has five areas where they wage war - air, land, sea, space and the last one cyber space. so they do have a military sanction. >> the u.s. could launch a cyber war against north korea. >> yes. cyber attack - cyber specialists were responsible for what happened. >> without us imposing about it. >> of course. why would they let us know. >> i mean. the old days of war, you knew when you dropped a bomb on north korea or another country, that that bomb landed. but you don't know who commits these attacks. as sony found out. >> right. we don't know if the attack came from north korea earth. >> all right. >> so the story amazing. >> do you believe it came from north korea? >> no, not for a minute. >> let's say the white house, federal bureau of investigation believe it came from north korea. >> john, if you sign up for my class on hacking, on day one, we would learn how to cover your tracks. the way to do it is to break. >> a low-security computer. >> you teach people how to hack? >> i do. i used to teach security professionals how to protect themselves against hacker. >> and now. >> now i run a start up. >> that's what you used to do. we have same types of concerns. we have to fortify our infrastructure against possible attack. >> the hacker group, the guardians of peace claim responsibility for the attack on sony. >> do you think that's credible. >> sounds like they are seeking attention. obviously we are light op facts, and high on speculation. >> let me just play this out. you are saying that maybe north korea didn't do this. >> and that it is possible that north korea didn't do it. north korea is responding to the united states claiming they did it. and if somebody else could have started a conflict, not that united states and north korea got along, but someone else could have started a serious conflict. >> throughout history there's a lot of cases of false slack, where something happens, you sniggate it to begin with in order to retaliate. these are a lot of high-level machinations that we are not privy too. >> you have companies that want your help. >> used to. i worked with major companies in that space. >> is all this publicity - is it good for the film or bad for sony. >> is it good or bad for sony. i tell you who it is good for. seth roggan, and the team that made the movie. >> the movie is now - you haven't had a through the say about it. >> doesn't matter. >> is this a double-edged sword for a hollywood star. >> sony capitulated to north korea at first. that goes against every american fibre in our bodies. right. we are the don't tread on me nation. that's not what we would have done. i understand why sony did it, to be responsibility for possible deaths of theatres and whatnot. that would be bad. sony is not an american company. they acted in a way that i don't think an american company would. >> we have heard there'll be more at christmas. we'll see. >> good to see you. today the united nations security council began the debate on north korea, not the hacking controversy, the state of human rights in that country. kristen saloomey has more. >> north korea's nuclear programme has been an issue of concern, and this is the first time it's taken up the human rights record. it has an abyss mall record, abuses stepping from the highest levels of government and in some cases amounding to crimes against humanity. china objected to the meeting, saying it wasn't the place to discuss this. other countries like the united states feel very differently. the united states, of course, in the midst of that hacking scandal, and the cancellation showing the assassination of north korea's leader. ambassador samantha power said the threats levelled at the united states in the wake of the film and hacking scandal shows how dangerous north korea is, and that it is a threat that spreads beyond north korea's borders kristen saloomey reporting. the hastic deal between -- historic deal between u.s. and cuba could mean new deals. the young people are excited by the possibility of change. >> reporter: on a side street in central havana kids being kids, not a worry in the world. watching on the sideline. this 12-year-old and his friend, waiting to play. at their age they have a view on the changes coming to their country with the promise of better relations with the united states. >> without this blockade we will not have to bring everything from china. maybe the school lunches will get better. everything will be modernized. >> most cubans do not have internet at home. i think it will be better, because we'll have the power to communicate why people that are abroad by internet, to connect and send emails like to my father who has been living in the u.s. >> cuba is a country where big and important decisions would have been made by a small group of leaders. like fidel and his brother raul. it's the cuban children, those so young that have no historical context of where the country has been that could gain the most, especially if the blockade is lifted. either way they'll be the first generation that could be growing up in a new cuba. >> that's if they decide to stay. everywhere around havana, you'll see signs of americana in unusual places. for kids, it's not a political statement, but a surface trend. it's more symbolic than ever of the decision to leave or stay. >> for sure, i want to live in the united states because it's better for my future. >> i want to visit the u.s. i still want to continue to life in cuba. >> reporter: as the sun sets on the famous boardwalk, kids gather to catch the last rays of stun. the youngest knowing full well that their country is entering unshortered waters. >> young immigrants lined up in arizona, to apply for driver's licences. last week the judge ruled that the orders to provide visas for immigrants wasn't constitutional. 20,000 protected by deportation can apply for a licence. coming up next on the broadcast, how people are rebuilding their lives 10 years after the devastating superstorm sandy. one of hollywood's most successful and liberal producers. why norman leer is not happy with president t the journalist. just in time for holiday travel, the cost of the gassing up is falling. according to triple a, now $2.39. for the average driver filling the tank is more than $12 cheaper than last time last year. the reason the plunging price of oil hit $55 a barrel, the lowest in five years. >> prices fell after arab oil ministers said o.p.e.c. would not cut oil production, but are confident that prices would go up soon. erica wood reports from abu dhabi petroleum ministers and analysts from over middle east in north africa, gathered when oil prices have taken a dive, hitting their national budget. saudi arabia and united arab emirates are confident the market will stablilize. others say reducing the output would not help. >> there's a lot of surplus in the market. therefore, the supply is greater than the demand. i think that the push by o.p.e.c. is very wise one. >> exporters from o.p.e.c. represent 40% of the