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Hello, the battle for the iraqi city of fallujah is heating up. The Prime Minister asked residents to drive out fighters he calls terrorists. In response, they warn of dire consequences if they support the army. Thousands fled fallujah. 400,000 were thought to live here. Now the streets are deserted. The Islamic State of iraq and levant has been occupying parts of Anbar Province for several days. At least 45 people, including 22 soldiers have been killed so far. Tribal loyalties have been questioned. Now another Al Qaeda Group has emerged. The revolutionaries of our tribes in fallujah resolved to punish the tribesman who decide to join the sectarian forces and join the military council. They have decided to join the scheme run by the government. The United States is speeding up the delivery of missiles to iraq, but the white house will not be sending troops, insisting that it didnt allow the forces to develop. The white house scoffed at critics saying American Forces made a different in the fight for fallujah. Theres violent sectarian conflict in iraq when there was 150,000 u. S. Troops on the ground there. So the idea that this would not be happening if there were 10,000 troops in iraq, i think, bears scrutiny. Critics like john mccain claim a failure by president obama to reach a deal with the iraqis about leaving a force behind. Many claimed that the vacuum would be filled bien miss, and that is clearer than ever. That brought a strong response to the white house. If members were suggesting that there should be american troops fighting in fallujah today. They should say so. 4,886 americans died in the iraq war. A poll asked . Secretary of state john kerry made it clear on sunday no american troops will be sent back in. This is a fight that belongs to the iraqis, that is what the president and the world decided some time ago when we left iraq. So we are not obviously contemplating returning, putting boots on the ground. The u. S. Is doing something. Including 58 surveillance drones, and is 100 hell fire missiles. They are an effective tool in wiping out safe havens in western iraq. The situation could have implications in afghanistan. They are playing hardball, and talks to allow a u. S. Insurgency force to stay. If the United States and the International Community leave afghanistan, the taliban have a chance to come back to power. If they come back to power. The legacy and security of the family are at risk. Mike viqueira reporting there. The United Nations has not invited iran to take part in peace negotiations on syria, the muchtalked about geneva meeting is due to happen later this month. U. S. Secretarygeneral ban kimoon will attend. Much of the Syrian Opposition will stay away from the talks in geneva. Dozens of members of the Syrian National coalition resigneded. Many said they are against taking part in the talks. Until they have assurances theyll be removed. It all goes back to geneva, the group that resigned, 39 of them with a statement. Go to geneva, would be a betrayal of the Syrian People. They do not feel with a lack of undertaking made by the International Community and concessions that any party that purports to represent the Syrian People can go there to begin negotiations with representatives of the ram eem. For that reason they have taken themselves out of the coalition process and refuse to be party to any group that, in their eyes, in their view expressed to us is railroading the syrian political opposition, whether it wants to or not into a geneva process. They talk of outside pressures, they wont name them. We think they mean saudi arabia and the United States, who are determined that geneva ii will happen and are pushed by the countries into taking part. This, they say, they refuse to cooperate with. So what is left now, a rump, if you like, of the Syrian National coalition. The group that is resigning takes away a third of the coalition, the National Council is another third. Earlier on they said they would not be going. They have twothirds declared already, their opposition to going. They are not making the decision. What is left in the Syrian National coalition is a group that may vote to go. We know some of them said they are prepared to. The question is with so few people left inside the coalition voting to go, what does it mean if they say the Syrian Coalition is going when the people voting to go to geneva are view. Thousands of people in the democratic republic of conningo protest over the killing of an army commander. He helped to defeat the m23 rebels. Government sources say he was killed in an ambush by you gannan rebel forces on ugandan rebel forces on thursday. We dont believe who killed our soldier. Know know people that killed them. We know them. We ask for the government to search for those people from now on. South sudans army signed a ceasefire with a rebel Group Fighting the government. The deal could go some way to easing fears about fighters taking over oil fields. South sudan and sudan are proposing a joint force to protect the oil facilities. Sudanese president Omar Al Bashir vizors said his visit to juba was a combination of mediation and support. Not for one party against the other. We came so we can get a sense of what our role should be and what needs doing. We are convinced Armed Conflict will create complications and the people of south sudan must and will come back to the negotiating table. On president Omar Al Bashirs return, the Prime Minister made it clear ta the two sides have opened a new chapter of cooperation. One that will not please the rebels. As per the request from south sudan. We have sewn our ready niness to help with the protection. They said that the two sides agreed to discuss the idea of helping protect the oil fields. It was implied other countries should follow Omar Al Bashirs lead. All the countries have obligation to defend rights of each member state. It is down at the end of that taking power by military course, is a crime. They should have come out condemning the people. Conflict in the south is one thing. It will help find a solution, a different combination. It has different borders. It has other unresolved issues. Mutual migration and the final stages of the