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To what we give companies every day. The talks are set to begin between the United States and russia about a ukraine, moscow is insisting it has no intentions of invading ukraine. In crimea, the residents are celebrating the time change and the clocks are going with moscow. The latest of many changes indicating that russia is controlling the area. Secretary of state is touring on the way home and headed to paris. Hes trying to find Common Ground on ukraine. Inside of ukraine they are gearing up for the ekz ukraine. Jennifer glass is breaking down the candidates from kiev. Very interesting developments in ukraines president ial election process. The heavy weight boxer that was the front runner dropped out of the race and throwing his weight behind a billionaire and famous for running a Chocolate Company in ukraine and hes backing him and running to be the mayor of kiev and then running for the president ial candidate. This is a time for unity and they are trying to make sure there is not a Runoff Election on may 21, they want a president elected outright and the time is of the essence and the longer that the process goes on is more that the ukraine sovereignty is threatened. One of the main opponents is approved for the party and running for the president and fighting to get crimea back. It is a very interesting election race and held may 25. Right now, ukraine very much needs political leader. Very much needs stability as it is battling the economic challenges and political challenges both do domestic cli and internationally. Moment of silence to remember those killed in the mud slide in washington state. Rescue crews paused today to remember the victims, 17 kills and 90 are missing. We are joined live from washington with more on this and how is the recover going today . Jonathan, in an hour we are hearing the rulths from the Recovery Efforts today and identification of the victims they found yesterday. Today is difficult. It has been raining nonstop and it is cold for the rescuers in the field and holding out hope for the survivors even though it is slim to none. A moment of silence. This time a week before when washington the ground flattened by the mud slide. The are yous key workers are trudging through the dirt and the debris and looking for survivors, they have not recovered anyone since the slide happened. We always want to hold out hope but we have to expect the worse. Coming to terms with the worst. Her song allen is not returning home. The hope lingered for three or four days, but probably the knowledge was very immediate. Though the rescuers have not recovered her sons body, hes among the missing. I picture it as being. I picture as them being in the kitchen and having breakfast and whats thats noise and it is over. They were planning an august wedding along the river and eager to start their lives today and allen wrote a Facebook Post about his fiancee. The last post was to to her. The ten things that make you happy. There are many stories, many familied are wiped out. The rescuers are working around the clock. It is only their body. They are together. I picture them together where they are at. That is only their shells. I picture them together. Many of the rescuers are Community Members and working in four hour shifts and working until night fall. Now, we are expected hear more an hour from now. It is extremely difficult situation. Many of the areas are 40 feet deep with materials. Are they expecting the death toll to rise . They are expecting the toll to rise. As i said earlier, they have recovered bodies yesterday and 90 are still missing. The likelihood is they are going to find more bodies and the likelihood theyll never find some of the victims. Live for us in washington state, thank you. Cuban lawmakers are approving a lawn on Foreign Investments and aimed to boltster their economy. We are going live to havana, and break down the law for, daniel. Well, it is designed to give insent ties to Foreign Investors and providing guarantees for those doing business in cuba and open special trading zones in the western port and encourage people to import more than they are doing at the moment and encourage exports of cuban goods and create better conditions in which the Foreign Investors would like to work on the island. What type of Foreign Investments are they looking for the at this point . Well, i mean there are Foreign Investors in cuba, but the situation is difficult for them. Poor infrastructure and poor roads and problems with the internet and there are many disincentives for people to come and work in cuba. People are watching closely to implement the new laws and whether the hearts are in it and the intentions are good and carrying out what they are saying they are going to carry out, many times in the past they are been muted. So i think people are watching and waiting to see how things are going to pan out in the coming bay days and weeks. Yes, what ideas could hold this back from being effective . Well, i think really to make life easier for the foreign investo investors. They are getting the impression that the authorities are putting up the ob stack kls because of the bureau rack si. I think what they would like to see the more efficiency and more cooperation on behalf of the authorities because there is a dilemma