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Tens of thousands of prodemocracy protesters in hong kong. And afghanistans new president ashraf ghani and Abdalla Abdalla pledge a unity government for the country. Racing to keep the punters and the families in the money. But first the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has compared his countrys militant campaign to the campaigns in iraq and syria. He says hamas and i. S. I. L. Share the same goal of world dowmghts. Domination. How much more threatening i. S. I. S. Would be if it possessed chemical weapons. Now how much more dangerous the Islamic State of iran would be if it possessed nuclear weapons. Ladies and gentlemen would you let i. S. I. S. Enrich uranium . Would you let i. S. I. S. Build a heavy water reactor . Would you let i. S. I. S. Develop Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles . Of course you wouldnt. So you must not let the Islamic State of iran do this either. Because heres what will happen. Once rawf iran produces atomic s all the charms and all the smiles will suddenly disappear. Theyll just vanish. And its then that the ayatollahs will show their true faiths and unleash their aggressive fanaticism on the entire world. Theres only one responsible course of action to address this threat. Irans nuclear military capabilities must be fully dismantled. Lets go live to our diplomatic editor james bays. Central to the speech was this thesis that he could build some sort of coalition to fight common enemy and the common enemy seemed to be based on the one hand iran and on the other hand, i. S. I. S. Absolutely. And this is a theme weve heard from israelis for some considerable time now, that there really is one enemy that has many different faces. Ive heard the comment for example bringing in boko haram as well from abuja to fallujah. , that again was the message from the israeli Prime Minister when he spoke as he always does every year at the u. N. General assembly. He knows how to work a room, work a crowd. He knows how to perform politically bringing as he often does props. He brought a photograph again showing what he said had been going on, on the ground in gaza. He brought people. There was a lot of applause for israeli Prime Minister. Not much of it coming from the other delegates but from the israeli delegation that had come with him to listen. And prominent u. S. Jewish citizens who came to listen to the israeli Prime Minister. Lets get a look further what was in the speech. Marwin beshara is with us. Marwin the main line he wanted to deliver, i. S. I. S. Or i. S. I. L. Is hamas and hamas is i. S. I. L. As you know, i. S. I. L. Has become more or less t the alibi, the solution for the assad regime and for the netanyahu government, to protect the syrian people, the palestinian people, i. S. I. L. Is the new evil that everyone can hang their hat on. As we have heard here, you and i over the last few days, the Security Council and all the people in the middle east are frightened by threatened by and victims of i. S. I. L. In fact, the israeli Prime Minister asked us, just as the syrian foreign minister asked us to choose between occupation and terror on one side, but that is not something we can live with. While the u. N. General assembly has been taking place, until the weekend there was also talks going on here in new york on Irans Nuclear program. He had a strong message there too. The problem is he is losing currency on that. Everyone knows the Obama Administration is fully involved in the iranians with negotiations, the United States is not going to allow iran to develop nuclear weapons, the u. S. Has made that clear. But netanyahu is involved in escapism. What Prime Minister netanyahu was supposed to be talking more about is israels fea israels. Clearly what we have heard from him is totally the opposite. He demonized president abbas, and the palestinians, basically blaming the palestinians for their other than death. This kind of talk is not specially netanyahu, everyone who was here was singing the praise of their regime and their country and basically stepping over everyone else. How do you think the u. S. Administration particularly secretary of state john kerry will react . He had had peace talks going on this year, they collapsed, the americans keep saying they want to get them started again. Doesnt seem like theres much chance is there . They dont, the times of those past negotiations is done. We cant go back to the same old negotiations. After netanyahus speech i cant see abbas and netanyahu speaking any time soon. The time for that is gone. What is the Obama Administration to do . Clearly Prime Minister netanyahu tried to schmooze the Obama Administration. There is no love lost between netanyahu and obama. United states is at a crossroads, what to do about the israel palestine issue. This helps everyone to distract the attention from the important issue the safety of the syrian people, stability in syria and iraq, stability in palestine, tree dom fo freedom for the pd israel. Peace process is a sort with International Involvement not only in bombarding