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Hello, i am Jillian Mcdonald in london ill have more on the crisis over crimea as ministers in kiev declare a generally mobilization, well be looking at how ukraines military compares to the might of Russias Armed forces. More than 30 people stabbed to death at a Railway Station in china. But just who was behind the rampage. And whats behind the mask . Well reveal the Serious Business behind the fun of the venice carv cash that carnival. Its a declaration of war and both countries are are the brink of disaster, thats the view from ukraine on the increase in pro Russian Forces that are appearing in its crimea region. Nato, the u. S. , and e. U. Are calling for moscow to back down, some countries are pulling out of talks ahead of the g8 summit in russia in june. Our reporters are standing by on the story, tim friend is liver for us in the ukrainian capital of kiev. Rory challands will have the moscow and robin foresterwalker is in the capital of crimea. Where pro Russian Forces are continuing their build up. But first lets get this report from lawrence lee on the days events in crimea. Reporter this appears to be perhaps the one place ukraines forces in crimea are putting up in i resistence, behind these walls is a Ukrainian Special forces base. The ukrainian flag is still up and they have apparently refuse today give in to those surrounding them. Yet as the russian or pro Russian Forces appear relaxed. Its all as if to say they are only here to stop anyone from harming russian civilians. A priest turned up. He had been blessing soldiers. Will this end peacefully i asked him. No, he said. They planned this for 20 years. Elsewhere there is no sign of any Ukrainian Forces at all. This is the bay, the home of the ukrainian fleet. Victor januar yanukovych the mao Still Believes hes the president of ukraine had a yacht here but it vanished a day or two ago. So has the ukrainian fleet. There is something that looks look a coast guard but its certainly not going to fight anyone. People saw the navel forces leave as well. And in a hurry after what appeared to be a negotiation. Translator at 9 25 the military came in and everybody left the base. Two troop carriers full of soldiers, by 9 40 they had all gone. Reporter we tried to see if there was anyone left. Please refer to our administration said the voice. And that was that. And at the military airport russian soldiers on the perimeter from down the road. They could be seen inside the compound guarding what we believe to be an ammunition depot. So there is no question the pro Russian Forces here are trying to press home their advantage militarily by pushing ukrainian units in places like this either to surrender or to switch sides. And on the political front, a hard deadline now of a referendum in just four weeks. For the separation of crimea. Thats almost two months before planned president ial elections across the country by that time, russia and crimea may have decided their own fate. And, of course, the Russian Forces have the eyes and ears of the loyal locals. These people have manned a road block since we have been here. Whenever we are, so is russia, says the sign. Translator we are here to protect against fascists and terrorists he said. Reporter but where are they i asked him new dont know where they are, he said. Nobody expected terrorists to attack the world trade center. The truth is, there is almost no threat to these people from fascists, soldiers or anybody else. Crimea it seems is going down without a fight. Lawrence lee, al jazerra, in crimea. So lets cross to crimea now for the latest. Robin foresterwalker is there. Updates us on the changes of allegiance that we are seeing and have had had confirmed. Reporter sure, jane, we understand that there is at least one other base facing this same kind of pressure with the Russian Military encircle. Around it. And now what will have probably come as a painful blow to the fledgling interim government in kiev, because just in the last past hour or so, we are hearing that the navel commander that was appointed yesterday, only yesterday by the interim president , has now admitted allegiance, sworn allegiance to the crimean people in the presence of sergei who is the new Prime Minister. He appointed Prime Minister here in the crimean in the crimean region. So what it appears to be is a major defection given that he was only appointed in the past 24 hours or so. And at the same time, the new Prime Minister here, has stated that he is now the military commanderinchief, and he has demanded that all military units not obey the kiev Defense Ministry, not to use their weapons, but to follow only his orders. So its clear that what has been happening today, this encirclement of Ukrainian Military installations by Russian Forces appears to have enabled a bloodless power take over here in crimea. And its one of two things now, it is either a breakaway crimean peninsula, a breakaway region of ukraine, or quite simply a russian protector at. All right, lets leave it there. Robin. A quick reminder, the crisis and what we started seeing four months ago. Thats when protesters turned out in the center of kiev. Many are still there now. That was then after the venture president back you had out of ideal with the e. U. Instead took a 15 billion loan from russia to help his struggle economy then he was forced outus job after his allies deserted him. Now this trouble in the crimea region its part of ukraine but the majority of its population are ethnic russian. The russian president Vladimir Putin says