Transcripts For ALJAZAM News 20131222 :

Transcripts For ALJAZAM News 20131222

>> and a teen shot by a colorado classmate has died. >> tonight barack obama says the u.s. will try to rescue americans in south sudan. gunfire abankruptly stopped evacuations in bor earlier. nicole johnston has more on the situation. >> the crisis in south sudan is becoming even more dangerous. the government is sending troops and tanks to jonglei to take on the rebels. >> it says renae gayed soldiers have taken control. gunfire hit three u.s. military aircraft as they were about to land and evacuate american citizens from the town. four u.s. servicemen were injured. in the middle of this are civilians looking for protection. 35,000 are camped out in u.n. compounds in bor, juba and other places. >> bor is a strategic location within south sudan, and within the crisis both factions and the government forces are using it as a point they want to dominate. >> however, even the united nations was a target. on saturday it held a memorial service for two indian peacekeepers killed at a base at akobo. they were attacked by armed youths at nuer tribe. >> the two peacekeepers killed were killed in action in protecting and trying to prevent the entry into the camp. >> the fighting began with a power struggle between rival factions in the army. it got worse when the president salva kiir accused his former vice president riek machar of attempting a coup. >> they are suspected of being involved in the attempted military coup. >> african foreign ministers met with the government discuss the conflict. it has not solved anything great. >> the danger of it moving into tribal and sectarian struggle will be high. all political leaders in the sudan have soup ream responsibility to make sure it does not degenerate into tribal or sectarian conflict. if it does, nobody master on how to resolve such conflict. >> until they do, the fighting will go on and the newest country will remain unstable. >> sudan was once the largest state in africa. it has been torn apart over 40 years by off and on civil cars fought over religion race and resources. >> in 2011 sudan became two countries. 99% of people in the south made south sudan the newest nation. the north is known as sudan, home to many arabic-speaking muslims. the south is diverse, with 200 ethnic groups, most christians. >> the dinka and nuer are the largest tribes, and have been fighting for decades. both depend on oil. most reserves are in the south but pipelines go market through the north. even with the oil south sudan is one of the poorest countries. there was only 68 miles of paved road in a country larger than new mexico and arizona put together. >> things are not good on the ground. there are dead bodies on the street. people are concerned about which way things will go. the fact that the army sent in reinforcements, people in bor are worried. it could be a bloody battle. people are concerned there could be trouble, and they are concerned with how they are going to protect the civilians. thousands are cramming into the bases. it's not just safety and security, it's how to look after them. the u.n. is under pressure to look after all these people running away from danger. but can they protect the civilians. some feel they cannot because of what happened in the attack in akobo. a lot worried about what will happen if there's another attack on the u.n. base, and who will protect the civilians and the staff. >> i spoke to peter ajak, one of 20,000 lost boys from a past war. >> i was in juba until yesterday. the evacuation started since the airport started operations on wednesday. starting with the americans, and all the other embassies followed suit. as i left the world bank and the imf were sending out staff. sending forces to evacuate staff. >> i know you know a lot of people, you have a lot of connections, spend a lot of time in south sudan. what are people saying, what is the feeling. how concerned and scared are people at the moment? >> people are extremely scared because the memories of the last civil war are fresh in people's minds. as much as we talk about the war being between the north and the south. there was an element of forces fighting. those fears are there. there's a lot of rumours flying around that people are being killed in one part of the country that is causing reaction in other parts of the country. rumours, allegations and panic is all over the country. >> i want to talk about your time as a lost boy. do you see a lot of similarities now from what you saw back then. do you feel that ethnic violence is similar. >> we are hoping it does not reach that level yet. the level experienced was of different scale. there's a lot of worries that this thing could return in a similar direction and could be worse because it's us now fighting ourselves. but we are hopint that the situation can be resolved sooner, and that the president is ready to sit and have dialogue with riek machar and his group, and that they have a willingness to talk so this situationened and we do not have another round of lost boys. >> i want to get your thoughts on how the country moves forward. since you spend so much time studying, what does the president need to do, what do you think it is likely that he will do? >> i'm