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Israel accuses three teenagers of an act of spying in the gaza war. What goes up must come down work begins on a spaceport in texas. The news this morning is that the United States carried out air strikes in syria for the first type. The targets fighters from i. S. I. L. , the Islamic State of iraq and levant. Saudi arabia, jordan, bahrain and the u. A. E. Have been involved, and qatar has been involving support. The pentagon says u. S. Fighter jets started hitting the tarts on monday. You look at the map. The areas in yellow, the fighters or parts held by the i. S. I. L. Fighters in the air strikes they hit the city of raqqa, a stronghold for the i. S. I. L. Fighters, the center of their operations until they captured mosul. It struck on the border with iraq, buildings, checkpoints and weapons Stores Coming under fire. Here is what we heard from john kirby lets start the coverage with events being followed from amman in jordan, and well talk specifically about jordan. First, what happened and the involvement from the arab world. Well, we understand according to several activist groups that have a presence on the ground in syria is that i. S. I. L. Targets were struck in the provinces in raqqa and another province. Two provinces where the Islamic State controlled territory. We understand there are casualties, we have not heard about civilian casualties, and what we know is according to the pentagon and other sources, these air strikes will continue. We know that they have happened in raqqa and other areas and Training Facilities in the country side, and these Training Facilities are used to train fighters who joined the Islamic State group. This is the first time that parts of syria are struck in this operation, and, as well, that jordan confirmed its participation. Okay. So participation. This is the key thing from all these arab states that talk about support. You said jordan doesnt get specific. Does anyone talk specifically about what they are doing . Well, in the last few minutes we got a lot more detail than we expected to get. Earlier in the morning we heard from the minister of information who confirmed to us that jordan, indeed, is one of four countries in the region that has a role in this military operation. A few minutes ago we had a statement from him where he said Jordanian Air force planes took part in the military operation and rebased in military bases in the country. This is surprising, i would say, for jordan, especially that raqqa is not close to jordan, its in northern syria, and the parts that are close to jordan are in southern syria. The americans said that this group, the socalled terrorist groups are a threat to jordan, and well strike the groups before they try to reach jordan, and before socalled terrorism reaches jordan, its the preventative measure that jordan is taking, striking the targets with the help of the u. S. Before the groups attack jordanian territory. Thank you. Well talk to you later for more updates. Something before we move on, something i want to mention which we have gotten in, Israeli Military confirming that it shot down a syrian war plane over the Golan Heights. That has come in as one. The occupied Golan Heights sorry, my computer is flashing up a few different things, yes, syrian plane over the Golan Heights. Its Something Else adding into the mix on a busy day in the region. Sue turton is next, on the phone from northern iraq. An update from you of what is going on, and what you have seen and heard. Yes, ive left the area and am 20km from the iraqi syria boarder. The scene of some of those air strikes. We are heading down to get to the towns, to see if we can get some intelligence from the general as to what has been picked, what targets have been picked and what is taken out. The general and his fighters underpowered. Well have a look and see if we can find out if there has been a softening of the targets. Also, there has been a lot of talk over the last couple of weeks of a lot of i. S. I. L. Fighters on the syrian side of the border, preparing to come into iraq to shore up the front lines for i. S. I. L. , whether or not the strikes have taken out personal. We are trying to find out. We know quite a bit already about the area in raqqa, and from what i understand weapon supply, barracks, and command and control center were targeted by the aerial bombard. The syrian observatory of human rites say dozens of i. S. I. L. Fighters are dead, which i suppose was not a surprise. You would have thought maybe they would have taken out more. Well talk to you later. Sue turton close to the syrianiraq border. Well get analysis from what we have heard, from the American University of beirut. He is via skype from beirut. A pleasure to talk to you. Youll pop up in a moment, im not sure. Tell me what your initial thoughts are on the air strike, at the beginning inevitable probably, given what president barack obama had said. What do you make of the force we had seen