hes protecting them thats led ukraines Prime Minister to say this. Translator we also appeal to the president of russia not to make a decision as to announcing war with ukraine and using armed forces. Our aim now is to use all possible means to resolve the military conflict provoked by russia without any grounds in the territory of ukraine and we appeal that we have to resolve it in a peaceful way. Lets talk to tim friend in kiev. This very young government clearly feeling the heat but what are they going to do about it . Reporter well, theyve got mounting problems now, as you were hearing, the possibility of a pretty major defection to the authorities in crimea. They have just held a press conference at parliament here after yet another meeting to decide tactics. They are saying in effect, we are still in control of our bases in crimea, although they accept that they are blockaded. So they are confronting a situation, i think most observers would say, that they can do very little about. They dont want to trigger any violence or any military confrontation that escalates, and so they are pinning, i think, all of their hopes on the International Community coming to their aid. They are not short of supporters, of course, in that direction, the United States, the United Kingdom as we have been hearing. But moscow has considerable leverage now on ukrainian territory. Crimea may be an autonomous republic but its part of ukraine. But for now its going completely its own way and kiev is in all sorts of difficulties. They have been calling out reservists to serve, they have a tiny army is specially when you compare it to russia, of course. And so as far as any military confrontation goes, i dont think they would wish for that at all because there is really no chance of them succeeding if that became the scenario. Thank you, tim friend. Lets pick up on what tim said about the international pressure. The u. S. And europe be putting pressure on herb a to roll back out of ukraine hoping to economic diplomatic and economic sanctions but its not clear if it will work. Roar land jordan are dan has more. Reporter the u. S. Secretary of state used the sunday affairs show to repeat the message to Vladimir Putin sending Russian Troops in to ukraine is illegal. You just dont invade another country on phone i pretext in order to assert your interests. Reporter but the u. S. Doesnt think that sending in perhaps of its own is the right response. Instead washington and european nations are taking aim at what matters to moscow, for example the g8 summit in sochi. The u. S. Has stopped its planning for the meetings and is hinting it might not attend at all. Canada, france, and britain have taken the same approach. What else is on the table . There could even be ultimately asset freezes, visa bans, there could be certainly disruption of any of the normal trade routine. There could be business draw back on investment in the country. The rubles is already going down and people the impact of this. Reporter members of congress are ready to draw up sanctions if that would revolve th resolve crisis. Congress will have to play an Important Role in this if we believe its important to tone down the military options of civil war in the ukraine. Reporter the International Community is gamble that go russian business interests will pressure putin to think of the countrys bell being and change course. But the British Foreign minister says that doesnt wipeout the need for talks. We will also continue to urge the russian to his speak directly to the ukrainians through ministers and military channels they have so far not wanted to do that. I think we have to explore how they can speak to each other under the asepsis of the united nations. Reporter the crisis has nato ambassadors meeting in brussels and government leaders Holding Conference calls and strategy meetings. The goal to prevent a show of military force inside ukraine from turning in to a war with russia. Roslyn jordan, al jazerra, washington. Lets go to Rory Challands now in moscow, all these threats against russia not military ones but threats nonetheless, yet not a peep from russia, whats going on . I do apologize we seem to have lost Rory Challands there with that live update from moscow, when we get him back later well pit him back on air. Still to come olympic and paralympic sprinter goes on trial for murdering his girlfriend. Well get an opinion in prix tour pretorialater. Jews take to the streets in israel to protest a ruling that could see them drafted in army. In sport well have all the action both on and off and from a dramatic and bad tempered madrid derby. Two explores in northeast nigeria have killed many people. The armed group has been fighting Government Forces in the region, witnesses say the village, along the road was burned to the ground. Here is an update on the attacks in northeastern nigeria. Reporter well, these latest attacks will raise questions about the effect tiffness of the Nigerian Military hes strategy against boca huh ran, everyone though the group has not claimed respond for these attacks it looks like their work because they have been behind hundreds of bombings in the region over the last few years which have killed thousands of people. Now the authorities here remain adamant that they are winning the war. Last year we saw thousands of soldiers pour in to the region to fight the group and there was a serious deescalation in violence however in the last few months and weeks many attacks, at least 200 people have been killed by the group in the last two weeks alone. But the