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The view from above, thousands of ty protesters try to shut down bangkok. And after four centuries of silence an Indonesia Volcano has people running for their lives. This could be a defining moment in egypts modern history, a boat on the countrys constitution. These are live pictures from cairo of people cueing to make their choice. Some are calling it democracy in action and others say its the latest step in dismantling democracy, a process that began with the overthrow of president morsi and its loaded with controversial proposals as Charles Stratford reports. Reporter the capitol of cairo they are asked to approve a new constitution, one that would undo many of the rules brought in under the deposed president Mohamed Morsi and some believe it would give the military and political elite more power over everyday life. Yes to the constitution and may god bring calm to the country and people are lost and may god bring victory. Reporter these are changes the military charged of appointing a minister for the next two terms and give the president more powers and making it easier to dissolve parliament. The police too will be empowered with the creation of a new council comprising Senior Officers and critics say it will protect the force from civilian officer sight and the state is committed to the tenants of International Human rights law. Egypts army chief sisi support it and say it will improve human rights. Translator this constitution is a reflection of egypts situation along with the challenges that the egypt and Egyptian Society face and there is a great focus on freedom and rights of the people, without me reflecting any segment of society. Reporter the draft text retains the militarys right to prosecute civilians who attack it and civilians can still be tried under military tribunals and Rights Groups say proposed changes fail to give transparency over the military budget and the vast economic interests. The proposed constitution also bans any party based on religion. Further eroding the position of the Muslim Brotherhood which has already been classified as a terrorist organization. Despite this and another party with a strong core of the party has indicated it favors a yes vote. Translator moving away from the constitutional amendments would lead to chaos. These are all factors that effected the lower partys position and we can confirm that not only are we saying, yes, but we hope that all egyptians would also vote, yes. Reporter and forces of the ousted president Mohamed Morsi Mohamed Morsi are boycotting the poll and it continues across the country and Security Forces by tear gas and demonstrators in this neighborhood of all alexandra. And it tries to act like its a civil regime and its neither democratic or civil. Reporter it is tightened for the vote and with peaceful protest comes violence. This was the aftermath of a bomb blast outside of a place in giza after polling stations opened and no one was hurt and no one claimed responsibility. This is the big test of opinion since the removal of Mohamed Morsi as president , those who deposed him called for a large turn out on a positive result. If they do vote yes they will see three different constitutions in less than three years, charles with al jazeera. Reporter and we have a spokesman of the student anticoup movement and is on the line from cairo and thanks for joining us, i know you are not demonstrating at the moment but can you tell us about some of the demonstrations that are going on . Yes, they are all over the country protests around the stations and talking about the bloody constitution of the coup. And have voices in the street and this constitution has millimeter inters that are appointed and elected by the group government. This constitution was written in the second meeting and by egyptians, the propaganda and anybody who knows or participates in campaigns for now. Reporter people are still voting, arent they, a lot of people are voting. Do you think the constitution will be approved . Yeah, of course. We believe, we know that this constitution is rigid and its going to pass anyway but it doesnt mean that its selected by all egyptians and its chosen by the military coup and written by their members so. It doesnt mean anything and doesnt exercise egyptian it talks about the coup and government and leaders. Reporter one last quick question, there is a very high security, isnt there, in cairo and around the country. Are you worried that there will be more violence today . I believe so. I mean, we are trying as much as possible to be apart from the Security Forces and they widen and anyway they will try to separate or break in the country today to show the world that people are just going and joining and voting for the constitution which is not true. Reporter and thank you very much indeed for joining us. And he is speaking to us from cairo. And lets look at some of the numbers in this referendum and nearly 53 Million People are able to cast their vote. There are around 15,000 judges who are handling this whole exercise and 160,000 police and military personnel are out in force and deployed across egypt to try and ensure a peaceful referendum and we are