hoping the president will sit with his rivals and discuss a way forward. in my opinion this was a political issue, and needs to be addressed through negotiations. i don't think a military victory is possible in either case. riek machar could capture juba and overthrew salva kiir. and salva kiir cannot crush riek machar sooner. this will be a drag-out civil war that would take longer and longer and take more lives. sitting down, resolving the issues are things that we need to do. >> now an update on the collingwood high school shooting. the taken shot in the head has died. clair davis was critically wounded at arapahoe high school high school. karl pierson had gone to the school looking for a teacher. he randomly shot davis. today the hospital where davis was treated issued a statement saying in part: >> jim joins us if by phone auds arapahoe high school near denver. this is not the news that a lot of people were praying for. >> certainly. everyone was hoping that clair would pull through. it was quite obvious with the severity of her injuries that it would be difficult for that to happen. she was in a coma for the past week. the word here was waiting for other family members to get into town where they could make a decision on life support. obviously that happened now. i'm here in front of arapahoe high school as we speak. there's a lot of people showing up, parents and students bringing candles, flowers, and there's a big sign in front of the school, "pray for clair", that is what everyone is doing. they are coming in front of the school, standing here in silence, saying their prayers, wishing the best for this beautiful young woman who passed away an hour and a half ago. >> meanwhile in the investigation have we learnt more about what may have motivated the shooting? >> it was a dispute between the young man, the librarian, and it went on for some time. the student had been kicked off, removed from being the director of the debate team. it was on ongoing thing. he allowed that to fester and that's what led him to come into the school one week ago friday, yesterday, walk into the school, openly carrying the shotgun and confronted this young woman, just as she came through the door and shot her point blank in the head. >> thank you for that update. >> in ukraine the political split is also dividing the country's main faith. the church's paitry ark supported aligning with europe others are joining pro-russia rallies. glass has more on the tensions from kiev. >> from ukraine's east and south, supporters of the orthodox church came to the capital to pray for solidarity with russia. >> translation: western culture is not orthodox. western standards are not for us >> translation: nobody will win against us, god is with us. we united people blessed by god. >> they say the orthodox church is one nation and should stay that way. >> the marchers represent the divide. they say the country should be aligned with russia, not europe. turning to the west is not part of ukrainian culture. >> they marched peacefully. many were bussed into the city. al jazeera saw some of them paid to be here. police remain out in full force, but keeping their distance from both demonstrations. the promise to tear down barriers at the edge of independence square came to nothing. in the square the demands are the same - that the government embrace european values. >> translation: you see how they live in russia, and you see how they live in europe. the difference is obvious. >> protest camps grow. organizers are calling for a mass gathering on sunday, showing how much support they have, a month after the demonstrations began. >> care takers who take care the elderly are often underpaid. lisa bernhard has more on that story. >> 88-year-old ginny anderson gets through her day with the hep of a care giver. >> i look forward to somebody coming, saying good morning and how are you? >> chanda berania makes sure ginny anderson takes her medicine, takes a coffee and has someone to pass the time with. chanda berania earns above min numb wage. this wreak -- week in san francisco, a rally because some are under paid. this week a settlement of $800,000 for those underpaid. >> the san francisco attorney went after seven residential care falt ilties for wage theft. mimi luis was expected to work hours without pay. >> there are days and nights. >> linshao chin is a labour compliance officer. when the 25 care givers, filipino alerted her office to the injustice. >> care homeworkers, it takes bravery. these are not only their place of employment, but it's where they are living. >> with baby boomers aging there'll be a greater demand than before to care givers. state and national laws ensure that they will be paid fairly. >> this fall the labour department announced rule changes extending minimum wage. >> california passed a bill offering similar protection. this week the labour department sent representatives to san francisco to discuss ways to revoke a loans if a facility is not complying with tare labour standards. >> shaun charles is following the rules, and points out that overworked and under paid care givers are dangerous. >> that is what the families entrust us with, the safe protection of their loved ones. we want to make sure care givers are at their a game. >> ginny anderson feels she's in good hands with a well-rested caregiver who is fairly paid. >> and still to come on al jazeera america. it's been 25 years but for the families of victims the pain never ends. remembering the pan am flight 103 bombing when we come back >> also, astronaut repairing the space station via a space walk ends sooner than expected. >> a sombre anniversary. 