Transcripts For ALJAZAM News 20141101 :

Transcripts For ALJAZAM News 20141101

we begin in syria with a big boost for kurdish forces fighting i.s.i.l. in kobani. just a few hours ago, iraqi peshmerga fighters crossed into the territory. the arrival of the reenforcements has been delayed for more than a week. we get more from jamalel shalil. >> it's been a long while as far as the fighters, a long awaited moment for them. the kurdish or the iraqi kurdish peshmerga forces have been in turkey for a while to wait for the safe passage to enter. moshed pinar. when they were headed towards that crossing fierce fighting occurred, local fighters said they believed it was local coalition fighters, but what they ended up doing is going through another route another way into the ypd controlled forces in kobani. they are armed with managed to forage a way in the middle of the night, obviously there was also some trouble getting there because of the terrain as well as the rain had been pouring down for about 24 hours. however, the vast majorities of them have now entered into syrian territory with the last few vehicles crossing over as we speak. >> that's jamalal shamil reporting. country's military says it has taken back territory from the group including part of the city of bejee, that city serves as a key i.s.i.l. command center. imran khan is in baghdad with exclusive footage. >> reporter: this is what much of the fighting against i.s.i.l. looks like. street to street in deserted neighborhoods. i.s.i.l. fighters are just a few meters up the road. this is a couple of kilometers south of one of iraq's oil refineries in the city of baje rvetionajee.commander says he's. >> translator: as we advance, we've managed to fully clear the town of el hajad, we'll move to the nearby town of mesra and our goal so the reach the city of bajee. so far we have gained control over these territories and expelled i.s.i.l. fighters. >> reporter: there is a plan here. the rapid deployment unit is pushing i.s.i.l. fighters slowly out of the town. this is a pattern we see quite a lot here in iraq. first the special forces go in, along the main road, and then they fan out and take the villages and the towns that surround the main road. then we see the iraqi army come in consolidate the position and plan for next offensive. this footage was shot on wednesday and the government says the town is under full government control. the hope is to take those from i.s.i.l. and weaken the group and with the help of coalition air strikes that prize may well be in sight. imran khan, al jazeera, baghdad. >> growing at a unprecedented rate, 15,000 fighters have now joined i.s.i.l, up from 7,000 just seven months ago. most from the mid east or north africa. 2,000 are european including 500 from britain. the report says i.s.i.l. recruits a thousand every month, has over 31,000 in all. mike lyons, welcome. is there any way to stop these fighters from joining i.s.i.l? >> very difficult john. they are motivated by coming and joining this caliphate that they have. they have roots and attraction to do it. they are disenfranchised from their own countries. >> rare strikes don't seem to matter. >> they are not deterring or deferg them from coming. -they are overcome, to establish this caliphate, to establish it and possibly even fight americans. >> according to the washington post, tunisia has a high percentage of people fighting with i.s.i.l. why? >> this is the birth place of the arab spring. those who lost inside tunisia, they make their way across the sahara desert. >> how can you stop westerners? how can western governments stop westerners from joining i.s.i.l? >> very difficult. they could go fly to london, go other ways. i think the government is just doing a terrific job of monitoring who our potential subjects who could do this kind of work who are looking to do it who are possibly radicalized here and watch them on the way back. >> do we know the process, let's say they leave britain or they leave the united states, where do they go and where do they get their training and how do they get there? >> turkey is the center of gravity, they are trained in a vast desert on the western side of syria for example and they cross the border, very porous border. one of the things we fix the relationship with turkey so that stops. >> can you compare any time in history where there's been this rush to join a disenfranchised group to join a religious group? >> in world war ii americans fought for the nazis, to support the mother land, same thing happened in russia in reverse. this is more of a war of religion, where i.s.i.s. has its attraction. they want this caliphate, they want it to happen. that's why we don't understand as to why it can happen that way. >> mike lyons, thanks very much. now to the violence clashes, west bank and jerusalem. it's been on the edge, since the end of the israeli-gaza war. the temple mount and the al-aqsa mosque was reopened to some today, and that's when israeli police shot and killed a palestinian man who was expected of shooting this week. mts tayeb has more. >> outside the damascus gate, in east jerusalem, is calm. the