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We begin tonight with iran. An agreement with the islamic republic. Its purpose to fill in the details, the two sides negotiated last november. Starting next week on january 20th, iran will begin rolling back its Nuclear Program to allow the United Nations full access. Then if iran cooperates, a permanent deal will be finalized. In return, the country will soon get about 7,000,000,000 in seized oil revenue. More now from patty col hawaiian in washington. This was the first step taken in november, six countries in iran agreeing to a temporary dole. Now, on january 20thsth, a round leaders say they will take action. On that day, they promise to enrich uranium to the 5 level, dismantle the 20 enriched uranium. In return, they get sanctions relief for the oil and gold industry and a letup on sanctions that have kept up spare parts for cars and airplanes. Some of the overseas accounts will be unfrozen putting an estimated six to 7,000,000,000 back into their economy. Will they try to work out a longterm deal . But from the powerful to the people on the streets of tehran, skepticism. It is not easy to be optimistic about this. We should wait and see what happens. Only time will tell about the talks will finally, result in conclusion. We are very cleareyed about the even greater challenges that we face in the agreement. We understand it will be a tough negotiation. We are very clear about what will be required in order to be able to guarantee to the International Community that this is a peaceful program. Under the agreement, the u. S. Promised no new sanctions while they talk. A majority of senators say they dont agree with that. Threatening to pass a bill to add new sanctions on iran, which would be implemented if they feel iran isnt living up to their side of the agreement. The white house says that will end the talks and is threatening a veto. Opponents say they are working to make sure they can override it. The first and second steps taken in the next few weeks, the congress could take a third, but its one the white house fears would be the last in this long diplomatic process. Patty colhain, al jazeera washington. Moving to certain i cant where activists say 700 people have been killed in the past nine days. Most were the rebels as they fight each other. Its said to be the worst bout of infighting since the civil wargan. Syrian peace talks will likely move forward later this no even though its unclear whether rebels will attend despite pressure from international leaders. There were a lot of groups fighting for syria. They are all very different, and many are now in disarray. Al jazeeras Jackie Roland explains why reporter it was a lastditch attempt to persuade the Syrian Opposition to talk to the assad regime. The americans with their european and arab partners argues that there can be no military victory. After three years of fighting in syria, they say the only way ahead is a negotiated solution. We have renewed our full support for the Syrian National council at a time when the Syrian People are facing majority difficulties. Following an extensive discussion we have unanimously adopted this text presenting our position on the crisis on the direction in which the Community Must follow and which request of the geneva 2 Conference Take place following the expected timetable. The syrian political opposition is as fragmented as the armed opposition on the ground. One thing the different groups agree on is that assad leave the political scene. The most important is that assad has no future in syria. The siryn opposition is under strong and conflicting pressures. Its International Partners are adamant it should take part in peace talks later this month. Fighters on the ground reject any formula that could enable bashard alassad to hold on to power. So the meeting ended without a clear yes or no from the Syrian National coalition. Americans and pers their partners want the talks to take place in 10 days. Its difficult to see how that would happen with an empty seat at the table. Jackie berlin, al jazeera, paris. Well, first it was target, then Neiman Marcus. It turns out they may not be the only stores whose customer information was stolen. A new report says at least three other big retailers were hacked. Those companies, though are not speaking up. An exclusive report by reuters sheds light on how retailers like target and Neiman Marcus are not the only merchants to be affected by a data breach. The report indicates that smaller breaches took place at three otherwellknown Retail Stores here in the u. S. Those retailers have yet to make. Some states require Companies Top contact customers when their information exposed. Neiman marcus used twitter to provide the latest details writing we are taking steps where possible to notify customers whose cards we know were used fraudulently after purchasing at our stores. The ceo of target told cnbc in an interview, the company promised they dont know how their system was hacked. We dont know the full extent of what transpired. What we do know was there was malwear installed on our point of sale registers. Much, weve established. We removed that malwear so we could provide a safe and secure environment. To do our check okay retail cyber attacks, al jazeera reached out to blooming details, lord and taylor and gap, old navy and enter mix to name a few. None of these Companies Returned our request for comment except for macys saying macys is aware of the issues related to the Neiman Marcus and target Payment Systems. We have no reason to believe any of our Payment Systems have been affected, protecting our Customers Trust is the top priority for macys. Al jazeera reached out to visa and mastercard and have yet to hear back. Federal investigators are trying to determine if these cases are linked. If you think you may be at risk, make sure to check your credit card and bank statements. Jonathan, we are all at risk. Good advice regardless. Thank you. Lawmakers are expecting a showdown on whether to extend unemployment benefits. It affects more than 1. 