25 years ago today a ball destroyed pan am flight 103 over scotland. around the globe mourners have been remembering the 270 victims at a memorial at arlington national cemetery the attorney-general spoke of their legacy. >> but more than anything, as we assemble in this place of remembrance year after year, we recall the moments of unity and of love that have arisen from the grief that we share. we remember the occasions that have brought this community together not only in mourning but in search of healing and in search of hope, and in celebration of the extraordinary lives that bind us together. we keep calling for change and fighting for justice on behalf of those no longer with us. >> for those who lost loved ones in lockerbie the search for answers to what happened that day in 1988 has no ended. alexi o'brien explains. >> it's been 25 years, but for many here in lockerbie remembering the small town's darkest day the wounds are fresh. >> pan am flight 103 was half an hour into a journey from london to new york when it exploded. all 259 on board were killed, along with 11 others who died when the wreckage fell to the ground. >> from then on the world became a different place and remained so for 25 years since then. because there's no undoing what happened and nothing we can do can undo the terrible evil. >> the terrible evil took jim swires daughter flora a day before her 23rd birthday. he accused the british government of a cover up. >> when people are stripped of their children it is an unnatural and horrific situation to be put in. it doesn't help to know that you must carry a budderb of lies. >> one man, libyan intelligence officer, abdel baset al-megrahi, was convicted over the bombing. he served eight years in gaol until his controversial relief on compassionate grounds. abdel baset al-megrahi maintained his innocent until his death last year from cancer. his family want to appeal his conviction. there are those that say abdel baset al-megrahi was a scapegoat, pointing to holes in the evidence. >> one is left scratching one's head thinking crikey, did this plane get taken out. did these people die and generate little response. >> libya appointed two prosecutors to work on a joint u.k. and u.s. investigation. maybe one day jim swires questions will be answered. >> that tragedy marked a milestone in aviation security. the passenger that checked the bag of explosives never boarded the plane. the federal aviation administration announced a series of changes to security, requiring airlines to x-ray and search all bags and conduct random checks of passenger suitcases and match passengers to their luggage in order to keep uncompanied bags to their airlines. 40 actions were passed for security. >> a winter storm could put a kink in travel plans. the system is prompting warnings from the east coast. ice is a problem. freezing rain is coating trees and bringing down branches. drivers are warned to be careful. it's a good warning for a lot of people. >> this is bringing in ice accumulation as you talked about, and bringing in snow up to the north. but the rainfall is impressive. it's coming down so heavily. normally we don't have this much moisture in the atmosphere coming down. we have plenty lifting it up from the storm system, the front producing the problems is so intense that we get the conditions in layers. let's look at the concern for tornados. you can see a band, a band of strong thunder storms. it's advancing gradually to the east, but not fast. as you can see the intense band - this is the area where we have the tornado watchers in effect from now until overnight. we'll see a tornado watch in place. we have warnings now. we had tornado reported around arkansas. that's where the damage has been noted. if we look at the rainfall. it's more snow that we have been seeing off. little rock arkansas, 4.33 inches of rain we have flood watches and warnings. it's a difficult day to get around the mid west and dangerous to get around. in the flash flooding, snow. driving on the snow and ice is impossible. here are the storm reports, there's a distinct line from the flooding to the south of the front, but farther south are where we are getting the tornado , hail and wind reports. more details coming up in the hour. >> thank you, see you then. >> a successful day in space. n.a.s.a. astronauts completed the first phase of affairs for the spains -- for the international space station. >> n.a.s.a. says two astronauts completed the first of what could be three space walks to repair part of the international space station's cooling system. >> go to the unlock position. >> one of two ammonia pumps failed. the crew were forced to shut nonessential equipment and science experiments. the first task was to remove the pump, a 780 pound piece of equipment the size of a refrigeration. n.a.s.a. scheduled 6.5 hours, but rick markstraccio, and