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The Egyptian Embassy in london holds protests to demonstrate against the detention of journalists. Protesters are still on the streets of the ukrainian capitol of kiev after a night of clashes that left 26 people dead and more than 200 others injured this Opposition Leaders are urging protesters to hold their ground. Demonstrators fought with police overnight in the worst outbreak of violence since the protests began in november. Reporter the morning after the brutal crush, city inflamed by violence, both sides refusing to give up. Overnight Independence Square the Central Point for protesters went from encampment to war zone. This footage showing injured protesters being treated by volunteer paramedics. But clashes continuing even as the wounded were carried away. The president still blaming his opponents for the ruthless crackdown. Translator my duty is to ensure peace in the country, peace of the citizens and peace for everyone. Therefore, im again calling for the Opposition Leaders who claim to also want a peaceful resolution to immediately separate themselves from the radical forces that promote blood shred. Reporter the bloody crackdown continued throughout the night. And Police Fought to clear Independence Square, people responded with whatever they could lay their hands on. From the other side, stun grenades and rubber bullets, and tear gas canisters screamed through the night. An Armored Vehicle attempted to break through, it didnt last long before being engulfed by fire. We have to stop [ inaudible ] its our main goal, and i told the president right now, we have talked [ inaudible ] because every minute [ inaudible ]. Reporter these aerial views show how much damage has been done in kiev in a conflict that has alarmed many western leaders. This is a battle which overtime has only see more blood spilled on the streets of kiev. European leaders have been condemning the bloodshed. We can get more from Lauren Taylor in london. The European Union has been keeping a close eye on the represents since the events began. Katherine ashton is urging restraint. James bayes reports from vienna on reaction to the bloodshed. Reporter in european capitols universal condemn a decision of the crackdown. Translator unacceptable, intolerable and inadmissible acts of violence. The chancellor and myself together with our two governments condemn all f these actions and the oppression expressed by the authorities, our first request is that this ceases and calm and tranquility are restored. Translator we sympathize with all of the victims of violence there, and we appeal that there be political dialogue again. Only political dialogue can bring progress. My apologies slight technical problem there. We now can go to simon mcgregorwood for moore reaction. Simon some very Strong Language coming from both leaders. Yes, it was. And i think both gave those listening at least their desire to move forward and Start Talking about active sanctions. Later during questions and answers, the french president stressed that there should be gradual sanctions for those acting on the oppression. The key thing, lauren whether these two leaders through their Foreign Ministers and the other members, 28 of the eu will be able to come up with a plan of action tomorrow. There is an emergency meeting of Foreign Ministers tomorrow called by Katherine Ashton. She has played a very significant personal role in trying to design the eus response to this crisis in ukraine. The big question i think is whether the rhetoric of mr. Hollande and madam merkel can be translated into euwide action, not something that is easy for the eu to do. There are people tweeting from brussels that the move may not be all that you might assume it from listening to mr. Hollande and madam merkel. Katherine ashton has been out in ukraine, and it is one of those areas where everyone seems to be a finger in the pie, do they have a sense that that may have been part of the problem . If you listen to the russian spokesman, they are issues spark acquisitions against the European Union, suggesting that the European Union has been stirring up trouble on the streets of ukraine. It has been implied that they are being directed by outside forces, but i think its clear they mean people like Katherine Ashton and other eu officials. And the European Union has to tread a very delicate path. At a summit, president putin made it quite clear during his press conference that the ukraine issue is a significant challenge between improving eu and russian relations. It is not likely to get any better if the eu officials agree on sanctions tomorrow in brussels. Thank you very much. Six members of the punk group pussy riot have been attacked. Putting on their signature ski masks, when at least ten Security Officials attacked them. The police later investigated the attack, but no one was arrested. Thats it from london for the moment, ill be back later. Now back to doha. Twin suicide bombs have exploded in beirut killing at least seven people and 100 others were injured. It is close to the iranian cultural center. A group linked to alqaeda has claimed responsibility. Stephanie decker reports from beirut. Reporter a message right at the doors of the cultural center. Two car bombs exploded simultaneously. One of the bombers spoke with an officer, and then the two explosions went off. Reporter the army has cordoned off the area. People are very nervous, we have also seen a few young men being arrested and taken away. Apartments and shops have had their windows blown out here. The attack was planned by an alqaedaaffiliated group. They have warned that