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Americas youngest aspiring scientists. Our work was gone. Six days until the midterm election. A race where mudslinging has replaced issues. This is Al Jazeera America, live from new york city, im tony harris. Today new help in the fight against isil, Kurdish Forces are getting a boost, as they try to hold on to the Syrian Border town of kobane. Dozens of peshmerga fighters and heavy wednesday across the border of turkey. Kobanes soldiers are also getting a surge from syrian soldiers. We have more from the turkeySyrian Border. Reporter for turks its an unprecedented sight, armed kurdish fighters being escorted through turkey by turkey convoys. These are peshmerga fighters who are on the way to syria. The turkish government are allowing 150 fighters to going through its territory under u. S. Pressure to do for to fight isil. Turkey does not see iraqi kurds as a threat, so its letting them through. As the convoy made its way, the coalition launched more airstrikes focused on the border crossing. It was there, so is a place of focus of repeated assaults from isil fighters. Instead of finding a way to reconcile between the different parties the United States now decided to arm more people, and to train for people, and this will only prolong the war more thanand this will be more heavy than it is now. The peshmerga are bringing with them heavy weapons such as artillery and mortars. Its this hardware that they say they need. For more than a month they held their ground with small arms and grenade as well as airstrikes. There are reinforcements from the Free Syrian Army. Added to the peshmerga, it means about 200 men, but this is a battle where both sides have thousands of fighters, and where isil particularly seems to be able to easily and rapidly replenish its ranks. Bernard smith on the turkeySyrian Border. The fight will last a long time. John allen told al jazeera that it has plans to set up three facilities to train free opposition fighters. Allen said that those fighters will take on syria and other groups. We expect that the Free Syrian Army elements will be built into a credible field force that will hold its own, and deal with daesh, and also the al nusra elements, and to be able to defend itself against the regime. We want the free syrian elements to be able to defend itself. Thats the intent. Were building a Free Syrian Army that can be supportive of the moderate Syrian Opposition, and as we talk about the political outcome in syria, which is what we seek, a political outcome that does not include bashar alassad, that the moderate Syrian Opposition becomes not a prominent, not only a prominent voice in the political outcome, but the preeminent voice in the political outcome. Okay, we want to warn you now. The images youre about to see are another reminder of the brutality of syrias civil war. [ screaming ] [ sirens ] activists posted this video, which is said to show the aftermath of a barrel bomb of a refugee camp in northern syria. Activists say that 60 people were killed. Stephanie dekker has more. The man filming this has just arrived on the scene. This is what is left after the Syrian Regime dropped a barrel bomb on a camp of people who have been forced out of their homes. What he has filmed is too gruesome to show. A dead file is picked up, and there are many more dead here. [ screaming ] shame on you where is your conscience, this man screams. Your anger is not directed to the government in damascus but rebel groups here. Have you forgotten who the enemy is, he asks. There has been fighting between those two groups around idlib province. This shows the al nusra front taking control of the village area. Al jazeera cannot confirm with authenticity. There is a lot of tension in these areas because of the infighting, especially between Free Syrian Army corp and the al nusra front. You dont see people in the streets. People are nervous because of this infighting. Reporter while this goes on the government is making head way on the highway to the south that leads here. And idlib city remains in government hands despite an attack on monday. Syrian state television wants to show that everything is under control despite the many casualties suffered. Syrias war is not a simple one of opposition versus regime. Many groups and many allegiances it seems like nothing in this war is clear any more. Stephanie dekker, al jazeera, beirut. President obama met with his Public Health and National Security teams on the response to ebola. He once again talked about heroism. Lisa stark, tell us more about what the president had to say today . Well, tony, he did call these men and women american heroes. He said theyre willing to go into the heart of the ebola epidemic. And the president said that when they come home they need to be treated with respect and dignity. He said these workers need to be encouraged, not discouraged from going to west africa. What we need right now is the shock troops out there leading globally. We cant you discourage that. We have to encourage it and applaud it. And the president said these troops and american efforts in west africa particularly liberia are really making a difference, although he stresses this is a significant outbreak and there is still a long ways to go. Now the president also reiterated something that he said before, which is to really insure that ebola does not come to the u. S. In any major fashion we need to attack it at its source in west africa. He also talked about the fear obviously