world's oil production. saudi and the united arab emirates minister blamed producers outside the block for the slump, saying they lack coordination, and are acting irresponsibly. neither specified who they thing is to blame. that two of the world's biggest oil producers are not members of o.p.e.c., united states and russia. a refusal by o.p.e.c. to drop the supply of oil of around $30 million could hurt other economies. even those inside the block. iraq is one that has been hit hard. reliant on oil revenue on islamic state of iraq and levant. it's been forced to be more efficient. >> once you reduce your income, it will affect - this is the negative side of it, the positive side of it that we are reducing a lot of unnecessary costs. >> another positive is they have started to export from kirkuk, following an agreement with the kurdish government. kirkuk is functioning once again. not everyone is suffering from the cut in oil prices. jordan says it's saving millions in energy, because diesel and oil is cheaper to import. >> i think for the last four months we save 45 million. >> reporter: he warns it's a short-term gain. big oil producers may be affected. it's the long term that is so difficult to predict. many economists are saying that it could take months for prices to recover and as oil prices continue to drop, some americans are spending more to heat their homes. many families in new england are struggling to stay warm. "real money"s correspondent explains why. >> reporter: this is one of millions of americans who heat their homes with natural gas. half of all u.s. households do. >> i used to do it with orrial. i made the switch. >> she was drawn to natural gas. while newly released government data predicts the bills will drop by $800, her savings may not be as high. the reason distribution, not enough gas can get to the area. >> the squiggly blue lines on the map show all the lines to the north-east. by the time you get to the six states making up new england, there's a thinning. that lack of capacity is blamed for price spikes in heating and electricity. >> the highest bill as far as i can remember was $285. households in the north-east are likely to pay more for national gas. they are expected to rise for 7% over last year, as more people turn up the heat. >> adding to the shortage, increased demand for the region's power plant. it turns out they need natural gas as much of nadia. to understand the impact power plants have on the region's demand for national gas, consider this. in 2000, 40% of the region's electricity was produced using coal or oil. that figure is less than 7%. natural gases by contrast is used to generate half of all the energy consumed in the region. this is an executive for an organization that administers the electricity market. billions of dollars of energy are brought and sold. it's like a stock exchange for history. . >> we have so much natural gas, it's correlated to the price of the fuel. electricity follows the highs and lows of natural gas. that means people that heat their homes are experiencing higher prices because of a lack of pipeline. market forces are tightening wallets all over new england. >> thank god i have a job. i try to do my best to keep up the debate over natural gas and oil is growing in drought-stricken water. fracking uses millions of gallons of water. jennifer london is in los angeles with that story. >> fracking has been happening in california for decades, as residents struggle through the worst drought, many are asking if big oil is getting a free pass to use water, while they are forced to conserve. >> they are restoring our land, water, using up our water. >> home owner is fed up. >> it makes us feel like punctuation. we feel like punctuation. >> morgan and others living west of los angeles face fines if they violate water restrictions. the oil company next door is free to use millions of gallons for fracking. >> they use a bit of drinking water to do the work when we have no water in the reserves. there's no water in the los angeles basin and aquifers. >> reporter: the oil and gas fracking is known for secrecy. we know to frack a well it takes 100,000 gallons up to a million gallons of water. >> in 2013 and 2014, approximately 1600 wells were fracked in california. according to the subdivision of gas and geothermal resources. the state agency in charge of regulating oil and gas. is it regulating and monitoring how much water is used? >> water rites in the state of california and that is not regulated by the state. >> shouldn't the regulatory agency regulate and have oversight. >> if the legislature has the authority to take a look. >> you can't act without the legislature. >> we can't tell someone they can't purchase water. >> it's inexplicable and inexcusable that the state allows the practice to continue. >> this person is with the center for biodiversity, a non-profit battling to stop fracking. >> water is a scarce commodity. many are trying to find ways to keep faucets going. we can't afford to waste water on a dangerous practice like fracking. >> you think it's okay using water in a drought. when everyone is asked to conserve. >> from my point of view as a regulator, we don't have the authority. >> you are not regulating. >> that is not true. >> in 2013, 2014, 11 fracking bills were proposed. eight called for a moratorium. one was past. it goes in effect in 2015. it calls for some increased oversight it will not limit water stories. as californians struggle to survive the worst drought on record. >> who is looking out. it's us. >> we have to get boots on the ground. we have to start as citizens and stand up for our rights and say it's enough. an outright ban on fracking failed. in two northern californian counties, they have passed a localized ban on fracking. others have the same opportunity to pass a ban on fracking at the midterm elections. >> interesting priorities. >> what other options do home owners have? >> well, frankly, they have few. conserving water is a must on their part. without sacramento, passing legislation, limiting the oil and gas that it can use. oil and gas industry does not curtail their use. a number of home owners and environmentalists have demanded. supporters say that it would hurt the economy in california, and cost thousands of jobs. >> surprising story. >> thank you very much. >> we'll have more on this tomorrow. the impact of tracking on california's lucrative almond industry 10 years ago this week a devastating earthquake and series of tsunamis hit south-east asia, more than 230,000 were diswept away. yet the rubble, stories of survival and empowerment are coming. morgan radford has more on that. >> these children survived the tsunami in india lost everything. their homes and loved ones. without parents they gaped strength from each other. they were the hardest. they are becoming emotionally well built. they are something different. >> she lost three of her own children in the 2004 superarmy. she felt it was her duty to start an orphan im to help those that did survey. >> i have to do something in my life. they are afraid of things. >> is now she sits on the site where her hut was washed away, recalling the hardship faced by many after the storm. women struggled from everything from relief to medical support and counselling. women shouldered the responsibilities of the home. back then, no one helped them. >> so someone started to take control. she helped many women to let the support they needed and what started as a call for unity turned into the national coastal movement. someone protected me. i live peacefully with my children. free from violence. >> the movement grew to include 10,000 members. >> why the waters took so much away they gave her a chance to do so much more much. >> forecasters are tracking a storm that could cause travel problems on christmas eve. kevin corriveau is here with that. >> looking at what is happening now, over 75%. countries are affected by the one system. 