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Running from isil, running. Concussion controversy, with procedures in place to protect Football Players from brain injuries, how does fumble . Americas growing wealth. What it all means for the upcoming election. Youre looking at some of the latest pictures on the streets of hong kong, where it is now 8 a. M. Wednesday morning there, and tens of thousands of protesters calling themselves the umbrella revolution, are waiting for the leaders to go home. [ audio difficulties ] today is Chinese National day, the biggest holiday in china, and its also the 6th day of protest in hong kong, and protesters are digging in for a possible pushback. Pro democracy demonstrators expanded into traditional neighborhoods, despite warnings to go home immediately. Robert filed this report from hong kong. Reporter a third night of protests here on the streets of hong kong, involving tens of thousands of people. With the torrential rainstorms overnight, but people here in the overnight hours, just drifting away and promising to come back again as this campaign continues. And the question is increasingly being asked, what next . A sense of frustration that the kind of reactions that the protesters have gotten from the government in beijing which says that this is an illegal action, and that they support the government of hong kong. Also, hong kongs government itself, was asking people to leave, which obviously they are not going to do, and one of the reasons that they should leave, apparently these big occupation protests are hindering the Emergency Response times of emergency vehicles, which people here say is grossly inadequate. They see real commitment to getting change to the controversial political reforms. If they dont, they say they have to start looking at more extreme measures, possibly occupying actual buildings, taking over actual government buildings, which may bring them into a far more serious law breaking or asking for strikes in particular sectors, or places of business. Which again [ audio difficulties ] so controversial measures, which possibly may drive away support after driving up such a momentum already. Hong kong operates under a one party policy. [ audio difficulties ] in 1984, the United Kingdom reached an agreement with china to hands over british hong kong. That happened in 1987. The commitment gives hong kong a high degree of autonomy for 50 years, except for foreign and defense. Basic laws, freedom ever press and religion, and it allows for chief executive in 2017. Beijing says that it will choose the candidates. It expired in 2047, and after that, it has been addressed. The parallels between what is happening in hong kong and beijing 25 years ago are unmistakable. Paul is here with it. Reporter hauntingly reminiscent of tienanmen square, when violent protests ended in a massacre that stunned the world. In hong kong, students are demanding democratic reform. And they are faced with the choice, back down or crackdown. Its an epoch response with an eerie historical echo. Chinas biggest protest in a quarter of a century. June, 1989, after weeks of pro democracy protests in beijings at the enmen square ballooned to a Million People, china brought in tanks, and the troops fired on the crowds, and the government quickly pulled the plug o on the domestic and international media. But the exact death toll, hundreds or thousands, remains unknown, and as the tensions build in hong kong, so do the repeats. Beijing has taken a very tough attitude in the past toward demonstrations and challenges, and so thats why im worried about it. Some china analysts say that the president is unlikely to make [ audio difficulties ] signals of weakness in other areas with protests. In a breakaway province, students rallied in solidarity. Its not only to the people of hong kong. People of china are also watching. The entire world is watching, except for mainland china, where the government has nearly total control over what people see and hear, and they have not allowed any of the images of the protests to appear in state controlled media, but the images are getting out. In the age of cellphones and media, china cant cover the eyes of the world the way it did 25 years ago. In a speech to communist party dignitaries today, the president spoke about chinas future. Saying that it loves peace, and it will uphold sovereignty and development interests. A message that hes not willing to compromise on hong kong. A senior editor, and how do you expect china to respond . Well, i always thought it was hard to say about what the Chinese Government, which is extremely opaque, will choose to do. I think [ audio difficulties ] again, of course in this age of social media, its very hard for the Chinese Government to do a crackdown, a race from history for people on the mainland. So when we look at the options they may be considering, certainly, the use of force, the use of police, if not the pla, is a possibility. But there are potential other options on the table. The problem is that the protesters and the beijing government are currently far apart. And its hard to picture how those two sides will be reconciled. How concerned is the Chinese Government over the images that are going out to the world now . I think theyre very concerned. The Chinese Government of course does not release statements saying how theyre feeling about this, but what they do do is choose to sensor, and their actions i think have spoken louder than their words would anyway. For example, chinas authorities have blocked instagram in recent days, which have become a Popular Social Network in chinese