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Authorities struggle to control antigovernment starting this news hour, the home of holmes are finally starting to get the help they have been waiting for after months of shelling reduced the syrian city to rubble. It allowed the evacuation of the first civilians. Reporter these are some of the most warweary residents of holmes. They have been trapped in the rebelheld city without regular access to food for medicine, and have come under nearly daily shelling. This is part of a surprise deal brokered between the government and the opposition. About 250 people are expected to leave. According to state tv, they have been used by human shields by what it called terrorists. Translator i say to those who are leaving today, and those who have already left, that the step we have taken mean we will be able to celebrate safe return of these civilians to their homes. Reporter but its estimated around 2,500 remain under siege hungry and malnourished. Holmes has been a key battleground in the uprising since 2012 when many of its neighborhoods fell under rebel control. But the government has steadily recaptured most of the areas leaving a pocket in the citys historic center. Assads forces have used similar siege tactics to surround and try to serve out rebel fighters, but the plight of residents trapped here was thought to be so bad it was included in the agenda in the peace talks. Negotiations broke up without hope for agreement on access for relief supplies, the move by damascus to allow some residents to evacuation comes as the government confirmed it will join new peace talks next week. On the phone now from holmes, is the resident coordinator for the United Nations in syria. Thank you very much for joining us on the show. It has been a long time since any aid has arrived in holmes. You are there right now, give us an idea of what the situation is like on the ground. The humanitarian situation is dire, and im very happy to be speaking to you today from holmes where today was started the implementation of a humanitarian agreement reached between the Government Authority and the opposition groups in the old city. And that agreement provides for the support and facilitation of civilians wishing to leave the old city, to do so, for aid to be provided and delivered inside the old city inside the yat United Nations yes, can i bring you something to said a little earlier when you mentioned that the situation on the ground is dire. Could you give us an idea what is the most pressing issue facing the residents of holmes right now . Access. Access. The people we spoke to today, who have arrived out of the old city spoke of how difficult it has been for them living with very little inside the old city for the past two years. And thanks to this agreement, as i said, they are now able to leave if they do wish to do so, and then for that aid that has been in any predictable way going into the old city to also be delivered. Thats the next step of our implementation of this plan. If you could just describe to us, were you able to witness the evacuation . How did that process go . Were you happy with the way it was carried out . I was happy greatly happy with the cooperation certainly by the government, authorities on the ground, but also by the context that the United Nations has established opposition groups inside the old city. If there was not such red illness, to facilitate the exit and entry, but also the support of people as they came out and transported to different parts of the city where they used to go. If it wasnt for that cooperation by both sides we would not have been able to facilitate the departure. But yes, i was there, and i was there with a team of 37 United Nations officials from different agencies, different un humanitarian agencies as well as with the syrian [ inaudible ] volunteers. Who both did a fantastic job today. And i hope this will engender the positive energy to help us continue the implementation. Yes, no doubt all of this can only really happen while the ceasefire is in place. Do you know how long the ceasefire will last for . And also what happens after that . Well, hopefully this will be a good beginning of a trend, and not just a oneoff experience of helping civilians in this city. There are many syrians who find themselves in similar situations across syria. And i hope what we have been able to start today will engender that positive energy and help us [ inaudible ] this conflict, but also the corporation with government authorities and opposition groups to do the same, not just only here in holmes, but elsewhere in the country. Right. Thank you very much for joining us from holmes. Thats the United Nations resident in syria. David milley band is the president of the International Rescue committee and former British Foreign minister, and he told al jazeera that the situation is still deteriorating for the people in the rest of syria. The danger is that the progress in holmes if thats what it proves to be is a cover for a continuation of a war in which the position of civilians is deteriorating. Many people refer to a steal mate in the conflict. There is nothing stalemate like for the civilians trapped inside. It is getting worse by the way as the food and medical shortages really bite. I think its imperative along the peace talks there is continued pressure on this humanitarian question, because frankly the country of syria is dissolving in front of our very eyes. Chief spokesperson for the World Food Program joins us now from the United Nations in new york. Thank you for being with us on the show. If you could take us through the logistics of trying to deliver aid during a ceasefire into holmes. It is very, very hard. We hope we can second a convoy in tomorrow, saturday, with enough food for 2. 