of the American People with all the headlines, news reports. He said that we have to make decisions based on science, not on fear. Yes, and lisa, that point, has the administration addressed the situation with tracy hickox, the nurse who is challenging her confinement . Not directly, although in a veiled way i think the president was talking about this case. She came back from sierra leone. Flew in to newark. The governors of new jersey decided she needed to be isolated in this hospital tent. She said shes not sick. She doesnt have symptoms. Shes now in maine where she has been sent to maine where shes from, but shes saying she doesnt want to quarantine herself. That there is no need to do so. Here is ms. Hickox on the today show. I believe this is not scientifically nor constitutionally just. Im not going to sit around and be bullied by politicians and forced to stay in my home when i am not a risk to the american public. Reporter and today under the cdc guidelines unveiled just this week she does not need to be quarantined. She needs to take her temperature twice a day. Meet with a Public Health workers once a day, all of this shes willing to do. The governor of maine said he may take legal action to force her to stay in a quarantine. Well have to see where this goes. One more point, lisa, secretary of defense chuck headac hagel, announced measures that the military will be taking on this front. Reporter what the secretary has announced is that the military, the troops, who will be going into west africa, there will be 4,000 of them rotating in and out, when they come out, even though theyll have contact with the ebola patients, the military said it is going to essentially quarantine these men and women for 21 days. Now they say they will reevaluate this policy in about a month and a half, but for now that is the plan to quarantine them. They say theyre doing that in consultation with the military families as sort of an extra measure of support in a sense and extra measure to make everyone feel a little safer. Sure, lisa stark for us at the white house. Good to see you, lee sarks thank you. Today, Al Jazeera America spoke to ebola survival nancy writebol. She was working in sierra reloan as a missionary. We asked her about quarantine in the United States. Medical workers should be able to go back and forth between west africa. Were afraid if quarantines are put in place where theyre isolated for 21 days, that the volunteers that would be willing to go wont go. Maimly because they just dont have the time, you know, doctors and nurses leave their practices and their jobs, and can donate two or three weeks. But then they have to come back and be in a mandatory isolation could really hurt the volunteers, and i just really think that if they are asymptomatic, that its not necessary. Well sense recovering, writebol has donated blood to other patients including dr. Craig spencer, who is being treated art now in a hospital in new york city. Now heres is a closer look at ebola by the number. Almost 5,000 team have died from the virus in the epicenter in liberia, there are 6,535 cases 3, but the rate has been declining. In sierra leone, there is 2535 cases and in guinea, 1906 people have been infected with ebola. The United States Security Council is meeting to discuss the israeli settlements in jerusalem. Its been heavily criticized, including the white house. Al jazeeras diplomatic editor james bays joins us from his post at the united nations. What has come from this meeting today . Reporter well, this meeting follows the announcement of new settlements coming at a very delicate time. A time of real tension in the situation regarding the israelis and palestinians. After all, some have claimed over 2,000 palestinian lives. Well, the israelis announced they were going to build new settlements, legal homes in occupied East Jerusalem at the beginning of the week. The palestinians asked for a Security Council meeting. During that meeting they got condemnation from the israeli clan from all around the table, including this unusually Harsh Criticism coming from the u. S. Representative. We urge all parties to refrain from provocative actions, including settlement activity by israeli authorities, settlement activity will only further escalate tensions at a time that is already tense enough. The United States views settlement activity as illegitimate, and we have made unambiguously clear, as weve made clear our opposition to any unilateral attempts to make end runs around the hard work of negotiations. Condemnation around the Security Council table today. No action, no resolution, but thats where this goes next. The palestinians want there to be a resolution. They are proposing one that would set the end date of the occupation to 2016, november 2016. That, i think, will be the big test for the u. S. Yes, hard language today in the Security Council, but would the u. S. Really go against israel in a vote like that . I think most believe in the end the u. S. Even though it really doesnt want to use its veto at the Security Council would do that, and we think that meeting could happen in the next couple of weeks. James bays for us at the united nations. At the same time the debate over israeli settlements is happening, presiden Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu blasted back. An official claimed that netanyahu is more interested in political career than making a peace deal. Netanyahu said hes under attack for simply defending israel. Jen saki say that the comments do