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Wick wikileaks founder says he is sick and leaving Ecuador Embassy in london soon. After another violent night in the u. S. State of missouri the governor says he is sending in the National Guard. But first the iraq Cherokee Army says it along with Kurdish Forces have managed to retake control of the countrys army in the north of the country and the army is backed up with air strikes but didnt say if they were u. S. Planes. The mosel dam has been controlled by Islamic State fighters for weeks and our correspondent zaina has been there and following this battle, zaina, what have you been hearing from where you are . Well, you mentioned the iraq Cherokee Army spokesman is saying the damage under the control of iraqi forces we cannot confirm this. The dam is right behind me in the distance, the smoke billowing and what we understand is that its still contested territory and understand from the spokesperson is that, yes, there is cooperation with the Iraq Special Forces but its the kurd fighters who are waging this battle. Its very important for the Obama Administration to show that this is a fight and that they are helping iraq as a nation and not just the kurds but i can tell you we have been to many front lines and have not seen iraq forces on the ground and behind me has the territory and islamic fighters are on the west side of the dam and the kurds on the east and we cannot advance further because the kurds are not letting us reach the area for our safety. The dam is highly strategic installation with water and electricity and what we have seen is u. S. Military air strikes, the objective of the mission is changing and no longer just protecting u. S. Personnel on the ground or protecting irbil its helping Kurdish Forces and iraq army recapture strategic territory but what we witnessed on the ground yesterday is Kurdish Forces managed to advance and recapture villages but with the help of u. S. Air strikes. The kurds are on the offensive. They are in battle with the Islamic State group. But the Kurdish Forces are not fighting alone. The u. S. Airforce is covering their advance from the skies. But the Islamic State group is not making their task easy. We can see explosions from within the towns they control. They have also been leaving behind bombs on the side of the roads as they retreat. One of the objectives of this military operation is to recapture the mosel dam, the largest from the Islamic State group which controls onethird of the country. Its a strategic installation that provides water and electricity to surrounding areas. There are many front lines in this war. The kurds advanced on more than one front. We are just 30 kilometers from the city center of mosel, the stronghold of the Islamic State group. In this region east of mosel the kurds recaptured three towns, one of them is here and this is evident of the fight. And the fighters managed to shoot one of the vehicles belonging to the Islamic State group. But we werent able to enter because the kurds are conducting clearing operations. It is one of three christian towns they regained control of since the operation began early on sunday. Commanders are confident but it may be too early to declare victory. But they are hoping the people of the towns will be able to return home. The Islamic State groups resent advance in the north displaced tens of thousands of people. Translator our president told us to save the christians and other minorities and we are here to protect them and succeeded and pushed the Islamic State back. Reporter but taking territory is not the same as holding it. Kurdish forces are ill equipped and they lack training. Last week the Islamic State group captured many regions as it advanced into the kurdish north. It was then the u. S. Fighter jets and armed drones intervened, the Obama Administration has repeated time and time again that their military objective is to protect minorities and kurdish forrys but seems it has expanded, the objective now is to allow their partners on the ground to go on the offensive. And zaina much has been made they are dealing with soviet material and weapons and that the british and the americans are bringing additional ammunition and supplies but now we hear we are getting not just american air support but also british plus we are hearing elements of the iraq army are fighting along with the kurds and making for a much improved fighting force. Well, at the end of the day, without those u. S. Air strikes the Kurdish Forces would not have been able to advance and even with those air strikes its difficult to advance, you have to advance slowly because what we saw on the ground is Islamic State fighters yesterday retreated but what did they leave behind, explosive devices on the side of the roads and homes bomb boobietrapped and this is since the Islamic State Group Advanced to the north and what we understand from the officials is, yes, they are getting ammunition but what they need is heavy weapons and, yes, we are getting reports that this operation is in coordination with the iraq army but maybe just a few special forces. But iraq army abandoned positions in the north and not able to recapture territories seized by the Islamic State in june. So far it seems that at least this is what we are hearing from the pentagon and the Obama Administration that these strikes are widening the mission, is widening to protect the infrastructure and calling mosel dam Critical Infrastructure but no plan in place to defeat the group and that can only happen when iraq is a country and they agree on a broadbased government where both sides feel represented and they all have the same governing their country. Thank you very much, zaina live in Northern Iraq. Israeli and palestinian representatives have hours left to come to some sort of agreement before a fiveday cease fire truce comes to an end, the current cease fire came into effect thursday and due to expire 21 hours grenage on monday and the hamas wing is replenishing the stockpile of rocks and will use them if israel continues offensive on gaza. Israeli troops stepped up security along with gaza and Benjamin Netanyahu says there is no cease fire for his people 67 israelis and 3 civilians have been killed since the beginning of the operation in early july and that is in comparison to a title of 2016 palestinians killed, all of which 1417 are civilians. 