so far . I think its dramatic on several levels. First of all for the u. S. To dom countries, attacking i. S. I. S. , syria and iraq. Second of all, several arab foreign countries, but the dramatic part is several arab countries actively involved in the air attacks in some ways, some with plans and other doing logistics and support. The third thing that i think is critical is to see the development in the regional context because the bombings are in create new convictions of chaos for iraq and syria, which will rearrange the region to some extent, allowing iran to play a bigger role. You have to look at the houthis and yemen being a big part of the power structure in yemen, and the Iranian Foreign ministers meeting at the General Assembly in new york. You are looking at a regional recon figuration. The best part is the awful part is the chaos in syria and iraq will be countered by the rainies and saudis working to stablilize the region in some matter. We have dramatic and chaotic days ahead. We are having a few audio problems. We did get a lot from you there just a recap of what has happened in the past few hours. St officials u. S. Official firming attacks on 20 targets. Islamic state of iraq and levant, and i. S. , inside syria. Fighter jets and tomahawk cruise missiles used in the attacks, and a senior u. S. Official said five gulf partners, saudi arabia, u. A. E. , bahrain and jordan, and qatar providing support as well. Lets go further with imran khan joining us from baghdad. Of course, our focus goes on to syria now, the battle against i. S. I. L. In iraq carries on, but i guess its obvious shadowed for now. They are one and part of the same battle. Iraqi officials here maintained throughout all of this that you cant beat i. S. I. L. In iraq without going after them in syria. The air strikes would have been welcome. Theres no official reaction. What is happening is therell be meetings, security, political meetings, the big fear for them. I. S. I. L. Released a 42 minute statement about 15 hours ago saying they want people to rise up and attack targets. They said if you have the ability, the capability, mount the attacks on your own. Baghdad has been hit with a series of car bombings over the last year, almost daily. We are expecting to see more of those over the next couple of days as this unfolds. Right now, for the iraqis, its about looking to see what kind of damage has been done to i. S. I. L. In syria, and what effect that has here, particularly on security for the capital itself. That video, that call to arms for i. S. I. L. , is that what we view these streaks, the u. S. And arab strikes, and we view them in that context, its not quite a response, but its the International Nations getting if there when i. S. I. L. Is up to the states in its own way. The strikes will not be a direct response to the i. S. I. L. Statement. The targets would have been detected a while ago and the decision made when the timing was right. It certainly ups the state. President obama will talk at the General Assembly about this subject in about 12 hours, 1314 hours time. Its certainly the timing is important for i. S. I. L. They wanted to make a statement, they new the attack against them in syria was coming. They wanted to make a bold statement. They decided that they shouldnt just establish the calafat. Here in iraq and syria, but to take the war to the enemy itself, effectively going global. Thank you for that. Imran khan live in baghdad with a bit more on what happened with i. S. I. L. As we have been reporting, it is about 20 strikes made by the United States and its arab partners on i. S. I. L. In syria began about midnight 30 g. M. T. And confirmed by the United States, but not a lot of detail on where it will go. It is an ongoing operation. Continuing coverage here as they happen. Well look at other news. More than 130,000 Syrian Refugees crossed into turkey in the past few days, escaping as i. S. I. L. Fighters pushed into kurdish areas, now some want to return to defend their homes and those left behind. Stefanie dekker has a report from the city on the turkeysyria border. Reporter frustration is met by force. Turkish forces try to control the few hundred kurds, the ones that return to syria to defend their home town, about a kilometre from here. Translation we are the syrian and turkish kurds want to go to cabban to fight i. S. I. L. The clashes started because place are not allowing to us go back. We want to go back to protect our fighters and homes. Reporter its been tense as the men brought their wives and children into turkey to flee the Islamic State of iraq and levant. They do not want to stay in turkish. Syrian and Kurdish Forces have kept i. S. I. L. At bay. No one nose how long it will last. The push by i. S. I. L. Caused 100,000 to flee here, but ignited decadelong tensions between turkey and the kurd. Turkey has a Large Population of kurds. There has been a peace deal between the kurdistan workers party, or the p. K. K. , but some feel increasingly