military and the authorities remain adamant that they are winning the war against the group. The head of the military said they would be dealt with by april. They said the group would be defeated. But everything that we see and here coming from the region seems to fly in the ways face of much of what they say. They are huge restriction on his human rights organizations and the nidia in terms of accesses the conflict areas to see whats really going on. Olympic and paralympic runner oscar peu store crows goes on trial monday for the murder of vice girlfriend receive a step camp he shot her on valentines date last year in what he says was a case of mistaken identity. He could face up to life if found guilty. Reporter Oscar Pistorius trial is getting a lot of attention, evening though a judge hasnt heard his case yet some people have made of their minds about the olympic and paralympic runner. I think Oscar Pistorius is a good man. He did run for this country for South African sport and what happened to him was unfortunate. And i hope he gets a future. She was murdered. He did kill someone and he shot her three times. If there was a burglar in the house, shooting them three times, he was shooting to kill if you ask me. Reporter on valentines day last year, pistorius shot his girlfriend at his luxury home in the capital of pretoria. She was a law graduate and well known model. He says he mistook her for someone trying to break in to the house. Prosecutors accuse him of premeditated murder. If convicted he could go to prison for 25 years. A judge has already ruled that some part of the trial can be televised but some people think that could jeopardize his chances of getting a fair trial. Media might make or break the case here because the information that is not in the Public Domain yet might come to the Public Domain when the trial starts running and other witnesses might possibly hear or see this evidence or statements that has been made and might alter the versions that they put to the investigators. Reporter and there are many eyes watching. Journalists from around the world are parked outside the Pretoria High Court ready to broadcast every gift and turn of the court proceedings. A lot of people will be watching this trial and its outcome. In a few weeks a judge will decide whether the decision to pull the trigger was a tragic accident or premeditated murder. The South African legal system does not have trials by a jury. So a judge will preside over the proceedings and ultimately rule on whether pistorius is guilty. Landmark case in pakistan has ended with the first ever conviction for the murder of a journalist in the country. 28yearold was shot dead in 2011. He had been investigating crime and armed groups for the gio news tv channel. Four men were sentence today life in prison and two were given death sentences in ab 10 that. Pakistans government has formally send a onemonth ceasefire offer from the taliban in order to resume peace talks, but islambad says it reserves the right to respond to attacks. Myanmar is allowing Doctors Without Borders to open some clinics in the countrily but has been banned in working in the tomorrow of hundreds of thousands of new limbs, the. The Chinese Government says it will track down on separatist after a mass stabbing that left 33 death it says members of the Muslim Minority carried out the attack that happened in a train station rob mike bride reports. Reporter outside the station a temporary memorial has sprung up. A sense of outrage and disbelief from those paying their respects. Those who were here at the time of the attack and others who could have been. Translator the attack started over there. I came out when i heard screams and saw bodies lying on the ground. Translator i was due to come to the station last night but i couldnt get a ticket if i had i might have been killed. Reporter in hospitals around the city, those injured are being cared for. An appeal has gone out for blood donations. Authorities here are blaming separatists from the troubled region. If confirmed this will be a further deepening of that decades old conflict and happening a long way from there itself. Translator this series violent attack was plan skptsdz organized bicep rah test elements. This incident was the most cruel atrocity. The communist party of china has paid high attention to the incidents. The president immediately instructed Law Enforcement agencies to investigate and deal with the case. Reporter this is a sensitive time in china, ahead of the annual National Peoples congress gathering in beijing. And security has been stepped up in the chinese capital. But packed with travelers provincial Railway Stations are impossible to secure completely. A country the size of china has so many potential targets. The more remote they are, the more vulnerable. Those who were killed and wounded have the misfortune to be in this station at the very time the attackers decided to strike. Rob mcbride, al jazerra. Tensions have been simmering over a heavily muslim region in chinas far west it is home to the muslim people many who are unhappy about chinese restriction on his their culture and religion. But this is the first time people from there have been blamed for carrying out such a big attack so far from home. Last october the communist Party Leadership said the separatists were responsible for an attack on beijings tieniman square. A vehicle plowed in to tourists killing five people. Lets get more now from the former presiden president of tha american association, remember they behind this attack . Well, its hard to give