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Headlines this wednesday, including formula one driver jules ou sbianchi out of his coma. So breaking news from afghanistan, first this hour, the taliban says it is responsible for a suicide blast in the center of kabul. A car bomb exploded close to the socalled green village, a heavily guarded complex which houses foreign contractors. The bomb went off in a street off of a secure zone and was followed by a bomb fire. Four attackers are dead. You heard the blast. A journalist with the l. A. Times. He joins us on the line with kabul. How big was this explosion . Reporter im actually pretty far from the center of the explosion, and i heard remnants of it. It was a low baring truck loaded with explosives that caused the blast. And they would check the compound in small arms fired at the guards. Tell us a bit more about this area, the green village. Whats the security like there . How easy or difficult would it be for someone to get in there with a car full of explosives . Its sort of outside of the city, more on the edge of the city. And its veryits full of guards, and basicallyive only been there a few times, but its difficult for vehicles to get inside the compound. It has been attacked before, and in the same way. Someone from the outside trying to get in. If you try to get in as a visitor, its almost impossible. You have to give a passport and information ahead of time, and you have to give up all electr electronic devices. It is extremely high security. Even when visitors come they can only stay for a certain time. And its very much an artificial community. It creates a very secure atmosphere. You say the taliban has claimed responsibility for the attackers. Four of them are said to have died. And this according to the afghan government. What does an attack like this tell us about the talibans force and their capabilities . I think what is interesting about the attack is that its normally a night attack these are very unusual in that sense. In terms of kabul security, it is worrying that it is the county, cold, and there are attacks happening in the capitol. That was in the middle of the day. Thank you for bringing us uptodate. He was joining us for the latest in the afghanistan capitol. In jerusalem, two people were killed. The government said its a necessary deterrent, and more demolitions will follow. But critics describe it as punishment. A family home now in ruins. Early on wednesday morning Israeli Police demolished this fourth floor argument belon apartment. It was destroyed on the orders of the Israeli Government, saying that he had intentionally rammed his car in west jerusalem three weeks ago. Two people were killed, including a threemonthold baby. They said that these house also be demolished next. They belong to a family who gather inside to mourn but those who were shot dead by Israeli Police after they attacked a synagogue on tuesday killing five people. But his mother tells us shes worried. We pray that these israelis dont demolish our house. If they do, what can we say . What can we do . The demolitions of palestinian homes have been an Israeli Government policy since 1967. Theyre intended to serve as deterrents but the policy was scrapped as it was deemed counterproductive. Prime minister netanyahu brought it back earlier this year after three young settlers were killed in the west bank. He spoke about some measures being taken in order to restore deterrents. Reporter human Rights Groups say that the policy amounts to collective punishment, and its also illegal under International Law. Although the Israeli Government did not use it as punishment for nine years, the homes in the palestinian territories were still demolished during that time. They say it was because the palestinians did not have the proper building permit, but palestinians say it was a form of punishment. This will do little to calm months of tensions. Israelis and palestinians are beginning to talk about a third palestinian up rising, and while its too early to say whether one has started, the lack of political will aimed at trying to stop the increasing violence could very well lead to one. Well, lets talk now to richard who is an International Lawyer and former u. N. Special envoy to the occupation alter tours. He join us live from Santa Barbara in the state of california. Thank you for being with us. Just to clarify first are these house demolitions league under International Law . No, theyre clearly violations under article 43 under the Geneva Convention international treaty, which prohibits unconditionally any form of collective punishment. Especially of a people under occupation. So there is no legitimate question that this are violations of International Law, and this conclusion is reinforced by the political realization that house demolitions do not deter violent terrorist incidents. So in the same way then that the building of illegal settlements is illegal under International Law, house demolitions are also illegal, you say, under International Law. How then is israel able to justify this legally in its legal system . Well, one has to understand that israel has been defiant towards International Law. It has sometimes interpreted International Law in a way that allows it to provide a justification that isnt convincing to those that approach the issues from an objective point of view. They argue, for instance, theyre not bound by the Geneva Conventions because of the west bank and East Jerusalem are not occupied but rather are territories to which there is disputed sovereignty. But this is a lawyers argument that has no real credibility among those that have examined these issues in a detached and objective manner. Just another point i want to bring up on the law, the punitive love