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Hear from the leader of the antigovernment movement. Plus being eight and being the child of a migrant farm worker. Well take do you the Strawberry Fields of california. And we begin with a mystery that seems almost impossible with todays technology, a bowing 777 disappears out of the sky. Three full days later there is still no sign of the plane nor the 239 people onboard. Richelle carey joins us with more. Authorities know two men boarded the flight carrying stolen pass ports. Today there are more clues about the passengers. Saturday 1 30 am. Air Traffic Controllers lose contact with the malaysian airline, the bowing 777 jet liner is never heard from again. It is unprecedented missing aircraft, mystery as you can put it. It is mystifying. And we are increasing our efforts to do what we have to do. Dozens of search and rescue crews, ships and plains deploy from ten countries. An oil slick and floating debris are found at sea, all prove to be unrelated. We had to find the aircraft. With no black box signals, no physical evidence of the plane, authorities are looking to learn more about two passengers who boarded with stolen pass ports. Security officials at the airport never bothered to check the facts. Malaysian authorities are working with other agencies, including the fbi. Authorities may have already identified one of the men, but his name has not been released. Officials say their tickets were purchased in thailand with cash. They said it is likely an iranian man bought the tickets for the passengers, but it has not been confirmed. Police are wondering if they are involved in stolen passport ring. And its being reported that the u. S. Is being sent the fingerprints of these two men so they can be compared against a database of known criminal and terrorists. Its baffling to think with todays technology a jumbo jet liner could disappear into thin air. Jake, just about every cell phone has a gps segmental, so why cant authorities find this huge airplane . The difference is that cell signals are incredibly inexpensi inexpensive. A plane as it traverses the vast expanses of ocean needs to be able to use a satellite up link, and that costs an incredible amount of money. Right now the stateoftheart is for these planes to carry disk drives, these black boxes rather than transmitting live the way you and i are used in our cars with our cell phones. So can the technology be updated any time soon . It is a cost question. As the years go on air travel is becoming safer and safer. So the cost calculus just doesnt make sense i think both in the view of the faa and the air lines. A study conducted about ten years ago said that for planes to upgrade to that kind of technology would cost each airplane about 300 million per year. So its really unlikely in an era where air travel is as safe as it is that they will make those investments. The thing to remember is that in the sort of grizzly calculus that we have to do when you look at the cost benefit ratio of things like that kind of investment, is the chances of passengers surviving a crash. And in this case, most crashes take place during takeoff and landing. This was in the middle of the flight. And when you are looking at a fall from 35,000 feet to the ocean. You are not looking at the kind of conditions where the pilot touched down on the hudson and everybody got off okay. When you hit the water the way this plane likely did, it is going to be like hitting concrete. So even a days jump the way you would get out of live transmissions wouldnt make that much of a difference. Jake, thank you. Mark weiss is currently with the spectrum group. He has flown the bowing 777, mark, welcome. Thank you. So how likely do you think this was an accident . An about of terror . No an accident. An accident . Frankly, my opinion, and my gut feeling is that this was not an accident. That airplane is an extremely safe airplane. Its a good airplane to fly. Its a stable platform. Its forgetting. It is built with pilots in mind. Its system is a very straightfarr ward redundant. I dont think that airplane came out of the sky on its own validity. If there was a technical problem, did the plane follow the protocol for communications . Well, theres a very fundamental belief innoff in aviation. One pilot will fly the airplane as safely as possible. The other pilot will assist, and then communicating. An airway where this airplane was flying is very much like a highway, and you are not the only one there. Its a threedimensional arena. And you have to announce your intentions if you are going to deviate from your flight path. So if you had an event that you had enough time to turn around or change your altitude or change your flight path, someone in the cockpit normally would have had enough time to articulate that to air traffic control, and if they were out of range of air traffic control, that is a road, basically in the sky, there probably were other aircraft in the vicinity that could have picked up the transition. But they didnt. So lets just play this out a bit. You suggested it probably wasnt an accident. Do you have some suspected theory . My theory is no more valid than anybody elses. And it is absolutely speculation. Based on all of the evidence, that we have so far, which is almost nothing, but we do no you obviously have drawn conclusions about it not being an accident makes me wonder if you have additional theories. Thats all. My thinking is there was potentially a breach of the cockpit. Somebody forced the pilot to become incapacitated or struggle, to