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Exsurfacey for argentina fans at the team leads against rain hussein is supporting the sunni fighters, and the military council for iraqi revolutionaries, include 78 sunni factions. It has tens of thousands of fighters, and its led by exarmy officers. We have more from baghdad. The parades held at sater city was one of the biggest by the mahdi army. Its a clear show of force and a commitment to defend the holy shrines against the Islamic State in iraq and the levant. There were thousands armed with all sorts of wep lions, and that weapons, and that caused concern in the capital that this could be the beginning of a brutal sectarian war. On the other hand a spokesperson for the general military council for iraqi revolutionaries told al jazeera that his fighters will not lay down weapons until their calls are met. While the fighters are represented by their spokesperson says they want to topple the regime, and their other goal is to achieve their goals. Now those goals are fair representations for sunnis and end of the marginalisation of this community. When it comes to the i. S. I. L. Goals, it is to establish an islamic calafat in this country. Theres a clash of ideologies, because the spokesperson clearly said that we will not we do not like to fight i. S. I. L. But i think a battle between the two could be in the making if or when both sides manage to succeed to topple the regime. Two ideologies are different. The tribal fighters are made of different groups, including former members of the iraqi army and force with clear different ideology from the i. S. I. L. While the fighting around the bay any oil refinery is causing shortages. People have been cueing for hours to guy fuel, with mixed results. Reporter Early Morning and these people are on the way out. Angry people block the road. They had been waiting at the petrol station in vain. Tempers were high. Warning shots fired by the Security Forces couldnt dislodge them. Translation the governor said hed solve the problem and provide fuel. Selling to odd and even licence plates on different days. I parked last night. Until now i havent been able to get fuel. They tell me there isnt any. For the past few days there has been long queues across the city. Those that made it to the pump got 30 litres. The current limit imposed by the government. Many of the petrol stations are shut down. It started after the refinery came under attack by sunni rebels. It provides oil for domestic consumption, and accounts for a quarter of the countrys capacity. The standup at the baiji refinery had an impact. Wherever you drive you see fuel tankers bringing oil to the refineries, people are angry because they say everything is for export. Hundreds of Truck Drivers transport crude oil to the refineries daily. It is not because we have not enough fuel. I think i think personally some of people here, some businessmen. They are misusing the situation. We have the pipeline with the gee han in turkey. It will be no problem for kurdistan to have enough gasoline. Many blame local corruption for the crisis. We are sure they have a lot of oil. The station whether not give any to the people, the special cars or people they know, or that these people go to mosul. The shortage is due to the high influx of displaced iraqis, whatever the cows, they have two choices. Wait for hour or pay up to five times the price for a litre on the black market. Israeli forces killed a 27yearold palestine man in the occupied west bank as the search for three missing teenagers continues. Man was killed saturday night. Three palestinians have been killed since the teens went missing. Israeli forces arrested 420 palestinians in a massive search operation, and it has triggered clashes in ramallah and elsewhere in the occupied territory. Soldiers have been killed and seven injured in a shootout at a military check post. The army is looking for an enlisted shoulder. Two soldiers who survived are in a critical condition. The incident took place close to the ke militarized border zone of north korea. Harry, what is the latest on the search . Well, the search is going on in the nearby corner of south korea, close to the border that south korea shares with its enmill. Its looking for one of enemy. Its looking for one of its own. 3,0004,000 men are involved in the search. What happened is in man, sergeant lim, came back from his guard duty, of about six hours, on saturday, at 8 00pm it was then, during a changeover period when he was back in the barracks, that the shooting happened. Five killed, seven injured, two critically. They needed emergency surgery. Everyone now is out of danger. This is remote mountainous territory up in the northeast corner, close to the dmz. Hely mined heavily mined. Its difficult for him to move around in, and his men. As for his own background, theres not a lot we know, but we know from the military that he was under special safety over concerns that he was not adapting to military life. Its reported that he was due for discharge in september and critically he has been given category a status last year, which meant that he wouldnt have been able to serve and in a front line post, downgraded to a category b list. Therell be questions asked about that, but potentially the culture within south koreas military, we have to stress theres no motive for the shooting. In 2005 and 2011 when there has been other shootings, a culture of military bullying by senior soldiers has been in part blamed for that. Harry fawcett with the latest for us on that military shooting incident. Thank you. In egypt more than 180 supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood had their death sentences confirmed