situation before friday prayers was anything but. there are hundreds of riot police and other security forces in this area and in front and around the old city and they barricaded many of the roads leading into this area. there was a group of palestinian men who were under the age of 50 who wanted to try to come in and pray. they were refused, however men over the age of 50 were allowed to offer prayers and women were as well. although the situation here in occupied east jerusalem remains relatively calm we are hearing of some skirmishes in some neighborhoods. but in the occupied west bank at the colondia checkpoint which is the main checkpoint which crosses from the occupied wercht bank, we understand a number of those protesters are been injured in those clashes. so although the situation here where i am now is much calmer than it was earlier on friday, the situation elsewhere continues to be very tense. >> mts tayeb reporting. zachary, he's in our studio tonight, zachary welcome. described the closure of the holholy site as an escalation of war. do you see this happening? >> it could very well be. it's been a flash point between jews and arabs for a long time. great distress and the occupation continues, the situation of east jerusalem in particular is tense because the israelis have continued to build new settlements, occupy new parts of it. >> settlements aside, i mean ariel sharon went to this site many years ago and it sparked a huge conflict. why is it that this site, this particular site is so delicate? >> this is the site where the first and second temples of the jewish faith stood for quite some time. jerusalem is full of muslim and christian holy sites as well. clashed in a situation of overall israeli control so overlaying that is the ongoing occupation. >> all right so then we move on to the settlements. do you see any compromise here from the israelis? >> i don't. this government has taken a very tough line. the obama administration i think is furious at prime minister netanyahu because it feels that he sabotaged negotiations and it doesn't seem likely that there will be any negotiations resuming at any time in the foreseeable future. >> is the response to gun down a rabbi, an israeli activist, i mean doesn't israel have the right to defend itself in the face of that sort of action? >> well, violence is not the solution. but let's remember who this person was, right? he was the leader of a group of ultranationalist jewish zealots, who hoped to establish control over the mount, a recipe for an explosion of violence on huge scale. >> there were posters that were put up in the palestinian areas praising his action. >> yes, so this is a resort of a very frustrated people, right? these palestinians in east jerusalem which israel actually annexed, no one in the world including the united states government have recognized this, have lived under israeli control for 46 years now. it's not surprising that in these circumstances some people resort to violence however unfortunate and counterproductive. >> in the past, people in the u.s. have tried to solve conflicts like this. has the u.s. any leverage in this? >> the obama administration invested a lot of political capital in getting negotiations going and that failed, secretary kerry failed and the obama administration is busy with other crises. is this a clash of personality between prime minister netanyahu and president obama or much deeper than that? >> it is about different perspectives. there is an international consensus about what a two state solution should look like, the israeli government, every israeli government pretty much has rejected that. the united states endorses that consensus so there's a gap between the two parties. in the meantime is united states continues supporting israel giving it a blank check basically. the descrailz aren' israelis ar, paying attention to what the united states does rather than what the united states says. doesn't want to invest the political capital in making something happen. >> zachary lockman, it's good to have you on the program. >> my pleasure. there are new revelations about one of the most notorious incident in the 1967 arab israeli war. an unprovoked attack by israelis, long called the incident a tragic mistake, now an al jazeera investigation has uncovered new audio from the israeli jets that seem to suggest otherwise. >> for the first time, this and other evidence allows us to reveal the true story of what happened that day and what came after. when a deadly assault by one ally on another was covered up, and an american president was manipulated by the secret agents of a foreign power. events that have shaped u.s.