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Continue. British Prime Minister David Cameron said that the threat posed by the Islamic State group is nor dangerous than even that of alqaeda. Thats why britain moved to raise its Terror Threat level to its second highest level. But the u. S. Will n follow suit. At least not right now. Libby casey from washington, how concerned are the british about a possible terrorist attack . Reporter tony, the British Government believes 400 of its citizens have traveled to syria since the up rising began, raising concerns that they may be getting trained, battletested and getting ready to come home to commit acts of terror. The British Government raised its countrys Terror Threat from substantial to severe. That means that a terrorist attack is highly likely but there is no intelligence to suggest that an attack is eminent. Reporter Prime Minister David Cameron announced new legislation that would make it easier for the government to take passports away from those traveling to syria. We need to do more to stop those who do go from returning and to deal decisively those who are already here. Ill be making a statement in the house of commons on monday. There will be new legislation that will make it easier to take peoples passports away. Reporter the proposed change in policy comes a week after the release of a video showing the beheading of journalist james foley allegedly by a british citizen. By the voice of what increasingly seems to have been an british terrorist. It was clear evidence not any more was needed that this is not some foreign conflict thousands of miles from home that we can hope ting i other. Reporter the u. S. Is not raising its security level. Homeland security secretary jay johnson put out a statement but did he warn that the Islamic State group, known as isil, remains a threat. Across the atlantic the United Kingdom faces heightened challenges. One thing that i would observe publicly from here, i think s that thepart of the british concern is that there is, according to published report, a relatively large number of individuals with british passport who is have gone to the region to fight along side isil. The published reports as they relate to the number of americans there is somewhat low. Reporter earlier this week the initial Security Council confirmed the death of Douglas Mccarter m mccain. His body found along with other Islamic State members. While the u. S. Is still weighs its options in syria including use of military might, u. S. Forces destroyed four Islamic State Armored Vehicles near the mosul dam. U. S. Central command said that brings the total number of airstrikes in iraq to 110. That is in addition to the humanitarian relief provided to the yazidis in the form of food and water. Libby, appreciate it. The u. S. Military has carried out more airstrikes against Islamic State fighters in northern iraq. This shows strikes against i. S. Vehicles near the mosul dam and carried out four strikes today. Several vehicles were destroyed. The u. N. Is trying to negotiate for peace keepers taken by an armed Syrian Opposition group. The u. S. Accused of al nusra front, an alqaedalinked group, for overthrowing the government. Jackie roland reports from the Israeli Occupied golan heights. Smoke from the battles from the syrian army. There has been intense fighting here for days. On wednesday antiGovernment Forces including fighters affiliated to alqaeda, took control of the crossing into the israelioccupied golan heights. A day later dozens of u. N. Peace keepers stationed in the area were taken hostage. 44 fijian troops are being detained, and 72 filipino troops have movements who are still being restricted. The updated figures follows cross checking an of leave records in the area. The stand off with Syrian Rebels as they tried to storm their positions around 10 00 a. M. Syrian time yesterday. Our peacekeeping forces are holding their ground to defend their representative conditions. Reporter speaking to an u. N. Forum being held in indonesia the secretary general condemned the detention and intimidation of the peacekeeping troops. These courageous peace keepers have deployed to bring greater stability to the people of the area. We will do Everything Possible to secure their only release. Its the third time peace keepers have been taken hostage in the area. On previous occasions the hostages have later been freed. Israel has largely been unaffected by three and a half years of fighting in syria, but on sunday five rockets fired from syria landed here in the Israeli Occupied golan heights. And on wednesday an israeli soldier was moderately wounded by stray fire from syria. Elsewhere inside syria there are different front lines. This video apparently shows Syrian Army Soldiers in the northeast being forced to march and cheer by their captors, the Islamic State group. The human rights observatory said dozens were later executed. The soldiers were captured after the Islamic State group took over a Government Air base. More than 500 people were killed during that fighting. In the past week the Islamic State has been gaining more and mortar tore inside syria. Taking from Government Forces or other rebel groups. And its the battles near quiet frontiers which are making neighboring countries worried. Israel is bracing itself for a potential spillover of the war in syria. Jackie roland, al jazeera, in the israelioccupied golan heights. A syrian refugee crisis is the largest and most expensive in history. The u. N. Said 6. 