not reflect the u. S. View. The u. S. Israeli relationship remains strong, and the ties between our nations are unshakeable. We remain committed to israeli security. On the comments we think such comments are inappropriate and counter productive. I spoke with the secretary about in this morning, he feels strongly that a war of wards i words is no productive. The defense minister was snubbed visiting washington, days after making negative statements about secretary of state john kerry. The families of the missing 43 missing mexican students will pete witwill pete meet with president pena nete. In this town 15 kilometers from where were standing, they found remains, it could be the 43 missing students. Theyre taking though remains to the capitol, mexico city, for further investigation. Meanwhile, parents who are desperate to know more about this case and werent even told about this mass grave until they heard about it on the news, theyve finally secured an audience with president enrique pena niete. The president will receive them at his official residence. Were not sure what hell be telling them, but he may be updating them on the case. He may be trying to show them that hes supporting them emotionally as they go through the process of grieving. The students come from a very poor area in the state of guerrero, and their parents have been living at the school where they studied trying to organize there and get answers. But so far theyre not satisfied that what theyve been hearing from the government, and they hope on wednesday theyll get clearer answers to all the questions theyve been asking. Investigators are trying to figure out what happened to cause an unmanned rocket to explode seconds after launch. Weve lift off. You saw this in this hour just yesterday. The rocket with 5,000 pounds of supplies for the International Space station burst into a cloud of fire and debris. Well, you see it there, as it took off from virginia last night. The force of the explosion shook buildings for miles. It was the first accident since nasa started relying on private operators to take cargo to the International Space station. Roxana saberi has more for us. Reporter the company that made the rocket is looking into what happened. Nasa made orbital to nearly 2 million to make the deliveries as part of a trend to commercialize the space industry. Investigators are surveying the damage. Caused by tuesday nights rocket explosion. The company that made the rocket said that something went wrong just seconds after the launch. Well find out what that is. Well determine the root cause, and well correct that. Reporter orbital is one of two companies that nasa has hired to fly supplies to the International Space station since retiring its own space shuttles three years ago. It pays the companies billions of dollars. Tuesdays accident is now raising questions about the shift to privatization, but advocates say that the trend will continue. There is no reason why a private company like orbital cannot provide safe, reliable service. Just the same way that its never true that the government nasa specifically, was always flawless. No one was hurt in the explosion, but it destroyed several students science projects on board, including one led by these four eighth graders. I was so upset. I couldnt think but all our work is gone. We never are going to reach it again. Reporter this was what they were working on, an experiment testing the use of iodine taplets to make water cleaner for astronauts. The project was one of 18 chosen from 1500 proposals across the country to fly on board the rocket. Weve got experiment experiments in microbiology, stem cell research, nano tubes. Reporter it was the result of a year of hard work and a science experiment for these girls, refugees who moverred from iraq a year ago. I Love Learning about space. I would go to school, and i didnt know that much about space. Reporter the students now have a chance to keep learning about space, and wednesday morning the head of the program said all 18 projects will travel on the next rocket. I was so happy, like, i dont know. It feels like our hopes didnt go. Reporter russias space agency has offered to help the u. S. Get supplies to the space station, but nasa said that it has an enough foods and water to last it awhile. Those young people, so smart. Reporter theyll get their project on the next rocket. Lets make it happen successfully. Roxana, thank you. Reporter sure. After the american rocket was destroyed it was the returns who camethe russians who came to the rescue. On their own unmanned rocket launched in kazakhstan. 5,000 pounds of replacement supplies reached the International Space station around 9 00 a. M. Eastern time. One of isils most potent weapons is its money. Ali velshi explains how the group gets its money, and how the u. S. Is trying to stop the flow of cash. And a hidden camera exposing harassment women face as they simply walk down the street. So the Federal Reserve is ending a bondbuying program known as kwan at quantitative easing. The government has been buying up bonds and securities. Todays action marks a major milestone. The fed will keep shortterm Interest Rates near zero to boost recovery in the labor market. Wall street saw the fed coming. The dow lost 31 points. S p 503 points and nasdaq 15 points. Isil is not your run of the mill organization. Besides seizing large amounts of territory in iraq, its very well funded. That cash is making it difficult to defeat the organization. Reareal money with alireal