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Ban morocco off it refuses to host the continents biggest tournament over fears of ebola. Nigerias president has formally announced he is running for reelection. Goodluck jonathan was cheered by supporters at a rally a day after a suicide bomber killed nearly 50 people. The Group Boko Haram has been blamed for the attack. Goodluck jonathan has vowed to defeat boko haram. We are equipping the armed forces, and deploying special forces this time to engage the terrorists and end this war. We must protect our country. We must save our people. I will do everything humanly possible to end this violence in our nation. Nigerian government officials have made statements about boko haram that have turned out not to be true. In september a picture was circulated reportedly showing the groups leader who has been killed. Last month came an announcement from the government that it had reached an agreement with boko haram and an agreement had been reached for the release over 200 schoolgirls that were kidnapped in april. The girls are still missing and boko haram has continued its violence. The nigerian president says much has been achieved in the last four years, that there has been tremendous growth in the economic, the gdp has grown to make nigeria the biggest economy in africa, and the government is pursuing the fight against corruption, and succeeded in rooting out corruption in the Agricultural Sector and is taking the fight other sectors of the economy. It has improved infrastructure in the education sector. They said the Nigerian Government has failed in tackling boko haram, that is the violence that is sweeping north nigeria. In the last year, boko haram has taken more territory, and inflicted so much pain and suffering on People Living in this the northeast. The opposition is saying that the government has so far proved it has failed in tackling boko haram. And it has said the president has turned a blind eye why various Public Officials are stealing there the government, and then the irk issue of power supply. Nigeria generates grossly inadequate amounts of electricity. And now with the campaign or the declaration over, the nigerian president is expected to go around the country to sell his campaign and tell the nigerians why he deserves a second term. The nigerians are looking forward to meet the president facetoface. And a lot of people are waiting to see whether he will go to the northeast where boko haram is attacking on a daily basis. Iraqi troops are battling suicide bombers and snipers as they try to break the siege around one of the countrys biggest oil refineries. The government says this is a decisive moment in the battle against Islamic State of iraq and the levant. Reporter when isil fight back this is what happens. A captured Iraqi Army Humvee is turned into a car bomb. 12 soldiers are injured. Translator we are now at the central neighborhoods of the city. These parts of the city are adjacent to the check point which is considered to be strategically valuable because it controls the supporting lifeline of isil, stretching all the way from the city up to tikrit. Today we have managed to cut isils supporting lifeline. Reporter but that confidence is in stark contrast to how deadly isil fighters can be. This is the reality of the fight for the city center. Iraqi forces and isil fighters are not at stalemate but it is close. Isil is using increasingly desperate tactics. Now we have seen these type of tactics before. Isil fighters rarely if ever surrender. For them its a fight to the death. The city is strategically very important because its a territory they are going to want to hold on to, and that means that this fight will be tough tougher than some other areas that isil fighters give up easy because it was on the border of places they controlled. The oil refinery is only 15 kilometers from here. The facility is partly controlled by isil and partly controlled by iraqi forces. Taking them both back could be the Iraqi Security forces toughest fight yet. Imran khan, al jazeera, bagdad. The United Nations envoy to syria has confirmed has proposed a limited ceasefire agreement to Bashar Alassad. If accepted the truce would be tested in aleppo. That may come as a reprieve to rebel fighter. Reporter this counter offensive is about recapturing supply lines. Syrias rebels need to win this battle to hold on to the neighborhoods they control in aleppo. Over recent weeks Syrian Government troops have closed in on the main roads that link the city to turkey. They have the rebelheld east of aleppo surrounded. Translator the regime is advancing. Aleppo could be under siege and is about to fall. Also the Islamic State of iraq and the levant is on the other sight. Reporter this has been a battleground for more than two years, and in recent months the government has targeted opposition neighborhoods with nearly daily barrel bombs. Estimates say around 300,000 people remain in rebel areas. The u. N. Now has what it calls an action plan to ease the suffering. This man has been discussing the