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Led to his indictment. Dozens of my grants are discovered camelot healthcare, llced into a container one is dead. We cannot allow the ill will of the few to undermine the goodwill of the many. Excuse me, governor. You need to charge that police with murder. Yeah. Members of the community demand action at a News Conference in ferguson monsieurier e. Our top story of, reaction to another night of unrest in ferguson. The governor kavrz calls for state of emergency during an emotional News Conference that wrapped up an hour ago. Lets get right to the scene where ashhar, there is no doubt that the community is angry and they want answers absolutely thomas. Today what we are seeing is yet another change in the strategy when it comes to dealing with the security thats been a problem here in ferguson over the last week after what we saw as a lull in the escalation for the last two nights. Protesting turned violent as looting once again returned, we did see a heavy contingency of Police Officers once again on the streets and thats something that the governor could no longer ignore. Last night, except for a very now, the folks on the streets of ferguson last night were peaceful demonstrators we saw a pattern develop last night small groups took to the streets with the intent of committing crimes and endangering citizenstha. Thats unacceptable. So to protect the people and property of ferguson today also, i signed an order declaring a state of emergency and early implementation of a curfew. That curfew is in effect from midnight to 5 00 a. M. Sunday. The governor went on to say that they would reassess it in the morning to see how the night went. People in the crowd there in front of the governor alsoancies rye about this decision. They heckled, they talked about whether or not there were other ways to deal with this. And one of the things that we heard from was, people addressing ron johnson, the superintendent of the Highway Patrol taking charge of the security situation asking him if that curfew would be moved back. Tonight, we will enforce that curfew. We wont enforce it with trucks. We wont enforce it with tear gas. We will communicate. We will talk about, you know what . Its time to go home. Its time to go home last night things were different that precipitated that. Someone standing straight, there is not going to be an armour ordered truck. People got a chance to get up. One question is how the curfew is going to be enforced. They didnt get into the details as to what would happen if people refused to leave the area. Last night, they continued to announce if people did not disperse, they would be arrested. They did not go so far to say that would happen tonight and that they did say as we heard in that sound byte that they wouldnt be using tear gas but behind me here, the mobile command center its busy. We have seen officers putting on gas masks, it could be a hostile night tonight. Hostility it was in that News Conference. Excuse me. You need to charge that police with murder. This press conference has been turned into an explanation of why you are controlling peoples anger and supervise suppressing peoples anger and telling people to calm down. Why is that the case . Splau. Is there anything about the length of the state of emergency . We are going to get situational information tomorrow morning and make a decision. Once again, as you heard there, some of the frustration being expressed is how people are perceiving this investigation into the death of Michael Brown saying that there is little trans piece and that there is little movement. There have been no charges filed against that officer named this week and thats something they want to see happen quickly but again, they are saying that the due process has to continues. Natural happens, they have to deal with the security on the ground and as we mentioned, the security on the ground is a major issue. Last night, once again, erupting into violence as police faced off with protesters who began looting. In a flash, a clash between protest and police erupted into violent looting. Several businesses, a beauty supply, a liquor store and a cell phone shop were broken into. Goods hauled out by the arm load. By dawn, the cleanup was underway. I had a breakin he. Stl cordless when the Security System alerted him of a breakin, he tried to check it out. Police told him to wait. When i got to the street, i couldnt get anywhere close to the neighborhood. We are coming together. Pastor ikel johnson is hoping to address what the police could not, keeping the peace by standing vigil. Last night, we were out there for example a there were looters and protest orders. Protesters tried to prevent some looting. They couldnt do it how do you think you are going to be able to do that . I think we can do it where there is unity, there is strength. We have enough powerful pastors and preachers in leadership roles that a lot of those kids thats doing all of that, doing all of that crime and looting, they know them. And when they see their face, i guarantee you, that will give them a change of heart. Even if a curfew stems the temporary violence, pastor johnson knows his mission is ongoing. In unity, we have strength. Its just like the military. One military solid cant do it without the unit. Thomas, as mentioned this is another part here earlier in the week it was a heavy contingency of armored vehicles, of