of demolishing houses. This policy, does it only apply to palestinians, orand i think i know the answer to this, does it also apply to israeli extremists. Those who killed the teenager last july, the palestinian teenager, or those who burn mosques, are they punished in the same way . No, theyre not. Their pervasive double standards, its not only that theyre not punished in the same way, theyre very often not punished at all or punished in a very nominal way. So there is a kind of racist underpinning to this kind of discriminatory application of such harsh government measures. And its consistent with the apartheid structure in which the occupation on a daytoday basis is carried out. So there is nothing in that sense strange. Its particularly cruel in the house demolition context because youre dealing with very poor people as a rule who have no real alternative. They are very saddened by the death of their loved ones, and to impose this personal tragedy upon a family is unacceptable from a moral point of view. Its implausible from a political point of view. It only inflames the atmosphere. And as i said its legally contrary to the most minimal understanding of International Law. Its very good to hear your thoughts. Thank you very much for joining us here on al jazeera. International lawyer, joining us there from california. Thank you. Thank you for having me. In iraq at least six people have been killed by Suicide Attack in erbil the capitol of the kurdistan region, which until now had been relatively secure. We have reports. Reporter fire crews on site after an attack drove a car packed with explosives into the gate of the governors compound. It happened in erbil, the main city in iraqs northern kurdish region. Security offices fired on the car and then it exploded sending shrapnel and a thick cloud of smoke into the area. The governor of erbil was in his office at the time of the attack, and said that isil are a four they need to deal with. [ sirens ] attacks like these are rare in this part of iraq. There have been two since 2013. Already questions are being asked how could a vehicle like this full of explosives get so close to a government building . How could an attack like this happen . Particularly when the Islamic State Islamic State in iraq and the levant have made threats against the kurdish region and in particular the capitol city, saying they would send a volley of car bombs and suicidebombers to erbil. Al jazeera, baghdad. The french government has confirmed two of its citizens appeared in the latest execution video posted by isil. This comes as the u. N. Security council meet to discuss how to stop the flow of foreign fighters. These are live pictures from that meeting. We bring in our diplomatic edi editor james bays. What more do we know about these french citizens in the isil video, and what does it relate to what is being discussed at the Security Council today. Well, today theyre discussing isil, and particularly the problem of foreign fighters. Lots of countries want to speak. This is the am basses der from pakistan. 46 more countries want to speak after him in this debate among those who have already spoken. The french ambassador speaking at the same time as french intelligence saying they believe there were two initials. He has given us more information about french who may be involved in isil. He said there are a total of 15,000 jihadists possibly who are foreign fighters fighting in iraq and syria for groups including isil. But he says of those 376 are being confirmed as french nationals. Weve also been hearing from the australian ambassador in his capacity as chairman of the Security Councils alqaeda committee, warning that many of these foreign fighters currently in iraq and syria could come home to fight. There is a high risk that these battlehardened radicalized recruits will transfer to other countries in years to come. Fighters have come from over 80 countries with large groupings from the middle east along with europe and central asia. Theyve also been talking about how to counter isils ideology and the financing of the group, particularly the oil that isil receives. We heard this figure during the meeting that during a single day its estimated that the oil revenues generate between 846,000 and 1. 6 million u. S. James bays reporting live from the United Nations. Ming up on the al jazeera news hour, a new cold war. Reports of polands efforts to wean itself off of russian energy. And women who survived horrific medical practices have rejected a government Compensation Schemes. Irelands human rights record is once again under the spotlight. And in sports the final chance for the life of ivory coast, details on the final round of qualifiers coming up late. To india now where police have arrested a contro controversial guru after a 12day stand off and involving thousands of officers, five bodies have been found. Were joined live from new york deli. First, tell us how this arrest was finally able to happen after 12 days. Reporter well, there was back channel negotiations going on between the government, the administration, and supporters of the guru. But finally police had had enough. They actually went into the compound. They had some resistence from supporters, but were able to peacefully take the godman out by ambulance and into custody. This was the 12th day of the stand off between supporters and the police. The police had been surrounding the ashram for 12 days now, but supporters there, some of them armed with batons, shields, pouches were putting up resistence saying they were not going to let anything happen to their spiritual leader. The godman, what is he being accused of, and why were his supporters so adamant that he not be arrested . Reporter well, hes actually accused in 2006 case for