of having the foreign en investors. So being able to touch the Health System and the education system. As i say, i think they want to see an easier place in which to operate. Thank you. More than 30 people are detained in chile. The Police Used Tear Gas to disburse is crowds. They are rallying to remember two brothers that were killed three decades ago. For the First Time Since Malaysia Flight dispeered the kruts fished debris out of the ocean. They are working to see if it is from the missing jet. The u. S. Navy is sending equipment to detect pings from the black boxes. The teams are racing against the clocks to find the black boxes and the transmitter works only another 7 to 10 days before the battery dies. To search has moved to the north and crews from two ships one from china and one from australia pulled debris from the water. This is the first time that anything is retrieved. But so far the objects do not match the missing airliner. On saturday 8 planes scanned the area and australia Safety Authority Officials Say two of the planes spotted objects. Four ship are in the area now and five more expected to reach the zone on sunday. Flight mh 370 missing since march 8th with 239 people on board and triggering a search. Today more than 20 nations are noveled in the efforts at a huge expense. Every country is bearing their own cost. Australia is flying their own aircraft and running the airplanes and we are not counting the cost but just doing what needs to be done to get to the bottom of this mystery and that will go on. The pentagon is saying spending 2 and a half million dollars. That doesnt mean that the u. S. Will stop if the plane is not found. The president made it clear we are going to stay with this as long as the malaysians neated our help. They are also providing Law Enforcement officials in the case. The sign up season is winding down for the healthcare law. Monday is the last day to enroll. 6 Million People have signed up and that is a million short of the goal. The white house extended the deadline to mid april for the applications already in progress. For all of the ins and outs tune in 8 30 p. M. Tomorrow on aljazeera. And still to come, california rattled by another strong after shock after last nights earthquake. A concern about privacy and the United States government. We look into it after the break. The pentagon is planning to triple the Cyber Security staff. The defense secretary saying 6,000 people are hired by 2016. The goal stronger protection against internet attacks that threaten National Security. America has adapted to new threats. But today a Network World in which oceans are crossed with the speed of light presents challenge of security that we never been confronted. Promise more transparency and the government is not trying to militaryize cyber space. President obama wants to revamp the way that the government spies. Some of the changes were made earlier in the year and Congress Must make proposals perm perman. Telephone companies would keep the records instead of the government and to get the information, the government has to go through the Surveillance Court and the requests must be specific and minimal. The Media Companies have to provide the information in a timely manner. The Current Program began after 9 11, president obama is under pressure to reign it in. Critics say that the nsa is violating privacy. It is like nothing you are revealing on the internet. We are used to making moment to moment decisions on online and in doing so you are give i away privacy, who you are, what you like and dont. Everything you do on the phone and internet, phone calls, chats, websites you visit are tracked and recorded by the phone companies and the advertise companies and where you are logged into. Tour offers technology that allows people to browse the web anonymously. That is a rarity. Particularly when we willing give our an information to a third party on facebook, google or a credit card. A tech firm created a website called about the data. Com and show you what Marketing Data they have been able to collect about you. Including who lives in your home and your mortgage and your car and general interests. I logged on and quite surprised to see a length about my shopping and how much i spent and when my Auto Insurance needs to be renewed. About the data. Com allows you to opt out and alter your data. Some of the people like it. In a recent people 71 of the people expressed concerns about the data privaty. 59 have noticed improvements. There isnt much i would say in the change of how advertising is targeting users and being able to deliver a better experience and that is the case, there is a richer tapestry of information and data to work with. It is just a matter of if not when line the live is breached and commercial data brokers are required to be by law to become more transparent. The combapanies are coming up wh ways to mine the data. Take the billion dollar prize giving out by quick loans for one hundred perfect picks for the tournament. Jonathan . Thank you, courtney. For more on the big data and how it is used with the companies on the internet, now to sara and phil, thank you both for being with us today. Thank you. Let me ask you, what is the big e concern, spying by the government or spying by big business . They are going together. Partly the government is