3 unemployed million 1. 3 million unemployed americans. It could boost to extend the benefits through the end of the year. Some say the government should focus on creating jobs. Congress also cut food stamps recently its hurting some you might not expect, some Grocery Stores have seen a big drop in business. David sayed opened up his Grocery Store 15 years ago after moving from jerusalem. He is seriously considering closing shop for good a move that would put him and his employees to work . Maybe i go to work as a sack boy. I have family. I need to find something. Davids store like the vast majority accepts the link cards which provides snap benefits. The vast majority of his customers are snap recipients. In november, an end to stimulus money earmarked for the snap. About 20 to 40 less each month than recipients had been getting for t for the past few years. David noticed a difference right away. The customers try to make more shopping for their their kids, more produce, more fresh meat. Now, unfortunately, its down and down. They buy only what they little bit need, you know. 6. 97. I hope that they will send an increase, snap, a little bit more for the family. Snap recipients like del finia shannon may see benefits cut more. Congress is nearing an agreement which would mean an average snap cut of another 20 to 40 per month. Make sure i dont overspend. Things like that. How tough is it . When you are not working, its tough. Thou she be if he had. She prayed for better days. Even her pastor is worried about the domino effect on thousands of snap households and the neighborhood. The people in the family, in the community t they are thrown out to the wolves. They have to do things. Crime will go up because they have to do things they ordinarily wouldnt do. Many of david zayeds customers have to rely on free food pantries. They are talking about decreasing snap benefits again this month. Oh, my gosh. Then i will really be in trouble. I will be back at the pantry. There is no other way i can make it. David said he lost 7,000 in november after those first snap cuts. He has lowerred the prices on some fresh food but will that be enough for survival after the next round of knack scuds. If not, i will give up. No one knows how much more money will be taken out of snap benefits. There is no doubt the cuts will be felt by the store owners as well as their customers. Ays, chicago. Authorities hope tests will reveal when the water will be safe again in west virginia. Around 300,000 people cant bathe with or drink their tap water after a Chemical Spill. Dozens have gone to Emergency Rooms complaining of nausea. Four have been hospitalized. It may be days before the mess is cleaned. Our procedure for lifting the do not use order is to do it by zone. We are talking about different pressure zones we talked about many times. There are many of them. They are complicated. We need to get samples at different points within the zones to verify that the water that we are putting outed of the Treatment Plant is completely through that zone and then we will be able to lift that the order for those zones. From tufts university, there is little over sight over these types of fas. Usually, the states have a lot of Regulatory Authority over Holding Tanks in plants. The epas Regulatory Authority covers gas stations, for example, petroleum and gas stations. And regulate the storage tanks in these faces grim sky added one problem that emergency cruise no little about the chemical danger since it hasnt been properly tested. Thats the case with tennessee of thousands of other chemicals used in the industry. A pilot makes a mistake that keeps a jumbo jet grounded. Southwest Airlines Flight 4013 was supposed to land at the airport in bransom, missouri. But it touched down at a small Regional Airport nearby instead. Although the brainilysom airport is less than 10 miles away, there is now a big problem. Plane cannot take off. The runway at that small Regional Airport is too short for the jumbo jet to lift off. What are southwest plans with the plane being here and obviously its some logistical challenges . I am going to answer any questions. I will answer any questions at this points. Officials scrambled to get the passengers off of the plane and to a shuttle that took them to broonsom. A baseball legend swinging back. Still ahead on Al Jazeera America where the accusations against arod are getting harder to deny. Makeup making life better. Why former prostitutes are going into the cosmetics business. Their story next. Live in bangkok with more, veronica, are these protests really making a difference is there any indication the Prime Minister might step down . They are making a difference insofar as there is major inconvenience to people who are trying to get around living their life as residents or if they are visiting the city. It is a major tourist draw as it were. In the thai economy. This is going to damage the economy without a doubt. Will it be enough to bring down the government as these protesters behind me want or get help answering that question from our guests. High political researcher, what difference do you think these