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Fans want to see their games in the olympics. Thanks for being with us. Tonight new numbers on the ebola outbreak. They are startling, the World Health Organisation reports more than 10,000 people contracted the deadly virus. Of those 5,000 have died. Nearly all of the deaths occurred in guinea, liberia and sierra leone. 27 cases have been reported outside the hardhit countries. Nigeria and senegal have been declared virus free. President obama urged calm during his weekly address, days after a doctor back from west africa was diagnosed with ebola in new york city. We have to be guided by the science, the facts, not fear. Yesterday new yorkers showed us the way. They did what they do every day jumping on buses, riding the subway, crowding in elevators, heading into work, walk engine parts. That spirit is part of what makes new york part of the great cities in the world, and that is what all of us can draw upon as americans, as we meet the change together. Theres words dr craig spencer, the patient in new york has entered the next phase of the illness. Craig spencer is awake and communicating. The hospital gave spencer the plasma therapy used by other offices to treat the patients. His fiancee has been released and will be in guarantee seen with his quarantine with two friends. Casey was a traveller isolated under a strict measure introduced. She had been treating ebola patients was isolated when she arrived at Newark Airport and tested negative for the virus. She described her experience saying she went on to say dr celine groundra an infix as disease physician spoke about how the newly enacted quarantine could affect Health Care Workers thinking of helping out in west africa. Here are doctors and nurses putting their lives on the line, taking a hit, spending time away from their families to volunteer to help control the outbreak. And they are rewarded by being stigmatised and being put through the ringer by customs officials, and potentially being quarantined for 21 days. That is really not the way to be treating people the very people we rely on to keep us safe. In the case of Health Care Workers in ebola treatment units, these are the people that know the most about the disease, who had real experience with patients with ebola, who know what the symptoms are and the consequences of not getting treatment would be. So its in their interests, not just in the publics interests to be monitoring for symptoms, and come forward as soon as they develop symptoms. With ebola, some time is of the essence. Starting treatment is essential to survival. So i think in this case theres more than enough motivation for Health Care Workers to do the monitoring and do the rightening. Now, to the latest on the fight against i. S. I. L. U. S. Coalition forces carried out 23 air strikes on i. S. I. L. Targets in iraq and syria on friday and saturday. 22 were in iraq alone. At the same time Security Forces achieved some large territory gains in months, retaking parts of a city 60 miles south of baghdad. In syria the fight for kobane tradition on. Evander kane has the dominic kane has the latest. Reporter iraqi soldiers entered an area that has been held by i. S. I. L. For months. A strategically important town, 50km south of baghdad. Translation and the last three days we carried out a number of preemptive strikes and cleared the area. East of you frayedies, before pushing forward. Reporter its a victory in the face of continued i. S. I. L. Domination of much of iraq and syria. Another main battle area is the town of kobane, on the syrian turkish border. Fought over by i. S. I. L. , and Kurdish Forces for weeks. A key issue is what support the turkish government would give kurdish fighters taking on i. S. I. L. In the town. Tensions between the kurds and the turks have increased in recent weeks with allegations of turkish soldiers being killed by kurdish fighters, posing a threat to the ceasefire between the p. K. K. And the turkish government. Turkey is trying to play at the differences, play at the differences that exist between the kurdish president in northern iraq, and the Syrian Kurdish or the Democratic Union party, which is closely affiliated to the p. K. K. In turkey. Back, the iraqi army plans to capitalize n on gains to push further into i. S. I. L. Held territory. With so much being held by i. S. I. L. There is much to reclaim theres ongoing fighting near tripoli in lebanon between the army and gunman believed to be loyal to i. S. I. L. Six soldiers and two civilians have been killed. Tripoli has been divided between supporters of Bashar Alassad and rebels. Stephanie dekker has more from beirut. Reporter its been tense in the Northern City of tripoli, with the Army Fighting armed men. The center on the old suit of the city. Its no stranger to the spillover in lebanon. There are two neighbourhoods. They have och fought together. Its been quiet for the last few months. The recent flareup gives you complex. An apartment was raided on thursday, at dawn. They arrested a man believed to be a main recruiter for i. S. I. L. In lebanon. We sat with a military commander. We received a statement