put that airplane into a drive that get it out of the sky in an extremely quick time. What about a loss of oxygen . If you had a decompression on the aircraft or explosive decompression on the aircraft. This is something that is practiced on a regular basis by the pilots. And pilots have in that airplane what they call quickdawning oxygen masks, and smoke goggles already attached to the oxygen mask. And you would be putting that on in about 5 seconds. But yules think about it, you would also have time to have a radar footprint, you would also have enough time to enunciate what was happening over a microphone. Because built into the mask is a microphone. Talk to me about how personal a crash like this is for someone like you. What is this like . Well, you know, i i think in the aviation community, any time something happens no matter what airline it is, who they are, the flight crew and certainly your heart goes out to the family and friends of those people. You know the training that those crew members went through, and, you know, pilots want to come home, flights attendants want to come home. That could have been me on that airplane, and certainly with the kay way cochairs and allian alliances, potential i will passengers could have potentially gotten on another airline at a connecting point and flown to the United States. There are a lot of people in our business, in our profession that are saying look, how is it possible that this big airplane goes down and there is not a trace, and that we havent seen anything on the water. But can you talk about the size of the area that they are looking. Well, you know, i i think theres somewhat of a misconception in the sense that the area that the aircraft went down in, it may be smaller than the atlantic where the air france 447 went down, but remember, that took a number of days to find that, and it took quite a while to be able to finally uncover the wreckage. I think what you will find is while the water may be shallower, that area is still pretty big. So i think its going to take a little bit of time. But you know, until they find the flight data recorder and voice recorder, you wont have any defensive answer as to what happened, and certainly one of the keys would be if you did get any debris, if there were an explosion, it leaves a footprint on the metal, and how it would be displayed to investigators would be an enormous indication of what happened. Do you have confidence theyll find that recorder eventually . Yeah, i do. The recorder, there are a couple of them on the aircraft. And its in the water somewhere, just not in an area where they are checking right now. They have broken the search area up into a grid, basically, and they are checking each square of that grid, and may have to check it again. Because the debris may migrate due to currents, but im pretty sure the battery will last at least a good month, and im sure they are going to find it. They did find it in air france in much deeper water. Very, very tragic story, and a mystery still. Mark thanks for sharing your incite. Thank you. The state Department Says three americans were on board the flight, two children, a four year old and a two year old, the third is philip wood from texas. Wood was working and living in malaysia after spending a few years in ibms beijing office. His family says he visited them in texas just last week. This situation is raising a lot of questions about security and how easy it can be to travel with fake or stolen documents. Its hard to believe in this day and age, people with board planes with stolen airports. The airport never checked to see if the two passports were indeed stolen. Last year it is reported that people boarded planes a billion times without having their passport screened. After 911, interpol built a huge database, its available to nearly 200 countries, and it has registered 40 million stolen travel documents. But most countries simply wont be bother running the pass ports. The United States is the best, followed by britain and then the united arab imrates. Other interpol says it is a huge hole in security. Now to the tense situation in ukraine. Nato says it is flying reconnaissance flights over poe lacked and romania to monitor region. So far diplomatic efforts to resolving this crisis are falling flat. And just six days people of crimea are scheduled to vote on a referendum to join russia. Lets go to Nick Schifrin in crimea for the latest. Nick, what is happening on the ground . Reporter yeah, john, good evening. Across crimea in government buildings and in most if not all ukrainian bases there is a russian occasion or russian is surrounding it. There is a real sense that it is only a matter of time before the russians take complete control. . This base ukraine ya yanl ukrainian soldiers are reinforcing their defenses. There is a new directive whether ukrainian soldiers stand outside or inside, guns must be at the ready. Pressure began last week, we fi filmed as a mob stormed the base. This is that same gate six days later, and it is more calm right now, but they have rep forced the gate with solders, and this gate is new, and over here they parked a heavy duty truck filled with cement blocks to block everyone from coming in. They still fly the ukrainian flag. They are so apprehensive of the russians out front they would only let me come if they snuck me over the back wall. This officer has four kids who live outside of the base. Most of these defenses were lasted 40 years ago. Translator it in slow them down. In a fight a few seconds can give you the advantage. Reporter