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In september. The u. N. Monitoring says 957 people died between september the fifth, and november the 18th. Thats an average of 13 people every day. They have ruled death toll since the fighting began in april, stands at 4,317, with human rights abuses committed on both sides. United nations saying that nearly 1,000 people can be killed there fighting. Since the cease fire between these two sides was signed on september the fifth. That will come as no surprise to those in this region who have especially here who have been listening to almost daily shelling around the airport. Which is still very seriously contested between Ukrainian Forces and prorussian separate is and there have been isolated pockets of fighting like that, throughout eastern ukraine. Its been a real attritional battle which is continued in these very sporadic and separate areas, cease fire or no cease fire. For now, though, at least politically, the cease fire does continue to hold you crane, saying that Russian Forces have come over once again, they say into eastern ukrainian areas in significant numbers. Also the president saying that his country stands ready for a return to recall out war. And on thursday, the Prime Minister saying that europe ukraine, the west, needs to come together to combat what he called the russian tactic of trying to turn ukraine into its own playing field. He says that russia is the one that is positioning himself for an all out war. The cease fire is by no means stable, it has been an imperfect cease fire throughout its life, and there are fears that it might break down, in the much more widespread fashion. In eastern ukraine, shots have been fired. For security and cooperation in europe, it happened near the rebel strong hold. Although no one was hurt, it is the first time an osc convoy has been fired at. The down flight are being removed from the crash site. Twothirds of the 298 People Killed in the crash were from the netherlands. Investigators hope to reconstruct parts of the airline tore try to understand the exact cause nato jets have been scrambled more that are 400 times so far. Nato secretary general says the activity is dangerous and reminiscence of the cold war. They are not turning on the transponders. And they are not communicating with civilian air traffic control. And there are this forces flights to air traffic, the flights are unjustified and they are posing threats on normal air traffic. We are not discussing an extension, we are negotiating to have an agreement, the words of secretary state, who has arrived in gienne that to join talks on irans onuclear program. Iran and the six world powers have to reach a deal before deadline on monday. We believe all of us, that if you have a Peaceful Nuclear program, it really isnt that hard, technically, to be able to prove that it is peaceful. Our hope is that well be able to close the p gaza wars, move forward, work with our experts and our teams and see whether or not in the next days we can move closer to or achieve some sense of how we close the agreement. Iran has been negotiating with six world powers. There are two main sticking points, the scale of irans you rain mum enrichment, and the timetable. The goal now is to make that a permanent deal. Jame braise has more from new york. When they managed to reach an interim deal, will they get a final deal this time . There are still key sticking points. All right rumors swirling that maybe there will be another delay, maybe we will be back with more in march, secretary kerry for now making it clear that they are still working towards a deal, but theres another couple of factors that have come in the last few hours, reports from tehran, that they made concessions. That can be a sticking point, also the i. A. E. 8, thats the International Monitoring organization, on nuclear power. Has said that iran is not fully come up with the information that it wanted. It requested in may, information to prove that iran is not pursuing a military objective with its nuclear facilities, but at the same time saying that iran hasnt sat down to answer their questions because iran is so busy negotiating with the International Community. Between Security Forces and protestors in east jerusalem. Police fires tier gas to repel youth who were throwing stones at vehicles looking to cross the roadblock, several recent attacks have targeted israelis mostly in jerusalem. Residents on both sides are worried about what lies ahead. For 30 years they have been navigating the streets his job normally has him working all hours but not any more, he tells me after months of violent protests in the east of the city, and following a series of recent attacks against israelis in the west, he no longer feels safe driving at night. By myself i am afraid. And i am only the one that i am driving. So i would how i act depends on myself. You are afraid you may be attacked . Thats for sure thats for sure. David, not his real name, has lived in west jerusalem for most of his life, he works at this in a busy shopping district popular with israelis. David tells me he has notice add significant drop in business, and thinks people are staying off the streets over fears of more attacks. Of course people are more concerned because you dont know what is going to happen so it is a question, what is going to be in next week, next month. The Israeli Government has been criticized for not being able to control the situation. And has been accused of inflating tensions by introducing policies which they say punish them. Whatever the case, on thursday, the Public Security Ministry Announced new guidance on gun licensing as part of efforts the new rules include the easing of restrictions on firearm possession, and that declared 42 cities tongues and local councils including jerusalem, as high risk. Meaning residents can now get a gun permit much easier, a move critics say will only lead to more violence on