protesters are going to make as you get through the various myths that are going on . What do people have to understand about whether or not this is going to work . I think the biggest thing that needs to be stated specifically, as to what reformats they want. They are out here with placards and signs saying they need to restart thai democracy without going through those reforms. I think thats a shortcited view and short cited look into the future because they are not explicitly stating what they want. Might lead to friction in the future. On the other hand, the government needs to state explicitly as well, whether or not they will respect the other point of view, whether or not they will continue to act with impunity or start reaching across the aisle. They are acting quickly because we dont have much time as well about the possibility of a coup. What are the implications if that happens . Its a negative if there is a coup. It will set democracy back a few years. Coups are never good. Some are calling for it does not bode well. Hopefully cooler heads prevail. Due to be held on february 2nd. Do you think that is going to happen . If there is no military coup, an election will happen. Whether the results of the election are remains to be seen. Hopefully people are more reasonable, they would push the e elections back and talk about reforms across the aisle and move toward e elections at a later date this year. I have to say its difficult to say how looking at the scenes around us but thank you for the time being. I definitely agree with you. Thank you for having me. All right. We will keep you up to date, of cour course, as the day goes on and campaign to shut down bangkok continues. Okay. Veronica live for us at a noisy rally in bangkok. Thank you for your time tonight. The u. S. Named two libyan groups as terrorist organizations for their role in the benghazi attack two years ago. Its the first time. The u. S. Said the groups responsible are not believed to be affiliated with alqaeda but observers say they do pose just as big of a threat. This big debate is was there an order from the tribalaries of pakistan. There is no evidence of that. But what we are facing around the world are local militant groups that share alqaedas ideology. We face a threat whether its core alqaeda or not isnt going to help save american lives. Four americans including u. S. Ambassador christens. A new government is taking shape in the Central African republic. Joy over the ousted president s departure turned violent. Widespread looting in the capitol has killed at least 13. Mosque along with muslim owned shops and hopmes were attacked. The United Nations called for calm, removing foreigners. Israelis head a candle ite vigil for former Prime Minister arial shar owen. He died after a spoke put him in a coma eight years ago. He lied in state. A memorial celebration is followed tomorrow. Nick schifrin brings us more from jerusalem. Draped in the flag for which he fought so ruthlessly, arial share rohn made one more trip to the heart of israeli power. Outside parliament they said good buy. Military officers he led and inspired calling them israeli protect occur and the israeli public who more often than not trusted him with their security. He was the one who really fight for our safety. Fathers brought their children and some came all the way from new york. The image of him as a gruff, tough person was matched by a very soft interior. I saw it. I saw it when i brought my children to him. Sharon was the pillar of israeli strength. For many others, he was a symbol of israeli cruelty. No where was that more apparent than the small palestinian town of kibia. Memorial signs. In the memory of 73 mohammed hal ill they remember october 14th, 1953. As we were fleeing our home, he says, the bullets were raining down. In 1953, sharon was the leader of an elite israeli commandos, palestinians believed to be from kibia killed annitsisi woman and her infant. Sol they took revenge. They went house to house, throwing grenades, explosives. They killed 67 civilians, mostly women and children. It became known as the kibia massacre. Sharon wont escape gods torture. Why would you kill notices . Those who were killed didnt kill anyone. In the sharons legacy with this documentary 12 family members, sharon died without ever having being held accountable. We sons of kibia believe earthly justice failed. After the killing, David Bengurion didnt punish shinerman. He honored him by giving him a hebrew name. Today, many israeli still admire sharons ruthlessness . They killed us. They came against us. He was Strong Enough to fight against people who want to kill us. Sharon was controversial in life and remained pollarizing even in death. Al jazeera, jerusalem. An earthquake devastated the island nation. A ceremony was held. More than 100,000 people lost their lives in that quake in 2010. Many are still trying to rebuild. About half a Million People still live in crowded tent camps. Yankees baseball store Alex Rodriguez stands by claims he never used performance enhancing drugs. Today, tony bosch called him a liar in a 60 minutes interview. He said he injected the slugger. He said he wanted to be the only player to hit 800 home runs. Yesterday. You can hear some of that interview coming up later troubled women turn their lives around. It not only rehab i thinktates them but employees them. Ramon johnson. A thistle stop t when you Start Talking to the women behind the counter, you realize its different. From living the life that i live, i thought by now i should be dead. Its been a long, agnizing road for alletha walton to