his commander has been negotiating with the russians. He believes he has bought time, but he worries that time is running out. Translator my troops and i are all the time under pressure. There are different provocations, different ultimate tums. Reporter he shows me the latest. Stand down and hand over all weapons. Translator it is a real occupation, we shouldnt pretend otherwise. Reporter when the Russian Troops first arrived the ukrainians were under strict order not to shoot. So they resisted however they could. Today that order still stands. We are going to protect our base, absolutely. But not with gunfire. Reporter this major admit there is not much his troops can do to resist physically, so all they can do is resist the demand to standingdown. What was the response . Translator we are lawfully fulfilling our duty. Reporter but they are not sure how long this lock will hold. He hopes the deal he has made keeps the base safe at least until sunday. Nick schifrin thank you very much. Coming up, deep divide, reports of a growing riff when opposition heards in venezuela. And Edward Snowden says its all about the constitution. And health crisis, attorney general eric holder warns more needs to be done to prevent the rising number of har her win deaths. Pat reports on heroin overdoses. Reporter lorain, ohio, it is here that this man has been fighting a war for the last 12 years, himself and his addiction, heroin, a drug that is becoming increasingly addictive in the United States. He has overdosed 12 times. I woke up and they said hey, this is what is going on, you know . And that was the absolute only option there was or minutes later there wouldnt have been no waking up. Reporter that time he received the lifesaving drug because he made it to the hospital in time. But last month when he overdozed again, he didnt have to wait as long. For the first time, Police Officers here are carrying narcam. Here in loraine, ohio, the rate of death from heroin overdoses trimmed in a year. This doctor convinced the state legislature to change the laws so Police Officers can administer the 20 drug. He says medically there is no down side. It is completely benign. The only function it has is to reverse narcotic overdose. If we sprayed it in the nose of season who doesnt have a narcotic problem, it would be like spraying saline or water. Reporter police used the drugs on 21 people in the first three months, 20 survived. A Smaller Community like this, it just takes off. That could be hundreds of thousands of lives eventually. Reporter the Obama Administration is pushing polices nationwide to arm their officers with nar cam, but the governor of maine vetoed a bill that would make it legal in his state, arguing it would give addicts a false survivor. A week after shooting this video with his sister, she died from an overdose. Police couldnt even get there in time, or spare her 9yearold son the pain of now growing up without his mother. Normer nsa contractor, Edward Snowden says he has no regrets about leaking spy secrets. Last year he leaked classified documents revealing the u. S. Government was monitoring phone and internet information, and he said if he had the chance to do it all again, he would. He says the leaks are helping to fix national security. It is the first time he has spoken directly to the people of the United States since fleeing to russia. Killer whales are a popular attraction at parks,. Reporter killer whales have been entertaining audiences for years. Richard bloom aims to put a stop to these shows, calling them imhumane and dangerous. The longaccepted practice of keeping them alive for peoples amusement must come to an end. Reporter bloom credits the bill to the controversial documentary black fish that chronicled the 2010 death of an experienced trainer. Six time killer whale has lived up to his name. Reporter she was attacked by a killer whale and drowned at sea world. But sea world issued a statement saying quote. Sea world is getting support from others, including san diegos major. They have been a strong factory of the community for years. And they have been a leader in marine conservation. Reporter the major says sea world is also responsible for thousands of years. But animal activists say those shows put their trainers in harms way. Now the fate of killer whales in california lies in the hands of lawmakers who will decide if the shows will go on or if these majestic creatures should retire to the sea. Just ahead, nearly one year after the bombing, boston officials announce new security measures for this years marathon. Then what life is like growing up the child of a may grant worker. Plus extreme farming. Reporter coming up we take you to an unconvention climbing site. Welcome back to Al Jazeera America. Im John Siegenthaler . New york. A lot to get to this half hour, including tensions within the opposition. Well talk with one of the antigovernment leaders in venezuela. Plus standing their ground, hundreds of protesters march to floridas State Capitol to fight a law. And being 8, we meet the child of a Migrant Worker. John there is still no is sign of the airplane that disapped three days ago somewhere between malaysia and vietnam. Debris and oil slicks were reported in the area, but so far it has all been determined to be unrelated to this flight. The plane was headed to beijing and had 239 people on board. Today malaysian and thai Authorities Say they have identified at least one man with a stolen passport. Nato says it will fly air pat roles over poland and romania to monitor the situation in and around ukraine. The countrys interim Prime Minister will be in washington wednesday to meet with president obama. The white house says neat willing be a show of support. Theres also word ukraine and europe could sign a knew political agreement this month. Ousted president yanukovych refused to sign a similar agreement. 