area. And an openended war in the south to further complicate the pending issues. That report from sudans capital. Well speak to our correspondent live in a moment. First to the south sued niece capital of juba. How viable is the unilateral decision of a ceasefire in jonglei state. People seem happy about the ceasefire. They have conascertains and know david jowjow. He defected and came back. They ask if he can be trusted. He is one element. Other rebel leaders, and forces loyal to the former vice president. They want to know what is the government going to deal with the problem, because the violence could continue. We know that regional ministers are flying in, a diplomatic push to end the crisis peacefully. As far as the humanitarian situation there, what is the latest on that. It is a worry. They say they are struggling. Refugees are leaving the country. Sudan, putting a strain on resources and other neighbouring countries. In other towns in some parts of the country, the concern aid agencies have, its too full. Too many people. They are looking for alternative sites. When you found a site, have you to deal with water, sanitation, food for the people and protection in case people are attacked by elements part of the violence. A big concern for aid workers, asking for more money and help, asking for troops on the ground so they are running away from the violence because they dont feel safe. That report from juba. Lets go live to khartoum. We have our correspondent standing by. What can you tell us about the Oil Protection special force thats being set up, and why is sudan suddenly getting involved in this now. What is in it for them . Interesting question, because for the last few weeks sudan has always been showing restraint, neutrality, and saying we will not intervene with the south or deal with one side against the interests of another. We have seen a surprise visit by Omar Al Bashir yesterday. What came after that visit the declaration that the two sides will discuss the need of a joint force to protect the oil wells. The proposal came from the south, showing readiness to accept it, and they have declared that they are ready to send 900 oil technicians to the south. No idea, no details about the nature of those technicians and what kind of help they can provide there. I think Omar Al Bashir has calculated his steps for three weeks and decided to throwize lot with his counterparty in the south. A delicate situation. The tribe was supporting riek machar and his militias situated up the border with the north. We dont know what the reaction will be. Until now there is an eerie silence, we dont hear from riek machar, even though he has been in contact with Media Outlets around the world, talking to them over the phone. Its a situation of wait and see to see the reaction of the rebels, and whether the north and south, juba and carr tomb will implement what they decide with regards to the protection of oil wells. Reporting to us there on the situation in south sudan. Thanks for that. A lot more ahead on the program. When we come back, why the reelected Prime Minister in bangladesh is blaming her rivals for what she calls terrorist activities. We go back in history to see what the future holds for the u. S. Economy. Hello again. Youre watching al jazeera. The top stories the streets of fallujah are deserted. They are asking for help from opposition fighters. Tribesman are warned of dire consequences if they support the army. Sudan and south sudan are considering a joint patrol force to stop rebels overrunning oil fields in the south. It was decided in a meeting between president salva kiir, and sudans Omar Al Bashir. Thousands protested after an attack which killed a popular army commander. The man credited with flushing out the m23 died after his convoy was ambushed. The International Criminal court are hoped to take action. The International Legal team outlined why they say the International Criminal court should look into their allegations. Although egypt is not a state party to the icc, the team issued an article 12 declaration. Thats when a country, in effect, gives the icc jurisdiction to investigate what is going on in its own country. As long as the icc accept the Mohamed Morsi government is the legitimate government of egypt, and the team say they probably will do because the African Union is of the opinion that the Mohamed Morsi government is a democraticallylected government of egypt. The rulers of that country say theres no reason for the icc to delay. Im convinced in this case shows the evidence that the evidence shows clearly that they meet the test of gravity. The icc should exercise jurisdiction. Of course, this is dependent upon the failure of the military regime itself, to conduct proper investigations into crimes committed in egypt. At present there is no indication that the military regime is carrying out such impartial investigations into what has happened in egypt. On the contrary, the evidence seems to suggest that the military regime has control not only over the security force, but the judiciary. At the press conference the team have been stressing how strong their case is and their opinion. They have video evidence, photographic evidence and they have statements from eyewitnesss inside and outside egypt. They say this proves beyond doubt that the Security Forces fired live rounds at unarmed protesters when they cleared out to sit in camps in august 2013. They say that in total between july and november last year, 1,120 people lost their lives, but the true number could be higher. They say that all of these incidents add up to what they call crimes against human itty. Now, the legal Team Stressed if the mandate extended to the time before the socalled coup when president Mohamed Morsi was overthrown, before july the third, they would be prepared to look into allegations of abuses under president Mohamed Morsi, but so far they have not been asked to do so. They are stressing that at the moment theres a clear case to answer by egypts current leadership. One of egypts journalists has been interrogated by the state prosecutors, and will be questioned on wednesday. Mohamed fadel fahmy, baher mohamed, and peter greste are accused of spreading lies harmful to state security, and