calling for attacks on the army and retaliation for arrest. The army is ready, but theres a concern that this will go on, lebanon no stranger to the spillover of the syrian war, a sectarian society, divided and its a huge concern to the people. Politicians are divided, all giving the same message that they stand behind the army tonight there is video of a hostage held by i. S. I. L. The 6 minute video shows british journalist john cantlie reading a scripted message, in it criticizing the u. K. And u. S. Cantlie was kidnapped in syria in 2012. It comes days after the death of his father. Since august i. S. I. L. Showed the deaths of four western hostages, two americans. In a few hours millions head to the polls across europe and brazil to take part in elections. At stake independence, democratic rule and the hope of a corruption manufacture free government. Ukraine will get their first parliament. It was a movement marred by deadly confrontations between russian backed forces and ukranian patriots. Voters are expected to support a party led by president petro porashenko. In tunisia, security is a major concern. 5 million voters are expected to cast ball adds since the 2011 revolution, the arab spring. The election is considered a major step towards democratic rule. In brazil its an election. Political corruption is the major issue. The election is called the closest president ial race in decades. The Ruling Workers Party candidate appears to have a slight edge despite a bribery scandal. More from brazil. The latest opinion polls. They have dropped slightly. This is very much a technical tie. Keep in mind that there are enough brazilians out there, who are undecided to swing the president ial race. The personal profiles are different. Both candidates seemed seemed similar. Buying and selling a coconut is a chance to show allegiance. The dual is between the incumbent Workers Party president. A former left ring guerilla. Social democratic senator the grand slam of a famous politician, who died the day before becoming the first president after its dictate orship. Unlike her popular predecessor, seen as brazils iron lady, a tough techno accurate representing the political party, dramatically reduced poverty. Aecio neves promises more businessfriendly promises is a favourite. Married to a famous model. Like his image as a playboy, he insists brazil can change. Someone that will go to brasilia to combat corruption, and jumpstart the economy. Now in recession. Brazils capital was built in 1960, in the shape of an airplane, and in the cockpit was a president ial palace. Its an apt metaphor. It had finally taken off upped the previous government. President Dilma Rousseff had been losing more and more altitude. Brazilians want change, but taunted about who could best deliver it. Theres a roman guard. It has two faces and looks to the future and the past, looks both ways, and the middle class looks like that figure, they look to the past and are thank of for everything that the pt did, and they look for the future. And they were not sure if theyd give the extra mile. Dilma rousseffs strongest support comes from the poor, people who have not rich to the middle class, but belief it will be their turn next if Dilma Rousseff stays in office. That is not the case for much of the middle class that came to expect more. It hasnt been all bad, but theres too much corruption and bad health services. We need to renew things. In the end, the outcome will be decided by the middle and lower classes who have not given up on their dream. The polls open at 6am eastern time. Its a nailbiting race to see who will fill the seat at the president ial palace you see behind me. In ukraine, not everywhere will be allowed to vote tomorrow. Therell be no ballots in the donetsk peoples republic. They plan on holding their open elections next week. Not every one is happy with the drps decision to ta away. These pictures landed this woman in trouble. Detained and beaten by prorussian fighters, accused of releasing the troops. She was assigned to a lamp post, accused of beak a traitor and a child killer. Now shes running as an independent candidate in the parliamentary elections. Translation honesty will be my main priority. Ill be a new politician. I want a strong army. We should be able to protect our own country. For three months. Slovyansk was the focal point of the prorussian uprising. It returned upped ukranian control gone are the tire barricades that the prorussians put up around the buildings. Replaced by the blue and yellow of the ukranian dlag. Flag. Beyond the makeover is anger, especially among those that lost their homes, and is directed towards the government in kiev. Reporter they dont want to talk to us on camera, but they dont want to vote. They say the prospects of a unit ukraine is impossible at this stage. But these are the prorussian voices at the moment. As in the past, ukranian voices were low. They are trying to be as discrete as possible now. For two months prorussian prices were on this land. Its when Government Forces shelled that the houses in this area were destroyed. She has decided to give her vote to a promoscow candidate. Reporter