moneys ali velshi was more on this. How does isil get the money it needs to support its operation. Reporter we look at the role that cutter may make, other areas that may have some role of keeping isil afloat. Those countries all deny it, but we started to pick away what the issues are. Isil gets so much of its money from the sale of oil. They come up with 50,000 barrels a day and sell it at a discount, but there is a man in the u. S. Treasury, david cohen, the under secretary for terror financing. He runs a department within treasury that has 700 employees, this is what they do. They follow the money. They try to find out how they can break the back of isils funding, which is so much stronger, tony, than any other Similar Group that is not state funded. State funded terrorism comes with lots of money and resources but these random groups dont. We talked about the oil. We talked about the citizens in some cases in gulf countries who are supporting isil, and whether the countries involved are doing enough to stop that. We talked about kidnapping, ransom and the difference between the u. S. And u. K. Both of which say no to ransom payments, versus other countries who willingly or otherwise accommodate ransom payments. There is a lot of stuff that we have to look at in terms of isil and how to stop the funding that goes to it, and tonight on my show ill have a full discussion with david cohen as well as all of the work weve done on qatar, turkey and saudi arabia, so you get a sense of what these countries are accused of doing, and what their response is to these accusations. I wonder in the United States, what is happening in the middle east, what is the u. S. And its partners doing right now to try to stem the tide of these funds . Reporter well, the problem, david cohen, i man i talked to today, he was really responsible in large part in the way that america got iran to the table. That it was disabling their ability to move money across borders using the swift banking september. Anyone who sent money overseas knows that swift banking system. Its an international protocol. Well, isil does not work on that. Theyre very much a cash economy. Theyre trying to hone in on where people have legitimate businesses are intersecting with isil. When they sell isle, at some point that oil becomes gasoline or diesel, and those people have a bank account. Thats where they want to intersect with them. Find them and stop the transaction from happening. Basically take isils commuters on the oil side away from them. And then we have to decide whether we pay ransoms or not. Are we Strong Enough to stop individuals, businesses, charities in some of these countries from supporting isil under the governments nose. Following the money and calling folks out. Ali velshi coming up at the top of the hour on Al Jazeera America. A thanks, ali. From washington, on www. Aljazeera. Com were talking about the reach of the internet. It is nearly endless, and so is the fear of losing ones privacy online. Websites provide a lot of services, but do you read the terms of those services . Our team found a great way to break down the pros and cons as we digitize th our lives. Read the novella on www. Aljazeera. Com. One of the dirtiest campaigns in the country just got dirtier. David shuster has the latest in the attack of the florida governors race. Also, how colorados Latino Community could decide who has control of the United States senate. In todays power politics. Six days until the midterm elections and former First Lady Barbara Bush has now joined the campaign effort. David shuster is here with more. By her own as mission the 89yearold barbara bush does not do campaign ads very often, but the former first lady and her husband are friends with mai maine republican paul le page, so push is helping with this. Paul is direct, like me. Vote for paul le page for governor. Hes moving maine in the right direction. The story in maine, which well get back to in a moment, and is a great one in terms of the ballot initiative, whats going on in maine and the governors race stands in very stark contrast with the governors race in florida. It has been the nastiest and most expensive race this year. Rick scott slammed crist from taking money from strip clubs. Today crist is hitsing scott over the issue of rape. With the stroke of pen scott wiped away 30 rape centers. It helped women to get care, counseling and legal help. These centers are for women who have no place else to turn, and rick scott turned his back on every one of them. Rough stuff. One of the most competitive battles in West Virginia E Nick Rahall has been in office for decades. Suggestions from evan jenkins leading the race thanks to a barrage of attacks linking rahall to president obama. Congressman nick rahall. Rahall helped obama pocketing millions of dollars in return. Rahall took bribes trading cash for votes. Nick rahall is not for us any more. And rahall sitting next to nancy pelosi, that is poison. Mark udall is again focusing on the single issue he has highlighted the most, womens rights. In his latest add he attacks cory gardner for supporting antiabortion legislation and then denying it. Gardners denials failed the independent fact check. In a Less Charitable interpretation is that youre not telling us the truth. Whether its your rights, freedom in his own words colorado cannot trust the real cory gardner. And greg orman is trying to hang on to what appears to be a slight lead against pat roberts. Roberts is getting help from a pac run by kentucky