-israeli relations ever since. >> you can see the entire program, the day israel attacked america, tonight, 10:00 eastern, 7:00 pacific. the u.s. secretary of state john kerry will hold a rare meeting with iran's foreign minister, they'll meet two weeks before the november 20th deadline to reach an agreement. iran wants economic sanctions lifted before it agrees to modify its nuclear program. vote would come just one week after ukraine voted for a new parliament. rebel leaders say the elections will legitimize their efforts. the planned vote is further disrupting efforts between the u.n. and russia. u.n. backed a deal holding the elections in december. >> russia supported elections, even behind they taking place. this is again, you can't trust russia, they sign agreements while violating them. >> still russia says it will recognize the separatist elections on sunday. continue to destabilize ukraine. coming up next the spaceship crash in california and what it could mean for commercial space travel. and the big changes ahead for the albuquerque police, after repeated allegations of excessive force. >> a deadly attack that shocked the nation. >> the front part of the ship was just red with blood. >> was there a cover-up? now an in-depth investigation reveals shocking new evidence. what really happened? the day israel attacked america. tonight, 10:00 eastern. only on al jazeera america. >> a deadly crash today in the mojave desert, virgin galactic spaceshiptwo may have dispload d air. the national transportation safety board is investigating. lisa stark has the story. lisa what do we know? >> we know that what happened on the spacecraft happened just after it was firing up its rocket engine, two minutes after it was cut apart from the mother ship. the spaceship and the mother shim go up from the ground, 45,000 feet in the air spaceshiptwo is released, and that's when disaster struck. parts of the plane are scattered over a large part of the mojave dessert, the pilot was able to eject, the co-pilot did not survive. >> when we have a mishap from the test community we find the test community is very small. and it hurts. and our hearts, thoughts, prayers, absolutely with the families of the victims. >> now, the national transportation safety board will be investigating, the team will arrive late tomorrow morning california time to begin its investigation. virgin galactic ceo spoke out today, saying, once investigators figure out what went wrong the company owes it to those who flew this plane and those who worked so hard on this to move forward. >> space is hard. and today was a tough day. we are going to be supporting the investigation, as we figure out what happened today. and we are going to get through it. >> virgin dplak tic galactic isn child of richard branson. he is on his way there. that was the first commercial air flight into space, this is the second special space disaster if you will this week, there was a rocket bound for the international space station, an unmanned rocket that took off tuesday. it exploded shortly after leaving the launch pad. so two investigations now ongoing into two commercial space enterprises, john. >> lisa, there is plenty of speculation and theories about what happened today. but the speculation and theories about the engine. what do you know about that? >> well, the engine has been a bit of a problem, mainly the fuel mix. this was the first flight with that new fuel mix design. the head of scaled composites, the company that actually designed the craft, insisted that mix had been tested repeatedly and worked just fine. there will be questions about whether this caused the tragedy today. john. >> lisa stark, thank you vex. for what happened we turn oour signs and technology expert, jacob ward. >> before nasa would be privatizing its resupply missions, or fly to five other passengers for 68 minutes under weight islessness, that makes this all the more tragic. requires an incredible amount of highly explosive fuel, you obviously have to build one huge bomb, and the explosion of the antares rocket that exploded earlier this week. you avoid all of the speaker atc pressure, but the highly motivated rocket, the fourth powered flight for the ship ever. so to burn fuel for rocket thrust you need oxygen or some other kind of oxidizer for campus chun. you don't have any of that ox dueser, there's no oxygen up there, so you have to carry it with you on board. virgin galactic's, rubber formulation to plastic formulation, that might be something that everyone looks at here. fireworks where all the propel ant is in one kind of long candle and burns until i runs out. this is supposed ton more controllable. the ability to close the valve and glide safely back to earth. that rocket propulsion will be something everyone will be looking at. more broadly, everyone will be looking at the whole notion of space travel, the altitudes, the dangers, these are all thraisks we have never subjected civilian passengers or the, before, when things go wrong they go very, very wrong, that's there risk they accept but now that we've seen that danger play out in this commercial company the question is whether paying passengers, civilians will accept that kind of risk as well, john. >> jacob ward, reporting for us. new regulations after officer involved shootings, the city reached the settlement with the department of justice and that's expected to bring many changes. jonathan betz is with us with the story. jonathan. >> federal investigators said the city was far too often using deadly force. the shooting shocked the nation, caught on camera and