5 Million People are internally displaced. 3million others have fled the country. And the u. N. Money is literally running out. It wants more than 3 billion to continue its work. Many refugees have found safety in lebanon but not much else. We have their story. Reporter here in the valley thousands and thousands of refugees have stalled in makeshift refugee capers. 2,000 families live in these tents, and they dont have much. Now one example is the shortage of water. The United Nations is providing water here through these tanks. 2,000 families are dependent on these tanks to get water to bath, shower, to clean, and to drink. And all over lebanon most of the Syrian Refugees are living in similar miserable conditions. They endured the loss of their homes and settled in tents. They endured the snow and bitter cold. They endured extreme heat, they survive off peoples charities. But almost all refugee parents will tell you their children not going to school is one of the most devastating aspects of refugee life. Their children have not been to a Proper School in seven years, including a 17yearold and 12yearold. If they dont learn now, he said, when will they, bitterly. Its a crime that these children are not going to school and learning, but there is not much i can do. But it hurts, he said. His wife is at a loss for words. In syria all my children went to school, said another woman, and they didnt want to leave syria despite the violence. She forced them to come here. Now none goes to school. Instead, her daughters now like many others are working the fields to help support the families and find shelter in this settlement. Reporter in lebanon, 70 of refugee children are not receiving any formal education. And the dropout rate is on the rise as the number of refugees increase and the funds to help them decrease. Some of the refugee children are lucky to be enrolled at Public Schools in lebanon. But they have to struggle to catch up with a curriculum that they are not familiar with. And with more than 1. 3 million refugees in lebanon Public Schools are saturated. Some ngos offer basic alternative learning but the children will not get are credit for it. Some children have not been to school in three years, and its unlikely that they would be able to enroll this year. These seven children have not been to school in two years as well. My childrens future is destroyed. We used to dream that our children would become doctors or engineers. Now our ambition is to find a place to sleep in and stay alive until the next day. She was due to Start College this year. She was stop of her class before she came to lebanon but she has not been able to finish high school. I studied hard in syria. I went to School Despite the violence. It all went to waste. Its very hard when youre almost there and then its all destroyed. Reporter a whole generation of syrians is under threat, and so is the future of syria, and the presence of the Syrian Refugees here in lebanon have cost the country 7. 5 billion according to the world bank. U. N. Data shows lebanon has seen a steady increase of Syrian Refugees. More than a million in that country alone. Neighboring nations struggling to stem the flow. Palestinian president Mahmood Abbas blamed hamas for needlessly extending fighting with israel in gaza. The remark came a few days after they reached an openended truce. Today they said it was possible to avoid all that. He said hamas insisted on discussing demands first before ending the war, which served to pro long the violence. His comments related to doubts about the future of the palestinian unity government which hamas supports. The government of ukraine is seeking the protection of n. A. T. O. Membership in response to joining forces in the east. Taking firm control of a strategic coastal town in southeast ukraine. It comes one day an ukraine said tanks in Armored Vehicles invaded the area in russia. Reporter novoazovsk is a small town in the far corner of eastern ukraine. But who controls this place has massive significance for eastwest diplomatic relations. The fighters who now top it refuse to be filmed. A few were proved to express their fears. Im worried. I want everything to be fine. I want to have everything in order and peaceful sky above us. Reporter ukraine and its western allies say the town is one of several along the border which was captured in recent days by a combined force of separatist fighters and regular return soldiers. Effectively a russian invasion. For three days now the separatist militia has fairly been in control. There is no sign of panic in the local population and there is a sign on the wall saying people who are concerned should get in touch with the local commandant. There is no resolve in the ukrainian arm. We saw them at the checkpoint, but what is unclear is what the ambitions of the militia in this area are. Reporter the Ukrainian Border guards here are now prisoners. Separatists have at least six tanks here but the fighters deny that they are from russia. There are no russians here. There is no russian equipment coming through here. Were fighting with the machinery the Ukrainian Army abandoned. In their path lies the important city of mariopov where residents have been helping the Ukrainian Army dig trenches at the city limits. Having presented what it says is compelling evidence of direct russian involvement on ukrainian territory ukraines western allies still remain reluctant to respond with direct involvement of their own. Paul brennan. Al jazeera. Earlier