25 years ago a baum destroyed panam flight 103 killing 150 people. Only one man was tried for causing the explosion. Reporter 25 years after the bombing which shocked the world, al jazeera has uncovered new evidence which casts doubt over the entire investigation. Documents verified by security and legal experts point to the involvement of irans secret service, hezbollah, an armed group. According to al jazeeras investigation a meeting took place in malta nine months before the coming of the panam flight. The purpose, to discuss american and israeli targets. In essence they were recruiting support. Were all going to help each other. Some of us may be able to do something. Some may be able to do others, but were all going to join together and have a campaign against israel and american targets. We want to inflect maximum damage. Our targets could be gatherings in public places, billings, trains, or airplanes. That was dead on reporter but it was only three months after the meeting when the u. S. Navy shot down a plane killing 290 civilians that the plan was finally hatched. According to a man who was working for irans secret service, he became adamant that a revenge attack had to be executed quickly. The decision was made by the whole system in iran and then [ inaudible ] by ayatollah khomeini. The target was to copy exactly that was happened to the iranian airbus. Minimum 290 people dead. This was the target of the iranian decision makers. Reporter the theory that the pl3 gc were involved isnt new. Many at the time had believed that there was sufficient evidence pointing the finger at the palestinian group. What is new is the evidence that links irans secret service with the attack. I have often wondered whether or not the truth about lockerby will ever come out. So many people at such a high level have a stake in the guilt. Were talking about president s of the United States, secretaries of state, heads of the fbi, british Prime Ministers. Thats what makes this case so difficult. Before i die, this is the truth reporter the person to have been convicted of the bombing is now dead. But with the emergence of the new evidence it could mean that the actual purpose ra rate perpetrators of one of the more horrific acts are still alive. You can see the full program tomorrow night 9 00 eastern, 6 00 pacific time. Venezuela with wrapping up a sixth day of events to remember the life of president hugo chavez, yet violence at antigovernment protests are fuelling tensions within opposition groups. Moderates fear that could jeopardize their push for peaceful political change. Paul beban has more. Paul you talked to one of the Opposition Leaders today. What did he say . Reporter good evening, john. Thats right i spoke to enrique, and he is the primary Opposition Leader who is pushing for as you called it a peaceful resolution to this conflict. Obviously leopold has been in jail now, jailed for to meanting violence. Enrique and his camp are looking for a more peaceful solution. They are giving the government a conve convenient boogie man. Here is what he had to say. Translator i would want that. But i also dont think it is the same case. Ukraine, syria, egypt, its hard to compare. I think we are entering a crucial moment. We are waiting to see if there is a shift in the governments position or attitude . Reporter john that was his response to when i asked him if he thinks this is trending more towards a ukraine or syria sort of outcome, and as you heard him say, the situation is different but he predicts things to get worse before they get better. Paul thank you very much snfrmths now now an 34yearold captain said army leaders may have pushed prosecutors to accept a plea offer of sinclair due to political pressure to show the military is cracking down on sexual abuse. And today on capitol hill, the Senate Overwhelmingly approved changes in the way Sexual Assault trials are held in the military. The measure now moves to the house of representatives. Stand your ground, that law is at the sentence of several controversial cases, include deaths of Trayvon Martin and martin davis. Julia reports from tallahassee, florida. Reporter terrae sha day says she is giving her six Young Children an early lesson in civics. As parent she says she stands firmly against floridas stand your ground law. These arent multiracial children, and these are some of the children that will be effected by the laws that dont you know that dont protect them. Innocent children are getting killed, and theres no justice being served. Reporter Florida Governor jeb bush signed the law into effect in 2005. It gives citizens the legal right to stand their ground rather than retreat. Opponents say the law is vague and can be ambiguously applied. We are with the defenders and stayed in the capitol for 31 days and 30 nights, trying to get our governor to address these issues. Reporter the law has been in the spotlight since the shooting death of Trayvon Martin and the equatal of his accuser. Also on hand on monday the parents of jordan davis, who was shot and killed by michael dunn also in 2012, he claimed he shot in selfdefense. A jury convicted him of attempted murder. Activists from all over the state are here in tallahassee marching in unison. I think were finding