Libertarian Center rand paul. Pat roberts was one of the few true conservative senators who stood with rand paul and said stop sending money to radical organizations who kill our am basis ders and burn our flags. Actually the u. S. Does not intentionally send money to radical organizations. More outside groups are pooing resources in this campaign, the latest from the National Education association. Joni ernst is taking the funding from pubic schools and giving it to private schools instead. More, she would cut 1 million from iowa schools. She said she would not cut the money but that she would give it to the state. Back to maine, question number one on the States Election day ballot would ban the use of like jelly donuts to lure bears out of the woods so hunters can shoot them. Over the last two weeks there have been 1300 ads for and against the bearluring restriction. Question one only stops junk food baiting. No one wants more bears in our neighborhood. Lets stop feeding them. Its common sense. Vote yes on question one. Question one said shooting and killing bears is okay, but giving them sweet treats as a final meal, that is prohibited. It seems that the folks in maine are missing the controversy in this story. But thats today in power politics. Gentlemen, a deep dive on the iowa senate race. The party is running bruce bailey. Republican state senator joni ernst is running against him, and she has steadily been pulling away from braley in this race. Ernst has come out on top in all but one poll. Look at the numbers there. The candidates are far apart on minimum wage, the environment and healthcare, but ads have not focused on those issues. The ernst campaign has instead tried convince voters that shes the washington outsider, not braley. Im joni ernst. I grew up castrating hogs on an iowa farm. So when i get to washington, ill know how to cut pork. My parents taught us to live within our means. It is time to force washington to do the same. Braley is accusing ernst of hiding from the press. Joni ernst canceled a meeting with the editorial board. [music] everybody said everyone is ready. Everyone strapped in . Can we do this . Michael shure and david unite david united state shuster. It points do, doesnt it michael, how important this race is . What the republicans have seen, tony, theyve seen georgia tightening. Theyve seen what is happening in kansas. Where else can we pick something off that was an uphill battle but doable like iowa, thats why so much money and sur gates are going into that state. Wasnt this supposed to be a pretty simple, clearcut seat for the democrats . Initially bruce bailey was considered one of the best Senate Candidates but he has made gaffe after gaffe everything from complaining not having Towel Service in the house gym to what he was suggesting that the senator grassley, the republican senator is just a farmer without a law degree. He has run a miserable campaign. Its continuing because of a gaffe that joni ernst with the nra. But her refusal to speak and what braley is hitting on, it takes joni ernst and makes her this years sarah palin. They want to do with joni ernst with a they didnt do with sarah palin. She was out there talking with everybody, and she keptwhen she talked about what magazine she reads, books shes read. If they keep joni ernst away, and this is also maybe going to be seen if she wins as a tea Party Victory even though it was not simply a tea party race, shes that kind of a candidate. Apart from how her opponents would like to depict her. Give us biographical sketch. There is a chance she grew up castrating pigs. She was in the military. Shes a senator, but not a state senator of great renown. She was brought in as a candidate, tony, because no other republicans were going to run. A lot of people thought congressman steve king would run. He chose not to. When he chose not to it was a free for all. The republicans backed a moderate candidate, and joni ernst won. Its beeni guess were looking at this issue in a couple of races. Is there much of a gender gap to speak of . Theyre trying to drum up the gender gap with abortion rights and you saw in the ad that joni is wanting to cut education. A lot of women voters are seeing that as a cynical Election Strategy and are seeing past it and joni ernst as someone who could go to washington and cut the pork. Shes not a trial lawyer and thats what bruce braley is, and thats a strike against him. And she would be the first combat veteran to serve. That would score among women. How important is this race . Taking a look at it now and what it might portend for 2014 . Iowa is where they start force. If joni ernst has an organization that delivers Election Night for us, that bodes well. You dont want to look too much into it. You can only say so much about a senate race two years prior. But what youre going see is motivated republicans and less motivated democrats. You dont run against charles grassley. Even if youre a democrat, you dont do that. Joni ernst has gotten help from jeb bush, rand paul, chris christie, its not like any one National Republican can call up joni ernst and say, i was the one who got you over the begin line. They all did. Joe biden is giving support to bruce braley. If that continues, and bide someone a candidate, it could have been one of those endorsements. Have you noted a clinton affect here for braley . You know, the clintons together were at tom harkins fry, it will only be a clinton affect if they win. David, michael, appreciate it. Good to see you. Colorado is one of the critical battle grounds for control of the senate. The contest there is one of the closest and most expensive in the country. A key to a win could be how the states latinos vote. Democrats and their suppor supporters are pounding the pavement. And in colorado the democratic parties most important foot soldiers and targets are latinos. None of the states considered in play have a significant latino population except one. Here in colorado the latino vote could prove decisive. Democratic senator mark udall probably cant hold off a challenge from cory gardner without strong latino support, but there are signs that he has it. A recent poll shows 66 of colorados latinos supporting udall. 