you any exact information because the Chinese Government is the one that needs to investigate and provide public more information. But whatever the reason, whoever did it, its a heinous act and civilians should not be attacked in such a horrible way. Many innocent lives have been lost. Whoever is responsible if you could hazard a guess what sort of message are they trying to get across . If it is somebody from that community what would the message be . It shouldnt happen. There is no one by any reason to kill anyone its unacceptable in any standard and i dont know because what the Chinese Government is saying is that this events has been these killings have been done by them and they dont know. The Chinese Government should provide more information because they are the one that ca consider this do that. Here something needs to be clarified. And i dont remember any organization or represent any group of people. I can help you understand i got that. The government in recent years you dont they dont have a particularly Good Relationship with the Chinese Government. If the Chinese Government believes it is them, do you think theyll crack down on them in some form. Well, Chinese Government should exercise restraint. At this time Chinese Government should also look at their policies, and seeing if its working. Its been evident since the ethnic cleanse since 2009 what was Chinese Government is believing has backfired. The Chinese Government should sit down and think about and reexamine its policy and maybe should start listening to the legitimate grievances of the people in general. Are they grievances legitimate . Are you given a tough time. Let me tell you what is a legitimate grievance, they cannot exercise their religious freedom freely. They are dont have Political Freedom much like most of the Chinese People in china. Their National Existence have been under threat and the Chinese Government has never tried to correct it. They are beefing up the security in the region and using the various tools and mechanism that his they have to silence the population as it has been evident in the case of professor who was recently arrested and been charged for separatism. So if the Chinese Government stop doing that kind of stuff and start listening to people they can accomplish stability and whats called ethnic harmony. The people are not only condemned not only condemned any type of violent activities particularly the ones that in america, the American Communities dont like anything like this. Period. Its unacceptable. What sort of tools do you have to get what you want from the Chinese Government . I mean, are you having conversations with them . The Chinese Government refuse to talk to any foreign based uighur organization. There are a couple of organizations relatively well known, one is the Congress Based in munich germany. The other one is the uighu american organize that i used to lead. Both of indirectly funded by the u. S. Congress to conduct Human Rights Research and documentation and the United States government as well as some civilized governments in the west have been urging Chinese Government to look at their policies and loosen up religious restrictions and grant them the rights that are guaranteed under the chinese contusion and autonomy laws. Such as freed town worship, freedom of speech, cultural rights. If you look at even signs in the capital there you see chinese and uighur letters. The chinese have a very nice written autonomy law but its only been on paper. They need to look at it and to some soul searching. Okay. And the Chinese Government has to realize that the way that they try to achieve prosperity and civility in that area is not going to work if they just use their security forces. Okay, well, i have somebody listening, thank you very much for that. Thank you very much for having me. Israels Ultra Orthodox Jewish community has come out in the hundreds of thousands to protest against a prosed law if approved the ultra orthodox would be drafted in to the army. Helen fisher has more from jerusalem. Reporter they wanted a show of strength, they got it. Hundreds of thousands filling the streets of west jerusalem stretching back as far as the eye could see. Ultra orthodox juice angry at government plans to have them serve in the military. The massive turn out a sign of the anger in the Ultra Orthodox Jewish community against the governments plans from the stage no political rhetoric. Just a call to prayer and to protest. They began arriving hours before the official start. Many walks for klu kilometers, y came from all over israel. They have been except from serving time in the military their prayers, religious studies seen as their service to the country. From a few hundred given a pass its grown to hundreds of thousands. The government wants that to change. The ultra orthodox believes that could put the very spirit the israel at risk. We have proven that our contribution helps the community and kept the people of israel as one nation throughout 3,000 years. And we are confident that what we do is the actual deed that combines and keeps the jewish nation to flourish in the future. Reporter the government is hoping it can find a compromise, but insists the ultra orthodox must do whatever other israeli does and serve in the military i have. But there is no sign of the religious right backing down and it says that it will continue to take its strength to the streets. Alan fish he should a fisher,. We meet the children forced to work 12 hairs a day to feet their parents. Plus the prison in napal that was built as a stable