70 of the total killed live in just a moment but first we have this report from hameed. Reporter on july 27 he and his family were at home when Israeli Soldiers started bulldozing it. There is nothing left of it now. The war was raging around and family was shot at in violation of International Law and he was captured and taken to israel. Translator they didnt have enough information. They needed more. They were asking me about hamas, location of rocket launchers and wanted to know who in this area was from hamas or Islamic Jihad and who was this charge. Reporter this is a farmer village on the edge of gaza and four were injured in battle with hamas fighters. One of the Main Objective of the israeli army was to discover the network of tunnels that leads into israel but many believe the soldiers shelled and destroyed their livelihoods indiscriminantly and this Little Cemetery wasnt spared. Destruction is on the eastern flank of gaza, trees uprooted, farmland ruined, factories and businesses destroyed. Translator they destroyed everything. They want us to leave this place but we are going to come back and rebuild once again. Reporter an estimated half a Million People are now homeless. And he says an unprecedented amount of fire power was unleashed on gaza. Intentional and wanted to inflict pain and death in the hearts and minds of the palestinians and civilians. No region can justify what israel did here. This is real and strong example for what are crimes. Reporter human Rights Groups called for investigation into alleged war crimes by both sides and the u. N. Has named a panel to look into the matter. But for gaza People Living in the rubble and for whom the smell of unburied bodies hangs in the air an investigation may not be enough to bring an end to their suffering and pain. We can go live now to gaza and you presented some fairly compelling cases of allegations of violations of International Humanitarian law and perhaps Even International human rights law as well and are two distinct areas of law and who is likely to take these claims forward . Well, at the moment we have palestinian human Rights Groups doing their best to collect as much evidence as they can on the ground. We do know that the u. N. Does have a panel that will look into this, but its certainly a monumentel task. Wherever we go really in already destroyed areas people come up to you and everybody has a story to tell you about what happened to them, how they escaped or relatives died and shot at. That will be a very long investigation for the human Rights Groups to carry on. Palestinians here are quite confident there is a lot of evidence on the ground. And of course the israelis would no doubt counter these allegations saying the amount of devastation and destruction experienced by the people of gaza as a result of the fact as they say that hamas operates its military operation from within the population center, that is what the israelis are likely to say. The israelis have been saying that not only this time but also in the two previous wars that happened over the past five years and a certain reality on the ground in gaza, there is no nonurban area. This is a very densely populated place. All the farming land about 48 of it has already been taken by israel as a buffer zone and that is land that is granted to the palestinian and the things raised is the existence of tunnels and vast network of tunnels and allows hamas fighters to carry out operations against Israeli Soldiers but people tell you this time the amount of destruck destruction and in some areas you see huge craters and does not really justify what happened. Whatever youre looking for, whoever you are waging the war against, its the civilian population that suffers mostly in this war and pays the highest price thank you very much indeed, live from devastated gaza. Well, Israeli Soldiers have been raiding the houses of three other palestinians in the occupied west bank this time. They suspect them as having been involved in the kidnapping and murder of the three young israeli settlers. And they were found in june near the city of hebron in the occupied west bank. Israeli troops demolished the homes of two of them but a house belonging to a third, that was sealed with concrete as you can see there. And jackie gave us more from west jerusalem. Reporter well, this operation really fits into a longstanding israeli policy of home demolition and home ceiling which has over years been used against palestinians suspected or convicted of various activities. Now, in this case the operation took place before dawn on monday. Israeli troops went in and they placed explosive charges and demolished the homes of two of them. And then a third home from a third suspect and that was the home here, in that case the troops sealed it off. What it means in practical terms is they pour a load a concrete in the home so its uninhabitable so they are good as destroyed in the town of hebron earlier on monday. Reporter 53 people died in northeastern yemen in clashes between government and rebel troops and 7 armed rebels and one yemen soldier