police in riot gear, highpowered rifles. That turned into a different sploech with the muds your e Highway Patrol taking a soft approach. Once again, that curfew begins at midnight. Having a few audio issues. Ashhar, thank you. We invite you to join us as we take a look at the crisis. The investigation into Michael Browns death and the response by police, a deeper look at 8 00 p. M. Eastern, 5 pacific. A humanitarian crisis festers amid fierce fighting in iraq. At least 80 civilians are reportedly dead and dozens more missing after witnesses say fighters from the group known as the Islamic State stormed a yazid ivillage executing men and making off with women and children. In the capital baghdad, Prime Minister nouri almalaki has disagreed to step aside. The Obama Administration says the u. S. May provide more aid but that pledge of support depends upon proof that a new inclusive government will be formed seeming to acknowledge that condition. Iraqts incoming prime primary tweeted in english hinted at the formation of an inclusive regime. 15 Islamic State fighters were killed in another round of airstrikes as the u. S. Tries to push back the Islamic State fighters. U. S. Military strikes targeted the positions in sinjar as well as around the mosul dam but the Islamic State group controls that territory. Wiunderstand up to 15 fighters were killed in those attacks but the pesh managera forces on the ground have not been able to advance to recapture this territory. This is not going to be an easy fight. The Islamic State group is well armed and well trained and the u. S. Air strikes really, the objective is to weaken the group, to defend the kurdish region as well as to protect minorities, not to defeat them. This is going to require a whole new plan. They are going to need international partners. They are nothing going to need partners on the ground. But the airstrikes have not prevented what officials here are calling a new massacre against the yaziti minority southwest of sinjar up to 80 men were executed by the Islamic State group and they captured an unknown number of women and children. So the humanitarian crisis is continuing. The u. S. Administration as well as International Community pressuring the new Prime Minister and iraq to form an inclusive and broad based government as soon as possible because unless iraqs political fashions unite, it will be very hard to defeat the Islamic State group. Some have criticized the United States for providing support to iraqi in the fight against the Islamic State but not doing so for syria. Earlier, former u. N. As bam dor david newton spoke to al jazeera about why the u. S. Is active in one country and not the other. We are protecting the minorities in iraq who were directly threatened and, of course, many of the yazidis who were killed, i think, were very concerned about being draup into an openended struggle and you certainly can only do a limited amount with the air power that we have available in the region. Ambassador newton, it certainly a humanitarian catastrophfee what is happening to the yazitis in iraq. In syria over the last couple of years, the estimate of the number of people dead is way more than 100,000. I am wondering why the United States is doing it now. What about when the is overtook mosul in iraq or syria. Why didnt it provide military support them then . As i say, airstrikes can only do a limited amount of damage, especially, we only have one air claire cast year at the moment. And if people mobilize to attack with heavy weapons they have captured in iraq, you have a possible target. But its impossible really to try to bomb people individual, individuals and groups of people who are moving back and forth and killing and the signatures, of course, in syria is much more chaotic than it is in iraq. Christians are also bearing brunt of purse cushion in iraq. Rula amin reports on one group of christians who made it to lebanon. Desperate Iraqi Christians line up on a hot august day to receive food rations. The Caldean Church is organizing this Food Distribution from those who fled from the violence in their country years ago and those who just arrived from northern iraq. Like maria butros, she arrived in lebanon three days ago. We were scared. Its very hard to leave everything behind and just flee. They all tell of the same stories. Johnny has been here for just over a month and been living off of charity. A Christian Lebanese family paid his rent for this small apartment where he lives with his wife and three girls. Our children, our muslim neighbors said you better run before they come and kill you. Johnny says he was scared and left everything he owns behind they uprooted us from our own land, his wife says, referring to the armed group, the Islamic State that forced them out of iraq. These are not muslims. We dont know where they came from. They have no religion. We lived with muslims for over 40 years. This group have nothing to do with islam. This assyrian priest had been organizing a campaign to help the Iraqi Christians who managed to get to lebanon. He says he is fruchtstrated. Whats happening in mosul is that people are being uprooted from their land much whats just as worrying is that the International Community silence, so far shy voices, demanding pressure to stop the massacres. This family came from karkush, near mosul, now under Islamic States full control. This one room apartment became home for this family of