far more numbers of individuals that are not minorities that are willing to stand up and say what is happening with the laws across the country legally is not right. This march and rally is the latest effort to push lawmakers into action. Two similar events were held last week. The rally was organized by reverend al sharpton. Since florida adopted the stand your ground law, more than 20 other states have enacted similar laws. The goal, get the law repealed in florida, then push other states to follow suit. Well tomorrow marks the third anniversary of the devastating earthquake and tsunami in japan where more than 15,000 were killed. Reporter japans northeastern coast is marked by what is missing, houses, and loved ones from thousands of lives. This man is doing what he can do to rebuild. He is putting up a memorial, a playground where his house once stood, where the day after the disaster he found his mother cradling the body of his younger daughter. All three of his children had died. Translator on top of the playground there are three arrows pointing at the sky. They symbolize my children. If children come here to play, i think my own children would be happy. Reporter they were 13, 10, and 8 when they died. They plunged he and his wife into what they now call a living hell. In the three years since, he has thrown himself into volunteer work. He senses that his children have guided him. Translator you might think its strange, but when my wife is sitting here and moefr there, eating, drinking, chatting together, sometimes we feel something, someone looking through the glass. When i notice it, so does my wife. And shell say, they probably came home to play again. Reporter a 20minute drive his home is where the sea reared up 20 meters. There is no question that communities up and down the coast are slowly changing. The rebuilding process is underway. But three years on they are still marked by a terrible feeling of absence. Like that of the bank that once stood on this plot. And the 12 Staff Members who were swept from its roof. Woman was one of them. And so last month this 57yearold bus driver qualified as a rescue diver, he wont stop, he says until he finds her body. Translator she needs to come back home, be buried so we can pay tribute to her. If i leave things like that she will continue to lie at the bottom of the ocean. He sits and remembers, its just their bodies that arent here, he says, so he spends time on each lovingly crafted seat once of each child so the others wont get jealous. He says he always be their father. Now to washington, d. C. , and joie chen, japans somber anniversary is also the topic on america tonight. Good evening, john. Tonight on our Program Three years after return to a ghost town that is now fukushima. Three years indeed since the earthquake and tsunami that lead to the disaster. Our correspondent returns to the now empty streets and visits nearly lifeless neighborhoods. The dwindling lifestyle where many have decided just to leave. Translator my youngest son had blood in his urine and stools. But when i took him to a doctor, he told me there was no link to radiation. All of the doctors there said that. Tough decisions, return to fukushima on this sad anniversary coming up another the top of the hour on america tonight. Joie thank you very much for the adventurists looking to scale an ice crusted cliff in iowa. Usher reports. Reporter for climberses a seconding the face of a frigid glacier can be the ultimate rush. But this is not the swiss alps, its a farm outside of seeder falls, iowa. It has to be the first word that anybody has come into their mind when they see Something Like this. Thats so awesome. Reporter it is the brain child of an avid rock claimer and extreme sportsman. The idea came to him 13 years ago while driving the wide open flatlands of iowa. A lot of them are not being used anymore. And these were used to feed cattle. So were putting some pretty good used to it, we think. Reporter the plan was to scale the silo much like rock climbing, but the frigid temperatur temperatures make climbing to the extreme. Temperatures of 26 degrees or lower will generate the ice, the result is 80 feet of frozen slick surface, perfect for climbing. Set it, test it. Reporter briggs has been teaching students the proper techniques for ice climbing. Its the perfect Training Ground for budding mountaineers who might want to graduate to ice covered cliffs. This last week we had a couple of people that went into canada, and said nothing compares to the silo. This is going to prepare you for any difficult climbing there is. Reporter the silo has a designation of wi5, a 7 being the most challenging. It is not easy. Evenmor world class climbers. This is some of the most difficult ice climbing to be found in the United States because of the verticalness of it. It is really tough. It is just consistently tough. Reporter so tough, only 1 in 12 make it to the top on the first try. To actually see yourself through all the way to the top is like oh, my gosh, i can do it. Reporter for these climbers achieving their personal best means scaling the heights right in their backyard. Just ahead, life as a Migrant Worker through the eyes of an 8yearold. Plus why colorado is seeing green and lots of it. A warming tend on the way for a lot of folks on the east coast. We have had showers and isolated thunderstorms, but most of our rain and snow will be focussed in the midwest for your tuesday. But dry weather in the northwest. Much of montana the reason you have flooding on the streams and creeks is because of the big