stay clean and soaper. Doing whatever it took to get high. For most of her life, she was selling her body, even with two kids at home. When i hit the streets, i started using again. I started walking all hours of the night, jumping in and out of cars with men i did not know, prostituting my body, getting high. She is doing better now. This nonprofit founded by an episcopal priest has been helping troubled women like arletha good clean and sober. Its been done through private grants and donations. Thistle farms receives no government assistant. It has given her the hope and tools she needs to stay clean. She learned she was not alone. How god brought them through, how they can live, how they can laugh and love again and that there is hope. For more than a dozen years,grades have been making thistle farms bath and body Works Products by hand. They are sold now all over the country. The cafe is the newest venture from the chairs to the desk to the wood. Arletha who never thought she would make it is now the cafes general manager. I know today, i can do this. I know that i can stay clean and sober. In my heart, i have no reason to go backwards. And all i can say is that i just thank god because it was by his Amazing Grace that i am sitting here. There has been a string of firsts for aletha. She and her daughter moved in to their first apartment. Feels good to be back in a relationship with my daughter. Aletha has a boyfriend. They hope to get married some day and she will have the support group at thistle farms. Raelyn johnson, arizona. Thats great to here best of luck to aletha and her family. He summations are about to head to the poles yet again. We look at how this election could impact a country thats been in turmoil for years. Al jazeera Investigative Unit has tonight exclusive reports. Stories that have impact that make a difference that open your world. This is what we do. America tonight, week nights, 9 00 eastern, only on al jazeera. When some People Struggle with their mortgage payments, they become frozen, petrified. Not knowing what to do, they do nothing. The people who take action are far more likely to get the most positive outcome. Making home affordable is a free government program. Activists show the welcome back to Al Jazeera America. I am Jonathan Betz with the headline this past hour. Negotiators have agreed how to roll back irans Nuclear Program. Islamic republic will allow the United Nations access. The country gets about 7,000,000,000 in seized oil revenue. World leaders are in paris to per swayed the opposition forces. Rebels are demanding president assad step down. Something assad has rejected. Target and neman marcus may not be the only retailers whose networks were breach. Three other chains were also hacked. It afrths millions across the country. Other stores are not coming forward. Its time for a regular sunday night segment, the week ahead. Tonight, we go to egypt where people will soon be heading to the poles. This tuesday will vote yes or no on a new constitution. He job descriptions living overseas begin pacasting ballot and these pictures were taken in new york on friday. Its expected the referendum will pass. If it does, president ial and Parl Parliament e elections will follow. He script divides after constant turmoil. Later, courtney is here to look back at how egypt got to this point. Courtney . We are going to start way back in 1952, when the Egyptian Military staged a coup overthrowing king far youk, and the next half century, every egyptian countame from there. After amwar sadat was asiesnated. He jimingsz started a revolution, hundreds of thousands filled kye ros tahrir square, demand can mubaraks resignation. 18 days later, egypts generals announced he had resigned and that the military was taking power. For the next 15 months, the military Supreme Council led egypt. It was a tumultuous period. The process of writing a new constitution exposed differences among the forces that had combined to force out mubarak. Mothered morsi became egypts first freely elected leader. By the close of 2012, mortgagesi had granted himself nearly unlimited powers and oversaw the writing of a constitution backed by the brotherhood and other religious conservatives. His opponents called it an islamist coup. More deadly protests erupted. Exactly a year after he took office, june 30th, 2013, protests again broke out with morsis opponents now demanding that he leave. Protests that the military publically encouraged. On july 3rd, the army overthrough morsi, a civilian internal part was pointed. The powerful defense minister asisi is widely seen as the kate strongman. Protests against the coup led to bloody crackdown. The military remains in control and egyptians are asked to vote yes or no on another new constitution. The people are with you owe lion of egypt hanging alongside a photo of egypts defense minister pledging the army would protect them, the military will deploy 160,000 shoulders. Cairo streets have been filled with angry protesters clashing in recent days. A yes, vote drafting a new constitution is widely predicted. The new constitution drops language used last year under ousted president morsi and strengthens the military, police and judiciariary, who opposed morsis rule. His trial with early february, charges include murder. The Muslim Brotherhood has been driven underground. Dozens of leaders are in jail. Over 1,000 affiliated schools and charities have been seized by the state. The brotherhood has vowed. Those who want the return of the Muslim Brotherhood is 19 . I dont think the boycott will have an effect. Backers of the constitution