six after they ran away from their town. She says there is no more room for christians to live in iraq anymore. We never imagine anything like this would happen. Nobody expected this. It was likely a horror movie, he tells me. Everyone was terrified. His children cry every day wanting to go back to their home in iraq, but he says he is not going back no matter what. We want security. We want stability. Enough wars in iraq. We need a break. So his girls spent the day lying on this bed waiting for something to change. Rula amin, al jazeera, beirut. Tonight, a 5day ceasefire is Still Holding in gaza ne on or aboutations on a permanent tries between israel and gaza resume tomorrow. The European Union offered a deal to take charge of gazas border crossings if hamas agrees to disarm the fighters. And is reef lift its blockade. Israel says it hasnt agreed to any such deal. Dockers found 35 people locked in a argo container. One was dead. Joan a hull reports. Police have launch add homicide investigation. It was a grim scene that awaited workers on saturday morning as they unloaded cargo off of a father in belgium. Staff here at the port became aware of screaming and banging coming from a container from that particular ship or that particular ferry. As a result of that noise, the star were alerted and immediately breached the cover tainer to find 35 persons within that unit. The police do not know where the shipping container originated and would say only that they believe those inside came from the indian sub continent. Did they have any why when they set off that this was how they would arrive in the United Kingdom . 35 patients were found in the container when we first arrived this morning just after a quarter until 7. One of those patients has been pronounced deceased at the scene. The man who died had suffered a heart attack. This is now a Murder Investigation in cooperation with european authorities and interpol. This is in my view from what we have seen so far organized crime. No end up with 35 people in a container for no reason. Somebody is behind this. We have a homicide. We need to investigate and we need to bring owneders to justice in this country or any other. Members of the group, children among them, were treated for hypothermia and dehydration at a number of hospitals. They have been at scene for 12 hours on this final leg of their journey. Its not known yet what means of transport, what conditions might have brought them to the belgian coast. This is one of the hospitals that a number of those people were brought to, to recover. The police have described it as a humanitarian situation. It is, of course, also a criminal one and it is a reminder to the u. K. Border authorities of the ever more devious dangerous and ultimately lengths that criminal gangs are prepared to go to, to smuggle illegal my grants into this country. Johnna hull, al jazeera longsdon. Texas governor rick perry faces the cameras. I wholeheartedly and unequivocally stand behind my veto. More on his fight against 1k3w50i89 charges ahead. Then our cover continues to the shooting death of missouri teen Michael Brown. We look at the racial make up of the police force in ferguson and why some say recruiting more black officers may not help to improve race relations. For the streets of ferguson to the streets of harlem in new york where residents are protesting what they call a Smear Campaign against Michael Brown. Face can charges alleging abuse of power, a defiant rick perry addressed his indictment today calling it a farce. We dont settle political differences with indictments in this country. It is outrageous this some would use partisan political they are at tricks to rip away at the very fabric of our states constitution. This indictment amounts to nothing more than abuse of power. And i cannot and i will not allow that to happen. Governor perry facing very serious charges. Our Mike Viqueira has more on this story. Reporter appearing before the press, Texas Governor rick perry called the charges outrageous, trumped up by his political enemies. We dont settle political differences with indictments in this country. Friday, ab austin grand jury charged perry with abuse of a official capacity and coercion of a public servant, both felonies. You have been arrested for dwi. The thread of events that led to the charges began last year when rosemary lehmberga District Attorney was arrested for drunk drive can. She pled guilty and served 45 days in prison. Led perry to declare her unfit for. Unless she resigned, perry vowed he would ve tote 7. 5 million for the Public Integrity unit which she leads. She wouldnt quit. Perry went through with his threat. He vetoed the funding. Led the grand jury to charge the governor with abuse of power. I said early on that i was going to clearly veto those dollars as long as they had someone in that office who i had lost confidence in. And i did exactly what i said i would do. Perry hasnt ruled out another run for president in 2016. After his 2012 run collapsed after a series of gaffes. Lets see. I cant. The third one, i cant. Sorry. Oops. The question now, will the indictments hurt his chances for next time . Many republicans see the charges as blatantly political brought by a prosecute and a grand jury in austin, a liberal island in the sea of texan republican red and a Prominent National democrat, ton Campaign David axle rode tweeting the charges seem sketchy. If they dont stick, they