initiative in damascus, and he hopes the fight willing stop starting in aleppo. The stoppage of certain activities related to the conflict, and aleppo could be a good example. Reporter aleppo is also threatened by Islamic State of iraq and the levant. Translator the regime is advancing aleppo could be under siege and is about to fall. And that could be catastrophic. And Islamic State of iraq and the levant is on the other side. Reporter the rebels have been losing ground but not just to the military, to isil as well, and as of late they have been facing a new challenge. Syrias alqaeda branch has recently overrun an area. The rebels belonging to the socalled moderate opposition would lose their last strong hold. The two sides have common enmys, but its not clear if they will look at the conflict this way. After the u. N. s enjoy met the syrian president on sunday, an aid convoy has been allowed into the city of homs. Trucks were allowed in to deliver assistance to a besieged neighborhood. But the government only allowed 12 of the 23 trucks to enter the city. [ inaudible ] has called on world powers to form late a comprehensive strategy of fighting extremism. Translator i have previously said dealing with terrorism and extremism cannot only be through aerial bombardment, once also had to consider political solutions. On top of these reasons come the unprecedented violence. Any policy for fighting terrorism that does not take thesing points into consideration is merely a Crisis Management policy without a strategy. Africas football bosses have disqualifiied morocco after its refusal to host the nexts biggest tournament over fears of ebola. Were joined live from morocco. What has been the reaction among moroccans to the ban and the fact they wont be taking part in the next cup of nations . Well, so far there was no official reaction until now. The only thing we know for sure is that moroccos Football Federation president spent the weekend in france in paris Meeting International lawyers and influential leaders from the world of football preparing apparently for a legal battle against the African Confederation of football in the Geneva Sports tribunal. Other than that, here is a sense of relief and disappointment. Relief because at the end the suspense about this africa cup of nation has ended now, and morocco will not be facing ebola coming with african cup. And disappointment because morocco will not be staging a tournament. It has been waiting for it since 1988. That was the last time morocco staged the cup of nations, and the country was has been preparing for it for a long time, constructing stadiums and preparing his national team. But now all of this is over, morocco is disqualified and maybe tonight there is a lonely man who is a former goalkeeper of morocco and the Current National team coach, he must be feel very lonely because he has been preparing for this, waiting for this for a long time, but now apparently he has more time to prepare for potentially the qualifying tournament of the world cup. Thank you very much. Still to come on the program, asiapacific leaders pledge closer economic ties after a twoday summit in china. Plus we meet Army Veterans using their skills to help people struck by natural disasters. Its a chilling and draconian sentence. It simply cannot stand. Its disgraceful. The only crime they really committed is journalism. They are truth seekers. All they really wanna do is find out whats happening, so they can tell people. Governments around the world all united to condemn this. As you can see, its still a very much volatile situation. The government is prepared to carry out mass array. If you want free press in the new democracy, let the journalists live. Today on the stream. A surge in predatory lending targeting our nations military with the Interest Rates as high 300 to 1000 percent. Whats being done about it . The stream. Today 12 30 eastern. On al jazeera america. Welcome back. The top stories on al jazeera. Nigerias president has formally announced he is running for reelection. He was cheered by supporters at a rally. It comes a day after a bomber killed nearly 50 people at a school in the north the Iraqi Military is battling isil fighters in a bid to seize parts of an oilproducing town. They are trying to break a siege of iraqs Biggest Oil Refinery nearby. And a day after the u. N. Envoy to syria met president Bashar Alassad an aid convoy has been allowed in to the town of homs. A south korean court has sentenced the captain of a ferry which sank in april killing more than 300 people. He was acquitted of murder. Rob mcbride reports. Reporter they have faced the anger of the south korean public. Now it was the judgment of the court. The longest prison sentence, 36 years was handed to the captain, found guilty of negligence. He was filmed abandoning ship in his underwear while most of his passengers, many children, were below decks, having been told to stay there. Only one of the crew, the chief engineer was found guilty of murder, while the other 13 crew members received sentence of between 5 and 20 years. For