today i spoke with admiral james defretus. The dean at Tufts University and served in n. A. T. O. From 2009 to 2010. I asked him if ukraine becoming a member of n. A. T. O. Would trigger a more rebust response against russia . I think that they would like to begin the process simply looking into the future, recognizing that theyre in this for the long haul in opposition to russia. Theyre a nation who is under invasion right now, so i think theyre reaching for any Security Agreement they can find. Admiral, that was my next question. Has russia in fact, to your way of thinking invaded southeastern ukraine . President obama had an opportunity to call russias actions in ukraine an invasion during a press conference and didnt, what are your thoughts . I think invasion with armed troops without consent of a sovereign nation, and i think thats occurring right now. Why, why is russia . Have you been able to answer to your own satisfaction the why question here with respect to russia and its actions in ukraine . I think its a bit of a puzzle. Everything that theyre doing tactically tense to foil the strategic goals you would think they would want. In other words, but invading ukraine, theyre reenergizing n. A. T. O. And causing n. A. T. O. Nations to spend more on defense and they will become an international p pariah. Theyll come under sakes. Its hard to imagine what the calthe calculous is other than emotion, russian nationalism and historic attachment to that region. You mentioned a reenergized n. A. T. O. What do you think he well see from the n. A. T. O. Summit next week . I think well see the 28 nations of n. A. T. O. Pledging activity along the border. Well see more deployments to the baltic sea and black sea and rotationnal movement of ground force noose Eastern European n. A. T. O. Nations. Youll see, i believe, higher level of support to Ukrainian Armed forces. There will be a real package of action on ukraine, which i suspect would be topic one at a summit. Does a package like that carry with it the potential to escalate the current conflict . You know, ive often been asked isnt that provocative . Well, lets face it. Russia has already invaded im not sure how much more escalat escalateory it could become. Now is the time that n. A. T. O. Needs to step up and show strength. It does not mean troops or boots on the ground in ukraine but supporting the Ukrainian Armed forces and cause russians for paying an significant price for activity that is 19th century military instrument use to drive territorial acquisition. Terrific conversation. The west is considering imposing more sanctions on russia. Real money ali velshi has more on how this would effect the countrys economy. Im not interested inhmm, do we have ali . Is it a merit of cueing it up . Should we . Okay. Alis real money top of the hour. Thats 4 00 pacific right here on al jazeera america. Coming up on the program, a bill to help Sexual Assault by defining when yes means yes instead of when no means no. And president obama said he could use executive orders it in Immigration Reform and how republicans are trying to shut down that option. Aedal judge h thrown out new abortion restrictions at issue a sweeping antiabortion bill signed by the states governor that required clinics to have hospitaloperating level standards by monday, september 1st. That would have left seven places in texas for women to get an abortion down from 19. In power politics there are 67 days left before the Midterm Election and its clear that airstrikes in iraq and possibly syria are not going to be an issue. Mitch mcconnell said that congress will support the Obama Administration should the president choose to attack the Islamic State group in syria. This week mcconnell said that i think hes doing the right thing. And other republicans including Lindsey Graham want to hear mor from the white house about the presidens plan, they said it will not be a wedge issue in the fall during the campaign. Immigration reform could dominate the campaign and president obama is expected to use executive authority. There was more from josh earnest. The president has resolved to use as much authority as he can muster within the confines of the law to try to solve this problem on his own. He does that hoping that theyll pass a piece of legislation that would be move impactful. But some say the president has been urged by Vulnerable Senate democrats to delay any major action until after the midterms. They feel political fall out and unless republicans were to overreact by shutting down the government or starting impeachment, and that republican reaction is not a guarantee. In Louisiana Senate race mary landrou is facing trouble where she lives. The senator and her husband own a 2 million house in capitol hill in washington, but to satisfy louisiana residency requirements list as Louisiana Home her parents hadliving in. The North Carolina race tom tillis has been under fire for cutting state funding for state education. Tillis is now responding with this. A 7 pay raise. Thats what we passed this year for North Carolina teachers. That simple math but math is lost on the senator. Shes misleading you about me to hide her own partisan record. Now to president ial politics. 