will give democrats an avenue of attack. He will go through a series of embarrassing events, getting arraigned, having to appear in court is going to be damaging just visually for texass longest serving governor, a political future that is suddenly more cloudy. Mike viqueira, al jazeera, washington. I want to welcome david lemonthal san recovery reporter. Good to have you with us . Good to be with you. The governor held his ground, calling it a political attack. Does he survive this indictment . He could survive this indictment. It makes me think back to kay bailey hutchisontiously the long time senator from texas who served many years. She was indicted back in the early 1990s on issues that werent too dissimilar from what we have right now. Of course, she had a very, very notable political career before finally, retiring. So, yes, its entirely possible that he can go forward, still have a political career. Of course, he is not going to run for governor again but everyone pretty much has him on their shot list for republican candidates. There could be a platinum lining to this which is that republicans really can see this as a democratic witch hunt and get behind rick perry even in a way they might not be getting behind him right now. Its not going to be an easy road. Does this indictment set any precedent in he is facing more severe charges, the govern. He sure does. So make no mistake, this is not a good situation for him, particularly in the had here and now. He is going to face some embarrassing situations over the next many weeks and months of this is not going to be something thats going to help his credibility among independent or people who are undecided about rick perrys future as a potential president ial candidate. Its going to be a rocky road but if you play the long game and look down the road pretty long, pretty far, a couple of years from now, this is something that is survivalable for him. Lets look down the road moving forward. You mentioned support. How much support do you think he will get from fellow republicans . First of all, you have on the president ial side, if you look that far, at least eight, 10, 12 potential different candidates all of whom who dont have an overwhelming base of support. Its a wide open field right now and if you are one of those potential candidates, you know, you are hope can for the best lot you are getting right now. You are obviously not hoping to be indicted but you have people like scott walker up in wisconsin, for example, who has run into some legal trucks. You have Chris Christy in new jersey who is himings run into major legal troubles. These can be some major hurdles that all of these guys are going to have to clear before they really get a base of support thats going to get behind them in a major way going toward the president ial election in 2016. Do you think this could backfire against democrats who use this against perry, lets say, if he does decide to run . It could, and, you know, austin, texas, i have been there many times, worked in texas for seven years and its about as liberal a county as you get, travis county, in texas. As a result, you are going to have lots of republicans who are going to get behind rick perry and say this is a witch hunt, something that is politically motivated. You have folks to say hey, its not as if an elected official is goingn and setting rick perry up in political perril here there was a grand jury, which is by nature, a nonpartisan entity that said there is enough evidence here to move forward with a legal case against rick perry. So this is all going to play out in court. Rick perry is going to have his day in court but its very type of an open question right now as to whether the charges here are going to be Strong Enough to stick for the long haul vaeshings open question. Governor perry didnt testify before that garage jury. Was that a smart move, moving forward do you think this will mar his legacy. He went wasnt to lend this any more credibility than he has. You saw from his comments today the press conference that he conducted that he is going to be absolutely unequivcabley de as he moves forward in this. So expect more of that as we go forward and i dont think rick perry will change his tune a lot from what you heard today. We will see how this plays out, dave levan thol, political contributor. Great to have you with us . Still ahead on Al Jazeera America, improving the relations between the police and the community. Next, why adding more africanamerican officers to the force may not be the answer. Welcome back to aljezeera america. Iraq, Islamic State group killed and captured dozens of yazitis today. Another round of u. S. Air strikes reportedly killed 15 of the fighters. Prime minister almalaki stepping aside, the Obama Administration says the u. S. May provide more aid conditional on the formation of an inclusive government. Rick perry addressed his indictment today. The defiant Texas Governor dismissed the charges calling them outrageous and vowing to find those responsible. The charges include abuse of power and coercion of a public servant. Perry is considering a 2016 run for president. In figureson, missouri, the governor toddy claimed a state of emergency after last nights violence spark by the Police Shooting of unarmed teenager Michael Brown. No major injuries were reported of there was vandalism. The cover set a curfew for the town tonight. We cannot allow the ill will