under attack. The turkish government says theres peace with the kurd. We havent noticed any real steps. They are trying to empty the land of the kurd op both sides of the border. The last few days a different story. Over 130,000 kurd have come here. Its the biggest shortterm influx of people since the conflict began. Theres over a million Syrian Refugees. We feel that we lost everything, we have been humiliated, tortured, i. S. I. L. Kidnapped our women and cut off heads. We barely escaped. Many speak. Fear that i. S. I. L. Managed to create. While these people say they are determined they can beat them, returning home could be a long while yet. The u. S. Justice department it looking at ways to prevent young muslims from joining i. S. I. L. , saying at least 100 joins minnesota is a state where dozens have been recruited. Reporter growing up in this Minnesota Community 100,000 somalia americans has not been easy. Cultural barriers, a lack of jobs made young people targets for recruiters of groups like Islamic State of iraq and levant or i. S. I. L. You hear an individual has gone, went back, and unfortunately has joined organizations. When i hear it, im hoping its not someone im close to. U. S. Official estimate 100 americans have left to join i. S. I. L. Efforts to recruit are sophisticated. We have been privy to some video targetting youth in minnesota. Reporter in recent weeks two men died after leaving minnesota to fight if syria. Many in the Community Say one was shot while fighting alongside douglas mccain, another american. He was killed in syria, whilst fighting with i. S. I. L. Its not the first time the young here have been recruited. The problem started in 2006 when nationalist ties were used to push young people to fight for alshabab. A somalia affiliate of al qaeda. Leaders of the Minnesota Muslim Community worry that video campaigns referencing landmarks promising status and opportunity are no match for limited resources. We have lost a lot of kids to alshabab and i. S. I. S. Their Propaganda Machine seems to be effective. Thousands of kids are at risk. A major mosque, the Family Center is under investigation for allegedly recruiting as many people to join i. S. I. L. The mosque denied accusation. More Law Enforcement is not the answer. Community backing is. We lack support of the community, that, itself creates the grounds, because other terrorist organizations see that. They target. If we dont get support, they are at risk of being recruited. The white house is holding talks to combat this issue. In the news ahead World Health Organization says nigeria managed to contain the ebola outbreak. Some schools are reopening. Children and teachers are not taking any chances. A fight to keep the gas flowing, we look at the battle for power in eastern ukraine. Returning to the breaking news that we mentioned earlier. Reports that the Israeli Military shot down a syrian fighter plane over the occupied Golan Heights. The plane is said to have flown into israeli controlled air space. Fighting spilled in to the Golan Heights, including the place that israel occupied. We look for detail. We are joined from the bureau in west jerusalem. What more do you have. Not an awful lot, but we understand that from what we are told from the israeli forces, a syrian aircraft was knocked down. Patriot missiles were fired from an Israeli Air Force jet on the syrian vessel, crashing it down to the ground. Again the civil war has spilled over into the Golan Heights area in an area seized by israel in 19 1967. This is the first time aircraft has been bought down by israeli forces. Something that we need to ask about, the conflict in gaza, the killing of three israeli teens, the development there. We understand that in the early hours of this morning, tuesday morning. Two of the main suspects involved in the killings of three israeli settlers, settlers by the names of gelin, eal and nethali killed in june, effectively led to what spiralled into the conflict in gaza. We understand the two main suspects were killed in a shootout by israeli forces. Hamas will not be happy about this. Well get your thoughts on this, whether it constitutes a breaking of the ceasefire which ended the war . That is a good question. We dont know. Hamas has not responded. Hamas has, in its open ways, distanced itself from the killing of the men, and suggesting that it was involved with those involved with the killing of the settlers. Whether this will constitute a breaking of the ceasefire, whether well see the attempted talks break down as a result of the shootings again, its too hard to say. The truth is that the killing of the three settlers sparked the 7week conflict. 67 Israeli Soldiers and 6 israeli civilians were killed. Many do not want to see a war like that again. Houthi rebels are celebrating the gains in yemens capital. 