19 days, 19, thats how long it took Hillary Clinton to speak out on the Police Shooting and tensions in ferguson, missouri. She didnt really speak out. She just talked about it. Here is clinton at a tech conference. I applaud president obama for sending the attorney general to ferguson, and demanding a thorough and speedy investigation. Nobody wants to see our streets look like a war zone. Not in america. We are better than that. 19 days. From fighting to speaking out. Massachusetts senator elizabeth warren, who is being urged to run in 2016 just took a strong position on israel at a town hall. She said the Israeli Military has the right to attack palestinian hospitals and schools in self defense if hamas has put rocket launchers next to them. Warren defended her vote to send funds to israel and say civilian casualties, quote, are the last thing israel wants. Finally to the great north and toronto city council. [ music ] reggae singers serenaded the panel before members broke for lunch. Yes that is mayor rob ford, the first to stand up and start singing. The singer is laughing. That is todayshe is the giftwell, some of it is pretty bad stuff, but my goodness, can we have that just to end the show . You just cannot get enough of the styling of rob ford. Some say this was a misguided effort. Reporter 20 people have died and 120 wounded in gunfire since Illinois State troopers started helping Chicago Police get violent criminals with outstanding warrants off the streets. Thats roughly the same number of People Killed and wounded the two weeks leading up to the state police surge. But the head of one Community Outreach program said manpower isnt the answer to the gun violence problem. Education and opportunity are. There are not enough policeman in china to stop one shooting in chicago. So thats absolutely not the right approach. Reporter roughly 1500 people have been shot and wounded in chicago so far this year. Thats slightly more than last. The bloodshed prompted the federal government to bring in seven additional alcohol, tobacco and firearm agents last month. Still just a week before the city asked the state for help Chicago Police superintendent Gary Mccarthy said he didnt want it. We have more Police Officers than any large city in the country per capita. Lets not do that. Reporter one of chicagos more violent neighborhoods, this is a makeshift memorial that marks the spot where a 14yearold was gunned down on sunday. He was shot in the back by two unknown assailants. Austin is one of the four neighborhoods the state troopers are covering. It also happens to be an Illinois State representative la shawn fords district. He has been calling for extra Law Enforcement all summer and is convinced the state police are making a difference. The word is out that you cannot commit crime in chicago because if you do, youre going to get caught. The laws are there to deter. Reporter still, ford admits it may take time before the people doing the shooting get that message. Diane estherbrook, al jazeera, chicago. And coming up a closer look at the threat posed by the Islamic State group and how the west is responding to the group. He. Returning to our top story britain raised its terror alert level today because of a threat posed by the Islamic State group in iraq and in syria. Prime minister David Cameron said isis poses a greater threat than alqaeda. The white house said there are no plans to raise the Terror Threat right now. Joining us is max abrahams, a professor at Northeastern University. Professor, thank you for your time. Lets dive into this here. Raising the u. K. Threat level from substantial to severe, thats scary stuff. What does that move tell us about the threat the hes maamic state group from people traveling from the u. K. To the middle east to train and fight and potentially bring those new skills sets back to the u. K. . I think that britain is not overreacting in this case. Its estimated that about 400 jihadists from britain are traveling to britain and iraq to join us with isis, and the fear is that theyre going to be even further radicalized there. More to the point theyll learn all sorts of skills to wreak havoc, which theyll then be able to reintroduce within britain. And so i think that britain is absolutely correct to be raising the threat from substantial to severe. Frankly i would like the Obama Administration to also finish your thought. I think britains threat assessment on this isis issue is more in line with reality than the Obama Administrations. Yesterday the president said that he doesnt have a strategy for dealing with isis. Only within the last couple of days within the a past few days has the u. S. Been flying these surveillance flights over syria to better understand the nature of isis. I think these surveillance flights should have been going on a long time ago. British is not the only country, of course, to supply these jihadists to isis. Its the second biggest contributor of western countries. Britain has contributed 400. France, 700. The United States, about 100. Really this is very much an international threat, and i think that the entire western world not just britain, but also the United States needs to recognize this quickly. So are you saying that you believe the Obama Administration has under estimated the isis threat to the United States . Yes, i mean, the problem isnt so much that obama said yesterday that he doesnt have a strategy. I agree. With dealing with isis. The problem is that he act like he doesnt have a strategy for dealing with isis. The reality is that since august 8th the u. S. Has been helping out the kurds and Iraqi Federal forces by arming them. We contributed some limited airstrikes all in iraq. So would youwho would you armi justsorry for interrupting, but are you suggesting that the United States should