98 million people will be travelling over the next couple of days on the rails, roads and airways. we are seeing heavy rain. most of the major hubs in the united states or the east will be affected. big travel day tomorrow. temperatures not looking bad up to the 40s, to the north. as we go towards christmas eve, it will be up to the north-east. things will clear out across the south. dallas will be good, atlanta better, from boston new york and washington. there'll be big problems. especially on later in the day. we are looking at the temperatures. not too bad to the south-east. 58 degrees in new york well above average. it will be a very rainy christmas. >> i want to take you up here and though you anchorage. we are looking at the annual polar plunge for the special olympics across the area. hundreds of people participating in this area. temperatures looking like this. we'll see - let me though you that. we don't have the traffic. it is above average. 32 degrees. >> norman created some of the most groundbreaking tv shows "all in the family", and others. tv shows that pushed the boundary on the issue of race and discrimination. at 92 he is active with the advocacy group he founded - people for the american which, and told al jazeera's adam that that bigotry is alive and well and expected more from president obama. >> i wanted the country to look in the mirror and see ourselves honestly. i wanted the inner - didn't need to flag it. he had to help us understand who we were as americans. which is to say my bumper sticker was another version. we are just another version of everybody else. and i think he had all of the intellect and everything else. to have helped us with that. >> you are a liberal person. is he not liberal enough, not progressive enough. >> i don't know. the country needs a father. in every sense of the word. a father helps you understand your own humanity. and mid in of a father. who you are as a human being, we need to know who we are as americans. we don't have the help in the establishment. the president, an individual. we have individuals in the media. you know, you can ask the question how good a job is the media doing depending on an informed citizens, to understand what it needs to understand to be led on. >> you can see more of adam's interview on al jazeera. 9:30 eastern, 6:30 pacific bill crocker died. he had several hits in the '70s, and the '80s ♪ upchain my heart . >> some included "you are so beautiful", and "a little help from my friends", he decided in colorado of lung cancer. he was 70 years old. ♪ my baby [ cheering and applause ] now the picture of the day, holiday cheer, festive light show in morning calm. the oldest private gardens in the country, lites with millions of lights of the the display attracting big crowds every christmas. i'm john seigenthaler. "faultline" is next.

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Transcripts For ALJAZAM News 20141223 :

Transcripts For ALJAZAM News 20141223

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again. we begin with the fall out in new york across the nation after the murders of two new york city police officers, ambushed, gunned down whilst sitting in a patrol car. targeted because they were police officers. it comes in the wake of protests over the killings of unarmed black men. there's debate, division in the city of new york and fear on all sides. jonathan betz has more. >> the concern is growing that this could trigger copy cat attacks in other cities. officers are onalert. there's anger not just at the murderer, but also new york's leaders. >> reporter: in new york vigils were held for fallen officers. the city's mayors called for protests to be put on hold. >> i'm asking everyone across the spectrum to put aside protests, demonstrations, until the funerals are past. let's focus just on the families, and what they have lost. >> some say the weeks of demonstrations directed at police over the recent deaths of unarmed black men in new york and missouri helped trigger the murder of two new york police officers this afternoon. >> there's blood on many hands tonight. those that incited violence on the street under the guise of protests. >> the new york police union blames mayor bill de blasio, accusing him of being more sympathetic to protesters than police. officers turned their back on him when they visited families. >> i think he lost it with some protesters. >> reporter: former mayor criticized president obama. >> we had four months of prop propaganda starting with the president that everyone should hate the police. pittsburgh is doubling other measures. >> traffic stops. calls of a specific nature. high priority calls, we are asking for police officers to wait for backup. >> break-ins, say investigators work alone. he was clearly working alone when he killed wenjian liu, and mitt romney. posting on instagram: sh mayor bill de blasio visited the slain officer's families and urged calm in a city that has seen a lot of pain. >> our first obligation is to respect the families in mourning, stand by them when we can new york's police commissioner downplayed the risk between officers and the mayor, the risk was not amplified but they had support from the mayor, but not since the 1970s has there been this tension between city hall and the police. the first victim is in saturday. ismaaiyl brinsley shot his girlfriend in the summer saturday. she is in critical but stable condition. president obama strongly condemned the killing of the two police officers. lisa is in washington. >> john, he did, indeed, so did the attorney-general holder. and we heard from the deputy attorney-general, james cole, calling the killings boundless acts. we needed to continue the discussion about the use of force in the police department. it does not conflict with supporting the men and women in uniform. >> we have supported hour police officers and law enforcement personnel from the time i have gotten here and years and decades. we need to make sure we have conversations about