happening far too often federal officials say. >> we are here to announce a new chapter for policing in albuquerque. >> after investigation the dpafnlg in albuquerque agreed to overhaul the city's police department. >> it is also a road map for rebuilding the trust between the community and the police. >> reporter: the 106 page agreement aims to ensure police integrity, protect officer t usf excessive force. since 2010, there have been at least 39 police shootings in albuquerque, including james boyd, camping in the mountains. protesters followed and so did -- protests followed and so did a scathing report from washington. the report found too often officers were using excessive force. >> today is an historic today for apd. >> officers will be better trained especially in how to seize conflict and how to work with mentally ill people. body cameras must now be used and an entire police unit, the repeat offenders program will be dissolved after members were involved in several controversial shootings. >> disbanding, is a small part of the greater every to ensuring constitutional policing. >> the battle to force reform and federal officials say albuquerque's reform will be a model agreement. >> today's agreement should be a model, a bright spot for communities looking for a path forward. >> and the justice department said albuquerque is not alone. it's working with 2 dozen towns and cities across the nation, but the monitors will be in place for two years to ensure the changes hold. >> coming up next the mid term elections and the frantic battle over undetermined voters. and the fight against ebola. why nurses say that is not true. >> this is al jazeera america, i'm john siegenthaler. and coming up, america votes 2014. the final days to control congress. plus what's in your food, take a look at the debate into geneti genetically engineered foods and macy gray, the trial umple triur career. it is the final weekend of campaigning before the mid terms. on tuesday, voters will decide who controls the senate. it's the most expensive congressional election ever. but what do the political parties really stand for? our white house correspondent patty culhane takes a look. >> american voters are divided over a lot of issues but one thing they seem to agree on is the state of campaigning in this country. >> it's obnoxious. >> ugly. >> it's all about bark the other candidate and -- bashing the candidate and not the issues. >> that's been true in television ads, one featuring a beg youabeg your burping shark. i grew up castrating hogs. >> people who sprieb t sprieb ao their ever belief. >> republicans say they stand for lower taxes, less government democrats say they are for empowering the lower classes with programs. and bunk parties fail to dproms ocompromise on anything. some analysts think it's much more likely to happen if republicans win control of the senate . >> republicans have gotten a reputation for being unbending, uncompromising, obstructionist, the producers of gridlock, in a phrase, the party of no. and the republicans have some incentives over the next couple of years to demonstrate that they can say more than no. that they can be a governing party. >> this has been an election marked by candidates from both parties promising to govern. to make washington work. because if there's one other thing americans seem to agree on, right now, the government is as broken as the building they work in. patty culhane, al jazeera, washington. >> and president obama made a final pish t pitch to voters ine island today, today he called on congress to act. >> nobody works full time in america should be below the poverty line. [applause] >> they should not be raising their kids below the poverty line. i am not going to give up this fight, and we need republicans in congress to stop blocking a minimum wage increase and give america a raise. >> the president also pledged to do more for working women. supporting paid family leave and equal pay. former new york times, calvin sims, the president and ceo of international house, he recently hosted a conference called generation unemployment. welcome. >> thank you for having me. >> if that's true why wouldn't they? >> these issues don't speak to them, and many of them feel like they've been left out of this american dream because they don't have jobs. there's a global youth unemployment crisis that's the taking place young people feel they've done many of the things they do, they have been well educated in many cases and they can't find work and feel left out. >> those best educated might be more likely the vote and therefore they are going to have an impact on the system if they vote but not? >> it's apathy, they see the gridlock and they feel their voices really don't matter, we see this at university house, 25% of them are americans and they really as i said feel disillusioned in this election. >> you held this conference, generation jobless. what did you hear from young people? >> what we heard from them is again, what can be done to create meaningful jobs and sustainable jobs for them? we show two graphics, those who are well educated and those who are less