be arming some group in syria . What are you suggesting would make sense and more sense as a plan of action against acitizen iisis in syria. Because isis natural home is in syria. Not only are the majority of fighters based there, but its a sunni controlled country so there is more possibility of growth there for isis, and indeed isis is picking up many defectors from other rival groups to isis in syria not so much iraq. And i think that the way to deal with that for starters is with air power. And i do believe that come on, air powerare you suggesting airstrikes on syria . Yes, of course i am, particularly along the border. I think there are a lot of lowhanging fruit there, and i think isis can be substantially degraded, not defeated but degraded just from the sky alone. Yes, youre right it would be great to have local partners particularly providing human intelligence to improve targeting, plus very few Counter Insurgency campaigns if any have been won from the sky alone but i think we can degrade this group if part isis is uniquely vulnerable from the sky. Youre not really going to be invited in by assad even though there, there was signaling of that earlier in the week. Youre not going to be invited by assad to bring in airstrikes. Actually, tony, with respectassad hasassad has, indeed, i heard the signaling. I know what youre talking about. Right, right, right, so assad has actually said that he would be open to the possibility of coordinating airstrikes with the United States if the United States coordinates back. And essentially respects his sovereignty. I would not be opposed to that kind of coordination. So assist the assad government. Yes, i mean, that would be an inadvertent unfortunate sideeffect of taking on isis within syria, but i want to emphasize that assad has never directly threatened the u. S. Homeland, and neither has his father. I do believe ha that isis presents a real threat to the u. S. Homeland. I would welcome u. S. Airstrikes against isis in syria even if that requires some measure of coordination with the assad regime. And has the unfortunate affect of maybe helping him out by alleviating some pressure on him because of course isis and assad are sworn enemies now although that wasnt the case even three weeks ago. Now okay, now you have to recognize for me, and then we have to go, but you have to acknowledge to me that is a highly controversial statement you just made. It is controversial. You know, when machines think about assad they think about the dictator with all these violations and contributed to all the civilian suffering in the country. Because he tortured and arrested gassing his population and imprisoning them hes a morally irreprehensible person, but i think that the u. S. Do need to go after isis in syria even if that extends the life, if you will, of the assad regime. Wow. Max abrams professor at Northeastern University joining us from washington, d. C. A study published today finds an experimental drug healed all 18 monkeys give then the drug. Three of the monkeys that were not given the drug died. A welcomed addition in the fight against ebola. A new laboratory in serie a leones freetown. It was a laboratory was closed after a member of its staff caught the virus. In the past you would like to test ebola you would have to send the specimens overseas. The test results would be issued after a few days or sometimes even after a week, if not longer. Here we can issue the results since we receive the specimens. We can issue the results within three to five hours. In guinea unicef has donated motor bikes to the government to help Health Officials reach remote villages. It says the outbreak has already changed the lives of thousands of children. With an average of five children orphaned with each Deceased Parent to ebola you can imagine there are thousands of children made vulnerabl vulnerable due to the ebola. Reporter Vaccine Development and testing usually takes up to ten years. Drug Company Glaxosmithkline said it hopes to finish trials by the end of 2014. The experimental vaccine has been tested successfully on chimpanzees which are known to also catch ebola, and both elements of the chest vaccine, the chimpanzee flu virus and two proteins from the ebola virus are shown to be safe in humans. But a Study Suggests the ebola virus in west africa is mutating fast and could blunt the effectiveness of diagnostic tests and experimental vaccines. You got to be careful when you first put it into humans to make sure above all that its safe. That there are no unexpected adverse reactions. Thats the reason why you go in slowly with very few people and you follow them carefully. With a number of new cases in guinea, sierra leone, and liberia at their highest so far, the who has worn it could take moss even years to bring the outbreak under control. Al jazeera. And in pakistan the military said it stepped in to negotiate with antigovernment protesters at the request of the Prime Minister. The armys involvement is deeply i am appear racing for Prime Minister sharif. He said he did not want the militarys help. Protesters have been camped out at the capitol for weeks now. The stop command Center Afghanistan said its too soon if pakistans offensive against the taliban is working. Dozens of fighters have been killed in north which are stan in june. In libya the interim Prime Minister has resigned in hopes of building a more unified and inclusive state. Thousands of people demonstrated hoping for an end to the political crisis. The end of the interim resignation is believed to be an of olive branch. In mexico a new elite police force has deployed to an elite town after kidnappings and abductions. Because it is a popular destination for the countrys elite this crime wave is getting more attention. We have more. Reporter this quaint town a few hours outside of mexico city is the last place you would expect to see these men and women instead of the usualturists and members of mexicos elite crowding the streets its federal police and soldiers. Thats because in the past month more than a dozen kidnappings were reported. And a new federal police force is being deployed to three to stop. Violence. Theyre called the jandomery. 