because they are the on ones that stayed with us when they were shelled. People are afraid now. There is is harsh. Even the relatives of the russian fighters few in slovyansk believe the elections will heal the divisions. Separatists leaders vowed to regain the leadership. Many wonder how long before the Ukranian National colours are once again removed well have more on World Politics coming up this hour. Since the arab spring uprising in 2010, many arab nations replaced dictators. Well look at the Current Situation in about four minutes. In the u. S. , early voting is underway in 33 states. Election day is november 4th. More than a million voters took advantage of advanced voting. Eight out of 10 is through the mail. Three states that allow early voting only allow voting by mail coming up on Al Jazeera America. They say their marriage spiralled into years of fear and abuse. Its part of Domestic Violence month, two women share their stories to empower other victims of abuse. Welcome back. Tonight we take a deeper look at the arab spring, and where it stands four years after it began. On sunday tunisians elected a new parliament, first under the new constitution approved this year, and another step towards democracy. A traditional government ruled since the uprisings of 2010. The event in tunisia sparked protests, pitting an array of groups against one another. The movements, mostly lead by prodemocracy supporters gained a great deal of traction. As Courtney Kealy reports, four years after the arab spring began, tunisias success is the exception. Nearly four years after it began, the dream loose by the arab spring was realised. Self countries ousted leaders. Changes of government brought some areas closer to democracy. The brutal four decade rule was ended. The country has two rival governments. It looks less like retrilugs and the first act of a war. Two president s has been overthrown. If hosni nooubar ask and mohamed mursi. The latest leaders, president abdul fatah alsisi, came down hard on dissent, particularly anything connected with ousted president Mohamed Mursis brotherhood. Critics say abdul fatah alsisi is reviving the police state. The youthled protests in yemen were high jacked by powerful groups. The president of 33 years, was deposed, but is a powerful figure. Hoys loyalists wrested for control. Houthis over ran large parts of the country last month. Hundreds have been killed in a u. N. Brokered truce. The tragic results so far remains the complete disintegration of syria. 200,000 syrians have been killed, and millions displaced inside and outside of the battered country. President Bashar Alassad remains in power. The Islamic State of iraq and levant grew in this environment. Thousands of foreign fighters have been drawn to their ranks. Tunisia has gone along the path to democracy than any other country, it is believed to export more extremists to syria and iraq, to fight with i. S. I. L. For any other country in the wor world to discuss more, well bring in a specialist lecturer at the university for middle eastern studies, and a former middle east analyst for the state department, joining us from washington d. C. Great to have you with us, gentlemen. Thank you. Thank you. Ill start with you mr abdul. I wish we could start with a lot of hope and progress. Theres a growing wage of discontent. Is the arab spring over . I dont think its over. It is going through a difficult transition, and that is normal. Every revolution go through a transition. It took many years. There are a lot of difficulties facing the arab younger men and women. When they went to the street in early, late 2010 and early 2011. They wanted democracy and dignity. They wanted to be recognised, they want the end of corruption. They were happy to see four dictators in a short period. Thats not what you expect to see. Took back taking over what they lost in the early days of their revolution. Now we go through the transition, it is not over yet. That moment that the arab masses, where there were two president s in egypt, one in yemen after 33 years, in libya. I think time would turn around and theyll come back and say this is not what we revolted against, and we have to continue. If its not over yet, former president jimmy carter shared thoughts. The democratic process requires patience and the right form of assistance. Are there expectations that need the decades to mature. Well, i think theres a problem with the idea that liberal democracy was the only inspiration of the changes occurring in the middle east. Clearly the young people that went to the street were the cata left for change, but there were deeper changes that occurred. You had the 40 year revolution, and that was clear at every election that happened, that people were muslims first and arabs second. That changed. That caused all sorts of problems in the region, breaking down into sectarian fighting. You have a new challenge within the Sunni Community where they are fighting over the identity, who is a sunni arab. When you look for hope and progress, we mentioned it here four years later. Well bounce around, but how do you look for hope and progress except you move forward. It came