17 leaning towards gardner. Republican state center overrivera isenator George Rivera is running. When i talk to them, i point out what the values we share. What are those values . The belief in hard work and having a Strong Nuclear family and belief in religion and faith. But immigration is the redhot issue hurting republicans among latinos here. Senator udall, like most democrats endorsed the path to citizenship. Representative gardner said that it would only encourage more illegal immigration. After a long day of canvassing voters, they have different with their family. This election is personal for you and your family. What does it mean to you . It means keeping our family together. At any moment one of my family members could get picked up and deported, and im planning to try and stop that. That is exactly the kind of visceral emotional response democrats are hoping will rally enough latinos to the polls and into their column on election day. As you know it is illegal to vote twice. There is a program called interstate cross check to check voting records for people who may try it. Already theyve used it to take thousands of voters off the roles. But as america tonight found out officials may not be checking for inaccuracies closely enough. Greg is a private investigator turned journalist who has been following Voting Rights in every election since 2000. I got into this stuff when bush on by 527 votes. A decade and a half later im hearing the cry of voter fraud. There is a Million People committing voter fraud. Is there really this big crime wave . This is what they do. Vincent Hardy Williams voted in georgia. Vincent h. Williams voted in virginia. They say thats the at the same time guy. How do they know thats the same person . Stacey is the stop ranking democrat in georgia assembly. I sit as the minority leader of the house of representatives, this information has never been presented to the house of representatives. I think its completely unreasonable, and i certainly intend through my offices as a member of the house of representatives to investigate and to request information from the secretary of state about this program, about the nature of the programmatic and the origin of it, about the resources being used to implement it, and whether or not were stemcally attempting to disenfranchise half million of our georgia voters. Check out part one at 9 00 p. M. Eastern on Al Jazeera America. You know, a lot of voters frustrated with the gridlock on capitol hill hav, and have been for quite some time. If you share those frustrations, heres a chance to let us know. Take a picture of yourself. A selfie, holding a sign that says hashta dear congress, i want. Then tell us. Email it to us america tonight will share your images and responses in the days ahead. And dont fert to join Al Jazeera America on november fourth for a complete round up of election result and indepth analysis. Our coverage against at 7 00 eastern time. We have other news today. Maria ines ferre is here with us. Reporter a high tech balloon is not helping to find a suspected cop killer. The police hoped that it would help them search a wooded area eric frein. Hes on the run after allegedly killing one state trooper and woning another last month. In indiana, darren vann was in court where the judge entered not guilty pleas on his behalf to charges of murdering two women. The governor of illinois is intervening in a teacher strike. Parents and teachers packed a School Board Last night. They got angry when board member victoria torres cut the time short for comments. Lets go. Im a parent, too. Sit down and shut up. Yes. [ booking ] today torres apologized for the outburst, 17,000 students have already missed 20 days of school. And in florida the coast guard rescued dozens of people trying to escape cuba on an overloaded boat. The small craft was holding 33 people. The cost barred picked them up in the waters off boca raton today. They were transferred to a larger ship for medical assistance. Appreciate it. See you later. The world series has come down to a decisive game, anything better than game seven . That man, moustakas. They call him the mouse. Capping off the royals. 2,000degree lava making its way through a town in hawaii. We have an update for you. And a new kind of college scholarship. Getting tuition for playing video games . Theyre the one. They will stop at nothing to get your vote david young, how are you . Run for congress its important to be out here talking to voters director aj schnacks unprecedented series concludes its certainly something that doesnt exist in politics on Television America votes 2014 midterms only on Al Jazeera America the picture have been dramatic of volcanic lava inching towards a remote town in hawaii. Homes and businesses could be destroyed. We have more on this. Reporter its been going on since june 27th. Its described as a slowmotion disaster even though the lava is moving at a rate of 10 mph. Residents know there is not much they can do but wait and watch. After months of waiting residents are seeing how destructive a 2,000degree river of lava could be. Once what was once sprawling home is now a black field. A cemetery has been overtaken by the lava. The flow is making its way through the town of pahoe. And 50 or 60 structures are in the area likely to be hit. The county has been working around the clock to rebuild two roads as additional evacuation continues. 