various parts of the middle east but engaging in a comprehensive settlement in iraq and syria and palestine and other parts of asia. Whatever they have been doing james has not worked. Whatever counterterrorism has not worked, equally affiliates has al qaeda affiliates has been mushrooming, from abuja to what is it you said . To fallujah. Everyone remains adamant hanging their hats on it. But the primary danger is tyranny, not a small group of fighters who are basically the culmination of, the result of the symptom of tyranny war and aggression. Marwin thank you very much for joining us. Point of contact of course there is that shaky truce in gaza that came into force on the 26th of august. Theyve tried to get some sort of more permanent ceasefire, talks in cairo which have stalled, theyve tried oget something done here at the Security Council, it has stalled, they cant even agree on a ceasefire date. On the grow ground in syria, activists from i. S. I. L. Are within five kilometers from kobani. Very close to that border as mortar shells landed on both sides. Stephanie decker is there. Reporter more shelling in the syrian town of kobani, intensive attacks have happened in the last few days. On the turkish side of the border, many kurds are saying the turkish government hasnt done anything to stop the assault. We are protesting because the turkish government and i. S. I. L. Are collaborating. We wont care about the turkish government. Reporter they were soon dispersed and some were injured. The Security Forces here are taking no chances on a border that is already extremely tense. Turkish Security Forces have pushed the protesters up that hill. Pushing them further and further of getting to the border with kobani. Mortar shells are falling closer and closer and as we were filming a mortar shell lands just across the road from us. The turkish army has a heavy presence but for now it has not responded. Head a few kilometers east and can you see one of i. S. I. L. s positions, it is this situation that is angering kurdish citizens. The turkish government should intervene. Reporter president Recep Tayyip Erdogan says he will step up his fight against i. S. I. L, but a change in military positioning for first time. These turkish tanks are facing the town of kobani. Stephanie decker, al jazeera, kobani. Said that syria is backing the fight against i. S. I. L. Translator the Syrian Arab Republic reiterates it stands against any international in fighting and combating terrorism and stresses this must be done in the full respect of the lives of innocent civilians. The group called sharia for bell jimbelgium, only eight of e accused were present in court as most of them are thought to be fighting in syria or have been killed there during the civil war. Now to yemen where the Al Qaeda Group ansa al sharia, 20 Houthi Rebels on sunday, they were killed by fighters on al qaeda in the arabian peninsula. The houthis are under attack after taking control of large parts of the capital sanaa. Houthi leaders say sanaa is more secure but many say their lives are at stake. Houthi leaders also say they have no intention yet of leaving the capital. High ranking houthi politician Ali Al Hamadi has been speaking with mohamed val. He says the withdrawal will only come later. Translator several steps need to be taken before we withdraw including the formation of a new government and many other things. Only then will the houthis pull out when the time comes. Im sorry never recognized the principle of immunity, no partners to the gulf initiative. We dont see anyplace for him in yemen where the houthis are political partners. Now rival faction he in the libyan plairlt has been due to meet for u. N. Brokered talks. They have tried ofind a solution tot problem that has torn countrys government into two. After fighters allied with mizrata took over, southern town close to the algerian border. Still to come here at al jazeera. Im wayne hay reporting from mount ontake in japan. Security officers are continuing to search for victims of the eruption. And more on sports, later. Now palestinians in gaza are using secret tunnels which havent been destroyed by israel to try to find a better life. Human rights workers say since the recent israeli bombardment theyve seen an increase in escapees using these people smugglers. Charles stratford have met some who risk everything to get out of gaza. Reporter a shout for help to find their missing family members. Some people at this protest knew their relatives were going to risk their lives. To risk taking the smuggle tunnels into egypt before trying to catch a boat to europe but there was little they could do to stop them. Translator i havent heard anything for 12 days. I dont know if they drown at sea or where they are. Reporter its believed around 60 palestinians drowned trying to get to europe on peoplesmuggle boats in weeks. Mohamed could have been one of them and he wants us to hide his identity. He said he and others paid simultaneously lerg 2500 each rks smugglers 2500 each. The dangers are worth taking. I gave our passports to the smuggler. He told us he would get