50 were killed in a bombing. They targeted a houthi gathering. Fireworks lit up the skies of the capital after houthi took control of several parts of the country. Houthi fighters raided the homes of senior political, military and tribal figures in what appears to be acts of retribution. They are controlling large parts of the country and key areas of the capital. More from sanaa. These are the streets of sanaa, its clear who is in charge. Its the armed houthi militia men. Seen on tracks across the city. They are storming residential compounds belonging to opponents. They are set up at central locations. They are on large numbers on hills, surrounding the hours of the six military zone which they took over on sunday. Theres no sign of the government for the army. What is more, many say they are worried. Houthi rebels are reported to have carried out acts of revenge on their own enemies. The peace deal signed with the government will allow the shia militia to dominate yemens politics. They are in control of government buildings and the military command. The u. N. Envoy who brokered the deal is concerned. There are dangers, definitely. We have seen reports of violations. The state must reestablish its authority over all regions. Theres no ambiguity about that. Anyone that wants to supplant the authority of the state would be in violation of the agreement. Despite the worries, the president described the agreement as historic. With all the parties and factions spred by the community, we have brought forward this agreement. We commend efforts. I urge all to Work Together to implement the agreement with immediate effect. Reporter the agreement tackled nearly all the major issues, but came short on specifics, especially crucial aspects like security and the houthi takeover the signed document does not clearly state when the houthi fighters will be forced to pull out from the capital. And there are fears that the acts of revenge my trigger a signal to the end of a peace settlement. A chinas court imposed a Chinese Court imposed a life sentence on an outspoken scholar that fought for the rights of the uyghur group. Adrian brown has that story. Although a pritic of xinjiang policies he is considered a moderate. The uyghur moderate lived and worked in beijing, he was arrested nine months ago, but his trial took place 2,500km away. His detention and the severity those against him alarmed some observers. We have expressed concern over his indictment, because he worked peacefully, especially to promote a Good Relationship between minorities in china and equal rights. During the 2day trial there was a heavy police presence, a measure of sensibility. His wife was allowed to witness the verdict. She is worried about his health. He was convicted of in citing ethnic hatred and advocating the overthrow of chinese rule in xinjiang, a resourcerich province in the far west. His lawyer said his client is incident. In the past he has been outspoken, accusing the authorities of a Systematic Campaign of discrimination against ethnic muslim uyghurs. In an interview before his arrest he seemed to accept the fate that awaited him. Translation my people are here. The people im fighting for are here, ill willing to sacrifice myself for them. Reporter the United Nations and European Union demanded his release. Human rites groups say it shows moderate voices are no longer immune from the Counter Campaign to not an extremism. In the news ahead. The Oil Companies talk about helping us. Its a lie. We here from ecuador as Oil Companies prepare to drill on their land. A Climate Conference in new york. Who are the notable absentees . Top stories for you, for the first time United States carries out air strikes. Israel is shot dead two palestinians in a raid in hebron, accusing them of abducting settlers in june. The two men were linked with hamas. A Chinese Court imposed a sentence on an outspoken scholar fighting for the rights of the uyghur minority. His conviction was the most severe penalty anyone in china refused in a decade. Lets bridge you up to date with american air strikes targetting i. S. I. L. , along with cooperation from various states. Qatar provided support. Something that has come through from the United States, the United States Central Command talking about those countries, either supporting or participating in those air strikes part of the president s comprehensive strategy, it says to degrade and defeat i. S. I. L. Eat i. S. I. L. A little more information is coming in, well check in with zeina khodr. Zeina khodr, bring us up to date with anything more you know, and anything you are hearing from sources inside syria. Well, the syrian observatory for human rights they have a network of activists on the ground. According to them the air strikes targeted i. S. I. L. Positions in the province of raqqa. The capital Raqqa Province as well as azor, a province close to the border. We are getting reports from this monitoring group, that these air strikes targeted the al nusra. Syrias al qaeda branch. Again, this information from the observatory for human rights. No confirmation yet. The

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