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Yemens ruling party has dismissed from his ranks. Hes accused of soliciting u. S. Sanctions. This comes after a new government was formed and dismissed. Yemenis are worried about their future. He has now sacked his long time ally from the leadership of the general peoples congress. A party formed in the 1980s, and remains one of the biggest political factions in yemen. The deposed president has rejected the new government. Accusing of orchestrating the United Nations sanctions that has banned the deposed president from traveling abroad and would freeze his assets. Yemenis are divided over the sanctions. The sanctions are wrong. I think theyre counter protective. Shia Houthi Rebels still control the capitol of sanaa. They initially said they would pull out from an inclusive government was formed, but now there is a government its not clear if the Political Tension will get better. Dozens of female activists took to the streets of sanaa, denouncing the presence of militias. They will resume their activities and the challenges we face. The houthies have made huge military gains over the past few months and many here leave that the shia fighters will fight for the sake of the new government. What does this all mean . I since the words targeted by the United Nations sanctions, they are orchestrating, and using the power of his own Political Party to send a message to the International Community that in is a man that still calls the final shots in yemen one way or another. And its in the interest to do business with him because the results of that could be further inshipped to austria ability that could spread across the region. Thank you. Two u. S. Citizens jailed in north korea have been released following the negotiations of the director of the national intelligence. Kenneth bae and Matthew Miller are now on their way home. Miller was serving a sixyear term on charges of espionage. And bae 15 years for religious activity. North koreans decided now was the time to release kenneth bae and Matthew Miller the two men had been in the country one for prosyletizing and they had almost no possibility. The big question now is not only why did north korea decide to release the two men now, but how it was that the director of nashville against james clapper, was the u. S. Official who was able to escort the two men from north korea back to the United States . The dni, as known here, has not been involved in this shorts of detention issues involving north korea because that government has usually wanted to have high profile american, a former president or peace activist involved in the release of u. S. Citizens. Many questions about this situation and there are now questions about whether this could be the break through that could surgeon the sixparty talks to the International Security end. Witnesses say isil has targeted border crossings. Bomb explosions have killed 22 people. Car bombs have killed eight people and wounded 22 others in baghdad. Another 60 were killed and eight injured when explosives were detonated. And in the town of baigi. Eight people were killed and officers were wounded when a truck wag driven into a police convoy. Al jazeera continues to demand the Immediate Release of its journalist who is have been detained in egypt for 318 days. Mohamed fahmy, bader mohammed, and peter greste are falsely accused of helping the outlawed muslim brotherhood. Theyre appealing their prison sentences. The u. S. May impose sanctions on libyas warring factions to stop battle between the groups from deteriorating into civil war. The reports of u. S. Measures would be in addition to possible u. N. Sanctions. They want to force the two rival governments and libya and militias to come to a negotiating table. Who are these two governments vying for legitimacy . Well, one is based in tripcally. The leadership they pushed out was forced eastward to tribruk. And on thursday the Supreme Court determined it was illegal. Relatives of 43 mexican students missing since september say they no longer trust the government. They have called for dna evidence to prove that the recovered remaims belong to the missing students. This in spite of three gang members who confessed to killing the group and burning their bodies. These charred bones and teeth may be all that remains of the missing 43 university students. They were kidnapped by local police in the mexican state of guerrero and turned over to a drug gang nearly six weeks ago. I know the enormous pain of the information we obtained causes to the family members. A pain we all share. Unfortunately i. The suspects said that they killed the survivors there, there and threw them in the rubbish dump and burned them to make sure that the fire were burning for hours. This could be one of the worst massacres in decades of innocent people at the hands of local police and politicians working together with criminal gangs. President enrique pena nieto, who has been criticized for the handing of the investigation, promised to punish those responsible. The government will do its best to clarify what happened. Capturing the master minds is not enough. Well arrest everyone who participated in these abominable crimes. Hours after the attorney general spoke the parents of the students held their own press conference, and refused to believe that their children were dead. I know theyre alive. They said many times that they are dead but we have faith they are alive. Theyre insisting on scientific proof, and that end Forensic Experts from argentina until the dna. Those dna samples have been shipped off to austria. Theyll likely take days if not weeks because