monitoring developments from our egypt desk and lets get the latest from her, sue. We hear reports on violence up in alexandra and we know they are against the referendum constitution, people going out on the streets with stones throwed at the Security Forces there and they retaliated by sending tear gas in. Some reports of gunfire used but that has not been confirmed. That is various treats we are hearing. We are also hearing a violent city like going the other way, a former mp, mahommad and says he was attacked by a group and as you see from the picture here his leg was broken and he escaped and in a hospital now in cairo. We are hearing there are sizable lines outside the polling stations across the country. Its crucial for the government to get a high turnout. The last constitution just over a year ago when Mohamed Morsi was in power a turn out of 33 as of over 52 million eligible to vote and the results of that turnout then were 64 as a yes. Now interestingly we are reading various tweets as to what people are saying in the various polling cues and he said i feel like i entered a military base at the polling station and giving us a clue how many military personnel are there and a person on affairs says have we found a no voter . And also effected and speaks a lot about egypt said three polling stations, no, no voters. That might not be surprising when we know the figures of the amount of personnel that are out there securing the polling stations where we are hearing of 160,000 military personnel, 200,000 police are on the streets of egypt today. So really there is a force out there and of course we know that the establishment is keen for a yes vote and know the odd person is going out to post a poster that says vote no has been arrested. Now i want to draw your attention to our live blog page on the al Jazeera Website, al jazeera. Com and lots and lots of debate and people and Different Things to say, one interest thing is a house wife that said he will unite the nation and muslims, christians and drink from the nile and we need a strong man to protect the nation and end the strife and talking about general sisi and we want to know what you say, and twitter and facebook. Com and al jazeera and put your views on that and al Jazeera Website and click on the lead story and give us your ideas of what you thought about today. One more point Authorities Say they arrested an al jazeera crew filming outside of the station there and al jazeera has no personnel currently in egypt. Reporter thanks for that, sue, more than 30 International Organizations issued a statement calling for the Immediate Release of five al jazeera journalists being detailed in egypt and fahmy and mohamed and greste are accused of spreading lies and joining a terrorist group and we say they are not true and demand their released and they are outside of cairo. The other two journalists detained are from sister channels and a camera man and detained for five movnths now. 200 died in a ferry accident in south sudan. They were escaping the rising violence on the white nile river near the city there and up to 300 people may have been on board at the time of the incident on sunday including women and children. Lets get the latest from harry who joins us from the capitol of duba and do you have any more details on this accident . Government Officials Say this happened on sunday. There was fighting on the outskirts and there was a rumor spreading around the town the rebels are coming in so people panicked and the tribes did what they can. Women and children got on the ferries, one of them were overloaded and it capsized. More news coming in and they entered and there is fighting there now and we see the rebels and Government Troops and everyone who couldnt escape at the time is caught in between the fighting with the situation there and its very tense and very dangerous for the civilians. Reporter its not surprising that civilians are willing to take risks to get away from an increasingly dangerous situation. Is there any sign of any progress in talks between the two sides, any sign of a potential cease fire . Things seem to be moving slowly and people here are really frustrated and people are concerned about the humanitarian crisis and the government seems to have taken control of one town and fighting erupts and more displaced and those who are lucky and get to a u. N. Base and they are quite small and can only hold a few thousand people and most are in makeshift camps across the country without access to food, water and protection. People making contingency plans and there are two u. N. Bases here and thousands of people are in the bases and they are too squared to go home but officials are saying just in case things get worse they are looking at opening another site in duba in case of in flux of people who are deplaced and need help and safety. As long is there is no breakthrough in the talks people are fearing the fighting will continue. Reporter we are in duba there, still to come on the program more members of the u. S. Congress are millionaires than ever before so as they debate unemployment will they be completely compassionate. The Central African republic people return to their burnt, looted homes after weeks