educated who didn't graduate from high school and can't find work. what they're saying is we need mentorships, experience that employers are asking that they have in order to get these jobs. >> the fact that there are so many people out of work or not? >> it is a confluence of events the economic crisis that we are recovering from didn't create as many jobs as we had expected, organized labor, not as many jobs with the unions and at the same time, the number of young people looking for jobs, is growing and at the same time, jobs are going away. >> is part of the problem also that they're not trained for some of the jobs that are out there? >> in some cases they don't, they don't have the soft skills. among them is working in a professional environment or some of the skill sets that are called for in this new economy. if you are in stem, signs, technology, energy and math, you do have to, know the new paradigm of work. >> they have to go to college for new science education, that doesn't get them a job all the time. >> some of it involves a lot of ingenuity and entrepreneurial spirit which means not so much creating a new business but thinking about the skill set you have and how it can be applied to other disciplines or other careers you wouldn't necessarily think you would be involved in. >> hopefully they'll realize it's important to vote and get involved in this process. >> that's why we are not hearing so much about this process because if they vote it becomes front and center they need these jobs. >> calvin sims, thank you very much. we're going to take an in depth look at turnout, in the week ahead, sunday night 8:30, 5:30 pacific time. if you share frustrations let us know, take a picture holding a sign that ves #dear congress, i want, then you tell us, tweet your photograph or send it to al on tuesday, oregon voters will decide whether they have the right to know what's in their food. allen shofer le schauffler repon initiative 92. >> opponents of initiative 92 outspending voters 2-1, something we saw in california last year and washington this past year. the opponents have squared off, don't like each other much. >> in vnt vermont, the measures loss, some suggest oregon could be different. dave rose rose rosenfeld. >> opponents say there's no proof of that and the initiative would be expensive for food producers and consumers. >> is every banana going to have to be individually labeled? >> no. this is important. if you look over here, you see there's a label on the bin, there were a couple of words that would say genetically engineered, it's that easy. >> consumer reports took 80 conventional items, and tested their dna, they all had significantly large levels of genetically injured ingredients. >> is coffee food? >> yep, you're adding a couple of words to that label. >> a lot of food wouldn't be included, food packaged to go, animals raised on genetically engineered feefd. the financial backing is in the same as the west coast nifngs. the organic food, farming and health industry. farming fund he by monsanto and general mills. >> they've gotten much trickier and cuter about the message but it's still flawed. >> what does the label partially genetically engineered mean? >> this is a genetically engineered plant. the new label would describe only the process not the product. >> i personally think that that kind of information should be available to consumers. but it isn't really useful unless you know what has been genetically engineered, what gene has been put in. >> spaghetti and pumpkin pie. >> i circulate have gotten that steak. >> in recent weeks that support has eroded, that is also a familiar pattern that we saw in california and in washington where both initiatives been down by just a couple of points. it's expected to be a close race in oregon as well. allen schauffler, al jazeera. >> tuesday we'll take a look at how those results will effect all americans. a nurse in maine won her fight today to be removed from a state-mandated quarantine. a judge ruled kaci hickox can go wherever she pleases, the main e prosecutor wanted her to be quarantined until the end. five facilities on stand by. melissa chan has the story. >> california says that its university campuses will take the lead if ebola, role playing a scenario where a mock patient dmoms with symptoms of ebola. >> we only have one chance to get this right and so we want to make sure now while we don't have a patient to make sure that our protocols are not effective. >> but while state officials have declared these facilities ebola ready, the training has not been adequate they say. >> before you say this is an ebola treatment center you should have probably had the infrastructure laid out to do that care. >> training takes weeks which means even top of the line hospitals aren't truly prepared. >> the methodic that nurses have been given is that they're expendable. >> at ucla, they say everyone is doing their best. >> our administrators our nurse managers we are all working really hard to do rg w everythie can. what else can we think of we keep asking ourselves, we are looking at everyone to keep the nurses save. >> it is