our necessary stamps and give us a call. Go by car to alexanderia and go by boat to europe. When he and the others were 20 meters below the earth around them suddenly shook and they were forced to turn back. We heard a massive explosion in another tunnel nearby. We were terrified. It was only then we realized the dangers we were facing. Reporter al jazeera filmed this tunnel before the war. Bombed out buildings line the roads to the egyptian border despite the israeli militarys efforts to destroy all the tunnels people tell us here there are many still under these farms and villages. Behind me is the Border Crossing with egypt and it was somewhere close to here that mohamed climbed into a tunnel and risked his life for what he said would be a Better Future abroad. The only way for him to go to europe illegally is with a visa. We noticed the number of people disappearing has increased since the end of the war. The smugglers work as individuals. They are very difficult to catch. Gld mohamed says he will never give up his dream of leaving gaza. I will keep trying until i die, im sure of that. Reporter determined words from a young man desperate for a better life abroad. Charles stratford, al jazeera, gaza. Al jazeera is demanding the release of its three journalists imprisoned in egypt. Peter greste, Mohamed Fahmy and Baher Mohamed are imprisoned for 270 days, peter and mohamed have been sentenced to seven years, baher was sentenced to another three years for having a spent but in his possession. Charles gooday, is accused of committing crimes against humanity. As nicholas hack reports, from ivory coasts main city abujan, many victims. Torn between foreverness and revenge. Ishat was three months pregnant when a group of men gang raped her and killed her family. Those who dit were my neighbors. The men were nighted by charles gooday, he now needs to pay for his crime. Reporter known as the general of the streets, he is a youth leader and also an ally of the former president , who is facing charges at the International Criminal court in the hague. Legooday is charged with violence from 2010. 600 bodies have been exhumed. Giving some comfort to the victims families and allow for reconciliation. Translator lets not forget that 3,000 people died. There needs to be repentance in order for reconciliation to happen. Reporter the opposition denounces what it calls a victors justice because none of the figures of the are ruling party involved in crimes during postelectoral violence have been arrested or face trial. In a statement the head of the opposition says there is clearly no political will to bring peace and stability to ivory coast. Reconciliation is not possible. The people who committed crimes continue to live side by side with their victims. But there has been no justice. As aisha remembered what happened to her, lots of emotions ran through her mind. She remembered her family her unborn baby and ultimately her trust in society. Al jazeera, ivory coast. Fastest growing economies in the world are in africa. How is this growth transformed the lives of ordinary peeb. People . Katherine sawyer reports from addis ababa. It will serve about 60,000 people a day in addis ababa. A network of new highways and a construction will connect the capital to the country side and its east african neighbors. Getting the attention of Foreign Investors like this chinese shoe factory that has employed thousands of ethiopians. But its a struggle for many local entrepreneurs. Like the large chinese shoe factory on the other side of town expanding the business has been a problem. Translator we have a lot of problems but the main one is we want to expand our business. Were producing quality shoes but we dont have the right place to work. Weve asked the government to give us land but were still waiting and we need finance from the banks but they dont respond to us. The countrys economy is still very much dominated by the state but this minister says Going Forward he hopes it will be driven by the private sector. Private sector growth is a new phenomenon. We are talking of transition from socialist economy the last 20 years. Reporter 30 years have had devastating famine. Analysts credit ethiopia for its stellar economic growth, yet ironically it remains the largest recipient of foreign aid. Its not aid per se but what you use it for. To the ones who give the money the answer has been yes. Reporter many people are poor. About a third of the population earns less than 1 a day. Most are farmers in the country side and the urban poor who lack amenities like proper houses. The priorities to settle in both to liver and those who dont have homes but they have to pay 20 of the cost of the house. The government says ethiopias Transformation Plan is focused on infrastructure and help to the poor. Reaching the bulk of its roughly 94 Million People sooner rather than later. Katherine soy, al jazeera, addis ababa are ethiopia. No to catalonias bid for independence plus. Children are racing for their lives. A great day for kazakhstans athletes at the asian games, in south korea coming up with far farrah. An Al Jazeera