killed in the province. And rebels have called for a mass antigovernment protest to be held in the capitol on monday. Still to come here on the al jazeera news hour, sacred wood and secret prayers, traditional healers who say they can cure ebola and we report from there. And beautiful views from the sale in sicily and you can buy a home for just one euro and what is the catch . Coming up, in sport two of the biggest names in tennis warp up for the years final gland slam in style and we will have the details. Missouris governor has ordered in the National Guard to the city of ferguson after another violent evening. Heavily Armed Police Officers fired at protesters angry at the killing of an unarmed teenager and they are taking advantage of the situation. Earlier an autopsy which was commissioned by the family for the death revealed that police shot Michael Brown six times. Rob reynolds reports from ferguson. Reporter police in Armored Vehicles fired tear gas at protest marchers in ferguson on sunday night. Eyewitnesses of several hundred Young African americans saying Police Ordered them to disburse when they were peacefully protesting the killing of 18yearold Michael Brown by a bhiet Police Officer earlier this month. Eyewitnesses said there were some children up there. You can see these explosions going on. So things are not calm at all, it was calm earlier, now there is a whole lot of Police Vehicles that is moving forward and trying to sweep people in front of them. A single molotov cocktail was thrown at them, prompting them to act and body army and helmets and gas masks moved down the street to the protesters. It was an entirely different scene earlier in the day as hundreds of people packed a Ferguson Church to donate money for Michael Browns family and hear speeches by activists. I wear this uniform and i stand up here and i say im sorry. Reporter there is a deeply felt anger among residents of the city especially young people who are fed up with what they say are heavy handed and racially discriminatory practices by the local, predominately white police force. The son of slain civil rights leader Martin Luther king junior attended. Balance is the language of the unheard. Reporter federal authorities have now sent a team of f. B. I. Agents to investigate whether browns killing violated federal civil rights law and the u. S. Attorney general ordered a second autopsy to be performed on browns body, a midnight to dawn curfew is in place for the foreseeable future, rob reynolds, ferguson, missouri. That federal autopsy that rob mentioned in his report follows on from an earlier, a private, independent autopsy that was commissioned by the brown family. Now, that autopsy revealed that Michael Brown was shot at least six times. It found that the teenager was shot twice in the head with one of the bullets entering the top of the skull, all of the bullets struck the teenager from the front. Well, there are accusations that the police is over militarized and includes m4 assault rifles and automatic and semiautomatic weapons and nonlethal unrounds and rubber bullets and 40 millimeter batons and wearing protection gear like fatigues used by soldiers in the battlefield. And we have a political analyst and author and written extensively on race and politics in the united states. Reporter this is over kill if there was ever over kill, going back 20 years or so, the Defense Department made this weaponry available to local Police Departments. In fact, basically they just gave it away to them for nothing. You saw assault rifles and you saw mind sweepers, you saw antipersonnel types of weapons and of course you see all the heavy body gear that you see with Police Officers now. So what happened is its really an alliance between the department of defense, the military establishment and local Police Departments so what happened is when they made that military equipment available supposedly during the era when the u. S. Was fighting the war on tear rechl terrorism and ramped up the war on drugs and you saw tackle units and swat teams and you sawmill tarry type contingents using the weaponry and so it transformed the look of Police Departments not only in the big cities but as you can see in a smaller city like ferguson. Wikileaks founder says he will leave the Ecuador Embassy in london where he has been held up for more than two years and he held a press conference in the past couple hours and being investigated by u. S. Authorities after his website published leaked military and diplomatic documents in 2010 and arrest warrant this sweden after allegations of Sexual Assault and he denies those allegations. I am leaving the embassy soon. But perhaps not for the reasons like that. Reporter al jazeera demands release of three journalist who have been in prison in egypt for 223 days. Mohamed and fahme and greste were falsely accused of helping the out lawed Muslim Brotherhood and in june they were given sevenyear sentences and mohamed god an extra three years because he had a spent bullet in his possession which he picked up at a protest. Doctors without borders say medical doctors trying to fight the ebola in africa are stretches to the limit and it killed 1069 and infected 2000 others. These are the effected countries, guinea is where the current out break began in december last year and it spread to liberia and protesters looted a Quarantine Center in the capitol that happened saturday and also spread to sierraleon and the Doctors Without Borders has no ideas how many villages there are effected. And its also come to nigeria. That is now the fourth ebolaeffected country. Well, at the guinea borders doctors are taking sense to keep the virus out but Health Services are limited and many rely on traditional healers