of violence, we have that coming up, and we have roger keeping us cool at the Australian Open in melbourne. Now antigovernment protesters are back in the capitol bangkok trying again to shut the city down. They want the government to quick and for elections to be cancelled and we are joined from the commercial district. They are trying to shut down the capitol and what is happening where are you and what effects are they having . Well, this is a pretty festive moment here on the stage and people are pretty energized and it has been upbeat throughout the day, in the area. And when they come here they say and this is a major artery. And its crucial and i can show them to you on the map. Now six of those areas are one of them is a junction and is where there are government buildings and usually protests are there and approach and ask government workers to work for the administration. And behind me is the World Headquarters and there are demonstrators there supporting the government. Over to the left of me and you cant see it on camera but they are from one of the provinces in bangkok in uniform. And if they are going to attempt these demonstrations. Its a tense atmosphere here on the ground and things can change quickly and we are at the area where there were shootings back in 2010. Exactly the same place with the protests and violence. Lets look at what effect is actually happening on the whole city from the sky and the helicopter. This is what day two of bangkoks shut down looks like from 150 meters up. What we are seeing is probably going to evolve into a numbers game, that means that antigovernment protest leaders each day or every couple of days will say how many people they say are out on the streets of bangkok and government officials will say another number and that is lower. There is always going to be this back and forth. What the leader of these antigovernment protesters have talked about instead is that they are going to stay down there as long as it takes. Shut down bangkok is a bit of a regrant by the antigolf protest leaders because a lot of what they are doing is similar to what we saw them do in december. They have these 7 stages, 7 major intersections they have taken over in downtown bangkok and they are going out and going to government institutions and government buildings and a lot of what we saw over the last couple of weeks of december. Now what they are going to try to do differently is they are going to stay in the center stages of bangkok and shut it down because they are trying to choke the center and commercial areas. One way they will try to racket this up and a bit of a difference from what we saw in december and that is what they will try to shut down the Stock Exchange on wednesday. A lot of protesters down there are enthusiastic and sleeping down there and in the city at different locations for weeks. The government has said they are willing to discuss possibly moving the election date and something they said they wouldnt do in the past and now they are going to hold a discussion about that on wednesday. Antigovernment protest leaders said, no. So how long would the zero compromise stand . How long are these protesters going to be willing to stay down there sleeping on the streets and intense to support this movement . And as long as these protests go on, people here are saying the likelihood of it turning violence or possibility of a military coup becomes even greater. It is despite the festive atmosphere a pretty tense time for thailand. It does feel very much like the kind of cross roads that we saw back in 2010 when a government was ousted ironically by the same people who are taking up this place and now the divide in thailand, the political divide seems to be deepening rather than getting better. Reporter thanks very much indeed for that and veronica in bangkok there. And a doctor in china has been given a suspended death sentence for trafficic children and they told parents of newborns their babies were sick and convinced them to sell the infants to human traffickers and one of the babies died. Iraq is looking at the damage from a wave of bombings overnight in baghdad in shard and a single car bomb killed at least ten people. At least 26 were killed in total overflight and the attacks were taking place just as the sheer dominated government takes on sunni fighters in the Anbar Province and this is one witness in baghdad. Reporter all my friends are like a poor man, where is the government . And blasts took place in the street and close the street and never open it again. Reporter a visit by u. N. Secretary moon and urged leaders to address the root causes of violence. I would urge the leaders of the country and iraq to address the root causes of the problems, what are the problems in this and also they should ensure that there is nobody left behind. Reporter syrian activists say a residential suburb by the cap doll of damascus has been hit by a series of air strikes and on the internet it shows it being bombed from the air. Witnesses say barrels were filled with explosives and then were dropped. And that attack comes after u. N. Leaders met in paris on monday to decide which nations would attend peace talks in switzerland later this month. The