mainland, and it was being used to convey images back home. What you see in state mouthpieces like the peoples daily, are quite strayed ant when they do touch on hong kong, blue in man but in mans what they choose to do, is not respond at all. But is china violating anything by selecting the candidates for hong kong . Well, the state council said that universal suffrage would be to select the chief executive in 2017, and you could argue that thats a basic violation, and hong kongs constitution does not provide dates certain for when universal suffrage will be achieved. It says that will be achieved in essentially a stable and orderly way. But the state council has said that in not 2017 will be the year that it happens, so i think for hong kong citizens or residents, this feels like, to some, a breach of that statement. And of course if everybody does have a vote who is eligible, the candidate would have been preselected, making it universal suffrage in name only. Tinkering with that, but david, thanks for joining us. Now to another developing story. Ebola in the united states. The cds centers for Disease Control has a patient in dallas. His name has not been released. He traveled to liberia and didnt show symptoms until he showed up at way dallas hospital. We received in our laboratory today, a specimen, and they tested positive for ebola. They operate a laboratory that has the same results. The testing for ebola is highly accurate. He is being held in isolation. [ audio difficulties ] we know from interests here that the man is under isolation, and its very typical symptoms of ebola, high fever, and diarrhea, but on a good note, hes conscience, and communicating and hes asking for food, though its very early to give him a prognosis. The patient is isolated and the doctors are monitoring him through glass windows at this point. So when nurses and doctors for, they do not two layers of nonpermeable clothing and surgical masks. The Hospital Administration is trying to damping the concerns of the public, and theyre very confident that the disease will not spread. This is not transmitted by air. Theres no risk to the persons in this hospital walking, and theres no reason to be fearful for that. When we see the problems in west africa, you have to understand that those are i dont mean to see this in a packageorative way. These are primitive location beings, these are wartorn, they have no gowns, masks and often dont have running water, and we dont have those problems. On fray, of his own accord, he went into the emergency room asking for help, and why was he sent home that day with nothing but antibiotics, and it wasnt until sunday, that the man in an ambulance was transported here, and at that point, the hospital realized that he had been in liberia. So the question is, did the staff here take the proper procedures . All of that is up to the Hospital Administration, but as a precaution, the ambulance that brought the man here, has been taken out of rotation, and were learning from the dallas mayor, also, the crew, the emergency medical crew on the ambulance that day have been quarantined. Heidi, thank you. In. Now to washington where theres bipartisan outrage over one of the nations most elite agencies in the way that it protects the president and the first family. Secret service, julia pierson, was questioned about omar gonzales, the man accused of jumping the white house fence and getting inside of the residence days ago. Based on the evidence, my confidence [ audio difficulties ] the white house, one of the most secure buildings in the world, the confidence in doing that is very very low right now. Gonzales ran through much of the main floor before he was tackled by an offduty agent. In 2011, a gunman shot at the secret service, not realizing that until four days later. At the white house today, president obama met with National Security adviser to discuss the threat of iraq and lavant. More airstrikes on isil in syria today, and in iraq, they launched the first strikes at the group. The attacks were successful and the attacks in the air are shaping the fight on the ground. They have retaken several villages from isil. But in syria, the isil fighters are pushing closer to a turkish town on the border. It has turkey on alert. [ audio difficulties ] our Nick Schifrin is covering stories on the border and the escape from isil, how people are working to escape the group that leaves death and destruction wherever it goes. The story of women and children fleeing isil. Reporter david, good evening, some 10 Million People have lost their homes in syria during this civil war. In just the last week and a half, some 150,000 have fled from syria into turkey and have fled isil brutality and many of them have fled through minefields in order to be refugees here in turkey. In this war, the most common, every day, thousands of refugees flee to turkey. If youre syrian and three years old, your country has been at war every day of your life. They escaped from this city. Fighters sieged their homes. U. S. Airstrikes hit nearby. The syrian war. Threequarters of the refugees are women and children. They have only what they can carry, and for a 4yearold, it means a backpack shaped like a doll. Eva is the strong one. Their brother, sixyearold partisan, has seen too much to fight back. Their mother tries to stay strong, but its impossible. Isil terrifies her. Im not afraid of the shelling because were already dead. Were completely destroyed. Im not afraid of death, im afraid of them. As they leave, eva grabs her Little Sisters hand. They lost three homes in two years. They walk into an uncertain future. She was a