as a result. The early days of the revolution. They remember that this revolution had to prove that the arab people are against extremism, and against the kind of al qaeda opinion. This is what the people want. Multimark assistance, free elections, Free Expression of opinion. Thats what the people want. Now we see the difficulty. Tunisia give a mother love and every arab is looking for tunisia. They are able to coexist, modern islamic groups. That is the election. Theyll give hope for other groups to isolate the extremist representatives by i. S. I. L. Its like i. S. I. L. Is an operation. It needs to be taken out of the body or it will kill it. Thats why so many groups will operate. On the strange body. And i think it has no future there. It is an isolated group. It has no popular embracelet by the public there. It looks like its strong. It cannot survive without this popular embracelet. Well talk about tunisia, where the revolution began, more than 5 million will vote in the elections. Its expected to serve in a litmus test for success. Hashem ahelbarra has more. Reporter violence and instability loom large in a country set to cast an historic vote. Security forces track a group of people with explosives inhouse in a suburb near tunis. Special units stormed the house. Police officials were planning to disrupt the political process. The raid happened as millions of tunis yaps are getting ready tunisians are getting ready to select a new parliament. This is the leader of the secular tunisians call a party likely to make significant gains. Members of the former government and president are also taking part in these elections. One of them served as defense and minister. Translation my priority is security, given the rise of terror. In tunisia and the region. Im determined to fix the economy and build strong ties with the international community. They face a tough challenge from the party. Tunisias election system is based on proportional representation. No party is likely to win a majority. For the leader, consensus is the only way forward. The lesson that we learn is that in the transitional period, a majority will not be able to solve the problems. You have to have an extend toed extended coalition. And you need four years. Reporter elections were marked which violence and a rift between conservatives and tech u lars. Its defining political moment. Tunisia will stand on the basis of the outcome of this election as a country with some kind of opportunity to rebuild society. To rebuild the state. I guess it will be the model. Tunisias future will be decided by more than 5 million voters. According to recent opinion polls. Half of them are undecided. This is where four years ago thousands of tunisians took to the streets to denounce government repress. The demand for freedom inspired millions. People in the region wander whether tunisians will inspire again, by becoming a model of the people transitioned to democracy we are continuing the conversation now. Specialist lecturer at the center for middle eastern studies, a former middle east analyst joining us. Mr bannerman, how do you see the ebz wills shaping the elections shaping the future of tunisia. Its a special case. Its a small country with less than 12 Million People. The people are homogen houous. Tunisia has the best chance of success, i think the elections will be a step in the right direction. One has to be concerned the fact that 3,000 tunizians are fighting in i. S. I. S. The people when they come back have the potential of being a longterm security question for that country, and that challenges the fundamental nature of democracy. We have rising terrorism, price increases, unemployment, and some said life was better under ben ali era. Yes, i mean we cant compare. Some of the people say we would be better with the former regime, like the gays with Muammar Gaddafi case with Muammar Gaddafi, libya and syria. We cant look at to this way. Now tunisia is a modern and people looking at it, and what is good about tunisia, the external interference was minimum. Was not an arrangement factor. With the other countries there were external interference, in the case of egypt. Bahrain, syria. Libya a lot of groups fighting. There were external elements. We also have to give a credit to the European Union and the united states, who stood with the experience in tunisia. They were supporting from far. They gave loans. They advised them. They didnt interfere in the fabric. Political life, the way they did in other countries. Thats why tunisia soon well see a recovery. The country has a lot of potential. Its a great country, theres a lot of potential with tourism and agriculture, the trade with the European Union. Recovery with indonesia is looming. I want to get your thoughts on the future of libya and syria . Those are two of the worst cases going. In syria the entire social fabric of the country broke down. The war is continuing. The amazing thing to those of us in the west is the survivability of the Bashar Alassad regime, and how he managed to hold on to a large segment of the population that supports him against the opposition. Syria is in for a long, difficult period. With