1,000 residents in the flow path have been told to prepare to evacuate at any time. I have my trailers ready, but im not putting anything on them until the guy across the street, house is burning. The red cross has set up a shelter for those with nowhere else to go. People are losing everything that they have, and were trying to provide a place where people can come and have a safe place. As of right now the lava flow is 200 feet wide making its way through the small town of pa hoeahea. Thomas, appreciate it. Thank you. A new kind of of Sports Scholarship for those who play video games, one of dozens of colleges who are looking beyond traditional athletes in their recruiting efforts. Ash har quaraishi has the story for us. Reporter College Athletic scholarships are given to the cream of the crop. But for the first time rmu has awarded varsity letters and substantial scholarship money to video game players. A could i bond, mouse and head set is rule these players neat. Some of the nations top ranked players. They play league of ledges with 27 million players logging on each day. Like their counter pardons on the soccer field or tennis quarter they practice 16 hours a week in a custom built arena the university recruited him on a 50 tuition and room and board scopership. You got recruit glad yes. To play video games. When they first approached me i said, what are you talking about . This is video games. I show it to my parents. Its actually a good school. While some may scoff at the idea of calling video game play a varsity sport, esport coordinator who coaches womens soccer say these players bring some of the same skill sets he looks for in players of traditional sports. Just like you can hear these girls saying, im open, pass here. Same in that game. They come around and that clicked with me. Its a team game. Why cant we do the same as we would for any other sport and try to get the best players to our school. For universities having esports teams means publicity, sponsorships, and the way to get in on the ground level of a burgeoning sport. While rmu may be the first to offer the sport scholarships, many have esport teams like princeton, cornell. Its a good thing to practice. Its a good thing. Its also a good thing not to get too wrapped up in it. Hes maintaining a perfect 4. 0, and after school there is always a possibility of going pro. What a concept. Coming up on Al Jazeera America, the new video that gives a look at what harassment really looks like. Millions of views in one day. Thats next. A brutal drug war this here were the remains of 31 people that were found. Thousands disappearing the cost of kidnapping and killing a human being is almost zero fault lines, Al Jazeera Americas hard hitting. Today they will be arrested. Ground breaking. Theyre firing canisters of gas at us. Emmy Award Winning investigative series. New episode the disappeared only on Al Jazeera America a video about street harassment against women has now gone viral. Ines is back with that story. Reporter video has been viewed more than 8 million times in 24 hours. Watch. Reporter its a psa showing a woman walking through new york city. Receiving cat calls and other remarks from men. And the creator of the video put a camera on his backpack and walked in front of the woman you see there. He had a microphone in each hand. During her tenhour walk she received more than 100 comments. This video is fueling a discussion on social media. Some people agree that the comments are verbal harassment. Others argue that it was just compliments and men saying hawaii. I spoke to reason bliss. He said you have to look at the totality of the remarks as they an add up. If someone did that once every few months, it may not be anything to focus on. But its that guy plus the other guy down the block and the guy on the next block, and dozens of comments every day. I mean, its that collective weight of people judging on your looks, your hair, if youre smiling or not. Its ridiculous. Is it a judgment or a comment . Reporter there is a discussion on b this on social media. Since this was posted, the woman in the video has received rape threats on social media. Oh, boy. Reporter and the none profit that commissioned the psa said that it hit a nerve. Maybe it seems that the line has been crossed. Maybe im missing something from the conversation. Well go one of the organizers who created it. Thats at 11 00 p. M. Right here on Al Jazeera America. Funding terrorism. Where does the money come from . Who can america trust . Im in washington with a man in charge of destroying terrorist organizations without firing a single shot. Well lay waste to the rumors and follow where the money leads. This is real money with ali velshi. Tonight im in washington for a special show focusing on the role that money is playing in americas newest war in the middle east. The fight against the iic

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