if hezbollah doesnt stop its members from fighting alongside the syrian army, the third quarters will continue. They dont want lebanon to be a unified country, and now we have them on all of our borders, and that was the declaration from the first day. Reporter the same group said it was behind the november attack that killed the cultural attache. It is causing increased tensions between the sunnis and shiite here. Both camps are now part of a fledgling new government, and they have promised to bring the security situation under control. But that is looking increasingly difficult and causing a dangerous divide amongst the people here. Human rights watchers accuse the Syrian Government of using a new type of weapon against civilians that is banned in many countries. The group says there is evidence that this attack involved a powerful cluster rocket. More than a hundred countries have done condemned syrias use of cluster weapons. The taliban has claimed responsibility for an attack on an convoy caring african president ial candidate. His vehicle was shot at. He is a top commander, a contender to replace karzai after the election in april. The libyan Prime Minister has condemned what he calls an attempted military coup after two armed groups demanded that the National Parliament resign. The groups are angry because parliament has extended its mandate. The Prime Minister says any attempts to overthrow the government will be stopped. Translator we refuse a military coup. We refuse the use of power in order to force something on the libyan people. We are for peaceful and wise communication between all libyans. N all parties have to know that the libyan people also have an opinion that should be taken into consideration. Now the libyan people want a shift transition of power that is what is needed. Still to come here at al jazeera, scenes of defiance in support of al jazeeras staff detained in egypt. And after 64 years of painful separation, we need one korean woman has she prepared to reunite with her family in the north. Russias mixed fortunes at the olympics as its medals on the ice. Details coming up with jo in sport. Gunfire has again erupted near the airport in the Central African republic capitol. Christian rebels were trying to stop muslims from leaving the country. And they have been blocking roads leading to the airport. Tanya paige is there in bangee. Tanya has the fighting ended in the area . Reporter it has now ended, although there is still a very high presence of french soldiers at the airport and African Union soldiers on the main road, just trying to make it secure to try to bring some calm back to the city. Where i am right now is actually the camp where thousands of muslims have been seeking shelter in a giant aircraft hangar, they are camped out underneath helicopters. They have been telling us just in the last few opinions that this convoy was attacked by the antisel ka as they were trying to leave the city. They dont know why the antibalaka have brought the convoy under attack. But we do know they want to drive the muslims out of the area. But it really gives you sort of a sense of the ongoing sense of lawlessness that pervades the country still. And from what you have been able to witness, what much control are the French Forces having over a situation like this . Despite the fact that there are about 5,000 African Union soldiers and about 1600 french soldiers here, that still that Something Like this that hours of prolonged gunfire, shelling, automatic weapon fire can happen really right on the doorstep of the countrys Main Transport hub. That is pretty much all there is to stay. There is no security in the capitol, let alone beyond the limbs of the capitol, i dont know the city limits there are atrocities being committed on almost a daily basis. And thats problem of the part. The peace keepers cant really span out throughout this vast country, and get a grip on what the humanitarian situation is beyond the city limits. All right. Tanya paige reporting live from the Central African republic capitol of bangee. A Thai Government has ordered no violence against protesters. Five people were killed and dozens more were injured on tuesday. Opposition protesters are rallying outside the Prime Ministers headquarters. And they have blocked access to other government buildings. Al jazeeras veronica is where the violence broke out. Reporter tuesdays fight brings to 15 the total number of People Killed during these antigovernment demonstrations over the last few months and 683 people who have been injured the day after at at this very sight people to be very calm. The crowd are watching their icon as he delivers his message of no negotiations with the government. They want to topple the government and replace it with an unelected government that will put in reform before new elections are held. This is one of the major sites and it stretches from the democracy monument about 500 meters that way, to the United Nations building about a kilometer in that direction. That is all occupied by antigovernment demonstrators. You would think it would be a fairly straightforward matter for police to clear it, but as we saw yesterday, it is not, it has turned into a violent incident, and thats a function of the highly politicaled is security institutes here in thailand. The military seen as being antigovernment, and it is a knot that cannot be unraffled without negotiations which seem to be at a stand still. A group of elderly south care koreans are set to reunite from family members from north korea harry faucet has more. Reporter this women had told herself this day would never come. 64 years since a