able to collect data on us because the big business is collecting the data on a that. That is the model that the companies are using and collect the data bases of information and that inturn is allows the government to pull the data into. The data base by the companies are tapped by the government . Absolutely. We have seen in the nsa revelations from mr. Snowden is government is keen to get into google, yahoo and apple and getting to the rich amount of data they have got collected there. And the two things are going together. Sara, help me understand what it is exactly that the companies are collecting on typical americans and frankly why should the typical american care . Basically anything we do online and anything we do that has any digital trace is up for grabs. I think that includes everything from where you are using your cell phone to talking about o our use our cell phones and buying online, right . Yes, going to nest, where it is a ter mom ter on your apartment. That is covering everything that you do. I had trouble understanding, well, i get it they are collecting the cell phone numbers and shopping online, but i want put my hands around i cannot understand what is the big deal . Who cares, let them have it. There are a couple things, they can use the data in wall streets that are discriminatory. When you are sent advertisements for mortgages and the kinds of Interest Rates that are displ displayed and offered to you are based on the profiles from the online activities and allows them to differentiate between categories of consumers. This is a plied to companies if they know how much money i make i am charged more money. Exactly. They have noticed this with airline tickets. When he goes online and searches for fares hes getting a higher rate than the secretary is getting. The company is able to tell the income level of the two people. Now that would get my attention. Whoa that is actually happening now with the Big Companies . That is some of the evidence that is coming out that the companies have been doing and you know, and can do. Sara, hearing that, what kind of things can people do at home to protect themselves . So there are a lot of tools we are use to try to minimize some of the exposure. Some are the choices with the browsers and Search Engines and google having everything about us dont use picasso to post your images or chrome and cut the cookies trails of your information while walking on the internet. You can use browser blocking services too. Sara, is this extending beyond clearing the internet Search History and the data base, something bigger like a con mumer bill of rights is in order . Yes, it is extending far yord this we dont have a complete view of all of the pieces fitting together and talking to each other and one of the things that the bill of rights, the consumer bill of rights of privacy information is trying to get a grasp on all of, the entire eco system on the data brokers and is Internet Service providers and the government are kind of in cohoots and sharing all of this information. We dont have the traces into the data yet and until that we cant determine the appropriate use of the information. That is something we are not thinking about, we really dont know what is being collected on us and no avenues to find out, correct . We know a little bit now because of the data that the nsa is collecting on us, only due to mr. Snowden, but little visibility on what the data brokers are collecting and what they are doing with it. The nsa has an excuse because they are protecting National Security and they are not sharing all of the secrets with us and but on the side of the private companies they dont have that compelling interest and they should be transparent on the data they are collecting and if that information comes out the americans would be shocked to see what is happening and i think any sense of comfort with the companies collecting our data would deminnish. So we talked over hauling the nsa and is it going far enough . No. They are promising . Yes, it is a step forward. Last summer when this came out the administration, you know, doubled down on it, this is legal and it is effective and we need this bla bla and a Strong Defense of the program and going to now and yes we understand that this needs reformed is a huge step and i think that the president has to be commended for that but not going far enough. I will tell you why, it is covered only telephone data. So that is a data about your telephone calls. How long and who. What else are they collecting . Location data. Where you work. You ping a telephone tower. Your Internet Data. They were collecting the Internet Data until 2011. That is a program they could revive at any point in time. That data is sorry, extremely revealing as well. Financial records, credit card records, all kindsover data that the government a could be collecting. But they are not listening to the phone calls or reading the emails, they are just collecting the data. Yes, but the difference is that there they are not just collecting one piece of information it is different kinds of data and putting all of the data together you can paint a picture of a persons life and what they like and dont like and what they do, you can tell whetherer going to a heart specialist or calling abortion clinics and going to alcoholic anonymous. So