are hoping for the constitution that passed last year with 64 of the vote. Turnout was barrel 53 million voters. Countries like russia, the u. S. Administration remains in an awkward position with its one point and the annual military assistance at stake. To stress the importance this week. His spokeman said he reaffirmed the commitment. Asisi is expected today rup for president. He will watch this weeks turnout and the yes vote. He and a lot of people across the world. A lot to talk about about this. I spoke with richard bullet from Columbia University and from washington, d. C. Collet alginzi with the brookings institution. I asked about the Political Climate in egypt. The environment is different this time around. It is much more unstable than it was just a year ago under the last during the last referendum. I think even after the referendum has been concluded, i dont think there is any question that the yes vote will by with a margin and what the turnout be, but my concern is that even after it probably wont entirely quell the unrest. The anger and the protest. Richard, is egypt at least moving in the right direction . For the people who that overthrough morsi . For those people who supported, it was not. He also had 51 the vote when he ran for president. The question of freedom and democracy is a matter of definition. The main difference this constitution is not the removal of islamist language but rather the isolation of the military and the military budget from any kind of civilian oversight. It is rather striking when you look into the nitty gritty. It ice lates and protects Egyptian Military. It says the military must approve the defense minister for the next two president ial terms. What does that tell you . The military, which has been in control since 1952 is absolutely determined to remain in control. Its also the fact that the officer core in egypt has an enormous role to play. Is there any chance that this could be ejected by the people of egypt . I dont think so. First of all the environment is repressive. Its not by any means a free and fair electoral environment. Even without that kind of repress, i think there is its impossible to foresee an actual noble prevailing. You mentioned those journalists in detention, five journalists are being detained. He is a career military officer who has been commander in chief and minister of the defense since august 12th of 2012, this past summer. Morsi appointed him, believing sisi was more sympathetic than his predecessor and in 2006, at the army with a are college here in the universe, sisi wrote a paper that seemed sympathetic to its lammic politics. Last july, the general ousted president morsi and appointed mansur. Now he says he will take a yes, vote. When you hear what general sisi said, do you think if he did run for president , this would be good for egypt or bad . Well, i mean, i think he would, he is clearly the frontrunner. I dont think there is any question that he would win even a free and fair vote. He summations are basically starved for leadership. The brotherhood really failed in a number of ways morsi was over thrown. The rest of the nonislamist political classes is really quite vacuous. At this point, does it matter what kind of relationship egypt has with the United States . Especially since it seems to get so much support from other countries in the middle east . Bilateral relationship does matter. I think it matters to both sides. And i think it will largely continue although probably along the sort of that negative downward trajectory we have seen over the past few months and really years. Richard, i want to give the final thought to you as we look forward as egypt approaches this pistol monument in time with these e lipingsz. Do you feel like the country will slide backwards or forward . The e jigs really will welcome shortterm restoration of some notion of order and process. So, it may look pretty good for a while. In the longer run its hard to see that a military government for the last half century. Absolutely. Professor richard, collett algindi. Thanks a lot, jonathan. There is a quick look. Some events to watch. The senate expected to vote on the bill to extend unemployment benefits. Also tomorrow, secretary of state john kerry meets with Russian Foreign minister certain aleaf remove. They will discuss the geneva submit later this month. Three men accused of obstructing justice have a court status meeting. Strong winds knocked over a few trees this morning damaging homes and cars in portland oregon. Gusts up to 30 Miles Per Hour have been reported. So far no one has been hurt. The area was under a winter storm warning that has since expired. Thats, i suppose, good news, kevin, that winter storm warnings have expired. You are looking at something there in the mediterranean, it looks like . Thats right. This came out. I will take you to puerto rico. We have had an earths quake that happened. 6. 