in court. Among the defenders is a spiritual guide. He and other senior figures are facing execution by hanging. Theyve been accused of attacking a Police Station last year. A verdict in the trials of three al jazeera is expected on monday. Peter greste, Mohamed Fadel fahmy and Baher Mohamed have been behind bars for 176 days. They are accused of collaborating with the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood. Barnaby phillips reports on a campaign to free the journalists. You are watching closely the trials of al jazeera staff and journalists in egypt. Its a message resonating far and wide. That journalism is not a crime, and in a free Society Reporters need speak to all sides. The men in the cage paid a heavy brace, peter greste, Mohamed Fadel fahmy and Baher Mohamed respected journalists behind bars for 176 days. The Egyptian Authority yes accuse them of spreading lies. Having links to a terrorist organization. Many disagree and many spoke out in defense of the al jazeera team. Wed like to be in a world where we can go about our lawful business without interference, as anybody cap, as a doctor or a lawyer. Its not about democracy, not saying that journalists are above the law or special rules. In this instance or instances like this, if they are doing their job legitimately, people should not be obstructed for doing that. Campaign ents have taken place in 30 countries around the world. More than 69,000 people have tweeted using the hashtag free aj staff. They have sent out a total of 181,000 tweets. Those tweets have reached more than 74. 4 million twitter accounts. The Al Jazeera Campaign has attracted enormous support from people all over the world. The challenge for any social Media Campaign is to translate success in the environmental world into environmental world into results in the real world. The total is retweeting pet ightss into people in petitions into people in positions of power. Even the most famous do not come out on top straight away. Campaigners help peter grestes family raises 58,000 signatures calling for his release. Egyptian authorities respond to international pressure, we are aware of that. The feedback from the families is knowing that they are there with thousands behind them gives them the strength that they can go in and have the conversations, knowing that they are backed up by thousands of people. Now they wait for the courts decision. They and supporters over the world felt the case has gone on far too long. Still ahead on al jazeera. Ignoring a ceasefire and refusing to surrender we meet the volunteer militias in ukraine who are promising to fight on. Adding muscle and funny. How chinas nurturing its investment in south sudan. Off for life. Should they be locked away for good . He had a tough upbringing but he still had to have known right from wrong. Hello again. Good to have you here. For those of you joining us, let me give you a run down of the headlines. Sunni rebels say they have captured more territory from northern iraq. Fighters from Islamic State of iraq and levant have taken a crossing along the syrian border. Israeli forces killed a 27yearold palestine man in the occupied wank west bank as a search for three missing teenagers continues. Five soldiers have been killed and seven injured at a shootout in south korea. The armys looking for an enlisted soldier. Russian president Vladimir Putin called on both sides in Eastern Ukraine to cease fighting and begin negotiating. This as fighters swore an oath of allegiance to the donetsk republic. We have this report. Reporter separatist fighters have been given a week to surrender and accept amnesty. In donetsk on saturday these militia swore an oath to fight to the end. Until my last breath, they chanted, until my last drop of blood. They numbered barely 100, most are established fighters are new volunteers, among them. This 19yearold, a former Ukranian Army trainee, prepared to fight against former comrades. I dont know what to tell you. Maybe its my upbringing, i cant sit and watch it. Ill do everything to help my land and people. Separatists leaders rejected the ceasefire before it began, options are narrowing. Until recently this man was an elected member of the parliament. His separatist rhetoric means he is a wanted man. Im appealing to the International Community to stop the war. Because what is happening now in this city in the southeast, planes canons, tanks, its not right. Not once has the government in ukraine sat at the netting table. President petro porashenko is taking a tough line, those separatists that dont accept his terms will be, in his words eliminated. It led to russia criticising the offer as an ultimatum and prorussian militia are not ready to surrender. I cant tell you what will happen, we are not laying down our weapons. Well continue fighting. What we are fighting for is sacred. Land, values. With rousing rhetoric, theres no assistance of a giving up among the separatist militia. These are a mixture of existing recruits and new recruits going to the front line. As they march away the crowd is with them. China is taking steps to protect commercial interests in south sudan, most notably oil facilities, and agreed to contribute 850 soldiers to the u. N. Peacekeeping force. From juba, we have the details. China is adding muscle as well as money to south sudan. Chinas ambassador opens the emergency camp his country built for south sudan made homeless by fighting. Its a new level of engagement by a country that is hands off. It does not mean standing by when the people of our country facing disaster. China has been firm in its message to south sudans warring parties. Ceasefire, stop fighting. The peacekeepers are overstretched. With