is the government moving in the right direction with the proposals . There is a lot of Forward Movement for the nsa and Forward Movement in the white house taking an initiative in talking about big data and privacy in general as a whole and that is where most of my excitement lies because they are starting to look at this more wholistically across the industry and giving a map to understanding how these data sources connect and what the eco system is about such that we have a conversation about what we think is appropriate. We appreciate your conversation today. Sara watson and thank you both for the time tonight. Still ahead, dramatic history, conflict resolution, and two negotiates are telling their stories in a book. What they say current diplomats can learn in the experiences. The coach of the giants is hitting the right note for a family in need. Fln scared as hell. As american troops prepare to leave afghanistan get a first hand look at what life is really like under the taliban. Were going to be taken to a place, where theyre going to make plans for an attack. The only thing i know is, that they say theyre not going to withdraw. Then, immediately after, an america tonight special edition for more inside and analysis. Why did you decide to go. Its extremly important for the western audience to know why these people keep on fighting. Its so seldom you get that access to the other side. Faultlines on the front lines with the taliban then an america tonight special edition, only on Al Jazeera America welcome back to aljazeera america. Here are the stop stories. The United States is calling on russia to remove the troops from the Ukraine Border and moscow is saying they have no plans to invade and secretary kerry is meeting to does discuss the crisis there. The searchers are continuing going through the debris in washington state. 17 were killed and 90 are missing. Rough weather may interfere with the search for flight 370, for the first time crews are fished out debris from indian ocean. They are determining whether it is from the missing flight. There are lessons to be learned from negotiators and they have the fog of peace and the human face of conflict resolution and diplomat that helped to end wars and risked his life and psycho therapist and involved in the efforts to end conflict. Welcome to both of you. We appreciate you being with us. Let me ask, this is a fascinating book, i have read it, what do you think is the biggest lesson for diplomats that are over looked . First and most, we negotiate with people not countries. Bottom line. Your message is that public forgets that. I think so. Why do you say that . Because the art of negotiation if it is an art or human condition too many times we are too theoretical about it and getting down to the nitty gritty it is an event among people and it is a matter of individuals and therefore, to understand the novelty of the minds. The book focuses a lot on trying to understand who you are talking to, for the countries to understand their enemies, why is it so often overlooked . Countries start from the position of having interests and looking at things threw their own lens. And to actually to be effective you have to get into the mind of enemy. It was was called the focus of peace and to say we didnt understand the mind of the enemy, we were fighting different wars and here hes referring to the vietnam war. And he said we were fighting the cold war and they were fighting the war of independence. We have not learned that lesson. When you look at afghanistan and iraq, we are not getting into the minds of the others. What is that happening and what is motivating them . It takes imagination and homework, it takes emersion and it takes a lot of listens and a lot of commitment to understand how people think. More likely we go in with ideas or solutions and actually this is something very, very different. You have to immerse yourself into what the other person is thinking. They recognize the partiality on their side, they should worry about being credible, what do you mean by that . They would come and tell you imparablety is not going to work. If we sit in a perfectly square table and we put in the center a glass, you would see the glass closer to me and i see it closer to you. The real part is negotiation looking to a different thing and so the issue is an illusion. So why is it such a focus and so important to diplomats to give the impression you are impartial. That is not the case today. In a way part of the frame of mind of the cold war. And impartialty and losted and pursued during the cold war and even then it didnt work. How did you team up for the work, it is an interesting combination, a diplomat and the therapist . We met in tehran in 2005 and we were thinking the same way and because all those i had done a lot of my work in the consulting room i had started to work in the middle east and actually we were seeing things in the same way and what happens around the Kitchen Table or human relations is equally to conflict and what we understand about the mind is important. That is a lesson from this, whether negotiating with a foreign leader or a coworker it is critical to understand who you are talking and what they actually want. And the role of exclusion, marginalization. There is also peoples stories and histories. Often times that under