white house is concerned over reports that iran and russia are working on an oil for good swap deal and says the deal would go against the recently broken agreement between iran and six world powers and could trigger economic sanctions and u. S. President Barack Obama Says he favors diplomacy. My preference is for peace and diplomacy and this is one of the reasons why i sent a message to congress that now is not the time for us to impose new sanctions, now is the time for us to allow the diplomates and technical experts to do their work. We will be able to monitor and verify whether or not the interim agreement is followed through on and if it is not we will be in a strong position to respond and but what we want to do is give diplomacy a chance. Reporter the interim leader of the Central African republic deployed several hundreds more soldiers in the capitol and shoot to kill anyone disturbing the peace and we are hoping it will end months of unrest and the vicious cycle of unrest has not just effected the capitol but vast areas of the country side as well and we report from the village of zara. People have fled, houses burned down. These villages have suffered attack after attack. But in this settlement, near this town hundreds of people emerge from the bush but the visit of a u. N. Official. Coming back to rebuild. Reporter hanging on his every world. We want to hear about your need. [applause]. Translator shown all that is left of the health center. Everything taken by the celica malitia and these people dont have a government that can help them, any assistance has to come from outside. The institutions of the state sheer dont exist, there is no Health Infrastructure or schooling infrastructure and we really have to step up in an unprecedented way to respond to an unprecedented situation. Its so long now that the people of the country have been lang wishing without infrastructure and support. It seems the villages have lost absolutely everything and yet we have seen some signs of hope, after months of living in the bush in fear, there are some people here who decided to come home. Reporter nina is busy. She has come out of hiding and now she has to tidy up around her looted house. But inside there is almost nothing left. And nina is alone with her two children. Muslim herdsmen murdered her husband last month. Translator ive been left alone to raise these children, i hope there is peace and the Village Market reopens so that i can try and make money to feed them. Reporter this is the village malitia, they might be brave and they dont have much to fight with but they know if they dont protect themselves no one else will. Mr. Phillips in the Central African republic. There is a bill that outlays gay marriage adjust it was signed on monday without an announcement and criminalizes public display of homosexual relationships and makes it illegal to join gay Rights Groups and nigeria is not acting on its own and homosexual is illegal and it has to be approved by the president and gay people face the death penalty, however some big countries like south africa and the democratic republic of congo do not have antigay laws. Stories developing on tuesday, japans Prime Minister is in ethiopia and visiting the capitol and looking for commodities and new markets for products and catching up with china that has been doing the same for years. And frances president is in the hospital after allegations he has been having an affair but planning to hold the biannual conference on national tv and we will bring the highlights later on. Day two of the detroit auto show, the biggest in the world. On monday gms Chevy Division shoal the show with the sting ray which won north american car of the year and the silvarado and a big recovery in the united states. Lets get to the weather know and here is everton and what is the latest in the flooding in the philippines . The latest round of rain what has flooding in central and southern parts of the philippines and a massive cloud here and feeding in heavy showers across a similar area over the last 23 days actually and sort of rainfall totals in the last 24 hours is 125 millimeters of rain coming down and the effect of heavy rainfall in next to know time. Widespread flooding across the country, 132000 people have been effected by these floods in and around 10 provinces across central and southern parts of the philippines and of course it has led to floods and land slides as a result of that very heavy rainfall. We are hopeful the rain will ease a touch as we go on through the next couple of days and wednesday heavy showers coming in ayos a similar area and go into thursday and the showers sink further south and brighter skies coming in the sight of a respite and no sign of a respite across Northern Australia and rain brought 146 millimeters of rain in 24 hours and looking at widespread flooding here and pressure which may well develop into a Tropical Cyclone and south is hot in the southeast with highs of 45. Reporter everton thanks indeed for that. Still to come here on the program, the mexican vigilantes taking on the drug cartels and now the authorities as well. Plus, im in tunis and three years old and the revolution here and ill be reporting on what