5 thousand people, and we really hope that we can do that, because the stories were hearing from the survivors who came out today are just absolutely heroining. One older man told our staff he has eaten five spoon fools of wheat in the last week. He told us he lost his wife a week ago who was weakened by hunger. Were hearing heroining stories, and its crucial that our people can go in tomorrow and bring aid to the people there . Absolutely dire circumstances. I want to show you what we are bringing, were bringing a special nutritious food that were giving also to the children that came out today. What these people have gone through will damage them for years to come. No doubt. I want to talk, though, about the fact that this aid can only reach the people of holmes within the ceasefire. What happens after the ceasefire . Will there be someone from the un or a team from the un who will perhaps stay behind to help administer medical aid or ensure that another ceasefire takes place so more aid can come in . That is the big question. Because what we are asking from the World Food Program is that our aid workers have access anywhere and all the time. It cannot be that you can only go into some areas for a short time, or that we are cut off. I mean, the old city of holmes is just a very small area. The other bigger area of holmes we have been able to bring in food for some 680,000 people, but its crucially important that people get aid all the time. Just to give you a since of how complicated this is, every month there is some 3. 5 thousand trucks bringing food to millions of people, but they have to go into a zillion, you know, check points where they have to do all kinds of things to get the food through. Its very dangerous work. In order to help the people, we are urging all parties to let the aid workers through so we can help the people, bring them food, medicine, anything they need. But the most attack thing is the fighting has to stop. Thank you very much for your incite. Chief spokesperson for the World Food Program from new york. Turkeys air force has scrambled a fighter jet to accompany a passenger plane carrying 110 people due to a hijack report. A person on the plane claimed to have a bomb and demanded that the aircraft be diverted to sochi. The passengers are still on the plane which took off from ukraine and landed safely on the asian side of istanbul. Were joined live now from istanbul. No doubt everything seems to be safe and well now. The plane has landed safely. Do we know any more details of this potential hijacker . Yes, i think so. And we know the potential hijacker was a ukrainian citizen who attempted to hijack the turkish plane. The turkish plane was talking off and headed to [ inaudible ] airport. While after it took off, a passenger sitting in the seat 2f, shouted that he or she was carrying some bomb, some explosive on him or her, and he or she asked the cabin crew to head to sochi where there is win Winter Olympics. They said they were headed to sochi, but they managed to push the hijacking button on the plane, and managed to land at the istanbul airport. The passengers are all safe. The plane is parked in a safe zone in airport in a safe zone but surrounded by the turkish antiterror forces, and there are some reports that the hijacker was safe, but we should mention that we couldnt get an official confirmation about that information. So we should mention there is a very strong [ inaudible ] lobby in turkey. There was a protest last week in front of the Russian Embassy over the Winter Olympics, so the timing of the situation is very interesting. Certainly very dramatic invent as well. No doubt you will keep us up to date. Thank you very much. The United States has moved to play down an embarrassing leaked phone call where a top diplomat discusses the merits of ukraine opposition leaders. Thats right. On the tape top u. S. Diplomat, victoria newland also takes a crude swipe at the european union. She used expletives to describe the ek us role in ukraine. Reporter Victor Nuland spoke. Im not going to comment on private diplomatic conversations, other than to say it was pretty impressive trade craft. The audio was extremely clear. Reporter the white house has blamed russia for the leak. Until now the official u. S. Line hooz been that washington is merely helping the ukrainian people to decide their own future. I dont think [ inaudible ] should go into the government. I dont think its necessary. I dont think its a good idea. Reporter in the frank conversation, the opinion is expressed that klitschko needs to do more political homework, that the leader of choice is another man. And then there is this comment. So that would be great, i think to help glue this thing and have the un glue it, and, you know, [ censor bleep ] the eu. Reporter Angela Merkel has called the comments unacceptable. Ukraine has remained silent on the comment. Demonstrators are divided on the comment. Translator i dont think this is medaling with ukraines internal affairs. If they can assist us with advise and put pressure on the government then we would be grateful. Translator it is not correspondent to the demands of the people. Reporter for now the parliament remains dead locks over the future of the country. Theres growing feeling here that ukraines fate is being decided elsewhere. Dozens of people have been left injured after violent antigovernment