for protection and as Nicholas Hawk reports from the border town the preference for local healers is hindering the work of conventional medics. He claims to have a potion to protect people against the deadly ebola virus, all he will reveal is its from chip wood from a sacred forecast and plants and honey and several secret prayers. He tells me other traditional healers are trying it out in guinea. The government has put into place enough measures of protection, if there is a case of ebola we are perfectly equipped to handle the patient in our local health center. Traditional practices like this that hinder Doctors Without Borders and pushed away from ebolainfected villages and sometimes violently because locals dont trust them. Translator in most societies here traditional healers are the first point of contact so people needing treatment because they live in areas where they dont have access to a medical facility. They are not used to medical staff. Reporter 50 Health Officers are stationed along the 300 border separating them from guinea and its within a few hundred kilometers and spreading. Despite being so close there is no sense of panic here. And Authorities Say they are monitoring the situation at border posts and have put steps in place to protect their population. They have come here to work, to enter they only need to wash their hands with soap and detergent and no one is taking their temperature or asking if they have come into contact with sick patients. Im surprised no one asked to fight ebola, the potion works for all diseases and it comes from nature and cure comes from nature. Reporter there are no known cases of ebola here but no shortage of patients claiming to have the virus and most of the time they have something far more contagious, the flu and no need to go to the doctor because he has remedies for that and his potions have not failed him yet, on the guinea border. Flooding and landslides in western nepal killed 100 people and left a past of destruction, 126 people are still missing after three days of heavy rain. Thousands more have been forced out of their homes and now Health Officials are worried about a chollera out break and other waterborn diseases and al jazeera reports from northeastern nepal. Reporter its the same story every year, floods, landslides, that take lives of hundreds and displacing thousands of people every monsoon season. Behind me is a landslide site that took place two weeks ago where 156 people were buried and only 33 bodies recovered. The landslide blocked this massive river and there has been a lake that is created and the army has worked for two weeks to have channels to let the waters out but problems every monsoon its guaranteed something will happen. Just the past week three days of rain means 200 people have been swept away by floods and they are saying the issue is not only about managing disasters after it has taken place but to be prepared for it every monsoon season. Richard is here for the weather and the monsoon as she points out happens every year, what is special about this years . It looks as though thaz c that we had 400 millimeters of rain being in parts of nepal and that is a years worth in some areas and its more than one months rain so its exceptional rainfall by the monsoon standards because monsoon will cross asia from india and nepal and across china and looking on the edge of this frontal band which is developing at the moment which is going to be giving very heavy rain across southwest parts of china, all the way up to japan, over the next few days. But it is thankfully further towards the east, away from nepal where the weather situation is developing and we saw extremely heavy rain over Central China over the last 24 hours. You can see the areas will be wet indeed. 100, 150 millimeters of rain stretching from the southwest toward shanghai in the northeast and we will run the forecast from tuesday to wednesday and the rain seems further south but that is the only change and heavy rain in hong kong and taiwan and, in fact, the whole system extends, there we are through japan and there is the frontal system and its drawn like that because its slow moving and stationary and we have further heavy rain and looks like it will turn wet across japan in the coming days and flooding here too. Thank you very much. Lots more to come on the al jazeera news hour including a breakthrough for ukraines army, it tightens grip on the city held by separatists for month and mianmar communication, the race for one of the worlds newest market and liverpool is still talking about lewis swarez after the premier league. When you run a business, you cant settle for slow. Thats why i always choose the fastest intern. 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Iraq and Kurdish Forces in Northern Iraq are trying to regain control of the countrys largest ban near the city of mosel despite the iraq armys claim it defeated the Islamic State fighters in the area. The founder of wikileaks has just held a press conference at the Ecuador Embassy in london and says he will leave the embassy soon and his health has suffered and he is asking the u. S. To stop its investigation. Lets go back to gaza, of course, we are looking at scenes of devastation after months of israeli air strikes and tank bombardment and of course allegations of International Law having been breached. And we have an International Criminal law expert and president for the defending civil rights and liberties and is live from beirut. Thank you for joining us here at al jazeera. First of all, there are many allegations of violations of human International Human rights law and International Humanitarian law but on both sides of this conflict, arent there . Yes, in fact, there are lots