estimated. You talked aboutize real and impacted by the holocaust and the people and history, it is still deeply motivating their decisions, correct . Indeed. This is true for each of us as individuals. I remember when i was told that actually i was not supposed to be where i was supposed to be and in a sense of my name and because of my nationality at birth he had an idea of myself and when we sat down and discussed and encounters he discovered i am somebody else, and he was right, every individual is different and we go back to discuss the individuals, i tell you, i had big terrorists telling me things i dont know, taking innocent hostages is wrong, of course, i do. It is critical to understand what motivates them . I think so. My condition was difficult to understand i was a prisoner. Held at the moment by the terrorists . Yes. You write in the book t context of the war needs to held in the context of the region and changing architect, the Syrian Crisis didnt begin the syrian and there could be mechanisms to stop the flow of weapons and for the oppositions to agree to a truce. Looking at the syrian war mistakes were made and changes would have been done to prevent what happened. We have said a number of times, in articles, that in fact we wrote together in an article two years ago and took time to get published in syrian we have a third chess game. So what do you think should happen and how should they end the crisis . We are saying, the importance of quiet behind the scenes mediation and getting all of the players around the table and in this case iran and saudi. And so it is discussions and bringing the players together. Is it thatsy, the players in the conflict, particularly in the west, o dropped the ball . It is really we should have probably have gone about having an understanding, understanding not an agreement, is the first step and the parties on the ground would have so to speak would have read the signals in the sky and behaved differently. Thank you both. It is lessons for people dealing with work place conflicts and friends and coworkers and how to talk to your enemy. This week on talk to aljazeera, the director of the philharmon philharmon philharmonic. If he would ever play that music again. We will. But we have to have patience. I hope it happened in my lifetime. I hope. But there are still quite a few people with tattooed numbers on their arms. They are saints in israel and we have to respect them. It is not they hate the music, but music transports them back to time of terror and we want to avoid that. Watch the full interview tonight at 10 30 p. M. Eastern. A powerful councilmembering hitting Southern California and we show you some of the damage. Al jazeeras Investigative Unit has tonights exclusive report. From coast to coast. People selling fresh water for fracking. Stories that have impact. We lost lives. That make a difference. Senator, we were hoping we could ask you some questions about your legal problems. That open your world. It can be very dangerous. I hear gunshots. The bullet came right there through the widdow. It absolutely is a crisis. Real reporting. This. Is what we do. America tonight, only on Al Jazeera America. More than a hundred after shocks rumbled through Southern California, an earthquake striking near los angeles last night. The safety concerns are keeping some of the people from returning home. Stephanie is covering the story for us, less than ten miles of the epicenter that shook the area this afternoon. A 4. 1 after shock struck at 2 32 p. M. And we felt it here. This is a home that has been blocked off by the fire department, and it is one of 26 homes that are tagged. There is a cracked foundation by the garage. The 5. 1 quake struck last night and centered in Orange County and 20 miles southeast of downtown los angeles. Now take a look at the video and you can see the diners were shaken out of their seats by the quake. A rock slide caused a car to over turn. There was a matter main break here in the city of fullerton and the crews are working hard to clean that up and repair that. A hundred after shocks have hit so far and ranging from 23. 6 magnitude. This is very normal, but the normal includes a wyatted range of rates of after shocks and so this on the higher side of the average. Not abnormal about it. There are sequences with more after shocks than this one. About 2,000 residents were without power in Southern California. The city inspectors have to come inside of the homes and do a full inspection before they can declare it safe for the residents to return. Damaging thunderstorms rolled across florida today and the winds reaching 49 miles per hour. Lightning strikes and downed trees and tornado warnen ings for tampa and orlando. Yes, that was in the panhandle. Now we are looking at more funnel clouds and Tornado Warnings. One just popped up in northern california. North central glen county has a Tornado Warning and this particular storm is tracking quickly up to the north and northeast and mixing with the snow in the higher elevations. Another spot that we have a Tornado Warning is in North Carolina and this area is watching the storms rolling through and the rotation to it and hail and strong winds reported with the showers. That is causing flash flooding quickly. We have been watching storms roll through florida for much of the day