mike hopkins got the job done within hours to spare. n.a.s.a. is trying to identify the cause of the pump failure and whether it's a software for hardware issue. n.a.s.a. took to twitter saying the space walk ended at 12:29. a 5 hour, 20 minute excursion. this was the first space walk since july when an italian astronaut nearly drowned when a leak in his space suit filled with water. >> n.a.s.a. said they are on track for the next phase of the repair. >> heart transplants are some of the riskiest operations around. surgeons in france are trying to change that. france performed its first artificial transplant. >> similar devices have been used, but recipients will be able to keep this longer as they wait for donors. >> this is the world's first, an artificial heart designed to sustain the body for five years. surgeons at a paris hospital implanted another in a male patient on wednesday. so far he's doing fine. >> translation: the patient is doing very well. he is getting better every day. i saw him before coming to see you. we are talking to you. he's recovering, resting. we are correcting things little by little and slowly we'll take away the drips and drains necessary in this situation. >> doctors designed the heart to reduce side effects by using cow tissue to connect high-tech device to the patient. >> as you will have understood, the great advantage was the biological material used to minimise clotting. that's the first aspect. another expect which is important is all the computerized systems in the heart which it adopts. >> thousands die while waiting for a heart donor, the artificial art aims to change that. it weighs a kilo, three times as much as an average healthy heart. it runs batteries worn at the waste. at a cost of $240,000 it's almost out of reach for most people. the implant fits almost 90% of men and 20% of women. the company carnat is working on a smaller for women. human trials will finish. three more patients will receive the heart in coming months. >> still ahead on al jazeera america - the death of civilians is raising concerns in the central african republic prompting the president issue a warning to rebels. >> could fresno's quarterback lead the time forward. details next. tñ >> welcome back to al jazeera america. i'm jonathan betz with the top story this half hour >> president obama says the u.s. will try again to help americans trapped in south sudan. a rescue mission had to be called off after four american service members were shot. the aircraft had to come under fire. it's a scene of ongoing violence. the team shot in the head in the colorado high school shooting has decide. clair davis was critically wound wounded. karl pierson had gone to school looking for a teacher and randamly chat davis. >> 25 years after the lockerbie bombing people are remembering the victims. 279 were killed when pan am flight 103 exploded. there's renewed violence in the carr rr. 30 were killed in the capital bangui, including a peace-keeping soldier as fighting continued between muslim and christian rebels. 1,000 people had been killed. the president of the central african republic warned that rebel fighters will face crimes against civilians. >> condolences were offered, called for national reconciliation and made an appeal for humanitarian aid. for the first time he assured the car that there's be justice for both sides, including former rebels he fought alongside. >> translation: whether it is those that helped in our fight for those that spread chaos, as i have shown, justice will be done. i'm disposed to talk to all of those that took up arms, rightly or wrongly so all of us without ex-pension disarm. we also need to disarmour hearts. >> the assurance of justice is undoubtededly in response to major pressure from world leaders, to spell clearly that both sides will be treated equally in the courts. whether it's too late or whether it will be delivered is an open question. not only that there are so many divisions in the government, so much instability that he assured the car that he will deliver free and fair elections. >> meanwhile millions in the african country of chad suffer with hunger and extreme poverty. each year the government spends millions to celebrate the coup of 1990. mohamed vall reports. >> jubilation on what the chadians call the national day of democracy and freedom. >> translation: i'm happy because the president came to bonkor. we the poor are no longer poor. the president came to us, we have nothing but we are happy >> every year chadians from all walk of life are expected to look and sound happy. it's the anniversary of the coming to power of the chadian president idriss deby. >> translation: we can now congratulate ourselves for the progress we have made, despite difficulties and the political crisis imposed on chad. >> like on previous occasions idriss deby spoke of great achievements, economic development and gave a rozy picture of chad. many will tell you the talk of prosperity exists only in the minds of the political leaders and behind me is the real chad. the majority of the population lives in huts like these, in abject poverty, basic amenities are far, and even electricity and schools is nowhere to be found. chad has become an exporter of oil. revenues reaching $3.5 billion. millions of chadians live in structures of stick and straw. this is how they survive. wading in mud which ponds for food. >> in the wars of the president himself, the country is plagued with corruption. according to some estimates, there be anniversary - they need to supply many areas with running water and electricity. support for leaders depends on other factors than just good leadership. >> egypt's ousted president mohamed morsi will stand trial for murder, accused of being responsible for the deaths of military officers during the 2011 uprising of hosni mubarak. mohamed morsi is accused you have breaking out of the prison during that time. hundreds will be tried. including members of hamas, hezbollah. >> egypt's poor economy is forcing kids out of the classrooms. some teenagers say they'd rather work than go to school. bith explains why. >> in the -- bernard smith explains why. >> in the back street working conditions are tough. this is life for teenage boys, where learning a trade is seen as more important than going to school. >> translation: i'm working here because education is useless. they don't teach us anything at school. i earn $15 per week. >> egypt's stagnant post revolution economy is adding to the problem of child labour. 1.6 million children in egypt are in work. 13% of the workforce is unemployed. three quarters of the unemployed are 15 to 29-year-olds. such poor employment prospects are hardly a good advertisement for the benefits of education among families living hand to mouth. >> we provide the families with incentives that benefit the whole family. if you give them 10 kilograms of rice. at least 80% - then, after you you start working on changing the attitude. the 10 kilogram of rice and the 1 litre of oil, the whole family will benefit from... >> the harsh realities of life, where the working chin are envied by their peers. >> it's better for children, instead of being thieves. once they work they may not buy shirts, houses and underpants, snad of being homeless in the streets. being in this situation he has a way to help his father. >> egypt has child labour laws, but they are not enforced and it depends on economic recovery, which depends on political stability, which is is yet to return. >> turning to sport. the college football bowls season underway, mark morgan is here to kick things off. los angeles bowl happening. >> a lot of scouts checking players out to see if they may choose them. los angeles was the showcase for derek carr, from fresno. 48 gd passes and seven interceptions leading the bulldogs for an 11 and 1 record. he was hoping to use today to solidify his place, but the trojans refused to cooperate. derek carr had a rough day. here is a high points. a 6-yard touch. two tds, and it was trojans after that. nelson - 40 yards later, u.s. c up 14-6 before the half. kessler - 40 yards on that play. we'll watch lee dance to the end zone 45-20. now, while derek carr's bulldogs were hammered by the trojans, carr will be a top pick. michael eaves will tell us how his season was shaped by personal anguish off the field. >> at 6 foot 3, 220 pounds, and a sling shot for an arm-derek carr followed his brother david to fresno state and added his own chapt tor the record book, setting 25 different all-time marks, all overshadowed by leading the bulldogs to the mountain west championship. >> i'm a team guy. stats - others can talk about that. to see the joy on my team's face and have 40,000 rush on to the field and celebrate - there's nothing like that. >> as fulfilling as that moment was, it pales into comparison into august when his wife heather gave birth to dallas. that turned to fear as dallas was born with a condition that twisted his intestines into knots. he was rushed to another hospital where he'd undergo multiple surgeries. >> that was the hardest thing i have been through. i'm a faithful person. i knew if i go through great times and be thankful, bhep i go through the hard times it need to be thankful. i continue to give god prays. during the hard times, with my son in ncyu, having three surgeries, it was the hardest time in my life. >> how were you able to separate that when you had to go prepare for what you were doing on the feed and in the classroom. >> in the classroom, in the meeting room - that was the hardest part. on the football field it was easy. with that ended, sitting in class, in meetings, the hardest thing, the hardest part. i wanted to be there with my son, my wife. i wanted to be there at the hospital. it was the hardest thing to balance it. i tried my best. that's all i could do. encouraging best is more than enough. including total offence, passing yards and touchdowns, a performance derek carr believes was a by-product of his son's successful fight for his life. >> when it comes to football it was not that big. i went out on a football field and enjoyed it. it was not stressful. that's where it made be better. i could scrub, play, have fun. >> it's been said that it's not the adversity we face that defines us, but how we respond. carr believes his son's ordeal was a revealing moment for him and dallas. >> you'll get knocked down. that's the name of the game. you try to be perfect, knowing you'll never get there. >> same this life. it will