how policing can be done effectively, how we can have community policing going forward, and at the same time we need to protect law enforcement personnel. >> now, the justice department is investigating the deaths of michael brown in ferguson, missouri, and eric garner in new york for civil rights violations, and late today the department announced that it will now investigate the milwaukee death of don trey hamilton. protesters were back on the streets in milwaukee today after it was determined that the police officer that shot hamilton 14 times last april will not face charges. the country prosecutor determining that that officer acted in self defense. and the civil rights division of the department of justice opened investigations in 20 police departments, just recently in fact finding that the cleveland police department had a patten of use excessive use of force. the white house appointed a task force to look at how communities and police can come together and work together and try to improve the relationships. that task force is expected to report back to the president in march. a lot going on all in the context, of course, of the demonstrations, the killings, and the horrific shootings in new york city thank you very much. richard aborn is the president of the citizens crime commission and new york city and is the studio. are you surprised by the rehabilitation of the new york police. >> the unions? >> yes. is that what it is? >> well, it's the union leadership. >> there were a lot police officers that turned their back. the reaction from many police officers, i don't know if they are in the union, you seemed to point out the union. >> the reaction of every day police officers is they go about their job. they are thankful for that. union officials are angry, they have been under seem, the butt of protests, so they are feeling isolated. they have lost two of their brethren in a brutal assassination. they are angry and that is coming out. we need to give them space. >> let's listen to patrick lynch first, before we talk. >> what the police officers felt after the press conference is that they were thrown under the bus. that they were out there doing a difficult job in the middle of the night protecting the lights of the rites of those to protest, protecting sons and daughters and the mayor is behind microphones throwing them under the bus. >> i think that was an older press conference, not yesterday. >> that was in response to the eric garner verdict. >> yes. >> and what happened in new york city. i mean, first of all, did the mayor - before the attack, did the mayor throw the police department under the bus. >> absolutely did not throw the police department nor the police under the bus. the mayor has been supportive. he's been saying how strongly he feels about the n.y.p.d. he's given the n.y.p.d. unprecedented amounts. hundreds of millions to bring in technology, 35 million for training, and he's been very, very supportive. there is a problem. we have to be honest about the problem. there's a divide between the communities, most of colour and the police. and the mayor is addressing that. it is not an easy position. what does the attack have to do. >> people talk about the mayor. >> i understand that. this attack has nothing to do with any of that. this is an individual who engaged in an act of violence like we have seen with many movement, abortion, civil rights. it happens a lot. it's nothing to do with the protest, the mayor, the unions or the police. this is a deranged individual. let's not give them more credit than that. >> the police department, african-american communities and the mayor seems to be at odds. >> here is something said. i'm directly involved. this was beginning to move together in the right direction. >> the police and the communities were getting along, talking. >> they were talking, we were training, changing procedures. it was starting to happen. this happens. the only thing that could compound the tragedy is if we allow this to stop that process. we are not going to do that. everyone i spoke with today, sunday and saturday is determined to move us forward, from the mayor to the commissioner and everyone else. >> you heard mayor giuliani and others come out and say that there is a connection between what the mayor has said since the protests, not after in, but since the protest, and the murder of the police officers. >> mayor giuliani in a display of grand logic. i'm not crediting what giuliani is saying. >> they talk about hate speech. >> there's no hate speech from bill de blasio. nothing you can categorise him as saying hate speech. that would stretch credulity. >> they support the protesters speaking of hate against the police officers, turning up the situation, and creating a situation which apparently a crazed man acts. >> that is not what is happening. we have had hundreds of thousands of protesters, 30 to 50,000 in new york, and by and large 95, 98% acted in a peaceful, lawful way and the cops showed remarkable restraint in policing the demonstrations. it's almost the quintessential sample of how to exercise human rights. there has been a few people engaging in violence. let's not place at the foot of the protesters those acts, at the same way we shouldn't place it at the foot of bill de blasio. >> can he handle this? it appears to be getting out of his control. >> it's not getting out of his control. i was at the press conference. >> you understand why i'm saying that. >> yes, of course. he's a brand new major, he has to appeal to two constituencies and bring them together. >> is the constituency that he's on one side, not the other. >> not in the eyes of everywhere. in fact, look at the polling data in new york. you don't see that. >> how does he change that perception or does he want to. >> he's in the position to be the healer. he is in a position to reach out to the union. we don't need the union to apologise or back off. the mayor needs to reach out and bring it into city hall. and do the same thing. >> do you remember seeing where the mayor walked down and police turned their back on him. >> no. >> they are remarkable to say the least. >> two officers have been brutally assassinated. they are deeply hurt and angry. they are deal with the incident two hours earlier. yes, they are in a stuff moment. >> it's good to see you, i know you are in the middle of all this. >> now to north korea, widespread internet outages reported through that country. online access totally down. it's not clear if the outages were retribution for the cyber attack. the fbilinged north korea to that hacking. the white house says it plans to respond. >> we urge north korea to exercise restraint, to refrain from further actions. we are considering a range of options in response. we are not going to discuss publicly operations or comments on the reports in any way. except to say that as we implement responses, some will be seen, some will not be seen. >> north korea threatened uns specified strikes against