has changed. [cheers] the worlds best football are crowned in zurick and all the action coming up, in sports. Activists show the welcome back, and the top stories this news hour. [gunfire] clashing in egypt as the country votes in a constitutional referendum, reports say at least one person has been killed in fighting near cairo and 22 people arrested in the egyptian capitol and the vote is seen as a test for the military. At least 200 people have died in a ferry accident in south sudan and a person says they were flying fighting in the area. And antigovernment protesters are back on the streets of ty in bangkok and want to shut the city down and want elections and remove the administration. Now, its the 14th of january. But that means the anniversary of their revolution. Its been three years since al i was drif enfrom office by huge protests and a new constitution is about to be finalized and an interim Prime Minister is to lead the country to fresh elections and as we report, tunesia is far from stable. Reporter during the revolution this name was filled with the sound of protesters. Now there is music. This is a National Army band. At the time the army stood by the people and not tunesia dictator ship and three years on there are mixed feelings about what has been achieved. Translator we have the same problem if not more divided between religion and democracy. Translator its a blessing that we got rid of that man. Now we have to work hand in hand. Reporter talking about this man, the departure marks the beginning of the so called arab spring, revolution in egypt and libya have been hit by violence and political uncertainty. In tunesia the past to a functioning Democratic State has not been easy. And they still have some of the problems that creators of the revolution, issues like unemployment, poverty and corruption and the main differences is that three years on people are free to voice their discontent. That discontent is sometimes led to violent protests like this one last week. People were angry at tax writers. In tunesia political compromise have given people hope and members of parliament have almost finished voting for a new constitution. The challenge is to have a constitution of text that thrusts our society in the future given tunesia men and women and the youth and tunesia children and tunesia handicap persons arrive as full citizens. Reporter this is a country that is far from stable. There is a threat from armed groups linked to alqaeda and the government is almost bankrupt. Three years ago people risked their lives for change. At a time it was called the death of fear. Tunesia has shown there is hope of democracy in the arab world and im with al jazeera. Reporter i can hardly believe it has been three years, can you . That is the situation. And he was chased from power after 23 years and he was the first domino and mubarak and people started talking about an arab spring that spread to libya and kadafi was killed by a mob after 8 months of battling with rebels and syrias president clings to power in syria weathering an uprising that lasted nearly three years, each time the revolutions were harder and bloodier and some say the arab spring has actually turned to winter, a democratically elected government has been overthrown and militia terrifies the people in libya and u. S. Person was killed in benghazi and War Without End where the revolution is not over and 100,000 people have died. And lets speak to rami, director of the institute for Public Policy at the American University of beirut and good to have you with us. When you look at the arab spring, it seems clear that that promise of revolution has not born fruit, has it, and poverty and instability and upheaval. That is what they do and rolling uprising which has overthrown a few dictators and challenged a few others in places like syria and bahrain and pushed against others yet like jordan moroco and nigeria and sudan to drive internal reforms but this is the beginning of a very longterm process. What we have clearly expressed is a very powerful, pervasive and deep desire by ordinary people all over the arab world to translate their fundamental values into political systems and governing structures that are pluralistic, accountable, democratic and fundamentally decent. That is a very difficult process to do in the circumstances of the arab world. So we have not had a perfect transition anywhere yet. They are all messy and difficult and there is active warfare in syria beyond the uprising into a proxy war of modern times. Reporter one of the problems in the process of transition what we are seeing time and time again is the idea of secularism and democracy banging heads with religious ideology and principals, isnt that one of the main problems we have been seeing . No. I think thats not a correct way to phrase it. The revolutions and not talking about secularism and democracy and talking about dignity and freedom and social justice and jobs. Democracy, secularism and other things that come in the wake of a transition would be shaped by the people of those countries and these are not secular societies and these are deeply religious societies and trying to create governments that are secular in tunis for instance