relatives emerging from court the sentences were too lenient. Translator im so sick of this countrys legal system if this is all they can do. Translator our anger will continue and someone has to take responsibility for this. Reporter the bodies of nine passengers have still not been recovered from the wreck, but the Authorities Say the search has become too dangerous and has now been called off. More pain for the relatives of those still missing. Also on trial has been the wider issue of safety regulations and the way they are enforced, but during the several decades of rapid economic growth, it might have been acceptable to shortcut or overlook regulations, but todays sophisticated south korea, it isnt. Failings in the recuse services, particularly the coast guard have been sieve veerly criticized, and the government says there will be a full independent investigation. An on going protest in the capitol has been demanding one. Translator this is not the end. It is a start. Now the cause of the tragedy and the conduct of the rescue can be fully investigated. Reporter as the crew begin long terms in prison, so south korea continues its long process of investigation and introspection. Rob mcbride, al jazeera, south korea. Now to india, where eight women have died in more than 50 are in a Critical Condition after sterilelize surgery. Faiz jamil has the story. Reporter the women were taken to hospital in Critical Condition after complaining of severe pain and fever. All had tellallization procedures at a Government Health camp on saturday. They are among the 83 women who had the procedure as part of the state governments Family Planning campaign. Translator around 55 are critically ill. And the chief minister has ordered an inquiry. A medical team has been sent, and a composition of more than 3,000 each will be given to the family of the deceased women. Reporter there are allegations that all 82 surgeries were performed within just five hours. Critics say that shows the government is more concerned with governments than safety. Demand an end to the targetbased approach, and we demand full compensation to the women who have been victimized by this wrongpolicy approach. Reporter the government has been criticized for giving the women 22 each to have the surgery. Indias population is 1. 2 billion, and its official growth is 1. 2 annually. Thats thats adding 1. 5 times the population of london to indias population each year. Family planning methods, the government says, are needed to keep this growth in check especially in rural and poor areas. Indias population is set to overtake chinas by 2030. Earlier i spoke to a womens rights activist from india, and began by asking her if sterilizing women was an acceptable method of Family Planning in india. It is part of the Family Planning drive. But it is totally unacceptable, because it is not only forcing poor women for the campaign, and which have very medically not correct. It could be men who get sterilized maybe more easily, but they are targeting women, and especially poor women for these sterilizations. Who do they target. Tell us more about the target . And are they compulsory, or are people persuaded with incentives to go ahead with the procedures. There was a time when it was absolutely compulsory, and in 1977 congress had to pay heavily when the government had to go because people did not agree with this process, and also the whole complain was against that. As a result government has adopted another method in which they are giving small, teenyweeny small amount of money for incentive for the women. But this is only in the name of it. Actually basically it is the poor women, the women from the villages that are being brought like herds in groups and sent for the sterilization. For example, in the medical camp, one single camp sterilized 83 women. There was not enough doctors, equipment, there was not even anesthetists. It is totally unacceptable, there is a policy defect here that this kind of compulsory sterilization in the name of giving some incentive is going on in the country. Women are always made target, and especially poor women are made target. But is this outrage that you are expressing right now, is this something that is shared by indians all over the country . Many in the Population Control Movement i read still believe such campaigns are justified because of the danger potion pose r posed by too many people. A campaign cannot be forced on people. You cannot target poor people. This is not acceptable. Reproductive rights are something we have been complaining for. So there is no way such poll lags can be targeted. People have large familiar list when they are not well off, because they want more children for making more income for the family. So there is a kind of relationship. So and thirdly also i would say that this kind of a sterilization where mindless activity goes on without any hygenic condition, without proper medical care, or without any kind of follow up with these women, they are sterilized and sent home with just some painkillers. Many women have lost their lives