the white house, pentagon and the mainland if america re talliates. the national security council says it has no information to share about north korea's outages. >> now to afghanistan, where the battles between the taliban and afghan forces are on the rise. in some errors police are struggling to maintain security. jennifer glasse reports from kabul. >> the people of this district say hundreds of taliban fighters infiltrated the area. the leaders say they had no choice but to fight for themselves. >> it is difficult terrain. it's a door to afghanistan. if a door is unlocked, anyone scan get in -- can get in. >> afghan security forces failed to drive the taliban out of the area. women and children are trapped in some villages, people are impatient with the government. >> if they are not going to help us, we will meet the taliban. and make a deal with them. and then the taliban will control this area. >> about 300 kilometres away police are building new check points along a highway linking kabul to kandahar. here, too, the taliban is causing trouble. >> translation: the security situation is bad, they are not from taliban. they come from three districts and continue to cause areas and a lot of damage. >> despite the police presence, people are worried. rows of shops are abandoned. roadside bombs are a frequent threat. the n.a.t.o. withdrawal was almost complete. 13,000 soldiers will stay in moving next year. they have taken heavy losses, and afghans hope the army and navy learn enough to stand up there were mass protests in germany, 17,000 people turned out for an anti-islam rally in dresden. nick spicer has that story. it's a protest movement that surprised germany and unsettled people. the leader does the talking. followers are told that freedom of speech is at stake. counterdemonstrators who spoke out got this welcome. the agenda clearly the most for the patriotic europeans against the islamification of europe. >> immigration of muslim people is not very positive for the people in europe. that is the reason we are here, together with my daughter, since the future is also something that they should be concerned about. >> riot police, as in weeks past keep demonstrators away. some say they are ashamed of the city. where the far right demonstrates every year on the way dresden was fireboped. -- firebombed. providing fertile ground. >> it is a shame for the city and germany that there are movements from the political party or site. for our nation and our country, and for the citizens, and it's really bad to represent my town, and the meaning of germans. >> they are people which are tolerant. >> if the people are against them, the same can't be said for germany's political class as a whole. some think they should be shunned, others think a dialogue should be done, and others that it should be condemned outright. that includes the german chancellor. they say that the assembly must be respected, but islamaphobia has no place in germany. >> next, the pope's surprisingly harsh words for the central governing body of the catholic church. >> forced to restrict anger use while millions of gallons are used for fracking. top vatican officials gathered for the pope's annual christmas message. instead of typical holiday cheer, they were repry mapped by their boss -- reprimanded by their boss. >> this is a speech to the catholic church's central administrative body. pope francis used the occasion to fire off a stinging rebuke, league a lump of coal in the curious christmas stocking. it's a colourful christmas tradition, hundreds of priests, cardinals and bishops gathering together to hear from the pope. they learnt this would be anything but a happy occasion. pope francis launched into a laundry list of the failures and short comings, saying top church officials are sick with greed and love. >> this cams from the pathology -- comes from the pathology of power, from nazism those that look at their own image and don't see the image of god on the face of the weakest and needy. >> reporter: with footnotes and biblical references he claimed things that afflicted his audience. >> there's the illness of the mental and spiritual petrified. those that lose their sense, hiding behind their papers, becoming machines of bureaucracy. it was a blistering message. one from a groundbreaking pope. the first jesuit and latin america and non-european in more than 1,000 years. since election, francis refused many of the trappings, living in simple quarters, rather than the lavish papal apartments. he ordered 400 sleeping bags be given out to homeless people in rome. this is not the first time pope francis has criticized intrigue. by calling for self-examination, he made it clear that overhauling the scandal plagued will be a top priority in the new year. there were few smiles in that vatican audience today. the pope finished on a beat note, before wishing everyone a merry christmas. francis said they should try to be joyful, that a dose of humour should do them some good. >> not sure that was an up note. the reverend paul is the executive director, religion editor that is of the "the huffington post." good to have you on the programme. what do you make of this? >> this is something he feels strongly about. >> waits for the christmas season to lecture the guys in public. >> let's think about christmas. it's a season, it is a time of self-renection, waiting for the new life to come in. what better time to think about ways to bring in new life and thinking about ways that you might let old shatos go, and i think that that is - sh is pastoral tough love. >> i'm not sure that he let it go. he's getting on top of it, beginning to get on top of it. >> he did something similar last year, and people were shocked then. he talked about mediocrity and gossip. he was like isn't this a party, aren't you supposed to be celebrating ourselves, not so this year or last year. and takes the opportunity to talk about what kind of a church he wants. talking to top officials, and letting them know where his heart is. >> i wondered about translation. the pope mentioned disease. he was suggesting that all of these top vatican officials have a number of diseases, and you picked the topic, but he addressed it. do you think that's a translation problem. is he talking about a disease? >> he's talking about disease in the sense that the prince of peace, jesus is known as a healer, he is hoping that the tendencies towards lack of joy, of pre-funk tory mediocrity. >> not focussed on the poor. >> the opposite. he says deaifying power. >> and being in the limelight. >> he wanted them to remember who they are serving. let's think about this, this is christmas. we are talking about jesus born in a meaninger, no place, a homeless pesent, and you have people that like their vestment. and the pope never lined it. >> the pope says he wants the smell of sheep. one of the first things he said was i want a poor church that is for the poor. i think he's pounding away. also i want to mention