protests in bosnia. Government buildings have been set ablaze in three cities. They are angry over what they see as government corruption and high wages for officials. Tim friend has more. Reporter the protests are spreading. Thousands of people are taking to the streets and in between the uneasy standoff with riot police there have been clashes. Many people have been injured, including police. The targets of the protesters anger, government buildings and factories, which have laid out thousands of workers. A local government building was set on fire on friday. There have also been demonstrations in the capitol of saroff woe and elsewhere. It is a demonstration of uncease. In some parts of the country unemployment stands at record levels, the highest in the balka balkans. Bickering political leaders are seen as ineffective and even corrupt. The protesters included workers made redundant when staterun companies were sold off and then collapsed under private ownership. They have been joined by students and hardup families. Tim frengd, al jazeera. We received this update as well. A very chaotic situation here in bosnia. Especially here in tusla. Thousands of people are protesting for a couple of days already. 100,000 people here are jobless, that is why these people are angry. They started protests on wednesday, but today during the day a couple of thousands of them gathered here in front of the local government. Dozens of angry protesters just entered the building and minutes after we could see a thick smoke coming out of the windows of the government. Firefighters from all over, many of them coming from outside of the area are fighting with the higher in. Those protesters, they just left the plateau in front of the local government and went to where the court and the building of the municipality. They will try to they will try to say their demands there. They are asking for local governments to step down. They are asking for federal government to step down. They are asking a whole new system in the country, a similar situation is also in the capitol of sarajevo. A lavish Opening Ceremony for the Winter Olympics is underway in the russian city of sochi. President putin was watching from the front row. Lets go to paul beban who is in sochi for us, and as expected paul, an elaborate Opening Ceremony. Reporter indeed. We have heard so much about the worst of russian life, russian society, russian policies. This Opening Ceremony was intended to show the best of russian life and it certainly did that. There were huge onion domes inside the stadium, dancers, a tribute to constructivism, an enticing piece related to war and peace. It was also war and peace played out by ballet dancers. It was absolutely beautiful. In the front row Vladimir Putin was there with a big smile on his face. It all seemed to go rather well. It wasnt of course without a hitch. There was one hitch, there were five Olympic Rings which were supposed to open up to snow flakes, and the fifth missed its queue. But overall, it will be finishing in the next 20 minutes or so, and it has been largely successful. A i guess there is still overshadowing over the extravagance, concerning about security and human rights, and theest ka the escalating costs of these games. Reporter yeah youing cant escape it. The controversy surrounding these games wont go away. We have had video emerge from moscow of lesbian and gay rights complainers who attempted to sing the Russian National anthem while waving rainbow flags in red square. That is really not allowed. The police will stamp down on protests in red square at anytime. I think it was eight russians and two swedes were bundled away unser moanally. And four gay rights protesters were arrested in st. Petersburg as well. So you can see the protests are not being, you know, calmed down by the pageantry which is going on behind me. Paul beban in sochi, thanks very much. Well, lets go to the u. S. Now, and california is in the midst of a recordbreaking drought. Now its not only the most populous state in the u. S. , its also the most important agricultural state. The water shortage is pitting completing interests against each other, leading to political wrangling. Lets go to rob reynolds who joins us live from california. How bad is the situation there . Reporter well, 2013 was the driest year on record in california, and some scientists calculate it was the driest year in almost four centuries. Streams and reservoirs are running extremely low and farmers very worried as well as policy makers being extremely concerned about what is going to happen in the months ahead. All of this, really, is another demonstration, if you will, that the most impressive feets of engineering, and Resource Management that man kind can put together are still at the mercy of nature. California relies on an intricate web of reservoirs, aqua ducts and pumping stations to keep its agriculture industry and 38 Million People supplied with water, while leaving enough for the wildlife. California should be very worried right now. Reporter the map shows part of a complex network of water resources. The whole state of California Water managementment structure is really at its breaking point. We cant continue with the status quo today. Reporter the state has already declared a water emergency. Foo in in the past six months just five centimeters of rain have fallen here in san francisco. That means the driest year on record. Water system experts say there is no easy fix. The tough part right now is we got to a point where demand is hardened. And that means the easy ways of conservation or the