joining a terrorist group. The allegations are fabricated. The three are held in toura prison outside cairo. Peter grestes seen in this report from cairo is an awardwinning correspondent who reported extensively across africa. Mohamed fadel fahmy has worked for cnn, the red cross and is an accomplished author. Baher mohamed has worked with al jazeera as a producer for most of last year. An American Woman calling hers jihad jane has been sentenced to 10 years prison for plotting to skill an artist over his depictions of mohammed. The artist plans to reexhibit his work and believes ley rose should receive psych logical treatment, instead of gaol time. Police in afghanistan rescued a 10yearold girl intended to be used as a suicide bomber. She was found in the Southern Province of helmand. Media reported her brother, a taliban commander, forced her to wear a vest packed with explosives. Child bombers are used sometimes to bypass security check. Antigovernment protesters are on the streets of bangkok. Its the second of warmup matches for a big demonstration planned for 13 january. For weeks the opposition demanded political reforms before new elections in february. Bangladeshs Prime Minister says she has been returned to power. The election has been marred by fighting and an opposition boycott. The Prime Minister says she will not talk to her rivals until they stop terrorist activities. From the capital we have this report from jonah hull. A day after the election the Prime Minister addressed the foreign media at her residence, denying that there was a crisis in the country. The way forward is in the hands of the opposition. They they realise they made a mistake, not participating in the elections. They may come forward to, you know, discuss with us, but they have to live the terrorist activities behind. Earlier i met a senior figure in the Bangladesh National party and asked how far his party was prepared to go towards a compromise. We are not in a position to spell out what exactly can be an acceptable solution, except to say the electiontime government. It has to be acceptable to all sides guaranteeing a level playing field. Voter turn out was higher than expected. The ruling party hails that as a measure of success. The count was rigged. Most aspects of sundays election in bangladesh are in dispute. She went on to address the bangladeshi media. Despite the insistence that the country is in strong hands theres tension. The opposition has a long list of demands. Theres little room for compromise. While the parties argued, the country suffered debilitating strikes and street violence. The opposition protests were filmed on monday. In dakars Central Hospital the men, surrounded by their families are among thousands of civilians caught up in violence over recent months. This man told me his wife is in intensive care. So many people affected by them. She was on her way to work when men with petrol bombs attacked. I can understand what happened here. A human being. This is my question. Why are they doing this. There few besides the Prime Minister believing theres no crisis in bangladesh. Assuming there is the countrys leaders can solve it if they are willing to try. At least 16 have died in indonesia from alcohol poisoning during new years eve celebrations, nine are in a Critical Condition in eastern java. A couple have been arrested on suspension of selling bootleg drinks containing methan ol. A volcano has erupted from mt mount sinabung, forcing 22,000 to evacuate their homes and stay in temporary shelters. An unseasonably tense cold wave, disrupting the civilians. An arctic freeze continues to bring lifethreatening conditions to large parts of theiate. The midwest has the worst of the cold with temperatures plunging to 40 below zero. Anyone venturing out had to protect themselves. Im trying to get out to get myself to work. Work shut out today. It was tough for everyone to get around and get in. Janet yellen will be the first woman to run the u. S. Federal reserve. A nomination was confirmed in the senate. She takes over from ben bernanke, who has been chief for the bast eight years. The Obama Administration is back from ol holidays, theres a long todo list. Terrified, devastated. That is how 2014 feels, out of work for 27 weeks, she no longer gets unemployment benefit of 375 a week. How do i feed my four children, the dogs, my huhs husband. Everything, its overwhelming. You dont know where to start. Shes one of 1. 3 million americans though no longer get government help because the president and congress couldnt agree on how to extend them. Now back, the Obama Administration is making the emotional argument. Today is the day that 1. 3 million americans go to their mailbox and find the check they expected to get today is not there. The check that is a temporary lifeline for families facing lonterm unemployment, a check that puts food on their table and perhaps the gas in their car they need to drive to interview a job. That argument was not enough to convince the democratically controlled senate. They pulled the bill because they didnt have enough support, making it less likely to pass the governmentcontrolled hows of representatives. The country claimed they had never cut the benefit with high longterm unemployment. Because wages have been virtually stagnant and the Labour Market struggled to get back to its potential, a lot of people, middle class, lower middle class and below are still struggling. That is the argument that president obama is expected to focus on this year, a growing wealth gap, hoping that restores his poll numbers, which has plummeted. He missed the year when a secondterm president produces the most. The first year of the second term. He needs momentum from that year to Carry Forward for at least one more year before you turn into a lame duck. The president missed that year. I dont see how he gets past that. Hell need to tack the immigration retomorrow, the National Security agency and spying programs and cuts to food aid. More importantly, for people like this, how they live in 2014. A reminder as always theres more on the website, aljazeera. Com. Get the latest on all the stories we are covering there. Aljazeera. Com

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