this - he's one of two people that have seen the report, that came out before the conclave. the other person was pope benedict. they know how deept the mill ace is, and this is his chance to lay it out. he's putting it on notice. you have to do better. we as a church have to do better. >> he alluded to the problem of sexual abuse. he didn't speak to it. give me your thoughts about what could have been the reaction in that room when they left, when it was over. are they going to go back and change their ways. will that be the same old same old. >> i think... >> how do you change an organization like that. >> these are people that have come at it. this is meant to be a vocation, a calling, something that they were spiritually called to do. on one level they have to react on that level. on the other level, they are hearing what amounts to their boss saying i need you to do better. i need us as a church to do better. many of us have been in rooms like that. we have choices to make at that point. are we going to get with the programme or do what we do. and, you know, to those that keep doing what they are doing, good luck. the pope means business. >> good to see you. thank you for joining us. interesting perspective. >> at the vatican a breach of security at st. peter's basilica. a businessman managed to evade the guard, climb on top of the basilica, and is protesting new laws. this is the man's fifth protest. and he intends to stay there until christmas day. coming up next - new threats from north korea after the u.s. blamed the country. cuban children - hopes for the future after the historic deal with the united states. hi, everyone. is this is al jazeera america, i'm john seigenthaler: cyber attack, u.s. and north korea trade threats over the sony hack. gas and water - why many in the state of california say fracking and the drought don't mix. >> price confusion. why oil prices are lower. >> i try to do my best. >> but some americans are paying more to heat their homes. >> and the 2004 tsunami. 200,000 killed. 10 years later, what is done to save lives? north korea's limited access to the internet was cut off for much of the day. the problem coming days after the fbi was accused of hacking into sony pictures. the white house vowed to respond. u.s. officials say they had no information on north korea's outages. the sony hack is raising tensions between washington and pyongyang. >> i don't think it was an act of war, i think it was an act of cyber vandalism that was costly and expensive. we take is seriously. >> the attack at sony is considered retaliation for the movie "the interview", showing the assassination of kim jong un. they have clear evidence that the white house was involved in developing a plot of "the interview." the leader kim jong un says he will retaliate. sony says it plans to release the movie, but hasn't decided how or when. we talk to an ethical hacker, someone hired to break into the computer system. he is the founder of triber media. welcome. >> thank you. >> do you think that the united states lashed back and shut down korea's internet. >> anything is possible. the military has five areas where they wage war - air, land, sea, space and the last one cyber space. so they do have a military sanction. >> the u.s. could launch a cyber war against north korea. >> yes. cyber attack - cyber specialists were responsible for what happened. >> without us imposing about it. >> of course. why would they let us know. >> i mean. the old days of war, you knew when you dropped a bomb on north korea or another country, that that bomb landed. but you don't know who commits these attacks. as sony found out. >> right. we don't know if the attack came from north korea earth. >> all right. >> so the story amazing. >> do you believe it came from north korea? >> no, not for a minute. >> let's say the white house, federal bureau of investigation believe it came from north korea. >> john, if you sign up for my class on hacking, on day one, we would learn how to cover your tracks. the way to do it is to break. >> a low-security computer. >> you teach people how to hack? >> i do. i used to teach security professionals how to protect themselves against hacker. >> and now. >> now i run a start up. >> that's what you used to do. we have same types of concerns. we have to fortify our infrastructure against possible attack. >> the hacker group, the guardians of peace claim responsibility for the attack on sony. >> do you think that's credible. >> sounds like they are seeking attention. obviously we are light op facts, and high on speculation. >> let me just play this out. you are saying that maybe north korea didn't do this. >> and that it is possible that north korea didn't do it. north korea is responding to the united states claiming they did it. and if somebody else could have started a conflict, not that united states and north korea got along, but someone else could have started a serious conflict. >> throughout history there's a lot of cases of false slack, where something happens, you sniggate it to begin with in order to retaliate. these are a lot of high-level machinations that we are not privy too. >> you have companies that want your help. >> used to. i worked with major companies in that space. >> is all this publicity - is it good for the film or bad for sony. >> is it good or bad for sony. i tell you who it is good for. seth roggan, and the team that made the movie. >> the movie is now - you haven't had a through the say about it. >> doesn't matter. >> is this a double-edged sword for a hollywood star. >> sony capitulated to north korea at first. that goes against every american fibre in our bodies. right. we are the don't tread on me nation. that's not what we would have done. i understand why sony did it, to be responsibility for possible deaths of theatres and whatnot. that would be bad. sony is not an american company. they acted in a way that i don't think an american company would. >> we have heard there'll be more at christmas. we'll see. >> good to see you. today the united nations security council began the debate on north korea, not the hacking controversy, the state of human rights in that country. kristen saloomey has more. >> north korea's nuclear programme has been an issue of concern, and this is the first time it's taken up the human rights record. it has an abyss mall record, abuses stepping from the highest levels of government and in some cases amounding to crimes against humanity. china objected to the meeting, saying it wasn't the place to discuss this. other countries like the united states feel very differently. the united states, of course, in the midst of that hacking scandal, and the cancellation showing the assassination of north korea's leader. ambassador samantha power said the threats levelled at the united states in the wake of the film and hacking scandal shows how dangerous north korea is, and that it is a threat that spreads beyond north korea's borders kristen saloomey reporting. the