the streets. The one thing so many share, is a fear of more violence. Al jazeera, west jerusalem. Al jazeera continues to demand the release of its three journalist whose have now been detaining the ever 327 days. This were jailed over false allegations. Got an extra three, because he had a spent bullet in his possession, which he picked up at a protoast. Is the parliament is being closed down for four days after extraordinary siege, which saw police scuffling with opposition politician including the speaker of the lower house. Tier gas was fired in the entrance, police apparently attempted to stop a large group attending an important security vote. They oppose add government request to extend in the northeast region which is the strong hold of the armed group. Some opposition members scaled gates to access the vote. The latest. Now speakers says when he arrived at the building alongside a group of opposition they were prevented from entering by the police. Some members were seen peeling the walls. Trying to force the weight in. I spoke to the spokes american, he said that the House Speaker did not conduct themselves in an orderly matter. That they were pushing through barricades and they assaulted Police Officers on their way in. The Nigerian Police stripped him of his government issues security, details. Even though this Parliament Speaker switched sides he still the head of the house. Still the fourth most influential in the country. Deciding with ruling party. Stepping up the campaign against moderate rebels while the world focusing on the fight, plus. I am tonya page reporting from south africa, the poachers are killing hundreds of rhino every year, so many they are having to move them from high risk areas. To safe zones. At the height of the cold war were spies. Intercepting messages from embassies, military bases. One of the americas closest allies. We were not targeting israelis. Suddenly attacked bullet holes. Just red with blood. 34 killed. We had no way to defend ourselves high level coverups. Never before heard audio. A shocking investigation a conscience decision was made to sweep it under the rug. The day Israel Attacked america only on Al Jazeera America according to the u. N. s monitoring agency, thats despite a cease fire between Government Forces and pro russian separatist. The u. S. Secretary of state says there will be no oaks tension of a deal. To find a long lasting agreement before the deadline on monday. And israel has ordered home demolitions for the two palestinians who attacked and killed worshipers on tuesday. Five people were killed as well as the attackers. Turkeys Prime Minister has met his counter part, to discuss the fight against the Islamic State, welcomed in the Capitol Green zone, he is also holding talks with iraqs president and senior kurdish officials. According to the report, 85 also live outside refugee camps which are completely full, 3. 2 million refugees are living in turkey, after threing fighting in syria. Amnesty international has called it the worlds worst refugee crisis in a generation. Meanwhile, activists say around 400 civilians have dies in recent air strikes. Some say the military is now squarely targeting the opposition, while u. S. Led forces battle isil in the north. The story from beirut. The Syrian Military has always had an advantage. Because it controls the skies. It has documented almost 1,600 in rebel held areas in the past month alone. Some 400 civilians were killed. Some say this could be part of the strategy to get rid of whatever is left of the so called moderate rebels. While the International Community focuses on fighting the Islamic State of iraq and the levant. Syrias al quaida branch seems to have the same strategy. Earlier this month, forced the rebels out of their bases in the province, and other areas car bombings and improvised devices are being used against those groups allied to the u. S. The opposition is growing increasingly frustrated. For the rebels it is not enough to fight isil, they want the coalition to target the government as well. It is not just that, some people say the strategies helping the government on the ground we have directly helped the regime that we are fighting not iraqis, these Islamic State units were not fighting the moderate opposition, they were fighting the asaad regime. As part of the strategy, they plan to train and equip a rebel force, they are hoping it would serve as a counter weight, and a negotiation with the government, be uh the opposition wants this strategy to change. It wants better to topple. Working on the handover of five hostages being held by the rebels. Army general is among those being held. It was brokered by cuba and norway, peace talks between farc rebels and the government were suspended after the abduction on sunday. Around 200 students are at the international airport, protesting against the government lack of action in finding four teacher whose went missing in september. The whole country is bracing for rallies expected to get underway shortly. The resort city was the scene of a large demonstration on wednesday, chanting we want them back alive, hundreds of people demanding that the government do more to find the four missing students. Lets get the latest from reynold whose is live for us. Have there be an clashes so far today . Everything has been peaceful so far. The students who approached the airport, they wanted to hang banners, demanding the safe return of the 43 missing students. Police outnumbers the protesters and they were able to stop them from doing any of that, there is no violence, no arrests gist crowding milling about so far. How is the Mexican Government reacting to the protests oerr the missing students. There are 5,000 Police Officer whose have been mobilized by the police say that their goal is not to confront the protestors or to use violence against them, they dont want a show of force like you see, for example, in ferguson missouri, but they want