America special report families torn apart, fleeing isils brutality the refugees have flooded this small town. Can they survive . Dont miss primetime news on Al Jazeera America all this week Al Jazeera America. We understand that every news story begins and ends with people. The efforts are focused on rescuing stranded residents. We pursue that story beyond the headline, pass the spokesperson, to the streets. Thousands of riot Police Deployed across the capital. We put all of our Global Resources behind every story. It is a scene of utter devastation. And follow it no matter where it leads all the way to you. Al jazeera america, take a new look at news. I dont really know whats going to happen to me. Of oscar winner alex gibneys hard hitting series. Edge of eighteen im never going to appoligize for the type of person that i am facing tough challenges. We do feel cheeted, by the American University process taking a stand. Its gonna be on my terms, on how i want it to be boldly pursuing their dreams what did i do . The lives of american teenagers. On the edge of eighteen only on Al Jazeera America these are the top stories here at al jazeera. The israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has compared his countrys bombing of gaza to the u. S. Strikes against militants in iraq and syria. In his address to the u. N. General assembly he says hamas and i. S. I. L. Share the same goals. Turkey has sent tanks to the border. Syrian activates say i. S. I. L. Fighters are within the border town of kobani, fighters have been defending the town for more than a week. White house has expressed its support for the aspirations of the hong kong people. The u. S. Special spokes mawrch saymanspokesman saidthe prodemos are continuing to defy the polices urging to go home. Demonstrators are demanding communist Party Leaders stop handpicking hong kongs leaders. China itself has demands for more democracy in the british colony are illegal. Warns against external interference and warns it wont tolerate accident. Social media like instagram have been blocked. Its clear they think unnamed countries are behind the unrest. Translator we oppose any country that interferes with chinas internal affairs. We also firmly oppose any country that supports the occupy Central Movement in any way. Reporter the studentled protest in hong kong bring back uncomfortable memories of what happened in beijing more than 25 years ago when the occupation of tienanmen square ended in bloodshed. But what will china do if unrest worsens in hong kong where it has 6,000 soldiers . We dont need to go to the last step. It is very, very pragmatic i would say to let the whole process run its due course and in this process i think people in hong kong will come to the realization that peace and stability are more precious than chaos and instability. Reporter but is this another hint of government thinking . The article says, chinas armed forces could restore order in hong kong. It appeared on the website of the dwhroab global times newspat has since been deleted. On the streets of beijing most people told us they were unaware of what was happening in hong kong. The few who did know say the protests had gone too far. Translator i think they have a legal right to protest but occupying the city center is too aggressive. There must be some outside forces behind this. Reporter strict media controls have been tightened. State tv is mentioning the unrest but has not been airing any images and the photosharing Service Instagram has now been blocked. China hopes the protests simply declared illegal will taipser out. Insisting it will will taper out. Insisting it will 97 give in to protesters demands. Taiwan, the island china regards as a breakaway province. Its leader maylingjo. Its not only important to the people of hong kong, the people taiwan are also watching. Reporter but no one is watching more closely than chinas government. Adrian brown, al jazeera, beijing. Okay lets go live now to hong kong and talk to our correspondent, divia dopalin. This is the biggest challenge of the Chinese Government since the handover in 1997. Reporter indeed martine it is. Let me set the scene for you here. Its coming up to 2 30 in the morning and people are showing no signs of waning here. People holding up their mobile phones singing more chanting and it also seems like more people have joined the protest. Earlier there was a little bit of just concerned, everyone started putting on their gas masks and cling film. There were rumors that police were going to try oshut that down. That came to nothing and since then people had been once again on the streets stepping up with their singing. Its almost like a festival at the moment. Youre right, this is a huge thing for china and beijing, they are not entirely sure how to deal with it. Watched so closely around the world with the white house saying they support the protesters aspirations. And whilst the numbers are huge, i can see that divia, its hard to be absolutely specific with the numbers do you think they represent a majority of the 7 plus Million People who live in hong kong . Most of