5 magnitude earthquake. This just came in. So far, there are no reports of any damages and no tsunami warnings have been issued. It is late at night. We will hear more about this. Bring you more on that as we go through the rest of the day. As jonathan said. Under much of the northwest. You can see the big storm up there. I will get to that in just a moment. Also, here across the northeast, we have been having some major problems, first of all, it was a polar vortex, nigh aggra falls almost frozen over, a beautiful site but dangerous, especially when it comes to ice jams. We have amount of thawing out that happened this weekend with those temperatures and the rain that pushed through most of the region. A little snow pushing through earlier today, but now, we are clear. Its the warm temperatures that we are dealing with for many people. Now, this is an example of one of those ice jams. What happens is, the ice breaks up, acts like boulders, jams up the river and the water has no place to go except for maybe over the sides or pushes the dam out and floods downstream. A very dangerous situation in parts of new york, vermont, New Hampshire as well as into main we will see warnings 12 hours ago, now they look like this as the rain has stopped. So the threat is really decreasing as we go throughs. Temperatures are going to be warm for many people across northeast. Jonathan . Interesting how we saw temperatures warm so quickly. Thanks, kevin. It is january and spring training is still a month away, yet baseball has managed to take the center stage. Lets go to jessica with more on this. Everyones talking arod. Doesnt matter if the playoffs are going on. I was going to say. It doesnt matter what sports season we were in. It seems that Alex Rodriguez is the headline that wont go away. Yesterday, an independent arbitrator reduced arods suspension from baseball from 2 less than games to 162, and even after the decision, the yankees third ba third baseman continued to deny he ever used performance enhancing drugs during his time in new york and said he will take his case to a federal court. An interview with tony bosh that aired on 60 minutes with scott pelly directly refused arods claim, bosh said in the report he personally injected rodriguez before he was scared of needles because of that and also, arod would take a banned substance called test roan troche, or a gummy before games. Put one of these troches in his mouth, probably about 10, 15 minutes before game time or as soon as he went into the field. A player could take it right before game time. And by the time they get back into a locker room, after the game, and there was any possibility of testing, they would test negative. They would test clean. Bosh also told sixty minutes that alex wanted to know, he wanted to study the product. He would study the substances, study the dosages because he wanted to achieve all of the Human Performance or in this case, Sports Performance objectives and the most important one for him was that 800 homerun club. Boshs appearance on 60 minutes quits has caused fighting between the Players Association and the league. The association said it is unfortunate Major League Baseball lacks faith and integrity and the finality of the arbitrators decision such that it could not resist the temptation to publicly pile on against Alex Rodriguez. It is equally troubling that the nlb appointed arbitrator will be appearing in the 60 minute secondment on the program with nlbs blessing. In response to that, the league said in part, quote, we have notified Major League Baseball Players Association on numerous occasions that we intended to respond to all of the attacks on the integrity on the integrity of the joint drug program. Those attacks continued and yet again jed with mr. Rodriguezs statement, as did mr. Boshs appearance, he is not controlled by us and is entitled to speak however he chooses about his interactions with mr. Rodriguez. Stay tuned for that. Meanwhile, the stage is set for next weeks n. F. L. Conference matchups. The player with the most pressure happens to be the one who has arguabliny the best season. Peyton manning pbut his lack of postseason casts a shadow over legacy. Manning not worried about the future, only focused about the president. That was beating the chargers in denver. They had it going early on, too, in the end zone. Got hem in there twice courtesy, two of those from mr. Manning passes, the second one would be to we will ger just back from injury. D denver tuna 170 lead, managed to hold off a rally, 247, manning with the broncos in the title game for the first time. Lets get back next year. You know its hard to get back. You have injuries. Things happen. Really hard work. We are proud and happy to be at this point, and we certainly want to keep it going. This matchup before, its a e union for the title next sunday. The last time, it was manning the colts, not bradys bunch who went on to win the super bowl. Colin kapernick was the last time, the 9ers quarterback had one of his worst games over and to rub salt in the wound, cam newton stole his signature move where he kisses his biceps. Cant do that. Kapernick was able to take care of two birds at one stone. In the third kapernick as to it. Take out the move. Superman, that was newtons move. Taking over. Panthers to be five times, intercepted him twice. They beat carolina 2310. A Third Straight year. The seahawks next sunday kickoff was 6 30. Against the former teammates. The colts. Thats a peyton matchup. Still to come al Cartoon Museum where comics are considered part of history. Operas are hitting a sour note in italy. Why music is in danger of being silenced ahead. Every sunday night, Al Jazeera America presents the best documentaries this week an historic election. We have 47 percent of our people who pay no income tax. We take you behind scenes. I intend to be the nominee that defeats barack obama. Kiesh the stream is uniquely interactive television. We depend on you, you are one of the voices of this show. So join the conversation and make it your own. The stream. On Al Jazeera America and join the conversation online ajamstream. The land where opera music was born more than 400 years ago is struggling to keep music alive. In italy many opera houses are in trouble. Even in rome, its premier opera house is