to negotiate with and merely control and protect the demonstrators. On the other hand, at the other upper level, the federal government has been criticized for his very slow response to the case of the missing students, and also in terms of the protests he has said that he sees this as an orchestrated attempt to derail his Administration Proposed Economic Reforms. Which is opponents derived as sort of neoliberal Economic Reforms allowing for an investment in the Energy Sector is a key part of that. So the president is under a lot of pressure. This is certainly the biggest crisis of his presidency. In the two years he has been in office. And he is thus far not been able to communicate to the protests and to the mexican people. All right, thank you indeed. The u. S. President is preparing to unveil sweeping Immigration Reforms in a few hours time. Saying problems have been allowed to fester for too long. A key part of the plan would be to protect 5 million from deportation, and make them eligible for work permitteds. Brought illegally to the u. S. As children as well as the parents and spousing of u. S. Citizens. Reports on the plight of one family, in the state of florida. She is greeted warmly by her family, and for good reason, until a few weeks ago, when she arrived illegally here, she has never met her three sisters. She had been living in her native guatemala, then like tens of thousands she made the difficult and dangerous journey to what she hopes will be a better life. I was scared to study there, i dont want to go back there, because i know it is unsafe. Like many others she faces the real threat of deportation, with no clear path to becoming documents. Says she just wants to keep the family together. All of us do so to better ourself. And to help america. I like this country, and i feel america, even though i am not, but i am happy living here. Executive orders that provide any release, are welcomed. But ultimately many want to see a clear policy that includes all and not just some. Its in the interest of the country to make it happen. And its certainly in the interest of the undocumented community to make it happen, and they will continue to fight for it. President obamas decision to take action has been done before. But many now feel that comprehensive Immigration Reform is badly needed. But it is a devicive issue, and one that is not likely to be done any time soon. Thats a deep cause for concern. Al jazeera, homestead, florida. Rhinos are in serious danger in south africa. More than 1,000 have been killed by poachers so far this year. Thats already the highest annual death toll in history. Errors from kruger park on the huge operation to save them. The shot is good, and the stopwatch starts. The less time he is sedated the peter, after a few minutes he falls. He has been shot with a tranquilizer and a part of south africas Kruger National park, thats close to the border. And as a status symbol, and for their supposed benefits. Although there are none. He is also taking dna samples to help catch poachers. You can take a piece of the horn. And link it to a specific caricous. So thats pretty much groundbreaking. 500 rhinos from poaching hot spots are being moved to safe zones. Some will go to a high security area, with the proceeds going towards conservation. Home to 80 of the worlds rhino thats about 20,000 animals and half of them are here be uh the park is massive, about wont thousand square kilometers the same size as israel or whales and there are only 400 ranges to protection all those rhinos. The ranges are at war with poachers and its a porous boarder to control. How difficult can it be, to be shipped in h and out of your country, it must be possible. They are looking for evidence, they found a single bullet not one, but two lives lost in a war that so far the poachers appear to be winning. South africa. Is footballs oworld governing body has announced it is going to review the report of the world cups. It puts the world cup in russia, and the tournament back into question. The summary of the report said there was no evidence of corruption from either country. The report also Michael Garcia was unhappy with some aspects of that summary. Aztecnology allows the stimulator is an Interesting Development who say in china when they are absent from the labor process they are going the opposite direction. As his contractions were made stronger, it wasnt long before he was begging the nurse to stop. The thought of childbirth being something really natural, really normal that women can get through, since doing this i feel like it is really not easy for a woman to give birth to a child. It is just painful, like something coming out of your stomach, very painful. While some mothers may find that rudimentary, it may help to know that even when the electric current is running at full power, the simulator in chinas hospital creates only a fraction of the real thing. Even if the pain is far less than the pain experienced by women when they give birth, still if men can experience this pain, they will be more loving and caring to their lives. Research shows when men are involved in childbirth and looking after newborns mothers and children are likely to be healthier, long term . And in a country where men rarely take part in the process of childbirth, although some believe it is heading the other way. Both in the chair and the delivery room. Al jazeera. And plenty more on our website, any time the address for that is aljazeera. Com, you can also watch us by clicking on the watch live icon. Why not . Brief en counters, conversations, Magic Moments and assorted hijinx is full of personal anecdotes. The host of the show has met and interviewed just about everyone who was someone. The phone rang. Ali picked it up and heard, darling . And he said this aint darling. This is the only 3time heavy weight champion in the world. And i am lying in your bed and

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