painful separation, she is finally on her way to north korea. The older sister used to give her piggybacks and push her on swings, has died, but this trip means a chance to meet her nephew. She hopes to hear for the first time how her sister lived and died in north korea. Translator even if its just my nephew, i want to give him a hug, and i hope we can achieve reunification soon. Reporter five months ago, kim was devastated when north korea pulled out of a reunion. It was last friday when this reunion was finally confirmed. Just a day after the date that this was set, north korea threatened to pull out due to military exercises. This represents something much more deeply felt for the dozens of people preparing to meet theired loved up withes. Translator 26 in the group are over 90 years old. We have to be very careful. Its more challenging than any other time. Thats why there are so many more accompanying family members. Translator i have taken my motion sickness and Blood Pressure medicine, im all fit. Im so excited about meeting my nephew. Reporter after all of the years of waiting, it is now just a few more hours before she meets her sisters son. The venezuelan Opposition Leader is due to appear in court, accused of inciting violence during last weeks demonstrations. His supporters are already gathering. His popular will party released a message calling on supporters to take action. He says the charges against him are unjust. To columbia now. And a country with a new military chief today after the head of the armed forces was fired. The general was heard criticizing investigations into extra judicial killings in a leaked telephone recording. He was speaking to a colonel imprisoned over links to some of those deaths. Lets find out more about this. Tell us more about this. This obviously involves some secret recordings of telephone calls. Yes, martine, the local magazine came out last sunday with the investigation that essentially exposed one of the Biggest Network of corruption in the columbian armed forces. Since then six generals have been fired, and as you were saying the highest was the head of the armed forces who was caught in one of the recordings speaking to one of his jailed colleagues, a colonel who is in prison right now because he is accused of extra judicial killings. Just as a reminder here, one of the biggest [ technical difficulties ] but besides this recording was starting to come to the surface is the fact that corruption was rampant and many soldiers were participating in this, and some highlevel officials were getting as much as 50 kickbacks on a deal. Given the amount of scandals that the Columbian Army has been mired in over the years, are expectations high for the new military boss . Well, he has been in the military for a long time, so many see him as a person very close to the president of columbia, somebody who agrees with him; that the military needs to get over its history of corruption and especially needs to deal directly with the people of columbia about the allegations of the extra judicial killings. Remember, that columbia is in the middle of a Peace Process that has been going on for months. So its very important so show that it is paramount in the military. But just two weeks ago another scandal effects the military when the same magazine revealed that parts of the military very aledgedly spying on the government seas negotiators. So it will take them some time to clean up the situation here. All right. Thanks very much indeed. Now the west african nation of guinea is really struggling in its fight against cocaine smuggling. And as reported the shipments have increased dramatically in recent years. Reporter this is guineas port, which in recent years has become an attractive Transit Route for cocaine traffickers. To fight this drug traffic, it seems that it continues, but maybe [ inaudible ] in some part of the country, stronger than the government. Reporter the guineian government is trying to crack down on the illegal trade. These men are being trained to become antinarcotics officers, but there are still too Many Police Officers to patrol the area. Translator fighting Drug Trafficking is a very difficult task. We patrol day and night. But we are poor and have very few resources, so its hard to protect our country. Reporter last yearround 20 million kilograms of cocaine, mostly from columbia and venezuela passed through africa, guinea is the shortest post through the area. But its hurting the president s efforts to rebuild the economy after a military coup. Guinea has vast reserves of iron ore. The break down of law and order associated with the drug trade could effect development. Lot more to come here on the al jazeera news hour, including egypts once thriving tourist industry suffers a set back. The biggest threat to people wanting to see some of i its ancient treasurers. The headline, pass the spokesperson, to the streets. Thousands of riot Police Deployed across the capital. We put all of our Global Resources behind every story. It is a scene of utter devastation. And follow it no matter where it leads all the way to you. Al jazeera ari Al Jazeera America gives you the total news experience anytime, anywhere. More on every screen. Digital, mobile, social. Visit aljazeera. Com. Follow ajam on twitter. And like Aljazeera America on facebook for more stories, more access, more conversations. So you dont just stay on top of the news, go deeper and get more perspectives on every issue. Al jazeera america. Youre with the al jazeera news hour, a reminder of our top stories. Opposition leaders in ukraine are urging demonstrators to remain on the streets. 