the people are under the age of 30. These froafts go down about three kilometers, on either side, the scope, protests are also taking place in a couple of business districts. But they represent a generation mostly. As we heard in that report, there is concern that businesses will be affected and the older generation are a little bit more wary. They prefer the softy softy approach. People do want independence, people do want to be able to choose their own leader but how they go about it is completely different. Many of the people here have not had full democracy. They have been born in the last 30 years if not after the handover of British Colonial rule. They have this idea of what freedom should be like or what they should be allowed to do with regard to their independence. But the older generation have more sense of what beijing is capable of and perhaps have a little more patience and so theyre standing back and saying look we dont need this right now we can look for concessions as opposed to a complete independence, and choosing a new leader. Divva copalin, well give you a sense of where you are, just after 2 00 in the morning but obviously dawn is approaching. Afghanistan has threatened to build a unity government. Ashraf ghani says, if afghans want the rule of law, just before his swearing in a suicide bomber killed people near a kabul airport. Jennifer glasse reports. Promising to protect afghanistans constitution. Ashraf ghani is sworn in as afghanistans Prime Minister. Signed a decree creating a new job, chief executive to be filled by his former rival, Abdalla Abdalla. The two have been locked in a dispute that delayed the inauguration for nearly three months. Now they must Work Together in a unity government. Abdalla says it will make the changes afghanistan needs. Translator based on the agreement of National Unity government we are in a government for the sake of reforms. In all political and social sectors of the government we are together. Afghanistan today needs National Unity, security and prosperity based on the agreement for National Unity Economic Development and administrative reforms. As required by the nation of afghanistan, we are committed. Reporter ghani in his inauguration speech echoed the directions. If you want to have a rule of law the high level officials that are involved in corruption should be removed so we can have a transparent judicial system and for all those cases which are still pending, a committee should be formed to review them. Reporter he promised a new type of relationship with international partners. The new president acknowledged his government has much to do, and the job wont be easy. We have this big security challenges. We have a huge economic challenge that needs to be tackled immediately. But overall, i think a rule of law is something that needs immediate attention. Reporter before the ceremony hamid karzai reviewed the president ial guard for the last time as leader and promised to help the new government as citizen. Almost everyone has been affectby the economic downturn and afghan confidence has been shane after political deadlock. It was all smiles as the leaders promised to leave the past behind. In a few days there will be a new government, a chance that the new government can in fact Work Together. Jennifer glasse, al jazeera, kabul. Spains Constitutional Court has suspended an independence referendum which catalonia had planned to hold on november 9th. This is a temporary ruling until the Court Decides if the Catalonian Referendum actually breaches spanish law. The minister had called for a temporary cabinet meeting. The minister asked for the government to call the election illegal. Taking the decision to refer the idea of a referendum here in catalonia to the Constitutional Court. It has long been the position of the government that the idea is illegal, in terms of the 1978 constitution of this country and Prime Minister marriano hoy stating that it was the governments duty to preserve and protect the constitution, announcing a date of the referendum, look at that a clock they put up, 40 days, 38 hours, to go before the referendum. They are determined to go ahead. The Constitutional Court could put an absolute block on those plans in theory now the date of the referendum is suspended. Campaigning for the referendum may also become illegal and it will remain. T remain to be seene people of catalonia take that. 87 say they will; the vote whichever way it goes. There is a huge clamor for referendum. This is a genie that is hard to put back in the bottle. Mount ontake erupted on saturday trapping around 250 likers. Most of them made it down to safety by saturday night. The president of peru has been floig over communities shattered by saturdays earthquake. A three month state of marijuana has been declared in the southern state. Many have been made homeless as mudbrick homes collapsed. President oyanta omala is promising to rebuild omiska one of the worsthit towns in the andes mountains. President Angela Merkel has denounced asylum seekers, guards mistreating two refugees. They are investigating the security employees