something all around the country will have to grap will. nurses across 15 states and the district of columbia have declared a strike on november 12th. melissa chan, al jazeera, san francisco. a major shakeup after the threrkt director quit. the welfare of a student athlete. bisi onile-ere has more. >> after nearly five years on the job michigan athletic director dave brandon is out. students and alumni have been calling for his removal for weeks. the team's quarterback played despite suffering a concussion during the game, brandon became a subject of a rally demanding he be fired. students are upset that brandon changed seating and increased ticket prices which are one of the most expensive in the big 10. last week broons agreed to lower prices next year but not enough to appease fans. this sat's homecoming game intends to pass out fire brand n tee shirts. >> he and i have been working closely as you can imagine through the controversial issues of these past weeks and we discussed iteratively, and we have been working closely together on that. it was dave that mentioned and raised the prospect of his decision to resign and as i mentioned this was a couple of days ago and i accepted the position. >> brandon is replaced by jim hackett. he also played football. one of his main jobs now will be to find a permanent position to serve as the athletic director. >> thousands of fans lined the streets of san francisco to honor their world series heroes. it is the third victory parade for the san francisco giants in five years. they also won the title in 2010 and 2012. this year they beat the kansas city royals in a seven game classic. coming up next trying to save the king cheetah from extinction. plus: ♪ ♪ >> macy gray gives us the inside story behind one of her biggest hits. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> on techknow... >> these are some of the amazing spider goats >> small creatures, big impact >> how strong is it? >> almost as strong as steel >> inspiring discoveries changing lives >> this could go in a human body... >> right >> this is for an achilles tendon >> techknow every saturday go where science meets humanity >> this is some of the best driving i've ever done, even though i can't see techknow >> we're here in the vortex >> only on al jazeera america >> in our friday arts segment singer and songwriter macy gray has been performing for decades. and she talked to randall pinkston about the truth behind her latest hit and the modern music industry. [♪ singing ] >> that's macy gray's uplifting new single hands,ing from her studio album, the way. she joins us now, thank you so much for joining us on al jazeera america. >> thank you. >> let's talk about the album first, the title, the way, where does that come from? >> the way is just how we're on this journey and everybody has their idea of what they want out of life and their ultimate dreams and so whatever it is you want, you have to find a way to get where you want to go. so it's called the way. >> how long have you been working on it? >> really, it took me a couple of years to figure out what i wanted to do and got excited about what i was doing. and then finally i went into the studio with a guy named jason hill and we did a song called bang bang. [♪ singing ] >> once we did that it just kind of clicked, suddenly i knew exactly what i wanted to do and the kind of record i wanted to make. and i did. >> are you composing? >> yes. >> are you composing for you or for the listener trying to get a hit? >> i honestly am not good at picking hits. when my label actually chose i tried my big single and i didn't think that was a good idea. i actually argued with him, telling him that's not a good song to put out. [♪ singing ] >> that turns out to be your biggest hit to date, right? >> ever. yeah so i'm not the one to go in the studio and say i'm good at writing hits because i don't really know what they are. >> so when you were sitting down to do your most recent album i've read that what you wanted to do was not to do what everybody expects to hear, that you wanted to do, pardon me for saying this, music for grown-ups? >> i just think that people who are like just in their -- you know, like grown up at least a little bit, you know? and just are not -- you're not a kid anymore. and just like the music business kind of ignores that generation of people where everything is kind of geared towards 14 and 15-year-olds, even labels kind of push the labels to, they always say go young and they'll say this is a little bit younger you know. but what they forget is that most kids don't buy music, like my son has never bought a record in his life. he has like 8,000 songs on his itunes. it would be crazy for me to try relate to a 14-year-old at this time of my life. when i'm going to a studio and i'm talking about what's coming from the heart and what i want to say it would be from the perspective of a woman of her 40s. it's just natural you know? it is something the industry totally neglects you know. >> you've discussed this publicly and i'll raise it. substances at some point have been a problem in your life. >> yes, that's