never be perfect. i learned about how tough i can be. how tough i can be physically. it took a toll on me physically. my son is definitely tougher than i was during the time, taking needles and surgeries, it's not about what happens to you, it's about when it happens, how you respond. how you be when you have to fight back. i learnt that i can fight through anything. we didn't know if he would be alive. >> thank you so much. we'll preview a lot of big nf gales at 11. >> it's one of america's biggest charities, goodwill is facing criticism for paying disabled workers pennies. tens of thousands signed a petition demanding it pay workers a minimum wage. >> kaelyn forde has more. >> for six months last year mary went to work at her local goodwill store. partially blind with cerebral palsy, mary lives on her own. she looked forward to the independence of a job. the reality at goodwill was different. >> they had me downstairs in the store trying to hang clothes up on hangars, and to make a dollar i had to hang 100 pieces. if i was lucky i made $0.50 or a penny per item of clothing. i felt worthless. >> she showed us some pay stubs. >> the biggest check was $18.80. the smallest $3.27. >> mary asked us to conceal her identity. she feels she could lose her subsidised apartment. >> i could not live on a goodwill check. peanuts. i could not work fast enough. >> the subminimum wages are legal under a 1938 labour lawyer. the department of labor special minimum wage certificate allows 3,300 employees to pay people with disabilities less than federal minimum wage. goodwill estimates less than 7% of its workforce, 7,500 employees are paid this way. disabilities right advocates delivered a petition asking goodwill to pay all the employees a federal minimum wage. so far the organizers of the petition say goodwill has not met with them but spoke to us. we at goodwill believe work is part of the human experience and the certificate allows us the opportunity to incorporate individuals into the workforce in a way we wouldn't necessarily be able to without the certificate. goodwill where mary worked reported assets of 38 million. tax returns showize ceo earnt $467,000 in compensation. >> as a national organization we attempted to meet with goodwill on multiple occasions. they have been met with extreme resist apps. when you hear minimum wage, you think of what happened in china. >> after a year in congress, the national fair labor standards act has made little progress. it will not stop activists to push for equal pay. >> it's an amazing show of technology ahead. robots are put to the test in miami. how they might one day help you in a disaster. we'll be right back. hume favella a clr this week in a government-funded robot olympics is trying to jumpstart a new humanoid. rescue robots that can help or maybe replace first responders in a disaster. as jacob ward reports from florida, while the rest of the field struggled one team emerged as a clear winner and the clearest glimpse of the future. >> here at a speedway outside miami florida robots are trying to do simple things. climb ladders, close valves and walk across rubble. some day when they are stable, fast and strong enough to rush into a nuclear mement down or chemical -- meltdown or chemical leak, they could save your life. the tasks look easy, but they are hard. these are robots to work alongside us in spaces intended for human being. they have to be compact. they have to do the tasks autonomously. they carry powerful promises. >> the machine is capable strong and fast, at the same time being stron and fast next to me. >> the competition is sponsored by darpa. the name that everywhere is talking about is google. google acquired a company called schaft. they are very secretive and don't like to be interviewed. you can catch a glimpse of them here. the idea is google has put its food down here, buying a company that makes robotics, that is known for a company known for the internet and non-hardware things. >> day one - their robots expect to be good. opening doors, closing valves, making up against half of the competition. its balance and navigation tasks are hard. climbing ladders and so on. many of the american competitors chose not to attempt to drive the vehicle. getting in and out of it can mean a competition ending fall. shaft did it all. other robots required little help. the japanese robot moves quickly and smoothly. it was clear that shavt grew out of university research, that has gone on for years. in many ways the robot industry was far ahead of us. i don't know what it is about the americans, but we tend to be a little afraid of robots. maybe it's the movies. and sometimes machines can be scary. other countries doan have it. they have an idea about what robots do to help us. they have science fiction with positive robotic roll models, that matters. they like robots, they are excited about the future. >> the eight top finishes in miami get darpa funding of 1 million per team. >> pretty cool to look at. the technology at the competition was designed for search and rescue. others worry that robots could be made to kill. the international committee for robot arms control joins us now. thanks for being with us. fact that there's an international committee for robot arms