that run these affected shelters. Nick spicer has more from berlin. Investigators are looking at the actions of six guards working in a Refugee Center in the town of borbak to see if they did indeed humiliate people who were applying for asylum in germany. The story came to light when a journalist handed over cell phone video to police. The video showed what appeared to be security employees humiliating some of the asylum applicants in one instance making an algerian man who was handcuffed to lie down on a bed covered with vomit. Some of the local media had been comparing some of the photos that had made public to the press to some of the images from abu ghraib in iraq. Some investigations have been opened since this came to light. Asylum group expect motives pushed this into action, there is no link of that kind established yet. GeblgAngela Merkels spokesmand if these allegations were true they would be repulsive. Last year increased 64 to 124,000 refugees coming to germany. This year we expect some 200,000, the highest number in the european union. Now on the indonesian island of sombala children are regularly risking life and limb to race horses. Children as young at five are skipping school, racing with child joiks is see jockeys is sa tradition that needs to be maintained. He is one of the islands most popular joiks. Hejockeys. Hes fast furious and feather light. The young riders have provided the horse owners the light weight edge they want over their competitors in a sport fueled by gambling. They must be afraid of the small horses. Because they are still wild and when the people start hitting the horses im afraid to fall. His twin brother did just that and cant raise anymore race anymore. Found him unconscious and whether he woke up found himself partially paralyzed. Even the dad, the boys desperate parents believe they have no choice but allow him to continue racing. When he does he earns about 70 a day. Of course im afraid because they are my children but if we do not go to races my daughter cannot go to college. Her Little Brothers are paying for her education. Seen as a cultural tradition but they are all about money and racing. During the visit three jockeys fell during racing, none of them had saddles or protective gear. Just minutes after he fell he was forced to race again. There are National Child Protection Laws in the country but on sombala, the race and gambling take place under the mantle of those who are supposed to protect the children, the police and government officials. If we want to protect the children, we have to discuss this with all involved, with the horse owners, this is our tradition and the tradition is above any law. Reporter some ask while the child jockeys are still allowed to race without protection. For the last four years has documented their story. During that time he says at least two jockeys have died but his photographs he hoapts will persuade he hopes will persuade the National Government to change the rules. The country needs to protect its children and give them safety and opportunity to get education. I dont see this involves the jockeys. Even during the races there are no ambulances. I took the children myself to the hospital after they fell. It is clear action is needed. Translator what we want is a regional regulation that prohibits children under 12 to race. He knows, his children have already paid a high price, but for now a boy at eight years of age will continue to race, without the protection he deserves. You may have heard but apple launched its new iphone, iphone 6 i think, and millions have been sold. People seem to love it but so apparently do the criminals. Randolph nagle explains. Apples latest iphone have left people out of shape. U. S. Security officials concerned about the new phones encryption coding which could take more than five years to break. It means security agencies including the nsa which has come under recent criticism for its mass data pooling methods wont be able to access peoples email photos and contacts stored on the phone. Not this time encryption has hit the market. Not straight out of the box, the iphone is the first to do so and google has said its following close behind. Fbi director james comey has foisted criticism of the phones technology. He says, what concerns me is People Holding themselves beyond the law. But some Security Experts say those concerns are overstated. There are still so many ways to get information that is on a phone. And there are still so many ways that information is stored that to say that this is the thing thats going to let criminals run free i think is really a misstatement. But the new technology does raise a number of questions including whether its legal for the government to take information off a smartphone. Congress passed a law 20 years ago that requires Telecommunications Companies to make their Technology Accessible to wiretaps. But it hasnt been updated. Congress may need to, if it wants to access the data they say they need to do their jobs. Randolph nogle. Al jazeera. Still to come on al jazeera. Im nazeem. The somewhat controversial turner