ice jams coming down the river. But look at the temperatures overnight tonight and it is 30 in my opinion minneapolis for a low. But look at the jet streams warmer temperatures to the south, colder temperatures to the north, and starting with warm conditions to the east, you can see how cold air will break out in the east, but a warmer day ahead for much of us on the east coast. The father of sandy hook shooter, is breaking his silence. He spoke out for the first time in an interview with the new yorker. He told the magazine he wishes his son had never been born. He said at the time of the shooting, he had not seen his son in two years, but there were signs that things were off. In his words. Adam lanza killed his mother then shot and killed 20 children and six educators in newtown, connecticut . December of 2012. Boston officials are planning new security measures for next months marathon. At least 3500 Police Officers will be guarding the route. Bags and coolers will not be banned but will be subject to search. Last year three people who were killed, more than 260 injured after two bombs exploded near that finish line. More people in this country are now riding on mass transit. Americans took nearly 11 billion trips on mass transit last year alone. Thats the highest level since 1956. The association attributes mass transit used to more urban living, higher gas prices and an improving economy. And the cities with the biggest increases in ridership were salt lake city, austin, miami, and new orleans. On to being eight, a series examining important issues through the eyes of an eight year old. There are challenges being a member of a Migrant Worker family, but for one family there is also hope. Reporter before dawn, these two are already awake. They wont rest until darkness comes around again. They have four children, but before the girls, including their 8yearold head to school, the mother drives her husband out to the fields. Picks strawberries. When my dad when my mom and daddy used to work right there, i used to go and help them. Reporter but on this morning, she has to go to school. She gets ready on her own. Her mothers energy and focus is often on her younger sister who suffers from Cerebral Palsy and autism. You try to take care of her when shes like crying, but she doesnt stop stop. In the mornings, i go to school, learn, then go to recess, learn more, then go to recess, then come home and do my homework. Reporter many children of migrant farm workers take on parttime jobs once they turn 12. She says she will make sure the other girls never live a life in the fields. Translator when i first got here, i would even cry while i was working in the fields. I arrived in california during the grape harvest, i would ride in the truck and cry because it was such a hard job. Reporter the family makes 18,000 a year. Thats a typical income for those who work in the fields here. This girl is too young to understand why her parents so badly want to chart a different course for her. She just understands she must complete her homework if she wants to live in a big house. So you can get a great job and work and get a house. Stairs up to the rooms. I want a big pool outside. Flowers. Lemons. Oranges. Apples. Reporter its a dream bigger than the family trailer, and for one eight year old, her goal. Colorado says it has selected more than 3. 5 million in fees and taxes on marijuana sales, and thats in january alone. The state takes 30 on all pot sales at dispensaries. Colorado said 59 businesses had filed taxes by the end of january. Marijuana became legal in the state at the start of the year. The state is viewed as a test case. Coming up tonight changing attitudes and culture, a campaign to ban the word bossy from playgrounds and schools. Plus the future of aerial drones over america, and the violations already being reported as the legal effort is now underway to overturn some rules. Tonights freeze frame captures the anxiety as family members wait and hope for answer about their loved ones aboard the missing malaysian airline. A little girl with a sign that reads have hope. Stories that have impact. That make a difference. That open your world. This is what we do. America tonight next only on Al Jazeera America with Al Jazeera America. Welcome to Al Jazeera America. Im richelle carey, here are tonights top stories. Authorities are still looking for clues there are still very few clues three days after a Malaysia Flight disappeared. Search and rescue teams are scouring the area where the jet disappeared. The plane was on its way to beijing. There were 239 people on board including three americans. Two of the passengers were men flying with stolen pass ports. They have identified at least one of them. But it is still not clear how the men got the tickets and why they were traveling. Ukrai ukraines Prime Minister will be in washington to talk with president obama. And in six days the crimea region is set to hold a vote on whether to join russia. And these number of heroin deaths is a public crisis, eric holder says. He is encouraging First Responders around the country to carry the drug that can reverse the fefkts of opiate overdoses. Those are the headlines. Im richelle carey. America tonight with joie chen is up next. You can always get the latest on our website, aljazeera. Com. Do keep it here. On america tonight a disturbiny more than 25 years later. An al Jazeera Documentary investigates, lockerbie, what really happened. Unanswered questions. Also tonight, three years later. A

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