some of his followers allegedly open fired on villagers. This is an actual murder charge. And the high court had summoned him 43 times in the last four years, and he had missed every single one of those court appearances. Finally the high court had had enough and ordered the police to bring the godman before them by friday. The police and administration are facing pressure, which is when the stand off all started. Finally the police went in and got him and achieved their objective. But the supporters of the godman sayer ar are saying that he was framed by his rivals, and that the charges were go gus, which led to this stand off. There are thousands of supporters there, we dont have exact numbers, but several thousand removed today. The pictures are quite impressive. Any more on the bodies that were found inside the compound, the identity of those people . Reporter at this point all we can confirm is that the fire bodies were there. They were handed over to police early wednesday morning. Now police say that they dont know how or when even the people there died. Theyre taking the bodies to a postmortem because there are accusations that some of these supporters were unwillingly kept there behind their wellbeing, being used as human she woulds whether their five bodies were unwilling, whether they died in police clashes, before or after, we dont know until the postmortem results come in. Thank you very much. Reporting live from new delhi. Ukraines Prime Minister has ruled out direct negotiations with pro russian separatists and fighting in the east. His comments are directory buick to the russian foreminister who was called to talk with the rebels. We will not hold direct negotiations with russian terrorists. I translate into russian. We will not hold direct negotiations with your mercenaries. If you want peace, abide by the minsk deal. We need a format that is accessibl acceptable to the whole world. There are fears of a new cold war. But the weapons of this war are not fighter jets or rocket launches but things we all depend on, oil and apples. Ali velshi reports. These polish apple farmers are on the front lines of an economic war raging between russia and the west. Sparked by the real war in ukraine. Polish apples became a casualty after moscow slammed the door on most agriculturel imports from the european union. A titfortat response for the sanctions slapped on russia. Russia is inflicting major pain in this farming community, an hours drive south of warsaw. Arch arrests for as far as the eye can see grow this. The famous apple. Poles love these. But so do other people. In fact, in 2013 poland exported 677,000 tons of apples to russia. Thats 56 of all its apple exports. But that all ended on august 1st. There is nobody to buy those apples now, and that is going to cost polish apple growers 659 million this year. And that panic over apples is a symbol of much bigger fear spreading across an european continent, whose Economic Health was already turning rotten. On the other side of the equation sanctions are taking a big toll on russias already stagnating economy. Lower oil prices put the country on the brink of recession. The rouble plunged to lows. Even more important, putin holds a huge weapon with the west. In the 1980s, moscow built a web of pipelines linking its siberian gas fields to gasthirsty households and europe. That means europe today is vulnerable if russia turns off the spigot. In a bold attempt to control that problem, theyre taking the most aggressive action to free itself of Russias Energy dominance. A liquified gas terminal to be built by the middle of 2015. That will help poland wean over the 10 billion cubic meters of national gas that it imports from russia. Half that amount of natural gas will come in by ship. I sat down with discuss it with former polish president. Poland has had this experience where the gas from russia, starts to flow a little bit less. Do you think thats going to happen this year in poland and other countries . Just a few more months, years, well be completely independent of russia. Russia will lose out because we and others will not buy. Now were not able to do it, but we will be in the immediate future. Its all part of an economic war that is planted seeds of discontent from board rooms in berlin to apple ofte orchards in poland. Ali velshi al jazeera. Irish doctors who once performed a procedure on hundreds of women, leaving them disabled after childbirth. They rejected a compensation from the government. Reporter all the women sitting in this room share a common history, every one had her life ruined. Her body mutilated by doctors who were supposed to be delivering her child. Simphysiotomy involves sawing into the womans pelvis, an alternative to caesarean. It was preferred by the Catholic Church in order to allow women to have more children. But it left women unable to walk, incontinent, and emotionally wrecked. Now the irish state will offer payments starting at 60,000. The source of payouts people get if they break a leg at work. I couldnt eveni couldnt walk. What do you think of 60,000 euros . Its an insult. Its an insult. You know, you can gauge the psychological effect . We were mutilated, literally. And weve had to live with it for the rest of our lives. I certainly deserve a hell of a lot more. Al jazeera was give exclusive access to this mass meeting to survivors in dublin who are now faced with a terribly difficult decision. Either take the small payout or take nothing. The rules give them four weeks to decide. Far too little time for many to seek independent medical advice. When it came to a show of hands almost unanimously they decided to reject the offer. The state should apologize for what happened in its hospitals. The state has a great responsibility in what