of the few to undermine the governor. You need to charge that police with murder. Yeah. You just heard members of the community demanding action during the media briefing. The curfew will be from midnight to 5 00 a. M. Joining me for more on this story is eugene 0 dobl, a former nypd officer and professor at the john j. School of criminal justice. Good to have you with us . Good to be with you. As a fellow officer, your thoughts as you watch the situation unfold . A lot of thoughts but obviously the flash point incident is a police incident. There are larger questions not about policing. The disinvestment in cities and these kind of communities is widespread in the country. There is a despair that settled in and we have to address these issues. I dont have high confidence we will but the actual incident is an indicate of larger police and other issues. Talking about those issues, are you talking about the lack of dye versety in the Ferguson Police department . Thats the police issue. I am talking about the larger question of whats the plan for many minority americans building a country without them included and they are well aware of that. So if you travel around this country, you will see lots of community that have ferg soverign type issues festering. How do you attack those problems . I mean for the police to fully understand the communities they patrol and the struggles of its citizens . Its awful difficult situation. We have a consistent constant demand for police to enforce laws, opportunities to be in conflict with people. In this incidents, the police were champ egging two people for walking in the street which would surprise people how often be that could be cited as an incident. We have to look at the whole rolling of the police and unfortunately, a lot of communities, again, the police are the only servants. The other services and issues, employment, housing, these core issues are ignored. There is nobody at all across the political spectrum addressing those major issues in any meaningful way. Nobody has any kind of plan in any way. Do we need more trans piece from Police Departments . Sure. Absolutely. I think the handling of this by the Police Department, by the chief, was not helpful. The Ferguson Police should step out. They are not helping themselves by being in the middle of this. The chief is not helping by vouching for his officers. They need to get somebody else to deliver objective information. They probably needed to do it quicker. But at this point, not only should the crowd control they should recuse themselves from that. They should also try to get this investigation in the hands of a p perceived objective party. What do you make of the crowd control . There has been criticism that the Police Department has been heavy handed, if you will, with a military style approach. Its a democracy so its hard to get crowd control right. You know, you only are one day away from a problem. One day, the criticism is over reaction. The next day, the ci simply is under reaction. Thats whats happening. We are hearing store owners, they are getting guns because they dont feel protected. So, its a very difficult balance. Two best departments in the country probably l. A. P. D. And nypd. They have blel issues. The idea of taking a victory lap and saying it worked out well today, we are out of the woods, thats not true. What do are you make of the state of emergency and the curfew set at midnight . Nobody can foresee the future. These are complicated issues. One of the difficulties, and a good thing that has happened is a lot of good people in the town are coming together and blocking out the bad people, but there are complicated dynamics, including people that age tate, people a that want to go head to head with the police . People from out of town to be involved so the police, its a minute to minute situation and no Police Department in america can claim they have a magic formula for doing it. Looking back and you just add having the state police there, which has been advertised as a great idea may not turn out to be great because they dont have other than the captain there, this is an agency that doesnt police the town. You have the clement where the police and the town are not trusted. Its generally not a good idea to have outside Police Departments coming in and doing policing in this kind of a crisis. A general mistrust. Back to your time, were you adequately trained to handle the communi community . Were you prepared . Police training is very rudimentary. The issue of force, the police have to be competent to use force but departments are ambivalent about training people to use force. Sometimes in a crowdcontrol situation, it is better to come on stronger earlier to make arrests when people start breaking the law. There are indications of problems we had in la when the chief was there. He should have moved quicker in macarthur park. In england, the riots a few summers ago, they spiraled out of control because the police didnt act with enough did decisiveness. These are the concerns you have. It is a human dynamic and trying to say that you have a formula that worked for sure, an ironclad formula, thats elusive. No easy solution here eugene 0 dodge of the john j. School of criminal justice appreciate your time. Good to be with you. Shooting in ferguson has led to proceed tests in cities all across the country. Al jazeeras kaelyn forde has this report on a really in new york. We