to a certain extent in egypt trying to separate the religious values of society from the instruments of governance and this is a very impressive process as people start undertaking it. If you look closely as what the tunisians and egyptians and the libyans to an ex tents are working very diligently for the First Time Ever in the 9,000 year history of civilization, in the arab world and for the first time they are writing their constitutions and trying to create Government Systems that reflect their values. So this is i think we have to be very careful about not looking at this as a democratic transition necessarily in the first instance, but democracy, secularism and civic societies, all of the pluralism as they make decisions. Thank you and he is speaking to us from beirut. For the first time in history majority of Congress Members are millionaires and as capitol hill deba debates on Employment Benefits they wonder how compassionate can the politicians be. On the floor of the u. S. Senate a debate is taking place over whether to end unEmployment Benefits for millions of americans out of work for several months. And now struggling to pay for basic needs. These workers, the millions throughout the country are worried that they will lose their ability to pay for a roof over their heads and put food on the table for their families, for their children. 1 million americans lost assistance at the end of 2013 when the current Insurance Program expired and millions more stand to lose it in 2014 because many conservatives in the u. S. Congress are apparently unwilling to extend the program. But this idea we can just waltz in here because there is a need in the country that we believe should be fulfilled and we can just borrow the money and spend for it is not good. Reporter the benefits were introduced six years ago during the u. S. Financial crisis to protect the millions of americans who lost their jobs. Last month the emergency aid started to run out for some after many conservative Lawmakers Said the u. S. Government could no longer afford to fund the benefits indefinitely. Its an argument being made as members of congress continue to collect a minimum of 174,000 a year in salary. As it turns out are more affluent than ever before and forced to make details public it turns out for the first time in u. S. History the majority of its lawmakers are millionaires and 2012 of the 535 members of congress 268 or more than half had a net worth of more than 1 million, that is up more than 4 from the previous recorded year. What we are losing are people who will feel an obligation to speak for the working class and the lower middle class and the poor because fewer and fewer people in Congress Know what its like to actually deport. Reporter and congressional legislation may be reflecting that reality. And a republic president bush and Employment Benefits were extended five times with no conditions attached and under democratic president obama republicans in the u. S. Congress appear key to end the longterm unEmployment Benefits. They claim it encourages unemployed workers to be selective about the job they take instead of settling for whatever they can find. Kimberly with al jazeera washington. Reporter in mexicos state people created their own Security Force to take on the drug gangs and drive out members of a gang known as the knights in templa. Reporter men in southwest mexico are now a common sight, over the past year so called selfdefense groups liberated, dozens of towns from a drug cartel known as the Knights Templar and took the law in their hands because the government couldnt or wouldnt protect them but on monday the interior minister announced that mexicos federal government intends to restore order in the troubled state. Translator starting today we will implement a comprehensive and integrated strategy in the most effected municipalities to address peoples securities and combat conditions leading to violent behavior. The security plan includes nearly 20 million for funding isobar programs and Community Police will have to turn in their weapons. Translator we call selfdefense groups to go back to towns and daily activities and the government will take care of the safety of their communities and we invite them to cooperate with authorities by showingly all information they have to stop criminals. Reporter president government sent thousands of troops to the troubled region over the past year but the security situation has continued to deteriorate. On sunday a fierce gun battle broke out between the vigilantes and the drug gang in the town. The shoot outlasted for hours. But only one man was reported injured. Just two days earlier, residents in another town set cars and trucks on fire, protesting the arrival of 100 vigilantes and towns people said they oppose them because they are forcibly recruiting young men. The vigilantes claim the protesters are backed by the 9th cartel. The federal government announcement said its ready to take action but disarming the vigilantes will not be easy and some are refused to enter into negotiations unless the leaders of the cartel are resting and rachel with al jazeera and mexico city. Reporter in good company, the famous art pieces going from billionaires