happened, and ordering doctors over the years, not objecting, not taking account to the fact that it was not performed in any other country in the world but ours. Its worth bearing in mind that the United Nations described sinphisioty as falling within the definition of torture. Now both of irelands human rights bodies have condemned the Compensation Scheme as completely inned ininadequate. The state seems to be trying to bury them as quickly as they can. We were referred to a private company. It is in contact with the survivors, and it believes the United Nations isnt in the best place to judge. Well, to have an approach to human rights when what women need is something that suits theirs wishes. Not what an International Agency thinks that they should have. Thats more important. What happens to the governments reputation if almost all the women refuse the scheme . The idea that they would say okay, thats it. None of you are getting anything, they would never ever get away with that. These are determined women, who its not about money. Its about justice. So after adult lives are in constant pain have a fort night to decide whether to accept the payments, they all seem to see as a complete insult, and the governments new found courage. Still ahead on the news hour, the battle against malnutrition. Diplomats around the world trying t help millions of people. And in sports, the marlins are prepared to reveal their new 230 million signing. We ask fans if Giancarlo Stanton is worth all the money . Stay with us. Now available, the new al jazeea america mobile news app. Get our exclusive in depth, reporting when you want it. A global perspective wherever you are. The major headlines in context. Mashable says. Youll never miss the latest news they will continue looking for survivors. The potential for Energy Production is huge. No noise, no clutter, just real reporting. The new Al Jazeera America mobile app, available for your apple and android mobile device. Download it now on techknow, we should not be having earthquakes in texas the true cost of energy hits home. My yard is gone. Are we destroying our way of life . Contaminated water from the fracking activities come here they stick it to the core of the earth but this Cutting Edge Technology could be the answer the future of fracking is about the water protecting the planet, saving lives. How do you convince a Big Oil Company to use this . Techknow, only on Al Jazeera America welcome to joining us on al jazeera. Four Afghan Taliban suicidebombers have died in an attack in a foreign compound in can ball. The explosion could be heard across the city. Israel has cracked down on palestinians involved in recent attacks in jerusalem. The home where a palestinian behind a deadly car attack has been destroyed. The jerusalem municipality has approved 78 new homes in illegal settlements in occupied East Jerusalem. And a controversial guru is accused of murder after a stand off. Five bodies have been found inside of a selfdeclared guru compound. The disputes in the region seem to be taking evacuate. Egypt has endorsed saudi arabias calls to normalize ties with qatar. They recently agreed to return story ambassadors to doha. Well, joining us to further discuss this is now, thank you for being with us on al jazeera. This is supposed to be a deal between gulf states, why did the saudi king feel that egypt needed to endorse it first . Well, there is widespread relief within the gulf states and among citizens that this deal had been reached after eight months of cold relations between these gulf states, and there were two clauses included in this deal. One of them was the distancing from certain groups that were seen to be extremists islamists groups. The second condition was unconditional support for the egyptian government. So the saudi king has taken personal interest in making sure that egypt is notlets say, not victimized or attacked, and what is seen as media including al jazeeraarabic, for example. We realize that the ambassadors will return to doha now, but what do they get in exchange. There was the issue of naturalizing citizens in qatar from the saudi and u. A. E. Side, there was the issue of the Muslim Brotherhood. In which each state consider to be a terrorist organization. So the withdrawal of support from the Muslim Brotherhood from qatar or by qatar, and the second thing is fighting extremist groups or groups that are affiliated to the Muslim Brotherhood. What do you make of the timing of all this . Why reconcile now . We know that bahrain, kuwait, they have all joined the u. S. Airstrikes against isil in syria. Does it have anything to do with that, an issue of security in the region . Well, there are multiple challenges facing the gulf states. If you look at the neighborhood around us, youll see in yemen n iraq, in syria, were surrounded by troubled spots. The closer we are, the more we cooperate, the better were able to deal with these trouble spots. Theyre hosting on the eighth and ninth of september. And there wan agreement. Egyptian Security Forces have raided the university using tear gas at its first anticoup demonstrators. The Police Arrested 30 students. Antigovernment demonstrations took place at several other universities. Ten people were killed after a house was bombed by the Egyptian Army in the southern sinai peninsula. Military sources in northern sinai say that six gunmen were killed in clashes with the army. Al jazeera continues to demand the release of our three journalists who have now been jailed in egypt for 326 days. Mohamed fahmy, bader mohammed, and peter greste are falsely accused of helping the Muslim Brotherhood. Theyre appealing against their convictions. The Ebola Outbreak in west africa have killed 5,420 people with a number of confirmed cases at 15,000. The World Health Organization said that it is consistent in guine a a and sierra leone. Reporter moments like this are become almost routine. This city has one of the most intense areas of the outbreak. 