hastic deal between -- historic deal between u.s. and cuba could mean new deals. the young people are excited by the possibility of change. >> reporter: on a side street in central havana kids being kids, not a worry in the world. watching on the sideline. this 12-year-old and his friend, waiting to play. at their age they have a view on the changes coming to their country with the promise of better relations with the united states. >> without this blockade we will not have to bring everything from china. maybe the school lunches will get better. everything will be modernized. >> most cubans do not have internet at home. i think it will be better, because we'll have the power to communicate why people that are abroad by internet, to connect and send emails like to my father who has been living in the u.s. >> cuba is a country where big and important decisions would have been made by a small group of leaders. like fidel and his brother raul. it's the cuban children, those so young that have no historical context of where the country has been that could gain the most, especially if the blockade is lifted. either way they'll be the first generation that could be growing up in a new cuba. >> that's if they decide to stay. everywhere around havana, you'll see signs of americana in unusual places. for kids, it's not a political statement, but a surface trend. it's more symbolic than ever of the decision to leave or stay. >> for sure, i want to live in the united states because it's better for my future. >> i want to visit the u.s. i still want to continue to life in cuba. >> reporter: as the sun sets on the famous boardwalk, kids gather to catch the last rays of stun. the youngest knowing full well that their country is entering unshortered waters. >> young immigrants lined up in arizona, to apply for driver's licences. last week the judge ruled that the orders to provide visas for immigrants wasn't constitutional. 20,000 protected by deportation can apply for a licence. coming up next on the broadcast, how people are rebuilding their lives 10 years after the devastating superstorm sandy. one of hollywood's most successful and liberal producers. why norman leer is not happy with president t the journalist. just in time for holiday travel, the cost of the gassing up is falling. according to triple a, now $2.39. for the average driver filling the tank is more than $12 cheaper than last time last year. the reason the plunging price of oil hit $55 a barrel, the lowest in five years. >> prices fell after arab oil ministers said o.p.e.c. would not cut oil production, but are confident that prices would go up soon. erica wood reports from abu dhabi petroleum ministers and analysts from over middle east in north africa, gathered when oil prices have taken a dive, hitting their national budget. saudi arabia and united arab emirates are confident the market will stablilize. others say reducing the output would not help. >> there's a lot of surplus in the market. therefore, the supply is greater than the demand. i think that the push by o.p.e.c. is very wise one. >> exporters from o.p.e.c. represent 40% of the world's oil production. saudi and the united arab emirates minister blamed producers outside the block for the slump, saying they lack coordination, and are acting irresponsibly. neither specified who they thing is to blame. that two of the world's biggest oil producers are not members of o.p.e.c., united states and russia. a refusal by o.p.e.c. to drop the supply of oil of around $30 million could hurt other economies. even those inside the block. iraq is one that has been hit hard. reliant on oil revenue on islamic state of iraq and levant. it's been forced to be more efficient. >> once you reduce your income, it will affect - this is the negative side of it, the positive side of it that we are reducing a lot of unnecessary costs. >> another positive is they have started to export from kirkuk, following an agreement with the kurdish government. kirkuk is functioning once again. not everyone is suffering from the cut in oil prices. jordan says it's saving millions in energy, because diesel and oil is cheaper to import. >> i think for the last four months we save 45 million. >> reporter: he warns it's a short-term gain. big oil producers may be affected. it's the long term that is so difficult to predict. many economists are saying that it could take months for prices to recover and as oil prices continue to drop, some americans are spending more to heat their homes. many families in new england are struggling to stay warm. "real money"s correspondent explains why. >> reporter: this is one of millions of americans who heat their homes with natural gas. half of all u.s. households do. >> i used to do it with orrial. i made the switch. >> she was drawn to natural gas. while newly released government data predicts the bills will drop by $800, her savings may not be as high. the reason distribution, not enough gas can get to the area. >> the squiggly blue lines on the map show all the lines to the north-east. by the time you get to the six states making up new england, there's a thinning. that lack of capacity is blamed for price spikes in heating and electricity. >> the highest bill as far as i can remember was $285. households in the north-east are likely to pay more for national gas. they are expected to rise for 7% over last year, as more people turn up the heat. >> adding to the shortage, increased demand for the region's power plant. it turns out they need natural gas as much of nadia. to understand the impact power plants have on the region's demand for national gas, consider this. in 2000, 40% of the region's electricity was produced using coal or oil. that figure is less than 7%. natural gases by contrast is used to generate half of all the energy consumed in the region. this is an executive for an organization that administers the electricity market. billions of dollars of energy are brought and sold. it's like a stock exchange for history. . >> we have so much natural gas, it's correlated to the price of the fuel. electricity follows the highs and lows of natural gas. that means people that heat their homes are experiencing higher prices because of a lack of pipeline. market forces are tightening wallets all over new england. >> thank god i have a job. i try to do my best to keep up the debate over natural gas and oil is growing in drought-stricken water. fracking uses millions of gallons of water. jennifer london is in los angeles with that story. >> fracking has been happening in california for decades, as residents struggle through the worst drought, many are asking if big oil is getting a free pass to use water, while they are forced to conserve. >> they are restoring our land, water, using up our water. >> home owner is fed up. >> it makes us feel like punctuation. we feel like punctuation. >> morgan and others living west of los angeles face fines if they violate water restrictions. the oil company next door is free