are not doing it for the present. We are doing this for the future. In har, an outpouring of anger and solidarity over the death of Michael Brown. If i named them one by one, trayvon martin, Michael Brown, the list is endless. Our ancestors didnt fight our battles to be lost by our blood with your hands. People here said they know the impact of Police Brutality all too well. Last month, 4yearold who eric garner was killed when nypd officers allegedly used an illegal choke hold on him. A by stander videotape the whole incident. I cant breelt. I cant breathe. I cant breathe. Now, like browns family, the family of eric garner and six congressmen are pushing for a federal investigation. Eric garner is dead. The person who videotaped the incident was arrested. But the officer who killed eric garner is free and still on the nypd payroll. There is something wrong with that picture. Civil rights leader al sharpton also denounced the socalled Smear Campaign against victims of police brutalitbruta he was killed by being arrested for allegedly selling untaxed cigarettes. Police released footage of the teen stealing arizocigars an sae police knew nothing about the encounter that had to do with the teens death. To bury this boy, to try to demondonize him. Like that in any way mitigates what was done to him. Deaths like browns and garners arent uncommon. Its a national problem. According to a u. S. A. A analysis between 2005 and 2012, nearly twice a week, a white officer killed a black person. Nearly one fifth of those victims were under the age of 21. Its a reality people hearsay their children learn at a wrung age. Its hard because if i was a white person, i would be treated differently. Its hard to watch that because i mean i am a person and the white person is a person, too. Shouldnt matter. That difference in treatment by police nationwide is something advocates here have vowed to change. Kaelyn forde, al jazeera, new york. Hundreds of trucks from russia are being held at a ukrainian border. Among them, an aid convoy held by held up by a complex customs process to get into the country. Some fear its a trojan horse. Al jazeerass nezanini missouri reports. Showing me where a ground rocket almost killed him. He has strong ties to russia. His grandmother fought for stalin during the second world war. He blames the regions dark history for what happening now. At one point, we were one country with 14 republics. Politicians divided these republics planted a seed of war between us. I think whats happening now is absolutely wrong because our ancestors took part in a war where they had the same beliefs as each other. The separatist beliefs are more murky. Some see ukraine as parts of an old em pierl russia. Others embrace the power of the soviet union when you ask prorussian separatits what it is they want, some say they want freedom from kievs rule. Others insist they are fighting fascism. Most people here just want to get on with their lives and dont understand why ukrainians are taking up arms against each other. Kiev recently proposed a peace plan in the southeastern region which includes more political and economic autonomy. And protection of the russian language. Separatists say this is not enough. They have local peoples support. But in one suburb of donetsk, we meet arena. She says most people are like her, afraid to speak out . I feel like my life is now just a black cloud. Every morning, i hope that this is all just a bad dream that i will wake up from and things will be as they were. The Ukrainian Army is closing in. Separatists are calling for more ukrainian and russian volunteers to join their cause. They have already lost men and mean people here will be asking themselves whether their dreams are worth dying for. Al jazeera, dondon. Elsewhere in the region, arm median businesses are and consumers are wondering what joining the Russians Customs Union will mean for them. Robin forestier walker has this report. At this car dealership, managers are preparing themselves for change. If the country joins russias Customs Union, new tefshingz will make important cars from else where more expensive. Artim estimates he could lose 20 of his customers. You have to find some solutions to russian production. Joining the Customs Union wont just affect the car market. Prices will go up for every day items importanted from the eu. The largest trading partner. The trouble forearmean i cant is if it wants to join the Customs Union, it will have to restructure the market. Currently lots of products like this cereal or olive oil come from the European Union. It will need to keep prices low by introducing more importants from the Customs Union. Many believe that joining may have more to do with politics than economics. Russia is a top destination for my grants. They need the support. Ampleenians thing the key to this Security Issues is in the hands of putin. For now, entry to the block has been delayed. Armenia may be negotiating terms. Consumers like susan worry once signed, they will end up the loserses. If there is a custom union that makes you to choose between certain product and this products are not going to be as various as we have, its already going to become not good for me because i am used to buy, okay, french cheese, german beer. There should be different alternatives for people. You dont have to look forward to see armeanias historic and cultura ties to russia, whether or not it makes economic