before it started to track up to North Carolina and we have severe thunderstorm watch for southern tip of florida and including miami getting the heavy rain and a lot of cloud to ground lightening. It is moving to the keys and bahamas and moving out overnight. Mainly wind gusts so strong bringing down power lines, trees and damage with this. Now to west coast and the rainfall. So much out there. It is springtime and the atmosphere is balancing its way throughout the season here. It is interesting to see that washington, all time record wettest march. Now, consider too we have three days left of march and the showers are continuing to come down. The disturbances are rolling through and potential for the ice pellets. It is a stormy saturday out there, jonathan. Thank you. Ross is here with the sports. Mlb is right around the corner. Yes, opening day is on monday. The attack on the San Francisco giants fan outside of the dodger stated yum three years ago shattered a line and putting a stain on the sports. The two beaters were convicted and sent to jail but the struggle is continuing. We have more on the story. On a saturday night the family arrives to take in a concert, the nights out have been rare. The day their brother, their son was left permanently brain damaged by the dodgers fans that acontamina attacked him. Doing as good as he can. Every day is a struggle for him. So it is a journey. It is a long journey. It is a journey made longer and harder by the fact that the insurance is no longer for the treatment in a Rehab Facility and hes had to move back in with the parents where they and the sisters now care for him. It is hard because we dont to be just his parents. We are the caregivers now. I have had a wonderful experience meeting the family. The artist on this night made them the guest of honor. If you are a baseball fan, you might recognize him. It is tim flanery. Yes, that tim. The gritty fan favorite shortstop that played ten years in the majors and hitting nine home runs. I tell you the day, the temperature, the count, you know, the wind direction. I didnt forget nine. Giants now him as the third base coach. His arms go crazy. Hes a musician and he and the band are produced 11 albums. I dont sell a hundred thousand records or ten thousand records. Garth said my record went card board. Tonights performance is as much about purpose as pleasure. We are close to the home of the injured giants fan, tonight tim plays for him. Tim is donating all of the proceeds of a this show to the family and that is not all. In november i released a brand new record called outside lands and this is my way again, every penny goes to bryan and 16,000 dollars to produce the record, and if i write this check i can make more with it. He did with the help of friends like the giants pitcher, that matched the first 25,000 tim made with another 25,000. We are just putting our Heads Together to help out as best as we can. On this night, taking the money he raised to bonnie. O tonight before the show i carried 96,000 and laid it in their lap and that keeps the lights on and pays the bills. It lets them know there are people that still care. Life is throwing you the hard balls, no pun intended, but we stick together. They are sticking together for bryan, tim is vowing to keep helping them meet the challenge head on. That was John Henry Smith reporting. And barry bonds is paying for the College Tuition for the his two kids. What a story. Hes being taken care of by the family and according to the attorney, hes had to pay 5 million for medical cost and 20 million coming up. Thank you, ross. That is the show this at saturday night and thank you so much for joining us. Stay with us, we have the top headlines after the break. Consider this. The news of the day plus so much more. Answers to the questions no one else will ask. It seems like they cant agree to anything in washington no matter what. And join the conversation online ajamstream. You are watching aljazeera america. Kerry taking a detour on the way back to the United States, he went to paris to discuss with the counter parts and looking at a resolution to the situation in ukraine. U. S. Is calling for russia to remove the troops from the Ukraine Border. The crews are continuing to search through the debris in washington state. They are keeping the death toll at 17. The earthquake that shook the Los Angeles Area friday night triggered a hundred after shocks today and 5. 1 quake triggered rock slides and power outages. No reports are reported. Security forces killed four taliban fighters today. The second Taliban Attack in the past 24 hours. This is coming days ahead of the president ial election in pakistan. Search teams are putting their hands on something tangible today from the missing flight 370. The crews have fished a number of objects out of the ocean. The sunday search efforts are now underway. Consider this starts right now. A flee former president jimmy cart for end worldwide violence against women. Hell join us. And an attempt in congress to attempt action on immigration. Reform would save hundreds of billions of dollars. Plus would High Schoolers be healthier and better students if the school day started later . And are over protective parents really making kids safer . Heres more on what is ahead

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