5,000 newly trained recruits protect areas from drug gangs. They will help to maintain and dismantle those criminal organizations which undermine Economic Activity through robbery, extortion and kidnapping. This has always been a Family Community and one of the safest just outside of mexico city. So when Business Leaders started getting kidnapped the federal government started to worry. Fear is keeping many people from enjoying the clear lake and alpine forests. In the 20 years that they have been serving fresh seafood he has never had so few customers. Business is down almost 50 . Its been wellkept secret that weve been suffering from violence for a while. The town looks peaceful, but if you go to the outskirts sometimes you find dead bodies. We dont know why it took the authorities so long to deploy. This is the First Security force created by president pena pieto. But some worry the president s strategy is nothing new. Its been months since the military was deployed and his rich clients are still not buying luxury speed boats because theyre too scared o of the attention of gangs. Nobody has much faith in the authorities. Making the area safe for residents is a first step to luring tourists back to this once idyllic town. Its a mission that federal forces say they cant afford to lose. Rachel levin, al jazeera, mexico. A settlement today in the fostercarerelated lawsuit. Maria ines ferre has that story and other headlines making news across america. Reporter tony, three private new york foster care agencies will pay 17. 5 million as part of the settlement. The lawsuit was filed on behalf of eight children fraudulently adopted. They claim that they were abused, starved and imprisoned in a house of horrors. Lincoln was sentenced to 20 years in prison five years ago. Many of the chin are now adults. The Missouri Police officer caught on camera pointing his rifle and verb bally threatening protesters in ferguson has resigned. In the video another officer pulls albers back after he threatened, i will kill pup the local police chief tells us that the board of Police Commissioners believe it was in albers best interest to resign or be discharged. He chose resign. A the pilot of the jet that crashed when it went down. He died when he crashed in a mountainous area. He had 17 years of f15 flying experience. He reported the emergency just before losing radio contact. The International National guard said he was not able to eject. Charge will not be filed after a nineyearold oh shot and killed her gun instructor. She fatally shot her instructor after she lost control of the uzi at the gun range. Its being viewed as an industrial accident. Another flight diverted over a dispute of a reclining street. It all began when alexander pushed back her seat. Became enraged when she refused to push it back up. Two others cuffed him. The plane was headed to miami but landed in boston where the passenger was arrested. And earlier this week, a plane was diverted to chicago. Tony, i bet a lot of angered passengers. If your flight has to be diverted from that. And jake ward told us about the device. Yes, the know defender. Youre back a little later . No, but have a great weekend. Yes, yes, see you on tuesday, i guess. Thank you. And coming up on al jazeera america. A controversial bill in california that would change the definition of consent. It aims to prevent Sexual Assault but its already getting resistence. As thousands of muslims gather in detroit many are talking about the violence in the middle east. Well have a live report. News. California law has changed the way colleges investigate accusations of Sexual Assault. It passed a bill that would requir require them to look into whether the victims said yes instead of saying no. Students should not have to prove they said no to sex to prove a case of violence. Critics say the bill is vague. Ads like this are sending a message that utah state lawmakers are putting into law. In determining whether Sexual Assault took place, colleges shouldnt ask whether someone said no but whether both said yes. Its difficult to say no if youve been drugged, if youre too drunk to say no. There are situation where is survivors dont say no, or theyve been coerced. She was sexual ily assaulted two years ago at university of californiaberkeley. She said she did not consent to sex and in the end the student she accused was put on probation. Now shes part of the end rape Advocacy Group which supports the california bill. Now were starting to shift the dialogue from no means no to yes means yes. Its important for students who feel that theybecause they didnt say no, that they cant report it to the university. The bill which passed on thursday said consent should be conscience and voluntary. It explains lack of protest or resistence mean consent. Nor does silence mean consent. Critics say