doctor, and she fears in a her future will no longer live up to the past. Reinfled turkey from the isil stronghold. It was the worst day of my life. She lives in raqqah. Women as young as nine are forced to wear a bakab. And decapitated bodies. She was the only female doctor who stayed. I had to do something. They need help. But when she tried to save a female patients life, isils barbaric it was a necessity. And they wanted her to cover her face, and she died. In turkey, we cant Practice Medicine or work at all. And she wont show her face because shes scared of isil finding her. Reporter do you think that youll be able to go back home one day . I hope that i can go back. What do you feel about your future . I dont feel anything. What can i count on . Even my husband has gone back to fight. I have no place, no house. Theyre in their brotherinlaws house. 20 refugees in two rooms. She criticizes the u. S. For standing aside for years, and launching what she calls ineffective airstrikes. It has been four years. Our homes are destroyed and so are our childrens futures. Theyre giving us just hope. Theres nothing. Reporter this war creeped cd the largest refugee crisis since world war ii. It has created a generation growing up too fast. And even the strongest cant bear to watch. They are waiting for assessment by turkey in how to help in this particular crisis, and they have decided to increase dramatically the number of syrians granted permanent resettlement in the united states, but david, for so many refugees here on the border right now, they need help quickly, and that help is not getting there quickly enough. Nick schifrin reporting live frofrom us stan bum. Join us on friday, 8 30 and 11 30 p. M. Eastern. Still ahead, back in this country, the university of michigan Athletic Department, a football concussion scandal, including allegations of a a coverup. And at the bottom of th of brandon, be fired. He has faced criticism for trying to squeeze more profits into the storied College Football program. But now an allegation of a coverup involving a players concussion. You just saw it there. After suffering this hit, quarterback, shane morris was allowed to stay in the game after wobbling after the field. And later, he came back into the game. On monday, the coach said that he wasnt aware that morris had a concussion, and then, reporters contradicted him and said that morris did suffer a probable concussion. He joins us from ann arbor, michigan, and full disclosure, john and i are graduates from the university of michigan. And john, our reporter was there, and said more than 1,000 students showed up on campus to protest. And have you ever seen anything like that in college sports, that an Athletic Director be fired . Ive not seen that for a head coach, let alone an ad, an unknown. And thats hard it say these days. John, were looking at the students on the campus in front of the library, and its fair to say that he didnt know that this quarterback had been hit hard. But for the coach not to know two days later, and for the Athletic Department to totally come clean early this morning, what was going on . That remains to be seen, david. But im willing to bet, as my sources tell me, there was a tug of war, as to the doctors and the Athletic Director, as to how the press release was going to be written. And i believe the doctors, to their credit, held their ground, that it was a probable mild concussion, which to us means concussion, and he had to admit that, and it means that a guy with a concussion stayed in the play and came back three plays later, clearly still woozy, and then brady hoke, the coach, has to go onto the press conference on monday and say that he didnt. We go back to the Athletic Director, when you and i were in school, a guy who said never turn a [ audio difficulties ] david, this is day four, and were not done, and if all of your politicians knew that, your show would be a lot shorter so john, it sounds like the Athletic Director was trying to pressure the medical director, and if there was a potential coverup, does that mean that dave brand only went out perhaps brady hoke, west out and said something not true at the conference, would they lose their jobs over this. Im not sure how much of that can be put in blackandwhite terms, but i do think that theres one more stray ostraw on their backs, ant good for both of them. Brady hoke is well respected though his team has lost it the last nine of 13 games, and rallying on campus, 7,000 signatures have already been signed and a petition to fire brandon, and most of them are students, and if im dave brandon, its a bad week. Youve written that too many Athletic Departments, like michigan, create it like a commodity to be sold out. And its a religion for most fans, so explain why that disconnect is so crucial . Its important because you have to get tires for your car, you have to get gasoline, and you have to wear clothes. You dont have to go to a restaurant. And you dont have to go to a football game. These are choices. The ambience of a restaurant, for example, putting a stadium together, and our endorphins actually spike when were seeing too many activities, and these are things that we still do together. What the dalai lama and mother theresa have said, the greatest disease for a man is loneliness. And we saw this parl by going to games and concerts. This is an emotional decision for most people. And going back, they have been selling that place out for years. And so in that sense, this has been turned into a commodity, and the true believers dont like it, and theyre starting to stay away. John bacon, awardwinning, thank you for