lowhanging if you will to cut back on your water use, those arent there anymore. Reporter farmers are angry at regulation that allocate water for streams and wetlands. A republican congressman tried to pass a bill returning water to the farms. The governor called that an unwelcome and divisive intrusion. The bill is likely to die in the u. S. Senate. In this lelection year, the political battle is heating up. Now the same persistent ridge of highpressure is also affecting oregon, which is its a major producer of Agricultural Products and wine. My colleague is in portland, oregon with this report on how that state is faring. Reporter looking around here in portland, you wouldnt think that oregon has a watersupply problem, but it does. So what has caused the difficulty . Well, the last few months of 2013 were very dry. Rainfall wasnt nearly as much as people were hoping or expected. And although there are a few flurries of snow at the moment, there hasnt been a lot in the winter, and that means there is not a lot packed on the hills. Water in oregon is incredibly important, as it is in many places. It helps fertilize the crops, fisheries, tourism, and helps keep the wildfires in the summer, down to a man manageable level. They may have to introduce emergency drought measures. This early in the year, that would be incredibly unusual. They are still hoping [ technical difficulties ] with Global Climate change. Scientists cant say that this specific weather event is related to global warming. But the overwhelming Scientific Consensus is that the earth is getting warmer. I have talked to a lot of farmers in this state, and they say within their lifetime they have seen dramatic changes. Warmer summers, less moisture. So perhaps all of this is yet another climate wakeup call. Rob, thank you very much for that. And still to come on the al jazeera news hour. If we lost scotland, if the uk changed, we would rip the rug from our own reputation. David cameron wants the uk to state together. Well get reaction from Northern Ireland, plus. Racing bus fairs leads to flashes in brazils main train station. And in sport the worlds most expensive player returning to welcome back, a quick reminder of the top stories on al jazeera. The first group of civilians in the city of holmes has now been evacuated. 60 people have left the rebel enclave on two buses. In turkey a passenger plane carrying 110 people has been forced to land in istanbul due to a hijacker alert. A person on the plane claimed to have a bomb and demanded the plane be diverted to the city of sochi. And demonstrators have been protesting in bosnia. Violence at the main train station in the brazilian city of rio has paralyzed transporters. They were protesting their anger over bus fair hikes. Al jazeeras correspondent reports. Reporter scenes of mass confuse riot please battle with mostly youth protesters. They overtook the stra strain train station and the turnstiles. But the conflict and vandalism spilled inside and outside the train terminal. Several people were injured or overcome by tear gas. A video journalist was badly injured when a fire cracker type projectile exploded here his head. It is unclear whether the device was fired toward him by police or protesters. Last june thousands took to the streets because of another bus hike. Now its time to raise fairs again. But with the world cup just five months away, the protesters are saying this is about more. Translator if we had Good Health Services and education, you wouldnt have this many people on the street. And then you see spending for the world cup, things we adopt need. Reporter but a day after the confusion, some in rio say they are against the violence. Translator horrible. Horrible. They dont have any direction or someone has given them direction. Directions of anarchy, violence, vagrancy. When rice beans increase, no one protests. Everyone stays calm and peaceful. Reporter brazilian officials are hoping the protests wont get any bigger, and they say they will have special security at all 12 world cup host cities. But scenes like this how protests with only a few hundred people can spin out of control. Miran is back now with more news out of europe. Thats right. Sevening months from now, scotland will be voting in a ref ren dem on independence from the United Kingdom. David cameron made a heart felt plea to the scottish people. Sometimes we can forget just how big our reputation is, that the world over, the letters uk, stand for unique, brilliant, creative, exsentrick, ingenius. If we lost scottingland, we would rip the rug from our own reputation. The fact is we matter more [ technical difficulties ] for 250 nights straight, they have been out here protesting their right to defend the United Kingdom. Marching in defense of the union. Many have scottish ancestors, and they do not like the Scottish National party one bit. To me hes a bornagain jackby. Scotland is part of the United Kingdom. They are traitors, we dont need them. Reporter who will separate us . The implied answer is nobody. These people regard themselves absolutely as british patriots, and the idea that their scottish brethren may even consider breaking away from the union is absolutely uncomfortable. Together the truths are suddenly being called into question. Suddenly the United Kingdom is looking a bit disunited. When this document was written a hundred years ago, loyalists from scotland and Northern Ireland united against the breakup of the union, and less than a century later, they wont to move out on their own. We saw a movement to the frontiers. So i think theres almost a [ inaudible ] element within scotts. Theres a big discussion now about independence. Reporter a feeling of the power of the union is what worries the politicians in westminster, just as it does many people here. But securing a referendum for scotland, alexander has done more peacefully and lawfully in a very short period of time than the ira tried to achieve in over 30 years of bombing, and terrorism. Reporter if scotland splits off from the union, but the identity of these people be next . One of spains most controversial cases is preparing in begin in the spring. Sonia reports now. Reporter an intensified Media Presence outside of the Court One Day ahead of the highly anticipated appearance of t the duchess. It was nearly two years ago when the duke turned up to this court, accused of embezzling public funds. These were dark days for spains royal family, but those days arent over, now its the return of his wife, the kings youngest daughter toance to allegations of Money Laundering and tax fraud, and the accusations that it also benefited from public money through the dukes business dealings. Shell appeal in front of the magistrate after having prepared extensively with his lawyers. This is where she will be facing questions. She will be directly in front of the judge, as well as a portrait of her own father. Its the first time that a member of the royal family will testify as a subject in criminal proceedings. And what is more, police have launched an operation for security purposes. More than 100 officers will be present. Half of those will have to be drafted in from the mainland at a cost to the taxpayer. The Royal Household has attempted to isolate this case from the rest of the family. The scandal has tarnished the image of spains monarchy. Translator the public doesnt tolerate corruption, stealing funds or tax fraud, and all of this has been reflected on the duke. This is why this case has left the public disenchanted with the royal family. Reporter the case has also highlighted the level of corruption here in spain. It has increased dis us illusionment with the establishment. Thats all the news from europe for you. Thanks very much. The israeli army stormed the palestinian protest village on friday. Protesters say around 200 families slept in the village ahead of friday prayers. Around 40 were treated at the hospital. The trials of a hundred people arrested during a riot out of a mosque have been delayed until next week. Katherine soy has the detail. Reporter this case has illicited a lot of public interest. The suspects have been waiting for five days for their charges. They havent made any pleas. And state the magistrate has pulled out of the case and pushed it to the high court, where its going to be hard where these pleas are going to be made on the 12th of february. Of course, this is something that has really disheartened the families waiting here, to get to know what their loved ones are being charged with. There are eight counts each belonging largely to a terrorist group, which is alshabab, and [ technical difficulties ] remains very tense, a lot of people are very angry, saying this the police have been indiscriminately targeting muslims. So this is an issue that is not going away soon. Foreign leaders have attended an assembly in tunisia. It was the birthplace of the arab spring three years ago. Its progressive new constitution has been hailed as a victory for democracy. President of the Tunisian Center for transitional justice, and she explained how reaching an agreement on a new constitution has been more successful inment comparison to similar attempts in the region. The most important thing is the process of adoption. We had very brood popular process of ownership. Every every tunisian have have his participation to this constitution, and its not a document drafted by expert. It was very, very huge debate and and [ technical difficulties ] it has been 41 days since the government detained three of our staff. They have been accused of fabricating news and having links to a terrorist organization. And al jazeera rejects these claims. Still ahead even on the plane, new york was pulling us down, come on, come on. And i had a great time. It was 50 years ago today, ringo remembers the moment the beatles landed to concur america. And in sport well hear from the boxing legend out to prove he does still have a future in the ring. Stay with us. Al Jazeera America is a straightforward news channel. Its the most exciting thing to happen to american journalism in decades. We believe in digging deep. Its unbiased, factbased, indepth journalism. You give them the facts, dispense with the fluff and get straight to the point. Im on the ground every day finding stories that matter to you. In new orleans. Seattle bureau. Washington. Detroit. Chicago. Nashville. Los angeles. San francisco. Al Jazeera America, take a new look at news. Welcome to al Jazeera America, im del walters in new york, we are breaking away early from our colleagues in doha. President obama is expected to sign the farm bill in just a few moments. It is now almost 11 00 pm in sochi and the fanfare is now underway. Police and security as you might expect are everywhere. This is washington issues heightened traveling warnings ahead of the game. And today the president of the International Olympic committee playing down any threats. But a passenger attempted to hijack a plane today. They claimed to have a bomb and was demanding that the plane be diverted to the olympics. The aledged hijacker has been taken into custody. Everybody on board is safe. No word at this hour whether the person