of evidence that could show that there are crimes against humanity and war crimes precisely may have been committed in gaza and possibly in israel. Definitely its up to the International Criminal court and maybe other investigative bodies to collect evidence and testimony to decide crimes against humanity or war crimes were indeed committed in these two areas. Arguably its the palestinians who have greater numbers of claims of allegations of there being breaches of these International Laws, but without having signed up officially to the International Criminal court what sort of jurisdiction does that body have . Definitely. Its difficult to compare between almost 1,000 civilians dead and 2 or 3 or more civilians dead on the israeli side. But when it comes to the jurisdiction of the International Community of court we have to always remind the public that palestine has indeed submitted a letter of acceptance of the jurisdiction of the International Criminal court according to art 12000 2009 and this is palestine and law changed by the end of 2012 being admitted or recognized an as a state to u. N. With membership. Sorry to interrupt you, but having viewed this awful conflict as have so many people around the world, in your informed opinion do you think that there have been violations of International Human rights law and indeed International Humanitarian law . In my opinion, the opinion of many of the workers in the field of International Criminal court, there is no doubt that crimes against humanity even more than crimes, crimes against humanity were committed in gaza strip specifically when we talk about targeting hospitals, targeting schools, targeting children and women, over onethird of the dead of civilians are women and children. Targeting u. N. Buildings and targeting peacekeeping missions and targeting of course civilian buildings. So this no doubt this is crimes against humanity according to their own standard that established the icc. Thank you very much indeed for talking to us live from beirut, thank you. Now to libya where six people have been killed in the capitol tripoli and the latest violence as the groups fight for influence and despite calls for a fees fire in cease fire and they it threatens the stability of the country and Carolyn Miller reports. Reporter five weeks of intense fighting between factions but no sign of let up despite calls for peace. They are trying to push them away from the Main International airport which they controlled since the revolution three years ago. And the forces appear to have made some progress, taking over a military camp in the buildings of a former club. The resent violence claimed the lives of thousands of fighters and scared people who live in residential areas and fled for their lives and calls for a cease fire within groups in libya and the International Community and the u. N. Support said it denounces the shelling of residential neighborhood and inflicted casualties among civilians and forced them out of their homes and caused damage to property. The Mission Warns the continued fighting poses a serious threat to the libya process and security and stability of the country. Libya has been unstable since rebels pushed out and killed gadhafi in 2011 but this is worse since then and rely on political leaders and often paid by the state to fill a vacuum created when National Forces were disbanned and some fighters used to be in the military others have little or no official training. They do however have plenty of arms. And on a clear willingness to use them to their own end, carolyn malone, al jazeera. Ira nshn, tv says there hasn an earthquake and we have no reports of deaths and we are hearing of about 60 people have been injured. Telephone lines have apparently been cut. The electricity is gone and so has the water supply in the nearby city of abdonan and more details of course on that as soon as we get them. Now, Ukraine Military is continuing the campaign to penetrate rebelcontrolled areas in the east and renewed fighting in donsk and plumes of smoke filled the sky and people were killed on sunday and forces from kiev advanced in the city and taking control of a suburban they are urging kiev and moscow to avoid direct confrontation. Emma hayward has the latest where the army says it pushed back the rebels. Reporter a few months ago many of these men had never picked up a weapon. They were paramedics, students, builders, lawyers. Now they are firing live rounds, getting ready to fight. The Ukrainian Army is using volunteer fighters like these to try to win back territory and they have a few weeks training before they head off to the front line and then it all becomes very risky and real. This is where they could end up, in the region where the separatists are still in control. The battle for this land is fierce and intensive. This was once the Regional Airport welcoming flights everyday. On sunday separatists brought down a fighter jet close to them but Ukrainian Forces say they still have the upper hand. Translator yesterday after a fierce battle in the residential area in lohnsk the antiterrorism fores have control of the Neighborhood Police station and raised the flag on it and the region is free. Reporter back at the volunteer people said Ukrainian Forces cannot win this battle without them. Translator i think the work the volunteer people are doing in ukraine is very important because its the future of the ukraine army and the future of the police force. As we have seen an army is less sufficient than volunteer who operate on their own nichetive and guided by idealism and the fight against the enemy. Reporter a fight these men say they are willing to risk everything for to keep control of their borders and they say their future. Emma