80 of the Health Workers infected by the virus here have died from it. The who. Says 533 new cases were reported videos sierra leone in the week ending last sunday. Now a could you babb doctor, who came to fight the outbreak, has himself been diagnosed with ebola. But there have been some positive developments. The who. Is now evaluating two faster and cheaper tests for the virus. Well evaluating the tests. We look at test with 15 minutes early. Only. And another test will take around one hour. The new cases in guinea and liberia has now stabilized and is now falling. That has helped cases across subsaharan africa. Ithe world bank believes the fear of ebola has hurt the tourism sector. International efforts to deal with the outbreak have concentrated on providing Health Workers in the affected countries, and in trying to find an effective treatment. While some of the worlds leading film and music stars have launched what is called a silent stare campaign to high lie the effect that inaction in the face of ebola has had. Dominick cane. Al jazeera. Politicians from around the world are in conference aimed at tackling malnutrition. The number of people who are malnourishes has dropped but ban kimoon is calling for much more to be done to end hunger. Children are haddest hit with 55,000 said to be at risk of starvation. Nick clark in juba. Reporter its hard to see how a place like this could be a lifeline, but it is. Here at the city rubbish dump children pick over the waste of the capitol of a nation at war with itself. Sometimes amongst the garbage it finds crabs that they can eat. Sickness is never far away here. Because of the internal problems. This mother has brought her son 200 kilometers knowing that speedy treatment can be a lifesaver. Its one little boy goes out, a niney patien another tiny patient comes in for assessment. Children are screened every day and given high supplement nourishment. The babies on the whole recover quickly. The mothers relief is evident. Most of the mothers and children here fled intense and bloody fighting from the north in january. Many have lost their husbands and have been separated from their families. Now theyre all too scared to go back. Here in juba its easier to access and treat those in need, and Good Progress is being made. Its a different picture across the country. The malnutrition rate has doubled to 235,000 children who are severely, acutely malnourished which means theyre close to starvation. A beauty queen has been found murdered just days before she was due to compete in london. The bodies were found buried near a river in a mountainous region. Honduras has the highest murder rate in the world. The angry in mexico over the 43 missing students have drawn attention to thousands of others who have who have disappeared in the country. The government has not got a workable database to keep track of forensic evidence. Dozens pay tribute to a policeman who disappeared five years ago. Presumed dead his body has never been found. Investigators told his mother theyre not magicians and not to expect much. So she started searching, even collecting soil samples at a crime scene that might contain blood and dna. Its not that we want to stop being housewives and we want to become detectives, its the circumstances that were that has led us to find out the truth of what happened. Were learning to do what the government is not doing. She has joined this group of families of the missing. With the help of two young mexican academics based in the u. K. Theyre launching citizenled forensics, a web David Beckham for dna samples and evidence collected by families of the missing themselves. Free from Police Interference the data will be stored abroad to keep it safe. This is fernando, his father, a member of the group, has been searching for him since men dressed as police kidnapped him in 2007. His father helped investigate other cases. He helped find the ranch where the stew maker dissolved more than 300 bodies in acid. Unfortunately, for more than 4,000gallons of liquified human remains we found in acid and thrown into a pit the federal government has not been able to extract the dna. Reporter the launch of the forensic David Beckham comes as protests continue over the case of the 43 missing students in an estimated 30,000 others disappeared in mexico. Here at this protest for the 43 students, they chance no more disappear. Month more missing. After years people say theyre finally fed up. Reporter in the search for the students other bodies have been found. What will happen with the other bodies . Theyre going to go back to the mass grave without an identity . Reporter ernesto, one of the groups founders, are convinced that its mexicans themselves who have to lead the way. There is something about this idea that the state commits a crime, and then you demand the state to bring you truth . Reporter a truth that has long been buried in mexico, and now citizens themselves might be the one toss unearth its to une. Al jazeera, mexico city. America freezes, a ferocious storm delivers over a meter of snow in a single day. And in sport Roger Federer with an injury. Well have the latest, stay with us. Welcome back. Five people have been killed in a massive snowstorm in new york. 1. 2meters of snow has fallen on parts of buffalo and it could top six feet or 1. 