board rooms to public display. And we have all the sport coming up, Alex Rodriguez sues Major League Baseball following his record ban for doping. That is after the break. Al Jazeera America gives you the total news exp welcome back, and a thick volcanic ash damaged dozens of houses in indonesia and forced people to flee from the homes than it has been dormant until a few months ago. He is removing volcanic ash from orange trees hoping they will survive and four months he has not had any income like many others, they feel like the victims that have been forgotten. Translator the government should not just talk in the offices with nice shoes and ties and cars and the Small Farmers have no hope. Reporter and they are choked by volcanic ash more and more everyday, killing the livelihoods of all those who lived here for generations. And he has lived in the mountain all his life but never before has it destroyed the destructive dark side like this. The government wants to relocate villages closest to the volcano but he doesnt want to move. Translator if we are going to move it will be suicide. How will we be able to make a living . Reporter the government admits that after four months farmers still have not been compensated. Translator the government is thinking about compensation for the farmers but we have not thought about the amount yet. And there is a promise the government will help. Reporter the number of evacuees is growing everyday sincerr eruptions are more violent. People will be depressed in camps a long time and what happens to children if they dont go to school regularly and the whole generation will be affected. Reporter after his wife and children have moved to a safer location, and he can only wait until the mt. Is peaceful and quiet again, something he hopes will happen sooner than later, al jazeera. Reporter and lets get the sport now. Thank you so much. We start with tennis and players and spectators have endured extreme heat on day two of the Australian Open and it was 42 degrees celius and rafael had the best time going to the second round and his opponent retired with a groin injury in the last half hour and led by one set at the time. And four and andy murray had a straight set victory over japan. And roger federer, the 17th grand slam champion is in the 52nd tournament and surpassing the record. In the women use draw victoria began a quest for a third consecutive open and beat larson of sweden 7662 to advance to the next around. And carolyn is through the tenth seed and accounted for and 6062 and admits 40 plus temperatures were a big challenge. Every time in the change over and everything and the second set i could feel there were signs of heat even more. I put the bottle down on the court and then it started melting a little bit underneath, so the plastic, so you knew it was warm and it was warm for both of us and its great that i finished off in two sets and it wasnt too long. Reporter and they are named the worlds best footballer for 2013. [cheers] around madrid and portugeese and the first was 2008 and renaldo had the most votes ahead of nasa who had four previous locations and he scored 66 goals in 56 games last year. Every year i manage to win important trophies and individual ones too. But this was amazing and very intense as so many goals and 69 goals for madrid and to go to the world cup so i feel proud and this is giving motivation to work more and better for the future. I was not playing on the pitch and missed a lot of big games but doesnt take it away and the desire to win this. Reporter and he wasnt the only winner in zurick the coach was named coach of the year and there was also a special prize for brazil legend and three time cup winner with an honor at the prize. Manager arson jack wilshir has a win on monday, and opened the scoring on 34 minutes and set up the gunner second and he pulled a gold back in the second back but had a 21 victory and sends them top of the table. You know, we had to be the strong response tonight because everybody looks at you to see if you drop points because they made points over the weekend so the only way you can do this is be under pressure when you play last is you know that youre not allowed to drop any points. Reporter and this is how the english primarily now stands and one point clear of manchester and chelsea a further point back and liver pool is fourth and then we have the top six. In spain they flashed fellow league hopefuls to jump above them into 5th place in the league. The yellow submarines were three up behalf time and bagging two goals on the 9th and he scored before the hour and ran out 51 winners and second win in a row and leaves them two points off the Champion League places. And new york and Alex Rodriguez asked a federal judge to throw out a decision for banning him for 160 games over doping allegations. Arod is suing Major League Baseball and the Players Union saying they did not protect his rights and follows the arbitrator banning him for the entire 2014 season. The players attorney say he exhibited partiality toward the mlb. A report released on monday also details arods alleged drug use which includes muscle treatments and skin creams and logenzes and oral doses and some have more