coming on tonight, we appreciate it. Coming up next, our special report, America Votes 2014, which is five weeks until the midterms, and for many voters, its still the economy. Especially the minimum wage, which is on the ballot in five states. Well look at the political war to give workers a raise. Those with jobs are struggling for a decent living wage. I have to choose between eating and paying rent. And 1 billion has been raised to send candidates to washington. What it all means for the midterm elections, just five weeks away. A special report, America Votes 2014. Welcome back, im david schuster, and if the only certainties in life are death and taxes, and you have to add the certainty that voters care about the state of the economy. In this election cycle, the latest polls show that [ audio difficulties ] voter concern, the gdp is rising fast. Angry about the growing gap between the rich and poor, and the stagnition between working class wages. Well get to the knicks in a moment. But first, the economic numbers with jonathan beck. Despite all of the progress with the economy, americans are suffering. The average Household Income is just under 52,000. And its down 5,000 from 1999. That means 45 million americans are considered poor. And that number has dropped for the first time in 7 years, and the poverty rate is still the same as it was in 1994. The economy is growing, but almost all of the money being made is going to the very rich. And this chart here sums it up. The blue line represents the bottom 90 of americans, [ audio difficulties ] back in the 1950s, during the good times, some money trickled down to the bottom. 90 , they gained more ground. And income went up. But starting here, in the late 70s, that started to drop. [ audio difficulties ] thats why theres such a huge difference now between the top and the bottom. And theyre not seeing it. [ audio difficulties ] so the economy is recovering, but unevenly. A lot depends on how much you earn, and where you live. Lets check in with our reporters around the country, in alaska, michigan and texas. But first, we head to georgia, and robert ray is there with a disappointing new job data. The latest u. S. Department of labor unemployment numbers are out. And the state of georgia leads the pack at 8. 1 . The surprising thing about the new numbers are hiring in the state of georgia [ audio difficulties ] layoffs are down, and they question the accuracy of the new numbers. The u. S. Department of labor says that theres volatility in the numbers, and theres the possibility that they could come up as hiring takes effect in the coming months ago. In the meantime, former president jimmy carters grandson, jason, is running for governor, and challenging the current governor,nating al deal, hes trying to beat the income bat deal. [ audio difficulties ] were not seeing much of a bounce back after the great recession, mostly because it didnt hit here the same way it did in the lower 48. Alaska lost far fewer jobs in the last eight years, and generally conservative banking practices keep a lit on banking defaults. 2 36 the jobs in this state are generated by various governments, and the allimportant oil industry. Producing the Permanent Fund its a check that goes out to all alaskans every year. This year, it was less than 2,000 a head. But theres trouble on the oil horizon. [ audio difficulties ] the Oil Companies operating here is a constant threat in alaska state politics. Im bc in detroit. And the American Auto industry is thriving and vehicle sales are improving. Chrysler had its best august sales. Ford has sold more cars [ audio difficulties ] and gm has sold the most vehicles among the big they in august. While that was down 1 from a year ago, its a 10 increase from the same time five years ago. [ audio difficulties ] 85 billion to bail out general moats and chrysler. [ audio difficulties ] it has even given a boost to metro detroit, where job both was 7 between 2010 and 2013. Thats nearly double the national average. [ audio difficulties ] a 24 Day Celebration of all things [ audio difficulties ] medium cities, and small sees in the country. Mission, which is on the u. S. Mexican border, for highest Income Growth in the nation. Its certainly not tracting the growth. Governor rick perry has touted the success for his conservative policies and the critic will give a different set of numbers. Texas has the most minimum wage jobs in the country, and the heightest rate of adults who have no High School Diploma or health insurance. You certainly wont find those things celebrated here at the fair, but theyre a true part. Democrats the governor of ohio, and hes currently the head of the [ audio difficulties ] one common theme that were hearing, people are increasingly infeweriated about the growing income gap, and why should voters trust democrats. After six years of president obama, the gap has gotten wider. Its a different set of circumstances obviously, but the fact is that if you look at the two parties, john, the Democratic Party is the party that is really working to try to help the middle class worker, who is beneath the middle class in terms of income and so on. Its the Republican Party and the leaders of the Republican Party who consistently fight about increasing the minimum wage. Its the Democratic Party thats for childcare, increasing the minimum wage, for making opportunities for all americans [ audio difficulties ] wouldnt you say that republicans neigh be doing a better jobnosticly . [ audio difficulties ] i think that was true at one time, and i dont think thats any longer true. There was a period of time where we were very