to use millions of gallons for fracking. >> they use a bit of drinking water to do the work when we have no water in the reserves. there's no water in the los angeles basin and aquifers. >> reporter: the oil and gas fracking is known for secrecy. we know to frack a well it takes 100,000 gallons up to a million gallons of water. >> in 2013 and 2014, approximately 1600 wells were fracked in california. according to the subdivision of gas and geothermal resources. the state agency in charge of regulating oil and gas. is it regulating and monitoring how much water is used? >> water rites in the state of california and that is not regulated by the state. >> shouldn't the regulatory agency regulate and have oversight. >> if the legislature has the authority to take a look. >> you can't act without the legislature. >> we can't tell someone they can't purchase water. >> it's inexplicable and inexcusable that the state allows the practice to continue. >> this person is with the center for biodiversity, a non-profit battling to stop fracking. >> water is a scarce commodity. many are trying to find ways to keep faucets going. we can't afford to waste water on a dangerous practice like fracking. >> you think it's okay using water in a drought. when everyone is asked to conserve. >> from my point of view as a regulator, we don't have the authority. >> you are not regulating. >> that is not true. >> in 2013, 2014, 11 fracking bills were proposed. eight called for a moratorium. one was past. it goes in effect in 2015. it calls for some increased oversight it will not limit water stories. as californians struggle to survive the worst drought on record. >> who is looking out. it's us. >> we have to get boots on the ground. we have to start as citizens and stand up for our rights and say it's enough. an outright ban on fracking failed. in two northern californian counties, they have passed a localized ban on fracking. others have the same opportunity to pass a ban on fracking at the midterm elections. >> interesting priorities. >> what other options do home owners have? >> well, frankly, they have few. conserving water is a must on their part. without sacramento, passing legislation, limiting the oil and gas that it can use. oil and gas industry does not curtail their use. a number of home owners and environmentalists have demanded. supporters say that it would hurt the economy in california, and cost thousands of jobs. >> surprising story. >> thank you very much. >> we'll have more on this tomorrow. the impact of tracking on california's lucrative almond industry 10 years ago this week a devastating earthquake and series of tsunamis hit south-east asia, more than 230,000 were diswept away. yet the rubble, stories of survival and empowerment are coming. morgan radford has more on that. >> these children survived the tsunami in india lost everything. their homes and loved ones. without parents they gaped strength from each other. they were the hardest. they are becoming emotionally well built. they are something different. >> she lost three of her own children in the 2004 superarmy. she felt it was her duty to start an orphan im to help those that did survey. >> i have to do something in my life. they are afraid of things. >> is now she sits on the site where her hut was washed away, recalling the hardship faced by many after the storm. women struggled from everything from relief to medical support and counselling. women shouldered the responsibilities of the home. back then, no one helped them. >> so someone started to take control. she helped many women to let the support they needed and what started as a call for unity turned into the national coastal movement. someone protected me. i live peacefully with my children. free from violence. >> the movement grew to include 10,000 members. >> why the waters took so much away they gave her a chance to do so much more much. >> forecasters are tracking a storm that could cause travel problems on christmas eve. kevin corriveau is here with that. >> looking at what is happening now, over 75%. countries are affected by the one system. 98 million people will be travelling over the next couple of days on the rails, roads and airways. we are seeing heavy rain. most of the major hubs in the united states or the east will be affected. big travel day tomorrow. temperatures not looking bad up to the 40s, to the north. as we go towards christmas eve, it will be up to the north-east. things will clear out across the south. dallas will be good, atlanta better, from boston new york and washington. there'll be big problems. especially on later in the day. we are looking at the temperatures. not too bad to the south-east. 58 degrees in new york well above average. it will be a very rainy christmas. >> i want to take you up here and though you anchorage. we are looking at the annual polar plunge for the special olympics across the area. hundreds of people participating in this area. temperatures looking like this. we'll see - let me though you that. we don't have the traffic. it is above average. 32 degrees. >> norman created some of the most groundbreaking tv shows "all in the family", and others. tv shows that pushed the boundary on the issue of race and discrimination. at 92 he is active with the advocacy group he founded - people for the american which, and told al jazeera's adam that that bigotry is alive and well and expected more from president obama. >> i wanted the country to look in the mirror and see ourselves honestly. i wanted the inner - didn't need to flag it. he had to help us understand who we were as americans. which is to say my bumper sticker was another version. we are just another version of everybody else. and i think he had all of the intellect and everything else. to have helped us with that. >> you are a liberal person. is he not liberal enough, not progressive enough. >> i don't know. the country needs a father. in every sense of the word. a father helps you understand your own humanity. and mid in of a father. who you are as a human being, we need to know who we are as americans. we don't have the help in the establishment. the president, an individual. we have individuals in the media. you know, you can ask the question how good a job is the media doing depending on an informed citizens, to understand what it needs to understand to be led on. >> you can see more of adam's interview on al jazeera. 9:30 eastern, 6:30 pacific bill crocker died. he had several hits in the '70s, and the '80s ♪ upchain my heart . >> some included "you are so beautiful", and "a little help from my friends", he decided in colorado of lung cancer. he was 70 years old. ♪ my baby [ cheering and applause ] now the picture of the day, holiday cheer, festive light show in morning calm. the oldest private gardens in the country, lites with millions of lights of the the display attracting big crowds every christmas. i'm john seigenthaler. "faultline" is next.

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