a return to violence in south sudan a threat, china agreed to do more. After extensive negotiations china sent a battalion of 850 soldiers to add weight and firepower to the u. N. Peacekeepers. Chinas stake in south sudan is words billions of dollars. China is willing to help the u. N. A lot more if the u. N. Coops the oil field safe. Chinese private business and government invests here, but half the workers fled. The owners of this Market Garden lost casual customers but supply chinese hotels. They have a 15 year lease and are digging in for the lopping hall. We want to capitalize on this trend, benefitting us and people of this country. This is called social responsibility. In another pragmatic policy shift. China said it halted arms sales to the army. Its principle. And the ambassador says. Not export any arms or weapons to the conflicted countries. China halted discussions over a 2 billion loan. These initiatives give china more influence. The risk is that it increases chinas exposure if the fighting massacre and destruction continues. So preventing attacks on cultural exercises is part of the agenda of the World Heritage committee. Delegates are meeting here in qatar, and they have expressed concern about how conflict is being destroyed. The fighting in iraq is posing a new threat to its fights. Qatar says it is donating 10 million to protect sites from natural disasters. The delegates will be voting on sunday to add new sites. Three ancient cities are being considered. If successful theyll become the countrys first u. N. Designated site. We have more from one of the ancient kingdoms in a national park. Its a world away from where the Decision Makers are. That doesnt stop the people asking for divine intervention. They are from a town, one of the three ancient cities in myanmar. And regarding u. N. E. S. C. O. Heritage lifting as an honour. There are many cultural relition and buildings in this city. The three ancient cities are part of the kingdom which existed for 1,000 years. Its people started trading with india around the fifth century, leading to the spread of budism. Not much is known about the pew. We know they lived in big cities, enclosed by high walls. They built a system of irrigation and spoke a language that was extinct. Archeologists, the biggest of the three cities believe they may have uncovered 20 of it. The porps of the pew site is that they are rare and unique examples of the urbanization of society from that era. Experts want the areas protected. Sag a u. N. E. S. C. O. World heritage status would offer. The area is fragile. We are under great pressure. And in a quick time, we can have a disaster because all you judges can disappear very quickly. Reporter they have staunch protectors. People here set up a Heritage Trust in the 1950s. Funded and staffed by volunteers, and runs a museum and ensures that the artefacts remain in myanmar, sometimes by buying back items sold on the black market. The cities existed more than 2,000 years ago. It is the history of our forefathers. It may be of little interest to some people, but we want to resolve it. A World Heritage lifting would help to bring in funds and know how. More than that, it would give an assistance of pride to the people, and tell them their history is words preserving. [ theme ] and to brazil, an encouraging performance by african nations on day 10 of the world cup. Ghana gave germany a fright. The African Champions nigeria are looking good for a spot in the last 15. Lionel messi saved argentina from humiliation against iran. Reporter could this be the world cup where lionel messi finally acheese the greatness afforded to his compatriot diego maradona. He was 26 leading arnal to world cup argentina to world cup glory. The onus was on the barcelona man to provide the inspiration against iran. It took until injury time. Lionel messis goal was worth waiting for. Arnal into the last argentina into the last 16. Saturdays second game only came to life in the second half as germany and ghana played out a thrilling 22 draw. Mario gave the germans the lead. Ghana sprung into action. An equalizer scored three minutes later. They gave the wav cans the lead. They couldnt hold on. The substitute snatched this yalizer, equalling brazils ronaldo as a top scorer. The African Champions took on bosnia in the final match. Bosnia took the lead in the first half. Ed and jacobs goal was wrongly disallowed. Rubbing salt in the room, they scored the winner for the supereagle. Now second behind argentina. Of course well bring you the latest from all the matches from brazil through the day. Thats it for this show. Its been good to have you here. Stay with us, another full bulletin of news ahead, including. Its known as emergency cinema, its getting its new york debut. Coming up, more on the role of arts in war. The stream is uniquely interactive television. In fact, we depend on you, your ideas, your concerns. All these folks are making a whole lot of money. You are one of the voices of this show. I think youve offended everyone with that kathy. Hold on, theres some room to offend people, im here. We have a right to know whats in our food and monsanto do not have the right to hide it from us. So join the conversation and make it your own. Watch the stream. And join the conversation online ajamstream. I think that al jazeera helps connect people in a way they havent been connected before. Its a new approach to journalism. This is an opportunity for americans to learn something. We need to know whats going on around the world. We need to know whats going on in our back yard and i think al jazeera does just that. I am lisa fletcher. You are in the stream. 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