sympathy than others. I understand that it cannot change for, i guess adding possible, illegal things to enhance your performance. Do i think maybe its a bit harsh . Sure, yeah, i do. I think he should be gone for life. He is worse than pete rose. I think that is pretty harsh. I think that is a pretty harsh suspension for a professional athlete. Reporter and ted is a Major League Baseball writer for usa today and say its not enough to deter others from taking foerm answerenhancing drugs. I think it will be difficult to rid the game of performanceenhancing drugs and they are ahead of the test and always guys looking for a Competitive Edge but i think that to a big step forward would be starting to punish the teams for this. Looking at the yankees they been fit while he is on the team and now they benefit from him being suspended and clearing all that payroll they had. So there is no incentive for a team to police it self and i think until there is its going to be tough to keep him out of the game. Reporter the rockets held the celtics a defeat and had a sluggish start and jeremy lynn had 16 points and the rockets went to 10492 win. And the longest losing streak since 2007. Nhl the la kings beat van koorer for the fourth win of the season and Jonathan Quick had a shut out and the only goal of the game in the third period to lead the kings to 10 win. Now the latest from the rally and he won stage 8 in the 2011 champion and it took the drivers from argentina into chile. Two time defending champion hansel of france came in second but its still roma of spain who leads and he did have an overall lead cut to 23 minutes and 6 in the stage. And there is much more sport on our website, check out al jazeera. Com sport and details there how to get in touch with our team using twitter and facebook and we have blogs and clips from correspondence around the world and the address is al jazeera. Com sport. That is it for me for now and back to you. Thanks very much indeed for that. For years Big Companies have bought art, some own hundreds of pieces of the worlds greatest painters and now the collection is cataloged and some art has gone on display in london and we went to have a look. This is a snapshot of companyowned art and the selection is worth billions and these scottish paintings were owned by a family bank and today they and the bank belong to j. P. Morgan and this is work by tracey eming and bought by a legal firm specializing in modern art. This famous painting by magreet belongs to a Spanish Telecom company and italian banks started buying art back in the 15th century by why . Apparently its not investment, its all about image. If you go into an office just before its occupied and a brandnew office, what do you see . You see rows of desks and computers and its gray and its beige and you say to yourself what is this organization . The answer is its on the wall. There is a view once a company buys a work of art it is then forever hidden from the public view and that is somehow a bad thing. Well, this new book and this exhibition seeks to challenge that view and think that companies are increasingly good at displaying and sharing their works and they are good at Art Education and of course their deep pockets are very good for the artists themselves. An norwegien owns this and has apprise every year and the British Law Firm has this for employees and this photo belongs to a french bank and is part of what it calls its culture policy. The basic message they have it believe is we should not be too suspicious of the big corporates scooping up great art and doesnt necessarily mean paintings disappears in Corporate Board rooms and better than this picasso ending up in some anonymous billionaires basement and some argue that art great as this deserves public display to be seen by all the people, all the time. Simon with al jazeera, london. Reporter and most of us can only dream of owning art like that. And that is it from the news hour team for now. Elizabeth will be here after the break with more of the days stories but from all of us here goodbye for now. Every sunday night join us for exclusive. Revealing. And surprising talks with the most interesting people of our time. Parkinsons forced his wife to type his novels. Not only was i typing badly, but i was hallucinating. Now, a revolutionary proceedure is giving is giving this best selling author a Second Chance it was a wondrerful moment. After the implant, they turned the juice on, and. Emily Martin Cruz Smith on talk to al jazeera only on al Jazeera America th welcome back to inside story. Im ray suarez. Were talking about there will be no government shut down, congressional leaders have struck a compromise agreement allocating more than 1 trillion to fund the government. Security is tight around polling places in egypt as Voters Decide whether to adopt a new constitution. Supporters of ousted president Mohamed Morsi are calling for egyptians to boycott the referendum. A human blockade in bangkok brings thailands capitol the to a stand still and unhappy with the countrys president have shut down the government. Why . Not yet, wh. Reporter and 30 million words, an unique program aimed

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