prize. An mlb legend is farewell to the game. Farrah will be here with the details, in just a couple of minutes. Time to catch up with all the sports news. Farrah. Thank you very much martine. David fe ferar. Foal spaniard, strong come back then breaking ferrars serve. Held to claim victory his first ever win over ferrar. And ferrar was not the only big round casualty. Alexander, return from an injury. He fell 64, 61. First round outing beyond yan bay. Opponent 63, 64. Victor truicky, serbian wild card entrant, 63, 64 in just over an hour. Gregory doma dme dimitrioff. First place in att world finals. To football news, League Leaders chelsea, the blues are flush from their 3nil home win against aston villa. Strike will be the main concern. The spaniard is still having troubles with his hamstring and could start on the batch. Manchester city will face roma, on tuesday, the english champions lost their first group game against bayer nudik. Replaced by argentinas willie cavalero. I want to play the game. Thats my nature my professionalism. I always want to play. Im not the manager im just a player and i live by the decisions of our manager. Wed love to play but like estimate decisions. Harry san germain, they take on his former Team Barcelona on tuesday. Missed the last two games because of a heel injury. Treatments up until monday morning failed to resolve the problem. Sluggish start drawing six of nine games so far. It will not be easy, we know for sure, already last year, games without slasen, obviously we perform better with him. He forces the opponent to be more careful but we have to deal without him. Game 10 of the asian game, 2013 asian champion, are thousand meter race, kazakhstan, great day, on monday from the 12 gold medals, they took six of them. Kazakhstan claimed their first ever Beach Volleyball final. 2115 in the first set and 2110 in the second. The st. Louis cardinals have clinched their second Straight National league title. The only run of the game came during the sixth inning when pete cousman made it home. 10 to st. Louis. Who will start their National League series against the l. A. Dodgers on friday. The Detroit Tigers have made their way to the playoffs hosting the minnesota twins, kenslers one run single, two more runs before pitcher dave price wrapped it up for the tigers. A lot of hard work put into it. Every single one of these guys to get to this point has been a battle of the season. A few more stuck games all year. We just keep our heads down continue to work hard and you know, were in, were in. Having already bid farewell to new york yankee fangs last week, boston fans got osay goodbye to derek jeter at fenway park. 20 year long career. Applause all around for shortstop whose final hit was part of a fourrun third inning that helped new york defeat boston 95. Im ready for it. You know, i thought it was a wonderful job that the red sox did before the game. You know that was pretty special, and after everything happened on thursday night, emotions going up and down all over the place im ready for it now. Much more sport on our website. Check al jazeera. Com slash sports. How to get in touch with us on the website. Martine, back to you. Farrah, thank you. The turner prize has launched the careers of artists. Nadeen has a look. Its art. On the turner prize short list. Berlin based James Richards deals with images, things he finds in archives as well as his own but also in history. These blankets all feature people who were close to the u. S. Artists keith herring. Many of the works do involve films and slides being projected onto screens in dark rooms and to tell the are truth its sometimes heavygoin heavygoing. The tradition craft of Screen Printing might be more accessible. Its physical and direct but even she wouldnt be described as conventional. All great artists throughout the time of our history changed the course of our history not by painting Pretty Flowers but by being sensitive to the world around them. All these artists are make comments either to do with economics or society or the way we treat people or appetizing. People said well hold it but these are artists of today. Damian hearst, when it comes to selling the stuff perhaps all publicity really is good publicity. A spotlight and even the excision, just the numberd exhibition the people who see our work is a large public outing which is very exciting in its own right. Weve seen all sorts of artists go from completely unknown outside of a small art world to having very significant and Successful International careers. So st. George, rachel whitereed damon hearst. It will be interesting out of this years tanner prize will be noticed. It certainly gets people talking about contemporary art and perhaps thats the real prize. Nadine barber, al jazeera. Next hour, a full bulletin of news. Hard work hard work dedication dedication hard work hard work dedication dedication i didnt ever tell yall this little story guys, about david and goliath. The big ol giant and the little ol david. That big ol giant it was the hurricanes, the ones that was

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