26 people were killed overnight, the french president said those courting violence in ukraine will be sanctioned . Two blasts in beirut have killed at least 7 people and injured more than a 100 an Al Qaedalinked group has claimed responsibility for the attacks. A general was heard criticizing investigations into extra judicial killings in a leaked telephone reporting. And back to our feign story today, the ongoing situation in ukrainian capitol of kiev. Andrew similar mons is in the midst of Independence Square just as nightfall is occurring. What is the situation around you . Reporter as you say night is falling. There has been a call from the Opposition Leader for people to stay in the square. The cathedral behind me was used as a hospital 24 hours ago, during that attack which was followed by counterattacks, the worst violence in the months of these protests, and the worst violence in the post soviet history of this country. People are shocked. They are numb. There has been a call for solidarity. And that seems to being obeyed. They have taken a large proportion of it, the riot police are positioned for the first time in nearly 50 of the square. It is like the scene of a battlefield. Do you expect more confrontation . Well, there certainly is a scope for that, theres no doubt about it. Both sides seem to be stuck in a position now. Only a matter of days ago, there was hope for some political optimism in store, but that has diminished with the on slot on tuesday night that push forward which was really unexpected and the live rounds of gunfire as well, at a position, now were seeing more people arriving, a position now that is very unclear for this evening. All right. Andrew simmons thank you very much. Now to egypt where an armed group is warning tourists to leave the country by thursday or phase attacks. The cyanide based group also says they are responsible for the killing of three tourists and an egyptian on sunday. Now according to egypts statistics agency, the number of tourists fell by nearly 31 in december compared with the before, and that of course has hit the economy hard. Revenue has dropped by 41 in 2013. The industry made nearly 6 billion last year. That compared with 10 billion in 2012. Martin reardone is the head of a company that works with governments. Thank you very much indeed for coming. Tell us about your Current Assessment of the situation. Its grave. It is a significant threat for egypt. It is probably the most significant terrorist threat that the alsisi Government Faces now. Their initial emphasis was really targeting israel, the number of rockets fired into southern israel and attacks on the gas lines. It wasnt until president morsi was taken out of power that the focus went against the government. This one in particular, their emphasis has been against the government, the military and the police. They have killed over a hundred of them since august. This is a strategy shift for them, because now they are targeting tourists. They know that is going to have more impact on the economy. The economy suffers because of a drop in tourism, that hurts the government, makes them look like they cant handle this. What do they want . The initial objection was the create of a government state in the sinai. So if you were advising friends and family as to whether they should be booking a holiday in egypt, what would you say . I would say absolutely not. It has been obvious since early in the fall that this was going to get out of hand. What has been the government response to this threat and these organizations that are threatening the greatest lifeline that this country has. It has been the same, do large sweeps, but they are also picking up a lot of innocent people. And this has been causing a lot of turmoil with the population. It has been heavy handed. All right. Thank you. You are welcome. Journalists have been demonstrating in london for the release of an al jazeera team being held in egypt. Yes, protests look place outside of the Egyptian Embassy. They are not only demanding the lease of the staff but also the treatment of the press in egypt. Reporter this image, the metaphor of the loss of independent speech in egypt has become what journalists hope to be a powerful symbol. Staff join object to to register their concerns that journalists speaking to the Muslim Brotherhood does not mean that they too should be classified as terrorists. This crackdown is an abuse of human rights, so its really important that journalists are allowed to do their job in egypt. Reporter from pakistan, to canada, to kenya, similar vennes have been held in prevent days. They have come together to issue a joint statement effectively accusing egyptian authorities of confusing journalism and activism. So in many ways this is a sort of consensus view forming across the international media. Most of the news crews who are here, dont actually work for al jazeera, but many have reported from egypt. The egyptian authorities are due to begin putting journalists on trial on thursday. Among them one man from al jazeera english. When she was reporting from egypt the group wasnt even banned. I feel quite optimistic. I know its huge worry for the guys in prison, but we are really putting all of our faith in the egyptian justice system. We are trusting that it is free and fair and not influenced by the state. Reporter a letter was delivered to the embassy condemning the crackdown, in the meantime, al jazeeras staff who the network maintains are entirely innocent, remain behind bars. Earlier we spoke to terry wait who was held hostage in lebanon. He says it is in egypts best interest to release the journalists immediately. The fact that