8 meters tod today. These pictures are from new york where roads have been closed due to lakeeffect snow. The cold this morninits the coldest according to one meteorologist. The snow in kentucky has forced the Churchill Downs to cancel racing. Now t from snow to fog. We report on the end of what locals are calling apex. Beijing this time last week. Clean air and clear skies. It gave local people an arrest cass tick new phrase, but of course it was never get going to last. And today the smoggy skies. This air quality is not acceptable any more. The official air quality index was 292. The reading from the u. S. Embassy, which most foreigners trust more reads 324, in other words, extremely hazardous for health. It meantime a return to stinging eyes and itchy throats. What can i say about this awful weather . What can i do . Too many car emissions. Too many factories around beijing. They say this is the reason we have such smog. Reporter people here are worried. The world bank said that chinas rapid industryization causes 400,000 premature deaths each year. They agreed to the apec summit to commit china to insure its Carbon Emissions peak by 2030. So by then if present trends continue more than 7. 5 Million People could have died here because of the air they breathe. Adrian brown, al jazeera, beijing. All right, time for all the sports. Thank you very much. Formula one drivers Jules Bianchi is out of coma. The 25yearold frenchman crashed his car in wet conditions into a recovery vehicle in japan. Bianchi suffered serious head injuries, but now hes able to breathe unaided and a a result he has been moved to a hospital in his native france. His parents say that the situation is still serious, but theyre relieved that their son is back in his home country where hell continue the next phase of his recovery. We have more from london. Well, one of the reasons the family of Jules Bianchi was the incredible amount of concern of his condition not just formula one fans, but people across the globe. They wanted positive news, and they have received some. This is an important step. Hes stable enough to be tansferred seven weeks since the japanese grand prix to the university of nice hospital, where what will happen now is doctors will try to improve his brain function. He is still critical. The injury is extremely serious. But the fact that he was stable enough to be transferred, and the delight of his family to have a wider circle of family and friends around them. It has been tough for them not only this incredibly stressful situation, but the travel involved i to japan. All the thoughts of people in formula one still with him. Yes, you have the seasonending race in abu dhabi, but even the team wont be there. Theyre folded. People are still thinking of Jules Bianchi, and they have positive news. Drawing 00 cameroon in their clash. Lets have a look at some of the other games. Most of them have finished. Guinea 20, theyre probably happy there. They played in morocco do yo due to the Ebola Outbreak. The big news could be nigeria failing to reach the finals. They needed to beat the already qualified south africa. Just a few seconds ago, and in the last few seconds nigeria has equalized, 22. Theyre in injury time. If they can get another goal they will be qualified for the finals in equatorial new guinea. Moving to baseball now. Annie gallagher is in jaime where he has been talking to the local fans about how they feel about the huge signing for the franchise. However you look at it, 325 million is a lot of money. But Giancarlo Stanton is one of Major League Baseball players biggest players. This could an turning point. Its great for them. Its great for the team that theyre going to spend some money to try to get a championship here for the people in miami. This is something to build on, and having him on the team will push us in the right direction. Pundits are reacting. Some think its a risky move. Others say that it could be the beginning of something great. He is a big boy. He is a power hitter. That brings fans. Hes also a good citizen. So youre basically betting the next decade of your team on one player, but you got to build around him, too. Thats going to take money, and thats going to take staying power. This deal is being seen as a way for the Miami Marlins to build credibility. Theyll have this young player in his prime years between the age of 25 and 30. So within the next baseball season begins all eyes will be on stanton and the Miami Marlins. To switzerland ahead of their cup finals. Their player number two was unable to practice. He didnt train on tuesday, and he was not seen on the court at wednesday practice session. Saying his back is not up to it at the moment. Federer and his switzerland teammates will take on france in the finals. It will be played inside on clay on friday. The kiwis were looking to finish off the pakistan early on day four. They were given a chance to level the series. Manny pacquiao will fight on sunday. The man he faces has never been beaten. The man hell face is a 30yearold american six years the champions junior. But pacquiao is the clear favorite. More sport on on our website where there will be details on nigeria going out of the africa cup of nations. The hold is out. They drew 22 with south africa. Meaning they wont be defending their title in equatorial new guinea. Well have a new update in who is qualified in the news hour. For now nigeria, the super eagles out of the africa cup of nations. I know a lot of sad people out there tonight about nigeria, but im excited about new guinea. Thats it for this news hour on al jazeera. Thanks for watching. Been the taliban targets compounds in the afghan capitol. This is al jazeera live from london. Also coming up israel resumes its policy of demolishing the homes of palestinians who carry out attacks. A suicidebomber kills six people in erbil. One of iraqs safest cities. New pictures show donetsk airport in ruins after months of fighting. And after

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