negotiable. >> i don't want to negotiate. i am just laying it out here as something i've read, do you want to talk about that? >> i was youth, i was definitely really young when i left home. and all of the i turned 28 and i just had a ton of money. and you just have this tremendous access to, not just clothes and nice thing but all of a sudden you can do whatever you want. and you have an excuse for it and people who help you to get in trouble. i think it's just something people go through when things change in their life, you know. [♪ singing ] >> and you had three children. >> yes, i had three kids. >> so were they a factor in your resolution? >> oh, of course. once you have kids they're a factor in everything. but you know i was lucky at the time, i had really good people around me. my mother, and my family are all very close to me so they had my back during that time. [♪ singing ] but yeah, it's just something that you deal with. and unfortunately, it inspires really great, great songs and moments if you're a creative type so people get attached, they start believing they need it. that's another thing. i don't regret it, it's just something that i learned a lot of, i probably wouldn't have written this album had i not been involved in that. >> we appreciate you giving us your time. macy gray, thank you for visiting al jazeera america. >> thank you. >> coming up. ended up with a capture of a accused police officer killer. plus carving 5,000 pumpkins for halloween. all coming it at 11, 8 pacific. there are just 30 king cheetahs left in the world but a record litter is giving the specious hope. kaylynn ford has the story. >> still getting the hang of being the fastest mammals on earth. almost two months old, this is the part of a litter of eight. >> her name is mona lisa, one of only 30 king cheetahs in the world. you can hear the purring. >> director marcelo leon founded the center in 2009. because the center limits visitors and focuses on providing large quiet places for animals to breed leone says she's welcomed plenty of babies but the birth of these cubs are really special. cheetahs are extremely difficult to breed in captivity. habitat loss has left the specious extremelspecies extrem. >> cheetahs need a huge territory up to 57 square miles. that is well lapping the boundaries of our nature preserve. and when they do come into contact with humans, they both want the fasten land which is -- fawhich savannah land, that is perfect for grazing and cattle and goats. >> focused on promoting genetic diversity. thanks to a new program in the wild as well. >> when two of the cubs are a year old they'll be sent to a partner conservation center in south africa and their offspring will be released back into the wild. >> we along with our wild partners there have pioneered a program where cheetahs are being captive bred through a process being released in the wild, monitored with collars and two cheetahs that have actually reproduced in the wild. there is hope for these cubs. >> a species that is running out of time. kaylynn ford, al jazeera america, greenwich, connecticut. >> we leave you with one more shot of the empire state building all dressed up in halloween colors. that's our program, thanks for watching. i'm john siegenthaler. i'll see you back here at 11:00 eastern, mid terms is next. next. >> start with one issue education... gun control... the gap between rich and poor... job creation... climate change... tax policy... the economy... iran... healthcare... ad guests on all sides of the debate. >> this is a right we should all have... >> it's just the way it is... >> there's something seriously wrong... >> there's been acrimony... >> the conservative ideal... >> it's an urgent need... and a host willing to ask the tough questions >> how do you explain it to yourself? and you'll get... the inside story ray suarez hosts inside story weekdays at 5 eastern only on al jazeera america [ ♪ music ] >> trying to make phone calls out before election day. we are calling to see whether or not you are planning on voting on tuesday. they don't want to face us in november. they know we'll defeat kay hagan and send her home. >> let make them squeal. >> i need your help. the united states needs your help. [ cheering and applause ]

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New York , United States , Jerusalem , Israel General , Israel , West Bank , Damascus , Dimashq , Syria , Iran , Vermont , Turkey , Rhode Island , California , Shamil , Lab , Oregon , Russia , Michigan , Washington , District Of Columbia , London , City Of , United Kingdom , Connecticut , Ukraine , San Francisco , Tunisia , Maine , Iraq , Baghdad , University House , South Africa , Americans , Britain , Israelis , Iraqi , Syrian , Israeli , Palestinian , American , Mona Lisa , Melissa Chan , Patty Culhane , Richard Branson , Jeffrey Ali , Imran Khan , Randall Pinkston , Ray Suarez , Brandon , Dave Brandon , John Kerry , Mike Lyons , Al Jazeera America , Ariel Sharon , Dave Rosen , Mts Tayeb , James Boyd , Jim Hackett , Kay Hagan , Jonathan Betz , Calvin Sims , Temple Mount ,

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