and now houses scores of criminals. Lewis hamilton sets the place on the final day of testing. We have the details in sport. These protestors have decided that today they will be arrested these people have chased a president from power, theyve torn down a state. Whats clear is that people dont just need protection, they need assistance. The top stories on al jazerra troops believed to be russian are blockading a ukrainian base in crimea. The new ukrainian Prime Minister says moscow has effectively declared war. And ukraine says the head of its navy has committed treason for defecting to the pro russian leaders of crimea. The u. S. , france, britain and canada all say they are canceling preparations for the g8 meeting due to be held i in russia in june. And nato is discussing their next steps in the face of russias military action. Protest nurse venezuela are holding a new round of antigovernment rallies refuse to go negotiate with president Nicholas Maduro until all those arrested including a prominent Opposition Leader are released. Lets join Julie Mcdonald in our european news center now for more on the crisis in ukraine, jewel. I jane, thank you. Well, ukraine has responded to the threat of war with russia, by declaring a generally mobilization, military reservists have been called up and volunteers have been lining up outside recruiting station says Jacky Rowland has the latest from kiev. Reporter ukrainians are preparing themselves for war. In kiev, where there is already been so much bloodshed, people express thei their allegiance to ukraine and their defiance of russia. Its fighting red writ and for now, it still is only talk. Parliament has been meeting in emergency session. Afterwards the Prime Minister said russia had brought them to the brink of disaster. This is not a threat, this is actually the declaration of war to my country. And we urge president putin to pull back his military and to stick to the International Obligations and Bilateral Agreements that were signed between ukraine and russia. Reporter the army has opened recruiting stations across the country. There are nine in the capital alone. This office on the outskirts of kiev men were waiting outside everybody before the doors opened. People have been responding enthusiastically to the call to mobilize, here there are young men, older men, people with military experience, people without any military experience at all. But who still want to take part. We have visited a total of three stations in and around kiev and already in the first few hours several hundred people have enlisted. Somehow we have to win. And i am i cant tell you that we will win, but i am sure that we have to win. And we will do everything that you can see people different age, from 18 to 60 they are volunteers. I know that russia is powerful, and they have nuclear weapon, but on the other side we have our friends in europe and the United States will already claim sport, so we will fight until then. Reporter this is the gravest confrontation between russia and the west since the end of the cold war. What started here it is a protest movement has escalated beyond what most of the demonstrators could have imagined. And its not over yet. Jackijack jackie rowland, al ja, kiev. There have been protests in ukraine, here in londons hundreds of ukrainians and their supporters marched to the Russian Embassy chanting sloga slogans. While in germany 350 people marched protest is against the military seen yo seizure of cri. Rush as huh no right to step on ukrainian soil. In russia there were arrests after about 200 people gathered outside of the Defense Ministry in moscow to demonstrate their opposition to military action organizers said about 100 protesters were taken away when they refused to leave the streets. 20,000 in moscow gathered to support president putin. The organizer said the march brought together youths and students from war veteran organizations. This comes in the face of a massive imbalance in military force between the two countries. Lets have a look at how their armed forces compare. The rushing an army has 285,000 soldiers, more than four times as many as ukraines, with 64,750. Russia also has twice as many tanks, 200550 compared to 1,110 for ukraine. Russias air force has 1,389 combat capable aircraft to ukraines 221. Thats five times as many. And when it comes to the navy, russia has 116 surface vessels to just 11 for ukraine. And 64 submarines, ukraine has just one. And while the number of personnel in ukraines navy, including navel infantry comes to 16,950, russia can count on 150,000 of whom 11,000 are based in crimea itself. Well, earlier i spoke to the defense analyst and i asked him just how strong russias army really is. The numbers are huge. They clearly invested a lot of money, capital in their equipment over decades. By they are not as good as we would like to see them in the west we do have this image of the russian bear still a very cold war image of the Russian Military machine. Which we sort of buildup ourselves, the fact is the equipment is old, its not very good and they dont always perform very well we saw that in chechnya and also in georgia. A lot of people in the west didnt pick up on this, but after george a the head of the Russian Military was sacked for them it was a close run thing, it wasnt quite how it was portrayed in the western media. Military speaking how do you see things unfolding . This always goes to the one with the people with the more equipment and to the people prepared too ice it the most. Do the ukrainians really have stomach to take on the