hayward, al jazeera, in eastern ukraine. Well, the German Foreign minister is urging a cease fire between ukraine army and separatists and frank discussed the crisis with russian, ukraine and defense ministers in berlin and the Russian Foreign minister says russia will continue to press for u. S. Pressure on kiev to end the use of military force. And he says more talks were needed. Now brazil said goodbye to one oof the countrys most prominent leaders, edwardocampos was killed with six others in a plane crash on wednesday and thousands turned out for his funeral. And Gabrielle Alexander was there. Reporter saying goodbye to a man who could have been president of brazil. Many people here knew his home state and are still in shock. In this large working class northeast state they credit campos for looking out for the poor, building schools, roads and Hospital Clinics and never forgot his people even after launching his National Campaign for president. Many brazil people are resigned to the represent nature of politics in the country, he was a man who promised something new and clearly touched many lives. Translator what he did and was going to do torus nobody has been able to accomplish. Nobody. He was a guy but fought for us. Reporter he was widely beloved here. He was a governor for years and won reelection in 2010 with more than 82 of the vote. Positive things being said about him by people today and also a lot of uncertainty, no more so than where this president ial Campaign Goes from here. Before campos death he led the polls with 38 of the vote and was this third place and widely believed his roommate will take his place on the ballot. Supporters especially the youth say they have no choice but to carry on. Translator campos is gone but we will continue on because those of us in politics and want to it do in a noble and loyal way his legacy continues in our hearts and minds. Reporter they mourn the man they wanted to be president but never had the chance to vote for. Im with al jazeera, brazil. 15 Foreign Tourists are still missing after their ship sank in Eastern Indonesia and rescued ten on board and the ship was traveling between two islands that are popular tourists destinations and the tour company is blaming bad weather. And north and south korea to make peace on the last day of visit to asia and the head of the Catholic Church had a mass and appeal to china the establish ties and they cut ties in 1951 after communists took power and he left the country but he will be back in january with a visit to philippines and shrelanka. Mianmar has the worst telecommunication structure in the world and 5 of the population own a mobile phone but the government is trying to change all that, and we have florence lewie. Reporter the only way to get an sim card used to be through a public lottery system or paying over 100 for it and now being able to buy one for 1. 50 has people swarming in mobile shops. Selling 100200 hand sets on a daily basis. Reporter it was monopolized by a stateowned enterprise but the government has now allowed two Foreign Companies to operate. And he is a taxi driver who just got his first mobile phone. Translator the reason i bought the phone is so that i can get taxi orders from customers and friends. Reporter he has not quite learned how to use it though and sometimes has trouble telling an incoming call from an outgoing one but he wants to surf the internet using his phone. The mobile phones means more people will be able to access the internet and some Industry Experts estimate this is a country where 1 of the population go online and recent survey suggests that half of those who do use the internet do so through a mobile device. But much more work needs to be done. There are only between 20003,000 transmission towers. The country will need at least ten times that number. Hampered by the infrastructure the foreignowned company are launching services in three major cities but aim to reach most of the population within five years and still many are optimistic. There is just an exponential amount of businesses that are now possible. We have new connect from ehealth to emoney and its a very exciting time. Reporter and the internet still seems a long way away. He first has to master the basics of using his phone. Florence lewie. Still to come we have the sport and the intriguing report from italy. In the sicily town where the restoration of abandon houses is helping to rebuild the local economy. Im in paris and england and the cup and could end up meaning more than just a trophy. Its time to catch up with the sports. Thank you very much and we start with tennis and with the u. S. Open just a week away there are good signs for 17 time grand slam in the final of the cincinnati masters and giving the world number three, and he was made to work hard by spanish opponent and taken the opening set 63 and world six coming back to win the second 61. And he never lost 16 meetings won 62 to claim the 6th title. Great week for me. Great year so far. Going to be more excited about this tournament and over the years and i need some rest and ill get ready for new york soon. Reporter and federer was busy winning three and williams was picking up the first, number one 6461 and head to new york where she is twotime defending champion at the u. S. Open. It was not an easy week to play the former number one and a couple grand slam champions, so, yeah, it was very well to get through this difficult week. A host of new signings and chelsea will begin the perma league later on monday and on the way to conclude the opening round of the new season and started defense of the title on sunday with 20 victory over new castle and they were the scorers and manager palagrini will avoid the disaster season which