of the state those remains were found. Al jazeera, mexico city. The south sudanese have reached an agreement to end fighting after a year of internal conflict. The deal comes amid threats of sanctions from the u. N. After almost a year of fighting south sudans president and his former Vice President turned rebel leader have finally reached a compromise. The two warring sides met in the ethiopian capitol and agreed to an immediate ceasefire. We all greed to end all hostilities and bring the war to an end as the of date of this resolution. Deals need to take place before it is implemented. Still insisting that they want a president prime minister, Vice President for ease of implementation of the peace agreement. This should be shouldered by the two warring parties. The problem is that the two sides have promised to stop before and just carried on fighting. Penalty also apply to individuals who break the terms of this agreement. Responsible for such violations, which would include, but are not limited to an asset freezes. B, the amount of travel bans within the region. C, denial of arms and ammunition, and any other material that could be used in war. A massive humanitarian crisis has developed in south sudan as people have escaped the fighting which broke out last december. The conflict has killed more than 10,000 people in the worlds newest state caused over 1 million to flee and driven the oil rich country close for famine. Neighboring governments including south sudans people will wait to see how long this will last. Still more to come on al jazeera, including. In the occupied west bank where more sisterly attacks are threatening the palestinian olive industry. Theyre being taken advantage the crisis continues. Ground breaking. Theyre firing canisters. Emmy Award Winning investigative series. Landlords. Welcome back a. Members of yemens Political Party have rejected the new government. The accused orchestrating u. N. Sanctions. Two u. S. Citizens are on their way home after being released from north korea. Relatives of 43 Mexican College students missing since september say they no longer trust the government. They gang members have confessed to killing the students and burning their bodies. Now the commander of nato troops has told al jazeera that alqaeda is still hiding in the country. They were to be irradicate, but still the fighters are still at large. Six kill motors from the pakistan border, an area still hotly contested by the taliban the local people here ar dont believe in borders. Its where afghanistan and pakistan merge as one and easy place for alqaeda to operate. As nato forces pull out of of this conflict, the group they came to wipe out is still here. Yes, i think there continues to be an alqaeda presence here. I think there has been a continued fight against that in the last 13 years. There has been damage on some of the leadership of some of the fighters. There continues to be an presence in afghanistan. Was the mission an Impossible Mission . I think the mission over time has evolved. I think we continue to take a hard look not only of alqaeda but other insurgents groups that facilitate them. If youre sitting in the United States. If youre sitting in england today, you dont worry about alqaeda. But these Afghan Soldiers are worried. Their base comes on repeated attack and it only held this ground until now thanks to nato air sport. Our only need is for air sport. Whenever we go on an operation we need to be in contact. When we days an enemy we need airstrikes. The air force is not just needed in the fight but also to evacuate the wounded. The Afghan Air Force is growing in strength. We continue to train their pilots. We continue to train their nurses, their medics to be able to perform this care. They continue to get better and better. The afghan president does not agree. Our heroes in the national arm forces needs a strong air force. After 13 years of conflict nato is now leading afghanistan with the battle far from over. The most the Afghan Forces can hope to do is contain the taliban and tha the alqaeda fighters still in the country. They insist they are up to the task. And you can see more of that interview with general campbell on talk to al jazeera on 0530 o0530 gmt on sunday. Now going to thai curriculum. Students are instructed on 12 virtues of being thai. They range from being grateful to parents and teachers to having sympathy for others. We feed to make sure that all students can see the importance of being 12 civic duties. This is not just a subject. Tens of thousands were trained on the new technique the curriculum mandated by the junta. They do not agree that this should be part of classroom instructions. She said that her parents have always encouraged her to question everything. She started an Student Organization questioning this new format and for that she has come under the eye of the watch of the government. Grow. Do you consider yourself brave . Its for students to believe in the same thing to, have the same set of morality without questioning, without asking whether is it right or wrong. The government links the virtues with national pride, and teaching them will lead to better harmony in thailand. Political infighting led to the coup earlier this year. To a top official in the ministry of education a lack of pride is similar to an illness. Teachers need to create activities to heal them. It is our duty to cultivate thai message in our students. They see that it is their responsibility to feel more thai. That will lead the nation forward. But some students feel that being told what to think under cuts the potential of the younger generations, a potential that the