Russian Military. Probably not. The country is did divided. They dont know which part of the military will be loyal to them and the russians know what buttons to push and ukrainians probably understand that while the west are making lots of positive noises on their battaglia behalf. They are not going to intervene do, they want to fight the russians them selfs . The answer is probably no. What about the black sea fleet. Talk about the context of the black sea fleet. There are two reasons ukraine is important to russia, one is the understanding of what it is to be russian, the second is the black sea fleet. This is where their fleet is harbored. It has good ports which can protect from storms, the best ports in the black sea. The russian for the russians this is Critical National infrastructure, they will not let it go. A couple of year old ago they sign aid 30 year lease with the ukrainians saying we can keep our fleet there. Have 25,000 personnel and in return well give you 30 off your energy prices. Thats business the russians will not let the black sea fleet go. Alfromthats all from london. Protesters in venture swa lahr are holding more rallies they refuse to negotiate with Nicholas Maduro until all arrested are released. Maduro says the protests are part of a washingtonbacked coup. The rally started almost a month ago when students in the western states demanded better security. Protesters are also frustrated with the rate of inflation, currently at 56 . A high crime rate and shortages of basic goods. At least 18 people have been killed and 250 injured in the demonstrations. Daniel is liver for us in caracas. Update us on the protests, if you will, daniel. Reporter well, thousands of people, opposition protesters have been marching, still marching here in caracas. They came from four different points around the city to meet in the center, in a central plaza. Its difficult at this stage to game the numbers. Its very important today as far as the opposition is concerned that they have this show of strength. To keep the momentum of the protests going after nearly a month out on the streets, the barricades barricading the streets and as you say, 18 People Killed so far in the clashes. They are refuse to go talk to the government. Saying calling it a dictatorial government that doesnt bigs tone them. President Nicholas Maduro has asked for dialogue. Have talked to some of the society and they are investigating some of these killings. But for now, very much a standoff from both sides. I think very much at a crossroads as well to see which way the Opposition Movement is going whether the numbers are growing or there is a continuation of what we have seen the last few weeks. Where do you think this leads maduro, should he be nervous . Reporter i think he probably is nervous. He certainly is digging his heels in. Trying to consolidate his place in office. Hes only been in office for under a year. Just about winning elections a year ago, after the death of the previous president hugo chavez. In a couple of days time we have that first year anniversary, march the fifth of the death of hugo chavez. I think we are going to reach some kind of crunch point then with the government consolidating its place in power while the opposition increased their demands for fundamental change in the government. A noisy caracas, daniel, thank you, daniel. Al jazerra continues to demand the release of its staff being held in egypt. They have now spent 64 days in prison, they are accused of having links with the terrorist organization and spreading follows news. Al jazerra rejects the charges. Another journalist from the networks arabic channel has been held since august. Hes been on Hunger Strike for more than a month to protest against his immaterial prison. Impress think. Thimpress think. The what are request syria have forced many to leave. Some say they have no choice but to let their children work. A report from jordan. Reporter he is 12 and his familys only bread winners and works at a pastry shop 12 hours a day, seven days a week. For his frail little body this job is exhausting the 200 i earns every month is desperately needed to pay his familys rent. Being pushed in to the workforce means being pulled out of school. Translator i was forced to work to help my parents. We have no money and rent is so expensive. If i dont help my parents who is going to do that . Reporter mohamed is the eldest of his siblings both of his parents are ill. His mother says she knows the importance of schooling and says making her son work is heartbreaking. Translator my heart breaks when he returns home from work because hes in pain. His feet bleed from standing up all day and working it makes me so sad. Reporter another shop where another syrian child is working. He is 13, also working 12 hours a day, all week, for less than half the minimum wage in jordan. He also wishes he can go to school. Translator the worst part about working is carrying the heavy sacks and my boss screaming at me. Reporter the minimum working age is 16. But the authorities have so far been lenient on hopeless working syrian children. The longest syrian refer i i didnts remaiiirefugees workherl couldnt. Humanitarian agencies worn that syria might end up with a generation disengaged from education. International aid agencies are trying to help get these children out of work and back in to school by providing cash assistance to the parent. There are very few sent nurse jordan that deal with child labor so we would like to expand those centers in cooperation with the minister of labor and social