regard to libya, they are in chaos. They are in trouble. It is trouble for egypt. You have within that country all sorts of very different groups of people and some of them are nasty and harmful to their neighbours. You talk about us sitting in the west. Has the arab spring changed Foreign Policy in washington at all . Of course. We saw the arab spring in the liberal democratic phase. Washington was enthusiastic about it, we saw if in our own image. I dont think we saw the changes within society and understood all the things going on in the region. Therefore, the american policy changed towards the region, we are less optimistic, less idealistic, but behind the curve, and thats a problem that washington faces. Things are changing in the region more quickly than we can adapt. Looking at the realities, are there policies that need to be developed in washington . I think the policies in washington were hesitant in the beginning. They know where to stand. Hillary clinton on january 28th said we could work hosni mubarak, and solve the problem but they were hesitant. They were hesitant in syria, and supported the liberal elements of the free syrian army, scha changed course and allowed this kind of. I think the u. S. Has to stand now and think thoroughly. What direction do they want the region to go. Do they want it to see more respect of a humans rights, the rule of law, empower. Of women, and they have to stand with the forces who are advocating these prints. These are american principles. There are forces there. They might be marginalised to use the trade unions, the medical class. They are there. They need to reach out and empower them, work with them, train them and reach out. I think the participations of the region is et norms, if the groups come to power. What do you make of the worsening situation in yemen . The worse thing is for the civil war. Theres groups in yemen we dont know how things are going. The pro Al Qaeda Group in the south. And the houthis, and, of course, the successionists in the south and others, calling to break up their part of the country, and the tribal leaders. They are fighting with each other. Theres no policy of the u. S. To bring them together and bring them back to their senses and see the country reunited. How will history judge the uprisings. They think theyll see this as a fundamentally transformative. I think we are in for a period of instability and chaos. Its hard to make an historic judgment. Well have to leave it there. Thank you both for your time on a deeper look coming up on Al Jazeera America Domestic Violence Awareness Month comes to a close. We sit with two survivors who share their stories. It shows you who these people are. In ways that you dont get to see from the short appearances unconventional. If i can drink this. I dont see why you should be able to smoke that. Unscripted. We gonna do this . And uncensored. Are you kidding me . America votes 2014 midterms the series continues only on Al Jazeera America samesex couples in six more states will have their marriages recognised by the federal government. Attorney general eric holder said the administration will work as quickly as possible to ensure samesex couples receive the fullest array of benefits. Samesex marriages are todays decision comes after the u. S. Supreme Court Refuses to hear appeals in cases that can legalize marriage in those states october is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. People often think of physical violence, emotional violence can be devastating. There is help for victims ready to take back their lives. Reporter fear and shame no longer consume them. They are not interested in showing their face on cameras, they are victims of domestic abuse, their husband chipped away at their selfesteemed. Gabrielle came to the u. S. As a student. She describes her youngest self as a fearless focussed woman. She fell in love with an iy league man and they Ivy League Man and they got married. Take me back to when you knew something was wrong. Several things, he gave me a lesson how to swift out of the tube. I had to un back to the bathroom, close the door, because he was yelling and scraling that i did something wrong, he kicked with the foot in the bathroom door, and i was afraid for my life. What would happen when you started to push back against the abuse. He let me know that he could cause me a lot of harm. He told my i will call the i. R. S. , i can have networking, i have c. I. A. Contacts, this and that, and threatened me. I had everything legal in control, but he threatened me, and threatened you dont know what im capable of doing or what i can do. What was the process of leaving him like . You feel vulnerable because you listen to what he said in court. At one point again, when you learn not to let him get the power over you, thats the first step. You feel like you can do this. The numbers were start lipping, one out of four women experience Domestic Violence. 