control is fascinating. how concerned are you about the advancements made in robots. >> well, i think we have seen amazing capabilities on display in miami. these are humanoid robots doing difficult tasks as far as manipulation and movement, in, you know, something approximating the human body form. there's already a broad range of robots that outperform human capabilities - aviation and underwater and sea based forms of navigation. so there's a broad range of these technologies coming forward. we are concerned about how these things are coupled to weapons systems, and whether they are given the authority to choose targets autonomously. >> do you get the impression that they are used with weapons systems. we have heard of drones. what other technology is out there, used by the military? >> we see the cutting edge of unmanned vehicles or drones, which are primarily controlled remotely, the ones use. the ones under development, the x-47 or the toranu, is that the british are developing. these are designed to fly autonomously and they will be armed with weapons. and the question is whether they'll be allowed to choose their own targets or not. >> in that piece, we saw a soundbyte that said frankly americans, unlike people around the world, are afraid of robots. is that fair. are we a little too skittish when it comes to robots. >> i think hollywood did a good job of scaring people about robot uprisings, and there's different perceptions in europe and asia about the role of robots and the relation to people and society. there's genuine concerns when it comes to allowing autonomous systems, which maybe don't look like robots. they can be computers that are far away controlling missile systems and automotive weapons systems. i think the real concern is how are the systems designed, who is responsible when they make mistakes, and who is accountable for all of that. that is why we have been pushing a campaign to stop killer robots and establish international law and treaties prohibiting autonomous systems. >> it doesn't seem like the technology is near getting to the point where we have killer robots. >> we are not going to have the robot soldiers as fast as we might expect. the competition was impressive. the robots are moving slow and it will be years before we see a robot soldier. you can design an autonomous weapons system that is stupid and makes simplistic decisions about who to fire at. that is already available. it's about coupling vision systems and targetting systems to existing weapons, and that is the thing that we are trying to prohibit. >> it's fascinating technology. the international committee from arms control - thank you for your time. >> still ahead on al jazeera america. making waves how some people use surf lessons to lead crime away from rio. >> rio de janeiro was famous for its surfing. but for kids living in the poorest neighbourhoods, a day at the beach riding waves seems like a distant dream. we are introduced to a surfer helping kids get out of their neighbourhood and on to a surfboard. >> this is where anderson feels at home, riding the waves at the iconic beaches in rio de janeiro. he has been surfing since he was four. he's a champion. some days getting in the water is tough. >> translation: when there would be shoot outs between police and traffickers, it would make me sad. i knew i wouldn't be able to make it to the police and my bag would be searched by police and we'd have to stay on the hill. >> pichachu has lived with violence. his father was a drug dealer killed by a grenade. it was his uncle who taught him how to tackle the waves. the sport was mainly for rich kids. >> when i started it was tough to get into surfing. those that lived in favelas couldn't afford them. i used to wait for the water to rise and someone's strap to snop and i'd grab them. >> this is the beach. it's one of the most expensive places to live. even though it's 15 minutes away from where the kids lived it's another world. >> pichachu and his friends live in this area that used to be controlled by gangs until police established is a permanent presence here four years ago. >> for joyce surfing is an escape helping to focus on the future. saying the sport teaches respect and discipline. >> translation: i think i'm oo role model. many girls get pregnant as teenagers and do nothing. girls see me and see a pretty girl who surfs, a person with her own stars who travel outside of the community thanks to my sport. >> back on the beach pichachu turns. he is determined to hang on to his title and travel the world chasing waves. >> looks good to me. that's our show tonight. >> thank you for watching al jazeera america. i think jonathan betz we'll be back with more news. "america tonight" is next. you can find us online at hope you had a great night and weekend. thanks for watching. >> welcome to president obama says the u.s. will try again to help americans get out of south sudan, a rescue mags had to be called off after service members were hurt. their aircraft came under fire. it's the scene of ongoing violence between the government and rebel troops. the teen shot in the head by a classmate in the colorado high school shooting died. 17-year-old clair davis was shot at

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