so many journalists have been detained and imprisoned for doing that job is a [ inaudible ] step. And that means that egypt is rapidly losing that International Support. It is vital in any situation, no matter how polarized, difficult, extreme, that journalists be allowed to do their job, to report impartially all sides of the argument, and that is what these these journalists both men and women have been doing, so the first thing i would say, it is definitely in the interest of egypt to bring this matter to a speedy close, to release these men, to get greater International Support to deal with the problems that face them. I think its a very important thing to keep in the public mind the fact that journalists who are doing their job have been in prison. That is very important. I think its also important for our diplomats and independent negotiators, to get across quite clearly to those at the moment who are exercising power in egypt that it is definitely in their own interest to see this matter resolved, and free these men. Depension at the airport the partner of a journalist linked to Edward Snowden has been ruled lawful. He has written about leaks of Edward Snowden. He claims his detention was unlawful and breached human rights. Angela merkel has a new plan in mind. Reporter the german chancellor says she wants to cordon off a part of the internet that ensures that emails sent within the eu stays in the eu. The trouble is much of europes data already stills in the eu. Ten years ago, around 70 of internet traffic went through the us. Today that figure is more like 25 , reflecting the huge growth in fiber optic networks. A group of german it companies has launched a Service Called email made in germany. Critics say it is a marketing ploy and the data could still be accessed by both the nsa and german intelligence services. The originalal proposal comes from deutsche telecom, which of course stands to profit from it is routed through their servers. So there are economic interests and legitimate anger about u. S. Surveillance abroad. Its unclear how merkels idea of a separate internet would work. The growing present concerns about hardware and software, it would be in the billions if not trillions. You would have to build everything from the fiber optic all the way up to the routes. And you probably dont want it coming from a Chinese Program either. Reporter its the result of numerous networks linked together and itself strength and reliability largely come from this fact. Experts suggest the speed and resilience of the internet as a whole could be harmed. A french industrialist and senator has been questioned over aledged corruption. Seen here with the president asked for his immunity from prosecute to be lifted so he can defend himself. Investigators expect he bought votes to influence the outcome of three elections. The french [ inaudible ] has been given a 1. 3 billion bailout. The deal sees the founded family handing over control. A Catholic Bishop in germany is facing fresh accusations that he spent too much money on his home. The bishop used 42 million of church money for renovations. Media out lets there call him the bishop of bling. Now back to martine. Reporter thanks very much indeed. In indonesia thousands of people have been reporting Health Problems because of smog. A choking haze from illegal forest fires have forced some residents to wear face masks. There are at least 256 fires burning in the area that are polluting the air. Local Health Centers are reporting an increase in patients with more than 3,000 cases of respiratory problems. Much more to come on al jazeera. A shock for the host in sochi, as the usa claim their first alpine gold medal of the games. Details coming up with jo. Hello and welcome to Al Jazeera America. Im del walters in new york. Wisconsins National Guard is fake taking action against one of its own. He took pictures of Service Members posing around a flagdraped casket. The photo has been described as distasteful. It has cost the woman who took the snapshot her job for now. The soldier has been suspended after posting this picture of soldiers smiling and striking poses around an empty flagdraped coffin. Its posting on the Instagram Account went viral, and its caption, we put the fun in funeral has lead to anger and outrage. Its unfathomable to me that people who are not just Service Members but have been picked to be in this area would be to thoughtless. In photo, its so damn cold out, why have a funeral outside, somebody is getting a jacked up flag. A suggestion, the guard says that the family of a Service Member would receive an unprofessional folded flag because of the cold worth. The matter is being investigated. And issued this statement. Thefallout over the pictures has lead to threats against harrison by way of phone calls and social media, the guard says it has taken steps to ensure her safety, but have removed her from the duty she required a special recommendation to perform. The owners of a power plant have been ordered to plug a second leak. The water contains arsenic levels that are 14 times higher than what is considered to be safe. Prosecutors are looking into the first spill which released as much as 82,000 tons of ash into the river. In just two years all eyes will be on brazil as it hosts the world cup. There isnt a day to spare. Reporter according to music emanating through the streets of downtown, but behind the relaxing sounds, this city has been stressed out in recent days bracing for a decision on their world cup fate. Fifa will keep the city in the world cup. A potential Public Relations disaster for brazil was avoided, but the mood of the