development that are already part of the National Framework against child labor. So funding is definitely an issue. Reporter many syrian children in exile are living without even the bare minimum of childhood rights. For those like mohamed going to school would make them feel more important. But working makes them feel like less of a burden. Al jazerra. U. S. Prem barack obama will host israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on monday. Two issues expected to top the agenda, negotiations with iran and peace talks with the palestinians, our white house correspond end Patty Culhane reports. Reporter which they host their annual meeting in washington, they want to get a tellings. With slick sets and a huge Convention Hall there to welcome 14,000 supporters. It is a mustattend event for most u. S. Politicians their power feared by many. Last year in 2013 they spent 3 million thats not even including grassroots lobbying efforts that take place at the state level or involve, you know, mail drives and stuff like that. So thats just directly trying to influence members of congress and the executive bran. Reporter again this year the members will fan out over the capitol to directly Lobby Congress they are expected to try to accomplish what their lobby failed to do. Get enough support for a bill to increase exhibit sanction on his iran and set the terms for any final agreement over its Nuclear Program. The moral liberal leaning israeli lobby j street believes that exposed a weakness for them which is largely zeina lined with the current israeli government. They win their battles when the american people, when American Jews agree with them. But when they go out against the views of the people, they lose. And a perfect example was what happened with syria. Reporter they pushed hard to try to get congress to approve military strikes on syria and failed. And now, again, failure on iran. In the recent op ed its leadership stressed they are not giving up. Writing the deal must include at a minimum the dismantling of its Nuclear Program so that iran has neither a uranium or play tone yum pathway to a nuclear weapon. Thats not the end goal for the u. S. President so in private and with a big public display, netanyahu will try to chango bomb as mind while reassuring his american base that they are still a force to be reckoned with. Patty culhane, al jazerra. Washington. In sport, could big spending Manchester City pick up the first major trovist english single . Raul will be here with the results later. Al jazeera america. Prisons in napal are overcrowded and fall apart. And prisoners say upgrades promised by the authorities are taking far too long. Here is more on prison life in rural western napal. Reporter this might look like a holiday spot, but these who live here never see this nag miff sent view. This is the district prison. The warden has a tough job. Besides imagining the prison he also has to make sure that the building doesnt fall apart. This is his office. Translator this building was built as a stable. It was later turned in to a prison. This building is over 100 years old. Reporter prisons have been built between 1846 and 1951 and today maintenance is often ignored. Translator look, the wood here is rotting. Reporter like many other prisons in napal, this one houses more people than it can imagine, this is supposed to house 20 people but right now it houses more than 70 inmates authorities fear that should the number of prisoners increase, they might have to pitch tents outside to accommodate them. Inmates have to share the narrow areas outside the building for warmth in the winter sun. Recreation is limited to a board game. Only came to make money is knitting. Petty thief to his hardcore criminals all share this space, as the dry season starts there is a new crisis. The Drinking Water supply for the district headquarters has dried up. Translator we have to buy tankers of water and manage within the budget given by the government. Reporter last year prisoners had to manage with only two mugs of water a day. We have written to the headquarters requesting them to rebuild this prison. The government is building prisons in stages across the country. Reporter in 2008, a u. N. Study said friday prisons needed to be upgraded. Prison operators and the police say its happening, but for most of these inmates its taking much too long, al jazerra, nepal. Lets get to sports news now. Jane, thank you very much. Football and the madrid derby between atletico and real was a friday dickbly dramatic affair, incredible goal, lastminute comebacks and a little bit of violence throw throw thrown in. Real went in having won their last eight matchs at the calderon stadium and they looked like extend that when ben seem gave them the lead. They equa equalize odd 27 minut, just before the break, have a look at this. Unbelievable. The atletico captain making it 21 and sending the home fans wild. Things got rather heated in the second half. Atletico assistant coach getting ever so slightly upset over booking to diego costa. And there was still time for another twist. He had had a rather quiet game for him Cristiano Ronaldo but he did have the final word scoring the equalizer eight minutes from time. 22 the final score. That means real lead the table from atletico by three points. Well, earlier villarreal dropped points in their chase for i Champions League place they were held to a 11 draw by real bettis, the home side took the lead after a dubious penalty was awarded. Converting the spot kick, five minutes from time bet its bettd a point. Real