concerned about the deficit. But i think that things have changed in the last couple of years. We now understand, i believe, we have to invest in our people. Education is not a cost, its an investment. Building our infrastructure costs, its an investment in the future of this country, and we need [ audio difficulties ] republicans are looking to the past. But there of been those investments in the last seven years, with the spending, and yet [ audio difficulties ] you have more people who have been pushed. Well, food stamp use is up, and im happy we have that program. A lot of republicans dont like the program and are trying to cut it. The fact is that were a compassionate country, [ audio difficulties ] but were a country of lbj johnson as well. We believe in a safety net country that provides for those who need help. Through a deep recession, everyone understands that, and that recession was in large part, john, judgment, and i think that factually this is true, that [ audio difficulties ] the agreed of those who want more and more for themselves, dont want to pay their workers a fair share. We have seen the decline of labor in this country, and thats another big problem. [ audio difficulties ] in my judgment, what gives average working people the chance to collectively get together and fight for their share. The recent polls show that 70 of the people in this country believe the minimum wage should be increased to 10. 10 an hour. [ audio difficulties ] every republican is against raising the minimum wage and many republicans dont believe we ought to have a minimum wage. Governor Ted Strickland of ohio. And thank you for being on the program. Hes a professor at georgetown, and first of all, do you believe that the minimum wage should be raised . The republicans believe that, we just heard governor strickland. No, i dont believe that the federal minimum wage should be raised. States should control their own economies. Theyre the closest to the people. Mississippi is different than new york, and its different than ohio and california. [ audio difficulties ] the federal minimum wage, is that the new american dream, that we should be striving for people to accept the minimum wage as the best that america can offer . No. Providing good jobs, the way you get to the middle class is by getting a better paying job than the minimum wage. So when tom cotton is running for senate in arkansas that supports the minimum wage there, [ audio difficulties ] understanding the argument that you just made . No, he should be,. What is good for arc, but we should be having a federal standard, that may hurt in their floor environment. We should not be doing that. We should empower the state legislators to care for people and their economies as they exist. What about the wealth gap. Is that a valid argument . No, its not a valid argument. The reason we have had [ audio difficulties ] overreaching, and unbelievable tensions that were good for the time. Could an argument be made that its also the plight of the taxpayers in the innercity cores . [ audio difficulties ] that is certainly a part of it. But the major part of the bankruptcies and what were seeing is the overreach of unions in making contracts that could not be honored overtime. For good times and bad times. Thats why detroit has gone bankrupt. And thats why we have seen california suggest, and thats really the underlying causing of the collapse of our inner cities, which are run by democrats. [ audio difficulties ] what would republicans do about shrinking the gap, given that its wider over the last several decades . We need to invest in education. [ audio difficulties ] the americans have shown an Unemployment Rate thats double the national average. Look what happens to the people supporting this president. Theyre throwing him a bone [ audio difficulties ] youre still here, and why dont you respond . Well, i sit here smiling as i listen to this, because i think its garbage. [ audio difficulties ] its really greedy people in corporations who take jobs overseas so they can make a little more money. They dont want to pay their workers 10. 10 an hour. I think that you both have valid points, and unfortunately, [ audio difficulties ] thank you. Coming up next, the tale of two cities with a 2 difference in the minimum wage. One california mam. And well explain. And were also following the money. Dark money. [ audio difficulties ] are at a shopping center. This is the tale of one mall under one roof. Part of it in san jose, and another part in santa claire a san jose, santa clara. They always kind of find out last minute. Shoppers certainly wont notice the difference, but for workers, different cities mean different rules. Im standing on the border, one foot in each city. [ audio difficulties ] minimum wage is 10. 15 an hour. And if youre lucky in santa clara, your minimum wage is 9 an hour 9 an hour. Soon, the lower part of the mall saw deserters, shoreers. We want to be competitive. [ audio difficulties ] we pay a little bit more for our employees. Some stores like this pretzel chains on opposite sends of the mall, [ audio difficulties ] well, eventually enough of us started making a stink about it. And we got raises. That meant that the store has had more pressure to turn the same profit for its owners. We just the to have that raise, the labor expenses are going up. So it changes right away, and you have to sell more, and you see the profit kind of drop with changes. The gap had another conundrum. Strad ling both cities, it opted for the path of least resistance. We settled at the higher wage, and its great for us, and it allows us to retain our great