actually had a bomb. Security issues and the games, nothing knew. Michael eaves has more. Reporter as athletes from around the world converge on sochi, they are all faced with potential security threats from various terrorist groups. Although the plan is for the athlete focus on the pursuit of gold. I feel like everyone has done their job. They realized that there was a threat. They made the appropriate reactions, and they have people all around, and i know this country and our country is doing a good job to keep us face. So im going to relax and focus on my competition. Reporter on the morning of september 5th, 2002, eight terrorists stormed into the Olympic Village and raided the building that housed the israeli athletes. Organizers decided to press on after Athletic Competition was suspended for 24 hours to allow for a day of mourning. But as it relates to this years games, athletes have already taken notice to the heightened security. Reporter compared to my other olympic experiences, i feel like they have stepped it up. Reporter terrorism rocked the games in with the 1996 atlantic games. Thousands of spectators had gathered for a concert, unaware that this man had planted a backpack containing three bombs. He hoped to knock out atlantas power grid. There had been questioned raised in advance of the olympics. After devoting a lifetime to train for the games, most athletes are putting their faith solely in the country. There have been a lot of concerns with security, but im not concerned. I think the organizing committee has done an amazing. Personally i feel very safe here and im not worried about it at all. My family are coming over in a couple of days, and they are not worried. Reporter the Olympic Committee seems pleased with russias overall preparation. We are on the eve of the sochi 2014 olympic winter games. We can see that you, russia, and the russians have delivered. You have set the stage for the best win winter athletes in the world. You have delivered on all of the promises you and your team made seven years ago. And we would very much like to congratulate you and to thank you for this outstanding achievement. I feel like russia was ready when we got here. Reporter the overriding hope in russia is that terrorism and World Politics will not be a factor in the upcoming games. And the true spirit of the games will shine through. Meanwhile after weeks of worries, the first day of competition ended today without incident. Glenn howard joins us by phone. What does it say day one now over, Nothing Happened . I would say its two more weeks to good, and two weeks after this, you have the parra olympics. And then you are going to put another group of athletes in harms way as well. So its hard to say what is going to happen, but definitely sochi right now is being cordoned off from the rest of russia. If there were something that was being planned, something massive, something big, this would be the day those behind it would have wanted it to happen . Absolutely not. If you think nothing happens on the first day then nothing is going to happen, i strongly disagree with that. They have two more weeks, and anything can happen. This is a whole violenceprone region. Where the bombings occurred in december, two bomb blasts occurred simultaneously. They dont even have to attack in sochi. Anything that happens ash the region is going to set off nerves, and lead to a discussion away from the olympics. Its already in the air. Every other word is about security. So based on that, what are the chances that we go the pull two weeks in your professional opinion, and nothing happens . Well, theres two day to divide that. One way is if your question is somebody whether something actually happens in sochi. Its hard to say. But the odds are much much greater than something could have in the region around sochi that could create some type of turmoil and undermine the spirit of the olympics. I would note on february 22ndnds when the games end, it is ending on the day of stalins deportation of the chechens. Why do they wasnt to the people in dagestan want to interrupt the olympics, and im told time and time again they dont want to be part of russia. This is not a people per se, but the right of self expression, ranging from gays in russia, down to the activist, anyone who wants to express a discontent in russia, they are roughed up or locked up. And when theres no means no possible when a society is not democratic, theres no way to express yourselves, you shouldnt be surprised if people are going to try to blow themselves up because they disagree with the views and opinions of the way the government has cracked down so severely against these people. Thank you very much. Now over to mike viqueira. A trillion dollars over ten years 956 billion to be exact, there is nothing in here for everyone to love and a lot of stuff for people to hate. It will alleviate concerns of theal cultural community. And i think well here the president talk about farm production being up. And hell be speaking in about ten minutes, del. We are going to take a short break as we await the president s speech on that farm bill. Stay with us. Welcome to al Jazeera America. Im del walters. These are the stories were following for you. The farm bill now about to become law. The new jobs numbers are out. Unemployment dips, but there are concerns about a shrinking economy. Im obviously not going to comment on private diplomats mattic conversations. After a very candid conversation about negotiations in ukraine a Top State Department official now hol

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