people is decidedly mixed. Translator we are happy, many people have been preparing for the world cup, so this is good news. Translator its good for the investments that have been done by the business sector, but in general im not very happy of the decision, because i dont think we have the capacity or priorities. Cutting so much money into the world cup instead of investigating in this hospitals, education, and security. Reporter it is a world renown city, and has one of the highest standards of living in the country, it is the readiness of the football facility that has had problems. There has been problems with the builders in various contractors. A local judge halted work here while safety issues were investigated, and the club that is going to own and manage the stadium didnt know where they were going to come up with the money to finish the construction. But as you can see, there is still a lot of work to be done. The stadium is targeted to be completed in may, but that is just a few weeks before iran and nigeria meet for the opening match in the city. And getting you caught up on the olympics it is now just 7 30 in this evening in sochi, russia. On slate is womens curling. Meanwhile team usa has 21 medals, 7 of which are gold. Here at home mixed reviews for the president s plan to raise the minimum wage. Irn increasing the minimum wage would mean a pay raise for. And technology is changing where the jobs are and who is getting them. Reporter for years many people thought new york was a one horse town thrivering off of the financial sector. But there is a new horse in town. The Tech Industry has grown 11 , added nearly 6 billion in wages. New york has been able to grab on to the rise of the new wave of technology, advertising, financial services, publicing, all of the things that new york is good at are things that the technology has been thriving off of. Reporter but the tech boom is bringing jobs not only to the boroughs but also to a different kind of worker. One of the advantages that new york has is it has these outlying boroughs, that are still part of the city, but are cheaper, so you can set up at a lower expense. So thats what has happened here, a spreading out of jobs to other parts of new york. Reporter queens has 2. 2 million residents, half of whom were born outside of the u. S. , making queens one of the most Diverse Communities in the entire country. This queens native started a tech company in his neighborhood. It is based off of your skills, and you dont necessarily have to go to an elite institution to break into the industry, so that offers a unique opportunity if we can provide skills to students and people from Diverse Communities here in queens, its a tremendous opportunity for mobility. Reporter and the numbers back him up. There is nearly 20 more africanamericans working in techrelated jobs just since 2010. For hispanics it has grown 25 . But that has yet to make it to the top. Williams company connects artists online. He says new yorks text boom is the great social kweeallizer. Reporter its not a cloistered thing of just a few people working out of their garages anymore. Its a social phenomenon. Reporter and he says that will level the Playing Field in a way the country hasnt seen in years. Morgan radford, al jazeera, new york. Im meteorologist dave warren, more Winter Weather across the northeast. This is the radar plus the clouds. And youll notice there is not a lot of snow, but a big area of mixing here. This is freezing rain or sleet along with snow. Temperatures down below freezing in albany, portland to 27, boston at 29, just above freezing in philadelphia, just a cold rain there. Ice storm advisories in effect to the northwest of philadelphia. Blizzard warnings, winter storm warnings, and flooding problems as a big storm will take shape just around chicago. This will be a wide range of weather on tuesday. And really intensify throughout the day tomorrow. There could be flooding, severe storms and heavy rain. Here is heavy snow but blowing and drifting snow reducing visibility. So blizzard conditions expected. The storm will begin to move from west to east, and this is the temperatures on friday. Temperatures will really climb before dropping again this weekend. Del. Reporter dave warren thank you very much. You are watching Al Jazeera America. More news coming up at the top of the hour. Im del walters live for you in new york. And for updates throughout the day go to aljazeera. Com, where the news continues 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Real reporting that brings you the world. This is a pretty dangerous trip. Security in beirut is tight. More reporters. They dont have the resources to take the fight to al shabaab. More bureaus, more stories. This is where the typhoon came ashore. Giving you a real global perspective like no other can. Al jazeera, nairobi. On the turkeysyria border. Venezuela. Beijing. Kabul. Hong kong. Ukraine. The artic. Real reporting from around the world. This is what we do. Al jazeera america. Start with one issue ad guests on all sides of the debate. And a host willing to ask the tough questions and youll get. The inside story ray suarez hosts inside story weekdays at 5pm et 2pm pt only on Al Jazeera America welcome to Al Jazeera America, im del walters. These are the stories we are following for you. A divided ukraine, bloody battles over the future of the country. President obama heading to mexico for a meeting of north americas leaders. They will talk about new plans for a new International Trade agreement. And a hearing back on track for the aledged architect of

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