talent. So does raising wages force prices up and consumer demand . At valley fair mall, it depends, theres no clear answer. Politicians have battled over this one for years. You just add a little bit of context here. The federal minimum wage, statewide, its [ audio difficulties ] and San Francisco is just an hour away north of us right now, and San Francisco even has a ballot measure in november that would raise the minimum wage to 15 an hour. How have the overall economies in san jose and santa clara . Santa clara is more affluent. But theres not that much of a difference. In many ways, its affluent everywhere, and the minimum wage has Million Dollars beyond the shopping center. Raising the minimum wage has been a priority for president obama in his second term. But moving it into a federal level has not succeeded. States have [ audio difficulties ] alaska, south dakota, nebraska, arkansas and illinois. Ten minimum wage ballots since 2002 have all passed. Passed jeannie talks about the role that it will play. And the minimum wage, how is it playing out in some of these states. Its playing out very well for the democrats. In terms of [ audio difficulties ] when he was asked why he thinks that is, he said one issue, the minimum wage ballot. And he said thats what is pushing the numbers up. So its playing well. And the democrats are banking that its going to get democrats out to vote. 7 out of 10 americans agree with it. Does that explain why some republicans, including arkansas, have come out to support state measures, because theyre trying to neutralize the issue and have the election decided on other things . Yes, they used to be able to quit, and now theyre saying that theyre open to it, so absolutely. And i also think that with politicians, they still understand that 7 25 for a minimum wage is extremely low. So as it has not been moving in congress, its not a liveable wage for americans at this point. We started the half hour by noting that one of the biggest concerns is terrorism. But yet the economy has been doing well with the dow higher, and yet again, theres this anxiety about wage stagnation, and how does that play out . The economy in 2008, were doing much better. Unemployment rate is down, and we have improved dramatically, and theres a reason for that [ audio difficulties ] if you ask the average american if their grandchildren are going to do better than you did, many of them are not certain of that. Are they going to be able to own a home . Theyre not certain that thats the case. But as much as you tell them what the statistics show, they dont believe that, and the latest poll has the economy being the numberone issue that Americans Care about. So we have been hearing about the international issues, yet the economy and the jobs still resonate as voters go to the polls. Does it hurt democrats . Because in the six years of the obama administration, the president , fairly or not, gets the blame for the anxieties that are out there about income, and more people being pushed into poverty. Absolutely. Buck stops with the president at the countries for six years, and if people dont feel that the economy is going better, theyre going to hold him accountable [ audio difficulties ] people who think that he hasnt done enough on key issues, like holding wall street accountable. And of course republicans are never happy with the president , if its obama, so hes getting it from both sides. Jeani, thank you, coming up next, a record amount spent on political ads this season. Raising 1 billion for the midterm campaign, and that number is likely to go much higher. Its known as dark money. Transparencies but we know that dark money [ audio difficulties ] 5. 2 million in 2006, to well over 300 million in the 2012 president ial election. And with the presidency at stake, and the midterm elections, it has gone to greater heights. A recent analysis, found a record 50 million in dark money has already been spent so far in this election cycle. Its projected to reach 1 billion by the time the last election winner is called in november. Dark money used to not be a thing up until a couple of years ago, and then the Election Commission Supreme Court decision and ever since then, dark money has become a bigger and bigger portion of the overall political spending going on from election cycle to election cycle. But what exactly is dark money . The political spending by certain nonprofits [ audio difficulties ] they receive unlimited sources of corporate or individual contributions. They dont have to report to the federal Election Commission much of the money they spend on political ads, and the Political Action committee, they can keep hidden from where or from whom they are getting their funds. Theres no way to tell whether that group is being funded by a union, or whether its corporations, whether its a conglomeration of individuals, whether its a special interest. In the galaxy of dark money, union groups still dominate. Liberal spending begins to catch up. Groups connected to the billionaire brothers, charles and david koch, they already paid for thousands of political ads in key senate races. [ audio difficulties ] crossroads gps, half as many ads, and patriot usa. Senate majority leader, harry reid [ audio difficulties ] under federal law, political spending on campaigning or lobbying can not be the primary activity of a nonprofit. But the watchdog groups say that the irs has done little to enforce that. The advocates say that tougher regulations are put in place, future election cycles will only get darker. Close to the president or his family,

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