sense, the Customs Union will make those ties stronger. Robin steel walker, al jazeera, yedava. The world Health Source is warming against false cures for the deadly ebola virus. Supplement markers began targeting ebola patients days after they said it was ethical to treat with unregulated and untested treatments. Nig niger nigerias health endorsed nano silver which is untested, not approved by the f. D. A. And its ingredients can be toxic. The american doctor being treated for ebola says he hopes to be released from the hospital soon. Ken brantly is one of two u. S. Aid workers infected with the deadly virus. He is being treated at em reuniversity hospital. Brantly was given the experim t experimental serum zmap an has been improving. He said there are still a few hurdles to clear before i can be discharged but i hold on to the hope of a sweet reunion with my wife, children and family in the near future. When we come right back, pope francis reaches out to a massive crowd in south korea plus Rebecca Stenson joining us with a look at the forecast . The last four days we have had so much rainfall sweep across parts of the east, record fraiven detroit over to port land maine. I will show you some of the damage and where rain has come back today. Thats next. Around the world. Only on Al Jazeera America an estimated 800,000 people gathered in seoul to hear a mass celebrated by pope francis. It included invited Church Members from across south korea. It is the fourth day of the popes visit to south korea and during mass, the pope honored korean catholics who died for their faith. Details of the popes impact on those who participated. Moving steadily through the hundreds of thousands of people who had come for this moment, this was the center piece of Pope Franciss 5 day visit. A chance for catholics, young an old to say their holy father up close. He reserved a special honor for families of those killed in aprils ferry disaster wake up to the tented village where they have been demanding an independent investigation and bestowing blessings as he makes his way through the crowds, there is no mistaking the scale of this event. Nothing has been seen like it foreign more than a decade. Its significant not just for south korea but the Catholic Church in asia. So although this mass was very much about the history of the corps ian Catholic Church, beatfying 12418th and 19th century catholics killed for their religious beliefs. He was keen to tie their story to the churchs present day relevance in a region where c h catholicism is growing. Their example has much to say to us who live in societys where alongside i will mention wealth poverty is silently growing where the cry of the year is seldom heeded and christ continues to call out to us asking us to love and serve him by tend to go our brothers and sisters in need. The popes message, his presence resonating with 170,000 catholics invited here from churches across the country. Even though i saw him far away, i was so overwhelmed. I am so grateful and indescribably happy. Our country has been going through numerous hardships and there are many people suffering in poverty just by the fact that the pope is here in a divided country, we are so blessed. Later in a part of his visit that has attracted some controversy. He went to a care home south of seoul which has been accused of oiledfashion practices and financial irregularities. But in embracing the poor and disabled, the pope continued one of this visits main themes, emphasizing the plight of those left on the margins through an increasingly Unequal World harry fawcett. Seoul. A horse race lives on from the Medieval Times t honors the virgin mary. Animal rights activist frown on the bear back riding. Since 1930, more than 50 horses have been kill in the race. Claudio lavundo reports that does not keep the crowds away. This is the moment siena waits all year long. The palio has been annual tradition for almost 500 years. Jockeys ride bare bike along spinechilling turns in the Medieval City square in front of a euphoric audience. Each horse represents one of the citys districts. The prize is invaluable. The pride and glory of beating your neighbors. An achievement worth risking their necks for. Sergio has watched the paleohis whole life. The paleois not a horse race. Its a war. Each district has a captain and lieutenant. They meet in secret and seal alliances and plot against enemies. Siena is one of italys richest towns but it was hit by a major banging scandal an the economic prizes. When it comes to the palio, no expense is spared. Residents donate generously to the district in a good jockey a good jockey can cost as much as 250,000. Not bad for a 90 seconds race. But the paleois worth amount more than money. Its almost a religious experience. Horses are blessed in local churches with a traditional costume parade and war hymns to follow. All in the hope of this. In the end, the race was won by the district of lacheveta. The fans invaded the horse track while others are living in disappointment for this is what the palio has been for almost 500 years. A horse race with the power of uniting and dividing this medieval town. Al jazeera, siena. At home, lets get a check to the forecast. R rebecca stevenson. We have rain showers outside. The problem is the rain showers are coming back to where the last seven days brought significant rainfall into the northeast. When we look at this particular map, it