followed the previous victory in 2013. Very happy because i think this is always important to see some winning especially when you have to play away and its a difficult stage to change and its difficult to come here and also because i think that we played very well especially the first half. Last season runner up liverpool are off to a good start as well and sterling and daniel were on the school board and two undefeated and Brandon Rogers admitted they moved on from the loss of swarez. Big clubs lose players and this is loving texas more and wishing us all the best and various teammates to start strong which was a great gesture but he is a friend of liverpool. We look forward bigger than any one Single Player and i think we want another striker. And swarez will line up for the new Club Barcelona on monday and a frownly game and the stricker serving a fourmonth ban for biting opponent at the world cup but is now allowed to train and play in friendlies. So while he is competitive wont be until late october he can now take part in mondays game against mexicos club. Palestine Football Team preparing to compete in the major tournament in january, the asian cup in australia but the on going war this gaza had a massive impact on sport in the region. Facilities have almost been completely destroyed during the conflict and in the occupied west bank three days ago the footballers were killed in process and president of the pal palestinian association. Their treatment and dealing with the palestinians and communities through it, restricting the movement of the outlets, the staff, officials and restricting even the movement of our national teams. Reporter england sell vertebraing their first womens world title in 20 years after beating canada in sunday final and paris with publicity surrounding the world cup and sports return to the olympics and the womens game has huge growth and we have more. 2014 could prove to be a turning point for womens rugby and paris was the end of a tournament and a Record Number watching on t. V. And the tie for the first half against canada competing in the first final. Rugby in the rio 2016 olympics has interest in the womens game peak and in is in front of a large crowd back in the state. So great joy for england but while this world cup has been the most successful yet can women go on to make a living from playing rugby and France League can own 70,000 a month, women play for free and leslie has been training alone for the coming season and juggling job as a chemical engineer with her passion for the sport. If women is the same way and show how professional they can be even when they are not professional at all, i think the little girls are still playing rugby at 12, maybe they could be proficient if i do my job today and do my best on the field. So keep up things. Reporter david lion says money is key. We developed a few stars of the game and look at harvey and a few other girls in the tournament and they really stepped up especially for it to be professional it needs more and more people to want to come to it and watch it and come to matches and watch it on t. V. And when they happens there will be an economy for the girls to turn professional. Reporter these players will remember the rest of their lives and now its back to jobs and families at least until the olympics, al jazeera in paris. South korea defended her title at the lpga championship, one of five majors on the womens golf calendar and brittney has led all day in the final round, up until the very last hole where she missed the putt to secure the championship and she went to playoff who prevailed on the second hole to clinch her major title. A big honor to put my name on that trophy for twice and obviously defend my title. I have been not in many playoffs lately so im very exhausted. That is your sport and back to you. Thank you very much indeed and dont go anywhere because you will be interested in this, manage buying a villa in a charming location for one euro and over one u. S. Dollar and its possible but a catch as always and claudia reports from the silly town of gangi. Reporter this is officially one of italys most beautiful medieval towns, on a hill in the middle of sicily the village boasts longstanding traditions and sprawling views of the country side below. But even more appealing perhaps is the price of some of the houses on sale. One euro or just a little over a dollar. The towns mayor says there is a catch. If you buy one of these properties, you will have to guaranty that you will restore it. Translator these are houses left behind by those who i immigrated and the owners still need to pay for the restoration and they are not allowed to bring in their own brick layers so its also good for the local workforce. Reporter over 700 potential buyers have already expressed interest in the scheme and among them are dominick and both australians and they look at a house abandoned for years after the owners passed away and on the market for one euro and will take about 35,000 to restore. You couldnt buy anything like this in australia for 35,000. For someone like me its an opportunity to use some funds which might be more realistic to show friends and family. Reporter they may follow this example and hope to rebuild their local economies one brick at a time. Im with al jazeera, gangi. That is all from me for today and doreen is next. Another night of protests turned violent in ferguson, missouri, the governor ordering the National Guard to move in and restore peace and order. Fighting over a damn in iraq as the u. S. Steps up airstrikes, an exclusive look at the battle for control of the north. Palestinians raiding and demolishing homes in the west bank

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