that it both too broad and too vague. They fear innocent young men will be labeled rapist. They say the legislation reaches too far for a peoples private lives. What were asking for is partner in a potential sexual relationship, a sexual encounter to get permission at each stage of the progression. Meaning is it okay if i kiss you . Is it okay if i touch you . Is it okay if we go to second base . Third base . Its kind of ridiculous. Californias bill comes as universities across the u. S. Face pressures to improve the way they handle Sexual Assault complaints. There are 55 universities under investigation for allegations of mishandling sexual complaints. This signed, california will be the first state in the nation to apply yes means yes. Ox jana. Great weekend to you. Bisi, how are people at the conference reacting to the conflicts not only in syria, but in iraq . Good evening, tony, a lot of people here have been speaking out against the Islamic State and what it stands for. There really does seem to be an understanding here that Islamic State does not represent the majority of all muslims. Weve been hearing a lot today that this is a group that is inhumane and also unjust. As you mentioned there are thousands of muslims here in detroit for this convention, and i can tell you a lot of people that we talked to have very strong views as it relates to isis. Take a listen. Im really of two minds about this topic. I have the instantaneous kneejerk reaction that i want toi want all of my friends and family to know, i want people who sit with the steady diet of mainstream news and fox news, honest to god this is not islam. This is not what islam teaches. This is not the letter nor the spirit of islamic law. On the other hand i feel like muslims should be be proactive and be muslims. Not say this is not us. If youre out in the community, active and involved and they identify you as a muslim then theyll gradually get to know muslims better, and they wont have that void in their brain where islam should be. So a lot of muslims here in detroit very passionate about what is taking place in iraq and syria. This is a fourday event. It includes a number of workshops, and the folks attending this convention will also hear from several speakers including former president jimmy carter and rick snider. This seems to be stirring up a lot of controversy among conservatives in particular. What can you tell us about that . There are some conservative groups who have come out and said that the Islamic Society of north america, that theyre linked to islamic extremists. Ive talked to several organizers and they deny those allegations saying this is an organization about peace and unity. Business businesbisi onileere for us. Scientists have learned how to zap away bad memories in mice. Next step, trying it on people. Marijuana could one day be a treatment for od alzheimers disease. Researchers say it does not promote the use of Illegal Drugs to prevent alzheimers disease. It could help depression and post Traumatic Stress disorder. Emotions connected to memories can be rewritten to make bad events from the past seem better and make good things appear worse. Jacob ward has more from san francisco. Reporter you and i know better than to come to a place like this. Thats because human beings basically have learned to associate a dark parking garage with bad stuff either because we heard about it from other people or god for bid we experienced something bad here ourselves. Well researchers are also able to instill that kind of association into mice by teaching them to associate a certain location in the lab with pain or pleasure. Now mit researchers have been able to reverse good and bad memories by teaching them first to associate a turn place with a bad feeling like this parking garage, and then hitting them with a laser when they felt they were in a place they liked. The researchers then had a tool for changing bad memories into good. And it really shows in the end there is a mechanical basis in the brain for otherwise intangible things like fear, depression and trauma, conditions this kind of experiment could help treat in the future. Jacob ward, al jazeera, al jazeera. Nascar driver stewart will race for the first time after hitting and killing a fellow driver. In a News Conference stewart said its been a very difficult time. This has been one of the toughest tragedies ive ever had to deal with both professionally and personally. This is something that will effect my life forever. This is a sadness and a pain that i hope no one ever has to experience in their life. The investigation into the death is still ongoing and stewart could still face charges. The Als Association said it has raised more than 900 million in 30 days. Can you imagine that. Donations have poured in as videos of people pooing ice buckets over their heads and spread on social media and the news. The organization received 2. 8 million during the same period last year. All of our time for this news hour. Real money with ali velshi is next. Well send you off on your weekend. Why . You just cant get enough. Rob ford. [ music ] tensions with rush in ukraine. Plus nine years after katrina how far has new orleans come. Well talk to the man who restored order to the devastated city. And time to go back to school for college students. That means taking out more loans. Well look at ways to avoid letting student debt destroy your financial future. Im ali velshi, and this is real money

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