is showing us the most intention and heaviest rainfall that we watched through the last seven days so that includes the heavy amounts causing flooding that we saw in detroit all the way over into parts of new jersey, into new york and up into portland, maine in the last two days of the it is interesting to look at the map, though, to see the intensity of the rainfall that brought the highest amounts, up to 13 inches of rain in parts of new york and into new jersey its a thin ban. The common picture people saw was water rushing up through the streets, inundating roadways from maine where you could see we had with a farmhouse flooded out in the lower floor and after this, the rain started gradually get down into the flood drains, the roads began to collapse underneath. We have a lot of pictures of roads collapsing. Waterways getting runoff, spreading out into the Port Land Harbor here this area, this particular body of water, goes out in to several other streams. So a big concern when we look at this picture is what are people pouring into the ground on their lawn, in their backyard . On the street . All of that is going into power waterways. We have got a lot of water coming out of the sky right now for the northeast. You can see a closer look for the rainfall moving through. Thank goodness, it is showers. It will be moving over these places that have been just flooding out and that includes even parts of Northern Canada where that storm system has been bringing you showers. The larger, a big rainmaker has moved out, just rain showers for the northeast. The heavier rainfall, too, coming in the midwest right now. We have thunderstorms developing. We are watching closely for chances of severe storms, mainly going to be wind damage we are watching here in that particular area from missouri up to michigan. Boy, we got hammered with rain this last week. Rebecca, thank you. Talk about getting soeblingd people all over the u. S. Take an ice cold bath for a very good cause. Joan tarrant in the shadow of the empire state building, i am about to take part in the als ice bucket challenge. I will get doused in freezing cold ice water. I am having serious second thoughts right now. Serious second thoughts. Okay. Just saying. It was history in the making last night at the Little League world series. Pitcher mone davis wong a game with a shutout playing under the pressure of a mounting pimp count. See her coach wanting to take her out at 65 pitches so she can play on three days rest. She did it in 64. 9,000 players have participated in the Little League world series over the years only 18 have been girls much congratulations. Online campaign to spread awareness about a deadly disease sending chills across the nation. Thats the point. John terret explains. If you have been you online in the last few weeks, there is a good chance you have seen someone taking the als ice bucket challenge. People dumping ice cold water on their heads and nighttiming others to do the same. Two cold few . Well, you can make a donation. Als stands for aiomytropic. After the baseball great who was diagnosed with it in the late 30s. Its a degenerative disease that kills off motor neurons that ends the brain ability to control room muscles. A Viral Campaign is thrusting the fatal disease into the spotlight. According to the Als Association, 15 new cases of als are diagnosed each day and as many as 30,000 americans have the disease at any given time. Als abbying ants 20 more men than women and the Life Expectancy of an als patient averages about two to five years after diagnosis. There is currently no cure, which is why money for research is so important. Ice bucket challenges are not new but 29yearold als patient peter frates who can no longer talk or walk decided to use it to call attention to the disease. He and a friend are responsible for launching this Viral Campaign and starting the sensation. Before this, you know, so many people just did not understand what als was. Jt here i am accepting the als ice bucket challenge. Celebrities and politicians alike have joined in and its paying off. The Als Association says from july 29th to august the 14th, its national and state chapters have seen nearly 146,000 new donors. They have raised 7. 6 million compared to 1. 2 million in the same period last year. Isnt it incredible, the amount of money they are raising because all of this has gone viral. Now, you didnt think, did you, that we would do this story and nobody would get wet . You are right. Its me, but before i do this, i nominate my two fantastic colleagues, tony harris, 406 eastern and del walters, 7 and 8 in the morning eastern. Thats walters, buy not waters. Waters are in here. Someone put ice in here. Jin and tonic please. Thank you very much, lori. We appreciate that. The only way to do this is quickly, i am told. Here we go. This is why al jazeera reporters are always totally immersed in their thoughts. John terrett, this might not have been quite such a good idea. Al jazeera in new york. John terrett always up for a great challenge. Will do it for this hour. Thank you for joining us. I am Thomas Drayton in new york. Thanks for watching. Every day across america, militarystyle raids are taking place. Local police dressed like soldiers break down doors in the hunt for drugs. This is not what we think of as police in a democratic society. This is way out of proportion

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