deep in debt. Here is more. They are heart and soul of the opera, the cohoruchorus, performing here the opera house is in trouble. It owes around 50 million. Its management can receive a bailout but only if they cut jobs. One of italys most prestigious institutions on par with the coliseum or any caravaggio paint can. It should be proceeded and our constitution guarantees that. The financial crisis is forcing the government to funding for the arts. The government has to save billions of dollars in the next few years. Theaters and opera houses mostly state funded. Some have had no choice but to cut prvenlingsz or in some cases, close down. This is one of romes oldest theaters poured in 1727. The last official performance here was in 2011. Campaigners are trying to raise enough money to keep this place open. Italian government spends more than a billion dollars a year on culture. Much of the money goes to restoring ancient sites like the coliseum. The minister of culture insists opera will survive. The this tradition can survive. To respect the profession of these people. I think it would be difficult to imagine the future where culture isnt at the heart of things. In rommes opera house, a performance of swan lake. When music went on strike, the orchestra was replaced with a cd track. For now, the artists are back. They say the show must go on. Its not clear for how long. Al jazeera rome. The show indeed must go on there. For decades, artists have thes used cartoons as political statements, social commentary and plain fun. There is a museum that houses some of the most famous and infamous works of all time. There you can see 300,000 drawings. In columbus ohio. Reverendly perched atop la landscape is a new kind of temple for cartoons. This, for example, is from 1798. And it features an actual fight that took place in congress. Ohio state universitys Billy Ireland Cartoon Library treats cartoons and comics the way the u. S. Library of congress treats Thomas Jefferson and jeffrey chawser seriously. Cartoonists everywhere know they can give their collections of paper and art to a higher state and they will be preserved. They will be exhibited to researchers. From classic economics to political cartoons . A fantastic Franklin D Roosevelt and richard nixon. One pardon museum, one part cartoon university where scholars from around the worldcom to study the weightiest practiciansers of light literature. That was the material everybody had in theirs hands. These are, i think, important visual artifacts of an era that need to be certain seriously. All the way from hanover. Housed in the shelves of this temperaturecontrol room vault are 45,000 books of cartoons, 67,000 journals, the Worlds Largest collection of cartoons and economics. In 1843, british punch records the first use of the word cartoons. The calvin and hobbes collection and charles m. Schultez. I do. Its timeless. You know, the way it was drawn, the captioning. Its just timeless. Chester goulds original drawings of dick tracy. The collection includes 300,000 original works of art. There would be more but the originals were often tossed out after they were photographed and reprinted for the numb. Charles m. Schultz might be worth tens of thousands of dollars. An early one like this 1 in 1951 is priceless. Stereotypes. You can see from this that there was a very different sensibility in terms of how we portray. Historic controversy drawn together in a new home of their own john hendron, al jazeera, columbus, ohio. Pretty cool stuff there. Hollywoods season the ceremony goff off to a damp start. Part of the red carpet. Not good. Starts had not arrived thankfully winters including Brian Cranston in breaking bad and for the film america hustle. It picked up the best film award in the musical category and 12 years a slave was best dramatic film. Both movies, i need to go see. Its annual tradition still ahead on Al Jazeera America. We will tell you why subway riders around the world boarded trains without their pants today. Thats when we come back. People will be able to relive the sinking of the titanic in china. A Chinese Company announced a lifesize replica is the center piece at a theme park. The ship will not set sail but it will be docked at the theme park. The ceo says that asia needs its own tie at that timic but this will be more than a museum since it will include a ship wreck simulation. It will cap [ sighs ] and water will come in. We will let people experience water coming in by using sound and light effects. Perhaps they will see water rushing in above their heads. During this process, people will begin to escape. They will think the water will drown me. I must escape for my life. Thats got to raise some eyebrows. Construction is slated at the end of the month. Twice tag, 165 million. If you ever thought about riding a subway without your pants, it is no pants subway ride day sponsored by a dom degroup. The tradition started 13 years ago in 2002. Founders says its a way to make people laugh. Welcome to arizona america. Negotiate orders had agreed to how rule back irans Nuclear Program. January 20th, the United Nations will have full access to nuclear facilities. 7,000,000,000 in seized oil revenue. World leaders are in paris to persuade opposition to attend peace talks later this month. Rebels are demanding president asad step down. Thats something he rejects. Officials are going over test results from thursdays Chemical Spill in west virginia. Tap water is still unsafe for hundreds of thousands of people there target and Neiman Marcus may not be the only

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