sociedad can replace them if fifth if they beat savilla. And barcelona could go second just a point behind real a madrid if they can be al maria in one of the late games in spain. The first silverware of england has been won, Manchester City beat sunderland think sunderland had a good record against city going in to this game having won their last four encounters at the stadium of light so maybe it wasnt a surprise when their online striker from Liverpool Fabio barrob i gave them the lead in the first half. But two goals in two minutes from yaya tour tour a and samis renasriand then they won. 168,000dollar fine. The cup line confrontation happened in the 72nd minute in the newcastles match with hull. David bargeed in to pardue before the manager retal yeted with his head. He was immediately sent to the fans by the referee. The incident overshadowed newcastles 41 win, the fa say theyll launch an investigate in to the incident. The incident is real on top of me and pushed me away and Everything Else i have tried to just east him away with me but obviously put my head in a Forward Motion and you just cant do that. I apologized to him. To everyone at hull and particularly my own fans as well. I dont think it was a headbutt. It was a motion, it was pushing him away and getting him out of my face really. Well, the three games in the epl on sunday. Tottenham tighten their grip on fifth with a win over cardiff. As tonight village thrashed norwich 141. Teams are tight at the top of the premier league, chelsea leading by four points over liverpool. Its the opposite in germany Bayern Munich are an incredible 20 points clear at the top of the bundesliga following their latest 51 thrash of the that ca. They were beating by real ma mad in midweek. They are four goals down after 28 minutes, iran robben completing the penalty. Giving him a patrick. Two weeks tag to the australian grand prix. Hamilton has sent out a warning. The mercedes driver was the quickest and is his display shows why many believe hes on course to win his second title. The sebatians red bull completed 77 lapse after doing precisely none on saturday but he still suffered a spin caused by an apparent brake failure. He completed the most lapse and despite an evening i believe ene clocked the second fastest time. An engine failure, i think related to just very high mileage. So, you know, all good things come to an end at some point. Thats how it goes, but overall still a very good day. We missed one run in the end. So that should have been interesting. But i think we need to be happy with how the testing has been going for us. Michael clark passed 150 as australia built a sizable first inning score against south africa and the deciding test in cape town. They started dat i on 331 for three and despite losing partners regularly, clark reached his it up and went onto score 151 before play was called off due to bad weather. Meanwhile, the star of the show as pakistan beat arch rivals india as asia cup a oneday tournament this. Chasing indias 245 and pakistan needed 10 off the last over no problem for boom boom he hit consecutive sixes to see pack pakistan home with two balls to spare. Plus spore on our website check aljazerra. Com sport and details there and use twitter and facebook. Thats it, ill be back with more later. Thank you. Every year thousands travel to italy for the renowned venice carnival. It started as a street party for the lower classes but now is keeping the local economy afloat. Some of the most elaborate costumes fetch more than 34,000. Claudia reports. Reporter dressed to impress. At the carnival of venice, on sunday thousands of tourists backs the italian city for the annual ma raid of costumes. Behind the masks lies a tradition that keeps the local economy afloat. Antonia has tailored carnival as costumes for 20 years with a price tag up to 30,000 so she only indicators for wealthy party goers. Translator the real luxury is to play and wear a costume for one night and behind a mask be your true self. Reporter the most exclusive carnival ball in venice, the entry ticket costs 2,000. The first van value in venues was held in the 13 the century as a festivity for the lower classes behind the mask rich and poor looked equal even if just for a few days, but today carnival is for those who can afford it. While these parties too expensive for most va van come goers it generates a revenue of 6 million. Thanks to the hotel rooms private transport and restaurant bills paid for by its effluent guests, venice Officials Say the wealth created by private balls trickles down on the entire citys economy. Translator we estimate every Year Carnival brings to the citys coffer 40 to 50 Million Euros in 20 daze with around 800,000 pima tending it the publicists it publicity is inva. While the rest of the country is sinking venice is having a ball. We want to let you know we are waiting for a nato press conference in brussels as soon as it starts well take you there. That should be in the next couple of minutes or so, thank for watching. Good afternoon, and welcome to Al Jazerra America i am Morgan Radford live in new york city. And here are the stories we are following for you right now. Ukraine accuses their navel chief of treason as he swears allegiance to a russianbacked leader the Ukrainian Government beefs up its military in response to russian moves in crimea. Its really 19th century behavior in the 21st century. This cannot be the way to conduct international fairs. And on to the red carpet we give you a sneak peek at the

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