5 million women become the victim of physical abuse by an intimate partner. While leaving seems like a logical solution. Many women say they feel dropped. When people say why doesnt she just leave, how does that make you feel . The idea of becoming homeless, living in the street its scary. Its not safe out there. So you know this environment you are in, it would be toxic and dangerous, you know of it much reporter what was your relationship like with your exhusband. Emotionally he tell you you fat. He abuse you. One day we was in the bedroom and he kicked me out of the bed. He kicked you out of bed. Yes. I cant imagine what that does to yourselfesteem. First of all i started to gain a lot of weight. I got so depressed. They put me an medication. How difficult was it to do your job with all of this going on . Did you miss a lot of work . I missed a lot of works, especially going back and forth to court for almost eight years. Reporter add to to a dire financial situation, many women give up and go back to their abusers. There is help. Thats where places like sanctuary for families come in. They offer coups lipping, legal counselling, legal representation and financial support. Help that these women say transformed their lives. Im becoming stronger. I want my daughter to know that she doesnt have to stand there unless someone dictate to her. Im speaking up more saying no, you cant do this to me. Tomorrow well hear from the two women more. Theyll talk about how they became survivors. That storm. A power of story. Tonight an International Outrage over an execution in iran. A 26yearold was convicted of killing a man she said was trying to molest her. She stabbed the former ministry worker in the back. There were concerns raised about the fairness of the trial and reports of convection made under duress. Iranian authorities are ignoring fees to spare. She was happened in an iranian prison. Efforts to free her from spearheaded by amnesty international. A spokesperson spoke about the trial and the conviction. There were many questions hanging over the case. The trial and the investigation that led to the issue are extremely defective. She was arrested when she was 19 years old. On the charge of killing a minister, former employee. She was held in solitary confinement. She was convicted of murder. Her sentence in twip was upheld in 2011. She admitted that she stabbed a man once in the back. She did so after he tried to sexually abuse her. More importantly. There was a third person and this claim of her was never prop areally vetted. U. S. State department joined in the condemnation. A statement calls on a fair trial quarantines. Together iranian procedures are vowing to catch the men behind a string of acid attacks on women. There are have been eight attacks. Taking place 200 miles south of tehran. The pattern is the same. Two on a motorcycle approach a car, one throwing acid at a woman inside and they speed away cofounder and guitarist for super group crean has died. Jack bruce, guitarist, eric clapton and drummer ginger baker formed the group in 1956. Krean was known for sun shoin of your love and others. Jack bruce, by the way, was 71 years old. Well be right back. In a few hours well know if demonstrators in hong kong will continue their fight. Organizers are conducting a daylong poll for protesters that have been camp out for weeks. Its an active scene. Margo ortigas reports. Reporter police try to stop a confrontation between protesters and others that want them off the streets. Emotions are high. Some of hong kongs busiest areas have been blocked for over a month. Many think of it as a nuisance. This 72yearold has never seen anything like this. He has worked the corner for 30 years. He moved from Mainland China to earn a living. Business has been slow since protesters moved in. Hong kong will never be like china. It has a democracy. Nowhere else is as good as hong kong. They are taking what we have for granted. Reporter rights are not available to their countryman in Mainland China. Last month police tried to disperse the crowds using tear gas, it was seen as excessive, and brought attention to the demonstrations. This is now a common sight. People group together like this on the streets, engaged in heated debate over hong kongs future. One thing they agree on is the protests sparked an awakening, raising a consciousness that was not here before. Those who want the protesters gone call themselves the slpt majority, and are Gathering Signatures to prove it. They say they dont necessarily doctoring with the demonstrators cause, but the way they are going about advocating it. They are the ones taking away our freedom. Law and order, the ones ignoring the rule of law. The rule of law is what democracies back bone is. Take it away, what do we have . All sides insist they are standing up for hong kong. Each calling the other unpatriotic. The government put itself in the middle, hoping not to look ineffective to the people in hong kong or the recalling party watching closely from beijing. A middle east Peace Agreement that held for two decades. 