and many are in Critical Condition in hospital, nobody is and also the head minister has to take accountability. We are asking him to resign because he has to take responsibility for such policy. Amnesty international has held an event calling for the release of al jazeeras journalists in this egypt. Peter greste parents and others joins the campaign to demand that al jazeera staff are freed. Peter greste, mohammed fahmy, and Baher Mohamed have been in prison for nearly a year following a trial that many observers believe was politically motivated. He wants to be out of course immediately. And so do we. We are very tired of this whole thing, and particularly when you think of that he is totally innocent, and there is no evidence against him whatsoever. Reporter leaders are. Wraing up the apac summit in china. The meetings ended with a plan for freer trade across the region. Scott heidler reports. Reporter as the sun rose on the second day of the apac summit, the leaders traveled out beijing to this lake. Costing billions the complex was built by the Chinese Government for this weeks gathering. Each of the 21 heads made a walk down the red carpet to the brand new grand hall. The group took a break for a second family photo followed by a treeplanting ceremony. Like the first day of the summit, it was how leaders interacted that told part of the story. The chinese and russian president appeared to have a friendly chat while president obama is off to the side. Later the president closed the summit announcing an agreement. To china this is more than a forum, its a showroom for its steadily growing economy, and showing that its transforming the way it does business, evolving from what was traditional chinese manufacturing mainly for export into an integral player in the modern marketplace. When china served as host 13 years ago, it was an emerging market. Now with the the move forward with this new sill road fund, we see china as this massive exporter of capital. And its a very dramatic rise in a very short period of time. Reporter there was progress in direct talks between the u. S. And china on trade. They reached a breakthrew deal on eliminating tariffs on Information Technology products. This came as u. S. President barack obama began his state visit to china in a private dinner with the president. They will hold direct talks on wednesday looking to further map out their political and economic relationship. And russian president Vladimir Putin is caught up in a storm of controversy at the summit. The heads of government were sitting down for a fireworks dislay, but next putin wrapped a shall around the president s wife. Vladimir putin has a reputation as a bit of a ladys man. And the government rushed to block the footage for fear it may make the president look inattentive. The french president unveiled a memorial at the Military Cemetery in northern france. It holds the names of nearly 600,000 faenl soldiers. Some veterans in the u. S. Are using the skills they learned in the military to help those in need. Rob reynolds has their story. Reporter in january 2010 a devastating earthquake struck haiti, killing tens of thousands of people. Two u. S. Veterans of the wars in iraq and afghanistan spontaneously decided to gather a small group of former military Service People to go to haiti and help. From that small beginning emerged team rubicon. Now with more than 20,000 members, they have responded to emergencies ranging from typhoon haiyan in the philippines to tornados that ripped through oklahoma, and wildfires that scorched towns in the american west. We have got 2. 6 million vets, we have more every day taking off the uniform, and we repurpose their skilled learns the hard way in wartime. When you look at what our veterans learn in the military, its a lot more than blowing stuff up. Its leading teams. Its solving problems under really difficult circumstances. Reporter its a nimble organization. In the Philippines Team rubicon members made their way to devastated remote villages days before larger organizations arrived. Former navy medic and firefighter bob east mission took him to moore, oklahoma after a tornado struck. My first day there was when i realized this is what i have been missing in my life, that sense of purpose, team, just being able to help. Reporter and the ones who are helped arent only the victims of disaster. I know that this is what a big part of team rubicon is all about. Its not just about disaster relief, but also about helping our veterans. Reporter men and women using skills honed in war on missions of mercy. More news on our website, aljazeera. Com. Hi, i am lisa fletcher, and you are in the stream. Drowning in debt, predatory lenders are on the prowl for u. S. Military members and veterans. What is being done to put an end to their schemes . Plus, why do developers for the hit video game call of duty consult with the pentagon . And later, gaming for good, how veterans are turning away from medicine and turning toward their computer screens to help with pain

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