entire country could benefit from. Al jazeera. More than 80 unmarked vehicles have been seen traveling through ukraine. Some are thought to be carrying weapons and troops. On friday around 60 vehicles around the borders of rush, and that pro russian separatists. While the vote is unofficial and unbinding, some catalans live as if theyre a separate nation. We have more from the catalonia capitol of barcelona. [ singing ] imagine a future in which catalonia becomes a nation. These children from a town near barcelona certainly can. We want catalonia to be a free country. We want the right to vote for independence. The dream is shared by many. On sunday catalans take part in a Public Consultation after the. Some have long flown the independence flag. In 2012 the 2012 the first mayor to declare this town free catalan territory. Since then 6,000 towns stopped paying taxes to madrid and sent it to catalonias government instead. Even the number of catalan flags hanging from windows and balconies here its already clear that many support independence. Catalans has long claimed that because of their history culture, customs and it was, they are a separate nation from spain. Despite attempts by the government to stop them, they insist that the time for independence is now. Al jazeera, barcelona. And there is more on the vote in latrins yes or no i cant and its possible impact on spain on inside story with martine. Immediately after this program. The annual Olive Harvest is underway on the occupied west bank. But olive pickers say that theyre being attacked by settlers. [ singing ] its a palestinian song of hope sung in uncertain times. They have been cultivating olives for generations, but the industry which supports around 80,000 families in the occupied west bank is suffering. Yields have trunk bshrunk by a quarter, and attacks are to blame. We wait 15 years for the olive tree to bear fruit. So when settlers attack us, we have to way 15 years. Settlers destroyed 11,000 olive trees and saplings owned by palestinian farmers. They were cut down by chainsaws, knocked down by bulldozers or set on fire. These students are offering to work for free to help farmers recoupe some of their losses. Theyre part of a volunteer project for many mere picking olives means much more. Helping the farmers with the hard work pushes us to want to defend it. Despite the challenges the industry is modernizing. This Fair Trade Olive Oil plant sells exclusively to the international market. The owner and operator says that his business has the capacity to bottle thousands of liters a day, but that has been years since he has had enough olives to do that. The farming challenges are regular access and regular access to water resources. I would say a combination of these two challenges, which are political challenges, are stripping palestinians of over 60 of their capacity for the harvest. Nearly twothirds of the occupied west bank is under full israeli civil and military control. The restrictions on movements and resources is clearly hitting farmers hard, so, too, are the frequent attacks by settlers. Al jazeera. In the occupied west bank. Now poppies have come to symbolize the First World War in great britain. In plannedders fields the poppy flow beneath the crosses row on row. The opening lines of a poem written by a young canadian officer in 1915 that in one line of verse forever linked the poppy to the great war. And 100 years later the blood red flower remains a symbol of the nations determination never to forget. Each flower remembering an individual british soldier who died in the First World War. And there are 888,246 poppies in this traumatic installation entitled blood swept lands and seas of red. It is incredible con 1917, i think its necessary at this time and i think im struck by how many people there are here. Its really rather wonderful. Its an emotional memory. Seeing the poppies sparkling in the sun this morning, its almost wrong that they should sparkle like that when theyre here for the reason that they are. I think every here has lost someone in the great war, and its a great tribute to them. Reporter long the railings families have created little galleries, pictures of their men who never made it back from france. Connecting their loss to 100 years ago. But there are those who believe every the years the original meaning of the poppy has bomb subverted. The poppy has come to symbolize more loyalty to the country than remembrance. Thats always dangerous but its particularly dangerous when we have a hot topic of immigration and muslims are targeted in British Society to prove their loyalty, and the poppy has started to become a vehicle for that. That is very much a minority view. The field of bobbies attracting millions of people who want to come here to pay their respects to more than 840,000 British Commonwealth soldiers who died during the great war. Each one of them individually remembered by a single poppy. Peter sharp, al jazeera, in london. A quick reminder you can keep uptodate with all the news on our website. There it is on your screen. The address, of course, www. Aljazeera. Com. Thats www. Aljazeera. Com. Hi, i am Lisa Fletcher and you are in the stream. Today are men the oppressed gender . We take you inside a world where american men believe they are the widely disadvantaged sex. Their claims, like rape is used as a scam, fuel controversy. Yet their movement is growing. And later, why fed up dads are mobilizing across the country demanding their right to be in their childs life. Hear why they believe courts and the child custody system are stacked against them

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