20 years ago today a treaty was signed. Both countries benefitted from the security arrangement. When jordan and israel signed a peace treaty, they put behind them 26 years of mistrust. King abdullah described his relationship as cold and unpleasant. This is how he feels now. Today we have both. Islamic extremism and jordan and other countries fighting in islam. Then we have a problem. Reporter failed negotiations angered the kingdom, which hosts over 2 million Palestinian Refugees. Jordan has a stake in the outcome of the palestinianisraeli con demrict. It has the largest palestinian population and a strong attachment to jerusalem. Israel recognised its special role in looking after shrines and agreed to give it high priority when the palestinians net the future of the city. By allowing right wing jewish groups to enter the compound, jordan feels israel is under mining its role in protecting the holy site. We continue to tell israeli officials that any unilateral reaction must be stopped immediately. A Palestinian Refugee who fled to jordan in 1967 is living in a refugee camp. The treaty was more beneficial to israel. By signing a peace treaty with jordan, israel assured there be no wars and no one would ask why they are stealing palestinian land. There has been calls, but analysts say theres too much to lose. Im convinced jordan will never sever ties with israel. It is not in jordans interests. Yes, security coordination is important. It is as important for israel and jordan, if we are talking about i. S. I. S. , les not forget the borders. The treat re returned the area to gordon, for many it feels like a truce, not peace. First Computer Gaming is a sport. Now it has a high tech arena with all the trappings of a sport. Including uniforms. Rebecca stevenson joins us with a look at the forecast. A lot of rain and wind. On the west coast windgusts of 40 to 50 k hr. Ill show you that storm and the northeast, getting around as thunder storms do. Welcome back. Rain in parts of the u. S. Moving in. Rebecca stevenson joining us. Yes, we have been getting gusty winds along the west coast, particularly for washington state. Thats where the winds have been blowing 40 to 50 miles per hour. You can see the center of low pressure. Its been tracking cross the olympics, making its way. The center of the low across the northern sound. So that wind is in the valleys, from Portland Oregon to seattle and it is windy. The wind gusts from the storm on the organ coast were anywhere from 70 to 80 miles per hour. Wind gusts getting up to 40 miles per hour. Its a little closer to the south sound of western washington. But it is a warning continuing around everett, southward as the wind gusts easing off. Winds and rain fall, an inch and a half of rain along the washington coast of the red in california, over into rain. Mneeded muchneeded. That will continue. We have been watching a hurricane. This is hurricane anna. In the last 45 minutes, it weakened down to a tropical storm. The tracker is going up to the north of vancouver. We are expecting the hit of the storm to go up, and this will push in heavy rain falls. Getting into monday night and cues. Tuesday, and mountain snow. Higher pressure is building in the south, oklahoma city, texas, threatening temperatures. It will work its way up to the northeast. Tonight we get a blast of cool air and showers in the northeast. Holding on to the warmer weather later in the week. Wind and rain, not so much. For years the debate over what makes a sport versus a hobby is the subject of dise bait. Competitive debate. Competitive esports is part of that. More on major League Gaming. It requires handeye accord nation. Rapid timing and strategy. Is video gaming a sport . I dont see the athletic ability. Mentally, yes, i am sure theres a place for that. Im not sure what it is. I would be, i guess, publicly. I view it as a sport. It may not be as physically taxing as football and stuff like that. Theres a mental effect in there. I think that validates it last year more than 71 Million People around the world watched competitive gaming at ents and through on events and through online streaming. They became the first school to treat the league of legends has a sport. Now, for the first time in the u. S. , gamers have their own venue. Major League Gaming opens this weekend in colombus ohio. It may work out for a certain amount of time for a computer game. They spend half of their day learning mechanics. Gamers say if curling and table tennis contend in a sporting competition, why cant they play call of duty in the olympics. The Asian Olympic Committee recognises competitive gaming. There are worse things. I think you she things like winter olympics. How did this become an olympic sport. Absolutely i would love to see it. What matters is it entertaining to watch. Are people interesting in watching it, can people follow it. Thats what should be asked. With another arena opening in china. Recognition of egames is on the rise. For better or worse. It takes skill. Thatll do it for this hour. Im Thomas Drayton in new york. Consider this is next. Couldnt. Couldnt. Couldnt. An emotional week in canadas capital, how do they react to the attack on parliament losing faith in the fight against i. S. I. L. And concerns about threat to a contagious and deadly disease. Im antonio mora, welcome to consider this, those stories and more ahead. Ploes plos the violent acts in our capital were ki

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